Results for 'Benediction Judaism'

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  1.  17
    Baruch or Benedict: on some Jewish aspects of Spinoza's philosophy.Zeev Levy - 1989 - New York: P. Lang.
    This book investigates various aspects of the controversial relations between Spinoza's philosophy and his Jewish background. It examines some important trends of medieval Jewish philosophy on the shaping of Spinoza's thought - particularly the impact of Maimonides. The book elucidates the differences between Spinoza and his predecessors in regard to Bible criticism, and dwells extensively on the concepts of Substance and Pantheism. It also discusses Spinoza's views of Judaism and the Jewish people, the relationship between state and religion, and (...)
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    Philosophy, Theology, and Politics: A Reading of Benedict Spinoza’s tractatus Theologico-Politicus.Paul J. Bagley - 2008 - Brill.
  3. Sefer Le-varekh ule-ḳadesh: liḳuṭ maʼamre u-midreshe Ḥazal u-sefarim ha-ḳedoshim, be-godel koḥah u-segulatah shel berakhah be-kaṿanah, ṿe-ʻaniyat amen be-kaṿanah ka-raʼui uka-halakhah, ube-godel koḥah shel amirat ḳadish u-vorkhu ṿe-ʻaniyatah, ṿe-ʻod ʻinyene hitʻorerut ba-ʻavodat ha-Shem, Yitbarakh Shemo.Naḥman Yaʻaḳov Yosef Fish - 2014 - Yerushalayim: [Naḥman Yaʻaḳov Yosef Fish].
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    Moral and Political Secularism.Paul Cliteur - 2010 - In The Secular Outlook: In Defense of Moral and Political Secularism. Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 172–280.
    This chapter contains sections titled: Pope Benedict XVI on the Apostles' Creed “Who Are You to Tell Believers What to Believe?” What Judaism, Christendom, and Islam Have in Common: Theism Divine Command Theories Abraham and Isaac The Story of Abraham in the Qur'an The Story of Jephtha Adherents of Divine Command Theory Command Ethics or Divine Command Ethics? An Assessment of Divine Command Ethics Kierkegaard and Mill Kohlberg and Moral Education Religious and Secular Ethics Worship Kant's Struggle with Moral (...)
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    ,,Wer Jesus Christus begegnet, begegnet dem Judentum". Das Verhältnis Benedikts XVI. zu Israel.Hermann Häring - 2007 - Zeitschrift für Religions- Und Geistesgeschichte 59 (1):36-60.
    Benedict XVI's intention to intensify the relationship with Israel and Judaism is based on complex theological concepts. The new pope, initially a student of Augustine's teachings, understands Christianity as a religion of fulfillment in which Israel's heritage is fully integrated. Therefore Israel, as part of the,,old alliance", has hardly anything new to offer to the Church. What exactly the content of any dialogue could be is even harder to determine as the new pope hardly recognizes the long history of (...)
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    Spinoza's challenge to Jewish thought: writings on his life, philosophy, and legacy.Daniel B. Schwartz (ed.) - 2019 - Waltham, Massachusetts: Brandeis University Press.
    Arguably, no historical thinker has had as varied and fractious a reception within modern Judaism as Baruch (Benedict) Spinoza (1632-77), the seventeenth-century philosopher, pioneering biblical critic, and Jewish heretic from Amsterdam. Revered in many circles as the patron saint of secular Jewishness, he has also been branded as the worst traitor to the Jewish people in modern times. Jewish philosophy has cast Spinoza as marking a turning point between the old and the new, as a radicalizer of the medieval (...)
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  7. Sheʼelot u-teshuvot: ba-nośʼim kibud av ṿa-em, berakhot, dine birkat ha-reaḥ, avedah u-metsiʼah, Shabat, ben adam la-ḥavero, berakhot, hashkamat ha-boḳer, avedah u-metsiʼah.Daṿid Gavriʼel - 1997 - Ḥolon: Yeshivat "ʻAṭeret ḥakhamim".
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  8. Sheloshah sefarim niftaḥim.Israel ben Moses Najara, Solomon ben Abraham Algazi & Yitsḥak ben Shelomoh Farḥi (eds.) - 1999 - Yerushalayim: Mekhon Shem ha-gedolim.
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  9. Sefer Ḥuṭ shani: beʼurim u-verure ʻinyanim ṿe-ḥidushe dinim be-hilkhot Talmud Torah, Tefilin, ṿe-tsurat otiyot Stam, Birkhot hodaʼah, yiḥud, shaʻatnez, kilaʼe ha-kerem u-zeraʻim, Terumot u-Maʻaśerot (1), ṿe-ʻinyanim shonim ba-Shu. ʻa. Ḥo. m., mikhtavim mi-gedole Yiśraʼel.Shemaryahu Yosef Nisim Ḳarelits - 2013 - Bene Beraḳ: Ḥayim Aryeh ha-Leṿi Hokhman. Edited by Ḥayim Aryeh Hokhman.
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  10. The Moral Basis of Vegetarianism.Tom Regan - 1975 - Canadian Journal of Philosophy 5 (2):181 - 214.
    The bay was sunlit and filled with boats, many of them just returned from early-dawn trips to the open sea. Fish that a few hours before had been swimming in the water now lay on the boat decks with glassy eyes, wounded mouths, bloodstained scales. The fishermen, well-to-do sportsmen, were weighing the fish and boasting about their catches. As often as Herman had witnessed the slaughter of animals and fish, he always had the same thought: in their behavior toward creatures, (...)
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  11. Transcendental Theology for Non-Believers.Michael Kowalik - 2022 - African Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences 2 (1):30-37.
    Pope Benedict XVI argued that it is "necessary and reasonable to raise the question of God through the use of reason" and to understand "theology, as inquiry into the rationality of faith." (Ratzinger 2006) The idea that faith per se can be reconciled with rationality per se presents a delicate analytical task for philosophy of religion, to consistently ground a belief system which is regarded by nonbelievers as inherently ungrounded and inconsistent, without negating any grounding postulates internal to the dogma. (...)
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    Religie a biznes.Wojciech Gasparski - 2008 - Annales. Ethics in Economic Life 11 (1):23-30.
    Paper is devoted to the ethical issues of business as considered from the points of view of main religions: Christianity – Catholicism and Protestantism – as well as Judaism and Islam. Ethos of Hinduism and the Caux Round Table efforts to disseminate its principles in cooperation with the world of religion are also mentioned. John Paul II’s and Benedict XVI’s addresses to business leaders are recalled. Suggestion to establish partnership relations between clergymen and business people is pointed out.
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    A new 'apologia': The relationship between theology and philosophy in the work of Jean-Luc Marion.Christina M. Gschwandtner - 2005 - Heythrop Journal 46 (3):299–313.
    Books reviewed:James D. G. Dunn and John W. Rogerson, Eerdmans Commentary on the BibleYairah Amit, Reading Biblical Narratives. Literary Criticism and the Hebrew BibleThomas L. Leclerc, Yahweh is Exalted in Justice: Solidarity and Conflict in IsaiahNuria Calduch‐Benages, Joan Ferrer, and Jan Liesen, La sabiduría del Escriba/Wisdom of the Scribe: Diplomatic Edition of the Syriac Version of the Book of Ben Sira according to Codex Ambrosianus, with Translations in Spanish and EnglishSidnie White Crawford and Leonard J. Greenspoon, The Book of Esther (...)
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  14. " Die lebendige Tora Gottes". Zum Dialog von Papst Benedikt XVI. mit Rabbiner Jacob Neusner.Hans Hermann Henrix - 2008 - Theologie Und Philosophie 83 (2):209.
    Die Rezeption des Jesus-Buchs von Papst Benedikt hält an. Vielfältige Aspekte werden diskutiert. Eigene Aufmerksamkeit findet dabei das Gespräch des Papstes mit dem Jesus-Verständnis von Rabbiner Jacob Neusner. Dieses Gespräch ist bereits als Faktum von großem hermeneutischen Gewicht: Jüdische Stimmen sind eine Instanz für die Erkenntnisbildung christlicher Theologie. Am Dissens des Rabbiners in seinem literarischen Gespräch mit Jesus knüpft der Papst an, um das christologisch bestimmte Jesus-Verständnis zu präzisieren. Allerdings wirft Neusners Pointierung des Dissenses die Frage auf, ob sein Jesus-Verständnis (...)
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  15. Sefer Ḥuṭ shani.Shemaryahu Yosef Nisim Ḳarelits - 2012 - Bene Beraḳ: [Ḥayim Aryeh ha-Leṿi Hokhman]. Edited by Ḥayim Aryeh Hokhman.
    Hilkhot mezuzah, hilkhot berakhot, mile di-neziḳin--Cover.
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  16. Idolatry and its Premature Rabbinic Obituary.Yitzhak Y. Melamed - 2016 - In Aaron Segal & Daniel Frank (eds.), Debates in Jewish Philosophy - Past and Present. Routledge. pp. 126-136.
    The current paper aims at merely charting a brief outline of Jewish philosophical attitudes toward idolatry. In its first part, I discuss some chief trends in Rabbinic approach toward idolatry. In the second part, I examine the role of idolatry in the philosophy of religion of Moses Maimonides and Benedict de Spinoza, two towering figures of medieval and early modern Jewish philosophy. In the third and last part, I address the relevance of the notion of idolatry to contemporary Jewish life, (...)
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    Pope Benedict XVI's Inaugural Homily.Benedict Xvi - 2005 - The Chesterton Review 31 (1-2):182-188.
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    Pope Benedict's Speech at the University of Regensburg.Benedict Xvi - 2006 - The Chesterton Review 32 (3-4):542-550.
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    Pope Benedict XVI's Inaugural Homily.X. V. I. Benedict - 2005 - The Chesterton Review 31 (1/2):182-188.
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    Patterns of Culture.Ruth Benedict - 1934 - Boston: Houghton Mifflin.
    Offers an analysis of three strongly contrasting primitive civilizations, showing how behavior is influenced by custom and tradition.
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  21. Privacy Rights and Public Information.Benedict Rumbold & James Wilson - 2018 - Journal of Political Philosophy 27 (1):3-25.
    This article concerns the nature and limits of individuals’ rights to privacy over information that they have made public. For some, even suggesting that an individual can have a right to privacy over such information may seem paradoxical. First, one has no right to privacy over information that was never private to begin with. Second, insofar as one makes once-private information public – whether intentionally or unintentionally – one waives one’s right to privacy to that information. In this article, however, (...)
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  22.  35
    The True Story of Fictionality.Benedict S. Robinson - 2024 - Critical Inquiry 50 (3):543-564.
    I aim to explode a famous thesis about “the rise of fictionality,” argued in an essay of that title by Catherine Gallagher. I also have in mind related claims that the eighteenth or the nineteenth century first distinguished fiction from nonfiction or first differentiated literature from other modes of discourse. Gallagher places the rise of fictionality exactly where Ian Watt placed the rise of the novel—England, 1720 to 1740—and she connects it to the development of a credit economy. This article (...)
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  23. Cannot Manage without The ‚Significant Other’: Mining, Corporate Social Responsibility and Local Communities in Papua New Guinea.Benedict Young Imbun - 2006 - Journal of Business Ethics 73 (2):177-192.
    The increasing pressure from different facets of society exerted on multinational companies to become more philanthropic and claim ownership of their impacts is now becoming a standard practice. Although research in corporate social responsibility has arguably been recent, the application of activities taking a voluntary form from MNCs seem to vary reflecting a plethora of factors, particularly one obvious being the backwater local communities of developing countries where most of the natural extraction projects are located. This chapter examines views of (...)
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  24.  25
    Particularism and the space of moral reasons.Benedict Smith - 2011 - New York: Palgrave-Macmillan.
    By explicitly addressing moral knowledge from a particularists perspective, this book can engage with an established and vibrant area of moral philosophy whilst making a distinctive and productive contribution to a relatively neglected dimension of it.
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  25.  61
    Public Reasoning and Health-Care Priority Setting: The Case of NICE.Benedict Rumbold, Albert Weale, Annette Rid, James Wilson & Peter Littlejohns - 2017 - Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal 27 (1):107-134.
    Health systems that provide for universal patient access through a scheme of prepayments—whether through taxes, social insurance, or a combination of the two—need to make decisions on the scope of coverage that they secure. Such decisions are inherently controversial, implying, as they do, that some patients will receive less than comprehensive health care, or less than complete protection from the financial consequences of ill-heath, even when there is a clinically effective therapy to which they might have access.Controversial decisions of this (...)
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  26. Patterns of Culture.Ruth Benedict - 1934 - Philosophical Review 55:497.
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  27. Depression and motivation.Benedict Smith - 2013 - Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences 12 (4):615-635.
    Among the characteristic features of depression is a diminishment in or lack of action and motivation. In this paper, I consider a dominant philosophical account which purports to explain this lack of action or motivation. This approach comes in different versions but a common theme is, I argue, an over reliance on psychologistic assumptions about action–explanation and the nature of motivation. As a corrective I consider an alternative view that gives a prominent place to the body in motivation. Central to (...)
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    Address of Pope Benedict XVI to the German Parliament.Pope Benedict Xvi - 2011 - The Chesterton Review 37 (3/4):616-622.
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    Pope Benedict's Speech at the University of Regensburg.X. V. I. Benedict - 2006 - The Chesterton Review 32 (3-4):542-550.
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  30. State of Nature versus Commercial Sociability as the Basis of International Law: Reflections on the Roman Foundations and Current Interpretations of the International Political and Legal Thought of Grotius, Hobbes and Pufendorf.Benedict Kingsbury & Benjamin Straumann - 2010 - In Samantha Besson & John Tasioulas (eds.), The philosophy of international law. New York: Oxford University Press.
  31.  19
    Make a choice: when you are at the intersection of happiness and despair.Jeff Benedict - 2016 - Salt Lake City, Utah: Ensign Peak.
    Jeff Benedict has seen both good and bad in his career as a journalist. Some of the best are the extraordinary people he has met who have made deliberate choices to live happier lives despite the extreme hardship that each of them have faced. Although life will knock us down from time to time, this book is an important reminder that we all can make a choice to get back up, brush ourselves off, and keep pressing forward. Replace anger with (...)
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  32. On William A. Wallace, O.P., The Modeling of Nature.Benedict Ashley & Eric Reitan - 1997 - The Thomist 61:625-640.
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  33.  14
    Christine Planté, La petite sœur de Balzac. Essai sur la femme auteur, Préface inédite de Michelle Perrot. Postface inédite de l’auteure.Bénédicte Monicat - 2016 - Clio 43.
    « Une Petite sœur toujours actuelle » ; « La place qu’elle fait aux femmes dit de notre culture quelque chose qu’il est temps d’entendre » : les intitulés que Michelle Perrot et Christine Planté donnent respectivement à la préface et à la postface qui encadrent cette réédition de La petite sœur de Balzac disent la pertinence d’un ouvrage devenu en vingt-cinq ans une référence incontournable de la réflexion sur la question du genre et les questions de genre en littérature. (...)
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    Spinoza’s genealogical critique of his contemporaries’ axiology.Benedict Rumbold - 2017 - Intellectual History Review 27 (4):543-560.
    Among Spinoza’s principal projects in the Ethics is his effort to “remove” certain metaethical prejudices from the minds of his readers, to “expose” them, as he has similar misconceptions about other matters, by submitting them to the “scrutiny of reason”. In this article, I consider the argumentative strategy Spinoza uses here – and its intellectual history – in depth. I argue that Spinoza’s method is best characterised as a genealogical analysis. As I recount, by Spinoza’s time of writing, these kinds (...)
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  35.  22
    (1 other version)A Preliminary Consequential Evaluation of the Roles of Cultures in Human Rights debates.Benedict Shing Bun Chan - 2019 - Filosofia Theoretica: Journal of African Philosophy, Culture and Religions 8 (1):162-181.
    In the debates on the roles of cultures in the ethics of human rights, one of them concerns Confucianism and Ubuntu, two prominent cultures in East Asia and Southern Africa, respectively. Some scholars assert that both cultures have values that are sharply different from the West, and conclude that the West should learn from these cultures. The aim of this paper is to philosophically investigate the roles of cultures in the ethics of human rights. I first introduce the works of (...)
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  36. The ethics.Benedict Spinoza - 2007 - In Aloysius Martinich, Fritz Allhoff & Anand Vaidya (eds.), Early Modern Philosophy: Essential Readings with Commentary. Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell.
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    Introduction.Bénédicte Pincemin - 2007 - Corpus 6:5-15.
    Convenons, à la suite de Rastier (2001) notamment, que les textes sont l’objet de la linguistique. Un texte est entendu ici comme « une suite linguistique empirique attestée, produite dans une pratique sociale déterminée, et fixée sur un support quelconque » (Rastier, 2001 : 21), ce qui intègre pleinement diverses formes d’expression (orales comme écrites). Le corpus de textes est alors le terrain privilégié de l’observation de la langue. Lors de la collecte des données, lors de leur enregist...
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  38. Delayed hominization: Catholic theological perspective.Benedict Ashley - forthcoming - The Interaction of Catholic Bioethics and Secular Society, Proceedings of the Eleventh Bishops’ Workshop in Dallas, Tx.
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    Towards a More Particularist View of Rights’ Stringency.Benedict Rumbold - 2019 - Res Publica 25 (2):211-233.
    For all their various disagreements, one point upon which rights theorists often agree is that it is simply part of the nature of rights that they tend to override, outweigh or exclude competing considerations in moral reasoning, that they have ‘peremptory force’, making ‘powerful demands’ that can only be overridden in ‘exceptional circumstances’, Philosophical Foundations of Human Rights, Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2016, p. 240). In this article I challenge this thought. My aim here is not to prove that the (...)
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  40.  34
    Spinoza’s Analysis of his Imagined Readers’ Axiology.Benedict Rumbold - 2021 - Archiv für Geschichte der Philosophie 103 (2):281-312.
    Before presenting his own account of value in the Ethics, Spinoza spends much of EIAppendix and EIVPreface attempting to refute a series of axiological ‘prejudices’ that he takes to have taken root in the minds of his readership. In doing so, Spinoza adopts what might be termed a ‘genealogical’ argumentative strategy. That is, he tries to establish the falsity of imagined readership’s prejudices about good and bad, perfection and imperfection, by first showing that the ideas from which they have arisen (...)
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  41.  7
    Critical Response II: A Response to Catherine Gallagher.Benedict S. Robinson - 2024 - Critical Inquiry 50 (4):777-782.
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    Examining Body Integrity Identity Disorder through Theological Ethics.Benedict Guevin - 2020 - The National Catholic Bioethics Quarterly 20 (1):93-110.
    Body identity integrity disorder is experienced by a small percentage of the population, whose idea of how they should look does not match their actual physical form. The most common manifestation of BIID is the desire to have a specific limb amputated. In a small number of cases, the desire is not for the removal of a limb, but to be blind or paralyzed. There has been a lot of discussion regarding the possible physiological, neurological, or psychological etiologies of BIID. (...)
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    ‘Saulo, Saulo, ¿por que me persigues?’ Hch 9, 4 en las ‘Enarrationes in Psalmos’ de Agustín.Benedict M. Guevin - 2011 - Augustinus 56 (220):115-122.
    El artículo trata del papel hermenéutico de Hch 9,4 en las enarrationes agustinianas, señalando que, por el lugar y función de esta obra, ese texto bíblico es una herramienta hermenéutica útil para entender toda la exposición agustiniana de los salmos.
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    God in the Gospel According to Matthew.Benedict Thomas Viviano - 2010 - Interpretation: A Journal of Bible and Theology 64 (4):341-354.
    The God of biblical revelation is present everywhere in the Gospel according to Matthew, but often in a self-effacing way, receding behind Jesus, Emmanuel, God-with-us. God's presence is veiled by divine passives, hidden behind the reverent circumlocution “heavens.” God's supreme designation is Father. This gospel usually speaks on a horizontal plane of everyday life, where the Transcendent awaits us at every turn as the horizon.
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    Caregivers blinded by the care: A qualitative study of physical restraint in pediatric care.Bénédicte Lombart, Carla De Stefano, Didier Dupont, Leila Nadji & Michel Galinski - 2020 - Nursing Ethics 27 (1):230-246.
    Background: The phenomenon of forceful physical restraint in pediatric care is an ethical issue because it confronts professionals with the dilemma of using force for the child’s best interest. This is a paradox. The perspective of healthcare professional working in pediatric wards needs further in-depth investigations. Purpose: To explore the perspectives and behaviors of healthcare professionals toward forceful physical restraint in pediatric care. Methods: This qualitative ethnographic study used focus groups with purposeful sampling. Thirty volunteer healthcare professionals (nurses, hospital aids, (...)
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    Affordability and Non-Perfectionism in Moral Action.Benedict Rumbold, Victoria Charlton, Annette Rid, Polly Mitchell, James Wilson, Peter Littlejohns, Catherine Max & Albert Weale - 2019 - Ethical Theory and Moral Practice 22 (4):973-991.
    One rationale policy-makers sometimes give for declining to fund a service or intervention is on the grounds that it would be ‘unaffordable’, which is to say, that the total cost of providing the service or intervention for all eligible recipients would exceed the budget limit. But does the mere fact that a service or intervention is unaffordable present a reason not to fund it? Thus far, the philosophical literature has remained largely silent on this issue. However, in this article, we (...)
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    The ideal worlds objection.Benedict Rumbold - 2024 - Philosophy Compass 19 (9-10):e70001.
    The Ideal Worlds objection is an objection that purports to identify a potentially fatal flaw in some of our most influential moral theories: including, among others, rule consequentialism, Kant's Law of Nature Formula of the Categorical Imperative and Scanlonian contractualism. In this article, I offer an account of the objection, a survey of some of the ways defenders of affected theories have sought to avoid it, and the problems that those responses can encounter.
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  48. Universal Health Coverage, Priority Setting and the Human Right to Health.Benedict Rumbold, Octavio Ferraz, Sarah Hawkes, Rachel Baker, Carleigh Crubiner, Peter Littlejohns, Ole Frithjof Norheim, Thomas Pegram, Annette Rid, Sridhar Venkatapuram, Alex Voorhoeve, Albert Weale, James Wilson, Alicia Ely Yamin & Daniel Wang - 2017 - The Lancet 390 (10095):712-14.
    As health policy-makers around the world seek to make progress towards universal health coverage, they must navigate between two important ethical imperatives: to set national spending priorities fairly and efficiently; and to safeguard the right to health. These imperatives can conflict, leading some to conclude that rights-based approaches present a disruptive influence on health policy, hindering states’ efforts to set priorities fairly and efficiently. Here, we challenge this perception. We argue first that these points of tension stem largely from inadequate (...)
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    Joy Is the Gigantic Secret of the Christian.X. V. I. Benedict - 2007 - The Chesterton Review 33 (3/4):782-791.
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    La « Bienvivance » à l’école dans l’ère du savoir-relation.Bénédicte Gendron - 2023 - Revue Phronesis 12 (2-3):60-81.
    The rise of ill-being is spreading to schools and worrying politicians. It questions our educational models beyond learning about well-being and happiness at school, particularly pedagogical approaches and teacher training; which « happy » teacher to « make a student happy »? Based on research on the components of student well-being and resilience first and case studies of pedagogical approaches « re-enchanting school », this article underlines the emotional capital and “enabling leadership” teaching style, and an essential well-being approach focused (...)
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