Results for 'Bas Kortenbach'

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  1.  6
    Multilateral Supervaluationism and Classicality.Bas Kortenbach, Luca Incurvati & Julian J. Schloeder - forthcoming - Journal of Philosophical Logic:1-44.
    Incurvati and Schlöder (_Journal of Philosophical Logic, 51_(6), 1549–1582, 2022) have recently proposed to define supervaluationist logic in a multilateral framework, and claimed that this defuses well-known objections concerning supervaluationism’s apparent departures from classical logic. However, we note that the unconventional multilateral syntax prevents a straightforward comparison of inference rules of different levels, across multi- and unilateral languages. This leaves it unclear how the supervaluationist multilateral logics actually relate to classical logic, and raises questions about Incurvati and Schlöder’s response to (...)
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  2. Bāzan ʼenemalas.Kirubél Bašāh - 1969 - ʼAdis ʼAbabā: Čémber mātamiyā bét.
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    Bāul philosophy.Pūrṇadāsa Bāula - 2003 - New Delhi: A.P.H. Pub. Co.. Edited by Selina Thielemann.
    () Baul sadhana: introduction The word 'baul, in popular interpretation, is generally equated with singing: with folk song of Bengal or, more concretely, ...
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  4. Ḥāshiyat al-Bājūrī ʻalā al-Sullam.Ibrāhīm ibn Muḥammad Bājūrī - 1966 - Edited by ʻAbd al-Raḥmān ibn Muḥammad Akhḍarī.
  5. al-Akhlāq: uṣūluhā al-dīnīyah wa-judhūruhā al-falsafīyah.Muḥammad ʻAlī Bārr - 2010 - Jiddah: Kursī Akhlāqīyāt al-Ṭibb.
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    al-Qīmah al-maʻrifīyah lil-istiqrāʼ: dirāsah muqāranah bayna Kārl Būbir wa-Muḥammad Bāqir al-Ṣadr.Manāl Bāqir - 2021 - Bayrūt: Dār Rawāfid lil-Ṭibāʻah wa-al-Nashr wa-al-Tawzīʻ.
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    Samarasya: studies in Indian arts, philosophy, and interreligious dialogue: in honour of Bettina Bäumer.Bettina Bäumer, Sadananda Das & Ernst Fürlinger (eds.) - 2005 - New Delhi: D.K. Printworld.
    This Inspirational Guide To An Open, Critical Exchange Between India And The West Is Framed As A Tribute To Dr. Bettina Baumer, An Eminent Scholar Of Indology. Comprising 32 Essays, Segregated Into Three Sections Indian Philosophy And Spirituality, Indian Arts And Aesthetics, And Interreligious And Intercultural Dialogue.
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  8. Bāṃlādeśa Darśana Samitira biśa bachara smāraka saṃkalana, 12 Agrahāẏaṇa 1399/26 Nabhembara 1992.Muhammada Ābadula Bārī & Śarīpha Hāruna (eds.) - 1992 - [Ḍhākā]: Bāṃlādeśa Darśana Samiti.
    Twentieth anniversary souvenir of the Bangladesh Philosophical Association, comprises articles chiefly on Bangladesh philosophy; includes activities of the Association.
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  9. Grub mthaʼ kun śes nas mthaʼ bral sgrub pa źes bya baʼi bstan bcos rnam par bśad pa legs bśad kyi rgya mtsho źes bya ba bźugs so.Stag-tshaṅ Lo-tsā-ba] - 1999 - In Stag-Tshaṅ Lo-Tsā-Ba ŚEs-Rab-Rin-Chen (ed.), Grub mthaʼ kun śes kyi rtsa ʼgrel. Pe-cin: Mi rigs dpe skrun khaṅ.
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  10. Bkaʼ bstan dgongs ʼgrel khyad ʼphags lta baʼi yang snying zhes bya ba bshugs so. Zla-Ba-Tshe-Ring - 2016 - Mundgod: ʼBras Blo-gling Dpe-mdzod-khang.
    Study on Pratītyasamutpāda, theory of relativity and causality in Buddhism with reference to canonical literature.
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  11.  26
    The Scientific Image.Bas C. Fraassen - 1983 - Mind 92 (366):291-293.
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  12.  21
    (1 other version)Figurative uses of the head-denoting words baş and kafa in Turkish idioms.Melike Baş - 2017 - Pragmatics and Cognition 24 (2):138-163.
    This study analyzes the metaphoric and metonymic nature ofbaş/kafa‘head’ in Turkish idiomatic expressions from a cognitive linguistic perspective. The database for the study is composed of idioms containing the two head-denoting wordsbaşandkafa. Idioms and their definitions are analyzed in terms of their figurative uses of abstract concepts, and the conceptual metaphors and metonymies are identified. Findings are examined under five categories: head as the representative of the person, the seat of mental faculties, the locus of emotions, the sign of superiority/power, (...)
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  13. Śrī Dhanajibāpunā sānnidhyamāṃ: lekhaka ane emanā mitronā Śrī Dhanajībāpu sāthenā vārtālāpo. Dhanajībāpu - 1990 - Amadāvāda: Vikretāo Navabhārata Sāhitya Mandira. Edited by Māvajī Ke Sāvalā.
    Dialogues with Dhanajībāpu, b. 1922, philosopher from Gujarat, India.
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  14. Min Aflaṭūn ilá ibn Sīnā: Muḥāḍarāt fī al-falsafah al-ʻArabīyah / lil-Duktūr Jamīl Ṣalībā.Jamīl Ṣalībā - 1937 - Dimashq: Maṭbaʻat al-Nashr al-ʻArabī. Edited by Maḥmūd al-Imām Manṣūrī.
  15. Bas Van Fraassen, the empirical stance.Bas van Fraassen - manuscript
    Projet En développant son « empirisme constructif », Bas Van Fraassen est devenu une référence incontournable pour la philosophie des sciences contemporaine. Après la vague de critiques qui, vers les années 1960, avait fait perdre à l'empirisme logique sa prédominance dans le champ des idées, le réalisme scientifique semblait s'être imposé comme le seul compte rendu acceptable du travail et des orientations de la recherche. Quine avait beau énoncer ce que pourrait être un empirisme affranchi de ses deux « dogmes (...)
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  16.  6
    Abbreviations.Bas van Bommel - 2015 - Phronesis 46 (3):XIII-XIV.
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  17. Vilāyatʹnāmah.Sulṭān Muḥammad Sulṭān ʻAlī Shāh Gunābādī - 1966 - Tihrān: Chapkhānah-i Dānishgāh-i Tihrān.
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    Aristotle's theory of predication.Allan Bäck - 2000 - Boston: Brill.
    This book claims that Aristotle followed an aspect theory of predication.
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  19.  14
    ʻAlá ḍifāf waṣāyā al-Imām al-Bāqir ʻalayhi al-salām li-Jābir ibn Yazīd al-Juʻfī: sharḥ mustakhlaṣ min muḥāḍarāt Āyat Allāh al-Shaykh Muḥammad Taqī Miṣbāḥ al-Yazdī.Miṣbāḥ Yazdī & Muḥammad Taqī - 2021 - Bayrūt: Dār al-Walāʼ li-Ṣināʻat al-Nashr. Edited by Iyād Muḥammad ʻAlī Arnāʼūṭī.
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  20. A philosophical approach to foundations of science.Bas Fraassen - 1995 - Foundations of Science 1 (1).
    Foundational research focuses on the theory, but theories are to be related also to other theories, experiments, facts in their domains, data, and to their uses in applications, whether of prediction, control, or explanation. A theory is to be identified through its class of models, but not so narrowly as to disallow these roles. The language of science is to be studied separately, with special reference to the relations listed above, and to the consequent need for resources other than for (...)
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  21.  50
    Representational of conditional probabilities.Bas C. Fraassen - 1976 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 5 (3):417 - 430.
  22.  10
    Człowiek świadomością istnienia: prace ofiarowane prof. dr. hab. Andrzejowi L. Zachariszowi.Włodzimierz Zięba, Krzysztof Jerzy Kilian & Andrzej L. Zachariasz (eds.) - 2009 - Rzeszów: Wydawn. Uniwerstytetu Rzeszowskiego.
  23. Katarārāw ċāf lāy.Baṣalot Kabada Darasa - 2022 - ʼAdis ʼAbabā, ʼItyop̣yā: ʼÉliyākim ʼatāmiwoč.
    The author reflects on his experience as a medical student to draw out larger life lessons about perseverance, diligence, responsibility and the ethical conduct of life in general.
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  24. Rtags rigs kyi rnam gźag ñuṅ gsal legs bśad gser gi phreṅ mdzes kyi mchan.ʾbaʾ-Laṅ Dkon-Mchog-Chos-ʾphel Gyis Mdzad - 1999 - In Blo-Gros-Rgya-Mtsho (ed.), Rje Guṅ-thaṅ Blo-gros-rgya-mtshoʾs mdzad paʾi blo rtags mthaʾ dpyod sogs kyi dkaʾ gnas daṅ. Lanzhou: Mtsho-sṅon Źiṅ-chen Źin-hwa dpe khaṅ gis bkram.
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    Posṭamôrṭam: saḍetoḍa gappā Ḍô. Ravī Bāpaṭa yāñcyāśī.Ravī Bāpaṭa - 2011 - Puṇe: Manovikāsa Prakāśana. Edited by Sunīti Jaina.
    Critical analysis of the commercialization and malpractice current in the profession of medicine.
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  26. Ibn ʻArabī fī ufuq mā baʻda al-ḥadāthah.Muḥammad Miṣbāḥī (ed.) - 2003 - [al-Rabāṭ]: Kullīyat al-Ādāb wa-al-ʻUlūm al-Insānīyah bi-al-Rabāṭ.
  27. Valmiki'ramayana'revisited-worship by confrontation vidvesha-bhakti.Ba Amodio - 1991 - Journal of Dharma 16 (4):337-367.
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  28. El aprendizaje de un hombre de letras : la educación como gesto literario.Fernando Bárcena - 2011 - In Joaquín Esteban Ortega & Rafael Argullol (eds.), Palabra y ficción: literatura y pensamiento en tiempo de crisis cultural. Valladolid: Universidad Europea Miguel de Cervantes.
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  29. al-Wajh al-ākhar li-ḥadāthat Ibn Rushd.Muḥammad Miṣbāḥī - 1998 - Bayrūt: Dār al-Ṭalīʻah lil-Ṭibāʼah wa-al-Nashr.
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  30. Min al-maʻrifah ilá al-ʻaql: buḥūth fī naẓarīyat al-ʻaql ʻinda al-ʻArab.Muḥammad Miṣbāḥī - 1990 - Bayrūt: Dār al-Ṭalīʻah lil-Ṭibāʻah wa-al-Nashr.
  31. Dbu maʼi zab gnad sñiṅ por dril baʼi legs bśad Klu sgrub dgoṅs rgyan: a treatise reconciling various philosophical traditions on the basis of Madhyamika dialectic based on the exegesis of A-mdo Dge-ʼdun-chos-ʼphel. Zla-ba-bzaṅ-po - 1982 - Leh: D.T. Tashigang. Edited by Dge-ʼdun-Chos-ʼphel.
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    Habit and Identity: Behavioral, Cognitive, Affective, and Motivational Facets of an Integrated Self.Bas Verplanken & Jie Sui - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
  33.  16
    Semantics from different points of view.Rainer Bäuerle, Urs Egli & Arnim von Stechow (eds.) - 1979 - New York: Springer Verlag.
    This volume contains the papers read at the conference on 'Semantics from different points of view' that took place at Konstanz University in Septem ber 1978. This interdisciplinary conference Vias organized by the':Sonderfor schungsbereich 99 - Linguistik' and sponsored by the Deutsche Forschungsge meinschaft. Li~guists, philosophers, logicians, and psychologists met to dis cuss recent developments in the study of the semantics of natural language from the point of view of their disciplines. But this is not to say that there was (...)
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  34. Parallel search in retrieval from short-term-memory.Ba Dosher & B. Mcelree - 1988 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 26 (6):502-502.
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  35. 1 U All-owning spectatorship.Trinh X. Minh-ba - 1993 - In Sneja Marina Gunew & Anna Yeatman (eds.), Feminism and the politics of difference. St. Leonards, NSW, Australia: Allen & Unwin. pp. 157.
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  36. al-Falsafah al-siyāsīyah.Muḥammad Mufīd Shūbāshī - 1955
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  37. Both pragmatic and structural constraints guide analogical mapping.Ba Spellman & Kj Holyoak - 1992 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 30 (6):444-444.
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    Constructive Empiricism vs. Naturalism: A conversation with Bas van Fraassen.Jure Zovko & Bas van Fraassen - 2022 - Distinctio: Journal of Intersubjective Studies 1 (1):9-16.
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  39. The Integral Humanism of Jacques Maritain and the Personalism of John Paul II in Jacques Maritain philosophe dans la cité.Ba Gendreau - 1985 - Philosophica.(Ottawa) 28:43-52.
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    al-Fikr al-Iʻtizālī bayna al-siyāsah wa-al-dīn wa-al-falsafah.ʻAbd al-Karīm Yaḥyá Zībārī - 2019 - al-Baṣrah: Shahrayār.
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  41. Imposing Duties and Original Appropriation.Bas Vossen - 2014 - Journal of Political Philosophy 22 (2):64-85.
  42.  8
    Tarbiyat-i dīnī bar mabnā-yi rūykard-i hirminūtīk: bā takyah bar andīshahʹhā-yi hirminūtīkī-i Muḥammad Mujtahid Shabistarī va Naṣr Ḥāmid Abū Zayd.Bābak Shamshīrī - 2018 - Tihrān: Intishārāt-i Kavīr. Edited by Zahrah Humāyūn.
    Thoughts of Muḥammad Mujtahid Shabistarī and Naṣr Ḥāmid Abū Zayd about Quranic hermeneutics and philosophy.
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    Una visión binocular: psicoanálisis y filosofía.Bárbara Bettocchi (ed.) - 2014 - Lima, Perú: Fondo Editorial, Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú.
  44.  7
    Waḥdat al-wujūd ʻinda Ibn ʻArabī wa-ʻAbd al-Ghanī al-Nābulusī.Fiktūr Saʻīd Bāsīl - 2006 - Bayrūt: Dār al-Farābī.
  45.  3
    Hajimete no bunseki tetsugaku.Takeshi Ōba - 1990 - Tōkyō: Sangyō Tosho.
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  46. Tasha to wa dare no koto ka: jiko soshiki shisutemu no rinrigaku.Takeshi Ōba - 1989 - Tōkyō: Keisō Shobō.
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  47. Analogical priming of semantic relations in a lexical decision task.Ba Spellman & Kj Holyoak - 1990 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 28 (6):497-497.
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  48. Mājhyā taruṇa mitrānno: Śrī Dattābāḷa yāñcī muktacintane. Dattābāḷa - 1996 - Kolhāpūra: Sĩhavāṇī Priṇṭarsa, Pabliśarsa. Edited by Subhāsha Ke Desāī.
    Transcript of speeches by a Hindu philosopher, chiefly on Hindu philosophy and Hinduism.
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  49. The False Hopes of Traditional Epistemology.Bas C. Van Fraassen - 2000 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 60 (2):253 - 280.
    After Hume, attempts to forge an empiricist epistemology have taken three forms, which I shall call the First, Middle, and Third Way. The First still attempts an a priori demonstration that our cognitive methods satisfy some criterion of adequacy. The Middle Way is pursued under the banners of naturalism and scientific realism, and aims at the same conclusion on non-apriori grounds. After arguing that both fail, I shall describe the general characteristics of the Third Way, an alternative epistemology suitable for (...)
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  50.  86
    Epistemological issues in phenomenological research: How authoritative are people's accounts of their own perceptions?Bas Levering - 2006 - Journal of Philosophy of Education 40 (4):451–462.
    Science tends to find a solution to the problem of the unreliability of human perception by understanding objectivity as the absence of subjectivity. However, from a phenomenological point of view, subjectivity is not so much a problem as an inevitable starting-point. That does not mean that the problem of the correctness of people’s accounts of their own perceptions is no problem at all—in fact the problem is so great that the authority of a person’s knowledge of his or her own (...)
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