Results for 'Barbara Fuhrman'

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  1.  32
    The Fundamental Ethical Concern Is Lack of School Resources to Ensure Student Well-Being.Judith Navratil, Carla D. Chugani, Dawn Golden, Barbara Fuhrman, Lisa M. Ripper, Janine Talis & Elizabeth Miller - 2020 - American Journal of Bioethics 20 (10):65-66.
    Volume 20, Issue 10, October 2020, Page 65-66.
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  2. “What” and “where” in spatial language and spatial cognition.Barbara Landau & Ray Jackendoff - 1993 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 16 (2):217-238.
    Fundamental to spatial knowledge in all species are the representations underlying object recognition, object search, and navigation through space. But what sets humans apart from other species is our ability to express spatial experience through language. This target article explores the language ofobjectsandplaces, asking what geometric properties are preserved in the representations underlying object nouns and spatial prepositions in English. Evidence from these two aspects of language suggests there are significant differences in the geometric richness with which objects and places (...)
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    Emotion-based choice.Barbara Mellers, Alan Schwartz & Ilana Ritov - 1999 - Journal of Experimental Psychology: General 128 (3):332.
  4. Harming someone after his death.Barbara Baum Levenbook - 1984 - Ethics 94 (3):407-419.
    I argue for the possibility of posthumous harm based on an account of the harm of murder. I start with the deep-seated intuition that when someone is murdered he (or she) is harmed (over and above the pain of injury or dying), and argue that Feinberg's account that assumes that harm is an invasion of an interest cannot plausibly accommodate this intuition. I propose a new account of the harm of murder: it is an irreversible loss of functions necessary for (...)
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    The Map of Moral Significance: A New Axiological Matrix for Environmental Ethics.Barbara Muraca - 2011 - Environmental Values 20 (3):375 - 396.
    One main issue within environmental ethics is the so-called Demarcation Problem, i.e. the question of which entities are members of the moral community and hold intrinsic value. I argue that the demarcation problem relies mainly on Kantian moral philosophy. While the Kantian framework offers a strong and immediately deontological argument for moral agents holding inherent moral values, it presents problems when stretched beyond its original scope and lacks an adequate ground for addressing relational complexity and the moral significance of collectives. (...)
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    Whence and whither in spatial language and spatial cognition?Barbara Landau & Ray Jackendoff - 1993 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 16 (2):255-265.
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    Spatial representation of objects in the young blind child.Barbara Landau - 1991 - Cognition 38 (2):145-178.
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  8. Antirepresentationalism Before and After Rorty.Barbara Herrnstein Smith - 2022 - Common Knowledge 28 (3):424-442.
    Richard Rorty's rejection of prevailing interior-mirror understandings of the presumed relationship between “minds” and “nature,” along with his promotion of nonrepresentational accounts of knowledge, truth, and science, participates in a rich tradition of jointly pragmatist and constructivist views that spans the twentieth century. This contribution to the symposium “Whatever Happened to Richard Rorty?” considers Rorty's complex and ambivalent relation to that tradition, particularly to the work of his American pragmatist predecessors, William James and John Dewey, and to subsequent pragmatist-constructivist antirepresentationalism (...)
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  9. Forever Functional: Sexual Fitness and the Ageing Male Body.Barbara L. Marshall & Stephen Katz - 2002 - Body and Society 8 (4):43-70.
    Historically, male sexual fitness was framed by a patriarchal politics of life centred on regeneration, population and nation. In the later 20th century, as successful ageing became promoted by the lifestyle practices of an idealized healthy and active senior citizenry, traditional gerontocratic power over the sexual risks of youth gave way to a medical sexology concerned with sexual functionality across the lifecourse; in particular, erectility. Recently, erectile dysfunction has expanded to become a population-wide health problem with increasingly refined diagnoses based (...)
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    Echo objects: the cognitive work of images.Barbara Maria Stafford - 2007 - Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
    Barbara Stafford is at the forefront of a growing movement that calls for the humanities to confront the brain’s material realities. In Echo Objects she argues that humanists should seize upon the exciting neuroscientific discoveries that are illuminating the underpinnings of cultural objects. In turn, she contends, brain scientists could enrich their investigations of mental activity by incorporating phenomenological considerations—particularly the intricate ways that images focus intentional behavior and allow us to feel thought. This, then, is a book for (...)
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  11. Possible Worlds Semantics and Linguistic Theory.Barbara H. Partee - 1977 - The Monist 60 (3):303-326.
    The goal of this paper is to argue for the fruitfulness for linguistic theory of an approach to semantics that has been developed primarily by logicians and philosophers. That the theory of possible worlds semantics has been extremely fruitful for logic and philosophy is widely if not universally accepted, and I will not try to convince remaining skeptics on that score. But the goals of linguistics are sufficiently different from those of philosophy and logic that there are independent and highly (...)
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    Vico and Naples: the urban origins of modern social theory.Barbara Ann Naddeo - 2011 - Ithaca, N.Y.: Cornell University Press.
    The origins of Vico's social theory : Vichian reflections on the Neapolitan Revolt of 1701 and the politics of the metropolis -- Vico's cosmopolitanism : global citizenship and natural law in Vico's pedagogical thought -- Vico's social theory : the conundrum of the Roman metropolis and the struggle of humanity for natural rights -- From social theory to philosophy : Vico's disillusions with the Neapolitan magistracy and the new frontier of philosophy.
  13.  18
    Engendering modernity: feminism, social theory, and social change.Barbara L. Marshall - 1994 - Boston: Northeastern University Press.
    In this book Barbara Marshall argues that the debates around both modernity and postmodernity neglect the role of women and significance of gender in the formation of contemporary societies.
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  14. Narrative Versions, Narrative Theories.Barbara Herrnstein Smith - 1980 - Critical Inquiry 7 (1):213-236.
    . . . I should like to review and summarize the preceding general points: 1. For any particular narrative, there is no single basically basic story subsisting beneath it but, rather, an unlimited number of other narratives that can be constructed in response to it or perceived as related to it.2. Among the narratives that can be constructed in response to a given narrative are not only those that we commonly refer to as "versions" of it but also those retellings (...)
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    Update on “What” and “Where” in Spatial Language: A New Division of Labor for Spatial Terms.Barbara Landau - 2017 - Cognitive Science 41 (S2):321-350.
    In this article, I revisit Landau and Jackendoff's () paper, “What and where in spatial language and spatial cognition,” proposing a friendly amendment and reformulation. The original paper emphasized the distinct geometries that are engaged when objects are represented as members of object kinds, versus when they are represented as figure and ground in spatial expressions. We provided empirical and theoretical arguments for the link between these distinct representations in spatial language and their accompanying nonlinguistic neural representations, emphasizing the “what” (...)
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    Jacques the sophist: Lacan, logos, and psychoanalysis.Barbara Cassin - 2020 - New York: Fordham University Press. Edited by Michael Syrotinski.
    In a highly original rereading of the writings and seminars of Jacques Lacan, together with works of Freud and others, Cassin shows how psychoanalysis, like the sophists, challenges the very foundations of scientific rationality. In taking seriously equivocations, jokes, and unfinishable projects of interpretation, the analyst, like the sophist, allows performance, signifier, and inconsistency to reshape truth.
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    Family firm status and environmental disclosure: The moderating effect of board gender diversity.Barbara Maggi, Rafaela Gjergji, Luigi Vena, Salvatore Sciascia & Alessandro Cortesi - 2023 - Business Ethics, the Environment and Responsibility 32 (4):1334-1351.
    Building on agency and resource-based view theories, this study investigates the level of environmental disclosure (ED) practices of family versus non-family firms and explores the moderating role of board gender diversity. We test our hypotheses on a 3-year (2018–2020) panel data sample comprising 324 observations of Italian small- and medium-sized enterprises traded on the Euronext Growth Milan. Findings show that, compared to non-family firms, companies with a family firm status are characterized by lower levels of ED. Gender diversity on the (...)
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    The meaning of a precedent.Barbara Baum Levenbook - 2000 - Legal Theory 6 (2):185-240.
    A familiar jurisprudential view is that a judicial decision functions as a legal precedent by laying down a rule and that the content of this rule is set by officials. Precedents can be followed only by acting in accordance with this rule. This view is mistaken on all counts. A judicial decision functions as a precedent by being an example. At its best, it is an example both for officials and for a target population. Even precedents outside of law function (...)
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    Ethical decision making and the law.Barbara Libby & Vincent Agnello - 2000 - Journal of Business Ethics 26 (3):223 - 232.
    This paper will examine the effects of gender, age, work experience, academic status and legality on certain ethical decisions. Six scenarios representing ethical dilemmas were presented to both undergraduate and MBA students in an attempt to determine if various demographic factors influenced ethical decision making. While some past studies have suggested that gender has an important effect on ethical decision making, this study does not completely support this conclusion and suggests that age and/or length of work experience should be included (...)
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  20.  17
    La décision du sens: le livre Gamma de la Métaphysique d'Aristote.Barbara Cassin & Michel Narcy - 1989 - Vrin.
    Nous n'avons pas choisi d'etre aristoteliciens. Nous ne le sommes pas moins que les autres. Le livre Gamma de la Metaphysique accomplit la relegation de la sophistique qui n'a jamais ete achevee par Platon, en instaurant un regime de discours qui fera loi pour toute l'histoire de la metaphysique. Regime que nous appelons semantique, en reference au geste decisif d'Aristote qui fait equivaloir dire et signifier quelque chose. Il faut et il suffit qu'un sophiste lui dise Bonjour! pour qu'Aristote demontre, (...)
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    Dworkin's Theoretical Disagreement Argument.Barbara Baum Levenbook - 2015 - Philosophy Compass 10 (1):1-9.
    Dworkin's theoretical disagreement argument, developed in Law's Empire, is presented in that work as the motivator for his interpretive account of law. Like Dworkin's earlier arguments critical of legal positivism, the argument from theoretical disagreement has generated a lively exchange with legal positivists. It has motivated three of them to develop innovative positivist positions. In its original guise, the argument from theoretical disagreement is presented as ‘the semantic sting argument’. However, the argument from theoretical disagreement has more than one version. (...)
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  22.  38
    The Artist as Critic: Dance Training, Neuroscience, and Aesthetic Evaluation.Barbara Gail Montero - 2013 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 71 (2):169-175.
  23.  26
    Learning Simple Spatial Terms: Core and More.Barbara Landau - 2018 - Topics in Cognitive Science 12 (1):91-114.
    Landau also pushes the role of syntax and its mapping to semantics in learning what some would consider “easy words”—the simplest spatial prepositions in English, in and on. Taking as a starting point that the syntactic distribution of a word is a reflex of its meaning, Landau shows that careful study of how children and adults linguistically encode a range of containment and support configurations reveals a special status for “core” configurations in each domain. She proposes that children come to (...)
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  24. The role of coherence in legal reasoning.Barbara Baum Levenbook - 1984 - Law and Philosophy 3 (3):355 - 374.
    Many contemporary philosophers of law agree that a necessary condition for a decision to be legally justified, even in a hard case, is that it coheres with established law. Some, namely Sartorius and Dworkin, have gone beyond that relatively uncontroversial claim and described the role of coherence in legal justification as analogous to its role in moral and scientific justification, on contemporary theories. In this, I argue, they are mistaken. Specifically, coherence in legal justification is sometimes specific to a branch (...)
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  25. Relativism, Today and Yesterday.Barbara Herrnstein Smith - 2007 - Common Knowledge 13 (2-3):227-249.
    An analysis of Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger's statements regarding relativism in his 2005 homily to the conclave meeting to elect the new pope in the context of the charge of "relativism" in 20th-century philosophy. Parts of this essay are adapted from Barbara Herrnstein Smith,"Pre-Post-Modern Relativism," in *Scandalous Knowledge: Science, Truth and the Human* (Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 2005; Durham, NC: Duke University Press, 2006), 18 – 45.
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    On the Margins of Discourse.Barbara Herrnstein Smith - 1975 - Critical Inquiry 1 (4):769-798.
    Asked to define poetry, one is likely to reply with a sigh, a shrug, a look of exasperation or even one of contempt, indicating not only that the question is oppressive but that anyone who asks it must be something of a fool, a pest, or a vulgarian. Though these uncongenial reactions may be interpreted as the signs of intellectual embarrassment, they are, I think, quite justified. For the nature of definition and the particular historical fortunes of the term poetry (...)
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  27. The myth of persistence of vision revisited.Joseph Anderson & Barbara Anderson - 1993 - Journal of Film and Video 45 (1):3-12.
  28. Domination Across Borders: An Introduction.Barbara Buckinx, Jonathan Trejo-Mathys & Timothy Waligore - 2014 - In Barbara Buckinx, Jonathan Trejo-Mathys & Timothy Waligore (eds.), Domination and Global Political Justice: Conceptual, Historical and Institutional Perspectives. New York, NY, USA: Routledge. pp. 1-33.
    This chapter explores the different dimensions of domination, including whether it has a structural approach, its relation to race and imperialism, and how non-domination can be institutionalized and achieved at a global level.
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    Concepts, the lexicon and acquisition: Fodor's new challenge.Barbara Landau - 2000 - Mind and Language 15 (2-3):319-326.
  30.  41
    Contingencies of Value.Barbara Herrnstein Smith - 1983 - Critical Inquiry 10 (1):1-35.
    One of the major effects of prohibiting or inhibiting explicit evaluation is to forestall the exhibition and obviate the possible acknowledgment of divergent systems of value and thus to ratify, by default, established evaluative authority. It is worth noting that in none of the debates of the forties and fifties was the traditional academic canon itself questioned, and that where evaluative authority was not ringingly affirmed, asserted, or self-justified, it was simply assumed. Thus Frye himself could speak almost in one (...)
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    Navajo conceptions of justice in the peacemaker court.Barbara E. Wall - 2001 - Journal of Social Philosophy 32 (4):532–546.
  32.  37
    Australian Feminism: A Companion.Barbara Caine & Moira Gatens - 1998 - Oxford University Press USA.
    "Australian Feminism: A Companion covers feminist theory, politics, and scholarship, feminist involvement in many facets of government and welfare, and feminist approaches to culture and to daily life. It provides both general and specialist readers with information concerning every aspect of the development of feminism in Australia. The distinctive features of Australian feminism, including its diversity, its engagement with the state, its openness to new ideas, and its connections with ideas and developments overseas, are fully explored."--BOOK JACKET.
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    Sophistical Practice: Toward a Consistent Relativism.Barbara Cassin - 2014 - New York: Fordham University Press.
    Sophistics is the paradigm of a discourse that does things with words. It is not pure rhetoric, as Plato wants us to believe, but it provides an alternative to the philosophical mainstream. A sophistic history of philosophy questions the orthodox philosophical history of philosophy: that of ontology and truth in itself. In this book, we discover unusual Presocratics, wreaking havoc with the fetish of true and false. Their logoi perform politics and perform reality. Their sophistic practice can shed crucial light (...)
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    Object recognition with severe spatial deficits in Williams syndrome: sparing and breakdown.Barbara Landau, James E. Hoffman & Nicole Kurz - 2006 - Cognition 100 (3):483-510.
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    Editor's Introduction: 2017 Rumelhart Prize Issue Honoring Lila R. Gleitman.Barbara Landau - 2020 - Topics in Cognitive Science 12 (1):7-21.
    Landau introduces the volume with a selective review of Lila R. Gleitman’s intellectual history, emphasizing the theoretical roots of her research. These include influences of Zellig Harris and Noam Chomsky, her creation of “The Great Verb Game” (which paved the way for the theory of syntactic bootstrapping), the importance of natural “deprivation” experiments, and how they shed light on understanding what the data for learning really might be, and her life as an empiricist, driven by data to nativist conclusions. The (...)
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    Leibnizian Relationalism and the Problem of Inertia.Barbara Lariviere - 1987 - Canadian Journal of Philosophy 17 (2):437 - 447.
    I consider the contrast between Leibniz's relational concept of spacetime and Einstein's special and general theories of relativity. I suggest that there are two interpretations of Leibniz's view, which I call L1 and L2. L1 amounts to saying that there is no real inertial structure to spacetime, whereas in general relativity the inertial structure is dynamical or real in Lande's sense ; i.e., it can be ‘kicked’ and ‘kicks back,’ causing gravitational effects. If there is no real inertial structure to (...)
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  37.  46
    A puzzle about legal systems and democratic theory.Barbara Baum Levenbook - 2020 - Jurisprudence 11 (2):157-168.
    Older statutes sometimes alter the legal content of newer statutes in a way not apparent from the text of the newer statutes. The puzzle is how, even if a new statute is the choice of the current polis, the legal content created in part by the elderly statute is also the choice of the current polis. I consider several possible answers, including a legislative intent account and Dworkin’s, and argue that none of them is satisfactory. I then offer my own (...)
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    The Gap in the Knowledge Argument.Barbara Montero - 2024 - Philosophia 52 (2):235-244.
    Alter (The Matter of Consciousness: From the Knowledge Argument to Russellian Monism, GB: Oxford University Pres, 2023) argues for something surprising: despite being widely rejected by philosophers, including Frank Jackson himself, Jackson’s knowledge argument succeeds. Alter’s defense of Jackson’s argument is not only surprising; it’s also exciting: the knowledge argument, if it’s sound, underscores the power of armchair philosophy, the power of pure thought to arrive at substantial conclusions about the world. In contrast, I aim to make a case for (...)
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    The social life of nanotechnology.Barbara Herr Harthorn & John Mohr (eds.) - 2012 - New York: Routledge.
    This volume shows how nanotechnology takes on a wide range of socio-historically specific meanings in the context of globalization, across multiple localities, institutions and collaborations, through diverse industries, research labs, and government agencies and in a variety of discussions within the public sphere itself. It explores the early origins of nanotechnologies; the social, economic, and political organization of the field; and the cultural and subjective meanings ascribed to nanotechnologies in social settings.
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    Reasonable Believing.Barbara Winters - 1980 - Dialectica 34 (1):3-16.
    SummaryThe paper examines the conditions someone's believing must satisfy in order to be reasonable and argues that an important necessary condition concerns the nature of the origin and sustain‐ment of the belief. This requirement cannot be captured by conditions on logical relations among the believed propositions, but instead concerns the psychological process of reasoning, concluding, or basing one belief on another. The implications of this result for traditional epistemology are examined, and it is concluded that the most important issues are (...)
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    Pflichten Auf Distanz: Weltarmut Und Individuelle Verantwortung.Barbara Bleisch - 2010 - De Gruyter.
    Nearly one billionpeople worldwide suffer from hunger. This book examines the question of what inhabitants of wealthy counties owe these people. The author focuses less on the question of how a better world can be created and more on the question of what well-off individuals are obligated to do in light of this obvious injustice and immense suffering. The book argues for a common responsibility to eliminate extreme poverty and speaks to individuals in their roles as citizens, consumers, and even (...)
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  42. The Text of the New Testament: An Introduction to the Critical Editions and to the Theory and Practice of Modern Textual Criticism.Kurt Aland, Barbara Aland, Erroll F. Rhodes & Eldon Jay Epp - 1987
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    Europasoziologie: Handbuch für Wissenschaft und Studium.Maurizio Bach & Barbara Hönig (eds.) - 2018 - Baden-Baden: Nomos.
    Das Handbuch bildet erstmals den empirischen und theoretischen Problembestand der deutschsprachigen Europasoziologie in seinem ganzen Facettenreichtum ab, benennt und diskutiert kontroverse und offene Probleme. Angelegt als Beitrage zum europasoziologischen state of the art werden die Lemmata zu den einschlagigen Sachproblemen dabei unter den Hauptstrangen "Institutionenbildung und Institutionenpolitik", "Territoriale Restrukturierung", "Sozialstruktur und Sozialpolitik", "Transnationale Verflechtungen" und "Gesellschaftstheoretische Perspektiven" versammelt. Das Handbuch stellt die jeweils zentralen Theorieansatze und Konzepte, die relevanten empirischen Befunde sowie die wichtigsten feldspezifischen Kontroversen konzise dar und diskutiert mit (...)
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    Value, Exchange, and Heinrich’s ‘New Reading of Marx’: Remarks on Marx’s Value-Theory, 1867–72.Barbara Lietz & Winfried Schwarz - forthcoming - Historical Materialism.
    The exclusive emergence of value and abstract human labour through exchange of mere products is a fundamental principle within the ‘New Reading of Marx’, especially that of Michael Heinrich. He invokes both Capital and the manuscript Additions and Changes, where Marx revised his value-form analysis for the second edition of Capital. However, this manuscript does not support Heinrich’s view. In the same handwritten manuscript, Marx drafted the subsection on the fetishism of the commodity with two passages that Heinrich claims as (...)
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  45. Liberalismus (be-)denken: Europa-Ideen in Wissenschaft, Literatur und Kulturkritik (1900--1950).Olivier Agard, Barbara Besslich & Cristina Fossaluzza (eds.) - 2023 - Wien: Böhlau.
    Vorliegender Sammelband widmet sich den politisch sehr heterogenen Europa-Ideen und Liberalismuskonzepten, die von 1900 bis 1950 in Wissenschaft, Literatur und Kulturkritik intensiv diskutiert werden. Die germanistischen, politologischen, ideen- und wissenschaftsgeschichtlichen Beiträge entstanden im Zusammenhang eines Forschungsprojekts der Universitäten Heidelberg, Paris-Sorbonne und Venedig, das vom Centre interdisciplinaire d'études et de recherches sur l'Allemagne gefördert wurde. Das Buch befasst sich mit den philosophischen Ursprüngen, intellektuellen Konstellationen und literarischen Artikulationen dieser Europa-Ideen, die den Liberalismus und die Demokratie in einem größeren Zusammenhang mit Kulturdiagnosen (...)
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    Hospice in the nursing home--a valuable collaboration.Ann Allegre, Barbara Frank & Elaine McIntosh - 1998 - Bioethics Forum 15 (3):7-12.
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  47. The case for an ecological metatheory.Joseph Anderson & Barbara Anderson - 1996 - In David Bordwell Noel Carroll (ed.), Post-Theory: Reconstructing Film Studies. University of Wisconsin Press. pp. 347--367.
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    Constructing the erotic: sexual ethics and adolescent girls.Barbara J. Blodgett - 2002 - Cleveland, OH: Pilgrim Press.
    Barbara J. Blodgett proposes a practical sexual ethic for adolescent girls based on a discourse of vulnerability and trust rather than one of erotic liberation. Her work directly challenges feminist theologies of the erotic, which seek to establish the erotic as unquestionably freeing and empowering.Blodgett declares that inconsistent worlds of meaning surround girls' moral deliberation about sexual activity despite their sincere yearning for guidance.This ground-breaking book: -- Critiques feminist theologies of the erotic-- Draws upon actual narratives of adolescent girls (...)
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    Social Reproduction is not a Fairy Tale: A Conversation Between Axel Honneth, Silvia Federici, and Nancy Fraser.Bárbara Buril Lins - 2023 - Critical Horizons 24 (1):15-31.
    This article establishes a dialogue between the philosopher Axel Honneth and the feminist scholars Silvia Federici and Nancy Fraser. The aim is to emphasize the limits of Honneth’s philosophical reflections on the normative dimension of the family developed in Freedom’s Right. First, I present his ideas on how a normative expectation of social freedom permeates familial relations. According to him, after women entered the labour market, a normative notion of symmetrical participation in the family was produced. I aim to defend (...)
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    Die Falten der Mode.Barbara Vinken - 2007 - Zeitschrift für Ästhetik Und Allgemeine Kunstwissenschaft 52 (2):37-46.
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