Results for 'Axel Birk'

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  1.  24
    Unternehmerische Verantwortung für Menschenrechte? – Embedding Human Rights in Business Practise.Axel Birk & Wolfram Heger - 2016 - Archiv Für Rechts- Und Sozialphilosphie 102 (1):128-152.
    Embedding Human Rights in business practice is a challenge many multinational companies have to deal with to avoid reputational risks or to comply with soft law requirements. However, in doing so, the normative concept of corporate human rights obligations is both legally and ethically imprecise and the “UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights” are just partly helpful. Therefore, it is asked and analyzed, if legal respectively ethical dogmatism or specific sustainability market mechanisms can provide guidance and clarity. The (...)
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    Consciousness as a graded and an all-or-none phenomenon: A conceptual analysis.Bert Windey & Axel Cleeremans - 2015 - Consciousness and Cognition 35:185-191.
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    Leveling (down) the playing field: performance diminishments and fairness in sport.Sebastian Jon Holmen, Thomas Søbirk Petersen & Jesper Ryberg - 2023 - Journal of Medical Ethics 49 (7):502-505.
    The 2018 eligibility regulation for female competitors with differences of sexual development (DSD) issued by World Athletics requires competitors with DSD with blood testosterone levels at or above 5 nmol/L and sufficient androgen sensitivity to be excluded from competition in certain events unless they reduce the level of testosterone in their blood. This paper formalises and then critically assesses the fairness-based argument offered in support of this regulation by the federation. It argues that it is unclear how the biological advantage (...)
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  4. Sustained Representation of Perspectival Shape.Jorge Morales, Axel Bax & Chaz Firestone - 2020 - Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 117 (26):14873–14882.
    Arguably the most foundational principle in perception research is that our experience of the world goes beyond the retinal image; we perceive the distal environment itself, not the proximal stimulation it causes. Shape may be the paradigm case of such “unconscious inference”: When a coin is rotated in depth, we infer the circular object it truly is, discarding the perspectival ellipse projected on our eyes. But is this really the fate of such perspectival shapes? Or does a tilted coin retain (...)
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  5. Words and Images in Argumentation.Axel Arturo Barceló Aspeitia - 2012 - Argumentation 26 (3):355-368.
    Abstract In this essay, I will argue that images can play a substantial role in argumentation: exploiting information from the context, they can contribute directly and substantially to the communication of the propositions that play the roles of premises and conclusion. Furthermore, they can achieve this directly, i.e. without the need of verbalization. I will ground this claim by presenting and analyzing some arguments where images are essential to the argumentation process. Content Type Journal Article Pages 1-14 DOI 10.1007/s10503-011-9259-y Authors (...)
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  6. Autonomy, Vulnerability, Recognition, and Justice.Joel Anderson & Axel Honneth - 2005 - In John Philip Christman & Joel Anderson, Autonomy and the Challenges to Liberalism: New Essays. New York: Cambridge University Press. pp. 127-149.
    One of liberalism’s core commitments is to safeguarding individuals’ autonomy. And a central aspect of liberal social justice is the commitment to protecting the vulnerable. Taken together, and combined with an understanding of autonomy as an acquired set of capacities to lead one’s own life, these commitments suggest that liberal societies should be especially concerned to address vulnerabilities of individuals regarding the development and maintenance of their autonomy. In this chapter, we develop an account of what it would mean for (...)
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    The first prior: From co-embodiment to co-homeostasis in early life.Anna Ciaunica, Axel Constant, Hubert Preissl & Katerina Fotopoulou - 2021 - Consciousness and Cognition 91 (C):103117.
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    Anthropological Epochés: Phenomenology and the Ontological Turn.Morten Axel Pedersen - 2020 - Philosophy of the Social Sciences 50 (6):610-646.
    This article has two objectives. In the first part, I present a critical overview of the extensive anthropological literature that may be deemed “phenomenological.” Following this critique, which is built up around a classification into four different varieties of phenomenological anthropology, I discuss the relationship between phenomenological anthropology and the ontological turn (OT). Contrary to received wisdom within the anthropological discipline, I suggest that OT has several things in common with the phenomenological project. For the same reason, I argue, it (...)
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    Complementary social science? Quali-quantitative experiments in a Big Data world.Morten Axel Pedersen & Anders Blok - 2014 - Big Data and Society 1 (2).
    The rise of Big Data in the social realm poses significant questions at the intersection of science, technology, and society, including in terms of how new large-scale social databases are currently changing the methods, epistemologies, and politics of social science. In this commentary, we address such epochal questions by way of a experiment: at the Danish Technical University in Copenhagen, an interdisciplinary group of computer scientists, physicists, economists, sociologists, and anthropologists is setting up a large-scale data infrastructure, meant to continually (...)
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    Age change, official age and fairness in health.Kasper Lippert-Rasmussen & Thomas Søbirk Petersen - 2020 - Journal of Medical Ethics 46 (9):634-635.
    In a recent JME article, Joona Räsänen makes the case for allowing legal age change. We identify three problems with his argument and, on that basis, propose an improved version thereof. Unfortunately, even the improved argument is vulnerable to the objection that chronological age is a better proxy for justice in health than both legal and what we shall call official age.
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    Payment in challenge studies from an economics perspective.Sandro Ambuehl, Axel Ockenfels & Alvin E. Roth - 2020 - Journal of Medical Ethics 46 (12):831-832.
    We largely agree with Grimwade et al ’s1 conclusion that challenge trial participants may ethically be paid, including for risk. Here, we add further arguments, clarify some points from the perspective of economics and indicate areas where economists can support the development of a framework for ethically justifiable payment. Our arguments apply to carefully constructed and monitored controlled human infection model trials that have been appropriately reviewed and approved. Participants in medical studies perform a service. Outside the domain of research (...)
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    Illusory correlations despite equated category frequencies: A test of the information loss account.Michael Weigl, Axel Mecklinger & Timm Rosburg - 2018 - Consciousness and Cognition 63:11-28.
  13.  13
    Joking the Cosmos Into the Right Shape in North Asia.Rane Willerslev & Morten Axel Pedersen - 2010 - In Ton Otto & Nils Bubandt, Experiments in holism: theory and practice in contemporary anthropology. Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell.
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  14. Umverteilung oder Anerkennung? Eine politisch-philosophische Kontroverse.Nancy Fraser, Axel Honneth & Burckhardt Wolf - 2005 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 67 (1):178-182.
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    Knowledge Accumulation in Theatre Rehearsals: The Emergence of a Gesture as a Solution for Embodying a Certain Aesthetic Concept.Stefan Norrthon & Axel Schmidt - 2023 - Human Studies 46 (2):337-369.
    Theater rehearsals are (usually) confronted with the problem of having to transform a written text into an audio-visual, situated and temporal performance. Our contribution focuses on the emergence and stabilization of a gestural form as a solution for embodying a certain aesthetic concept which is derived from the script. This process involves instructions and negotiations, making the process of stabilization publicly and thus intersubjectively accessible. As scenes are repeatedly rehearsed, rehearsals are perspicuous settings for tracking interactional histories. Based on videotaped (...)
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  16. Symposium: Cornelius Castoriadis, 1922–1997.Edgar Morin, Joel Whitebook & Axel Honneth - 1998 - Radical Philosophy 90.
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  17. Uses and meanings of "context" in studies on children's knowledge : a viewpoint from anthropology and constructivist psychology.Mariana García Palacios, Paula Shabel, Axel Horn & José Antonio Castorina - 2023 - In José Antonio Castorina & Alicia Barreiro, The development of social knowledge: towards a cultural-individual dialectic. Charlotte, NC: IAP, Information Age Publishing.
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  18. What is logical form?Axel Barcelo Aspeitia - manuscript
    A good metaphysical account of logical form, must make clear why logical form is logical. However, this task has proved to be very elusive. Here, I analyze different attempts to meet this challenge and defend an inferential externalism where logical form is grounded on external logical relations as our most promising option.
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  19. Whataboutisms and Inconsistency.Axel Arturo Barceló Aspeitia - 2020 - Argumentation 34 (4):433-447.
    Despite being very common in both public and private argumentation, accusations of selective application of general premises, also known as “whataboutisms”, have been mostly overlooked in argumentation studies, where they are, at most, taken as accusations of inconsistency. Here I will defend an account according to which allegations of this sort can express the suspicion that the argumentation put forward by one party does not reflect his or her actual standpoint and reasons. Distinguishing this kind of argumentative moves is important (...)
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    Innateness, autonomy, universality? Neurobiological approaches to language.Ralph-Axel Müller - 1996 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 19 (4):611-631.
    The concepts of the innateness, universality, species-specificity, and autonomy of the human language capacity have had an extreme impact on the psycholinguistic debate for over thirty years. These concepts are evaluated from several neurobiological perspectives, with an emphasis on the emergence of language and its decay due to brain lesion and progressive brain disease.Evidence of perceptuomotor homologies and preadaptations for human language in nonhuman primates suggests a gradual emergence of language during hominid evolution. Regarding ontogeny, the innate component of language (...)
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  21. An ethnography and anthropology of anthropologists.Hanne Overgaard Mogensen, Birgitte Gorm Hansen & Morten Axel Pedersen - 2021 - In Hanne Overgaard Mogensen & Birgitte Gorm Hansen, The moral work of anthropology: ethnographic studies of anthropologists at work. New York, N.Y.: Berghahn Books.
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  22. Linguistic Trust.Axel Arturo Barceló Aspeitia - manuscript
    In conversation we trust others to communicate successfully, to understand us, etc. because they have the adequate skills to be competent in the linguistic domain. In other words, to be trustworthy regarding an activity is nothing but to have the appropriate skills required for the activity. In the linguistic case, this means that being trustworthy regarding conversation is nothing but to have the capacity of partaking as a responsible participant in linguistic conversation, which requires having the appropriate linguistic skills. Now, (...)
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    Theodor W. Adorno: Negative Dialektik.Christoph Menke & Axel Honneth (eds.) - 2006 - Akademie Verlag.
    In einem Brief nennt Adorno die "Negative Dialektik" kurz nach ihrem Erscheinen unter seinen Schriften "das philosophische Hauptwerk, wenn ich so sagen darf“. Dieser herausgehobenen Bedeutung, die das Werk für Adorno hatte, entspricht nicht nur die lange Zeit, die er mit der Abfassung des Buchs beschäftigt war, sondern auch die lange Geschichte, die ihre zentralen Motive in seinem Denken haben. Philosophische Begriffsklärung, die Arbeit an "Begriff und Kategorien“ einer negativen Dialektik, versteht Adorno dabei als dialektischen Übergang in inhaltliches Denken – (...)
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  24. Metaphysical Social Constructivism 101.Axel Barceló Aspeitia - manuscript
    What exactly is it to be a social constructivist in Metaphysics? In this brief note I try to introduce a few acclamatory distinctions that I have identified as having generated a lot of confusion in recent literature as well as serving to better frame current debates within metaphysical social constructivism. I also illustrate it with an example from the ontology of disability/.
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  25. The Mathematical Roots of Semantic Analysis.Axel Arturo Barcelo Aspeitia - manuscript
    Semantic analysis in early analytic philosophy belongs to a long tradition of adopting geometrical methodologies to the solution of philosophical problems. In particular, it adapts Descartes’ development of formalization as a mechanism of analytic representation, for its application in natural language semantics. This article aims to trace the mathematical roots of Frege, Russel and Carnap’s analytic method. Special attention is paid to the formal character of modern analysis introduced by Descartes. The goal is to identify the particular conception of “form” (...)
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    Elevated disgust sensitivity in blood phobia.Anne Schienle, Axel Schäfer, Bertram Walter, Rudolf Stark & Dieter Vaitl - 2005 - Cognition and Emotion 19 (8):1229-1241.
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    Menschenrechte im Verständnis der Kirchen.Axel Freiherr von Campenhausen - 1988 - Zeitschrift Für Evangelische Ethik 32 (1):282-291.
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    Abkürzungsverzeichnis.Artur-Axel Wandtke - 2008 - In Medienrechtmedia and Industrial Property Law: Praxishandbuch. De Gruyter Recht.
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    Kapitel 4. Ansprüche im Bereich des geistigen Eigentums.Artur-Axel Wandtke - 2008 - In Medienrechtmedia and Industrial Property Law: Praxishandbuch. De Gruyter Recht.
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    Kapitel 1. Allgemeines Persönlichkeitsrecht.Artur-Axel Wandtke - 2008 - In Medienrechtmedia and Industrial Property Law: Praxishandbuch. De Gruyter Recht.
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    Kapitel 5. Computerrecht – Computerspiele.Artur-Axel Wandtke - 2008 - In Medienrechtmedia and Industrial Property Law: Praxishandbuch. De Gruyter Recht.
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    Kapitel 2. Die Entwicklung des Medienrechts als Disziplin.Artur-Axel Wandtke - 2008 - In Medienrechtmedia and Industrial Property Law: Praxishandbuch. De Gruyter Recht.
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    Kapitel 5. Durchsetzung von Ansprüchen im Bereich des Geistigen Eigentums.Artur-Axel Wandtke - 2008 - In Medienrechtmedia and Industrial Property Law: Praxishandbuch. De Gruyter Recht.
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    Kapitel 10. Domainrecht.Artur-Axel Wandtke - 2008 - In Medienrechtmedia and Industrial Property Law: Praxishandbuch. De Gruyter Recht.
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    Kapitel 3. Europäisches Medienrecht.Artur-Axel Wandtke - 2008 - In Medienrechtmedia and Industrial Property Law: Praxishandbuch. De Gruyter Recht.
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    Kapitel 2. Filmrecht.Artur-Axel Wandtke - 2008 - In Medienrechtmedia and Industrial Property Law: Praxishandbuch. De Gruyter Recht.
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    Kapitel 11. Geschmacksmusterrecht/designrecht.Artur-Axel Wandtke - 2008 - In Medienrechtmedia and Industrial Property Law: Praxishandbuch. De Gruyter Recht.
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    Kapitel 4. Heilmittelwerberecht.Artur-Axel Wandtke - 2008 - In Medienrechtmedia and Industrial Property Law: Praxishandbuch. De Gruyter Recht.
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    Kapitel 3. IT-Sicherheitsrecht.Artur-Axel Wandtke - 2008 - In Medienrechtmedia and Industrial Property Law: Praxishandbuch. De Gruyter Recht.
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    Kapitel 3. Musikrecht.Artur-Axel Wandtke - 2008 - In Medienrechtmedia and Industrial Property Law: Praxishandbuch. De Gruyter Recht.
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    Kapitel 2. Medienkartellrecht.Artur-Axel Wandtke - 2008 - In Medienrechtmedia and Industrial Property Law: Praxishandbuch. De Gruyter Recht.
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    Kapitel 3. Medienstrafrecht.Artur-Axel Wandtke - 2008 - In Medienrechtmedia and Industrial Property Law: Praxishandbuch. De Gruyter Recht.
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    Kapitel 2. Presserecht.Artur-Axel Wandtke - 2008 - In Medienrechtmedia and Industrial Property Law: Praxishandbuch. De Gruyter Recht.
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    Kapitel 3. Rundfunkwerberecht.Artur-Axel Wandtke - 2008 - In Medienrechtmedia and Industrial Property Law: Praxishandbuch. De Gruyter Recht.
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    Kapitel 1. Rundfunkrecht.Artur-Axel Wandtke - 2008 - In Medienrechtmedia and Industrial Property Law: Praxishandbuch. De Gruyter Recht.
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    Kapitel 1. Telemedienrecht.Artur-Axel Wandtke - 2008 - In Medienrechtmedia and Industrial Property Law: Praxishandbuch. De Gruyter Recht.
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    Kapitel 2. Telekommunikationsrecht.Artur-Axel Wandtke - 2008 - In Medienrechtmedia and Industrial Property Law: Praxishandbuch. De Gruyter Recht.
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    Kapitel 8. Urheber- und wettbewerbsrechtlicher Werktitelschutz.Artur-Axel Wandtke - 2008 - In Medienrechtmedia and Industrial Property Law: Praxishandbuch. De Gruyter Recht.
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    Kapitel 6. Verlagsrecht.Artur-Axel Wandtke - 2008 - In Medienrechtmedia and Industrial Property Law: Praxishandbuch. De Gruyter Recht.
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    Literaturverzeichnis.Artur-Axel Wandtke - 2008 - In Medienrechtmedia and Industrial Property Law: Praxishandbuch. De Gruyter Recht.
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