Results for 'Auto-Affection'

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  1.  12
    Auto-affection et événement.Roberto J. Walton - 2016 - Revue Internationale Michel Henry 7:19-34.
    Cette contribution témoigne de l’importance de la réception de la phénoménologie de langue française en Amérique Latine. En revisitant la thèse de la duplicité de l’apparaître – apparaître de la vie comme affect et comme force, apparaître du monde comme sens et distance –, Roberto J. Walton s’attache au concept fondamental de la phénoménologie de la vie, en mettant en avant des modalités dans lesquelles l’auto-affection opère sans hétéro-affection d’une manière avérée. Il précise d’emblée que cette (...)-affection sans hétéro-affection est définie par deux aspects : un premier « aspect de base » – ou rapport de fondation – en vertu duquel l’auto-affection est la condition de possibilité de toute intentionnalité ou ek-stase ; et un deuxième aspect « d’intensification ou d’excédence » qui renvoie à la phénoménologie de l’événement, en ceci que l’auto-affection y apparaît dans une sorte de plus-value, c’est-à-dire dans la condition de l’acte comme accroissement créateur. (shrink)
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  2. Auto‐Affectivity and Michel Henry's Material Phenomenology.Brian Harding - 2012 - Philosophical Forum 43 (1):91-100.
    This paper provides an introduction and overview of Michel Henry's work, with particular emphasis on his understanding of auto-affectivity. It concludes by pointing to some objections or questions sympathetic phenomenologists may have for his work.
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  3. Auto-Affection and Becoming (Part I).Leonard Lawlor - 2009 - Environmental Philosophy 6 (1):1-19.
    This essay pursues a double strategy to transform our human collective relation to animal life. On the one hand, and this strategy is due to Derrida’s thought, it attempts to criticize the belief that humans have a kind of subjectivity that is substantially different from that of animals, the belief that humans have in their self-relation (called auto-affection) a relation of pure self-presence. On the other hand, the essay attempts to enlarge the idea of auto-affection to (...)
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    Auto-affection and Ethics.Zeynep Direk - 2024 - Angelaki 29 (1):203-213.
    This essay starts with the possibility of situating Derrida’s aporetic ethics in the domain of normative ethics and argues that Derrida’s reflection on ethics is enrooted in the specific way he conceives the phenomenological notion of auto-affection. In the second section, I analyze, in the early work, auto-affection with signs and show its centrality in Derrida’s first encounter with Levinas’s philosophy. Derrida refuses to substitute the hetero-affective relation to the Other for auto-affection as the (...)
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    Auto-affection and Synthesis of Reproduction.Claudia Jáuregui - 2006 - Kant Studien 97 (3):369-381.
    I The Kantian notion of ‘affection’ is indeed problematic and obscure. In so far as the subject is finite and does not create the object of knowledge, the latter must always be somehow given. The passive faculty of sensibility makes it possible for the object to appear. But this receptive character of the subject correlates to some affection. Something affects us, and our sensibility receives this affection under the pure forms of space and time. The question that (...)
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    Auto-affection and the Curvature of Spacetime: Derrida Reading Heidegger Reading Kant.Cathrine Bjørnholt Michaelsen - 2020 - International Journal of Philosophical Studies 28 (3):411-432.
    This paper has a twofold objective. First, it engages with the interrelation of time, space, and matter in Kant, Heidegger, and Derrida and questions whether and how this interrelation effects the possibility of self-relation. In Kant and the Problem of Metaphysics Heidegger suggests that the very structure of subjectivity is constituted by what he calls the ‘pure self-affection’ of time and thus the possibility of self-relation is intimately bound up with the temporalizing of time. In his 1964–65 seminar, Heidegger: (...)
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    Intentionality, Auto-Affection, and the Penuriousness of Excess—A Reformed Viewpoint.H. W. Fawkner - 2006 - Journal of the British Society for Phenomenology 37 (1):62-74.
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  8. From Time to Time: Auto-Affection in Derrida’s 1964-65 Heidegger Course.Tracy Colony - 2019 - Journal of French and Francophone Philosophy 27 (1):14-33.
    Derrida always stressed the importance of his engagement with Heidegger and often returned throughout his life to different aspects of Heidegger’s thought. With the recent publication of his 1964-65 course, Heidegger: The Question of Being and History greater insight is now possible into the exact terms of Derrida’s early engagement with Heidegger and the significance he would accord it in the major works of 1967 and beyond. With the reception of this text just beginning, many lines of interpretation are being (...)
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    Affectivité et auto-affection: Réflexions sur le « corps subjectif » chez maine de biran et M. Henry.Maël Lemoine - 2000 - Les Etudes Philosophiques 2:243-267.
    M. Henry voit à tort chez Maine de Biran la distinction entre trois figures du corps propre: corps objectif (extérieur et mondain), corps organique (terme résistant de l'effort), et corps subjectif (confondu avec l'ego). Maine de Biran distingue bien trois corps, mais le troisième, loin d'être confondu avec l'ego, est un corps de pure passivité duquel l'ego est absent. Cet état d'affectivité pure étudié par Biran répond à la critique par M. Henry de sa théorie de la passivité, et corrige (...)
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    Auto-affection et cogito.Édouard Mehl - 2012 - In Sabrina Ebbersmeyer, Emotional Minds: The Passions and the Limits of Pure Inquiry in Early Modern Philosophy. Boston: De Gruyter. pp. 31.
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    Becoming and Auto-Affection.Leonard Lawlor - 2009 - Graduate Faculty Philosophy Journal 30 (2):219-237.
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    Volitions et auto-affection.Stéphane Chauvier - 2008 - Philosophiques 35 (1):131-137.
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  13. Is the Self of Social Behaviorism Capable of Auto-Affection? Mead and Marion on the "I" and the "Me".Saulius Geniusas - 2006 - Transactions of the Charles S. Peirce Society 42 (2):242-265.
    The purpose of this manuscript is to bring Mead's pragmatism into contact with Jean-Luc Marion's phenomenology. Taking as its focus the question of the I-pole of the self, the paper points to the absence and the need of a concept like auto-affection in Mead's analysis of selfhood. A pragmatic appropriation of this concept does not undermine the social framework of selfhood because the most rudimentary self-givenness is immediate and direct, yet simultaneously a posteriori. The social and biological genesis (...)
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    Leaving a Trace in the World: Sexuality and Auto-Affection in Of Grammatology.Mauro Senatore - 2013 - Derrida Today 6 (2):240-254.
    This essay aims to bring to light a specific movement elaborated by Derrida in Of Grammatology, which goes from the experience of dispossession in speech and the economy of signs that replaces speech itself with writing, through the chains of supplements, to the merging of language and auto-erotism into the differentiated totality of auto-affection as the universal rule of experience or as life itself. I will point out that idealization, as the submission of the world to a (...)
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  15. La conception thomasienne de la conscience immédiate: une auto-affection incarnée.Frédéric Guillaud - 2002 - Revue Thomiste 102 (3):407-430.
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    Affectivity, Continuity, and Separation.Miguel Paley - 2025 - Journal of Philosophy of Emotion 6 (2):23-29.
    This commentary explores the issues of separation and continuity in Marjolein Oele’s E-Co-Affectivity. I begin by providing a summary of what makes the book unique and its important achievements before moving on to a critical discussion of Oele’s concept of temporality. There, I claim that an overemphasis on the continuity between an organic being and the material interfaces that constitute it might be responsible for essential confusions in the understanding of time. My commentary begins by using Bergson’s philosophy to distinguish (...)
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    (1 other version)La auto-afección del otro: Heidegger y el tiempo que demora el sí-mismo.Cristóbal Durán Rojas - 2015 - Revista de filosofía (Chile) 71:53-64.
    We propose a reading of Heidegger’s interpretation of the problem of Self-Affection in the first Kantian Critique. If the Time and the ‘I Think’ are unified is due to the notion of time as pure Self-Affection, that could capture the formation of Self without subordinating it to an extra-temporal connection. We attempt to show that Heidegger’s account considers time as a self-referential movement which however requires a delay and a retreat of itself to release what is coming. In (...)
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  18. The Site of Affect in Husserl’s Phenomenology: Sensations and the Constitution of the Lived Body.Alia Al-Saji - 2000 - Philosophy Today 44 (Supplement):51-59.
    To discover affects within Husserl’s texts designates a difficult investigation; it points to a theme of which these texts were forced to speak, even as they were explicitly speaking of regional ontologies and the foundations of sciences. For we may at first wonder: where can affection find a positive role in the rigor of a pure philosophy that seeks to account for its phenomena from within the immanence of consciousness? Does this not mean that the very passivity and foreignness (...)
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    Greening auto jobs: a critical analysis of the green job solution.Caleb Goods - 2014 - Lanham: Lexington Books.
    Greening Auto Jobs: A Critical Analysis of the Green Job Solution provides a major contribution to the growing and important field of environmental sociology and labor studies by providing a theoretical and practical understanding of how the broader political-economic relations of society affect the relationship between labor and the environment.
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    The Crystallization of the Impossible: Derrida and Merleau‐Ponty at the Threshold of Phenomenology.Sabrina Aggleton - 2014 - In Zeynep Direk & Leonard Lawlor, A Companion to Derrida. Chichester, West Sussex, United Kingdom: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 269–286.
    This chapter shows how Derrida's deconstruction in Voiceand Phenomenon exposes a double necessity that undergirds Husserl's phenomenological inquiry in the “First Logical Investigation,” especially with respect to expression and indication. It turns to Derrida's reflections on the aporia of blindness in Memoirs of the Blind in order to further develop the logic of double necessity and to examine Derrida's divergence from Merleau‐Ponty's thought. The chapter examines Derrida's critique of the auto‐affective movement of temporalization in Voice and Phenomenon that reveals (...)
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    Os Limites da Racionalidade: Auto-Engano e Acrasia.Vasco Correia - 2010 - Disputatio 3 (28):1 - 17.
    In this paper, I argue that ordinary cases of self-deception and akrasia derive from the phenomenon of motivated irrationality. According to the ‘motivational’ account, self-deception is typically induced by the influence that desires and emotions exert upon our cognitive faculties, and thereby upon the process of belief formation. Crucially, I show that this hypothesis is consistent with the empirical research carried out by social psychologists, and that it avoids a number of paradoxes that undermine the ‘intentionalist’ account. But motivated irrationality (...)
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    China’s Auto Industry Upgrade Process Based on Aging Chain and Coflow Model.Baojian Zhang, Pengli Li, Huaguo Zhou & Xiaohang Yue - 2021 - Complexity 2021:1-12.
    To protect energy resources and alleviate environmental pollution, many countries attach great importance to the transformation of traditional industries into clean energy industries. In this paper, fuel vehicles, hybrid vehicles, and electric vehicles are included in the research. Then, based on the aging chain and coflow theory of SDs, we construct a dynamic matching model of the auto industry upgrade process and its energy consumption attributes. The simulation results of China’s auto industry show that the upgrading of the (...)
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    Dimensions that affect implementation of the quality system in the Center of Immunology and Biological Products.Cira Cecilia León Ramentol & José Aureliano Betancourt-Bethencourt - 2019 - Humanidades Médicas 19 (1):131-143.
    RESUMEN Introducción: la implementación del sistema de gestión de la calidad en el Centro de Inmunología y Productos Biológicos no ha producido los resultados esperados. Objetivo: exponer factores que afectan la implementación del mismo. Métodos: se realizó un estudio descriptivo exploratorio a través de encuesta de enero a mayo de 2018 en el Centro de Inmunología y Productos Biológicos de la Universidad de Ciencias Médicas Carlos J. Finlay de Camagüey, Cuba. El universo de las personas involucradas fue de 31, a (...)
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    Gendering Creolisation: Creolising Affect.Joan Anim-Addo - 2013 - Feminist Review 104 (1):5-23.
    Going beyond the creolisation theories of Brathwaite and Glissant, I attempt to develop ideas concerning the gendering of creolisation, and a historicising of affects within it. Addressing affects as ‘physiological things’ contextualised in the history of the Caribbean slave plantation, I seek, importantly, to delineate a trajectory and development of a specific Creole history in relation to affects. Brathwaite's proposition that ‘the most significant (and lasting) inter-cultural creolisation took place’ within the ‘intimate’ space of ‘sexual relations’ is key to my (...)
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    Strengthening the Supply Chain of the Auto Body Sector in Duitama, Boyacá: Analysis and Improvement Proposals.Hilda Lucia Jiménez Orozco, William Orlando Alvarez Araque & José Javier González Millán - forthcoming - Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture:1898-1918.
    The supply chain of the auto body industry in Duitama, Boyacá, faces challenges that affect its efficiency, such as the lack of integration of new technologies and organizational management models, limiting its competitiveness in expanded markets. The purpose of this research is to analyze the key links in the supply chain: procurement, production, distribution and organizational performance, in order to identify opportunities for improvement that promote the strengthening and sustainability of the local auto body industry. Methodologically, a qualitative (...)
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    Touching, unbelonging, and the absence of affect.Ranjana Khanna - 2012 - Feminist Theory 13 (2):213-232.
    This article argues that psychoanalytic notions of affect – including ideas of anxiety and melancholia, as well as deconstructive concepts of auto-affection – offer a feminist ethico-politics and a notion of affect as interface. Beyond the confines of the experiential and the positivist, both psychoanalysis and deconstruction provide insights into affect as a technology that understands the subject as porous. I consider works by Derek Jarman and Shirin Neshat to demonstrate the importance of the ethico-politics of affect as (...)
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    Affective Pedagogies, Equine-assisted Experiments and Posthuman Leadership.Sverre Raffnsøe & Dorthe Staunæs - 2019 - Body and Society 25 (1):57-89.
    Responding to Guattari’s call for a ‘mutation of mentality’, the article explores unconventional horse-assisted leadership learning as promising ways of embodied learning to be affected and response-able. By drawing on and continuing the work of Guattari and posthuman feminist scholars, we aim to show that studying the affective pedagogics of opening up the senses and learning to be affected is of vital importance. We analyse a posthuman auto-ethnography of developing capabilities to live and breathe together that allow us to (...)
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  28.  75
    Renaud Barbaras and Michel Henry: A Contemporary Debate on the Status of Affectivity and a Farewell to the "Flesh of the World".Frédéric Seyler - 2016 - Journal of Speculative Philosophy 30 (3):395-403.
    “We accept the original theoretical path opened by Michel Henry, which consists in considering the body from the point of view of the flesh and, hence, of life. But, precisely, the question is to know what is the meaning of life that is attested through the phenomenon of the flesh.”1 Such is Renaud Barbaras’s starting point in La vie lacunaire, one of his most recent contributions to a phenomenology of life and to the debate with Michel Henry’s concept of life (...)
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    Self-regulation and Beyond: Affect Regulation and the Infant–Caregiver Dyad.Joona Taipale - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7.
    In the available psychological literature, affect regulation is fundamentally considered in terms of self-regulation, and according to this standard picture, the contribution of other people in our affect regulation has been viewed in terms of socially assisted selfregulation. The present article challenges this standard picture. By focusing on affect regulation as it unfolds in early infancy, it will be argued that instead of being something original and fundamental, self-regulation developmentally emerges from the basis of a further type of affect regulation. (...)
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    Immanence et Transcendance.Tatsuya Sakakibara - 2015 - Revue Internationale Michel Henry 6:103-124.
    La conception de l’exposition-à-l’Autre de Levinas recoupe-t-elle celle de l’autoaffection pathique de Michel Henry? L’auteur de cet article répond par l’affirmative à cette question dans la mesure où – selon lui – la jouissance lévinassienne dans l’autoconstitution du présent vivant entre la conscience constituante du temps (la morphé intentionnelle) et la conscience (ou l’objet) constituée dans le flux temporel (la hylé non intentionnelle) a la même structure que l’auto-affection henryenne, selon laquelle celle-ci s’auto-affecte de celle-là dans la (...)
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    Descartes’ Cogito and Freud’s Unconscious - Through Michel Henry’s Phenomenology -. 이은정 - 2021 - Phenomenology and Contemporary Philosoph 88:1-35.
    미셸 앙리는 1985년 출간한 『정신분석의 계보-잃어버린 기원』에서 프로이트가 데카르트의 계승자라는 놀라운 진술을 펼친다. 그를 따르면 무의식 개념은 의식 개념으로부터, 좀 더 정확히 말해 그 ‘일탈’로부터 나왔다. 의식 개념의 일탈에서 보면 그것은 무의식이지만, 데카르트가 확립한 최초의 의식 개념으로 회귀해 보면 그것은 의식과 다르지 않다. 이 같은 독해를 이해하려면 먼저 후설의 ‘순수 환원’에 반대하여 미셸 앙리가 요구한 ‘근본적 환원’의 의미를 파악해야 한다. 이 근본적 환원의 수행 속에서만 데카르트가 발견하고 후설이 놓친 코기토의 현상학적 의미가 모습을 드러낸다. 코기토에 대한 앙리의 독창적 해석은 하이데거식 해석에 (...)
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    La Distracción de Sí. Jacques Derrida y la Auto-Afección.Cristóbal Durán - 2015 - Trans/Form/Ação 38 (2):53-69.
    En este texto buscamos hacer inteligible el lugar y los derroteros que sigue el concepto de auto-afección en el pensamiento de Jacques Derrida. Dicho concepto se desarrolla a partir de una interpretación de Kant y el problema de la metafísica, de Heidegger. En la elaboración del concepto en Derrida se enfatiza el momento de distancia en el que el sí-mismo no puede reducir al otro, sino que tiene que hacer patente la demora en su propia formación. Esto implicaría considerar (...)
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    Os limites da racionalidade: auto-engano e acrasia.Vasco Correia - 2010 - Disputatio 3 (28):275-291.
    In this paper, I argue that ordinary cases of self-deception and akrasia derive from the phenomenon of motivated irrationality. According to the ‘motivational’ account, self-deception is typically induced by the influence that desires and emotions exert upon our cognitive faculties, and thereby upon the process of belief formation. Crucially, I show that this hypothesis is consistent with the empirical research carried out by social psychologists, and that it avoids a number of paradoxes that undermine the ‘intentionalist’ account. But motivated irrationality (...)
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    Generation, interiority and the phenomenology of Christianity in Michel Henry.Joseph M. Rivera - 2011 - Continental Philosophy Review 44 (2):205-235.
    In this paper I focus on a central phenomenological concept in Michel Henry’s work that has often been neglected: generation. Generation becomes an especially important conceptual key to understanding not only the relationship between God and human self but also Henry’s adoption of radical interiority and his critical standpoint with respect to much of the phenomenological tradition in which he is working. Thus in pursuing the theme of generation, I shall introduce many phenomenological-theological terms in Henry’s trilogy on Christianity as (...)
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    The formative force of the imagination in the time of self-affection of selfhood: Kant and Heidegger.Juan José Garrido Periñán - 2019 - Veritas – Revista de Filosofia da Pucrs 43:9-27.
    Resumen En este artículo de investigación trataré de repensar, dentro de la intuición marcada por Heidegger en su interpretación de Kant, el papel que juega la noción de imaginación, en su vinculación inexorable, por un lado, con la apercepción trascendental, y con el tiempo, por otro, a fin de alcanzar, al menos, un esbozo temático de tal imaginación en términos de auto-afección radical del sí-mismo. Y todo ello para mostrar la posibilidad de una lectura interpretativa que haga valer la (...)
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    Policy Intervention and Financial Sustainability in an Emerging Economy: A Structural Vector Auto Regression Analysis.Sarah Ahmed, Nazima Ellahi, Ajmal Waheed & Nida Aman - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    The purpose of the study is to observe the impact of policy intervention on financial sustainability using the structural vector autoregression analysis. The population of the study is the manufacturing sector of Pakistan, which is an emerging economy. Data for 249 firms operating in the manufacturing sector are taken, collected from Datastream from 2005 to 2019, with total observations of 2,400. To conduct the analysis, R software is used for its better visualization. Results show that firm performance, corporate governance, and (...)
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    On Pain as a Distinct Sensation: Mapping Intensities, Affects, and Difference in ‘Interior States’.Mark Paterson - 2019 - Body and Society 25 (3):100-135.
    A recent widely reported study found that some participants would prefer to self-administer a small electric shock than be bored. This flawed study serves as a departure point to diagram pain and sensation beyond the boundaries of the individual body, consisting of four sections. First, in terms of laboratory-based experimentation and auto-experimentation with pain, there is a long history of viewing pain and touch through introspective means. Second, later theories of pain successively widened the scope of the physiological mechanisms (...)
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    La méta-phénoménologie chez Levinas et Henry.Patricia Castillo Becerra - 2016 - Revue Internationale Michel Henry 7:195-200.
    E. Levinas et M. Henry reconnaissent tous deux l’importance pour la philosophie occidentale de la pensée de Husserl, mais ils s’en démarquent car ils la trouvent trop intellectualiste. C’est pourquoi ils vont chercher respectivement dans l’autre et dans la vie auto-affective une issue radicale à toute représentation ou discours théorique. L’auteur de cette étude met dès lors en évidence le fait que la critique, par ces deux phénoménologues, des philosophies de la conscience les amène à décrire, dans le cadre (...)
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    Coexistence: spacings, dis-positions, and being-with others.Paul Simpson - 2024 - New York, NY: Routledge.
    This book aims to develop an account of living together with difference which recognises the tension that we are inescapably with others - both human and non-human - but at the same time are always differing from and with those with whom we find ourselves. A concern for coexistence and questions over how we might live together have been raised and approached from a host of conceptual starting points in recent times, including via calls for a rethinking of communism today, (...)
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    Philosophy of the Anthropocene: the human turn.Sverre Raffnsøe - 2016 - Hampshire, UK: Palgrave-Macmillan.
    The Anthropocene is heralded as a new epoch distinguishing itself from all foregoing eons in the history of the Earth. It is characterized by the overarching importance of the human species in a number of respects, but also by the recognition of human dependence and precariousness. A critical human turn affecting the human condition is still in the process of arriving in the wake of an initial Copernican Revolution and Kant's ensuing second Copernican Counter-revolution. Within this landscape, issues concerning the (...)
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    À propos du refoulement.Nuno Miguel Proença - 2016 - Cultura:167-187.
    The phenomenological reading of psychoanalysis undertook by Michel Henry is surprising in several ways. By inscribing Freud in the philosophical lineage and by affirming that his theses on the unconscious take over (resume), ignoring it, two opposite movements of western metaphysics, Henry intends to show that psychoanalysis has to overcome the primacy of representation in order to get rid of the contradictions that traverse it and that make it a prisoner of a philosophy of consciousness. Without fully rejecting the Freudian (...)
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    Un Ecart Infime (Part III): The blind spot in Foucault.Leonard Lawlor - 2005 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 31 (5-6):665-685.
    This article is the third part of a trilogy investigating the relation between Merleau-Ponty and Foucault. All three essays are inspired by Foucault’s diagnosis of our epoch in terms of biopower. They therefore aim at the creation of a new concept of life. In ‘Un Ecart Infime (Part III)’, I lay out Foucault’s analysis, from the first chapter of The Order of Things, of Velázquez’s painting, Las Meninas. By stressing what Foucault says about the ‘sagittal lines’ exiting the painting, one (...)
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    Souffrance et ipséité selon Michel Henry.Jean-François Lavigne - 2011 - Cahiers Philosophiques 126 (3):66-81.
    C’est dans l’approche phénoménologique de la subjectivité que la question de l’identité du moi se pose avec la plus pure radicalité. Le problème s’inaugure chez Husserl : la réduction mène à l’analyse de la constitution qui rend possible l’ego transcendantal. Mais rendre compte de son identité en termes d’auto-constitution aboutit à l’aporie. L’incompatibilité entre trans-temporalité de l’ego et synthèse intentionnelle semble dépassée par Michel Henry, qui substitue l’affectivité originaire de l’auto-affection pure à la spontanéité de la « (...)
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    Le temps et le moi: psychanalyse et ontologie.Jacques Ponnier - 2006 - Paris: Anthropos.
    Le temps réel nous afflige, inaugurant traumatiquement le tragique de la perte irréversible de la présence. La philosophie, jusqu'à J. Derrida inclus, en a su quelque chose, mais a occulté ce savoir en remettant dans le sujet, comme intentionnalité et auto-affection, ce qui vient du dehors l'arracher à lui-même. Freud en a su quelque chose, mais a relégué ce savoir dans la sphère des pensées privées, se laissant par ailleurs fasciner par la monstrueuse et merveilleuse atemporalité que lui (...)
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  45. Gilles Deleuze and Michel Henry: Critical contrasts in the deduction of life as transcendental.James Williams - 2008 - Sophia 47 (3):265-279.
    To address the theological turn in phenomenology, this paper sets out critical arguments opposing the theist phenomenology of Michel Henry and Gilles Deleuze’s philosophy of the event. Henry’s phenomenology has been overlooked in recent commentaries compared with, for example, Jean-Luc Marion’s work. It will be shown here that Henry’s philosophy presents a detailed novel turn in phenomenology structured according to critical moves against positions developed from Husserl, Heidegger, and Merleau-Ponty. This demonstration is done through a strong contrast with Deleuze and (...)
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    Memento mori: le temps, la mort, la vie selon Michel Henry.Vincent Moser - 2017 - [Louvain-la-Neuve]: UCL, Presses universitaires de Louvain.
    La 4e de couverture indique : "Michel Henry - bien que considéré comme un penseur de la "vie" et des "vivants" - n'a cessé de méditer le fameux memento mori, marque insigne de la destinée de la philosophie. Comme philosophe de la subjectivité, il a identifié la vie à "ce qui ne peut pas mourir", rompant ainsi avec ce qu'il y avait de moribond dans l'onto-thanatologie heideggérienne d'Être et Temps. Cet ouvrage élucide et interprète ces rapports entre la vie et (...)
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    Mother Tongues, Mobile Phones, and the Soil on the Soles of One’s Shoes.Michael Naas - 2022 - Journal of Continental Philosophy 3 (1):5-22.
    This essay takes as its point of departure Jacques Derrida’s analysis of the phantasm of a mother tongue in his recently published seminar from 1995–1996 on hospitality (Hospitalité I, Éditions du Seuil, 2021). The essay begins by showing that Derrida’s analysis of this phantasm is per­fectly consistent with several of his most important works of the 1960s (from Of Grammatology to Voice and Phenomenon) on the auto-affection of speech and the phantasm of self-presence to which it gives rise. (...)
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    Bringing Up Life With Horses.Stephen J. Smith - 2018 - Indo-Pacific Journal of Phenomenology 18 (2):179-189.
    A key phrase in working with horses, “bringing up life” is taken in its literal sense of moving expressively and energetically in order to animate the movements of the horses. The phrase also points to both what the radical phenomenologist Michel Henry referred to as the auto-affectivity of life and the vital powers of an essential hetero-affectivity. “Bringing up life” is the kinetic, kinaesthetic, affective expression of this fundamental impression that life is shared with other animate beings and that (...)
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  49. Unconscious consciousness in Husserl and Freud.Rudolf Bernet - 2002 - Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences 1 (3):327-351.
    A clarification of Husserl's changing conceptions of imaginary consciousness ( phantasy ) and memory, especially at the level of auto-affective time-consciousness, suggests an interpretation of Freud's concept of the Unconscious. Phenomenology of consciousness can show how it is possible that consciousness can bring to present appearance something unconscious, that is, something foreign or absent to consciousness, without incorporating it into or subordinating it to the conscious present. This phenomenological analysis of Freud's concept of the Unconscious leads to a partial (...)
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    I am the truth: toward a philosophy of Christianity.Michel Henry - 2003 - Stanford, Calif.: Stanford University Press.
    A part of the “return to religion” now evident in European philosophy, this book represents the culmination of the career of a leading phenomenological thinker whose earlier works trace a trajectory from Marx through a genealogy of psychoanalysis that interprets Descartes’s “I think, I am” as “I feel myself thinking, I am.” In this book, Henry does not ask whether Christianity is “true” or “false.” Rather, what is in question here is what Christianity considers as truth, what kind of truth (...)
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