Results for 'Aníbal León'

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  1. Artículo convertido automáticamente ver artículo original.Carolina Guerrero & Aníbal León - 2006 - Telos: Critical Theory of the Contemporary 8 (3):420-438.
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    Godel's Disjunction: The Scope and Limits of Mathematical Knowledge.Leon Horsten & Philip Welch (eds.) - 2016 - Oxford, England: Oxford University Press UK.
    The logician Kurt Godel in 1951 established a disjunctive thesis about the scope and limits of mathematical knowledge: either the mathematical mind is equivalent to a Turing machine (i.e., a computer), or there are absolutely undecidable mathematical problems. In the second half of the twentieth century, attempts have been made to arrive at a stronger conclusion. In particular, arguments have been produced by the philosopher J.R. Lucas and by the physicist and mathematician Roger Penrose that intend to show that the (...)
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  3. Ontologia (metafizyka) napisana na podstawie realnego doświadczenia..Leon Birecki - 1901 - Przemyśl,: Z drukarni L. Schwarza.
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  4. Philosophie de l'Art Ou, Alchimie Contre Histoire. Essai de Surhistoire des Valeurs Esthétiques.Léon Bopp - 1954 - Gallimard.
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    The Idea of a Social Science and its Relation to Philosophy.Leon J. Goldstein - 1960 - Philosophical Review 69 (3):411.
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    Truth is Simple.Leon Horsten & Graham E. Leigh - 2016 - Mind:fzv184.
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    Una amistad filosófica. Cioran y su amigo italiano Mario Andrea Rigoni.Alberto Pinzón León - 2011 - Cuadernos de Filosofía Latinoamericana 32 (105).
    El artículo muestra las relaciones de amistad que se van tornando en reflexiones filosóficas entre Cioran y el escritor italiano Mario Andrea Rigoni, a partir de su obra: Cioran dans mes souvenirs. Nuestro interés está en dar a conocer las reflexiones que hace Rigoni sobre la obra y el carácter humano de Cioran.
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  8. (1 other version)Histoire de la philosophie grecque.Léon Robin - 1926 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 102:463-471.
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  9. Philosophie religieuse.Léon Robin, Ernest Fraenkel, E. Unger, Guéroult, G. Gusdorf & E. Duprat - 1936 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 122 (7):100-110.
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  10. Dimensiones de la célula primitiva.León Garzón Ruipérez - 1978 - El Basilisco 2:4-11.
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    The Crooked Timber of Humanity: Chapters in the History of Ideas.Leon Pompa - 1991 - Philosophical Quarterly 41 (165):500-502.
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  12. PENSÉE SYMBOLIQUE ET PENSÉE OPÉRATRICE: Lettres de M. René LE SENNE et de Mlle J.-F. RENAULD.Léon Brunschvicg - 1935 - Société Française de Philosophie, Bulletin 35 (5):(1935:déc.).
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    Why Tolerate the Statistical Victim?Leon E. Trachtman - 1985 - Hastings Center Report 15 (1):14-14.
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    Commentary.Leon Trilling - 1995 - Science and Engineering Ethics 1 (4):345-346.
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    L'U.R.S.S. dans la guerre.Léon Trotsky, Jean van Meijenoor & Pierre Broué - 1994 - Actuel Marx 16 (2):117.
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  16. The End of Art Theory.Leon Rosenstein - 2002 - Humanitas 15 (1):32-58.
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  17. The Time Machine: An Invention: A Critical Text of the 1895 London First Edition, with an Introduction and Appendices.Leon Stover & H. Wells - 1997 - Utopian Studies 8 (1):238-240.
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    The Ironic Sign.Leon Satterfield - 1980 - Semiotics:467-474.
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  19. Wissenschaftlicher und moralischer Realismus.Leon-Philip Schäfer - 2023 - Paderborn: Brill | Mentis.
    Die unvoreingenommene Suche nach der Wahrheit bildet nicht allein das Leitmotiv der Wissenschaft, sondern kann auch in der Ethik eine entsprechende Relevanz entfalten. Wer eine solche Auffassung näher beleuchten will, ist gut beraten, auf die Realismus-Debatten aus der modernen Philosophie zu rekurrieren und ihre oftmals vernachlässigten Verbindungen in den Blick zu nehmen. Das Buch leistet eine derartige Zusammenführung und macht den wissenschaftlichen und den moralischen Realismus in einem größeren Zusammenhang sichtbar, indem es deren wahrheitstheoretischen Grundgedanken herausarbeitet und sich gegen eine (...)
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    Reasoning about Arbitrary Natural Numbers from a Carnapian Perspective.Leon Horsten & Stanislav O. Speranski - 2019 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 48 (4):685-707.
    Inspired by Kit Fine’s theory of arbitrary objects, we explore some ways in which the generic structure of the natural numbers can be presented. Following a suggestion of Saul Kripke’s, we discuss how basic facts and questions about this generic structure can be expressed in the framework of Carnapian quantified modal logic.
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  21. Perceptual Indiscriminability and the Concept of a Color Shade.Leon Horsten - 2010 - In Richard Dietz & Sebastiano Moruzzi, Cuts and clouds: vagueness, its nature, and its logic. New York: Oxford University Press.
  22.  25
    God Had to Create the World.Leon Pearl - 1994 - Religious Studies 30 (3):331 - 333.
    In a recent paper T. D. J. Chappell advances the thesis that orthodox Christianity is incompatible with consequentialism. 1 His thesis is grounded on a number of premises; I shall, however, confine my criticism to only one of them, i.e. a consequentialist God could not possibly have created a world. Here is his argument.
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    Objective and subjective duty.Leon Pearl - 1971 - Mind 80 (319):413-417.
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  24. Symbols: Integrated Cognition.Leon D. I. Perlovsky - 2006 - In Ricardo Gudwin & Jo?O. Queiroz, Semiotics and Intelligent Systems Development. Idea Group. pp. 21.
  25. Teoria prawa i państwa w związku z teorią moralności.Leon Petrazycki, Jerzy Lande & Wiktor le Sniewski - 1959 - Warszawa,: Państwowe Wydawn. Naukowe.
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    Basic Motor Skills in Learning Mini-Athletics in Children 4-6 Years of Age from Zone 1 of Ecuador.Ángel Aníbal Sailema Torres, Silvia Beatriz Acosta Bones, Esmeralda Giovanna Zapata Mocha & Castro Pantoja Edison Andrés - forthcoming - Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture:1326-1339.
    The objective of the research project is to determine the incidence of the variables of "Basic motor skills in the learning of mini-athletics in children 4-6 years old, the research is methodologically based under a non-experimental design, by correlational and cutting scope cross-sectional, taken a sample of 300 children distributed in male and female genders of the zonal coordination 1 (Carchi, Esmeraldas, Imbabura and Sucumbíos) The instrument to evaluate the first study variable was the "retest" test validated and considered In (...)
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  27. Teoría nuclear de la vida: un resumen.León Garzón Ruipérez - 1992 - El Basilisco 12:98.
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  28. Claude Bernard jako odkrywca środowiska wewnętrznego i twórca metody eksperymentalnej w filozofii.Leon Szyfman - 1988 - Studia Filozoficzne 275 (10).
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    Scientifically Together, Politically Apart? Epistemological Literacy Predicts Updating on Contested Science Issues.Hugo Viciana, Aníbal Astobiza, Angelo Fasce & Ivar R. Hannikainen - 2024 - Science & Education:1-24.
    Science education is generally perceived as a key facilitator in cultivating a scientifically literate society. In the last decade, however, this conventional wisdom has been challenged by evidence that greater scientific literacy and critical thinking skills may in fact inadvertently aggravate polarization on scientific matters in the public sphere. Supporting an alternative “scientific update hypothesis,” in a series of studies (total N = 2087), we show that increased science’s epistemology literacy might have consequential population-level effects on the public’s alignment with (...)
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    Nietzsche. Volume I: The Will to Power as Art.Leon Rosenstein - 1981 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 41 (4):563-565.
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    Dominique de Flandre (XVe siècle) sa métaphysique.Léon Mahieu - 1942 - Paris,: J. Vrin.
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    A política habitacional brasileira E a habitação rural: Um estudo preliminar sobre santa Cruz do sul, rs - brasil.Gabriel Anibal Santos de Oliveira & Erica Karnopp - 2015 - Ágora – Revista de História e Geografia 17 (1):109.
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    La danseuse voilée d'Auguste Titeux.Léon Heuzey - 1892 - Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique 16 (1):73-87.
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    Statues espagnoles de style gréco-phénicien.Léon Heuzey - 1891 - Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique 15 (1):608-625.
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    Un prototype des taureaux de Mycènes et d'Amyclées.Léon Heuzey - 1892 - Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique 16 (1):307-319.
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    (1 other version)Preface.Leon Horsten & Volker Halbach - 2002 - In Volker Halbach & Leon Horsten, Principles of truth. New York: Hänsel-Hohenhausen. pp. 7-8.
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    Art as experience and american visual art today.Leon Jacobson - 1960 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 19 (2):117-126.
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    Attitudes about Brain–Computer Interface (BCI) technology among Spanish rehabilitation professionals.Aníbal Monasterio Astobiza, David Rodriguez Arias-Vailhen, Txetxu Ausín, Mario Toboso, Manuel Aparicio & Daniel López - 2023 - AI and Society 38 (1):309-318.
    To assess—from a qualitative perspective—the perceptions and attitudes of Spanish rehabilitation professionals (e.g. rehabilitation doctors, speech therapists, physical therapists) about Brain–Computer Interface (BCI) technology. A qualitative, exploratory and descriptive study was carried out by means of interviews and analysis of textual content with mixed generation of categories and segmentation into frequency of topics. We present the results of three in-depth interviews that were conducted with Spanish speaking individuals who had previously completed a survey as part of a larger, 3-country/language, survey (...)
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    Developing Democratic Dispositions and Enabling Crap Detection: Claims for classroom philosophy with special reference to Western Australia and New Zealand.Leon Benade - 2014 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 46 (11):1243-1257.
    The prominence given in national or state-wide curriculum policy to thinking, the development of democratic dispositions and preparation for the ‘good life’, usually articulated in terms of lifelong learning and fulfilment of personal life goals, gives rise to the current spate of interest in the role that could be played by philosophy in schools. Theorists and practitioners working in the area of philosophy for schools advocate the inclusion of philosophy in school curricula to meet these policy objectives. This article tests (...)
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    Polemika Romana Witolda Ingardena z Leonem Chwistkiem.Roman Witold Ingarden & Leon Chwistek - 2020 - Ruch Filozoficzny 76 (1):105.
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    Is the Althusserian notion of education adequate?Leon W. Benadé - 1984 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 16 (1):43–51.
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    Learned Societies, Practitioners and their ‘Professional’ Societies: Grounds for developing closer links.Leon Benade - 2016 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 48 (14):1395-1400.
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    Philosophy in Schools – By M. Hand & C. Winstanley.Leon Benade - 2010 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 42 (7):808-811.
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    Quantum radiation theory in a diffusion model version.Leon Bess - 1981 - Foundations of Physics 11 (11-12):949-966.
    Using the diffusion model associated by the author with the wave equations, a part of current quantum radiation theory is reformulated so that the characteristic divergences in the associated calculations no longer arise. The reformulation does this by stipulating, on purely physical grounds, that a transition involving a “virtual” quantum must include a high frequency “cutoff” factor in its interaction Hamiltonian. For a transition involving a “real” quantum, the stipulation is that the “cutoff” factor is not to be included.
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    Inscriptions funéraires de Tanagra.Léon Bizard - 1905 - Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique 29 (1):372.
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    The Going: A Meditation on Jewish Law.Leon Wiener Dow - 2017 - Cham: Imprint: Palgrave Macmillan.
    In a work that casts philosophical and theological reflections against a backdrop of personal experience, Leon Wiener Dow offers a learned discourse that elucidates the telos of Jewish law and the philosophical-theological commitments that animate it. To the reader gazing upon the halakha from the outside, this book offers a glimpse of its central, orienting concepts. To the reader who lives amidst the rigor of halakha, this book bestows an insightful glance at the law's orienting ethos and higher aspirations that (...)
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    The Play of the World.Leon Rosenstein - 1982 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 40 (3):344-345.
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    Are Logic and Mathematics Identical?Leon Henkin - 1964 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 29 (3):141-142.
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    A note on the status of historical reconstructions.Leon J. Goldstein - 1958 - Journal of Philosophy 55 (11):473-479.
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    Force and the Inverted World in Dialectical Retrospection.Leon J. Goldstein - 1988 - International Studies in Philosophy 20 (3):13-28.
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