Results for 'Antti Räihä'

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  1. The future of consciousness.Antti Revonsuo - 1994 - In Antti Revonsuo & Matti Kamppinen (eds.), Consciousness in Philosophy and Cognitive Neuroscience. Hillsdale, N.J.: Lawrence Erlbaum. pp. 205.
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  2. Concrete Universals and Spatial Relations.Antti Keskinen, Jani Hakkarainen & Markku Keinänen - 2015 - European Journal of Analytic Philosophy 11 (1):57-71.
    According to strong immanent realism, proposed for instance by David M. Armstrong, universals are concrete, located in their instances. E.J. Lowe and Douglas Ehring have presented arguments to the effect that strong immanent realism is incoherent. Cody Gilmore has defended strong immanent realism against the charge of incoherence. Gilmore’s argument has thus far remained unanswered. We argue that Gilmore’s response to the charge of incoherence is an ad hoc move without support independent of strong immanent realism itself. We conclude that (...)
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    Strange loops, oedipal logic, and an apophatic ecology: Reimagining critique in environmental education.Antti Saari & John Mullen - 2022 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 54 (3):228-237.
    Bruno Latour (2004) claims that modernist critique, the kind that removes the false veils of ideology, ‘has run out of steam’. Despite its theoretical variety, it often consists in pointing out how...
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    The German Logic of Emancipation and Biesta's Criticism of Emancipatory Pedagogy.Antti Moilanen & Rauno Huttunen - 2021 - Educational Theory 71 (6):717-741.
    Educational Theory, Volume 71, Issue 6, Page 717-741, December 2021. -/- Gert Biesta has criticized Anglo-American and German models of emancipatory education. According to Biesta, emancipation is understood in these models as liberation that results from a process in which a teacher transmits objective knowledge to his or her students and cultivates student capabilities. He claims that this so-called modern logic of emancipation does not lead to freedom because it installs inequality, dependency, and mistrust in the pedagogical relationship. In this (...)
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  5. The Epistemic vs. the Practical.Antti Kauppinen - 2023 - Oxford Studies in Metaethics 18:137-162.
    What should we believe if epistemic and practical reasons for belief point in different directions? I argue that there’s no single answer, but rather a Dualism of Theoretical and Practical Reason is true: what we epistemically ought to believe and what we practically ought to believe may come apart, and both are independently authoritative. I argue in particular against recently popular views that subordinate the epistemic to the practical: it’s not the case that epistemic reasons bear on what we ‘just (...)
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  6. Meaningfulness and Time.Antti Kauppinen - 2011 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 84 (2):345-377.
    (Pdf updated to final, slightly revised version of November 2010) -/- Almost everyone would prefer to lead a meaningful life. But what is meaning in life and what makes a life meaningful? I argue, first, for a new analysis of the concept of meaningfulness in terms of the appropriateness of feelings of fulfilment and admiration. Second, I argue that while the best current conceptions of meaningfulness, such as Susan Wolf’s view that in a meaningful life ‘subjective attraction meets objective attractiveness’, (...)
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  7. (1 other version)A Sentimentalist Solution to the Moral Attitude Problem.Antti Kauppinen - 2010 - Oxford Studies in Metaethics 5.
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  8. Prospects for a scientific research program on consciousness.Antti Revonsuo - 2000 - In Thomas Metzinger (ed.), Neural Correlates of Consciousness: Empirical and Conceptual Questions. MIT Press.
  9. In search of the science of consciousness.Antti Revonsuo - 1994 - In Antti Revonsuo & Matti Kamppinen (eds.), Consciousness in Philosophy and Cognitive Neuroscience. Hillsdale, N.J.: Lawrence Erlbaum. pp. 249--285.
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  10. Who Should Bear the Risk When Self-Driving Vehicles Crash?Antti Kauppinen - 2020 - Journal of Applied Philosophy 38 (4):630-645.
    The moral importance of liability to harm has so far been ignored in the lively debate about what self-driving vehicles should be programmed to do when an accident is inevitable. But liability matters a great deal to just distribution of risk of harm. While morality sometimes requires simply minimizing relevant harms, this is not so when one party is liable to harm in virtue of voluntarily engaging in activity that foreseeably creates a risky situation, while having reasonable alternatives. On plausible (...)
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    A Double Team Semantics for Generalized Quantifiers.Antti Kuusisto - 2015 - Journal of Logic, Language and Information 24 (2):149-191.
    We investigate extensions of dependence logic with generalized quantifiers. We also introduce and investigate the notion of a generalized atom. We define a system of semantics that can accommodate variants of dependence logic, possibly extended with generalized quantifiers and generalized atoms, under the same umbrella framework. The semantics is based on pairs of teams, or double teams. We also devise a game-theoretic semantics equivalent to the double team semantics. We make use of the double team semantics by defining a logic (...)
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  12. Prudence, Sunk Costs, and the Temporally Extended Self.Antti Kauppinen - 2020 - Journal of Moral Philosophy 17 (6):658-681.
    Many find it reasonable to take our past actions into account when making choices for the future. In this paper, I address two important issues regarding taking past investments into account in prudential deliberation. The first is the charge that doing so commits the fallacy of honoring sunk costs. I argue that while it is indeed irrational to care about sunk costs, past investments are not sunk costs when we can change their teleological significance, roughly their contribution to our excellence (...)
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  13. Relational Imperativism about Affective Valence.Antti Kauppinen - 2021 - Oxford Studies in Philosophy of Mind 1:341-371.
    Affective experiences motivate and rationalize behavior in virtue of feeling good or bad, or their valence. It has become popular to explain such phenomenal character with intentional content. Rejecting evaluativism and extending earlier imperativist accounts of pain, I argue that when experiences feel bad, they both represent things as being in a certain way and tell us to see to it that they will no longer be that way. Such commands have subjective authority by virtue of linking up with a (...)
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  14. Rikoksen ja rangaistuksen filosofia.Antti Kauppinen (ed.) - 2022
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  15. What's So Great about Experience?Antti Kauppinen - 2015 - Res Philosophica 92 (2):371-388.
    Suppose that our life choices result in unpredictable experiences, as L.A. Paul has recently argued. What does this mean for the possibility of rational prudential choice? Not as much as Paul thinks. First, what’s valuable about experience is its broadly hedonic quality, and empirical studies suggest we tend to significantly overestimate the impact of our choices in this respect. Second, contrary to what Paul suggests, the value of finding out what an outcome is like for us does not suffice to (...)
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    Palestine +100: Stories from a century after the Nakba Edited by Basma Ghalayini. Manchester, U.K: Comma Press, 2019.Antti Tarvainen - 2023 - Constellations 30 (1):101-102.
  17. Meaningfulness (Routledge Handbook of the Philosophy of Well-Being).Antti Kauppinen - 2015 - In Guy Fletcher (ed.), The Routledge Handbook of Philosophy of Well-Being. New York,: Routledge.
    This paper is an overview of contemporary theories of meaning in life and its relation to well-being.
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    László Odrobina, Le CTH 3,7,2 et les mariages mixtes.Antti Arjava - 2014 - Klio 96 (1):349-351.
    Name der Zeitschrift: Klio Jahrgang: 96 Heft: 1 Seiten: 349-351.
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    7 Laws, logics, and human activity.Antti Eskola - 1999 - In Yrjö Engeström, Reijo Miettinen & Raija-Leena Punamäki-Gitai (eds.), Perspectives on activity theory. New York: Cambridge University Press. pp. 107.
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    Vanhanakin voi ajatella: mielikuvista ja niiden voimasta.Antti Eskola - 2019 - Tampere: Vastapaino.
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  21. Tiedostamatonta psyykeä koskevien käsitysten historiallisesta kehityksestä.Antti Pakaslahti - 1978 - In Jorma Laitinen, Johannes Lehtonen & Karl Aimo Achté (eds.), Psykiatrian ja filosofian rajamailla. Helsinki: Psychiatria Fennica.
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    Das religiöse Urteil und die Glaubensvorstellungen.Antti Räsänen - 2003 - Archive for the Psychology of Religion 25 (1):195-209.
    Sowohl bei dem Paul- als auch dem Hiob-Dilemma ist der Anteil der zweiten Entwicklungsstufe erstaunlich hoch. Es wurde ja bereits auf das Verantwortungsgefühl der Finnen auch in bezug auf die Religion hingewiesen. Vielleicht spiegelt sich dadurch einiges von dem im Volke lebendigen Protestantismus wider. Ende 2000 zählten 85% der Gesamtbevölkerung von Finnland zur evangelisch-lutherischen Kirche . Nach Schätzungen von Heino wird die Kirche immer noch für einen Moralisten gehalten, der die Menschen daran erinnert, was angemessen ist und was nicht. Vermutlich (...)
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    Meridian Zero.Antti Salminen - 2012 - Angelaki 17 (3):75-84.
    Indeed. Nothing. Not the slightest. I act in a void. Paul Celan in a letter to the editor of Tagesspiegel in October 1959 1 Without doubt Martin Heidegger was the most influential and controversial...
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    Globalization and Power ‐ Governmentalization of Europe? An Interview with William Walters.Antti Tietäväinen, Miikka Pyykkönen & Jani Kaisto - 2008 - Foucault Studies 5:63-73.
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  25. of thesis: Scalar Control without Using Motor Model.Antti Vuorivirta - 1988 - Philosophy 135 (3 Pt B).
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  26. Meaning and Happiness.Antti Kauppinen - 2013 - Philosophical Topics 41 (1):161-185.
    What is the relationship between meaning in life and happiness? In psychological research, subjective meaning and happiness are often contrasted with each other. I argue that while the objective meaningfulness of a life is distinct from happiness, subjective or felt meaning is a key constituent of happiness, which is best understood as a multidimensional affective condition. Measures of felt meaning should consequently be included in empirical studies of the causes and correlates of happiness.
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  27. Sentimentalism (International Encyclopedia of Ethics).Antti Kauppinen - 2021 - In Hugh LaFollette (ed.), International Encyclopedia of Ethics. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley.
    Sentimentalism comes in many varieties: explanatory sentimentalism, judgment sentimentalism, metaphysical sentimentalism, and epistemic sentimentalism. This encyclopedia entry gives an overview of the positions and main arguments pro and con.
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  28. Epistemic Welfare Bads and Other Failures of Reason.Antti Kauppinen - 2022 - Midwest Studies in Philosophy 46:251-279.
    Very plausibly, there is something important missing in our lives if we are thoroughly ignorant or misled about reality – even if, as in a kind of Truman Show scenario, intervention or fantastic luck prevents unhappiness and practical failure. But why? I argue that perfectionism about well-being offers the most promising explanation. My version says, roughly, that we flourish when we exercise our self-defining capacities successfully according to their constitutive standards. One of these self-defining capacities, or capacities whose exercise reveals (...)
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  29. (1 other version)Change, Event, and Temporal Points of View.Antti Hautamäki - 2015 - In Change, Event, and Temporal Points of View. Springer Verlag.
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  30. Osaammeko rakentaa moraalisia toimijoita?Antti Kauppinen - 2021 - In Panu Raatikainen (ed.), Tekoäly, ihminen ja yhteiskunta. Helsinki: Gaudeamus.
    Jotta olisimme moraalisesti vastuussa teoistamme, meidän on kyettävä muodostamaan käsityksiä oikeasta ja väärästä ja toimimaan ainakin jossain määrin niiden mukaisesti. Jos olemme täysivaltaisia moraalitoimijoita, myös ymmärrämme miksi jotkin teot ovat väärin, ja kykenemme siten joustavasti mukauttamaan toimintaamme eri tilanteisiin. Esitän, ettei näköpiirissä ole tekoälyjärjestelmiä, jotka kykenisivät aidosti välittämään oikein tekemisestä tai ymmärtämään moraalin vaatimuksia, koska nämä kyvyt vaativat kokemustietoisuutta ja kokonaisvaltaista arvostelukykyä. Emme siten voi sysätä koneille vastuuta teoistaan. Meidän on sen sijaan pyrittävä rakentamaan keinotekoisia oikeintekijöitä - järjestelmiä, jotka eivät (...)
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  31. The Narrative Calculus.Antti Kauppinen - 2015 - Oxford Studies in Normative Ethics 5.
    This paper examines systematically which features of a life story (or history) make it good for the subject herself - not aesthetically or morally good, but prudentially good. The tentative narrative calculus presented claims that the prudential narrative value of an event is a function of the extent to which it contributes to her concurrent and non-concurrent goals, the value of those goals, and the degree to which success in reaching the goals is deserved in virtue of exercising agency. The (...)
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    On the nature of consciousness: theoretical and empirical explorations.Antti Revonsuo - 1995 - Turku: Yliopisto.
  33. The Experience of Meaning.Antti Kauppinen - 2022 - In Iddo Landau (ed.), The Oxford Handbook of Meaning in Life. New York: Oxford University Press.
    Recently, psychologists have started to distinguish between three kinds of experience of meaning. Drawing on philosophical as well as empirical literature, I argue that the experience of one’s own life making sense involves a sense of narrative justification, so that not just any kind of intelligibility suffices; the experience of purpose includes enthusiastic future-directed motivation against the background of a global sort of hopefulness, or the resonance of what one does right now with one’s values; and finally, the experience of (...)
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  34. (1 other version)The rise and fall of experimental philosophy.Antti Kauppinen - 2007 - Philosophical Explorations 10 (2):95 – 118.
    In disputes about conceptual analysis, each side typically appeals to pre-theoretical 'intuitions' about particular cases. Recently, many naturalistically oriented philosophers have suggested that these appeals should be understood as empirical hypotheses about what people would say when presented with descriptions of situations, and have consequently conducted surveys on non-specialists. I argue that this philosophical research programme, a key branch of what is known as 'experimental philosophy', rests on mistaken assumptions about the relation between people's concepts and their linguistic behaviour. The (...)
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  35. A Humean theory of moral intuition.Antti Kauppinen - 2013 - Canadian Journal of Philosophy 43 (3):360-381.
    According to the quasi-perceptualist account of philosophical intuitions, they are intellectual appearances that are psychologically and epistemically analogous to perceptual appearances. Moral intuitions share the key characteristics of other intuitions, but can also have a distinctive phenomenology and motivational role. This paper develops the Humean claim that the shared and distinctive features of substantive moral intuitions are best explained by their being constituted by moral emotions. This is supported by an independently plausible non-Humean, quasi-perceptualist theory of emotion, according to which (...)
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  36. Against Seizing the Day.Antti Kauppinen - 2021 - Oxford Studies in Normative Ethics 11:91-111.
    On a widely accepted view, what gives meaning to our lives is success in valuable ground projects. However, philosophers like Kieran Setiya have recently challenged the value of such orientation towards the future, and argued that meaningful living is instead a matter of engaging in atelic activities that are complete in themselves at each moment. This chapter argues that insofar as what is at issue is meaningfulness in its primary existential sense, strongly atelic activities do not suffice for meaning. Instead, (...)
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    Second-order propositional modal logic and monadic alternation hierarchies.Antti Kuusisto - 2015 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 166 (1):1-28.
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    Mistä puhumme, kun puhumme eriarvoisuudesta?Antti Kauppinen - 2020 - Helsinki: Kalevi Sorsan Säätiö.
    Eriarvoisuuspuheella voidaan viitata moniin eri asioihin. Usein sillä tarkoitetaan hyvien asioiden epätasaista jakautumista. Ei kuitenkaan ole itsessään huono asia, että joillakin menee paremmin kuin toisilla. Silloin kun taloudellinen eriarvoisuus on ongelma, kyse on sen syistä tai seurauksista. On kuitenkin myös itsessään moraalisesti ongelmallinen eriarvoisuuden muoto, jota kutsun erivertaisuudeksi. Siinä on kyse joidenkin herruudesta ja ylivallasta toisiin nähden tai siitä, että joitakin suositaan järjestelmällisesti toisten kustannuksella. Erivertaisuus ei sovi yhteen jokaisen yksilön moraalisen tasa-arvoisuuden kanssa, joten se on itsessään huono asia. Oikeudenmukaisuus (...)
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  39. Reflective Equilibrium.Kauppinen Antti & Jaakko Hirvelä - forthcoming - In David Copp, Tina Rulli & Connie Rosati (eds.), The Oxford Handbook of Normative Ethics. Oxford University Press.
    How can we figure out what’s right or wrong, if moral truths are neither self-evident nor something we can perceive? Very roughly, the method of reflective equilibrium (RE) says that we should begin moral inquiry from what we already confidently think, seeking to find a a match between our initial convictions and general principles that are well-supported by background theories, mutually adjusting both until we reach a coherent outlook in which our beliefs are in harmony (the equilibrium part) and we (...)
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  40. Virtue, Happiness, and Emotion.Antti Kauppinen - 2022 - Les Ateliers de l'Éthique / the Ethics Forum 17 (1-2):126-150.
    Antti Kauppinen Les philosophes se sont efforcés de montrer que nous devons être vertueux pour être heureux. Mais tant que nous nous en tenons à la compréhension moderne du bonheur comme quelque chose de vécu par un sujet – et je soutiens contre les eudaimonistes contemporains que nous devrions effectivement le faire – il peut au mieux exister un lien de causalité contingent entre la vertu et le bonheur. Néanmoins, nous avons de bonnes raisons de penser qu’être vertueux est (...)
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  41. The reinterpretation of dreams: An evolutionary hypothesis of the function of dreaming.Antti Revonsuo - 2000 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 23 (6):877-901.
    Several theories claim that dreaming is a random by-product of REM sleep physiology and that it does not serve any natural function. Phenomenal dream content, however, is not as disorganized as such views imply. The form and content of dreams is not random but organized and selective: during dreaming, the brain constructs a complex model of the world in which certain types of elements, when compared to waking life, are underrepresented whereas others are over represented. Furthermore, dream content is consistently (...)
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    Parameter Inference for Computational Cognitive Models with Approximate Bayesian Computation.Antti Kangasrääsiö, Jussi P. P. Jokinen, Antti Oulasvirta, Andrew Howes & Samuel Kaski - 2019 - Cognitive Science 43 (6):e12738.
    This paper addresses a common challenge with computational cognitive models: identifying parameter values that are both theoretically plausible and generate predictions that match well with empirical data. While computational models can offer deep explanations of cognition, they are computationally complex and often out of reach of traditional parameter fitting methods. Weak methodology may lead to premature rejection of valid models or to acceptance of models that might otherwise be falsified. Mathematically robust fitting methods are, therefore, essential to the progress of (...)
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  43. Rebalancing normative systems.Antti Koura - 1993 - In Risto Hilpinen, Olli Koistinen & Juha Räikkä (eds.), Good reason: essays dedicated to Risto Hilpinen. Turku: Turun yliopisto. pp. 200--64.
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    Martin Luther and Cajetan: divinity.Antti Raunio - 2017 - International Journal of Philosophy and Theology 78 (1):55-74.
    From the beginning of his career Martin Luther thought intensively about questions concerning the human being’s capacities for loving God and the neighbor. The relation between human nature and love was a vital issue throughout his whole theological work even though he explicitly connected it with the concept of ‘imago Dei’ only quite late. Luther discusses human nature mostly in its fallen state, where the image is almost totally lost, but presents also his view of human nature in its pure (...)
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    Foundations of consciousness.Antti Revonsuo - 2018 - New York: Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group.
    Acknowledgements -- Preface: consciousness : the dark energy of the brain? -- Psychology and the scientific study of consciousness -- What is consciousness? -- The philosophy of consciousness -- The history of consciousness in psychological science -- Methods for the scientific study of consciousness -- Neuropsychology and consciousness -- The neural correlates of consciousness (ncc) -- Dreaming -- Hypnosis -- Higher states of consciousness -- Afterword -- Glossary.
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    Imaging consciousness: Can cognitive neuroscience discover visual awareness in the brain?Antti Revonsuo - 2001 - In Paavo Pylkkänen & Tere Vadén (eds.), Dimensions of Conscious Experience. John Benjamins. pp. 37--101.
  47. There is no escape from philosophy: Collective intentionality and empirical social science.Antti Saaristo - 2006 - Philosophy of the Social Sciences 36 (1):40-66.
    This article examines two empirical research traditions—experimental economics and the social identity approach in social psychology—that may be seen as attempts to falsify and verify the theory of collective intentionality, respectively. The article argues that both approaches fail to settle the issue. However, this is not necessarily due to the alleged immaturity of the social sciences but, possibly, to the philosophical nature of intentionality and intentional action. The article shows how broadly Davidsonian action theory, including Hacking’s notion of the looping (...)
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    Kirjallisuus ja filosofia: rinnakkaisuuksia, risteyksiä, ristiriitoja.Antti Salminen, Jukka Mikkonen & Joose Järvenkylä (eds.) - 2012 - Helsinki: Suomalaisen Kirjallisuuden Seura.
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  49. Epistemic Norms and Epistemic Accountability.Antti Kauppinen - 2018 - Philosophers' Imprint 18.
    Everyone agrees that not all norms that govern belief and assertion are epistemic. But not enough attention has been paid to distinguishing epistemic norms from others. Norms in general differ from merely evaluative standards in virtue of the fact that it is fitting to hold subjects accountable for violating them, provided they lack an excuse. Different kinds of norm are most readily distinguished by their distinctive mode of accountability. My thesis is roughly that a norm is epistemic if and only (...)
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  50. Moral Sentimentalism.Antti Kauppinen - 2002 - Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
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