Results for 'Anton Timoshin'

962 found
  1.  24
    How Investors Attitudes Shape Stock Market Participation in the Presence of Financial Self-Efficacy.Muhammad Asif Nadeem, Muhammad Ali Jibran Qamar, Mian Sajid Nazir, Israr Ahmad, Anton Timoshin & Khurram Shehzad - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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  2.  65
    History of logic.Anton Dumitriu - 1977 - Tunbridge Wells: Abacus Press.
  3.  7
    Gebet und Therav 门 a-Buddhismus tr. fr French.Anton Zigmund-Cerbu - 1961 - Kairos (misc) 3:201-206.
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  4. Držva.Anton Žun - 1965 - Ljubljana,: Cankarjeva založba.
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  5.  44
    A Theory of Vulnerability-based Morality.Anton J. M. Dijker - 2014 - Emotion Review 6 (2):175-183.
    The recent introduction of the concepts of tenderness, vulnerability, and parental care in the field of moral emotions has brought us closer to an understanding of the underlying mechanisms, but has not yet resulted in a systematic evolutionary and proximate analysis. Applying such an analysis, the present article proposes a hypothetical care mechanism that produces different motivational states or moral emotions (e.g., tenderness, sympathy, guilt, moral anger) in response to individuals perceived as vulnerable. The mechanism consists of a care system (...)
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    Applying Confirmation Theory to the Case against Neurolaw.Anton Donchev - 2018 - Balkan Journal of Philosophy 10 (1):45-54.
    Neurolaw is the emerging research field and practice of applying neuroscientific knowledge to legal standards and proceedings. This intersection of neuroscience and law has put up some serious claims, the most significant of which is the overall transformation of the legal system as we know it. The claim has met with strong opposition from scholars of law, such as Michael Pardo and Dennis Patterson (2011), who argue that neurolaw (and neuroscience more generally) is conceptually wrong and thus perceive most of (...)
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  7.  15
    Категорія «свобода» у творчості Альберта Ейнштейна.Anton Drobovych - 2018 - Multiversum. Philosophical Almanac:76-84.
    Матеріал являє собою короткий філософський коментар до першого перекладу на українську мову статті Альберта Ейнштейна «Свобода та наука». Актуальність публікації пов’язана з тим, що категорія «свобода», яку аналізує Ейнштейн, розглядається у світлі тих соціально-філософських проблем, які сьогодні стоять і перед українським суспільством – громадянська відповідальність в умовах війни, здатність плекати свободу і протистояти пропаганді, використання науки для підвищення якості життя людей та утвердження їх гідності. Мета полягає у ширшому залучені інтелектуальної спадщини Альберта Ейнштейна в український соціально-філософський та етичний дискурс.
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  8.  20
    History of Logic. Volume III.Anton Dumitriu, Duiliu Zamfirescu, Dinu Giurcaneanu & Doina Doneaud - 1980 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 45 (2):369-370.
  9.  28
    The Logico-Mathematical Antinomies.Anton Dumitriu - 1974 - International Philosophical Quarterly 14 (3):309-328.
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    The Logical Mechanism of Mathematics.Antón Dumitriu - 1981 - International Philosophical Quarterly 21 (4):405-417.
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  11.  36
    The Solution of Logico-Mathematical Paradoxes.Anton Dumitriu - 1969 - International Philosophical Quarterly 9 (1):63-100.
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  12.  73
    Wittgenstein's solution of the paradoxes and the conception of the scholastic logician Petrus de allyaco.Anton Dumitriu - 1974 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 12 (2):227-237.
    This paper has a three-Fold aim: (1) to show that wittgenstein gave a logical solution to the logico-Mathematical paradoxes, Which has not been taken into consideration only because of its brevity; (2) to prove that this solution does not reject the theory of types but interprets it in the simplest way; (3) to show that wittgenstein's solution is the solution given to the paradoxes called 'insolubilia', By the famous scholastic logician, Petreisde alligaco.
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  13.  47
    Neuronal phenomena associated with vigilance and consciousness: From cellular mechanisms to electroencephalographic patterns.Anton M. L. Coenen - 1998 - Consciousness and Cognition 7 (1):42-53.
    The neuroanatomical substrates controlling and regulating sleeping and waking, and thus consciousness, are located in the brain stem. Most crucial for bringing the brain into a state conducive for consciousness and information processing is the mesencephalic part of the brain stem. This part controls the state of waking, which is generally associated with a high degree of consciousness. Wakefulness is accompanied by a low-amplitude, high-frequency electroencephalogram, due to the fact that thalamocortical neurons fire in a state of tonic depolarization. Information (...)
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  14.  76
    Consciousness without a cortex, but what kind of consciousness is this?Anton M. L. Coenen - 2007 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 30 (1):87-88.
    Merker suggests that the thalamocortical system is not an essential system for consciousness, but, instead, that the midbrain reticular system is responsible for consciousness. Indeed, the latter is a crucial system for consciousness, when consciousness is regarded as the waking state. However, when consciousness is regarded as phenomenal consciousness, for which experience and perception are essential elements, the thalamocortical system seems to be indispensable. (Published Online May 1 2007).
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  15.  26
    Eudemus or On the Soul: a Lost Dialogue of Aristotle On the Immortality of the Soul.Anton-Hermann Chroust - 1966 - Mnemosyne 19 (1):17-30.
  16.  5
    Das Existenzproblem bei J.G. Fichte und S. Kierkegaard.Anton Hochenbleicher-Schwarz - 1984 - Königstein/Ts.: Forum Academicum in der Verlagsgruppe Athenäum, Hain, Hanstein.
  17. Karl Jaspers on truth and dialogue: a rethinking of his philosophy of universal communication.Anton Hügli - 2025 - Lanham: Lexington Books.
    At the heart of Karl Jaspers on Truth and Dialogue is the question of the possibilities and limits of global communication. Anton Hügli shows how disastrous it is for the individual, for society, and for the destiny of humanity when the will to communicate is lacking.
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    The Probable Date of Aristotle's Lost Dialogue "On Philosophy".Anton Hermann Chroust - 1966 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 4 (4):283.
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  19.  19
    American Psychological Society 61.J. Anderson, W. Anderson, G. Anton, H. Arkowitz, P. Atkinson, Sri Aurobindo, J. Babinski, R. Bandler, P. Bannister & M. Barkham - 2000 - In Max Velmans (ed.), Investigating Phenomenal Consciousness: New Methodologies and Maps. Amsterdam: John Benjamins. pp. 359.
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  20. Hugo Grotius and the Scholastic Natural Law Tradition.Anton-Herman Chroust - 1943 - New Scholasticism 17 (2):101-133.
  21.  48
    Socrates -- A Source Problem.Anton-Hermann Chroust - 1945 - New Scholasticism 19 (1):48-72.
  22.  2
    Musonius Rufus and Greek diatribe.Anton Cornelis van Geytenbeek - 1962 - Assen,: Van Gorcum.
  23.  37
    Pluralismo epistemológico: Entre el sueño objetivista y la inconmensurabilidad de paradigmas.Ignacio J. Antón Boix - 2004 - Utopía y Praxis Latinoamericana 9 (24):51-65.
    In this pa per I will try to of fer a syn the sis be tween two con flict ing epistemological po si - tions on the re cent philo soph i cal scene: pos i tiv - ism, whose her i tage sur vives as the be lief that sci ence is the most gen u ine form of knowl edge, and the de fend ers of incommensur..
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  24. The philosophy of law of st. Augustine.Anton-Hermann Chroust - 1944 - Philosophical Review 53 (2):195-202.
  25.  9
    Liberalizem in vprašanje etike.Anton Jamnik - 1998 - Ljubljana: Nova revija.
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  26.  2
    Scientific Studies of Individualization: A Thematic-Analytic Approach.Anton Killin - 2025 - Perspectives on Science 33 (1):88-126.
    This article seeks to interpret how the scientific study of individualization, broadly construed, is conceived from within. It presents and discusses an analysis of qualitative data gained from performing semi-structured expert interviews. By way of a thematic-analytic approach to interpreting this data, this article seeks to investigate the attitudes and opinions of a sample of scientific experts who study individualization, across a wide range of scientific fields, with regard to key concepts, phenomena, motivating factors, and open questions. Centering its analysis (...)
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  27. Lenin as philosopher: a critical examination of the philosophical basis of Leninism.Anton Pannekoek - 1948 - New York, N.Y.: New Essays.
    Marxism -- Middle-class materialism -- Dietzgen -- Mach -- Avenarius -- Lenin -- The Russian revolution -- The proletarian revolution.
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  28. Rage and the Formation of the Self: Ideas from Nietzsche and Sloterdijk.Anton Heinrich Rennesland - 2025 - Philosophia: International Journal of Philosophy (Philippine e-journal) 26 (1).
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  29.  43
    (1 other version)John Dewey in Spain and in Spanish America.Antón Donoso - 2001 - International Philosophical Quarterly 41 (3):347-362.
  30.  49
    Charges of Philosophical Plagiarism in Greek Antiquity.Anton-Hermann Chroust - 1961 - Modern Schoolman 38 (3):219-237.
  31.  28
    Late Hellenistic « Textbook Definitions » of Philosophy.Anton-Hermann Chroust - 1972 - Laval Théologique et Philosophique 28 (1):15.
  32.  77
    The Probable Date of Aristotle's Lost Dialogue On Philosophy.Anton-Hermann Chroust - 1966 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 4 (4):283-291.
  33. On Masters's "The Case of Aristotle's Missing Dialogues...".Anton-Hermann Chroust - 1979 - Political Theory 7 (4):537-543.
  34.  11
    The Study of Notes and Notebooks: Some Epistemological and Ontological Issues.Anton Crișan - forthcoming - Studia Universitatis Babeş-Bolyai Philosophia:41-56.
    The aim of the present paper is to situate the recent attempts devoted to the study of the phenomena of knowledge management in a larger epistemological context. More precisely, I intend to ascertain the entire affair from the perspective of the philosophy of the humanities. This involves understanding it as an endeavor concerned with the search for regularities. As a result, key notions figuring in the repertoire of this kind of undertaking, primarily those of notes and notebooks, are scrutinized for (...)
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  35.  73
    The divorce of Rem sleep and dreaming.Anton Coenen - 2000 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 23 (6):922-924.
    The validity of dream recall is discussed. What is the relation between the actual dream and its later reflection? Nielsen proposes differential sleep mentation, which is probably determined by dream accessibility. Solms argues that REM sleep and dreaming are double dissociable states. Dreaming occurs outside REM sleep when cerebral activation is high enough. That various active sleep states correlate with vivid dream reports implies that REM sleep and dreaming are single dissociable states. Vertes & Eastman reject that REM sleep is (...)
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  36.  93
    Where is the classic interference theory for sleep and memory?Anton Coenen - 2005 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 28 (1):67-68.
    Walker's target article proposes a refinement of the well known two-stage model of memory formation to explain the positive effects of sleep on consolidation. After a first stage in which a labile memory representation is formed, a further stabilisation of the memory trace takes place in the second stage, which is dependent on (REM) sleep. Walker has refined the latter stage into a stage in which a consolidation-based enhancement occurs. It is not completely clear what consolidation-based enhancement implies and how (...)
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  37. Schlick and Sellars on Observational Knowledge.Anton Crișan - 2020 - Studia Universitatis Babeş-Bolyai Philosophia:163-181.
    The aim of the present paper is to provide a comparative account of the manner in which Moritz Schlick and Wilfrid Sellars treat certain aspects surrounding the topic of observational knowledge. By considering Sellars’s allusions to Schlick’s epistemological undertaking within the context of his rejection of givenness, I evaluate the extent to which Schlick can be characterized as a traditional foundationalist. By emphasizing that this is not the case and that Schlick adheres to a non-standard version of epistemological foundationalism, I (...)
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  38.  69
    Populisme en de ambivalentie van het egalitarisme. Hoe rijmen sociaal zwakkeren een rechtse partijvoorkeur met hun sociaal-economische attitudes?Anton Derks - 2005 - Res Publica 47 (4):528-553.
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  39.  35
    Why Barbie feels heavier than Ken: The influence of size-based expectancies and social cues on the illusory perception of weight.Anton J. M. Dijker - 2008 - Cognition 106 (3):1109-1125.
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  40.  24
    Freedom and Community.Antón Donoso - 1969 - International Philosophical Quarterly 9 (4):636-639.
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  41.  18
    Miguel de Unamuno.Antón Donoso - 1968 - International Philosophical Quarterly 8 (3):477-480.
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  42.  17
    Major Trends in Mexican Philosophy.Antón Donoso - 1967 - International Philosophical Quarterly 7 (4):668-676.
  43.  46
    Ortega on the United States: A View from the Outside.Antón Donoso - 1977 - Philosophy Today 21 (2):143-140.
    The Spanish journalist, writer and philosopher Jose Ortega y Gasset (1883-1955) had intended to devote a book to the subject of the United States to dispel the confusion in the European mind due to the "mass of puerile judgments that one hears pronounced on North America even by the most cultured persons." His work habits, illnesses, the civil war in Spain and the long conflict in Europe prevented him from writing more than two essays: "The New United States" (March 22, (...)
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  44.  25
    Philosophy in Latin America.Antón Donoso - 1973 - Philosophy Today 17 (3):220-231.
    Of the factors that contribute to a lack of awareness and appreciation by the English-reading world of the development of philosophy in Latin America, themost serious is the lack of bibliographical materials. To compile such was the purpose of the Conference on Teaching Materials for the Study of Latin American Thought held recently at the American University in Washington, D.C. Since the majority of the participants were connected with Latin American Studies Programs, the bibliographies proposed for the various projects were, (...)
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  45.  38
    Stalin’s Contribution to Soviet Philosophy.Antón Donoso - 1965 - International Philosophical Quarterly 5 (2):267-303.
  46.  33
    (1 other version)Truth as Perspective and Man as History.Anton Donoso - 1969 - Proceedings of the American Catholic Philosophical Association 43:139-147.
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  47.  35
    Technology and the Human Condition.Antón Donoso - 1998 - Southwest Philosophy Review 14 (2):83-95.
  48.  22
    The New Marxism.Antón Donoso - 1969 - International Philosophical Quarterly 9 (2):301-303.
  49.  11
    (1 other version)The Notion of Man in Kołakowski, Kosík, and Marković.Anton Donoso - 1980 - Studies in Soviet Thought 21 (4):387-398.
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    The Notion of Freedom in Sartre, Kolakowski, Markovic and Kosik.Antón Donoso - 1979 - Philosophy Today 23 (2):113-127.
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