Results for 'Anthony Ries'

977 found
  1.  24
    Using Deep Convolutional Neural Networks to Develop the Next Generation of Sensors for Interpreting Real World EEG Signals Part 1: Sensing Visual System Function in Naturalistic Environments.A. Solon, Stephen Gordon, Anthony Ries, Jonathan McDaniel, Vernon Lawhern & Jonathan Touryan - 2018 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 12.
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    Decoding P300 Variability Using Convolutional Neural Networks.Amelia J. Solon, Vernon J. Lawhern, Jonathan Touryan, Jonathan R. McDaniel, Anthony J. Ries & Stephen M. Gordon - 2019 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 13.
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    Lesions to Lateral Prefrontal Cortex Impair Lexical Interference Control in Word Production.Vitória Piai, Stéphanie K. Riès & Diane Swick - 2015 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 9.
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    The Correspondence of Samuel Clarke and Anthony Collins, 1707-08.Samuel Clarke & Anthony Collins (eds.) - 2011 - Peterborough, CA: Broadview Press.
    An important work in the debate between materialists and dualists, the public correspondence between Anthony Collins and Samuel Clarke provided the framework for arguments over consciousness and personal identity in eighteenth-century Britain. In Clarke's view, mind and consciousness are so unified that they cannot be compounded into wholes or divided into parts, so mind and consciousness must be distinct from matter. Collins, by contrast, was a perceptive advocate of a materialist account of mind, who defended the possibility that thinking (...)
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    A Phonological Study in the 'Phags-pa Script and the Meng-ku Tzu-yünA Phonological Study in the 'Phags-pa Script and the Meng-ku Tzu-yun.Anthony T. Arlotto & Miyoko Nakano - 1974 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 94 (4):519.
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  6. Educating angels: teaching for the pursuit of happiness.Anthony Armstrong - 2013 - Marion, Michigan: Parkhurst Brothers Publishers.
    School reform and accountability tests have been hotly debated for decades, but the goal of reform and accountability has not. Most agree that the main problem with contemporary education is that it fails to adequately prepare students with the "21st century skills" needed to find jobs and promote national competitiveness in the global economy. Tony Armstrong challenges both the morality and the consequences of pushing this purpose of education. He says it is immoral because it neglects our children's deepest aspiration--happiness--and (...)
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    Kenneth More as Father Brown.Anthony Grist - 1984 - The Chesterton Review 10 (2):177-182.
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  8. Performing after recording.Anthony Gritten - 2008 - In Mine Doğantan, Recorded music: philosophical and critical reflections. London: Middlesex University Press.
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    Reflections from England on G.K.C. and Christmas.Anthony Grist - 1982 - The Chesterton Review 8 (1):85-88.
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  10.  81
    Themes in the philosophy of music.Anthony Gritten - 2004 - British Journal of Aesthetics 44 (2):188-194.
  11.  95
    The spheres of music: A gathering of essays.Anthony Gritten - 2001 - British Journal of Aesthetics 41 (4):449-451.
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    Thinking Through Performance Technology in Music / Sound.Anthony Gritten & Caroline Wilkins - 2023 - Performance Philosophy 8 (1).
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  13.  37
    Tribute to the late Malcolm Muggeridge.Anthony Grist - 1991 - The Chesterton Review 17 (2):239-240.
  14.  10
    Tarrying with John Cage’s Plant Pieces.Anthony Gritten - 2023 - In Sam McAuliffe, Gadamer, Music, and Philosophical Hermeneutics. Springer Verlag. pp. 65-77.
    This essay suggests that Hans-Georg Gadamer’s descriptive phenomenology of ‘tarrying’ [Verweilen] can be configured as an essential component of musical experience. At issue is the type of effortful work that intensifies the subject’s most valuable musical experiences and that allows them to become more sustainable and sensitive. It is assumed that music’s presence in the subject’s life should blossom and indeed bloom over time, although this guiding assumption is left unexamined while the essay considers how a detailed phenomenology of musical (...)
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  15.  38
    Why Distributism Never Caught On.Anthony Grist - 1982 - The Chesterton Review 8 (3):276-278.
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    The educational philosophy of Saint Thomas Aquinas.Anthony D. Gulley - 1965 - New York,: Pageant Press.
  17. Experiential justification.Anthony Brueckner - 2008 - In Quentin Smith, Epistemology: new essays. New York : Oxford University Press,: Oxford University Press.
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  18. Gaudete et Exsultate: Pope Francis and the call to holiness.Anthony Ekpo - 2018 - The Australasian Catholic Record 95 (4):441.
    Ekpo, Anthony Did anything happen at Vatican II? anything of significance? These and similar questions have been posed by the historian John O'Malley, who has offered a historical-theological reflection on the teachings of the Second Vatican Council and its attendant reception over the years. The council has certainly provoked remarkable commentaries and reactions from scholars who have approached it from various viewpoints, namely, theological, historical, ecclesiological, canonical, moral and pastoral. At the end of the council, what emerged as the (...)
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  19.  11
    Is that it? Autobiography and masculine denial.Anthony Easthope - 1991 - Paragraph 14 (2):123-131.
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  20.  27
    Ex puris naturalibus: The pelagian Biel.Anthony Levi - 1965 - Heythrop Journal 6 (1):66-71.
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  21.  43
    “The Art of Poetry” (poem).Anthony Lioi - 2008 - Environmental Philosophy 5 (2):1-1.
  22.  20
    Presentation of the Aquinas Medal.Anthony Lisska - 2005 - Proceedings of the American Catholic Philosophical Association 79:19-20.
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  23. The Common Good in the Political Theory of Thomas Aquinas.Anthony J. Lisska & Maria Theresa - forthcoming - The Thomist.
    This study investigates the function of the common good in the political theory of thomas aquinas. it concludes that at every point in his political theory the concept of the common good plays a significant, if not determinative role. his moderate position between collectivism and individualism recognizes that the individual lives in social relationships which include social responsibilities.
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  24.  29
    Chapter Three.Anthony A. Long - 1988 - Proceedings of the Boston Area Colloquium of Ancient Philosophy 4 (1):77-101.
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  25. Good citizens : gratitude and honor.Anthony Cunningham - 2016 - In Laurie Johnson & Dan Demetriou, Honor in the Modern World: Interdisciplinary Perspectives. Lanham: Lexington.
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  26. Questions of Human Enhancement: An Editorial.Anthony Mark Cutter & Bert Gordijn - 2007 - Studies in Ethics, Law, and Technology 1 (1).
    Introducing a special issue of a journal is a difficult, but pleasurable task for any editor. One must chose what to say about the themes of the issue, and how to introduce the papers presented. However, this task becomes still more complex when the special issue in question forms the inaugural issue of a new journal. This is the case here as we find ourselves introducing "Questions in Human Enhancement" as the inaugural issue of Studies in Ethics, Law and Technology. (...)
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    Structure and aesthetic at hagia Sophia in constantinople.Anthony Cutler - 1966 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 25 (1):27-35.
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    The mulier amicta sole and her attendants. An episode in late medieval finnish art.Anthony Cutler - 1966 - Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld Institutes 29 (1):117-134.
  29.  36
    The Right Hand's Cunning: Craftsmanship and the Demand for Art in Late Antiquity and the Early Middle Ages.Anthony Cutler - 1997 - Speculum 72 (4):971-994.
    Si oblitus fuero tui, Jerusalem, oblivioni detur dextera mea.” When Jerome commented on Ps. 136.5, he interpreted the passage allegorically. Sitting in exile by the waters of Babylon, the Israelites had hung their harps on the willows and, in a foreign land, would not sing the songs of Zion. Yet they refused to forget their origin, preferring, as King James's translators put it, that “my right hand forget her cunning.” Jerome observes that this is always the hand whose work remembers (...)
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  30.  83
    How the Radically Interpreted Make Mistakes.Anthony Dardis - 1994 - Dialogue 33 (3):415-.
    Meaning involves normativity: a word has a meaning only if some of its uses are correct and some are incorrect. A full understanding of meaning demands an account of the normativity of meaning. One such account has it that the normativity of meaning stems from conventions for the use of words. Donald Davidson argues that communication does not require linguistic conventions. Ian Hacking has objected to Davidson's theory of meaning on the ground that Davidson is unable to allow for the (...)
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  31. Frameworks of lexical decomposition of verbs.Anthony R. Davis - 2019 - In Paul Portner, Klaus von Heusinger & Claudia Maienborn, Semantics: noun phrases, verb phrases and adjectives. Boston: De Gruyter.
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  32.  51
    (1 other version)Lyotard on the Kantian Sublime.Anthony David - 1997 - International Studies in Philosophy 29 (4):1-9.
  33. Essay Review The Year of Gassendi.Anthony Turner & Gomez Nadine - 1994 - Annals of Science 51 (2):285.
  34.  7
    Un « Non » aux saveurs d’un « Oui » en Nouvelle-Calédonie.Anthony Tutugoro - 2021 - Multitudes 81 (4):25-34.
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    Ethical, Legal, and Social Challenges in the Biobanking of Oral Fluid Specimens.Anthony T. Vernillo, Sudeshni Naidoo & Alexander J. Schloss - 2013 - Ethics in Biology, Engineering and Medicine 4 (1):81-90.
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  36. Claude-Nicolas Le Doux.Anthony Vidler - 1993 - Utopian Studies 4 (1):214-215.
  37. Debating Ground Zero: Architects, planners, ideas.Anthony Vidler - 2004 - Radical Philosophy 124.
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  38.  15
    Age of anxiety: meaning, identity, and politics in 21st-century film and literature.Anthony M. Wachs - 2019 - Lanham: Lexington Books. Edited by Jon D. Schaff.
    Age of Anxiety: Meaning, Identity, and Politics in 21st Century Film and Literature applies historical and contemporary political and rhetorical theory to current popular culture to discuss the problem of the displaced autonomous self and the quest for a meaningful life.
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    Transcendent Media: Sacramentals and the Roman Rite of Mass.Anthony M. Wachs - 2018 - Listening 53 (2):63-77.
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  40. Up on the Roof. A park for the city of Khorog in the harsh. Tajik Pamir mountain range.Anthony Wain - 2013 - Topos: European Landscape Magazine 82:84.
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  41.  25
    Chronic Chronotopicity: Reply to Morson and Emerson.Anthony Wall & Clive Thomson - 1994 - Diacritics 24 (4):71.
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    Curiosity Printed on Several Faces, including Diderot's.Anthony Wall - 2007 - Diderot Studies 30:249 - 273.
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  43.  46
    Commentary:“Growing Up Indian”: Childhood and the Survival of Nations.Anthony Fc Wallace - 2013 - Ethos: Journal of the Society for Psychological Anthropology 41 (4):337-340.
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    Fiction Is Contagious.Anthony Wall - 1993 - Substance 22 (2/3):251.
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  45.  21
    Sur un chemin à l’écart de la métaphore.Anthony Wall - 1989 - Semiotica 75 (1-2):43-62.
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    The industrialist as hero: An emerging educational theme in nineteenth century America.Anthony F. C. Wallace - 1981 - Educational Studies 12 (1):69-83.
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  47.  16
    Technology in Culture: The Meaning of Cultural Fit.Anthony F. C. Wallace - 1995 - Science in Context 8 (2):293-324.
    The ArgumentThe thesis of this paper is that there are three basic processes by which a technological innovation is fitted into an existing culture: Rejection, in situations where all interested groups are satisfied with a traditional technology and reject apparently superior innovations because they would force unwanted changes in technology and ideology; Acceptance, in situations where a new technology is embraced by all because it appears to serve the same social and ideological functions as an inferior, or inoperative, traditional technology; (...)
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  48. The “why's” of crime and criminality.Anthony Walsh - 2005 - Human Nature 5:87-94.
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  49.  10
    Celebricities: media culture and the phenomenology of gadget commodity life.Anthony Curtis Adler - 2016 - New York: Fordham University Press.
    A phenomenological account of the forms of life characteristic of late capitalism--including television, celebrity culture, and personal electronics--culminating in an ontology of the gadget-commodity that brings together Marxist theories of commodity fetishism and ideology with Heidegger's attempt to think truth as unconcealment.
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  50.  11
    Law in popular belief: myth and reality.Anthony Amatrudo & Regina Rauxloh (eds.) - 2017 - Manchester: Manchester University Press.
    In recent years there has been a significant growth in interest of the so-called 'law in context' extending legal studies beyond black letter law. This book looks at the relationship between statute law and legal practice. It examines how law is applied in reality and more precisely how law is perceived by the general public in contrast to the legal profession. The authors look at a number of themes that are central to examining ways in which myths about law are (...)
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