Results for 'Annette Bitsch'

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  1.  8
    Diskrete Gespenster: die Genealogie des Unbewussten aus der Medientheorie und Philosophie der Zeit.Annette Bitsch - 2009 - Bielefeld: Transcript.
  2. Kinds of Virtue Theorist: A Response to Christine Swanton Annette Baier.Annette Baier - 2009 - In Charles R. Pigden, Hume on motivation and virtue. New York: Palgrave-Macmillan. pp. 249.
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    Annette Schlichter: Die Figur der verrückten Frau. Weiblicher Wahnsinn als Kategorie der feministischen Repräsentationskritik.Annette Schlichter - 2003 - Die Philosophin 14 (27):110-112.
  4. Exploring philanthropic motivations in HIV and AIDS care: implications for ubuntu and altruism in KwaNgcolosi, KwaZulu-Natal.Annette Kasimbazi, Yvonne Sliep & Christopher John - 2016 - In Shauna Mottiar & Mvuselelo Ngcoya, Philanthropy in South Africa: horizontality, ubuntu and social justice. Cape Town, South Africa: HSRC Press.
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    David Hume: Common-Sense Moralist and Sceptical Metaphysician.Annette Baier - 1983 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 44 (1):127-131.
  6. L'interprétation musicale.Marcel Bitsch - 1941 - Paris: Presses universitaires de France.
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    Looking Over the Neighbor's Fence: Occupational Therapy as an Inspiration for (Medical) Anthropology.Annette Leibing - 2010 - Ethos: Journal of the Society for Psychological Anthropology 38 (2):1-8.
  8. Seeing Through Self-Deception.Annette Barnes - 1997 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    What is it to deceive someone? And how is it possible to deceive oneself? Does self-deception require that people be taken in by a deceitful strategy that they know is deceitful? The literature is divided between those who argue that self-deception is intentional and those who argue that it is non-intentional. In this study, Annette Barnes offers a challenge to both the standard characterisation of other-deception and current characterizations of self-deception, examining the available explanations and exploring such questions as (...)
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  9. (1 other version)What is White Ignorance?Annette Martín - forthcoming - The Philosophical Quarterly.
    In this paper, I identify a theoretical and political role for ‘white ignorance’, present three alternative accounts of white ignorance, and assess how well each fulfils this role. On the Willful Ignorance View, white ignorance refers to white individuals’ willful ignorance about racial injustice. On the Cognitivist View, white ignorance refers to ignorance resulting from social practices that distribute faulty cognitive resources. On the Structuralist View, white ignorance refers to ignorance that (1) results as part of a social process that (...)
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  10. Proceed with Caution.Annette Zimmermann & Chad Lee-Stronach - 2021 - Canadian Journal of Philosophy (1):6-25.
    It is becoming more common that the decision-makers in private and public institutions are predictive algorithmic systems, not humans. This article argues that relying on algorithmic systems is procedurally unjust in contexts involving background conditions of structural injustice. Under such nonideal conditions, algorithmic systems, if left to their own devices, cannot meet a necessary condition of procedural justice, because they fail to provide a sufficiently nuanced model of which cases count as relevantly similar. Resolving this problem requires deliberative capacities uniquely (...)
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  11. A Conversation between Annette Baier and Anik Waldow about Hume’s Account of Sympathy.Annette C. Baier & Anik Waldow - 2008 - Hume Studies 34 (1):61-87.
    We discuss the variety of sorts of sympathy Hume recognizes, the extent to which he thinks our sympathy with others’ feelings depends on inferences from the other’s expression, and from her perceived situation, and consider also whether he later changed his views about the nature and role of sympathy, in particular its role in morals.
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    Dreaming of Fred and Ginger: cinema and cultural memory.Annette Kuhn - 2002 - New York: New York University Press.
    "The main spine of this book stems from a comprehensive series of interviews with subjects recalling their experiences of 1930s cinemagoing. Your feel the breath of life in these spectators, a rarity in film studies, thanks to the painstaking work contracting the interview subjects and recording and tabulating their testimony."- JUMPCUT In the 1930s, Britain had the highest annual per capita cinema attendance in the world, far surpassing ballroom dancing as the nation's favorite pastime. It was, as historian A.J.P. Taylor (...)
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    Growing Up in a Digital World – Digital Media and the Association With the Child’s Language Development at Two Years of Age.Annette Sundqvist, Felix-Sebastian Koch, Ulrika Birberg Thornberg, Rachel Barr & Mikael Heimann - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Digital media, such as cellphones and tablets, are a common part of our daily lives and their usage has changed the communication structure within families. Thus, there is a risk that the use of DM might result in fewer opportunities for interactions between children and their parents leading to fewer language learning moments for young children. The current study examined the associations between children’s language development and early DM exposure.Participants: Ninety-two parents of 25months olds recorded their home sound environment during (...)
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  14. A framework for risk-benefit evaluations in biomedical research.Annette Rid & David Wendler - 2011 - Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal 21 (2):141-179.
    One of the key ethical requirements for biomedical research is that it have an acceptable risk-benefit profile (Emanuel, Wendler, and Grady 2000). The International Conference of Harmonization guidelines mandate that clinical trials should be initiated and continued only if “the anticipated benefits justify the risks” (1996). Guidelines from the Council for International Organizations of Medical Sciences state that biomedical research is acceptable only if the “potential benefits and risks are reasonably balanced” (2002). U.S. federal regulations require that the “risks to (...)
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    Moral education for women in the pastoral and Pythagorean letters: philosophers of the household.Annette Bourland Huizenga - 2013 - Boston: Brill.
    "Huizenga examines the Greco-Roman moral-philosophical 'curriculum' for women by comparing these two epistolary collections. The analysis is organized around four elements: textual resources, teachers and learners, instructional strategies, and subject matter. Huizenga shows that the author of the Pastorals has adopted nearly all of the 'pagan' aspects of this curriculum, but has supplemented these with theological justifications drawn from Pauline literature and traditions"--Publisher description.
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    Ethics of Organ Transplantation / Transplantationsethik. Mangelbeseitigung und Effizienz im Transplantationswesen.Annette Dufner - 2018 - Jahrbuch für Wissenschaft Und Ethik 23 (1):105-108.
    The scarcity of donor organs for transplantation purposes is now a widely known fact. The number of people on transplant waiting lists regularly far exceeds the number of available organs. This situation has led to decades of recurring discussions about how this shortage could be addressed. The undersupply results in situations within the Eurotransplant network as well as on national levels where patients often wait for years, enduring significant losses in quality of life, or never receive an organ allocation at (...)
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    LJ’s Religous Craziness.Annette Dula - 1995 - Journal of Clinical Ethics 6 (1):77-80.
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  18. Women, power and technology.Annette Fitzsimons - 1994 - In Kathleen Lennon & Margaret Whitford, Knowing the Difference: Feminist Perspectives in Epistemology. New York: Routledge.
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    Altwerden in Europa.Annette Riedel & Thomas Mäule - 2007 - Zeitschrift Für Evangelische Ethik 51 (3):199-210.
    The aging of society is one the greatest socio-political challenges of the 21st century. In the member states of the European Union one can expect a significant aging of the population. Already in 1982, in its International Plan of Action on Aging, the United Nations pointed to a shift in age structures. 1999 was celebrated as International Year of Older Persons, and 2002 saw the adoption of the Second International Plan of Action on Aging. In the same year, a Regional (...)
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    Problemlösen durch Analogie: eine Anwendung von Reschers Theorie des induktiven Schliessens.Annette Tschernig - 1994 - Hamburg: Kognitionswissenschaft Hamburg.
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    How political philosophies can help to discuss and differentiate theories in community ecology.Annette Voigt - 2021 - History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences 43 (2):1-25.
    This paper uses structural analogies to competing political philosophies of human society as a heuristic tool to differentiate between ecological theories and to bring out new aspects of apparently well-known classics of ecological scholarship. These two different areas of knowledge have in common that their objects are ‘societies’, i.e. units composed of individuals, and that contradictory and competing theories about these supra-individual units exist. The benefit of discussing ecological theories in terms of their analogies to political philosophies, in this case (...)
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    Character, Civic Renewal and Service Learning for Democratic Citizenship in Higher Education.John Annette - 2005 - British Journal of Educational Studies 53 (3):326-340.
    This article explores the civic republican conception of citizenship underlying the Labour government's programme of civil renewal and the introduction of education for democratic citizenship. It considers the importance of the cultivation of civic virtue through political participation for such developments and it reviews the research into how service learning linked to character education can lead to the civic virtue of duty or social responsibility.
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    Evaluating the risks of public health programs: Rational antibiotic use and antimicrobial resistance.Annette Rid, Jasper Littmann & Alena Buyx - 2019 - Bioethics 33 (7):734-748.
    Existing ethical frameworks for public health provide insufficient guidance on how to evaluate the risks of public health programs that compromise the best clinical interests of present patients for the benefit of others. Given the relevant similarity of such programs to clinical research, we suggest that insights from the long‐standing debate about acceptable risk in clinical research can helpfully inform and guide the evaluation of risks posed by public health programs that compromise patients’ best clinical interests. We discuss how lessons (...)
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    Setting risk thresholds in biomedical research: lessons from the debate about minimal risk.Annette Rid - 2014 - Monash Bioethics Review 32 (1-2):63-85.
    One of the fundamental ethical concerns about biomedical research is that it frequently exposes participants to risks for the benefit of others. To protect participants’ rights and interests in this context, research regulations and guidelines set out a mix of substantive and procedural requirements for research involving humans. Risk thresholds play an important role in formulating both types of requirements. First, risk thresholds serve to set upper risk limits in certain types of research. Second, risk thresholds serve to demarcate risk (...)
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    Territorial Investigations: Including the Smooth Space Project.Annette W. Balkema & Henk Slager (eds.) - 1999 - Brill | Rodopi.
    Nowadays there are many spaces of fascination in visual art. Of course, installative space and contextual space have been on the art scene for awhile. However, they are now accompanied by other spaces such as urban space, architectural space, cyberspace, hyperspace, and screen-based space. In this volume, architects, artists, theorists, three symposia and four exhibitions attempt to find answers to questions such as: Could the architectonic study and/or deconstruction of space play a decisive role in the shift of attention to (...)
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    Histoire, mémoire et démocratie.Annette Wieviorka - 2023 - Toulouse: Privat.
    Pourquoi l'histoire et la mémoire sont-ils des outils pour penser la démocratie? Face aux crimes contre l'humanité plus que jamais d'actualité, se dessine une responsabilité commune essentielle : celle de cultiver, transmettre l'histoire et en tirer les enseignements. Retraçant sa propre histoire et celle de sa famille, Annette Wieviorka, disposant des témoignages de ses parents, d'archives mais aussi de ses propres souvenirs, dessine d'un même geste les contours d'une biographie collective de ce monde qui a connu l'impensable Shoah. Le (...)
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    Ethics: Would you sell a kidney in a regulated kidney market? Results of an exploratory study.Annette Rid, Lucas Bachmann, Vincent Wettstein & Nikola Biller-Andorno - 2009 - Journal of Medical Ethics 35 (9):558-564.
    Background: It is often claimed that a regulated kidney market would significantly reduce the kidney shortage, thus saving or improving many lives. Data are lacking, however, on how many people would consider selling a kidney in such a market. Methods: A survey instrument, developed to assess behavioural dispositions to and attitudes about a hypothetical regulated kidney market, was given to Swiss third-year medical students. Results: Respondents’ median age was 23 years. Their socioeconomic status was high or middle. 48 considered selling (...)
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  28. Ordres de lecture: rôle des signes-vecteurs dans la communication écrite.Annette Béguin - 2004 - Hermes 39:94-100.
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    Der Verdacht der Simulation: Eine psychiatrische Fallgeschichte zwischen Aneignung und Disziplinierung am Ende des 19. Jahrhunderts.Annett Bretthauer & Volker Hess - 2009 - NTM Zeitschrift für Geschichte der Wissenschaften, Technik und Medizin 17 (4).
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  30. ED 503/Dr. Holden Position Paper February 21, 2010 Inquiry-based Learning.Annette Glover - forthcoming - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy.
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    The Anthropological Boundaries of Comprehensive Meaning, its Finitudes and Openness: Towards a Hermeneutics of Expressivity.Annette Hilt - 2009 - Journal of the British Society for Phenomenology 40 (3):263-278.
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    Inhalt.Annette Meyer - 2010 - In Die Epoche der Aufklärung. Akademie Verlag. pp. 5-8.
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  33. Unschärfe sehen.Annette Rempp - 2013 - In Clemens Bellut, Unbestimmt: ein gestalterischer und philosophischer Reflexionsbegriff. Zürich: Lars Müller Publishers.
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    Postgraduate Update Editorial.Annette Street - 1995 - Nursing Inquiry 2 (3):130-130.
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    Can We Improve Treatment Decision-Making for Incapacitated Patients?Annette Rid & David Wendler - 2010 - Hastings Center Report 40 (5):36-45.
    When patients cannot make their own treatment decisions, surrogates typically step in to do it for them. Surrogate decision‐making is far from ideal, of course, as the surrogate may not know what the patient prefers or what best promotes her interests. One way to improve it would be to arm surrogates with information about what patients in similar circumstances tend to prefer, allowing them to make empirically grounded predictions about what their patient would want.
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    Judging the social value of controlled human infection studies.Annette Rid & Meta Roestenberg - 2020 - Bioethics 34 (8):749-763.
    In controlled human infection (CHI) studies, investigators deliberately infect healthy individuals with pathogens in order to study mechanisms of disease or obtain preliminary efficacy data on investigational vaccines and medicines. CHI studies offer a fast and cost‐effective way of generating new scientific insights, prioritizing investigational products for clinical testing, and reducing the risk that large numbers of people are exposed to ineffective or harmful substances in research or in practice. Yet depending on the pathogen, CHI studies can involve significant risks (...)
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  37. Justice and Procedure: How does “accountability for reasonableness” result in fair limit-setting decisions?Annette Rid - 2009 - Journal of Medical Ethics 35 (1):12-16.
    Norman Daniels’ theory of justice and health faces a serious practical problem: his theory can ground the special moral importance of health and allows distinguishing just from unjust health inequalities, but it provides little practical guidance for allocating resources when they are especially scarce. Daniels’ solution to this problem is a fair process that he specifies as "accountability for reasonableness". Daniels claims that accountability for reasonableness makes limit-setting decisions in healthcare not only legitimate, but also fair. This paper assesses the (...)
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    „Mein Fleisch ist gekleidet in Maden und Schorf“ : Zur Bedeutung des Körpers im Hiobbuch.Annette Schellenberg - 2016 - In Annette Weissenrieder & Gregor Etzelmüller, Verkörperung Als Paradigma Theologischer Anthropologie. De Gruyter. pp. 95-126.
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    Memory.Annette C. Baier & Mary Warnock - 1990 - Philosophical Review 99 (3):436.
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    Detecting Temporal Change in Dynamic Sounds: On the Role of Stimulus Duration, Speed, and Emotion.Annett Schirmer, Nicolas Escoffier, Xiaoqin Cheng, Yenju Feng & Trevor B. Penney - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
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  41. Natural Virtues, Natural Vices: ANNETTE C. BAIER.Annette C. Baier - 1990 - Social Philosophy and Policy 8 (1):24-34.
    David Hume has been invoked by those who want to found morality on human nature as well as by their critics. He is credited with showing us the fallacy of moving from premises about what is the case to conclusions about what ought to be the case; and yet, just a few pages after the famous is-ought remarks in A Treatise of Human Nature, he embarks on his equally famous derivation of the obligations of justice from facts about the cooperative (...)
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    The paradoxical anchoring of Kojève’s philosophizing in the tradition of Russian religious philosophy.Annett Jubara - 2024 - Studies in East European Thought 76 (1):9-24.
    The subject of this paper is Alexandre Kojève’s relationship to Russian Religious Philosophy, which is characterized by a paradoxical contrast between Kojève’s openly critical judgment of it, on the one hand, and the hidden, implicit influence of this philosophical tradition on his own atheistic philosophizing on the other. The hidden influence of Russian Religious Philosophy, Kojève’s engagement with the philosophical ideas of Vladimir Solovyov and Fyodor Dostoevsky, will be shown by two case studies. The first case is about Kojève’s “reshaping” (...)
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    The periodic system: The (multiple) values of an icon.Annette Lykknes & Brigitte Van Tiggelen - 2019 - Centaurus 61 (4):287-298.
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    The influence of liberal political ideology on nursing science.Annette J. Browne - 2001 - Nursing Inquiry 8 (2):118-129.
    The influence of liberal political ideology on nursing sciencePrevious notions of science as impartial and value-neutral have been refuted by contemporary views of science as influenced by social, political and ideological values. By locating nursing science in the dominant political ideology of liberalism, the author examines how nursing knowledge is influenced by liberal philosophical assumptions. The central tenets of liberal political philosophy — individualism, egalitarianism, freedom, tolerance, neutrality, and a free-market economy — are primarily manifested in relation to: (i) the (...)
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    The State and the Jews: Reflections on Difficult Freedom.Annette Aronowicz - 2006 - Journal of Jewish Thought and Philosophy 14 (1-2):109-130.
    This essay examines the contrast between two conceptions of the universal, one represented by the modern State and the other by the Jewish people. In order to do so, it returns to the collection of essays on Judaism Levinas wrote in the approximately two decades after the Second World War, Difficult Freedom . Its aim is to focus specifically on the political dimension within this collection and then to step back and reflect on how his way of speaking of the (...)
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    How to get to know one's own mind: Some simple ways.Annette C. Baffir - 1994 - In Murray Michael & John O'Leary-Hawthorne, Philosophy in Mind: The Place of Philosophy in the Study of Mind. Kluwer Academic Publishers. pp. 60--65.
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  47. Hume's excellent hypocrites.Annette C. Baier - 2007 - In Emilio Mazza & Emanuele Ronchetti, New Essays on David Hume. Francoangeli. pp. 267-286.
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    Realizing what's what.Annette Baier - 1976 - Philosophical Quarterly 26 (105):328-337.
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    (1 other version)Rechtsphilosophie Im 20. Jahrhundert: 100 Jahre Archiv für Rechts- Und Sozialphilosophie.Annette Brockmöller & Eric Hilgendorf (eds.) - 2009 - Nomos.
    Kaum ein Zeitabschnitt war von solch grundlegenden technischen, politischen und philosophischen Umbruchen gepragt wie die 100 Jahre bis zur Jahrtausendwende - vom Kaiserreich zur globalen Weltgesellschaft, vom Idealismus zum Werterelativismus. Die juristische Grundlagenforschung - auch die Rechtsphilosophie - ist gegenwartig in keiner guten Verfassung: Ihr fehlt die gesellschaftliche Resonanz, und damit einhergehend der qualifizierte wissenschaftliche Nachwuchs. Der Band mochte einen Anstoss geben, durch eine Ruckbesinnung auf die grossen Leistungen in der Rechtsphilosophie des letzten Jahrhunderts an diese anzuknupfen, Problemlosungen fur die (...)
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    Better off without Parents? Legal and Ethical Questions concerning Refugee Children in Germany.Annette Dufner & Lars Hillmann - 2017 - Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies 45 (2):1-18.
    Refugee migration to Europe reached peak levels in 2015. During this time, more than 260,000 children applied for asylum in Germany; over 40,000 of whom arrived without parents or other legal guardians. This article takes a broadly descriptive legal approach to focus on the resulting legal and ethical problems in Germany, and to highlight a variety of ethically relevant issues within the legal system. In particular, refugee children below the legal age of 18, have special needs with regard to health (...)
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