Results for 'Anna Cossetta'

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  1. Being (with) Objects.Anna E. Mudde - 2017 - In Marie-Eve Morin (ed.), Continental Realism and its Discontents. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press.
    In this paper, I explore some of the ambivalent potential of Graham Harman’s post-humanist object-oriented ontology for thinking about human beings as objects, and for how to be with human beings as objects. In particular, I consider the work of feminist phenomenologists attuned to objectification as both having a tradition of object-orientation and as already contesting the idealism that Harman opposes. Objectified human beings inhabit a site of ontological duality, often knowing themselves as objects for others, who thus experience the (...)
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  2. Vulnerability, advanced global capitalism and co-symptomatic injustice : locating the vulnerable subject.Anna Grear - 2013 - In Martha Fineman & Anna Grear (eds.), Vulnerability: reflections on a new ethical foundation for law and politics. Burlington, VT: Ashgate.
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  3. Democratising Measurement: or Why Thick Concepts Call for Coproduction.Anna Alexandrova & Mark Fabian - 2021 - European Journal for Philosophy of Science 12 (1):1-23.
    Thick concepts, namely those concepts that describe and evaluate simultaneously, present a challenge to science. Since science does not have a monopoly on value judgments, what is responsible research involving such concepts? Using measurement of wellbeing as an example, we first present the options open to researchers wishing to study phenomena denoted by such concepts. We argue that while it is possible to treat these concepts as technical terms, or to make the relevant value judgment in-house, the responsible thing to (...)
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    The Rhetoric of Science in Darwin's On the Origins of Species.Anna Carolina Regner - 2007 - In Boaventura de Sousa Santos (ed.), Cognitive Justice in a Global World: Prudent Knowledges for a Decent Life. Lanham: Lexington Books.
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  5. Is Well-being Measurable After All?Anna Alexandrova - 2016 - Public Health Ethics 10 (2).
    In Valuing Health, Dan Hausman argues that well-being is not measurable, at least not in the way that science and policy would require. His argument depends on a demanding conception of well-being and on a pessimistic verdict upon the existing measures of subjective well-being. Neither of these reasons, I argue, warrant as much skepticism as Hausman professes.
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    Ethical Issues in Intraoperative Neuroscience Research: Assessing Subjects’ Recall of Informed Consent and Motivations for Participation.Anna Wexler, Rebekah J. Choi, Ashwin G. Ramayya, Nikhil Sharma, Brendan J. McShane, Love Y. Buch, Melanie P. Donley-Fletcher, Joshua I. Gold, Gordon H. Baltuch, Sara Goering & Eran Klein - 2022 - AJOB Empirical Bioethics 13 (1):57-66.
    BackgroundAn increasing number of studies utilize intracranial electrophysiology in human subjects to advance basic neuroscience knowledge. However, the use of neurosurgical patients as human research subjects raises important ethical considerations, particularly regarding informed consent and undue influence, as well as subjects’ motivations for participation. Yet a thorough empirical examination of these issues in a participant population has been lacking. The present study therefore aimed to empirically investigate ethical concerns regarding informed consent and voluntariness in Parkinson’s disease patients undergoing deep brain (...)
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    Online Emotions: A Framework.Anna Bortolan - 2022 - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy (9):3436-3460.
    The paper develops a philosophical account of emotions experienced and communicated on the internet, and, in particular, in the context of social media use. A growing body of research across disciplines has investigated the distinctive features of emotions in the digital age, and a key question in this regard concerns whether online emotions are the same kind of phenomena as those undergone offline. In this paper, I contribute to addressing this question by suggesting that the structure and characteristic features of (...)
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    (1 other version)Varieties of Self-Apprehension.Anna Giustina - 2019 - ProtoSociology 36:186-220.
    The Brentanian idea that every state of consciousness involves a consciousness or awareness of itself (Brentano 1874), which has been a central tenet of the phenomenological school, is a current topic in contemporary philosophical debates about consciousness and subjectivity, both in the continental and the analytic tradition. Typically, the self-awareness that accompanies every state of consciousness is char­acterized as pre-reflective. Most theorists of pre-reflective self-awareness seem to converge on a negative characterization: pre-reflective self-awareness is not a kind of reflective awareness. (...)
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  9. Socialist socrates-Ernst Bloch in the GDR.Anna-Sabine Ernst & Gerwin Klinger - 1997 - Radical Philosophy 84:6-21.
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  10. Well-Being as an Object of Science.Anna Alexandrova - 2012 - Philosophy of Science 79 (5):678-689.
    The burgeoning science of well-being makes no secret of being value laden: improvement of well-being is its explicit goal. But in order to achieve this goal its concepts and claims need to be value adequate; that is, they need, among other things, to adequately capture well-being. In this article I consider two ways of securing this adequacy—first, by relying on philosophical theory of prudential value and, second, by the psychometric approach. I argue that neither is fully adequate and explore an (...)
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  11. Language and the Gendered Body: Butler's Early Reading of Merleau‐Ponty.Anna Petronella Foultier - 2013 - Hypatia 28 (4):767-783.
    Through a close reading of Judith Butler's 1989 essay on Merleau-Ponty's “theory” of sexuality as well as the texts her argument hinges on, this paper addresses the debate about the relation between language and the living, gendered body as it is understood by defenders of poststructural theory on the one hand, and different interpretations of Merleau-Ponty's phenomenology on the other. I claim that Butler, in her criticism of the French philosopher's analysis of the famous “Schneider case,” does not take its (...)
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    Authority, Self-Determination, and Community in Cosmopolitan War.Anna Stilz - 2014 - Law and Philosophy 33 (3):309-335.
    This paper examines Cécile Fabre’s cosmopolitan reductionist approach to war. It makes three main points. First, I show that Fabre must ‘thin down’ justice’s content in order to justify the cosmopolitan claim that the same rights and duties bind people everywhere. Second, I investigate Fabre’s account of the values at stake in national sovereignty and territorial integrity. Can cosmopolitanism explain why it is permissible to fight in defense of one’s political community? I doubt it. I argue that Fabre’s reductionist approach (...)
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  13.  42
    A Non-Realistic Approach for Natural Languages.Adonai Sant'Anna, Otávio Bueno & Newton C. A. da Costa - unknown
    The structure of natural languages is usually studied from three major different but interconnected points of view: syntax, semantics, and pragmatics. If we consider that the main purpose of natural languages is communication, we should consider another dimension for languages, which deals with the influence of internal states of communicating individuals on meanings. Such a dimension we refer to as internalism. Within this context, internalism cannot be confused with psycholinguistics, in the same way pragmatics cannot be confused with sociolinguistics. In (...)
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    Opowieści niesamowite ze świata kruków.Anna Sarosiek - 2018 - Philosophical Problems in Science 65:226-231.
    Book review: Bernd Heinrich, Umysł kruka. Badania i przygody w świecie wilczych ptaków, tł. Michał Szczubiałka, Wydawnictwo Czarne, Wołowiec, 2018, ss. 504.
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  15. Diseño institucional e innovaciones democráticas.Anna Estany & Mario Gensollen (eds.) - 2021 - UAA-UAB.
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    Whatever Next and Close to My Self—The Transparent Senses and the “Second Skin”: Implications for the Case of Depersonalization.Anna Ciaunica, Andreas Roepstorff, Aikaterini Katerina Fotopoulou & Bruna Petreca - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12:613587.
    In his paper “Whatever next? Predictive brains, situated agents, and the future of cognitive science,” Andy Clark seminally proposed that the brain's job is to predict whatever information is coming “next” on the basis of prior inputs and experiences. Perception fundamentally subserves survival and self-preservation in biological agents, such as humans. Survival however crucially depends on rapid and accurate information processing of what is happening in the here and now. Hence, the term “next” in Clark's seminal formulation must include not (...)
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  17.  13
    The Impact of Orthography on Text Production in Three Languages: Catalan, English, and Spanish.Anna Llaurado & Julie E. Dockrell - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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    Democracy in contested territory: on the legitimacy of global legal pluralism.Anna Jurkevics - 2022 - Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy 25 (2):187-210.
  19. Islam.Anna Gade - 2007 - In John Corrigan (ed.), The Oxford Handbook of Religion and Emotion. Oup Usa.
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  20.  27
    Primitive Introspection.Anna Giustina - unknown
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    A diffusion model analysis of belief bias: Different cognitive mechanisms explain how cognitive abilities and thinking styles contribute to conflict resolution in reasoning.Anna-Lena Schubert, Mário B. Ferreira, André Mata & Ben Riemenschneider - 2021 - Cognition 211 (C):104629.
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  22. La ontología de la actualidad de G. Vattimo: Una filosofía entre la religión y la política.Anna Quintanas Feixas - 2008 - A Parte Rei 60:16.
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  23. Wolność w zdeterminowanym świecie? Wątki etyczne w twórczości literackiej George Eliot.Anna Głąb - 2013 - Studia Philosophica Wratislaviensia 8 (4).
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  24. „Artysta jest z natury lewicowy, a tworzy sztukę z natury prawicową.”.Anna Gruszka - 2010 - Nowa Krytyka 24.
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    Fenomen słowa.Anna Grzegorczyk, Małgorzata Grzywacz & Rafał Koschany (eds.) - 2009 - Poznań: Wydawn. Naukowe UAM.
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  26. Kantowskie formy oglądu zmysłowego a kulturowy charakter doświadczenia.Anna Pałubicka - 1992 - Nowa Krytyka 2:63-76.
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  27. Jacek Wasilewski, Nieformalna stratyfikacja wychowanków zakładu poprawczego.Anna Pilinow - 1971 - Etyka 8.
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    Vorwort.Anna Wehofsits, Gregor Betz, David Löwenstein & Dirk Koppelberg - 2015 - In Gregor Betz, Dirk Koppelberg, David Löwenstein & Anna Wehofsits (eds.), Weiter Denken - Über Philosophie, Wissenschaft Und Religion. Boston: De Gruyter.
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    Patient autonomy and choice in healthcare: self-testing devices as a case in point.Anna-Marie Greaney, Dónal P. O’Mathúna & P. Anne Scott - 2012 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 15 (4):383-395.
    This paper aims to critique the phenomenon of advanced patient autonomy and choice in healthcare within the specific context of self-testing devices. A growing number of self-testing medical devices are currently available for home use. The premise underpinning many of these devices is that they assist individuals to be more autonomous in the assessment and management of their health. Increased patient autonomy is assumed to be a good thing. We take issue with this assumption and argue that self-testing provides a (...)
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    Scambiarsi le arti: arte e antropologia.Anna Castelli - 2022 - Firenze - Italia: Bompiani. Edited by Franco La Cecla.
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    Realismi: Nicolai Hartmann "al di là" di realismo e idealismo.Giuseppe D'Anna - 2013 - Brescia: Morcelliana.
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  32.  4
    Parergon: Attribut, Material und Fragment in der Bildästhetik des Quattrocento.Anna Degler - 2015 - Paderborn: Wilhelm Fink.
    "Die Unterscheidung in Haupt- und Nebensache ist ein kulturabhängiges ästhetisches Konstrukt, das immer wieder neu ausgehandelt wird. Dieser Band erschließt die Ästhetik des Beiwerks in der Bild- und Textkultur des Quattrocento über den historischen Begriff Parergon (dt. Beiwerk) folglich auch innerhalb einer Normen- und Rezeptionsgeschichte. Der Topos von der potentiellen Gefährdung des Werkes durch übermäßiges Beiwerk prägt seit der Antike westliche kunsttheoretische, theologische und nicht zuletzt auch wissenschaftliche Diskurse. In eingehenden Analysen verfolgt dieser Band das Phänomen aus der Perspektive von (...)
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    Kieszenie i podszewki: podteksty kultury.Anna Kapusta - 2013 - Kraków: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego.
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    Pathways to civilization and cultural detours.Anna Makolkin - 2015 - Toronto: Anik Press.
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    Philosophical and Theological Topics in Joachim of Fiore and the Joachimite Tradition.Anna Marmodoro - 2023 - Recherches de Theologie Et Philosophie Medievales 89 (2):213-213.
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    Neokantyzm epistemologiczny i ontologiczny: Ernst Cassirer, Martin Heidegger = Epistemological and ontological neo-Kantianism: Ernst Cassirer, Martin Heidegger.Anna Musioł - 2020 - Katowice: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Śląskiego.
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  37. Lebendiges Argumentieren: Philosophische Medien und digitale Lehre.Anna Puzio & Thomas Hanke - 2021 - In Anna Puzio & Thomas Hanke (eds.), Theologiestudium im digitalen Zeitalter. Herder.
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    Cognitio obumbrata: lo statuto epistemologico della profezia nel secolo XIII.Anna Rodolfi - 2016 - Firenze: SISMEL - Edizioni del Galluzzo.
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  39. In der Philosophie lernt man von sachlichen Gegnern am meisten" : Heidegger und Rickert : ein philosophisches Streitgespräch über die Lebensfrage.Anna Pia Ruoppo - 2016 - In Anna Donise, Antonello Giugliano & Edoardo Massimilla (eds.), Methodologie, Erkenntnistheorie, Wertphilosophie: Heinrich Rickert und seine Zeit. Würzburg: Königshausen & Neumann.
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    Shades of Awareness on the Mechanisms Underlying the Quality of Conscious Representations: A Commentary to Fazekas and Overgaard ().Anna Anzulewicz & Michał Wierzchoń - 2018 - Cognitive Science 42 (6):2095-2100.
    Fazekas and Overgaard () present a novel, multidimensional model that explains different ways in which conscious representations can be degraded. Moreover, the authors discuss possible mechanisms that underlie different kinds of degradation, primarily those related to attentional processing. In this letter, we argue that the proposed mechanisms are not sufficient. We propose that attentional mechanisms work differently at various processing stages; and factors that are independent of attentional ones, such as expectation, previous experience, and context, should be accounted for if (...)
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    Mechanical Pain Thresholds and the Rubber Hand Illusion.Anna Bauer, Julia Hagenburger, Tina Plank, Volker Busch & Mark W. Greenlee - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    Everyday Ethics and Social Change: The Education of Desire.Anna Lisa Peterson - 2009 - Columbia University Press.
    Americans increasingly cite moral values as a factor in how they vote, but when we define morality simply in terms of a voter's position on gay marriage and abortion, we lose sight of the ethical decisions that guide our everyday lives. In our encounters with friends, family members, nature, and nonhuman creatures, we practice a nonutilitarian morality that makes sacrifice a rational and reasonable choice. Recognizing these everyday ethics, Anna L. Peterson argues, helps us move past the seemingly irreconcilable (...)
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    “Scaffolding” and “affordance” as integrative concepts in the cognitive sciences.Anna Estany & Sergio Martínez - 2014 - Philosophical Psychology 27 (1):1-14.
    There are (at least) two ways to think of the differences in basic concepts and typologies that one can find in the different scientific practices that constitute a research tradition. One is the fundamentalist view: the fewer the better. The other is a non-fundamentalist view of science whereby the integration of different concepts into the right abstraction grounds an explanation that is not grounded as the sum of the explanations supported by the parts. Integrative concepts are often associated with idealizations (...)
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  44. Krytyka systemu Kanta i program nowokrytyczny Mariana Massoniusa.Anna Hochfeld - 1975 - Archiwum Historii Filozofii I Myśli Społecznej 21.
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  45. Z historii filozofii pozytywistycznej w Polsce.Anna Hochfeldowa & Barbara Skarga (eds.) - 1972 - Wrocław,: Zakład Narodowy im. Ossolińskich.
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    Modell + Risiko: historische Miniaturen zu dynamischen Epistemologien.Anna Laqua, Peter Löffelbein & Michael Lorber (eds.) - 2019 - Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz Verlag.
    Der interdisziplinar angelegte Sammelband diskutiert die materiellen und historischen Verfasst- und Bedingtheiten von Modellen und Modellvorstellungen. Die hier versammelten historischen Miniaturen beleuchten nicht nur das Verhaltnis von Modell und Risiko, sondern werfen zugleich Schlaglichter auf den in wissenshistorischer Perspektive vergleichsweise vernachlassigten Gebrauch von Modellen in Kulturen der Vormoderne. Modelle, so die den Band pragende Kernthese, dienen der Bewaltigung epistemologischer Risiken. Sie machen das Unwagbare wagbar, gewahren Zugriff auf das Potenzielle und Kontingente, vermitteln zwischen der Faktizitat des Gegebenen und der sie (...)
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    Bioetyka, ekofilozofia i filozofia umysłu u progu trzeciego tysiąclecia. Rozważania w świetle najnowszych osiągnięć naukowo-technicznych.Anna Latawiec - 1999 - Humanistyka I Przyrodoznawstwo 5:105-116.
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    Cele I Zadania Filozofii Przyrody.Anna Latawiec - 2006 - Roczniki Filozoficzne 54 (1):322-325.
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    Świat wirtualny jako nowy przedmiot filozofii przyrody.Anna Latawiec - 2006 - Roczniki Filozoficzne 54 (2):119-131.
    Fast and intensive development of natural science (especially quantitative physics) and computer science make us think about the philosophy of nature. In this article we would like to show that a new subject of the philosophy of nature is the virtual world. The first step was to analyse some words like the following: virtuality, potentiality, reality. In this context we propose a definition of the virtual world as a real view created or reconstructed by intellectual or technical simulation. The next (...)
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    From Rationalism to Reflexivity? Reflections.Anna Lawrence & Star Molteno - 2012 - In Eric Brousseau, Tom Dedeurwaerdere & Bernd Siebenhüner (eds.), Reflexive Governance for Global Public Goods. MIT Press. pp. 283.
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