Results for 'Anja Cichon'

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  1.  31
    Adult age differences in prospective memory in the laboratory: are they related to higher stress levels in the elderly?Andreas Ihle, Matthias Kliegel, Alexandra Hering, Nicola Ballhausen, Prune Lagner, Julia Benusch, Anja Cichon, Annekathrin Zergiebel, Michel Oris & Katharina M. Schnitzspahn - 2014 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 8.
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    A Theory of Unborn Life: From Abortion to Genetic Manipulation.Anja J. Karnein - 2012 - Oup Usa.
    In light of new biomedical technologies, such as artificial reproduction, stem cell research, genetic selection and design, the question of what we owe to future persons-and unborn life more generally-is as contested as ever. In A Theory of Unborn Life: From Abortion to Genetic Manipulation, author Anja J. Karnein provides a novel theory that shows how our commitments to persons can help us make sense of our obligations to unborn life. We should treat embryos that will develop into persons (...)
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    More German than the West.Anja Thiele - 2024 - Deutsche Vierteljahrsschrift für Literaturwissenschaft Und Geistesgeschichte 98 (4):601-618.
    The article deals with the significance of GDR- and East Germany-discourses for the New Right, in particular for its literary politics. It reconstructs the metapolitical role of these discourses for the New Right in the 1990s as well as the role of East German literature and authors in the most important theoretical journal of the New Right, Sezession, from 2003 to the present day.
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    Relational labeling unlocks inert knowledge.Anja Jamrozik & Dedre Gentner - 2020 - Cognition 196 (C):104146.
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    Acquiring Complex Focus-Marking: Finnish 4- to 5-Year-Olds Use Prosody and Word Order in Interaction.Arnhold Anja, Chen Aoju & Järvikivi Juhani - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7.
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    Deleuze slow cinema i trwanie, czyli dokąd prowadzi nas obraz.Adam Cichoń - 2018 - Sztuka I Filozofia (Art and Philosophy) 52 (1):167-181.
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  7. Ypostesij, Metron, Nohema. Three Approaches to Representing Time in Visual Arts.Krzysztof Cichoń - 2001 - Art Inquiry. Recherches Sur les Arts 3:68-90.
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    Perceptions of Informed Consent in the Care of Elderly People in Five European Countries.Anja Schopp, Maritta Välimäki, Helena Leino-Kilpi, Theo Dassen, Maria Gasull, Chryssoula Lemonidou, P. Anne Scott, Marianne Arndt & Anne Kaljonen - 2003 - Nursing Ethics 10 (1):48-57.
    The focus of this article is on elderly patients’ and nursing staff perceptions of informed consent in the care of elderly patients/residents in five European countries. The results suggest that patients and nurses differ in their views on how informed consent is implemented. Among elderly patients the highest frequency for securing informed consent was reported in Finland; the lowest was in Germany. In contrast, among nurses, the highest frequency was reported in the UK (Scotland) and the lowest in Finland. In (...)
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  9. Dualization of the Van Douwen Diagram.Jacek Cichoń, Adam Krawczyk, Barbara Majcher-Iwanow & Bogdan Wȩglorz - 2000 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 65 (2):959-968.
    We make a more systematic study of the van Douwen diagram for cardinal coefficients related to combinatorial properties of partitions of natural numbers.
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    Perceptions of Privacy in the Care of Elderly People in Five European Countries.Anja Schopp, Helena Leino-Kilpi, Maritta Välimäki, Theo Dassen, Maria Gasull, Chryssoula Lemonidou, P. Anne Scott, Marianne Arndt & Anne Kaljonen - 2003 - Nursing Ethics 10 (1):39-47.
    The focus of this article is on elderly patients’ and nursing staff perceptions of privacy in the care of elderly patients/residents in five European countries. Privacy includes physical, social and informational elements. The results show that perceptions of privacy were strongest in the UK (Scotland) and weakest in Greece. Country comparisons revealed statistically significant differences between the perceptions of elderly patients and also between those of nurses working in the same ward or long-term care facility. Perceptions of privacy by patients (...)
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  11.  54
    What’s wrong with the presentist bias? On the threat of intergenerational domination.Anja Karnein - 2023 - Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy 26 (5):725-746.
    What is the wrong behind the widely criticized presentist bias of democracies? In this paper I argue that it is not that future generations are excluded from present-day democratic decision-making quite generally. Rather, I claim that due to the unique risks associated with representing future generations and the limitations on affecting future generations both institutionally and causally, the focus ought to be on including them on a more specific, narrower, set of issues, namely only those that threaten to lead to (...)
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    1. Introduction.Anja Šarić - 2018 - In Nominalizations, Double Genitives and Possessives: Evidence for the Dp-Hypothesis in Serbian. De Gruyter. pp. 1-12.
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  13. Aksjologiczne podstawy teorii wychowania.Władysław Cichoń - 1980 - Kraków: Nakł. Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego.
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    Hamel-isomorphic images of the unit ball.Jacek Cichoń & Przemysław Szczepaniak - 2010 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 56 (6):625-630.
    In this article we consider linear isomorphisms over the field of rational numbers between the linear spaces ℝ2 and ℝ. We prove that if f is such an isomorphism, then the image by f of the unit disk is a strictly nonmeasurable subset of the real line, which has different properties than classical non-measurable subsets of reals. We shall also consider the question whether all images of bounded measurable subsets of the plane via a such mapping are non-measurable.
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  15.  41
    On the compactness of some Boolean algebras.Jacek Cichoń - 1984 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 49 (1):63-67.
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    (1 other version)Strictly orthogonal left linear rewrite systems and primitive recursion.E. A. Cichon & E. Tahhan-Bittar - 2001 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 108 (1-3):79-101.
    Let F be a signature and R a strictly orthogonal rewrite system on ground terms of F . We give an effective proof of a bounding condition for R , based on a detailed analysis of how terms are transformed during the rewrite process, which allows us to give recursive bounds on the derivation lengths of terms. We give a syntactic characterisation of the Grzegorczyk hierarchy and a rewriting schema for calculating its functions. As a consequence of this, using results (...)
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  17.  13
    False Prophets: Fraud and Error in Science and Medicine. Alexander Kohn.Anja Hiddinga - 1988 - Isis 79 (3):500-503.
  18.  12
    Bild und Latenz: Impulse für eine Didaktik der Bildlatenz.Anja Pompe (ed.) - 2019 - Paderborn: Wilhelm Fink, Brill Deutschland.
    Bilder spielen in allen Schulfächern immer schon eine zentrale Rolle. Die intellektuellen Energien, die in den Bildungs- und Erziehungswissenschaften aufgewendet werden, um Fragen des Einsatzes von Bildern zu beantworten, wirken daher beachtlich. Eingeklammert bleiben dabei bisher jedoch Phänomene der Unsichtbarkeit, obwohl sie grundlegend für alles Bildliche sind. Denn sie gehören zu jener Dimension, die wir als "latent" bezeichnen. Eine Auseinandersetzung mit den Funktionen von Bildern in Lehrkontexten kann deshalb nur erfolgreich sein, wenn die philosophischen Debatten über "Latenz", die zwischen dem (...)
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    Das Studium der Stille: deutschsprachige Gegenwartsliteratur im Spannungsfeld von Gnostizismus, Philosophie und Mystik: Heinrich Böll, Botho Strauss, Peter Handke, Ralf Rothmann.Anja Maria Richter - 2010 - New York: Peter Lang.
    Die gängigen Prognosen, nach denen die Religionen im Kontext der Moderne oder im Zuge der Globalisierung an Bedeutung verlieren würden, haben sich nicht bestätigt. Das Gegenteil ist der Fall: Jenseits von nihilistischen Entwürfen und virtuellen Konstruktionen öffneten sich auch und gerade in der Literatur Räume für die Belebung religiöser Weltsicht. Ausgehend von Heinrich Böll und seiner Anfang der 1960er Jahre eingeleiteten Distanzierung von der Institution Kirche, wird am Beispiel von Botho Strauß und Peter Handke, die seit den 1970er und 1980er (...)
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  20.  44
    Disability Studies, Körper und das komplexe Feld der Identitäten Ein Interview mit Sharon S. Snyder und David T. Mitchell.Anja Tervooren - 2002 - Die Philosophin 13 (25):115-124.
  21. Philosophy and life.Anja Weiberg - 2009 - In Ulrich Arnswald, In Search of Meaning: Ludwig Wittgenstein on Ethics, Mysticism and Religion. Karlsruhe: Universitätsverlag Karlsruhe.
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    Anthropomorphism in social robotics: empirical results on human–robot interaction in hybrid production workplaces.Anja Richert, Sarah Müller, Stefan Schröder & Sabina Jeschke - 2018 - AI and Society 33 (3):413-424.
    New forms of artificial intelligence on the one hand and the ubiquitous networking of “everything with everything” on the other hand characterize the fourth industrial revolution. This results in a changed understanding of human–machine interaction, in new models for production, in which man and machine together with virtual agents form hybrid teams. The empirical study “Socializing with robots” aims to gain insight especially into conditions of development and processes of hybrid human–machine teams. In the experiment, human–robot actions and interactions were (...)
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  23.  36
    The slow-growing and the grzecorczyk hierarchies.E. A. Cichon & S. S. Wainer - 1983 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 48 (2):399-408.
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    AI in law practice? So far, not much.Anja Oskamp & Marc Lauritsen - 2002 - Artificial Intelligence and Law 10 (4):227-236.
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    Interview: Joerg Tuske talks to Anja Steinbauer.Joerg Tuske & Anja Steinbauer - 2019 - Philosophy Now 132:21-21.
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  26. On ideals of subsets of the plane and on Cohen reals.Jacek Cichoń & Janusz Pawlikowski - 1986 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 51 (3):560-569.
    Let J be any proper ideal of subsets of the real line R which contains all finite subsets of R. We define an ideal J * ∣B as follows: X ∈ J * ∣B if there exists a Borel set $B \subset R \times R$ such that $X \subset B$ and for any x ∈ R we have $\{y \in R: \langle x,y\rangle \in B\} \in \mathscr{J}$ . We show that there exists a family $\mathscr{A} \subset \mathscr{J}^\ast\mid\mathscr{B}$ of power ω (...)
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    Claiming Care Rights as a Performative Act.Anja Eleveld - 2015 - Law and Critique 26 (1):83-100.
    This paper investigates how a performative understanding of a woman’s right to care can become part of a feminist politics which is able to transcend the well-worn dichotomies we find both within and without feminist literature, such as difference versus equality, difference versus repronormativity, and rights as freedom versus rights as domination. Drawing on my own research, I argue that claiming the right to care does not simply push women more deeply into motherhood resulting in even more control and regulation (...)
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  28.  19
    Sonne und Mond, Kalender und Uhr: Studien zur Darstellung und poetischen Reflexion der Zeitordnung in der römischen Literatur.Anja Wolkenhauer - 2011 - De Gruyter.
    Thema dieses Buches ist weder die Philosophie der Zeit noch eine römische Chronologie, sondern eine Untersuchung der literarischen Reflexion der Zeitordnung in Rom. Es sagt wenig darüber, "wie es wirklich gewesen", und mehr darüber, wie diese Ordnung sprachlich konstituiert wurde, welche Metaphern sie hervorbrachte und welche Argumente im römischen Zeitdiskurs präsent waren. Wichtigstes Ziel ist die interpretatorische Erschließung der relevanten Texte und, daran anknüpfend, die Rekonstruktion des kulturellen Wissens in Bezug auf das tempus Romanum. Dieses Wissen konkretisiert sich in der (...)
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  29. Philosophical Concepts, the Ideal of Sublimation, and the “Unpredictability of Human Behaviour”.Anja Weiberg - 2021 - Journal for the History of Analytical Philosophy 9 (4):27-37.
    Wittgenstein famously criticizes the philosophical practice of analyzing the meaning of words outside their ordinary use in everyday language, whereby often self-made pseudo-problems arise. In order to shed further light on Wittgenstein’s critique, this article makes use of the Remarks on the Philosophy of Psychology. First, starting from the remark in Vol. I, §52, his criticism of the philosophical method of selection and generalization is explained in detail. Next, I give a brief outline of Wittgenstein’s own way of philosophizing by (...)
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    A genealogy of sustainable agriculture narratives: implications for the transformative potential of regenerative agriculture.Anja Bless, Federico Davila & Roel Plant - 2023 - Agriculture and Human Values 40 (4):1379-1397.
    The agri-food system is facing a range of social-ecological threats, many of which are caused and amplified by industrial agriculture. In response, numerous sustainable agriculture narratives have emerged, proposing solutions to the challenges facing the agri-food system. One such narrative that has recently risen to prominence is regenerative agriculture. However, the drivers for the rapid emergence of regenerative agriculture are not well understood. Furthermore, its transformative potential for supporting a more sustainable agri-food system is underexplored. Through a genealogical analysis of (...)
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  31. Kant, Xunzi and the Artificiality of Manners.Anja Berninger - 2017 - Asian Studies 5 (1):173-192.
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    Acknowledgment.Anja Šarić - 2018 - In Nominalizations, Double Genitives and Possessives: Evidence for the Dp-Hypothesis in Serbian. De Gruyter.
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    2. Background literature.Anja Šarić - 2018 - In Nominalizations, Double Genitives and Possessives: Evidence for the Dp-Hypothesis in Serbian. De Gruyter. pp. 13-32.
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    3. Data.Anja Šarić - 2018 - In Nominalizations, Double Genitives and Possessives: Evidence for the Dp-Hypothesis in Serbian. De Gruyter. pp. 33-58.
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    Nominalizations, Double Genitives and Possessives: Evidence for the Dp-Hypothesis in Serbian.Anja Šarić - 2018 - De Gruyter.
    The goal of this work is twofold. First, it aims to account for double genitive constructions in Serbian. Second, it aims to re-evaluate the DP hypothesis in light of their existence in Serbian. Based on evidence from the categorial status of possessives, argumenthood in the nominal domain, the morphosyntactic structure of nominalizations, and the assignment of the genitive case, it is argued that DP projection must be assumed in Serbian.
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    Emotion and perception of one’s own actions – A comment on Wilke, Synofzik and Lindner.Anja Berninger & Sabine Döring - 2012 - Consciousness and Cognition 21 (1):46-47.
    Wilke et al. make significant headway in gaining a better understanding of the influence affect cues may have on action perception and judgement. In our view their account also brings up a row of important questions demanding further research. This concerns the role of conceptual and non-conceptual content and the different effects emotions of the same valence may play in the perception and judgement of action.
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    Ross oder Reiter? Zu Prop. 4,10,19.Anja Bettenworth - 2002 - Hermes 130 (1):122-126.
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    Militärische Robotik als Herausforderung für das Verhältnis von menschlicher Kontrolle und maschineller Autonomie.Anja Dahlmann - 2017 - Zeitschrift Für Evangelische Ethik 61 (3):171-183.
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    Wappen und Bilder im Diskurs - Das Beispiel der Habsburger.Anja Eisenbeiss - 2006 - Das Mittelalter 11 (2).
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  40. Der Erscheinungsraum der Person : eine Annäherung mit Hannah Arendt.Anja Kathrin Hild - 2015 - In Michael Grossheim, Leib, Ort, Gefühl: Perspektiven der räumlichen Erfahrung. Freiburg: Verlag Karl Alber.
  41.  11
    The Body of the Woman Artist: Paula Modersohn-Becker and Rainer Maria Rilke on Giving Birth and Art.Anja Hänsch - 1997 - European Journal of Women's Studies 4 (4):435-449.
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    The Water Controversy.Anja Skaar Jacobsen - 2006 - Minerva 44 (4):459-462.
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  43. When links are missing : exploring children's "missing" as related to post-divorce family life.Anja Marschall - 2016 - In Jytte Bang & Ditte Winther-Lindqvist, Nothingness: philosophical insights into psychology. New Brunswick (U.S.A.): Transaction Publishers.
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  44.  25
    A Ridiculously Brief Overview of Political Philosophy.Anja Steinbauer - 2004 - Philosophy Now 46:7-7.
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    Existentialism.Anja Steinbauer - 2001 - Philosophy Now 32:6-6.
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    Ethics versus Morality.Anja Steinbauer - 2000 - Philosophy Now 26:9-9.
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  47.  19
    Robert Nozick.Anja Steinbauer - 2002 - Philosophy Now 35:38-38.
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  48.  25
    What’s New in Chinese Philosophy.Anja Steinbauer - 1999 - Philosophy Now 23:24-27.
  49.  10
    »Entartete Kunst«. Konfiskation und Deponierung.Anja Tiedemann - 2013 - In Die "Entartete" Moderne Und Ihr Amerikanischer Markt: Karl Buchholz Und Curt Valentin Als Händler Verfemter Kunst. De Gruyter. pp. 95-110.
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  50.  32
    "I know that I have two hands" Wittgenstein and Moore.Anja Weiberg - 2003 - Disputatio Philosophica 5 (1):51-63.
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