Results for 'Angela Rosen-Wolff'

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  1.  17
    Benefit assessment of preventive medical check‐ups in patients suffering from chronic granulomatous disease (CGD).Joachim Roesler, Anne Koch, Gonke Porksen, Horst von Bernuth, Sebastian Brenner, Gabriele Hahn, Rainer Fischer, Norbert Lorenz, Manfred Gahr & Angela Rosen-Wolff - 2005 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 11 (6):513-521.
  2. Political Thought.Michael Rosen & Jonathan Wolff (eds.) - 1999 - Oxford University Press.
    This Oxford Reader contains 140 essential readings covering the most important debates in the Western political tradition and presents samples of the major political ideologies. Issues discussed include; the role of human nature in determining social arrangements; the political significance of gender differences; the justification for the powers of the state; democracy and the rights of minorities; the tension between liberty and equality; the way in which resources ought to be distributed; and international relations. Authors range from Plato and Aristotle (...)
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  3. The Problem of Ideology.Michael Rosen & Jonathan Wolff - 1996 - Aristotelian Society Supplementary Volume 70 (1):209 - 241.
  4. Simultaneous Elements of Reality for Incompatible Properties by Exploiting Locality.Angela Sestito - 2013 - Foundations of Physics 43 (2):271-283.
    We propose an ideal experiment enabling the simultaneous assignment of the objective values, 0 or 1, of two incompatible properties of a system made up of two separated, non-interacting spin particles when a strict interpretation of the criterion of reality of Einstein, Podolsky and Rosen is adopted. We compare this experiment with the physical situation involving two-value observables of a system of two correlated spin-1/2 particles envisaged by Bohm; in particular, we show its inadequacy in the dual assignment at (...)
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  5. The Early Modern Subject: Self-Consciousness and Personal Identity from Descartes to Hume, by Udo Thiel. [REVIEW]Angela Coventry - 2012 - Mind 121 (484):1132-1135.
    In The Early Modern Subject, Udo Thiel explores early modern writings spanning approximately the seventeenth century to the first half of the eighteenth century on two topics of self consciousness, the human subject’s ‘awareness or consciousness of one’s own self’, and personal identity, the human subject’s tendency to regard one’s own self as the same identical self or person that persists through time (p. 1). The aim of the book is twofold. First, to provide an account of the development of (...)
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  6. Quantum Mechanics, Can It Be Consistent with Locality?Giuseppe Nisticò & Angela Sestito - 2011 - Foundations of Physics 41 (7):1263-1278.
    We single out an alternative, strict interpretation of the Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen criterion of reality, and identify the implied extensions of quantum correlations. Then we prove that the theorem of Bell, and the non-locality theorems without inequalities, fail if the new extensions are adopted. Therefore, these theorems can be interpreted as arguments against the wide interpretation of the criterion of reality rather than as a violation of locality.
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  7. (2 other versions)Composition as a fiction.Gideon Rosen & Cian Dorr - 2002 - In Richard Gale, The Blackwell Companion to Metaphysics. Blackwell. pp. 151--174.
    Region R Question: How many objects — entities, things — are contained in R? Ignore the empty space. Our question might better be put, 'How many material objects does R contain?' Let's stipulate that A, B and C are metaphysical atoms: absolutely simple entities with no parts whatsoever besides themselves. So you don't have to worry about counting a particle's top half and bottom half as different objects. Perhaps they are 'point-particles', with no length, width or breadth. Perhaps they are (...)
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  8. Skepticism about moral responsibility.Gideon Rosen - 2004 - Philosophical Perspectives 18 (1):295–313.
  9. (1 other version)Abstract objects.Gideon Rosen - 2008 - Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
  10. Brandom on modality, normativity, and intentionality.Gideon Rosen - 2001 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 63 (3):611-23.
    1. Professor Brandom’s paper is addressed to a methodological question: When we set out to account for the intentionality of thought and language, what resources may we exploit? Which notions may we use? Brandom is a famously ambitious theorist. Unlike his colleague, John McDowell, Brandom has long maintained that we should at least aspire to explain intentionality in non-intentional terms. This leaves it open, however, which non-intentional resources are legitimate.
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    The Public Realm: Essays on Discursive Types in Political Philosophy.Reiner Schürmann (ed.) - 1988 - State University of New York Press.
    This book offers a collection of essays in contemporary political philosophy from a wide range of Continental viewpoints. The authors include some of the most prominent European and European-oriented philosophers and political thinkers of our day. Two sections out of four focus on the debate between prescriptive and descriptive types of political thinking. On the prescriptive or normative side, Karl-Otto Apel, Robert Paul Wolff, Robert Spaemann, Hans Jonas, and Jean-Francois Lyotard discuss current forms of legitimating political life via some (...)
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    Characterizing the Biomedical Data-Sharing Landscape.Angela G. Villanueva, Robert Cook-Deegan, Barbara A. Koenig, Patricia A. Deverka, Erika Versalovic, Amy L. McGuire & Mary A. Majumder - 2019 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 47 (1):21-30.
    Advances in technologies and biomedical informatics have expanded capacity to generate and share biomedical data. With a lens on genomic data, we present a typology characterizing the data-sharing landscape in biomedical research to advance understanding of the key stakeholders and existing data-sharing practices. The typology highlights the diversity of data-sharing efforts and facilitators and reveals how novel data-sharing efforts are challenging existing norms regarding the role of individuals whom the data describe.
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    Science without Laws: Model Systems, Cases, Exemplary Narratives.Angela N. H. Creager, Elizabeth Lunbeck, M. Norton Wise, Barbara Herrnstein Smith & E. Roy Weintraub (eds.) - 2007 - Duke University Press.
    Physicists regularly invoke universal laws, such as those of motion and electromagnetism, to explain events. Biological and medical scientists have no such laws. How then do they acquire a reliable body of knowledge about biological organisms and human disease? One way is by repeatedly returning to, manipulating, observing, interpreting, and reinterpreting certain subjects—such as flies, mice, worms, or microbes—or, as they are known in biology, “model systems.” Across the natural and social sciences, other disciplinary fields have developed canonical examples that (...)
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    How to Do Research Fairly in an Unjust World.Angela J. Ballantyne - 2010 - American Journal of Bioethics 10 (6):26-35.
    International research, sponsored by for-profit companies, is regularly criticised as unethical on the grounds that it exploits research subjects in developing countries. Many commentators agree that exploitation occurs when the benefits of cooperative activity are unfairly distributed between the parties. To determine whether international research is exploitative we therefore need an account of fair distribution. Procedural accounts of fair bargaining have been popular solutions to this problem, but I argue that they are insufficient to protect against exploitation. I argue instead (...)
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  15. Laws and Ideal Unity.Angela Breitenbach - 2018 - In Walter R. Ott & Lydia Patton, Laws of Nature. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press. pp. 108-121.
  16.  58
    Big Data and Public-Private Partnerships in Healthcare and Research: The Application of an Ethics Framework for Big Data in Health and Research.Angela Ballantyne & Cameron Stewart - 2019 - Asian Bioethics Review 11 (3):315-326.
    Public-private partnerships are established to specifically harness the potential of Big Data in healthcare and can include partners working across the data chain—producing health data, analysing data, using research results or creating value from data. This domain paper will illustrate the challenges that arise when partners from the public and private sector collaborate to share, analyse and use biomedical Big Data. We discuss three specific challenges for PPPs: working within the social licence, public antipathy to the commercialisation of public sector (...)
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    Benefits to research subjects in international trials: Do they reduce exploitation or increase undue inducement?Angela Ballantyne - 2006 - Developing World Bioethics 8 (3):178-191.
    There is an alleged tension between undue inducement and exploitation in research trials. This paper considers claims that increasing the benefits to research subjects enrolled in international, externally-sponsored clinical trials should be avoided on the grounds that it may result in the undue inducement of research subjects. This article contributes to the debate about exploitation versus undue inducement by introducing an analysis of the available empirical research into research participants' motivations and the influence of payments on research subjects' behaviour and (...)
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  18. Risk, fear, blame, shame and the regulation of public safety.Jonathan Wolff - 2006 - Economics and Philosophy 22 (3):409-427.
    The question of when people may impose risks on each other is of fundamental moral importance. Forms of “quantified risk assessment,” especially risk cost-benefit analysis, provide one powerful approach to providing a systematic answer. It is also well known that such techniques can show that existing resources could be used more effectively to reduce risk overall. Thus it is often argued that some current practices are irrational. On the other hand critics of quantified risk assessment argue that it cannot adequately (...)
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    Modal logic over finite structures.Eric Rosen - 1997 - Journal of Logic, Language and Information 6 (4):427-439.
    We investigate properties of propositional modal logic over the classof finite structures. In particular, we show that certain knownpreservation theorems remain true over this class. We prove that aclass of finite models is defined by a first-order sentence and closedunder bisimulations if and only if it is definable by a modal formula.We also prove that a class of finite models defined by a modal formulais closed under extensions if and only if it is defined by a -modal formula.
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  20.  60
    Tracing the politics of changing postwar research practices: the export of ‘American’ radioisotopes to European biologists.Angela N. H. Creager - 2002 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part C: Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences 33 (3):367-388.
    This paper examines the US Atomic Energy Commission’s radioisotope distribution program, established in 1946, which employed the uranium piles built for the wartime bomb project to produce specific radioisotopes for use in scientific investigation and medical therapy. As soon as the program was announced, requests from researchers began pouring into the Commission’s office. During the first year of the program alone over 1000 radioisotope shipments were sent out. The numerous requests that came from scientists outside the United States, however, sparked (...)
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  21.  54
    I could do that in my sleep: skilled performance in dreams.Melanie G. Rosen - 2021 - Synthese 199 (3-4):6495-6522.
    The experience of skilled action occurs in dreams if we take dream reports at face value. However, what these reports indicate requires nuanced analysis. It is uncertain what it means to perform any action in a dream whatsoever. If skilled actions do occur in dreams, this has important implications for both theory of action and theory of dreaming. Here, it is argued that since some dreams generate a convincing, hallucinated world where we have virtual bodies that interact with virtual objects, (...)
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  22.  44
    Your Dream-Body: All an Illusion? Commentary on Windt's Account of the Dream-Body in Dreaming.M. G. Rosen - 2018 - Journal of Consciousness Studies 25 (5-6):44-62.
    Bodily experience in dreams should be considered illusory to the extent that they cannot be satisfactorily explained or fruitfully investigated by appealing to brain activity alone; rather, to wholly understand the unique phenomenology of embodied selfhood in dreams, one must understand how the brain processes real-body inputs to produce the phenomenology of embodied selfhood in dreams, and why the brain responds the way it does to external stimuli during sleep.
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  23. Poder civilizador de la sensibilidad moral.Ángela Calvo de Saavedra - 1997 - Universitas Philosophica 28:51-62.
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    The static character of prematter particles.Mark Israelit & Nathan Rosen - 1992 - Foundations of Physics 22 (4):549-554.
    It is shown that all spherically symmetric distributions of prematter in the framework of general relativity are static. These results provide a justification for the models of elementary particles proposed previously.
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  25. Lebenslanges Lernen an Hochschulen–eine Einleitung.Michael Kerres, Andreas Schmidt & Karola Wolff-Bendik - forthcoming - Studium.
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  26. General introduction.Ineke Sluiter & Ralph M. Rosen - 2012 - In I. Sluiter & Ralph Mark Rosen, Aesthetic value in classical antiquity. Boston: Brill.
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  27.  76
    Phosphorus-32 in the Phage Group: radioisotopes as historical tracers of molecular biology.Angela N. H. Creager - 2009 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part C: Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences 40 (1):29-42.
    The recent historiography of molecular biology features key technologies, instruments and materials, which offer a different view of the field and its turning points than preceding intellectual and institutional histories. Radioisotopes, in this vein, became essential tools in postwar life science research, including molecular biology, and are here analyzed through their use in experiments on bacteriophage. Isotopes were especially well suited for studying the dynamics of chemical transformation over time, through metabolic pathways or life cycles. Scientists labeled phage with phosphorus-32 (...)
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  28.  59
    Describing our “humanness”: Can genetic science Alter what it means to be “human”?Angela Campbell, Kathleen Cranley Glass & Louis C. Charland - 1998 - Science and Engineering Ethics 4 (4):413-426.
    Over the past several decades, geneticists have succeeded in identifying the genetic mutations associated with disease. New strategies for treatment, including gene transfer and gene therapy, are under development. Although genetic science has been welcomed for its potential to predict and treat disease, interventions may become ethically objectionable if they threaten to alter characteristics that are distinctively human. Before we can determine whether or not a genetic technique carries this risk, we must clarify what it means to be “human”. This (...)
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  29. Avner de-shalit.Jonathan Wolff & Disadvantage - manuscript
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    Barnett, bargaining and the Nash solution.Jonathan Wolff - 1986 - Noûs 20 (4):493-506.
  31.  37
    Beginning, continuation, and future.Kurt H. Wolff - 2002 - Human Studies 25 (4):507-508.
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    Correspondence.Robert Paul Wolff & Frederick A. Olafson - 1974 - Philosophy and Public Affairs 3 (2):227-231.
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    Conclusion. For a “good enough” justice.Ernst Wolff - 2011 - In Political Responsibility for a Globalised World: After Levinas' Humanism. Columbia University Press. pp. 267-286.
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    Concept, percept, and reality.Franklin F. Wolff - 1939 - Philosophical Review 48 (4):398-414.
  35.  29
    Dept of Philosophy UCL.Jonathan Wolff - unknown
    The regulation of drugs presents a challenge for liberalism: how can punishing a person for an action that harms only himself or herself be justified? For public policy a related difficulty is to justify the differential treatment of drugs and alcohol. Philosophical arguments suggest that current regulations are unjustified, and that some currently illegal drugs should be treated no more harshly than alcohol. However, such arguments make little or no impact in public policy discussions. This generates a further problem: to (...)
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    Das Problem Der Wiedergeburt Nach Shri Aurobindo.Otto Wolff - 1957 - Zeitschrift für Religions- Und Geistesgeschichte 9 (2):116-129.
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    Die Wayangwelt.John U. Wolff & Christiane Franke-Benn - 1987 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 107 (1):195.
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    Erwiderung auf die Einwände von Ansgar Beckermann und Ulrich Nortmann.Michael Wolff - 1998 - Zeitschrift für Philosophische Forschung 52 (3):435 - 459.
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    Economic Justice.Jonathan Wolff - 2003 - In Hugh LaFollette, The Oxford Hndbk of Practical Ethics. New York: Oxford University Press UK. pp. 433.
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    Les principes de la science chez Aristote et Euclide.Francis Wolff - 2000 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 3:329-362.
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  41. Surrender to Morality as the Morality of Surrender.Kurt H. Wolff - 1983 - Analecta Husserliana 15:495.
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    Ten great works of philosophy.Robert Paul Wolff - 1969 - New York,: New American Library.
    From ancient Greece to 19th-century America, this collection traces the history of civilization through the seminal works of its most influential thinkers ...
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    Social capital: a review from an ethics perspective.Angela Ayios, Ronald Jeurissen, Paul Manning & Laura J. Spence - 2013 - Business Ethics: A European Review 23 (1):108-124.
    Social capital has as its key element the value of social relationships to generate positive outcomes, both for the key parties involved and for wider society. Some authors have noted that social capital nevertheless has a dark side. There is a moral element to such a conceptualisation, yet there is scarce discussion of ethics within the social capital literature. In this paper ethical theory is applied to four traditions or approaches to economic social capital: neo-capitalism; network/reputation; neo-Tocquevellian; and development. Each (...)
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  44. Karl Marx.Jonathan Wolff - 2008 - Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
    Karl Marx (1818-1883) is best known not as a philosopher but as a revolutionary communist, whose works inspired the foundation of many communist regimes in the twentieth century. It is hard to think of many who have had as much influence in the creation of the modern world. Trained as a philosopher, Marx turned away from philosophy in his mid-twenties, towards economics and politics. However, in addition to his overtly philosophical early work, his later writings have many points of contact (...)
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    Understanding Kantian Understanding.Angela Breitenbach - 2018 - In Violetta L. Waibel, Margit Ruffing & David Wagner, Natur und Freiheit: Akten des XII. Internationalen Kant-Kongresses. De Gruyter. pp. 1175-1182.
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  46. Obligation and friendship in Plato's crito.Frederick Rosen - 1973 - Political Theory 1 (3):307-316.
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    Exploring relations between surrender-and-catch and poetry, sociology, evil.Kurt H. Wolff - 1986 - Human Studies 9 (4):347 - 364.
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    Surrender-and-catch and phenomenology.Kurt H. Wolff - 1984 - Human Studies 7 (3-4):191 - 210.
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    Ambiguity in tonal music: A preliminary study Kofi Agawu.Roger Parker McCreless, David Rosen & Arnold Whittall - 1994 - In Anthony Pople, Theory, analysis and meaning in music. New York: Cambridge University Press.
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  50. Narrative, apparatus, ideology: a film theory reader.Philip Rosen (ed.) - 1986 - New York: Columbia University Press.
    The book includes many seminal articles by film scholars such as Christian Metz, Jean-Louis Baudry, Stephen Heath, Peter Wollen, Laura Mulvey, and Noel Burch, and by the era's leading cultural thinkers as well: Roland Barthes, Julia ...
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