Results for 'Angela Davey'

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  1.  17
    New mothers' awareness of newborn screening, and their attitudes to the retention and use of screening samples for research purposes.Angela Davey, Davina French, Hugh Dawkins & Peter O'Leary - 2005 - Genomics, Society and Policy 1 (3):1-11.
    AimTo explore new mothers' knowledge of newborn screening, and their attitudes towards issues surrounding sample retention and the potential for blood screening samples to be used for research.MethodsA self-administered mail survey was sent to women who gave birth in Perth, Western Australia during January 2005. A total of 600 women completed the survey.ResultsIt was found that women were aware of newborn screening, however desired further information in order to acquire a more comprehensive knowledge of the test. Further, women reported discomfort (...)
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    Communication of genetic information within families: The case for familial comity. [REVIEW]Angela Davey, Ainsley Newson & Peter O’Leary - 2006 - Journal of Bioethical Inquiry 3 (3):161-166.
    Advances in genetic technologies raise a multitude of ethical issues, some of which give rise to novel dilemmas for medical practice. One of the most controversial problems arising in clinical genetics is that of confidentiality and who may disclose genetic health information. This paper considers the question of when it is appropriate for health professionals to disclose clinically significant genetic information without patient consent. Existing ethical principles offer little guidance in relation to this issue. We build on suggestions that genetic (...)
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  3. Naturalizing Intentionality: Tracking Theories Versus Phenomenal Intentionality Theories.Angela Mendelovici & David Bourget - 2014 - Philosophy Compass 9 (5):325-337.
    This paper compares tracking and phenomenal intentionality theories of intentionality with respect to the issue of naturalism. Tracking theories explicitly aim to naturalize intentionality, while phenomenal intentionality theories generally do not. It might seem that considerations of naturalism count in favor of tracking theories. We survey key considerations relevant to this claim, including some motivations for and objections to the two kinds of theories. We conclude by suggesting that naturalistic considerations may in fact support phenomenal intentionality theories over tracking theories.
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    Pathways to language: fiber tracts in the human brain.Angela D. Friederici - 2009 - Trends in Cognitive Sciences 13 (4):175-81.
  5. (1 other version)Intentionalism about Moods.Angela Mendelovici - 2013 - Thought: A Journal of Philosophy 2 (1):126-136.
    According to intentionalism, phenomenal properties are identical to, supervenient on, or determined by representational properties. Intentionalism faces a special challenge when it comes to accounting for the phenomenal character of moods. First, it seems that no intentionalist treatment of moods can capture their apparently undirected phenomenology. Second, it seems that even if we can come up with a viable intentionalist account of moods, we would not be able to motivate it in some of the same kinds of ways that intentionalism (...)
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  6. The cortical language circuit: from auditory perception to sentence comprehension.Angela D. Friederici - 2012 - Trends in Cognitive Sciences 16 (5):262-268.
  7. Teleology in Biology: A Kantian Perspective.Angela Breitenbach - 2009 - Kant Yearbook 1 (1):31-56.
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    Why Olympic Athletes Should Avoid the Use and Seek the Elimination of Performance-Enhancing Substances and Practices From the Olympic Games.Angela J. Schneider & Robert R. Butcher - 1993 - Journal of the Philosophy of Sport 20 (1):64-81.
    (1993). Why Olympic Athletes Should Avoid the Use and Seek the Elimination of Performance-Enhancing Substances and Practices From the Olympic Games. Journal of the Philosophy of Sport: Vol. 20, No. 1, pp. 64-81. doi: 10.1080/00948705.1993.9714504.
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    The emotional profiling of disgust‐eliciting stimuli: Evidence for primary and complex disgusts.Sarah Marzillier & Graham Davey - 2004 - Cognition and Emotion 18 (3):313-336.
  10. Afro Images: Politics, Fashion, and Nostalgia.Angela Y. Davis - 1994 - Critical Inquiry 21 (1):37-45.
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    Functional Connectivity of Heschl’s Gyrus Associated With Age-Related Hearing Loss: A Resting-State fMRI Study.Megan C. Fitzhugh, Angela Hemesath, Sydney Y. Schaefer, Leslie C. Baxter & Corianne Rogalsky - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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  12. End-of-life policies and practices.Anne L. Botsford & Angela King - 2010 - In Sandra L. Friedman & David T. Helm, End-of-life care for children and adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities. Washington, DC: American Association on Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities.
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  13. Il Linguaggio: struttura espressione simbolo referenza.Renzo Raggiunti, Angela Ales Bello & Aniceto Molinaro (eds.) - 1984 - Roma: Università lateranense.
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  14. From peripheral to central, the story of Melanie's metamorphosis in an urban middle school science class.Edna Tan & Angela Calabrese Barton - 2008 - Science Education 92 (4):567-590.
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    Appendix 4: Of Some Verbal Disputes.Andrew Valls & Angela Coventry - 2018 - In Angela Coventry & Andrew Valls, _David Hume on Morals, Politics, and Society_. New Haven [Connecticut]: Yale University Press. pp. 108-116.
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    Section 4: Of Political Society.Andrew Valls & Angela Coventry - 2018 - In Angela Coventry & Andrew Valls, _David Hume on Morals, Politics, and Society_. New Haven [Connecticut]: Yale University Press. pp. 30-34.
  17. Biological Explanation.Angela Potochnik - 2013 - In Kostas Kampourakis, The Philosophy of Biology: a Companion for Educators. Dordrecht: Springer. pp. 49-65.
    One of the central aims of science is explanation: scientists seek to uncover why things happen the way they do. This chapter addresses what kinds of explanations are formulated in biology, how explanatory aims influence other features of the field of biology, and the implications of all of this for biology education. Philosophical treatments of scientific explanation have been both complicated and enriched by attention to explanatory strategies in biology. Most basically, whereas traditional philosophy of science based explanation on derivation (...)
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  18. La Francophonie en République de Moldavie.Angela Soltan - 2004 - Hermes 40:66.
    Avant 1812, l'actuelle République de Moldavie, partie intégrante de la région roumaine appelée Moldavie, avait comme modèle et débouché culturel la France. Après cette date, rattachée à l'Empire Russe, elle a dû rentrer, sous le nom de Bessarabie dans un tout autre giron culturel, à la frontière des civilisations. Aujourd'hui, le discours relatif à la culture et à l'identité est-il double ou dédoublé ? Certains Moldaves plaident pour leur identité roumaine, d'autres pour leur identité moldave et ceci sur un fond (...)
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    Pflanzenethik: Ein Begründungsansatz.Angela Kallhoff - 2007 - Jahrbuch für Wissenschaft Und Ethik 12 (1):79-96.
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  20.  13
    Imaginanacion y Conversacion.Angela Calvo de Saavedra - 1998 - The Paideia Archive: Twentieth World Congress of Philosophy 44:37-42.
    La investigación moral emprendida por Hume se inscribe en el proyecto de abordar filosóficamente la naturaleza humana-"la capital"-de manera experimental, realizando una geografía mental a partir de la observación atenta y delicada de la vida humana como aparece en sus diarias ocupaciones, interacciones y placeres. Se trata de disponer de manera ordenada las fuerzas y la extensión del entendimiento, las pasiones, el gusto y el sentimiento. El ánimo que lo impulsa es doble: instruir a la humanidad, reduciendo así el poder (...)
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  21.  13
    Static and Dynamic Assessment of Intelligence in ADHD Subtypes.Rosa Angela Fabio, Giulia Emma Towey & Tindara Caprì - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    There is a debate about the measure of IQ in children with ADHD. Some studies report that, compared to static assessment procedures, dynamic assessment of intelligence can better measure cognitive modifiability and plasticity. The present study was designed to examine children belonging to different ADHD subtypes in terms of both static and dynamic measures. Thirty-four children were compared to a sample of 27 typically developing children. Results indicate that only the inattentive and the combined subtypes, compared with the normative sample, (...)
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  22. Feminist pedagogy and the reference desk : a conversation.Jeremy McGinniss & Angela Pashia - 2017 - In Maria T. Accardi, The feminist reference desk: concepts, critiques, and conversations. Sacramento, California: Library Juice Press.
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    An experience of displacement in corral.Ángela Parga León - 2020 - Alpha (Osorno) 50:374-383.
    Resumen: El presente trabajo explora el estatuto del arte en la filosofía de Spinoza, en el marco de la inversión copernicana que da origen a la estética y del barroco holandés. Si bien el pensamiento spinozista se inscribe en la conversión antropológica, en donde lo bello resulta ser un efecto en el sujeto y no una cualidad de los objetos, su comprensión del arte es inasimilable a la “estética” como ámbito diferenciado y autónomo que se consolida en el siglo XVIII, (...)
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    Nuovi libri.Angela Biscaldi - 2010 - Rivista di Filosofia 101 (1).
  25.  36
    Reseña de "Hannah Arendt: Pensadora en tiempos de oscuridad" de Revista Al Margen.Ángela Uribe Botero - 2008 - Ideas Y Valores 57 (136):150-154.
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    Aristotle's Functional Theory of the Emotions.Angela Chew - 2009 - Organon F: Medzinárodný Časopis Pre Analytickú Filozofiu 16 (1):5-37.
    Placing Aristotle’s ethical works in dialogue with the work of G.E.M. Anscombe, this paper outlines a functional definition of emotions that describes a meta-theory for social-scientific research. Emotions are defined as what makes the thought and action of rational and political animals ethical.
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    The Nature of Work in the Thought of Eric Gill and Vincent McNabb.Angela Cunningham - 1985 - The Chesterton Review 11 (3):295-306.
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    Autonomy of syntactic processing and the role of Broca's area.Angela D. Friederici - 1996 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 19 (4):634-635.
    Both autonomy and local specificity are compatible with observed interconnectivity at the cell level when considering two different levels: cell assemblies and brain systems. Early syntactic structuring processes in particular are likely to representan autonomous module in the language/brain system.
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    On places, prepositions and other relations.Angela D. Friederici - 1993 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 16 (2):245-246.
  30. La tradicional relación entre filosofía y política.Ángela del Carmen Sierra González - 1995 - Laguna 3:121-130.
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  31.  21
    (1 other version)Levinas separates the (hu) man from the non (hu) man, using hunger, enjoyment and anxiety to illuminate their relationship.Angela Hirst - 2007 - Cosmos and History 3 (1):159-190.
    This paper is part of my journey with Emmanuel Levinas on a dystopic path to the ethical encounter. For the journey, I agree to be Levinas#39;s human subject, to encounter his quot;otherquot;. And he agrees to traverse a path through my world, a world of food and eating. To ready me for the encounter, Levinas tells me the story of his ethics, narratively , and so this paper is unavoidably #39;story#39; too. To preface, then: The ethical encounter is a quot;face (...)
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  32. Lo spirito santo nella riflessione teologica del card. Giacomo Biffi: Alcune note.Angela Maria Lenzi - 2003 - Divus Thomas 106 (1):228-240.
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    Reseña de "Epifanías de la identidad. La comprensión multiculturalista de Charles Taylor" de Yelitsa Marcela Forero Reyes.Ángela Calvo Saavedra - 2009 - Ideas Y Valores 58 (139):188-193.
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    Wanted—egg donors for research: A research ethics approach to donor recruitment and compensation.Angela Ballantyne & Sheryl de Lacey - 2008 - International Journal of Feminist Approaches to Bioethics 1 (2):145-164.
    As the demand for human eggs for stem cell research increases, debate about appropriate standards for recruitment and compensation of women intensifies. In the majority of cases, the source of eggs for research is women undergoing fertility treatment requiring ovarian stimulation and egg retrieval. The principle of "just participant selection" requires that research subjects be selected from the population that stands to benefit from the research. Based on this principle, infertile women should be actively recruited to donate eggs for fertility-related (...)
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  35. Poder civilizador de la sensibilidad moral.Ángela Calvo de Saavedra - 1997 - Universitas Philosophica 28:51-62.
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    Am Ende der Literaturtheorie?: neun Beiträge zur Einführung und Diskussion.Torsten Hitz & Angela Stock (eds.) - 1995 - Münster: LIT Verlag Münster.
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  37. Early writings.Jozef Ijsewijn, Angela Fritsen & Charles Fantazzi - 1987 - In Juan Luis Vives, Selected works of J.L. Vives. New York: E.J. Brill.
  38.  9
    La dignità del limite: saggi kantiani.Jacobelli Isoldi & Angela Maria - 2003 - Soveria Mannelli: Rubbettino. Edited by Immanuel Kant.
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  39. Teaching science in a poor urban school in Pakistan: Tensions in the life history of a female elementary teacher.Bhaskar Upadhyay, Angela Calabrese Barton & Rubina Zahur - 2005 - Science Education 89 (5):725-743.
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    Entre los Tunebo y los U'wa: El lugar de los argumentos históricos en favor de los derechos de grupo.Ángela Uribe Botero - 2003 - Estudios de Filosofía (Universidad de Antioquia) 28:143-158.
    El propósito de este artículo es fortalecer los vínculos entre las razones de justicia y las razones históricas para justificar el reconocimiento de ciertos derechos en favor de grupos culturalmente diferenciados. Intento con ello mostrar que a la lucha por la defensa de la preservación de ciertas culturas no es marginal, sino más bien esencial, el hecho de que dicha defensa provenga de una historia de exclusión. Acudiendo a ejemplos, en la primera parte del trabajo intentaré integrar algunos rasgos de (...)
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    An Enquiry Concerning the Principles of Morals: Section 1: Of the General Principles of Morals.Andrew Valls & Angela Coventry - 2018 - In Angela Coventry & Andrew Valls, _David Hume on Morals, Politics, and Society_. New Haven [Connecticut]: Yale University Press. pp. 3-7.
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    Contents.Andrew Valls & Angela Coventry - 2018 - In Angela Coventry & Andrew Valls, _David Hume on Morals, Politics, and Society_. New Haven [Connecticut]: Yale University Press.
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    9. Of Public Credit.Andrew Valls & Angela Coventry - 2018 - In Angela Coventry & Andrew Valls, _David Hume on Morals, Politics, and Society_. New Haven [Connecticut]: Yale University Press. pp. 196-207.
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  44. Deliberating foresight knowledge for policy and foresight knowledge assessment.Rene von Schomberg, Angela Guimaraes Pereira & Silvio Funtowicz - 2006 - In Ângela Guimarães Pereira, Sofia Guedes Vaz & Sylvia S. Tognetti, Interfaces between science and society. Sheffield, UK: Greenleaf.
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    Psychosocial Effects of COVID-19 in the Ecuadorian and Spanish Populations: A Cross-Cultural Study.Ángela Ximena Chocho-Orellana, Paula Samper-García, Elisabeth Malonda-Vidal, Anna Llorca-Mestre, Alfredo Zarco-Alpuente & Vicenta Mestre-Escrivá - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    The world's population is currently overcoming one of the worst pandemics, and the psychological and social effects of this are becoming more apparent. We will present an analysis of the psychosocial effects of COVID-19: first, a cross-sectional study in an Ecuadorian sample and second, a comparative study between two samples from the Ecuadorian and Spanish populations. Participants completed an online survey to describe how they felt before and after confinement; analyze which emotional and behavioral variables predict depressive symptoms, anxiety, and (...)
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    “Practicing Electoral Politics in the Cracks”: Intersectional Consciousness in a Latina Candidate’s City Council Campaign.Angela Howard Frederick - 2010 - Gender and Society 24 (4):475-498.
    Previous research on gender and political leadership has narrowly defined gender consciousness, failing to account for the broader commitments, concerns, and loyalties held by women of color. In this article, the author calls for an intersectional approach to analyzing the gender consciousness of political leaders. She presents findings from four months of participant observation in a Latina candidate’s campaign for city council. The author finds that the campaign presented an intersectional consciousness in the candidate’s messages, using gendered discourses to frame (...)
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  47. Für eine Ästhetik des Fernsehens.Angela Keppler-Seel - forthcoming - Zeitschrift für Ästhetik Und Allgemeine Kunstwissenschaft.
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  48. ‘A pool of Bethesda’: Manchester‘s First Wesleyan Methodist Central Hall.Angela Connelly - 2012 - Bulletin of the John Rylands Library 89 (1):105-125.
    Methodist Central Halls were built in most British towns and cities. They were designed not to look like churches in order to appeal to the working classes. Entirely multi-functional, they provided room for concerts, plays, film shows and social work alongside ordinary worship. Some contained shops in order to pay for the future upkeep of the building. The prototype for this programme was provided in Manchester and opened on Oldham Street in 1886. This article offers a first analysis of it (...)
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  49. Nota husserliana.Angela Ales Bello - 1981 - Giornale di Metafisica 3 (2):387-392.
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  50. Conflitos bioéticos, instituições públicas e biodireito: o caso da clonagem humana.Sérgio Augustin & Ângela Almeida - 2007 - Conjectura: Filosofia E Educação 12 (2):81-90.
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