Results for 'András Keszei'

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  1.  29
    Encoding third-person epistemic states contributes to episodic reconstruction of memories.Dora Kampis, András Keszei & Ildikó Király - 2018 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 41:e18.
    We propose an extension to Mahr & Csibra's (M&C's) theory. For successful episodic memory formation, potentially relevant aspects of a situation need to be identified and encodedonlineand retained for prospective interactions.To be maximally convincing, the communicator not only has to encode not justanycontextual detail, but also has to track informationin relation tosocial partners.
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    Andras Jakab. Neukantianismus in der ungarischen Rechtstheorie in der ersten Hälfte des XX. Jahrhunderts (Rezensionsabhandlung).András Jakab - 2008 - Archiv für Rechts- und Sozialphilosophie 94 (2):264-272.
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    Becoming their Own Monuments: Approaches to Somhegyi’s New Book.András Czeglédi - 2022 - Philosophia 50 (4):1523-1527.
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  4. Were Neanderthals and Homo sapiens ‘good species’?Andra Meneganzin & Massimo Bernardi - 2023 - Quaternary Science Reviews 303.
    Prior to the advent of whole-genome sequencing in ancient humans, the likelihood that Homo sapiens and Neanderthals admixed has long been debated, mostly on the basis of phenotypic assessments alone. Today, evidence for archaic hominin admixture is being documented in an increasing number of studies, expanding the evidential basis of the debate on whether Homo sapiens and Neanderthals merit separate specific taxonomic status. Here we argue that while new evidence has provided us with a finer-grained picture of ancient intra- and (...)
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    Elena N. Boeck. The Bronze Horseman of Justinian in Constantinople, bespr. von András Kraft.András Kraft - 2022 - Byzantinische Zeitschrift 115 (3):1129-1139.
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    Lucian Blaga: reflexe germane în filosofia culturii.Andra Bruciu - 2006 - București: Fundația Culturală Libra.
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    Literarische Modalität: das Erleben von Wirklichkeit, Möglichkeit und Notwendigkeit in der Literatur.András Horn - 1981 - Heidelberg: C. Winter.
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  8. The concept of ‘mimesis’ in Georg lukács.András Horn - 1974 - British Journal of Aesthetics 14 (1):26-40.
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    On the Metascientific Representation of Inconsistency in Linguistic Theories1.Andras Kerteszandcsilla Rakosi - 2009 - In Wolfgang Wildgen & Barend van Heusden, Metarepresentation, self-organization and art. New York: Peter Lang. pp. 233.
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    Validity of attention self-reports in younger and older adults.Andra Arnicane, Klaus Oberauer & Alessandra S. Souza - 2021 - Cognition 206 (C):104482.
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    Focusing Forgiveness.András Szigeti - 2014 - Journal of Value Inquiry 48 (2):217-234.
    IntroductionIt is clear that forgiveness is closely related to emotions. Bishop Butler’s “forswearing of resentment” is still the definition most philosophical works on the subject take as their point of departure. Some others disagree but usually only insofar as they focus on another reactive emotion – e.g., moral hatred, disappointment, anger – which we overcome when we forgive.More specifically, according to Roberts the emotion we overcome in forgiveness is anger, see Robert C. Roberts, “Forgivingness,” American Philosophical Quarterly 32 (1995): 289–306. (...)
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  12. Collective Responsibility and Group-Control.Andras Szigeti - 2014 - In Julie Zahle & Finn Collin, Rethinking the Individualism-Holism Debate. Cham: Springer. pp. 97-116.
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    On a consistency theorem connected with the generalized continuum problem.András Hajnal - 1956 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 2 (8-9):131-136.
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    Marx's philosophy of history and Hegel's logic: (parallels).György Andrássy - 1983 - Pécs: Pécsi Janus Pannonius Tudományegyetem Állam- és Jogtudományui Kara.
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    Philosophie der Krise.András Gedö - 1978 - Frankfurt/Main: Verlag Marxistische Blätter.
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    Geschichte der anthropologischen Fragestellung in der englischen Ästhetik von Bacon bis Alison.András Horn - 1976 - Peter Lang Gmbh, Internationaler Verlag Der Wissenschaften.
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  17. Kunst und Freiheit. Eine kritiche Interpretation der Hegelschen Aesthetik.Andras Horn - 1972 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 34 (4):828-829.
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  18. Zankapfel Serra. Eine Typologie der Argumente.András Horn - 1999 - Zeitschrift für Ästhetik Und Allgemeine Kunstwissenschaft 44 (1):103-121.
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    Traité de la propriété e il carteggio con Bentham e Dumont: testi inediti.Andrâe Morellet, Jeremy Bentham, Etienne Dumont, Eugenio Di Rienzo & Lea Campos Boralevi - 1990 - Centro Editoriale Toscano.
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    Editorial 5/2018.András Szigeti - 2018 - Ethical Theory and Moral Practice 21 (5):1029-1031.
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    Cross-Modal Conflict Increases With Time-on-Task in a Temporal Discrimination Task.András Matuz, Dimitri Van der Linden, Kristóf Topa & Árpád Csathó - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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  22. Sentimentalism and Moral Dilemmas.András Szigeti - 2015 - Dialectica 69 (1):1-22.
    It is sometimes said that certain hard moral choices constitute tragic moral dilemmas in which no available course of action is justifiable, and so the agent is blameworthy whatever she chooses. This paper criticizes a certain approach to the debate about moral dilemmas and considers the metaethical implications of the criticisms. The approach in question has been taken by many advocates as well as opponents of moral dilemmas who believe that analysing the emotional response of the agent is the key (...)
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    “Finding an Emotional Face” Revisited: Differences in Own-Age Bias and the Happiness Superiority Effect in Children and Young Adults.Andras N. Zsido, Nikolett Arato, Virag Ihasz, Julia Basler, Timea Matuz-Budai, Orsolya Inhof, Annekathrin Schacht, Beatrix Labadi & Carlos M. Coelho - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    People seem to differ in their visual search performance involving emotionally expressive faces when these expressions are seen on faces of others close to their age compared to faces of non-peers, known as the own-age bias. This study sought to compare search advantages in angry and happy faces detected on faces of adults and children on a pool of children and adults. The goals of this study were to examine the developmental trajectory of expression recognition and examine the development of (...)
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    Exploiting Injustice in Mutually Beneficial Market Exchange: The Case of Sweatshop Labor.András Miklós - 2019 - Journal of Business Ethics 156 (1):59-69.
    Mutually beneficial exchanges in markets can be exploitative because one party takes advantage of an underlying injustice. For instance, employers of sweatshop workers are often accused of exploiting the desperate conditions of their employees, although the latter accept the terms of their employment voluntarily. A weakness of this account of exploitation is its tendency for over-inclusiveness. Certainly, given the prevalence of global and domestic socioeconomic inequalities, not all exchanges that take place against background injustices should be considered exploitative. This paper (...)
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    Reducts of the Henson graphs with a constant.András Pongrácz - 2017 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 168 (7):1472-1489.
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    Environmental and Ecological Aspects in the Overall Assessment of Bioeconomy.András Székács - 2017 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 30 (1):153-170.
    Bioeconomy solutions potentially reduce the utilization demand of natural resources, and therefore, represent steps towards circular economy, but are not per se equivalent to sustainability. Thus, production may remain to be achieved against losses in natural resources or at other environmental costs, and materials produced by bioeconomy are not necessarily biodegradable. As a consequence, the assumption that emerging bioeconomy by itself provides an environmentally sustainable economy is not justified, as technologies do not necessarily become sustainable merely through their conversion to (...)
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    On the de-naturalization of epistemology.András Kertész - 2002 - Journal for General Philosophy of Science / Zeitschrift für Allgemeine Wissenschaftstheorie 33 (2):269-288.
    Starting from an overview of approaches to naturalized epistemology, the paper shows, firstly, that Quine's programme yields a sceptical paradox. This means that Quine's attempt to defeat scepticism itself yields a rather strong argument for scepticism and thus against his own programme of naturalized epistemology. Secondly, it is shown that this paradox can be solved by an approach called reflexive-heuristic naturalism. Finally, the paper also raises some fundamental problems which the solution proposed has to leave open.
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  28. Die philosophische Aktualität des Leninismus.András Gedő - 1972 - Frankfurt/Main,: Verlag Marxistische Blätter. Edited by Manfred Buhr & Vladimír Ruml.
    Enth.: Die philosophische Aktualität des Leninismus / Andras Gedö. Zur Aktualität der Leninschen Positivismus-Kritik / Manfred Buhr. Positivistische "Philosophie der Wissenschaft" im Lichte der Wissenschaft / Vladimir Ruml.
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    Sartre, the Philosophy of Nothingness, and the Modern Melodrama.András Bálint Kovács - 2006 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 64 (1):135 - 145.
  30. Self-Reference, Reality Principles, Marxism, and Social Transformations in the Postmodern Era.Andras Balazs - 2010 - World Futures 66 (1):53-64.
    Three distinct turning points (“bottleneck breakings”) in universal evolution are discussed at some length in terms of “self-reference” and (corresponding) “Reality Principles.” The first (origin and evolution of animate Nature) and second (human consciousness) are shown to necessarily precede a third one, that of Marxist philosophy. It is pointed out that while the previous two could occupy a natural (so in a sense neutral) place as parts of human science, the self-reference of Marxism, as a _social_ human phenomenon, through its (...)
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    A kommunikációs tér filozófiája.Ferenc András - 2010 - Budapest: Gondolat.
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    Ainsi nous leur faisons la guerre: récit.Joseph Andras - 2021 - Arles: Actes sud.
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    Natural Dynamics and Neural Networks: Searching for Efficient Preying Dynamics in a Virtual World.Peter András - 2001 - Journal of Intelligent Systems 11 (3):173-202.
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    Sünde.Franz Andrä - 1970 - Neue Zeitschrift für Systematicsche Theologie Und Religionsphilosophie 12 (3):309-312.
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    A Filozófus az amerikai életben.András Beck (ed.) - 1995 - Szeged: Pompeji Alapítvány.
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  36. Beyond Words – Pictures, Parables, Paradoxes.András Benedek & Nyiri Kristof (eds.) - 2015 - Peter Lang.
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    Dichterische Vergleiche der Andalus-Araber, I und II.Andras Hamori & Wilhelm Hoenerbach - 1976 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 96 (2):302.
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    The Thousand and One Nights (Alf Layla wa-Layla) from the Earliest Known Sources.Andras Hamori & Muhsin Mahdi - 1987 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 107 (1):182.
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  39. Marginalie über eine Methode der Illusionsförderung in der Erzählkunst.András Horn - 1967 - Deutsche Vierteljahrsschrift für Literaturwissenschaft Und Geistesgeschichte 41 (4):592-598.
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    The Joy of Knowledge Put Into Practice. The Cosmotechnical View on Acquiring Knowledge in Ancient China.András Áron Ivácson - forthcoming - Studia Universitatis Babeş-Bolyai Philosophia:61-74.
    Classical Chinese thought slowly formed from the 9th century BCE onward through the Spring and Autumn era but reached its pivotal point during the so-called Warring States era (5th to 2nd centuries BCE). According to historical records, during these three hundred years more than four hundred wars of different scales raged across the Chinese world. These wars brought with them their own consequences like famines and abject poverty, terrible inequality and disillusionment. An intellectual history forming in these conditions understandably and (...)
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    Modell-módszer: a modellek helye és szerepe a tudományos megismerésben.András Kocsondi - 1976 - Budapest: Akadémiai Kiadó.
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  42. On Parties and Voters: A Lecture on Hungarian Socialists.András Kovács - 1995 - Constellations 2 (2):72-75.
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    Antikok és modernek vitája: késői észrevételek Pascalhoz.András Lánczi - 2019 - Máriabesnyő: Attraktor.
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    It Takes Two to Tango: Development, Validation, and Personality Correlates of the Acceptance of Sugar Relationships in Older Men and Women Scale.András Láng, Béla Birkás, András N. Zsidó, Dóra Ipolyi & Norbert Meskó - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Sugar relationships can be considered contemporary forms of transactional sex, that is, offering sexual services for material resources or other benefits. Considering the common age differences in these relationships, sugar relationships might be of relevance for older adults as well on the mating market. As a sequel to Birkás et al., in the present study, an attitude scale was developed to assess older women’s and men’s acceptance of sugar relationships. We also explored whether the acceptance of sugar relationships was associated (...)
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    Continuous Narration through Scenic Depictions. The Apollonius pictus.András Németh - 2016 - Convivium 3 (1):106-121.
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    Text, frame, discourse.András Sándor - 1990 - Semiotica 78 (1-2).
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    Man and law.András György Szabó - 1965 - Budapest: Akadémiai Kiadó.
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    Árpád szabó and Imre Lakatos, or the relation between history and philosophy of mathematics.András Máté - 2006 - Perspectives on Science 14 (3):282-301.
    The thirty year long friendship between Imre Lakatos and the classic scholar and historian of mathematics Árpád Szabó had a considerable influence on the ideas, scholarly career and personal life of both scholars. After recalling some relevant facts from their lives, this paper will investigate Szabó's works about the history of pre-Euclidean mathematics and its philosophy. We can find many similarities with Lakatos' philosophy of mathematics and science, both in the self-interpretation of early axiomatic Greek mathematics as Szabó reconstructs it, (...)
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    Beyond reasonable doubt: reconsidering Neanderthal aesthetic capacity.Andra Meneganzin & Anton Killin - forthcoming - Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences.
    An aesthetic sense—a taste for the creation and/or appreciation of that which strikes one as, e.g., attractive or awesome—is often assumed to be a distinctively H. sapiens phenomenon. However, recent paleoanthropological research is revealing its archaeologically visible, deeper roots. The sensorimotor/perceptual and cognitive capacities underpinning aesthetic activities are a major focus of evolutionary aesthetics. Here we take a diachronic, evolutionary perspective and assess ongoing scepticism regarding whether, and to what extent, aesthetic capacity extends to our evolutionary cousins, the Neanderthals. The (...)
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    Rezensionsabhandlung. Antal Visegrady, András Kecskés and Vendel Halaász: A View on La Porta´s Ouevre.Antal Visegrady, András Kecskés & Vendel Halaász - 2014 - Archiv für Rechts- und Sozialphilosophie 100 (4):549-559.
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