Results for 'Andrew Searles'

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  1.  17
    Research governance review of a negligible-risk research project: Too much of a good thing?Amanda Rush, Rod Ling, Jane E. Carpenter, Candace Carter, Andrew Searles & Jennifer A. Byrne - 2017 - Research Ethics 14 (3):1-12.
    There are increasing concerns that research regulatory requirements exceed those required to manage risks, particularly for low- and negligible-risk research projects. In particular, inconsistent documentation requirements across research sites can delay the conduct of multi-site projects. For a one-year, negligible-risk project examining biobank operations conducted at three separate Australian institutions, we found that the researcher time required to meet regulatory requirements was eight times greater than that required for the approved research activity. In total, 76 business days were required to (...)
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    Philosophy News.John Cottingham, Donald Davidson, Dan Dennett, Hanjo Glock, Chris Hookway, Wv Orman, John Searle Quine, Larry Weiskrantz, Kathy Wilkes & Andrew Woodfield - forthcoming - Cogito.
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  3. Searle's abstract argument against strong AI.Andrew Melnyk - 1996 - Synthese 108 (3):391-419.
    Discussion of Searle's case against strong AI has usually focused upon his Chinese Room thought-experiment. In this paper, however, I expound and then try to refute what I call his abstract argument against strong AI, an argument which turns upon quite general considerations concerning programs, syntax, and semantics, and which seems not to depend on intuitions about the Chinese Room. I claim that this argument fails, since it assumes one particular account of what a program is. I suggest an alternative (...)
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  4. John Searle and human consciousness.Andrew Beards - 1994 - Heythrop Journal 35 (3):281-295.
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    It worked there. Will it work here? Researching teaching methods.Andrew Davis - 2017 - Ethics and Education 12 (3):289-303.
    ‘It worked there. Will it work here?’ We have to be able to identify the ‘it’ in that aphoristic question. Classifications of teaching methods belong in the social realm, where human intentions play a fundamental role in how phenomena are categorized. The social realm is characterized with the help of John Searle. Social phenomena are often open to interpretation, rather than definitive verdicts. The nature of the social limits the possibility of consistency in how teaching should be classified, which in (...)
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  6. Two grades of internalism (pass and fail).Andrew E. Newman - 2005 - Philosophical Studies 122 (2):153-169.
    Internalism about mental content holds that microphysical duplicates must be mental duplicates full-stop. Anyone particle-for-particle indiscernible from someone who believes that Aristotle was wise, for instance, must share that same belief. Externalism instead contends that many perfectly ordinary propositional attitudes can be had only in certain sorts of physical, sociolinguistic, or historical context. To have a belief about Aristotle, for instance, a person must have been causally impacted in the right way by Aristotle himself (e.g., by hearing about him, or (...)
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    Form and content in empirical science.Herbert L. Searles - 1951 - Philosophy of Science 18 (3):223-229.
    Philosophers investigating the nature of knowledge from Bacon and Descartes to logical empiricism, have sought to understand its character by means of the distinction between the content of knowledge, and the abstract logical and mathematical principles which regulate its structure or form. The nature of the distinction, the relative roles of content and form, and the relationships between the two, however, have been given widely divergent interpretations.
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    In defence of virtue: The legitimacy of agent-based argument appraisal.Andrew Aberdein - 2014 - Informal Logic 34 (1):77-93.
    Several authors have recently begun to apply virtue theory to argumentation. Critics of this programme have suggested that no such theory can avoid committing an ad hominem fallacy. This criticism is shown to trade unsuccessfully on an ambiguity in the definition of ad hominem. The ambiguity is resolved and a virtue-theoretic account of ad hominem reasoning is defended.
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  9. Dewey and the new liberalism.Herbert L. Searles - 1947 - Pacific Philosophical Quarterly 28 (2):161.
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  10. Progress as value-directed science.Herbert L. Searles - 1945 - Pacific Philosophical Quarterly 26 (2):129.
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  11. The Philosophy of F. C. S. Schiller.Herbert L. Searles - 1954 - Pacific Philosophical Quarterly 35 (1):14.
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  12. American science and the new social order.Herbert L. Searles - 1942 - Pacific Philosophical Quarterly 23 (3):267.
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    Daniel Sommer Robinson 1888-1977.Herbert L. Searles - 1978 - Proceedings and Addresses of the American Philosophical Association 51 (5):582 - 583.
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  14. Kierkegaard's Philosophy as a Source of Existentialism.Herbert L. Searles - 1948 - Pacific Philosophical Quarterly 29 (2):173.
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  15. (1 other version)Logic and scientific methods.Herbert L. Searles - 1948 - New York,: Ronald Press Co..
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  16. Personalism in philosophical mediation.Herbert L. Searles - 1944 - Pacific Philosophical Quarterly 25 (2):131.
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  17. Pragmatism Today.Herbert L. Searles - 1951 - Pacific Philosophical Quarterly 32 (2):137.
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  18. The personalistic movement in psychology.Herbert L. Searles - 1944 - Pacific Philosophical Quarterly 25 (3):243.
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    Liaisons: Philosophy Meets the Cognitive and Social Sciences.Andrew Pessin - 1994 - Philosophical Quarterly 44 (175):255-257.
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    The ethical challenges of ubiquitous healthcare.Andrew A. Adams & Ian Brown - 2007 - International Review of Information Ethics 8 (12):53-60.
    Ubiquitous healthcare is an emerging area of technology that uses a large number of environmental and patient sensors and actuators to monitor and improve patients' physical and mental condition. Tiny sensors gather data on almost any physiological characteristic that can be used to diagnose health problems. This technology faces some challenging ethical questions, ranging from the small-scale individual issues of trust and efficacy to the societal issues of health and longevity gaps related to economic status. It presents particular problems in (...)
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  21.  24
    The feminist self-defense movement:: A case study.Ronald J. Berger & Patricia Searles - 1987 - Gender and Society 1 (1):61-84.
    This article discusses feminist self-defense as a victim-prevention strategy, describes the nature and scope of the self-defense movement, examines a case history of a women's self-defense organization, and analyzes the mobilization and organizational dilemmas that confronted that organization. We compare self-defense services with victim services to help explain the development of the women's self-defense movement, and in particular, its feminist component.
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  22.  20
    Following Snowden: an international survey.Andrew A. Adams, Kiyoshi Murata & Ana María Lara Palma - 2017 - Journal of Information, Communication and Ethics in Society 15 (3):336-343.
    Purpose This paper aims to present the baseline English survey used in the other papers in this special issue. Design/methodology/approach The survey includes yes/no, Likert scale and free text responses, which were analysed quantitatively and qualitatively. Findings Respondents to the survey expressed divergent views of whether they would emulate Snowden, even though most in all countries believed he had helped rather than harmed society. Originality/value This is the only such broad survey on attitudes to Snowden of which the authors are (...)
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  23. Proceedings of the British Academy, 138 Biographical Memoirs of Fellows, V.Saunders Andrew - 2006
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  24. (2 other versions)Lublinism - A New Version of Thomism.Andrew N. Woznicki - 1986 - Proceedings and Addresses of the American Philosophical Association 60:23.
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    (1 other version)Word Made Flesh—Organic Process: Inner Word in Gadamer.Andrew Fuyarchuk - 2015 - Journal of Chinese Philosophy 42 (1):577-588.
    Interpretations of the inner word overlook the fact that for Gadamer language is both written and spoken and that these two mediums are in a dialectical relation. After disputing Zimmermann’s interpretation of the inner word, the paper uses McLuhan to explain Gadamer’s dialectical method for understanding how thought that comes to language participates in the self-unfolding structure of a living organism. Central to this argument is a turn of the inner ear which in contrast to sensory memory based on sight (...)
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  26. 1979.Andrew Ortony - 1993 - In Metaphor and Thought. Cambridge University Press.
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    Inconsistencies in the Finance of Public Services: Government Responses to Excess Demand.Andrew Abbott & Philip Jones - 2018 - In Richard E. Wagner, James M. Buchanan: A Theorist of Political Economy and Social Philosophy. Palgrave Macmillan. pp. 205-233.
    Buchanan highlighted the inconsistencies that arise when public services are financed by general taxation. Citizens increase their demand for services, even though citizens are reticent to increase taxation. Buchanan invited readers to explore the impact of different assumptions of politicians’ behaviour. In this chapter, attention focuses on the way that vote maximising governments are likely to respond to the divorce between receipt and payment for services. Buchanan illustrated his analysis with reference to the National Health Service in the UK. Predictions (...)
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  28.  43
    A Business Management Symposium.Andrew V. Abella - 1998 - The Chesterton Review 24 (1/2):256-257.
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    Argumentation schemes and communities of argumentational practice.Andrew Aberdein - 2010 - In Juho Ritola, Argument Cultures: Proceedings of OSSA 2009. OSSA.
    Is it possible to distinguish communities of arguers by tracking the argumentation schemes they employ? There are many ways of relating schemes to communities, but not all are productive. Attention must be paid not only to the admissibility of schemes within a community of argumentational practice, but also to their comparative frequency. Two examples are discussed: informal mathematics, a convenient source of well-documented argumentational practice, and anthropological evidence of nonstandard reasoning.
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  30.  14
    Following Snowden, German uncertainty about monitoring.Andrew A. Adams, Sarah Hosell & Kiyoshi Murata - 2017 - Journal of Information, Communication and Ethics in Society 15 (3):232-246.
    PurposeAs part of an international study of knowledge of and attitudes to Snowden’s revelations about the activities of the National Security Agency/Government Communications Headquarters, this paper aims to deal with Germany, taking its socio-cultural and political environment surrounding privacy and state surveillance into account.Design/methodology/approachA questionnaire was answered by 76 German University students. The quantitative responses to the survey were statistically analysed as well as qualitative considerations of free text answers.FindingsSnowden’s revelations have had an important influence over German students’ attitudes toward (...)
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    Integrity Systems for Occupations.Andrew Alexandra & Seumas Miller - 2010 - Routledge.
    An integrity system is an integrated assemblage of institutional mechanisms, designed to minimize ethical misconduct and promote ethical health in institutions, organizations, occupations and the like. This book analyzes, describes and demonstrates the value of well-designed integrity systems for efficient, effective and ethically sustainable practice, in occupational groups in particular. Developing a blueprint for the design of integrity systems which can be tailored to the specific ethical needs of different occupational groups, this book furthers the general project of ethically informed (...)
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  32.  74
    Private Military and Security Companies and the Liberal Conception of Violence.Andrew Alexandra - 2012 - Criminal Justice Ethics 31 (3):158-174.
    Abstract The institution of war is the broad framework of rules, norms, and organizations dedicated to the prevention, prosecution, and resolution of violent conflict between political entities. Important parts of that institution consist of the accountability arrangements that hold between armed forces, the political leaders who oversee and direct the use of those forces, and the people in whose name the leaders act and from whose ranks the members of the armed forces are drawn. Like other parts of the institution, (...)
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  33. Technological rationality and the problem of meaning.Andrew Feenberg - 2009 - In Stefano Giacchetti Ludovisi & G. Agostini Saavedra, Nostalgia for a Redeemed Future: Critical Theory. University of Delaware.
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  34. Universal regard for the particular: Resources of the catholic tradition for building a humane society.Andrew Hamilton - 2001 - In Janet McCalman, Humane societies: papers from the 30th anniversary symposium of the Australian Academy of the Humanities. Canberra: The Academy.
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    The philosophy of P.F. Strawson.Lewis Edwin Hahn (ed.) - 1998 - Chicago, Ill.: Open Court.
    The twenty-sixth volume in the highly acclaimed Library of Living Philosophers series is devoted to the work of British philosopher of logic and metaphysician, P. F. Strawson. Following the Library of Living Philosophers series format, the volume contains an intellectual autobiography, twenty critical and descriptive essays by leading philosophers from around the world, Strawson's replies to the essays, and a bibliography of Strawson's works. Born in 1919, Strawson was a leading proponent of ordinary language philosophy. He is the author of (...)
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  36.  26
    St Gregory of Nazianzus and the Classical Tradition. The Poemata Arcana qua Hymns.Andrew Faulkner - 2010 - Philologus: Zeitschrift für Antike Literatur Und Ihre Rezeption 154 (1).
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    Actualism Doesn’t Have Control Issues: A Reply to Cohen and Timmerman.Andrew T. Forcehimes & Luke Semrau - 2019 - Philosophia 47 (1):271-277.
    Recently, Cohen and Timmerman, 1–18, 2016) argue that actualism has control issues. The view should be rejected, they claim, as it recognizes a morally irrelevant distinction between counterfactuals over which agents exercise the same kind of control. Here we reply on behalf of actualism.
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    (2 other versions)Gadamer's Linguistic Turn Revisited in Dialogue with Cheng's Onto‐Generative Hermeneutics.Andrew Fuyarchuk - 2019 - Wiley: Journal of Chinese Philosophy.
    Journal of Chinese Philosophy, EarlyView.
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    The Making of a Social Ethic in Late-Medieval England: From Gratitudo to "Kyndenesse".Andrew Galloway - 1994 - Journal of the History of Ideas 55 (3):365-83.
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    Infantasies: An EPAT collective project.Andrew Gibbons, Michael A. Peters, Andrea Delaune, Petar Jandrić, Amy N. Sojot, David W. Kupferman, Marek Tesar, Viktor Johansson, Marta Cabral, Nesta Devine & Nina Hood - 2021 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 53 (14):1442-1453.
    This is a collective writing project that is part of the larger design of Infantologies, Infanticides and Infantilizations; a quartet that explores the philosophy of infants from thematic perspectives, that puts infants at the centre of our reflections, and that encourages a different academic style of thinking.
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    From Stars to Brains: Milestones in the Planetary Evolution of Life and Intelligence.Andrew Y. Glikson - 2019 - Cham: Springer Verlag.
    The permutation of basic atoms—nitrogen, hydrogen, oxygen, carbon and phosphorus―into the biomolecules DNA and RNA, subsequently evolved in cells and brains, defining the origin of life and intelligence, remains unexplained. Equally the origin of the genetic information and the intertwined nature of ‘hardware’ and ‘software’ involved in the evolution of bio-molecules and the cells are shrouded in mystery. This treatise aims at exploring individual and swarm behaviour patterns which potentially hint at as yet unknown biological principles. It reviews theories of (...)
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    Poststructuralism and the Politics of Method.Andrew M. Koch - 2007 - Lexington Books.
    Poststructuralism and the Politics of Method examines the political possibilities emerging with poststructuralist epistemology. Beginning with the premises for the construction of knowledge claims, Koch explores the dimensions of materialism, democracy, power, leftist politics, and other themes emerging from the this twentieth century philosophic movement.
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  43.  16
    Automated reasoning about machines.Andrew Gelsey - 1995 - Artificial Intelligence 74 (1):1-53.
  44. Aristotle on the Ethics of Workplace Relations.Andrew Murray - 2009 - Philosophy for Business 55.
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  45. (1 other version)Philosophical Functionalism.Andrew Ward - 1989 - Behavior and Philosophy 17 (2):155.
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    Potential: The valuation of imagined future achievement.T. Andrew Poehlman & George E. Newman - 2014 - Cognition 130 (1):134-139.
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  47. Three Dogmas of Functionalism.Andrew Hampton Gleeson - 1998 - Dissertation, The Australian National University (Australia)
    This thesis is a critique of functionalism in the philosophy of mind. I distinguish three tenets, or 'dogmas' of functionalism, viz: Mental states are causes of behaviour; Mental states can, in principle, be defined in non-mental terms; We understand everything, or at least everything of importance, about the mental states of people, by subsuming token mental states under one or other mental state type. ;The first dogma is rejected in the form which identifies mental state types with physical types, on (...)
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  48. The religions of Ireland.Andrew Greeley - 1999 - In Greeley Andrew, Ireland North and South: Perspectives from Social Science. pp. 141-160.
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  49. Performing, Effecting Surfaces.Andrew Benjamin - unknown
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  50. The matter of a materialist philosophy of art: Bataille's Manet.Andrew Benjamin - unknown
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