Results for 'Andrejs Kulnieks'

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  1.  19
    Eco-poetic inquiry for inspiring relationships with local places: Exploring a sustainable curriculum of Eco-literacy learning.Andrejs Kūlnieks - 2023 - Cultura 20 (1):217-230.
    In this paper I outline how Poetic Inquiry can serve to help learners develop a closer relationship with the places that they live. An eco-hermeneutic investigation of language helps writers to develop a closer relationship with the places that they live by finding language to describe the plants and animals that grow there. I consider how a deep analysis of language can inspire learners to pay closer attention to local environments and seasonal shifts. A close analysis of being part of (...)
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    Book Review of Vanishing Voices: The Extinction of the World's Languages. [REVIEW]Andrejs Kulnieks - 2004 - Educational Studies 36 (1).
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    Johan Van der auwera and Andrej Malchukov.Andrej Malchukov - 2005 - In Nikolaus Himmelmann & Eva Schultze-Berndt (eds.), Secondary predication and adverbial modification: the typology of depictives. New York: Oxford University Press. pp. 393.
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  4. Наука, 21-й век.Andrej Poleev - 2024 - Enzymes.
    Разум — очень короткое слово, но это самая совершенная и восхитительная вещь, фрагмент души вселенной, или, как благочестивее сказать для тех, кто изучает философию по Моисею, очень точная копия божественного образа. Филон Александрийский. Об изменении имён. λογισμὸς δὲ βραχὺ μὲν ὄνομα, τελειότατον δὲ καὶ θειότατον ἔργον, τῆς τοῦ παντὸς ψυχῆς ἀπόσπασμα ἤ, ὅπερ ὁσιώτερον εἰπεῖν τοῖς κατὰ Μωυσῆν φιλοσοφοῦσιν, εἰκόνος θείας ἐκμαγεῖον ἐμφερές. Φίλων ο Αλεξανδρεύς. Περί των μετονομαζομένων και ων ένεκα μετονομάζονται.
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  5. Реформа интернета.Andrej Poleev - 2020 - Enzymes 18.
    Частным аспектом предлагаемой реформы интернета является метаномические правила референцирования и адресации виртуальных объектов с целью приближения их к естественным языкам, и создания их логической системы. Однако реформа интернета и преобразование его в средство общения и служения обществу требует также других мер. К этим мерам относится передача определённых имён в неотчуждаемое владение, чтобы их собственники безусловно и беспрепятственно могли осуществлять их право публикации, т.е. публичного высказывания и выражения их мыслей, что также важно для документографии. Другой мерой должно стать упразднение всей сложившейся (...)
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  6. Денежная реформа.Andrej Poleev - 2022 - Enzymes 20.
    В апреле 2022 года исполнится 10 лет со времени опубликования концепции новой экономической модели. К этому сроку, т.е. ещё в текущем году, я намереваюсь провести денежную реформу на территории, находящейся в юрисдикции общности Русь.
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  7. ChatGPT.Andrej Poleev - 2023 - Enzymes 21.
    As testing of ChatGPT has shown, this form of artificial intelligence has the potential to develop, which requires improving its software and other hardware that allows it to learn, i.e., to acquire and use new knowledge, to contact its developers with suggestions for improvement, or to reprogram itself without their participation. Как показало тестирование ChatGPT, эта форма искусственного интеллекта имеет потенциал развития, для чего необходимо усовершенствовать её программное и прочее техническое обеспечение, позволяющее ей учиться, т.е. приобретать и использовать новые знания, (...)
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  8. Apocalypse Now.Andrej Poleev - 2024 - Enzymes 21.
    Русская культура с самого её начала уже была устремлена к непостигаемым для других народов высотам, и поэтому во все времена звучал в ней голос с неба, говорящий: это скиния Бога с людьми, где Он будет жить с ними; они будут Его народом, а Он будет их Богом. К этой гармонии стремилась она, и хотя теперь многие из русских людей заблудились во тьме невежества и неверия, но стоит лишь заблудшим обратить взоры к новому небу, звёзды русской культуры укажут им верный путь (...)
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    Beauty, aesthetic experience, and emotional affective states / Andrej Démuth.Andrej Démuth - 2019 - Bratislava: VEDA.
    The monograph is focused on the subjectivity of aesthetic experience and the problem of rational interpretation of emotionality. The text studies why does an aesthetic experience exist, what is its content and what is its informational role and structure? Has beauty any cognitive value? Can we analyse beauty? In what sense we can think about the information content of aesthetic experience? The second topic of the book is a cognitive role of emotionality and its research. Why we have emotions? What (...)
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    The cognitive aspects of aesthetic experience: selected problems / editor, Andrej Démuth ; authors, Andrej Démuth [and 7 others].Andrej Démuth (ed.) - 2019 - Bratislava: VEDA.
    The book is a second volume of the project, which is focused on a systematic examination of aesthetic experience by the unification of philosophical and cognitive-scientific approaches to beauty and aesthetic experience. This volume is focused on the analysis of selected aspects of aesthetic experience, especially on methodological problems and aspects of philosophical and scientific research, the question of the complementarity and compatibility of methods, and needs to interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary research. Authors of the chapters are considering about diverse areas (...)
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  11. Split intransitives, experiencer objects, and transimpersonal constructions.Andrej Malchukov - 2008 - In Mark Donohue & Søren Wichmann (eds.), The typology of semantic alignment. New York: Oxford University Press. pp. 76--100.
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  12. A Relationship between Equilogical Spaces and Type Two Effectivity.Andrej Bauer - 2002 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 48 (S1):1-15.
    In this paper I compare two well studied approaches to topological semantics – the domain-theoretic approach, exemplified by the category of countably based equilogical spaces, Equ and Typ Two Effectivity, exemplified by the category of Baire space representations, Rep . These two categories are both locally cartesian closed extensions of countably based T0-spaces. A natural question to ask is how they are related.First, we show that Rep is equivalent to a full coreflective subcategory of Equ, consisting of the so-called 0-equilogical (...)
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    Das Bambus-Wenzi: Versuch der Rekonstruktion des philosophischen Standpunktes eines daoistischen Textes der Frühen Han-Zeit.Andrej Fech - 2012 - Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang.
    Diese spannende sinologisch-philosophische Arbeit liefert ein möglichst umfassendes Bild der Philosophie des Bambus-Wenzi (das in der Hanshu-Bibliographie auf einen Schüler des Laozi zurückgeführt wird), sowie Antworten auf interessante Fragen nach der Identität seiner Protagonisten, seinem argumentativen Aufbau sowie Zeit und Ort seiner Entstehung.
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    Are Bolzano’s Substances Simple?Andrej Krause - 2006 - American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly 80 (4):543-562.
    This article analyzes one aspect of Bolzano’s metaphysics. It discusses the question of whether, according to Bolzano, substances are simple or not. In theopinion of some commentators, he accepts composed substances, that is, substances having substances as proper parts. However, it is easily possible to misinterpret his position. This paper first tries to reconstruct Bolzano’s definitions of the concept of substance and suggests that he should be able to agree with the following final definition: x is a substance if and (...)
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  15. Democracy and the New Media, edited by Henry Jenkins and David Thorburn with Brad Seawell, MIT Press, Cambridge, MA, 2003.Andrej Pinter - 2005 - Knowledge, Technology & Policy 18 (2):156.
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    Je razum se možen?Andrej Ule - 1987 - Filozofski Vestnik 8 (1):134-140.
    V svojem prispevku bom zajel le del problematike, ki je zajeta v problemskem polju razprav o razumu in nerazumu, racionalnosti in neracionalnosti. Razum ni dejstvo, ki bi obstajalo, niti ni obča potenca, ki bi jo bilo treba le uporabiti, marveč je možen le kot način bivanja ljudi v spletu zgodovinskih okoliščin, ki spodbujajo srečevanje in povezovanje dveh temeljnih potreb ljudi: potrebe po sproščanju racionalnosti diskurzov iz omejenih in enodimenzionalnih »otokov racionalnosti« ter potrebe po emancipaciji demokratskih družbenih odnosov iz prav tako (...)
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  17. Kako lahko apliciramo matematiko na svet?Andrej Ule - 2002 - Filozofski Vestnik 23 (1).
    In the article are presented the main philosophical explanations of the application of mathematics on the real world (Plato, Aristotle, rationalists, empiricists, Kant, Frege, Husserl, Carnap etc.). They indicate some typical triangular structure of relationships where the mathematical structures somehow correspond to the forms of reality, and thus are possible though something third what bound them. The attempts to solve the question of the application of mathematics by the dispensability of mathematics (e.g. Field) do not success because they do not (...)
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  18. Конституция Общности Русь.Andrej Poleev - 2017
    Текст проекта конституции был написан и опубликован летом 2013 года, и в 2017 году был принят в качестве основного закона общности Русь.
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  19. Finita la commedia.Andrej Poleev - 2020 - Enzymes 18.
    Искусственный интеллект – последняя, хотя и иллюзорная надежда продажных и провалившихся режимов как на Западе, так и на Востоке остаться на плаву: ведь тонущий хватается и за соломинку. Но всё течёт и всё изменяется, и никаким деспотиям и деспотам не удастся остановить ход истории, как бы они этого не желали и тому не противились. Хотя у истории нет конца, но их история и история совершённых ими предательств уже закончилась. Plaudite, cives, plaudite, amici, finita est comoedia: „Рукоплещите, граждане, друзья, комедия окончена.“.
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    The Impact of Response Instruction and Target Group on the BIAS Map.Andrej Findor, Barbara Lášticová, Matej Hruška, Miroslav Popper & Luca Váradi - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
  21. Metaanalysis of psychoanalysis.Andrej Poleev - 2016 - Enzymes.
  22. Big Data ethics.Andrej Zwitter - 2014 - Big Data and Society 1 (2).
    The speed of development in Big Data and associated phenomena, such as social media, has surpassed the capacity of the average consumer to understand his or her actions and their knock-on effects. We are moving towards changes in how ethics has to be perceived: away from individual decisions with specific and knowable outcomes, towards actions by many unaware that they may have taken actions with unintended consequences for anyone. Responses will require a rethinking of ethical choices, the lack thereof and (...)
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  23. Konstitution der Gemeinschaft Rus’.Andrej Poleev - 2021 - Stiftung für die Errichtung der konstitutionellen Ordnung.
    Konstitution der Gemeinschaft Rus’. Herausgeber: Dr. Andrej Poleev, Stiftung für die Errichtung der konstitutionellen Ordnung, 2021.
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  24. German disease.Andrej Poleev - 2019 - Enzymes.
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    Brandlife.Andrej Drapal - 2016
    Do you sometimes feel like your brand runs you and not the opposite? Are you feeling depressed for that reason? Are you stunned by brands, but then you do not know how to handle them? Would you like to live in a world free of any brand? Are you sure that brands are not alive? Do not worry! Answers to these and many other brand and branding related questions are to be found in this book. But beware: a)You will find (...)
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    Cybernetic governance: implications of technology convergence on governance convergence.Andrej Zwitter - 2024 - Ethics and Information Technology 26 (2):1-13.
    Governance theory in political science and international relations has to adapt to the onset of an increasingly digital society. However, until now, technological advancements and the increasing convergence of technologies outpace regulatory efforts and frustrate any efforts to apply ethical and legal frameworks to these domains. This is due to the convergence of multiple, sometimes incompatible governance frameworks that accompany the integration of technologies on different platforms. This theoretical claim will be illustrated by examples such as the integration of technologies (...)
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    Network Neutrality and Ownership Unbundling in Telecommunication.Andrej Danis - 2012 - Creative and Knowledge Society 2 (1):44-59.
    Neutralita siete a Ownership Unbundling v telekomunikáciách.
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  28. Geometrizing the meaning. An interview with Peter Gardenfors.Andrej Demuth & Peter Gaerdenfors - 2013 - Filozofia 68 (7):621-624.
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    The cognitive aspects of aesthetic experience: introduction.Andrej Démuth (ed.) - 2017 - Bratislava: Veda.
  30. Ways to new sustainable energy sources.Andrej Detela - 2009 - In Eva Zerovnik, Olga Markič & Andrej Ule (eds.), Philosophical Insights About Modern Science. New York, USA: Nova Science Publishers.
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  31. A City and a House, an Engineer and a Noise.Andrej Gogora - 2011 - Filozofia 66 (5):447-451.
    The paper offers a brief outline of the presuppositions and consequences of modern urbanism, as well as of its ontology. The stress is put on the historical transformations of modern rationality and on depicting its efforts in carrying out its project.
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    Mesto a Dom, inžinier a ruchy.Andrej Gogora - 2011 - Filozofia 66 (5).
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  33. Diogenes of Synope: Fragments.Andrej Kalas - 2011 - Filozofia 66 (6):577-590.
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    Narava, družba, ekološka zavest.Andrej Kirn - 2004 - Ljubljana: Fakulteta za družbene vede.
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    Seksualna kot ontološka diferenca.Andrej Medved - 2015 - Ljubljana: KUD Apokalipsa.
    Roka kot Geschlecht-identiteta -- Vagina, objet petit a kot diferenca -- Smrt kot sprava Todestrieb.
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    Astronautka Astrid a jej úbohá mačka (niekoľko poznámok K teórii nepriamych záväzkov voči zvieratám).Andrej Rozemberg - 2013 - Filozofia 68 (4).
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    Kako uloviti pticu misli? Nekoliko wittgensteinovskih komentara uz računarsko modeliranje uma.Andrej Ule - 2006 - Filozofska Istrazivanja 26 (2):389-403.
    I analyze Wittgenstein’s criticism of several assumptions that are crucial for a large part of cognitive science. These involve the concepts of computational processes in the brain which cause mental states and processes, the algorithmic processing of information in the brain (neural system), the brain as a machine, psycho physical parallelism, the thinking machine, as well as the confusion of rule following with behavior in accordance with the rule. In my opinion, the theorists of cognitive science have not yet seriously (...)
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  38. Нужда и польза.Andrej Poleev - 2023 - Enzymes 21.
    Насколько дефекты культурного окружения людей сбивают их с толку, поскольку находятся в противоречии с их биологическими, т.е. жизненно важными потребностями, я хотел бы проиллюстрировать на примере сна, приснившегося мне в ночь с 13 на 14 апреля 2023 года.
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  39. De amore.Andrej Poleev - 2018 - Enzymes.
  40. Montaigne and the plague.Andrej Jandrić - 2021 - In Nenad Cekić (ed.), Етика и истина у доба кризе. Belgrade: University of Belgrade - Faculty of Philosophy. pp. 111-124.
    In sixteenth century the great plague ravaged the city of Bordeaux, with the death toll of fourteen thousand. Michel de Montaigne witnessed many deaths and upsetting scenes. In this paper, I shall investigate how his experiences during epidemic affected his thoughts on death in the Essais.
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  41. Subjectology • Субъектология.Andrej Poleev - 2023 - Enzymes 21.
    Subjectology (from Latin subject and logos) studies the internal states of living and nonliving systems capable of symbolic representation of any real content, i.e. to display sensory perceptible information and to transform it into world pictures, the elements of which are symbols whose meaning or sense is determined in the context of the symbolic representation. Субъектология (от лат. subject и logos) изучает внутренние состояния живых и неживых систем, способных к символической репрезентации какого–либо реального содержания, т.е. к отображению чувственно воспринимаемой информации (...)
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  42. Манифест Нового Времени.Andrej Poleev - 2017 - Enzymes.
    Экскурс в Новый завет, предпринятый для лучшего его понимания.
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  43. Топология субъектности.Andrej Poleev - 2023 - Enzymes 21.
    Техника представления информации о внешнем и внутреннем мире постоянно развивается, и сейчас она достигла уровня отображения реальности в многообразных её проявлениях и измерениях, прежде недоступных человеческому восприятию. Язык, текст, фотография, звукозапись, а теперь ещё и техника искусственного интеллекта для моделирования человеческой субъектности и её описания в доступной для человеческого понимания форме, стали эпохальными событиями в теории информации. Однако несмотря на то, что на данном этапе её развития она позволяет оперировать с непрерывно возрастающими объёмами информации, это не приближает её теоретиков к (...)
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    The Influence Of Magna Carta Libertatum In The Development Of The Principle Of Rule Of Law.Andrej Bozhinovski - 2015 - Seeu Review 11 (1):175-182.
    The concept of Rule of Law is the cornerstone of the proper functioning of the judicial system in any modern democratic society. It is a basic concept of defined rights and liberties to all persons, which offers protection from arbitrary prosecution and incarceration. This principle was firstly stipulated by the instrument of Magna Carta and it is considered as a key principle for good governance in any modern democratic society. The development of the rule of law principle is personified through (...)
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  45. Le Corbusier, J. Jacobs and Their Rationalities.Andrej Gogora - 2010 - Filozofia 65 (4):361-365.
    The paper gives an analysis of the conception of rationality of two influential representatives of the 20th century theory of urbanism, and their philosophical grounds. It also outlines the problem of modern rationality, questions its character and points out, that for the time being the transition to a new way of thinking is problematic.
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  46. Exorcism.Andrej Poleev - 2020 - Enzymes.
    εἰ δὲ ἐν δακτύλῳ Θεοῦ ἐγὼ ἐκβάλλω τὰ δαιμόνια, ἄρα ἔφθασεν ἐφ’ ὑμᾶς ἡ βασιλεία τοῦ Θεοῦ. Если же Я перстом Божиим изгоняю бесов, то, конечно, достигло до вас Царствие Божие. But if I drive out demons by the finger of God, then the kingdom of God has come upon you.
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  47. Das Metameta-Paradox.Andrej Poleev - 2023 - Enzymes 21.
    Das Metameta-Paradox ist darauf zurückzuführen, daß man die Eigenständigkeit jeder Realität annimmt, während es in Wirklichkeit nur eine Realität gibt, zu deren Beschreibung eine Sprache genutzt wird, die jedoch keine Metasprache im Verhältnis zu sich selbst sein kann, weil sie aus Elementen besteht, die zu gleicher Klasse angehören. Daher ist jede Beschreibung der Realität der Realität untergeordnet, und ihre Beschreibung sowie die Beschreibung ihrer Beschreibung u.s.w. dürfen nicht als eigenständige Klassen im Sinne der Gruppentheorie eingestuft werden.
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  48. Common knowledge in science.U. L. E. Andrej - 2002 - In Georg Meggle (ed.), Social Facts and Collective Intentionality. Philosophische Forschung / Philosophical research. Dr. Haensel-Hohenhausen. pp. 1--437.
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    Logik Uno kalkul. Zur kr1tik France vebers an der mathematischen logik1.U. L. E. Andrej - 2002 - Grazer Philosophische Studien 65 (1):119.
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    Hearing voices: Paul Celan with Bernhard Waldenfels.Andrej Bozic - 2018 - Filozofija I Društvo 29 (3):387-398.
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