Results for 'Andrej Detela'

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  1. Ways to new sustainable energy sources.Andrej Detela - 2009 - In Eva Zerovnik, Olga Markič & Andrej Ule, Philosophical Insights About Modern Science. New York, USA: Nova Science Publishers.
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    Johan Van der auwera and Andrej Malchukov.Andrej Malchukov - 2005 - In Nikolaus Himmelmann & Eva Schultze-Berndt, Secondary predication and adverbial modification: the typology of depictives. New York: Oxford University Press. pp. 393.
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  3. Big Data ethics.Andrej Zwitter - 2014 - Big Data and Society 1 (2).
    The speed of development in Big Data and associated phenomena, such as social media, has surpassed the capacity of the average consumer to understand his or her actions and their knock-on effects. We are moving towards changes in how ethics has to be perceived: away from individual decisions with specific and knowable outcomes, towards actions by many unaware that they may have taken actions with unintended consequences for anyone. Responses will require a rethinking of ethical choices, the lack thereof and (...)
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    Cybernetic governance: implications of technology convergence on governance convergence.Andrej Zwitter - 2024 - Ethics and Information Technology 26 (2):1-13.
    Governance theory in political science and international relations has to adapt to the onset of an increasingly digital society. However, until now, technological advancements and the increasing convergence of technologies outpace regulatory efforts and frustrate any efforts to apply ethical and legal frameworks to these domains. This is due to the convergence of multiple, sometimes incompatible governance frameworks that accompany the integration of technologies on different platforms. This theoretical claim will be illustrated by examples such as the integration of technologies (...)
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  5. German disease.Andrej Poleev - 2019 - Enzymes.
  6. Putinism: A Phenomenological and Prototypical Investigation.Andrej Poleev - 2021 - Enzymes.
    English abstract: On last day of the year 1999, Russia has entered another era of despotism, that of Vladimir Putin. During his reign, the Putin‘s clan has undermined and infiltrated the mass media, the parliament and the judicial system. Deliberate violation of basic citizen‘s rights, compulsory acquisition of property, government-funded racket, misuse of mass media to scarify and to disinform the peoples belong to the diabolic methods of self-constituted disposers. All this lawlessness has led to exorbitant corruption, mass poverty, economic (...)
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    Political Evil and the Invocation of the Sacred.Andrej Zwitter & Friso Timmenga - 2024 - Archiv für Rechts- und Sozialphilosophie 110 (3):451-468.
    This paper analyses the reemerging concept of evil in political science and international relations. Evil is approached as the link between the metaphorical and the metaphysical that is used to sacralize politics. After introducing the concepts of metaphor, metaphysics and the sacred, we expand on the definition of evil by drawing on existing philosophical and theological literature. We proceed to analyze its effects in politics by applying our findings to examples from the United States, Russia, India, Myanmar, Israel, ISIS and (...)
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  8. Konstitution der Gemeinschaft Rus’.Andrej Poleev - 2021 - Stiftung für die Errichtung der konstitutionellen Ordnung.
    Konstitution der Gemeinschaft Rus’. Herausgeber: Dr. Andrej Poleev, Stiftung für die Errichtung der konstitutionellen Ordnung, 2021.
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    The Impact of Response Instruction and Target Group on the BIAS Map.Andrej Findor, Barbara Lášticová, Matej Hruška, Miroslav Popper & Luca Váradi - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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    Big Data and International Relations.Andrej Zwitter - 2015 - Ethics and International Affairs 29 (4):377-389.
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    Logik Uno kalkul. Zur kr1tik France vebers an der mathematischen logik1.U. L. E. Andrej - 2002 - Grazer Philosophische Studien 65 (1):119.
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    Telling the other what one knows? Strategic lying in a modified acquiring-a-company experiment with two-sided private information.Andrej Angelovski, Daniela Di Cagno, Werner Güth & Francesca Marazzi - 2020 - Theory and Decision 88 (1):97-119.
    Lying for a strategic advantage is to be expected in commercial interactions. But would this be more or less obvious when lying could come from either party and question mutually profitable exchange? To explore this, we modify the acquiring-a-company game by letting both, buyer and seller, be privately informed. Specifically, the value of the company for the buyer is known only by the seller; whereas, only the buyer is aware by which proportion the sellers evaluation is lower than that of (...)
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    Two constructive embedding-extension theorems with applications.Andrej Bauer & Alex Simpson - 2004 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 50 (4):351.
    We prove two embedding and extension theorems in the context of the constructive theory of metric spaces. The first states that Cantor space embeds in any inhabited complete separable metric space (CSM) without isolated points, X, in such a way that every sequentially continuous function from Cantor space to ℤ extends to a sequentially continuous function from X to ℝ. The second asserts an analogous property for Baire space relative to any inhabited locally non‐compact CSM. Both results rely on having (...)
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  14. Človek.Andrej Grabar - 1993 - Celje: Mohorjeva družba.
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    Seksualna kot ontološka diferenca.Andrej Medved - 2015 - Ljubljana: KUD Apokalipsa.
    Roka kot Geschlecht-identiteta -- Vagina, objet petit a kot diferenca -- Smrt kot sprava Todestrieb.
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  16. Democracy and the New Media, edited by Henry Jenkins and David Thorburn with Brad Seawell, MIT Press, Cambridge, MA, 2003.Andrej Pinter - 2005 - Knowledge, Technology & Policy 18 (2):156.
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    Circles of analysis: essays on logic, mind and knowledge.Andrej Ule - 2008 - Zürich: Lit.
    The book aims at the logical and conceptual analysis of philosophical problems in logic, analysis of mind and knowledge. In presents several internal connections between logical, practical and ethical reasoning and getting individual and collective knowledge. The author connects conceptual analysis, some modal logical arguments and some Wittgensteinian motives in the analysis of vagueness, process logic, skepticism, practical reasoning and getting knowledge.
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  18. Kantovi transcendentalni argumenti.Andrej Ule - 1994 - Filozofski Vestnik 15 (1):51-65.
    I present the analysis of Kant's transcendental arguments via the following scheme of the Kantian forms of transcendental arguments: the assertion of relevant facts, definitions, and principles of knowledge (i.e. the existence of some synthetic statements a priori) => searching for necessary conditions for those facts to obtain, etc. (the regress from experience to its conditions) => determining the mode of presentation of necessary conditions for those (subjective) capacities of pure consciousness) (i.e., as subjective capacities of human consciousness) => finding (...)
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  19. Regimentation of Sorites- a Solution by the Change of Language Games.Andrej Ule - 1999 - Acta Analytica 14 (1):7-26.
    I sketch the basic problem of vagueness - the sorites paradox and propose a new solution. I try to show that the paradoxical result of the sorites arguments arises from combining different language games or representation systems without sufficient care. I propose two solutions, two types of regimentating the sorites. They do not allow an inheritance of the vague property F in the whole sequence of objects. The first introduces some quantitatively determined predicates (quantitative regimentation) and the second (relational regimentation) (...)
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  20. Meta-science: towards a science of meaning and complex solutions.Andrej Zwitter & Takuo Dōme (eds.) - 2023 - Groningen, The Netherlands: University of Groningen Press.
    Science has lost its ethical imperatives as it moved away from a science of ought to a science of is. Subsequently, it might have answers for how we can address global challenges, such as climate change and poverty, but not why we should. This supposedly neutral stance leaves it to politics and religions (in the sense of non-scientific fields of social engagement) to fill in the values. The problem is that through this concession, science implicitly acknowledges that it is not (...)
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    The Rule of Law in Times of Crisis.Andrej J. Zwitter - 2012 - Archiv für Rechts- und Sozialphilosophie 98 (1):95-111.
    This article aims to contribute to the theoretical discussion about the rule of law and about its definition by looking at situations where the rule of law is put to the test - states of emergency. States of emergency and laws of exception have specific characteristics, one fundamental characteristic being that legislative power is shifted to the executive - in other words, democracies become less democratic. By analysing the principle of the rule of law in conjunction with the nature of (...)
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  22.  14
    Ethics of smart cities and smart societies.Andrej Zwitter & Dirk Helbing - 2024 - Ethics and Information Technology 26 (4):1-5.
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    Brandlife.Andrej Drapal - 2016
    Do you sometimes feel like your brand runs you and not the opposite? Are you feeling depressed for that reason? Are you stunned by brands, but then you do not know how to handle them? Would you like to live in a world free of any brand? Are you sure that brands are not alive? Do not worry! Answers to these and many other brand and branding related questions are to be found in this book. But beware: a)You will find (...)
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    Network Neutrality and Ownership Unbundling in Telecommunication.Andrej Danis - 2012 - Creative and Knowledge Society 2 (1):44-59.
    Neutralita siete a Ownership Unbundling v telekomunikáciách.
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  25. Geometrizing the meaning. An interview with Peter Gardenfors.Andrej Demuth & Peter Gaerdenfors - 2013 - Filozofia 68 (7):621-624.
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    Na obranu vágnosti.Andrej Demúth & Marek števček - 2021 - Filozofia 76 (4):237-251.
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    Kako stvari vznikajo: od mema do PRovanse: od kasa do reda: iz ušes in prek možganov v tvoja usta.Andrej Drapal - 2009 - Ljubljana: Valenovak.
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    Das Bambus-Wenzi: Versuch der Rekonstruktion des philosophischen Standpunktes eines daoistischen Textes der Frühen Han-Zeit.Andrej Fech - 2012 - Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang.
    Diese spannende sinologisch-philosophische Arbeit liefert ein möglichst umfassendes Bild der Philosophie des Bambus-Wenzi (das in der Hanshu-Bibliographie auf einen Schüler des Laozi zurückgeführt wird), sowie Antworten auf interessante Fragen nach der Identität seiner Protagonisten, seinem argumentativen Aufbau sowie Zeit und Ort seiner Entstehung.
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    Instant states and interval states.Andrej Jandrić - 2005 - Theoria 48 (1-2):35-55.
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  30. Diogenes of Synope: Fragments.Andrej Kalas - 2011 - Filozofia 66 (6):577-590.
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    Über Das verhältnis allgemeiner und individueller materieller und mathematischer gegenstände nach Thomas Von aquin.Andrej Krause - 2008 - Vivarium 46 (2):155-174.
    This article examines one aspect of Thomas Aquinas' understanding of abstraction. It shows in which way, according to Aquinas, universal material objects and individual material objects are the starting point for mathematical objects. It comes to the conclusion that for Aquinas there are not only universal mathematical objects (circle, line), but also individual mathematical objects (this circle, that line). Universal mathematical objects are properties of universal material objects and individual mathematical objects are properties of individual material objects. One type of (...)
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  32. Die im Tractatus de primo principio entwickelten ordines essentiales. Ihre Definition, Verschiedenheit, Vollständigkeit und ihr ordnungstheoretischer Status.Andrej Krause - 2005 - Philosophia Naturalis 42 (2):285-312.
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    Euler über die Teilbarkeit der Körper und die Ortlosigkeit der geistigen Substanzen.Andrej Krause - 2008 - Philosophia Naturalis 45 (1):47-63.
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    An epigram and a treasury: On Sim. Fge xxxiiib [b. 162; D. 163; eg XXXIII].Andrej Petrovic - 2013 - Classical Quarterly 63 (2):885-888.
    Κίμων ἔγραψε τὴν θύραν τὴν δεξιάν,τὴν δ’ ἐξιόντων δεξιὰν Διονύσιος.Cimon painted the door to the right,and the right door as one goes out, Dionysius.Denys Page correctly classified this epigram, which comes from a series ofSimonideain the ninth book of thePalatine Anthology, as a signature epigram. The Cimon mentioned in the first line of the epigram is regularly identified as Cimon of Cleonae, a late sixth-century B.C. painter commended by Pliny and Aelian for his technique and, possibly, use of perspective. The (...)
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    Architectures of Life and Death: The Eco-Aesthetics of the Built Environment.Andrej Radman & Stavros Kousoulas (eds.) - 2021 - Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
    Interdisciplinary in approach, this book combines philosophy, hybrid theory, and architectural theory with case studies, explicitly linking the traditions together to investigate the eco-aesthetics of the urban environment.
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    Kuhnov pogled na zgodovino znanosti.Andrej Ule - 1995 - Filozofski Vestnik 1995 (176).
    T. Kuhn opposes in his articles on history of science the union of the philosophy and history of science. He is defending an interdisciplinary dialog between both sciences. A given problem would be explained there from the point of view od the philosophy of science and of the history of science but not by a unified point of view. However, Kuhn gave with his theory of scientific revolutions the basis for a new science: the theory of the development of science. (...)
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    Wie Kann man einen gedankenvogel fangen? Einige kommentare Von Wittgenstein zur komputationalen formung Des geistes.Andrej Ule - 2005 - Synthesis Philosophica 20 (2):373-388.
    In diesem Essay analysiert der Autor Wittgensteins Kritik an einigen Annahmen, die für einen Großteil der Kognitionswissenschaft von zentraler Bedeutung sind. Diese umfassen die Konzepte von komputationalen Prozessen im Gehirn, die mentale Zustände und Prozesse hervorbringen, die algorythmische Informationsprozessierung im Gehirn , das Gehirn als Maschine, den psychophysischen Parallelismus, die Denkmaschine sowie die Konfusion der Regel, die dem Benehmen folgt im Einklang mit dieser Regel. Nach des Autors Meinung haben die Theoretiker der Kognitionswissenschaft Wittgensteins Kritik noch immer nicht ernsthaft erörtert, (...)
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    On some non-classical extensions of second-order intuitionistic propositional calculus.Andrej Ščedrov - 1984 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 27 (2):155-164.
  39. The algebraic sum of sets of real numbers with strong measure zero sets.Andrej Nowik, Marion Scheepers & Tomasz Weiss - 1998 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 63 (1):301-324.
    We prove the following theorems: (1) If X has strong measure zero and if Y has strong first category, then their algebraic sum has property s 0 . (2) If X has Hurewicz's covering property, then it has strong measure zero if, and only if, its algebraic sum with any first category set is a first category set. (3) If X has strong measure zero and Hurewicz's covering property then its algebraic sum with any set in APC ' is a (...)
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    Developing explicit measures of stereotypes and anti-Roma prejudice in Slovakia: Conceptual and methodological challenges.Andrej Findor & Barbara Lášticová - 2016 - Human Affairs 26 (3):233-252.
    The paper discusses the conceptual and methodological challenges of developing measures of stereotypes and prejudice for use in Slovakia. Developing these measures was the first step in a research project aimed at testing the effectiveness of direct and indirect contact interventions to reduce prejudice against stigmatized minorities, particularly the Roma. The first major problem in this kind of research relates to measuring the impact of interventions, as standardized instruments for measuring prejudice have yet to be developed in Slovak. The second (...)
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  41. Le Corbusier, J. Jacobs and Their Rationalities.Andrej Gogora - 2010 - Filozofia 65 (4):361-365.
    The paper gives an analysis of the conception of rationality of two influential representatives of the 20th century theory of urbanism, and their philosophical grounds. It also outlines the problem of modern rationality, questions its character and points out, that for the time being the transition to a new way of thinking is problematic.
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    Beauty, aesthetic experience, and emotional affective states / Andrej Démuth.Andrej Démuth - 2019 - Bratislava: VEDA.
    The monograph is focused on the subjectivity of aesthetic experience and the problem of rational interpretation of emotionality. The text studies why does an aesthetic experience exist, what is its content and what is its informational role and structure? Has beauty any cognitive value? Can we analyse beauty? In what sense we can think about the information content of aesthetic experience? The second topic of the book is a cognitive role of emotionality and its research. Why we have emotions? What (...)
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    The cognitive aspects of aesthetic experience: selected problems / editor, Andrej Démuth ; authors, Andrej Démuth [and 7 others].Andrej Démuth (ed.) - 2019 - Bratislava: VEDA.
    The book is a second volume of the project, which is focused on a systematic examination of aesthetic experience by the unification of philosophical and cognitive-scientific approaches to beauty and aesthetic experience. This volume is focused on the analysis of selected aspects of aesthetic experience, especially on methodological problems and aspects of philosophical and scientific research, the question of the complementarity and compatibility of methods, and needs to interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary research. Authors of the chapters are considering about diverse areas (...)
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  44. O hneve, alebo čo ponúka Heideggerova filozofia afektivity.Andrej Démuth - 2024 - Filosoficky Casopis 72 (3):415-429.
    The article presented here thematizes Heidegger’s view of affectivity, experience and passions in the context of his reading of Nietzsche’s philosophy. Following the basic plan of Heidegger’s analysis of moods (especially fear and anxiety) in Being and Time, the author attempts to show us what Heidegger’s phenomenology of affectivity would have enabled us to see in the phenomenon of anger if Heidegger had elaborated it. The author analyzes anger as a social and moral emotion through the prism of what “angry” (...)
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    Reflections on artisan metaphors in the Laozi 老子: Who cuts the “uncarved wood” ?Andrej Fech - 2018 - Philosophy Compass 13 (4):e12487.
    In this article, I argue that the Laozi 老子 offers a variety of cosmogenic accounts, including the one expressed by means of the artisan metaphors of “uncarved wood”, “vessels”, and “cutting”. These metaphors and the images related to them often appeared in the given context in ancient Chinese literature depicting the physical emergence of the world as a process of progressive differentiation out of the original state of “chaos.” Thus, this account ultimately served as a cosmic justification for the establishment (...)
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  46. A City and a House, an Engineer and a Noise.Andrej Gogora - 2011 - Filozofia 66 (5):447-451.
    The paper offers a brief outline of the presuppositions and consequences of modern urbanism, as well as of its ontology. The stress is put on the historical transformations of modern rationality and on depicting its efforts in carrying out its project.
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    Mesto a Dom, inžinier a ruchy.Andrej Gogora - 2011 - Filozofia 66 (5).
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    Effective bounds for convergence, descriptive complexity, and natural examples of simple and hypersimple sets.Andrej Muchnik & Alexei Semenov - 2006 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 141 (3):437-441.
    Let μ be a universal lower enumerable semi-measure . Any computable upper bound for μ can be effectively separated from zero with a constant . Computable positive lower bounds for μ can be nontrivial and allow one to construct natural examples of hypersimple sets.
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    Bringing Us Closer Together: The Influence of National Identity and Political Orientation on COVID-19-Related Behavioral Intentions.Andrej Simić, Simona Sacchi, Stefano Pagliaro, Maria Giuseppina Pacilli & Marco Brambilla - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    A growing body of work has highlighted the importance of political beliefs and attitudes in predicting endorsement and engagement in prosocial behavior. Individuals with right-wing political orientation are less likely to behave prosocially than their left-wing counterparts due to high levels of Right-wing authoritarianism. Here, we aimed to extend prior work by testing how political values relate to COVID-19 discretionary behavioral intentions. Furthermore, we tested whether identification with the national group would influence the relationship between RWA and prosocial behavior. A (...)
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    The European Character of the Slovak Regional and Local Press (Part Two).Andrej Tušer - 1998 - Human Affairs 8 (2):182-192.
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