Results for 'Almiro Schultz'

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  1. Dilemas Éticos na Prática Docente do Ensino Superior.Almiro Schultz - 2007 - Quaestio: Revista de Estudos Em Educação 9 (2).
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    Husserl's theory of wholes and parts and the methodology of nursing research.Gary S. Schultz & Richard Cobb-Stevens - 2004 - Nursing Philosophy 5 (3):216-223.
    Whenever the name Edmund Husserl appears in the context of nursing research, what correctly comes to mind is the phenomenological approach to qualitative methodology. Husserl is not only considered the founder of phenomenology, but his broad concept development also contributed to the demise of positivism and inspired fruitful approaches to the social sciences. In this spirit of inspiration, it must be expressed that Husserl's theory of wholes and parts, and particularly his differentiation of parts into ‘pieces’ and ‘moments’, is very (...)
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    Teorias éticas como parâmetro da gestão Das organizações educacionais superiores.Almiro Schuz & Vanda Cunha Albieri Nery - 2008 - Educação E Filosofia 20 (39):219-251.
    O texto tem como preocupação central refletir sobre a relação entre ética e gestão de instituições educacionais. É fru to de preocupações e de pesquisas em desenvolvimento voltadas, principalmente, para o âmbito da gestão. O objetivo principal é mostrar como as várias teorias éticas podem nortear as ações para uma gestão ética. Sua relação e contribuição, como parâmetros para uma gestão ética, estão condicionadas pelos modelos da gestão e pelos pressupostos básicas das teorias éticas, entre elas, autilitarista tem tido maior (...)
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    The New Mr. Coffee: Howard Schultz.Howard Schultz & Mary Scott - 1995 - Business Ethics: The Magazine of Corporate Responsibility 9 (6):26-29.
  5. Wissenschaftslehre [von] Bernhard Bolzano. Mit Einem Nachweis der von Bolzano Zitierten Verfasser, Werke Und Stellen Hrsg. Von Wolfgang Schultz.Bernard Bolzano & Wolfgang Schultz - 1970 - Scientia Verlag.
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    Conceptualizing data‐deliberation: The starry sky beetle, environmental system risk, and Habermasian CSR in the digital age.Mario D. Schultz & Peter Seele - 2020 - Business Ethics 29 (2):303-313.
    Building on an illustrative case of a systemic environmental threat and its multi‐stakeholder response, this paper draws attention to the changing political impacts of corporations in the digital age. Political Corporate Social Responsibility (PCSR) theory suggests an expanded sense of politics and corporations, including impacts that may range from voluntary initiatives to overcome governance gaps, to avoiding state regulation via corporate political activity. Considering digitalization as a stimulus, we explore potential responsibilities of corporations toward public goods in contexts with functioning (...)
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    Eliakim Hastings Moores “General Analysis”.Reinhard Siegmund-Schultze - 1998 - Archive for History of Exact Sciences 52 (1):51-89.
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    A Man vs. Machine Shootout Duel: Do we have Control over our Intention-Predictive Brain Signals? In a Real-time Duelling Game Subjects try to execute Self-initiated Movements before being predicted and interrupted by an EEG-based Brain-Computer Interface.Schultze-Kraft Matthias, Birman Daniel, Rusconi Marco, Daehne Sven, Blankertz Benjamin & Haynes John-Dylan - 2015 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 9.
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    A married couple of mathematicians from Vienna remembers Sigmund Freud (1953).Reinhard Siegmund-Schultze - 2022 - Science in Context 35 (1):1-48.
    ArgumentThe paper is based on a hitherto unexplored document (audiotape of an interview accompanied by a German transcript) from 1953, located in the Freud Papers at the Library of Congress. It contributes to a better understanding of the impact of Freud and of Psychoanalysis on personalities from the exact sciences, here represented by the noted applied mathematicians Richard von Mises and Hilda Geiringer from Vienna. The detailed discussion of the interview sheds some new light on the different roles of Kraus (...)
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    Bernard Bolzanos Wissenschaftslehre: in vier Bänden ; heraugegeben von Wolfgang Schultz.Bernard Bolzano & Wolfgang Schultz - 1929 - Leipzig,: F. Meiner. Edited by Wolfgang Schultz.
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  11. Debuit in te officiosior esse: Power, Place, and Accusations of Prostitution in Late Republican Rome.Celia E. Schultz - 2024 - American Journal of Philology 145 (1):153-180.
    This article explores the cognitive link among female autonomy, political activity, sexual status, and place in the late Roman Republic. The intersection of non-elite status and political engagement could shape the public perception of a woman's moral status and, in turn, could make scandalous her presence in certain places—physical and metaphorical. When the political activities of a woman such as Praecia, Chelidon, or Volumnia brought her into contact with the men and women of the city's senatorial elite, she left herself (...)
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  12.  26
    The Institute Henri Poincaré and mathematics in France between the wars.Reinhard Siegmund-Schultze - 2009 - Revue d'Histoire des Sciences 62 (1):247-283.
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    Introduction.Bart Schultz & Roger Crisp - 2000 - Utilitas 12 (3):251.
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    Robert A. Dahl., Democracy and its Critics.David Schultz - 1994 - International Studies in Philosophy 26 (2):112-112.
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    Review of David Malet Armstrong: The Nature of Mind and Other Essays[REVIEW]Reynolds B. Schultz - 1983 - Ethics 93 (4):805-806.
  16.  20
    Dispositions, Capacities, and Powers.Walter Schultz - 2009 - Philosophia Christi 11 (2):321-338.
    Dispositional properties have been receiving an increasing amount of attention in the last decade from metaphysicians and philosophers of science. The proper semantics and ontology remains controversial. This paper offers an analysis and ontology of dispositional properties rooted in Christology and the biblical doctrine of creation. The analysis overcomes the standard problems faced by all such analyses and provides an account of “ungrounded dispositions.” The analysis involves a version of a Leibnizian-Aristotelian notion of possible worlds and provides a novel notion (...)
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  17. The Controversy about Sloterdijk’s "Rules for the Human Zoo".Norman Schultz - 2020 - Philosophy Today 64 (1):221-238.
    The so-called Menschenpark-debate on genetic engineering—originating in 1999—turned out to be one of the most controversial and contentious debates in German philosophy. It is also regarded as the first manifestation of the struggle between Sloterdijk and Habermas. While Sloterdijk’s ideas had a significant impact on Habermas’s theory, Sloterdijk’s philosophy has been consistently ignored and dismissed until today due to two reasons. First, he was accused of advocating for fascist ideology. Second, philosophers from the same academic circles claimed that his method (...)
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    Vasubandhu, reactive attitudes, and attentional freedom.Aaron Schultz - 2021 - Asian Philosophy 31 (2):178-194.
    This article aims to draw attention to the way in which a subset of reactive attitudes make us less free. Vasubandhu’s explanation of reactive attitudes shows us how they make us less free...
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    Schultz's Sidgwick.Bart Schultz - 2007 - Utilitas 19 (1).
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  20. L. W. Sumner, Welfare, Happiness, and Ethics, Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1996, pp. xii + 239.Bart Schultz - 2002 - Utilitas 14 (3):403.
  21.  51
    "Negotiating Climate Change: Radical Democracy and the Illusion of Consensus" by Amanda Machin.Peter Schultz - 2014 - Environmental Philosophy 11 (2):366-369.
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    Über die Prinzipien des Schönen / De pulchrii principiis: Eine Preisschrift.Bruno Bauer, Douglas Moggach & Winfried Schultze - 2018 - Walter de Gruyter GmbH & Co KG.
    Die Philosophische Fakultat der Berliner Universitat stellte im Jahr 1828 eine Preisaufgabe, an deren Losung alle Studenten der Universitat teilnehmen konnten. Einem Vorschlag Hegels folgend ging es um eine Auseinandersetzung mit den "Prinzipien des Schonen" bei Kant. Nach anonymer Bewertung der eingegangenen Arbeiten wurde die von Bruno Bauer mit dem Preis geehrt. Wahrend die im Laufe der Jahre gestellten Aufgaben und erteilten Gutachten fast vollstandig erhalten sind, ist das Vorhandensein der von Bauer handschriftlich in lateinischer Sprache verfaten Arbeit eine wissenschaftliche (...)
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  23.  17
    Plato's Socrates on Socrates: Socratic Self-Disclosure and the Public Practice of Philosophy.Anne-Marie Schultz - 2020 - Lexington Books.
    Anne-Marie Schultz explores Plato’s presentation of Socrates as a philosopher who tells narratives about himself in the Theaetetus, Symposium, Apology, and Phaedo. She argues that scholars should regard Socrates as a public philosopher, while examining Socratic self-disclosive practices in the works of bell hooks, Kathy Khang, and Ta-Neishi Coates.
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    Henry Sidgwick - Eye of the Universe: An Intellectual Biography.Bart Schultz - 2004 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    Henry Sidgwick was one of the great intellectual figures of nineteenth-century Britain. He was first and foremost a great moral philosopher, whose masterwork The Methods of Ethics is still widely studied today. He also wrote on economics, politics, education and literature. He was deeply involved in the founding of the first college for women at the University of Cambridge. He was also much concerned with the sexual politics of his close friend John Addington Symonds, a pioneer of gay studies. Through (...)
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    Ensayos cotidianos.Margarita Schultz - 1994 - Santiago: Dolmen Ediciones.
    Apuntes de viajes -- La mujer -- Las cosas y el entorno -- Nostros y los otros -- Matices filosóficos -- Narraciones.
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    The late arrival of academic applied mathematics in the United States: a paradox, theses, and literature.Reinhard Siegmund-Schultze - 2003 - NTM Zeitschrift für Geschichte der Wissenschaften, Technik und Medizin 11 (2):116-127.
    The article discusses the “paradox of the late (around 1940) arrival of academic applied mathematics in the U.S.” as compared to Europe, in particular Germany. A short description of both the indigenous traditions in the U.S. and (in some more detail) of the transfer of scientific ideas, persons, and ideals originating in Europe, particularly in Germany, is given, and some theses, relevant literature, and a tentative solution of the “paradox” are provided.
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    Schultz, Julins Dr. Die Bilder von der Materie.Julius Schultz - 1905 - Kant Studien 10 (1-3).
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    Distrust and Educational Change: Overcoming Barriers to Just and Lasting Reform.Katherine Schultz - 2019 - Harvard Education Press.
    _Distrust characterizes much of the current political discourse in the United States today._ It shapes our feelings about teachers, schools, and policies. In _Distrust and Educational Change_, Katherine Schultz argues that distrust—and the failure to recognize and address it—significantly contributes to the failure of policies meant to improve educational systems. The strategies the United States has chosen to enact reform engender distrust, and in so doing, undermine the conditions that enable meaningful educational change. In situations in which distrust—rather than (...)
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  29. Is CRISPR an Ethical Game Changer?Marcus Schultz-Bergin - 2018 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 31 (2):219-238.
    By many accounts, CRISPR gene-editing technology is revolutionizing biotechnology. It has been hailed as a scientific game changer and is being adopted at a break-neck pace. This hasty adoption has left little time for ethical reflection, and so this paper aims to begin filling that gap by exploring whether CRISPR is as much an ethical game changer as it is a biological one. By focusing on the application of CRISPR to non-human animals, I argue that CRISPR has and will continue (...)
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    (1 other version)Berthold von Kern.Julius Schultz - 1920 - Société Française de Philosophie, Bulletin 24:176.
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    Die Bilder von der Materie: Eine Psychologische Untersuchung über die Grundlagen der Physik.Julius Schultz - 1906 - Philosophical Review 15 (2):217-219.
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    “No-Risk” Libertarian Freedom.Walter J. Schultz - 2008 - Philosophia Christi 10 (1):183-199.
    Free-will defenses and theodicies reason that since God’s purpose in creation requires libertarian free will, God cannot prevent every event which occurs as a consequence of the misuse of freedom. However, given libertarian free will and free-will theistic accounts of God’s purpose in creation, I describe (in terms of a dispositions/powers ontology) how it is logically possible for God to achieve his purposes while preventing moral evil. This, then, is a refutation of the free-will defense and related theodicies that should (...)
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    Conceptualizing the ‘female’ soul – a study in Plato and Proclus.Jana Schultz - 2019 - British Journal for the History of Philosophy 27 (5):883-901.
    Within the Platonic (or Neoplatonic) dualistic conception of body and soul the difference between maleness and femaleness might appear to be a difference which only concerns the body, that is a difference which is not essential for determining who (or what) a certain human is. One might argue that, since humans are essentially their souls and souls are genderless, men and women are essentially equal. As my paper shows, though, Plato's and Proclus’ writings set out two ways of conceptualizing human (...)
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  34. (1 other version)Corporate social responsibility communication: Stakeholder information, response and involvement strategies.Mette Morsing & Majken Schultz - 2006 - Business Ethics, the Environment and Responsibility 15 (4):323–338.
    While it is generally agreed that companies need to manage their relationships with their stakeholders, the way in which they choose to do so varies considerably. In this paper, it is argued that when companies want to communicate with stakeholders about their CSR initiatives, they need to involve those stakeholders in a two-way communication process, defined as an ongoing iterative sense-giving and sense-making process. The paper also argues that companies need to communicate through carefully crafted and increasingly sophisticated processes. Three (...)
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  35.  63
    Mütterliche Ursachen in Proklos’ Metaphysik.Jana Schultz - 2019 - Philologus: Zeitschrift für Antike Literatur Und Ihre Rezeption 163 (2):250-273.
    In his commentary on Plato’s Parmenides Proclos describes the maternal and paternal contributions to reproduction as of equal value: The paternal seed furnishes potential λόγοι, the mother actualises them and so causes the reversion of the offspring. However, the definition of the mother as actualising cause is linked to the particular circumstances of conception in the sphere of nature. In general, Proclus bases his concept of femininity on the idea of a shared, but not equal activity by paternal and maternal (...)
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    A Conversation with Bruno Latour and Nikolaj Schultz: Reassembling the Geo-Social.Jakob Valentin Stein Pedersen, Bruno Latour & Nikolaj Schultz - 2019 - Theory, Culture and Society 36 (7-8):215-230.
    Including empirical examples and theoretical clarifications on many of the analytical issues raised in his recently published Down to Earth, this conversation with Bruno Latour and his collaborator, Danish sociologist Nikolaj Schultz, offers key insights into Latour’s recent and ongoing work. Revolving around questions on political ecology and social theory in our ‘New Climatic Regime’, Latour argues that in order to have politics you need a land and you need a people. This interview present reflections on such politics, such (...)
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  37. (1 other version)Kern, B., Das Problem des Lebens.E. Schultz - 1909 - Kant Studien 14:528.
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    Climate Change and the Historicity of Nature in Hegel, Nishida, and Watsuji.Lucy Schultz - 2020 - Environmental Philosophy 17 (2):271-290.
    While the existence of nature distinct from human influence becomes evermore suspect, within the natural sciences, human beings are increasingly understood in naturalistic terms. The collision of the human and natural, both within conceptual discourse and the reality of climate change may be considered a “great event” in the Hegelian sense, that reveals a dialectic immanent within the nature/culture distinction. Nishida’s notion of “historical nature,” Watsuji’s unique conception of climate, and the traditional satoyama landscapes of Japan offer timely ways of (...)
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    Freedom For Friendship: Maritain's Christian Personalist Perspective on Global Democracy and the New World Order.Walter J. Schultz - 2005 - Maritain Studies/Etudes Maritainiennes 21:3-31.
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    Postcolonial Finance.Cecilia Schultz - 2021 - Theoria 68 (166):60-86.
    This article politicises the discourse of emerging markets in global finance. The black-boxed appearance of credit markets easily obscures the significant amount of subjective evaluation and cultural work that underpins capital flows. This article reveals the colonial, masculine, and racial imagination that informs the articulation of emerging markets as geographies of risk and profit. This brings into view the postcolonial nature of contemporary finance and how colonialism’s regimes of power and knowledge remain crucial for the reproduction of the global political (...)
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  41. The enactive mind, or from actions to cognition: lessons from autism. Klin, Jones & Schultz & Volkmar - 2004 - In Uta Frith & Elisabeth L. Hill (eds.), Autism: Mind and Brain. Oxford University Press.
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    Emotions as the Enforcers of Norms.Cody D. Packard & P. Wesley Schultz - 2023 - Emotion Review 15 (4):279-283.
    Personal and social norms are well-established predictors of proenvironmental behavior, and past research often discusses the motivational properties of different norms. However, less research has examined how individuals feel after conforming to, or deviating from, a norm. We suggest that emotions may function as norm enforcement tools that reward conformity and punish deviance. As a starting point, we outline the emotions that individuals may experience when conforming to, or deviating from, different norms (i.e., personal norms, descriptive social norms, injunctive social (...)
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    Henry Sidgwick, Practical Ethics: A Collection of Addresses and Essays:Practical Ethics: A Collection of Addresses and Essays.Bart Schultz - 1999 - Ethics 109 (3):678-684.
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    Mill on Nationality (review).Bart Schultz - 2003 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 41 (4):567-568.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Journal of the History of Philosophy 41.4 (2003) 567-568 [Access article in PDF] Georgios Varouxakis. Mill on Nationality. New York: Routledge, 2002. Pp. ix + 169. Cloth $80.00. Georgios Varouxakis is a leader in the new generation of Mill scholars, and his work is exciting and provocative. Well-versed in recent debates over nationalism, colonialism, orientalism, and racism, he aims to address rather than avoid questions about Mill's supposed imperialistic (...)
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    Ross Harrison , Henry Sidgwick, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2001, pp. vi + 122.Bart Schultz - 2002 - Utilitas 14 (2):263.
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    Sidgwick's Feminism.Bart Schultz - 2000 - Utilitas 12 (3):379.
    Henry Sidgwick shared many of the feminist concerns of John Stuart Mill and was an active reformer in the cause of higher education for women, but his feminism has never received the attention it deserves and he has in recent times been criticized for promulgating a masculinist epistemology. This essay is a prolegomenon to a comprehensive account of Sidgwick's feminism, briefly setting out various elements of his views on epistemology, equality, gender, and sexuality in order to provide some initial sense (...)
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    Dancing in the Dark: Youth, Popular Culture, and the Electronic Media.Quentin Schultze, Roy Anker, James Bratt, William Romanowski, John Worst & Lambert Zuidervaart - 1992 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 50 (1):80-81.
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  48. Verse: This living.Lulu Minerva Schultz - 1944 - Pacific Philosophical Quarterly 25 (4):404.
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  49. Engagement and suffering in responsible caregiving: On overcoming maleficience in health care.Dawson S. Schultz & Franco A. Carnevale - 1996 - Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics 17 (3).
    The thesis of this article is that engagement and suffering are essential aspects of responsible caregiving. The sense of medical responsibility engendered by engaged caregiving is referred to herein as clinical phronesis, i.e. practical wisdom in health care, or, simply, practical health care wisdom. The idea of clinical phronesis calls to mind a relational or communicative sense of medical responsibility which can best be understood as a kind of virtue ethics, yet one that is informed by the exigencies of moral (...)
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  50. Contribuições da pesquisa-ação à articulação ensino, pesquisa E extensão na formação de professores.Graziela Giusti Pachane & Almiro Schulz - 2011 - Quaestio: Revista de Estudos Em Educação 13 (2):p - 223.
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