Results for 'Algin King'

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  1.  66
    The impact of a shift in organizational role on ethical perceptions: A comparative study. [REVIEW]Shohreh A. Kaynama, Algin King & Louise W. Smith - 1996 - Journal of Business Ethics 15 (5):581 - 590.
    This study investigates ethical decision-making by considering the differences in ethical judgments between undergraduate business and MBA students on selected ethical issues facing employees and managers of today's businesses. The study further investigates differences in ethical judgments between undergraduates and MBAs in terms of a perceived position as an employee or as a manager. The findings indicate that undergraduate students tend to be more ethical than MBA students and that both groups tend to be more ethical when they perceive themselves (...)
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  2. Propositional unity: what’s the problem, who has it and who solves it?Jeffrey C. King - 2013 - Philosophical Studies 165 (1):71-93.
    At least since Russell’s influential discussion in The Principles of Mathematics, many philosophers have held there is a problem that they call the problem of the unity of the proposition. In a recent paper, I argued that there is no single problem that alone deserves the epithet the problem of the unity of the proposition. I there distinguished three problems or questions, each of which had some right to be called a problem regarding the unity of the proposition; and I (...)
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  3. Professor Ryle and the Concept of Mind.Hugh R. King - 1951 - Journal of Philosophy 48 (9):280.
  4. Quantum mechanics, chaos and the conscious brain.Chris King - 1997 - Journal of Mind and Behavior 18 (2-3):155-170.
    A model is described in which subjective consciousness is generated through an unusual property of quantum non-locality. Chaos and bifurcation serve to link quantum transactions to global brain dynamics through the fractal architecture and dynamics of the central nervous system. The resulting process operates at the boundary between quantum computation and wave-particle reduction, thus combining optimality and free-choice. It is concluded that subjective consciousness has an evolutionary role as a non-computational predictive faculty, first emerging from chaotic excitations in single-celled organisms; (...)
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    Playing with boundaries: Critical reflections on strategies for an environmental culture and the promise of civic environmentalism.Roger J. H. King - 2006 - Ethics, Place and Environment 9 (2):173 – 186.
    This essay reflects on three strategic visions of how society might develop in the direction of a more environmentally responsible culture. These strategies - green technology, ecocentrism, and civic environmentalism - offer promising elements of what we need. However, each fails in different ways to successfully explain how citizens, caught up in consumerist practices and their supporting belief systems, can be led to take the transformative steps needed to build a culture that engages responsibly and respectfully with the natural environment. (...)
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    Pronouns, primacy and falsification in linguistics.John King-Farlow - 1973 - Philosophy of the Social Sciences 3 (1):41-61.
  7.  22
    Popular Philosophy and Popular Economics: Bertrand Russell, 1919-70.J. E. King - 2007 - Russell: The Journal of Bertrand Russell Studies 27 (2).
    By 1918 Bertrand Russell had well-formed and distinctive opinions on many aspects of economic philosophy, theory and policy. In the second half of his life (1919–70) he wrote at great length on a very wide range of economic issues, including modern technology and the prospects for abolishing scarcity; population growth, eugenics and birth control; the economic development of China; the case for democratic socialism; the case against Soviet communism; the causes of economic crises; and the economic background to war and (...)
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    Peirce's Principle of Continuity and the Difference between Normative and Cognitive Knowledge.Terrance King - 1986 - Semiotics:270-276.
  9.  15
    Plato's phaulon skemma: On the Multifariousness of the Human Soul.R. A. H. King - 2006 - In Common to Body and Soul: Philosophical Approaches to Explaining Living Behaviour in Greco-Roman Antiquity. Walter de Gruyter.
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    Passage repetition and presentation time in connected discourse learning.David J. King - 1979 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 14 (3):187-188.
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  11. Proceedings Scale in Conscious Experience: Third Appalachian Conference on Behavioral Neurodynamics.Joseph E. King & Karl H. Pribram (eds.) - 1995
  12.  29
    Postscript to mr. Aune on a Wittgensteinian dogma.John King-Farlow - 1962 - Philosophical Studies 13 (4):62 - 64.
  13.  18
    Person und Dasein, by Manfred S. Frings.Magda King - 1972 - Journal of the British Society for Phenomenology 3 (1):66-71.
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  14. Potentialitã¤T Und Possibilitã¤T.Peter King - 2001 - Fromann-Holzboog.
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  15. Peter van Inwagen, "Metaphysics".Peter J. King - 1994 - International Journal of Philosophical Studies 2 (1):174.
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    Pictures, words, and the structure of the trace in immediate recall.Michael C. King & William Bevan - 1979 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 14 (3):155-157.
  17.  62
    Patients with bipolar disorder show a selective deficit in the episodic simulation of future events.Matthew J. King, Lori-Anne Williams, Arlene G. MacDougall, Shelley Ferris, Julia R. V. Smith, Natalia Ziolkowski & Margaret C. McKinnon - 2011 - Consciousness and Cognition 20 (4):1801-1807.
    A substantial body of evidence suggests that autobiographical recollection and simulation of future happenings activate a shared neural network. Many of the neural regions implicated in this network are affected in patients with bipolar disorder , showing altered metabolic functioning and/or structural volume abnormalities. Studies of autobiographical recall in BD reveal overgeneralization, where autobiographical memory comprises primarily factual or repeated information as opposed to details specific in time and in place and definitive of re-experiencing. To date, no study has examined (...)
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  18. Parapsychology without the 'para' (or the psychology).Peter J. King - 2003 - Think 1 (3):43-54.
    possible, your investigation is unlikely ever to get off the ground), there’s no such excuse for philosophers. The philosopher should be unrestricted by fashions in thought, including the unquestioning acceptance of whatever scientific theories are currently dominant. The fact is, however, that in this field and in the philosophy of mind, many.
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    Quantum cosmology and the hard problem of the conscious brain.Chris King - 2006 - In Jack A. Tuszynski, The Emerging Physics of Consciousness. Springer Verlag. pp. 407--456.
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    Response.Robert King - 2011 - Journal of Bioethical Inquiry 8 (1):99-99.
  21.  38
    Report.Linda King & Julia Wood - 2011 - Nursing Ethics 18 (2):272-273.
  22.  47
    Reconciling Austinian and Russellian accounts of the liar paradox.Paul John King - 1994 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 23 (5):451 - 494.
  23.  7
    Rites and Culture: The Concept of the Soul.John King-Farlow - 1988 - Philosophie Et Culture: Actes du XVIIe Congrès Mondial de Philosophie 4:683-686.
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  24.  28
    Clancy, T. H., Papist Pamphleteers: The Allen-Persons Party and the Political Thought of The Counter-reformation in England, 1572-1615. [REVIEW]J. King - 1966 - Augustinianum 6 (2):359-359.
  25.  30
    Paul Tillich: An Essay on the Role of Ontology in his Philosophical Theology. By Alistair M. Macleod. London: George Allen G. Unwin. 1973. Pp. 157. Paper: £1.75. [REVIEW]John King-Farlow - 1976 - Dialogue 15 (2):340-345.
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    Paul, the Corinthians, and the Birth of Christian Hermeneutics. By Margaret Mitchell. Pp. xiv, 178, Cambridge University Press, 2010, $38.74. [REVIEW]Nicholas King - 2013 - Heythrop Journal 54 (1):131-132.
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    Philosophical Writing. [REVIEW]James T. King - 1985 - Review of Metaphysics 38 (4):902-903.
    Richetti finds Locke, Berkeley, and Hume to be appropriate for a literary study on his claim that for these three philosophers writing was itself a special problem. Since their works were still addressed to a general, not a professional audience, each gave much consideration to the manner of the presentation of his thought, attempting to close the emerging gap between literary creation and technical writing. Further, because these authors dealt in the abstruse, sometimes in the paradoxical, finding a literary voice (...)
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  28.  33
    Quine on Ontology, Necessity, and Experience. [REVIEW]John King-Farlow - 1986 - Idealistic Studies 16 (3):280-281.
    Dilman conjures up a memorable vision of two great twentieth-century dragons at war. Each takes a turn at stimulating the other with its blue breath of naturalist hellfire. Each responds like a venomously programmed beast with a cold douche of quotations. Quine is provoked to repeat famous statements—mainly from “On What There Is,” “Two Dogmas of Empiricism,” “Epistemology Naturalised,” and The Web of Belief. Wittgenstein is induced to hurl back commentaries from a great many works, up from the Tractatus. Wittgenstein, (...)
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    Questions Theologiques Aujourd’hui. [REVIEW]J. King - 1966 - Augustinianum 6 (2):338-338.
  30.  17
    Review. [REVIEW]John King-Farlow - 1984 - Journal of Business Ethics 3 (4):285-285.
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    Restoration. [REVIEW]George A. King - 1936 - Thought: Fordham University Quarterly 10 (4):693-695.
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  32. Review. [REVIEW]Richard King - 1992 - History and Theory 31:326-335.
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  33.  14
    Revelation – An Introduction and Commentary (Tyndale NT Commentaries, Vol. 20). By Ian Paul. Pp. xvi, 371, IVP, London, England 2018, £15.99. [REVIEW]Nicholas King - 2020 - Heythrop Journal 61 (6):1062-1062.
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  34. Rights and slavery, race and racism: Leo Strauss, the Straussians, and the american dilemma*: Richard H. King.Richard H. King - 2008 - Modern Intellectual History 5 (1):55-82.
    My interest here is in the way Leo Strauss and his followers, the Straussians, have dealt with race and rights, race and slavery in the history of the United States. I want, first, to assess Leo Strauss's rather ambivalent attitude toward America and explore the various ways that his followers have in turn analyzed the Lockean underpinnings of the American “regime,” sometimes in contradistinction to Strauss's views on the topic. With that established, I turn to the account, particularly that offered (...)
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    Against whiteness: Race and psychology in the american south: Richard H. King.Richard H. King - 2010 - Modern Intellectual History 7 (1):197-208.
    It is tempting to think that we have heard just about all we want or need to know about race. As the above quotes indicate, modern notions of race have always revolved around the faculty of vision, with supplementary contributions from other senses such as hearing, as Arendt notes in a tacit allusion to one mark of Jewish difference—the way they sounded when concentrated in urban settings. Yet two very recent works—Mark M. Smith's How Race Is Made and Anne C. (...)
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  36. (1 other version)Disagreement: What’s the Problem? or A Good Peer is Hard to Find.Nathan L. King - 2012 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 85 (2):249-272.
  37.  52
    Simply Responsible: Basic Blame, Scant Praise, and Minimal Agency.Matt King - 2023 - Oxford, GB: Oxford University Press.
    We evaluate people all the time for a wide variety of activities. We blame them for miscalculations, uninspired art, and committing crimes. We praise them for detailed brushwork, a superb pass, and their acts of kindness. We accomplish things, from solving crosswords to mastering guitar solos. We bungle our endeavors, whether this is letting a friend down or burning dinner. Sometimes these deeds are morally significant, but many times they are not. Simply Responsible defends the radical proposal that the blameworthy (...)
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  38. Reasons, normativity, and value in aesthetics.Alex King - 2021 - Philosophy Compass 17 (1):1-17.
    Discussions of aesthetic reasons and normativity are becoming increasingly popular. This piece outlines six basic questions about aesthetic reasons, normativity, and value and discusses the space of possible answers to these questions. I divide the terrain into two groups of three questions each. First are questions about the shape of aesthetic reasons: what they favour, how strong they are, and where they come from. Second are relational questions about how aesthetic reasons fit into the wider normative landscape: whether they are (...)
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  39.  57
    Felicitous Underspecification: Contextually Sensitive Expressions Lacking Unique Semantic Values in Context.Jeffrey C. King - 2021 - New York, NY: Oxford University Press.
    This book argues that contextually sensitive expressions have felicitous uses in which they lack unique semantic values in context. It formulates a rule for updating the Stalnakerian common ground in cases in which an accepted sentence contains an expression lacking a unique semantic value in context.
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  40. Accidentally Doing the Right Thing.Zoe Johnson King - 2018 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 100 (1):186-206.
    Philosophy and Phenomenological Research, EarlyView.
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  41. The Amoralist and the Anaesthetic.Alex King - 2018 - Pacific Philosophical Quarterly 99 (4):632-663.
    This article puts pressure on moral motivational internalism and rejects normative motivational internalism by arguing that we should be aesthetic motivational externalists. Parallels between aesthetic and moral normativity give us new reason to doubt moral internalism. I address possible disanalogies, arguing that either they fail, or they succeed, but aren’t strong enough to underwrite a motivational difference between the domains. Furthermore, aesthetic externalism entails normative externalism, providing further presumptive evidence against moral internalism. I also make the case that, regardless of (...)
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  42. Praiseworthy Motivations.Zoë A. Johnson King - 2019 - Noûs 54 (2):408-430.
    This paper argues that if motivation by rightness de re is praiseworthy, then so is motivation by rightness de dicto. I argue that these two types of moral motivation have been unfairly compared, in light of a widespread failure to appreciate the structural similarities between them. These structural similarities become clear when we think more carefully about the nature of motivation and about moral metaphysics. I then argue that the two types of moral motivation are on a par by discussing (...)
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  43.  28
    (1 other version)Les formes élémentaires de la vie religieuse.Irving King - 1913 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 21 (2):1-3.
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    Sensing Agency and Resistance in Old Prisons: A Pragmatist Analysis of Institutional Control.King-To Yeung & Mahesh Somashekhar - 2016 - Theory, Culture and Society 33 (3):79-101.
    Using the exemplary case of 19th-century American state penitentiaries, the authors explore penitentiary control from the perspective of sensing agents who navigate a controlled sensory ecology – the prison, as structured by institutional rules, differential power relations, and architectural plans. Moving beyond Foucault’s Discipline and Punish (1995) and Goffman’s Asylums (1961), they stress a pragmatist approach to understanding human sensing and explain inmates’ creativity under constraints. Employing wardens’ disciplinary journals and other secondary reports, the article emphasizes three theoretical issues that (...)
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  45. Radical internalism.Zoë Johnson King - 2022 - Philosophical Issues 32 (1):46-64.
    In her paper “Radical Externalism”, Amia Srinivasan argues that externalism about epistemic justification should be preferred to internalism by those who hold a “radical” worldview (according to which pernicious ideology distorts our evidence and belief‐forming processes). I share Srinivasan's radical worldview, but do not agree that externalism is the preferable approach in light of the worldview we share. Here I argue that cases informed by this worldview can intuitively support precisely the internalist view that Srinivasan challenges, offer two such cases, (...)
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  46. What We Ought and What We Can.Alex King - 2019 - New York, NY, USA: Routledge.
    Are we able to do everything we ought to do? According to the important but controversial Ought Implies Can principle, the answer is yes. -/- In this book Alex King sheds some much-needed light on this principle. She argues that it is flawed because we are obligated to perform some actions that we cannot perform, and goes on to present a suggested theory for anyone who would deny the principle. She examines the traditional motivations for Ought Implies Can, and (...)
  47. Part 2. Three theories of propositions. Naturalized propositions.Jeffrey C. King - 2014 - In Jeffrey C. King, Scott Soames & Jeffrey Speaks, New Thinking About Propositions. New York, NY, USA: Oxford University Press.
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  48. Self-fulfilling Prophecy in Practical and Automated Prediction.Owen C. King & Mayli Mertens - 2023 - Ethical Theory and Moral Practice 26 (1):127-152.
    A self-fulfilling prophecy is, roughly, a prediction that brings about its own truth. Although true predictions are hard to fault, self-fulfilling prophecies are often regarded with suspicion. In this article, we vindicate this suspicion by explaining what self-fulfilling prophecies are and what is problematic about them, paying special attention to how their problems are exacerbated through automated prediction. Our descriptive account of self-fulfilling prophecies articulates the four elements that define them. Based on this account, we begin our critique by showing (...)
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    Beloved Community: Martin Luther King, Howard Thurman, and Josiah Royce.Kipton Jensen & Preston King - unknown
    Martin Luther King’s primary emphasis was upon ‘beloved community,’ a phrase he borrowed from Royce, but an idea that he shared with St. Augustine. Theories of the state tend to focus upon division, in which one stratum dominates another or others. King’s context is the US in the segregated South—a region whose internal divisions sharply instantiate the idea of the state as an unequal hierarchy of dominance. King’s appeal was less to end black subjugation than to end (...)
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  50. (1 other version)Artificial intelligence crime: an interdisciplinary analysis of foreseeable threats and solutions.Thomas C. King, Nikita Aggarwal, Mariarosaria Taddeo & Luciano Floridi - 2019 - Science and Engineering Ethics 26 (1):89-120.
    Artificial intelligence research and regulation seek to balance the benefits of innovation against any potential harms and disruption. However, one unintended consequence of the recent surge in AI research is the potential re-orientation of AI technologies to facilitate criminal acts, term in this article AI-Crime. AIC is theoretically feasible thanks to published experiments in automating fraud targeted at social media users, as well as demonstrations of AI-driven manipulation of simulated markets. However, because AIC is still a relatively young and inherently (...)
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