Results for 'Alfredo Medio'

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  1. Nonlinear Dynamics: A Primer.Alfredo Medio & Marji Lines - 2001 - Cambridge University Press.
    A systematic and comprehensive introduction to the study of nonlinear dynamical systems, in both discrete and continuous time, for nonmathematical students and researchers working in applied fields. An understanding of linear systems and the classical theory of stability are essential although basic reviews of the relevant material are provided. Further chapters are devoted to the stability of invariant sets, bifurcation theory, chaotic dynamics and the transition to chaos. In the final two chapters the authors approach the subject from a measure-theoretical (...)
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  2. Organizaciones No Gubernamentales. Medios de Comunicación y Nuevas Tecnologías. La visión de un jurista.Alfredo Romero Gallardo - 2008 - Aposta 37:3.
    This work analyzes of clear, brief and simple way the important role of Communication nowadays in the called “Third Sector” or “Social Economy Sector”, which is composed by voluntary organizations , that develop selflessly social activities. The complicated relationships between these private and nonprofit organizations and the mass media, the need to take a proper communication strategy with them and the influence of new technologies as channels of “alternative communication” are the main topics discussed from an expert in Law´s point (...)
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    Colonialismo contemporáneo.Alfredo Guillermo Rajo Serventich - 2024 - Odeere 9 (3):58-68.
    Este articulo pretende brindar elementos sobre el tema de las identidades puestas al servicio de proyectos políticos y económicos. Es, conforme a una costumbre de quien firma este artículo, un diálogo entre el pasado y el presente, a la vez que se hace un esfuerzo de contextualización. El patriotismo emerge como coartada de intereses económicos, dejando una cauda de odios, sobre los que se debe pensar y contribuir a actitudes de hermanamientos. Esta colaboración se centra en el nuevo colonialismo hispano, (...)
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    La fugaz verdad de la experiencia(Ecología del acontecimiento y la experiencia formativa).Alfredo Ghiso - 2010 - Polis: Revista Latinoamericana 25.
    El ensayo encuentra su sentido en la proximidad que tiene con el acontecimiento, la experiencia formativa y “con lo provisorio de la vida misma.” Surge de la reflexión de la práctica como docente universitario, en la vivencia del educador, en su actuar pedagógico reflexivo. Situado en la dinámica generativa: método/camino/ensayo/travesía/búsqueda/estrategia, se aproxima por medio de la observación y conceptualización a lo efímero, lo contingente, la novedad, la multiplicidad; fundamentado en principios métodológicos que dan cuenta de una iniciación en el (...)
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    Deceso fallido, voto perdido.C. Andrés Alfredo Castrillón - 2021 - Perseitas 10.
    Un día de verano en medio de un insólito vendaval murió mi madre. Fue una extraña tarde de junio de torrencial lluvia y abrumadores rayos. “Tiene poca lividez, pero está muerta”, dijo el médico luego de auscultarla, tomarle el pulso, mirarle el reflejo pupilar a la velocidad de la luz y concluir: “Muerte súbita. Feneció de un ataque al corazón”.
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    La Real Sociedad Española de Historia Natural: una historia singular.Luis Alfredo Baratas Díaz & Alberto Gomis Blanco - 1998 - Arbor 159 (625):109-122.
    La Sociedad Española de Historia Natural nació en 1871 como una asociación privada de naturalistas (geólogos y biólogos), con la pretensión de publicar una revista en la que dar a conocer sus estudios sobre la flora, gea y fauna española. En las décadas siguientes alcanzó un considerable número de socios, los Anales que publicaba adquirieron considerable prestigio y reunió una notable Biblioteca. Con el cambio del siglo la Sociedad consiguió una notable influencia en medios oficiales: se le concedió en 1903 (...)
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    Problemas epistemológicos al historiar.Alfredo Alvar Ezquerra - 1998 - Arbor 161 (633):75-89.
    Se sintetiza los grandes problemas de la historiografía del XVI y deja al lector la reflexión abierta sobre la situación historiográfica actual. Las similitudes y divergencias entre las angustias y apuestas de aquellos historiadores y los de hoy, esto es, la percepción de la realidad y del pasado por medio de la Historia, ¿son aún iguales?
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    Ernesto Volkening y Nicolás Gómez Dávila. Diario de lectura, hermenéutica y crítica literaria en Colombia.Efrén Giraldo, Francia Elena Goenaga & Alfredo Abad - 2023 - Co-herencia 20 (38):11-15.
    La invitación hecha en el segundo semestre de 2022 para participar en este dosier de Co-herencia suponía, entonces, por un lado, el sometimiento de los comentarios de Volkening a la obra en proceso de Gómez Dávila a un primer escrutinio crítico y, por el otro, la apertura a la discusión sobre crítica literaria y el pensamiento en Colombia y a consideraciones sobre formas alternativas de escritura crítica, como las ofrecidas por el ensayo literario, el diario y los géneros marginales y (...)
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    Reseña de Burgos, J.M.; La experiencia integral.Alfredo Esteve Martín - 2018 - RAPHISA REVISTA DE ANTROPOLOGÍA Y FILOSOFÍA DE LO SAGRADO 2 (1).
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    Alfredo Fragueiro: in memoriam.Alfredo Fragueiro & Olsen A. Ghirardi (eds.) - 2007 - Córdoba: Academia Nacional de Derecho y Ciencias Sociales de Córdoba, Instituto de Filosofía del Derecho.
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  11. Filosofia, musica, arti: studi e testimonianze sull'opera di Alfredo Parente.Alfredo Parente (ed.) - 1979 - Napoli: Arte tipografica.
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    Entrevista de Alfredo Pereira Jr.Alfredo Pereira Jr & Leonardo Ferreira Almada - 2025 - Trans/Form/Ação 48 (1):e025001.
    This text is an interview given by Prof. Dr. Alfredo Pereira Jr. to Leonardo Ferreira Almada, on the occasion of the call for publication of interviews with different Brazilian philosophers. In response to the goal of the Trans/Form/Ação journal call, we sought to carry out an interview in which a PhD professor with an established career presents some elements of his personal and academic stories, as well as clarifies important points of his research, some of his theses and vision (...)
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    The Powers of Pure Reason: Kant and the Idea of Cosmic Philosophy.Alfredo Ferrarin - 2015 - Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
    The Critique of Pure Reason—Kant’s First Critique—is one of the most studied texts in intellectual history, but as Alfredo Ferrarin points out in this radically original book, most of that study has focused only on very select parts. Likewise, Kant’s oeuvre as a whole has been compartmentalized, the three Critiques held in rigid isolation from one another. Working against the standard reading of Kant that such compartmentalization has produced, The Powers of Pure Reason explores forgotten parts of the First (...)
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    Ver más allá de la coyuntura: producción de conocimiento y proyectos de sociedad.Alfredo Falero - 2021 - Buenos Aires: Editorial Biblos.
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    Ethical Values in a Post-Industrial Economy: The Case of the Organic Farmers’ Market in Granada (Spain).Alfredo Macías Vázquez & José Antonio Morillas del Moral - 2022 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 35 (2):1-19.
    The importance of the collective management of immaterial resources is a key variable in the valorisation of products in a post-industrial economy. The purpose of this paper is to analyse how, in post-industrial economies, it is possible to devise alternative forms of mediation between producers and consumers, such as organic farmers' markets, to curb the appropriation of rent by transnational and/or local business elites from the value created by immaterial resources. More specifically, we analyse those aspects of the collective management (...)
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  16. La teoria de la relatividad y su importancia con respecto al progreso del espiritu humano puesto al alcance de todas las inteligencias.Alfredo Wulf - 1924 - Tacubaya, D.F. Mexico,: Imprenta de la Direccion de estudios geograficos y climatologicos.
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    Hegel and Aristotle.Alfredo Ferrarin - 2001 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    Hegel is, arguably, the most difficult of all philosophers. To find a way into his thought interpreters have usually approached him as though he were developing Kantian and Fichtean themes. This book demonstrates in a systematic way that it makes much more sense to view Hegel's idealism in relation to the metaphysical and epistemological tradition stemming from Aristotle. The book offers an account of Hegel's idealism in light of his interpretation, discussion, assimilation and critique of Aristotle's philosophy. There are explorations (...)
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    De las causas del derecho, ensayo metafísico.Alfredo Fragueiro - 1949 - Córdoba: [República Argentina] Assandri.
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    Autonomía y diálogo: anotaciones optimistas sobre darwinismo y religión.Alfredo Marcos - 2010 - Endoxa 24:351.
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  20. The alleged incompatibility of prototypes and compositionality.Alfredo Paternoster - 1998 - Acta Analytica 13:61-69.
  21. Monadas y cuerpos materiales.Alfredo D. Vallota - 2007 - Apuntes Filosóficos 30.
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  22. Do We See Facts?Alfredo Vernazzani - 2020 - Mind and Language (4):674-693.
    Philosophers of perception frequently assume that we see actual states of affairs, or facts. Call this claim factualism. In his book, William Fish suggests that factualism is supported by phenomenological observation as well as by experimental studies on multiple object tracking and dynamic feature-object integration. In this paper, I examine the alleged evidence for factualism, focusing mainly on object detection and tracking. I argue that there is no scientific evidence for factualism. This conclusion has implications for studies on the phenomenology (...)
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    La visión budista de la cuestión cognitiva.Alfredo Aveline - 2002 - Polis 3.
    El objetivo del presente texto es llegar a una descripción clara y comprensiva de la forma budista de abordar la cuestión cognitiva. La palabra cognición se refiere aquí al proceso por el cual se desenvuelve la convicción de que algo es "verdadero". El examen budista de la cognición puede, a su vez, ser encarado como una forma de buscar mayor libertad y distanciamiento frente a los pensamientos, opiniones y tendencias propios.
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  24. Siddhartha, Socrates, and Zhuangzi : laughter across ancient civilizations.Alfredo P. Co - 2010 - In Hans-Georg Moeller & Günter Wohlfart, Laughter in eastern and western philosophies: proceedings of the Académie du Midi. Freiburg im Breisgau: Verlag Karl Alber.
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    Fragilidad humana y ley natural: cuestiones disputadas en el Siglo de Oro de Juan Cruz Cruz.Alfredo Culleton - 2010 - Filosofia Unisinos 11 (1):108-110.
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    Prolégomènes à une sémantique des conflits sociaux.Alfredo M. Lescano - 2023 - Paris: Hermann.
    L'analyste des discours qui surgissent au sein de conflits sociaux, de controverses, de débats publics, a souvent le sentiment qu'il n'observe pas des 'camps' correspondant à des groupes d'individus, mais des agencements qui doivent être considérés indépendamment des intentions, des stratégies ou des opinions de ceux qui y sont impliqués. Pour décrire les processus dans lesquels se constituent ces configurations conflictuelles, on fait alors appel à des combinaisons conceptuelles plus ou moins heureuses. À partir de l'hypothèse selon laquelle les conflits (...)
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  27. Jus, con pref. del prof. Eugenio di Carlo.Alfredo Riccioni - 1939 - Roma.: Athenaeum.
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    La filosofia politica di John Locke.Alfredo Sabetti - 1971 - Napoli,: Liguori.
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    Significato e asseribilità: una obiezione a Dummett.Alfredo Tomasetta - 2002 - Iride: Filosofia e Discussione Pubblica 15 (1):137-146.
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  30. Rimbaud, desplazamiento y nomadología.Alfredo Andrés Abad Torres - 2009 - A Parte Rei 63:16.
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  31. La cuarta meditación (segunda parte).Alfredo Vallota - 1995 - Revista Venezolana de Filosofía 31:111-142.
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  32. Frames of Discovery and the Formats of Cognitive Representation.Alfredo Vernazzani & Dimitri Coelho Mollo - forthcoming - In Gualtiero Piccinini, Neurocognitive Foundations of Mind. Routledge.
    Abstract: Research on the nature and varieties of the format of cognitive representations in philosophy and cognitive science have been partly shaped by analogies to external, public representations. In this paper, we argue that relying on such analogies contributes to framing the question of cognitive formats in problematic, potentially counterproductive ways. We show that cognitive and public representations differ in many of their central features, making analogies to public representations ill-suited to improving our understanding of cognitive formats. We illustrate these (...)
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  33. Frames of Discovery and the Formats of Cognitive Representation.Alfredo Vernazzani & Dimitri Coelho Mollo - forthcoming - In Gualtiero Piccinini, Neurocognitive Foundations of Mind. Routledge.
    Abstract: Research on the nature and varieties of the format of cognitive representations in philosophy and cognitive science have been partly shaped by analogies to external, public representations. In this paper, we argue that relying on such analogies contributes to framing the question of cognitive formats in problematic, potentially counterproductive ways. We show that cognitive and public representations differ in many of their central features, making analogies to public representations ill-suited to improving our understanding of cognitive formats. We illustrate these (...)
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  34. The Concept of Mental Disorder: A Proposal.Alfredo Gaete - 2008 - Philosophy, Psychiatry, and Psychology 15 (4):327-339.
    During the last years, there has been an important discussion on the concept of mental disorder. Several accounts of such a concept have been offered by theorists, although neither of these accounts seems to have successfully answered both the question of what it means for a certain mental condition to be a disorder and the question of what it means for a certain disorder to be mental. In this paper, I propose an account of the concept of mental disorder that, (...)
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    Responsabilidad civil del médico: libertad, verdad y amor en una profesión.Alfredo Achaval - 1983 - Buenos Aires: Abeledo-Perrot.
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    Antropologia filosofica.Alfredo Bizzotto - 1991 - Trieste: Edizioni LINT.
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  37. Estetica dell'anarchismo.Alfredo Maria Bonanno (ed.) - 1976 - Ragusa: La fiaccola.
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  38. Max Stirner.Alfredo Maria Bonanno - 1977 - Catania: Edizioni della rivista Anarchismo.
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    Imagem, Discurso.Alfredo Bosi - 1974 - Discurso 5 (5):65-86.
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    Hemispheric functional asymmetries and sex effects in visual bistable perception.Alfredo Brancucci, Sara Ferracci, Anita D'Anselmo & Valerio Manippa - 2023 - Consciousness and Cognition 113 (C):103551.
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    Tales de Miletus, Hegel, and the Theory of Everything.Alfredo de Oliveira Moraes - 2023 - Philosophy Study 13 (1).
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  42. El trabajo como división de funciones.Alfredo Rodríguez Sedano - 1996 - Anuario Filosófico 29 (55):993-1002.
    Work and its consequences in enterprise is studied. Family as an institution is the basical example of division of work, which is the situation where human being perfecionates himself. Perfection takes place working, as an integrating technique which has no limits.
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    La intersubjetividad a la luz de la apertura íntima personal.Alfredo Rodríguez Sedano & Juan Carlos Aguilera - 2011 - Studia Poliana 13:31-49.
    In this article we are going to approach the question of the intersubjectivity. To understand why the intersubjectivity is a modern problem and which is the solution that it fits, we have chosen to follow a descending route that gives light and should illuminate what today, in many areas, is seen as a problem. We will begin, consequently, approaching the person as not identical but dual. The above mentioned cosideration takes us from the hand to the distinction between someone and (...)
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  44. La experiencia espiritual de Santa Gertrudis: una lectura teológica de sus Ejercicios.Alfredo Simón - 2010 - Nova et Vetera: Temas de Vida Cristiana 34 (70):237-254.
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    La muerte en el marxismo: filosofía de la muerte de Ernst Bloch.Alfredo Tamayo - 1979 - Madrid: Felmar.
  46. Paolo Casalegno.Alfredo Tomasetta - 2011 - Rivista di Storia Della Filosofia 66 (3):505-516.
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    Profili. Paolo Casalegno.Alfredo Tomasetta - 2011 - Rivista di Storia Della Filosofia 3:505-516.
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    „Totalitarismus des Seins“? Die Ethik bei Lévinas als Kritik am Denken Heideggers.Alfredo Rocha de la Torre - 2014 - In Inga Römer, Affektivität Und Ethik Bei Kant Und in der Phänomenologie. Boston: De Gruyter. pp. 241-252.
  49. L'incontro uomo-dio fra libertà e diritto a Roma.Alfredo Valvo - forthcoming - Humanitas.
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  50. Meta-technics, Anthropocentrism and Evolution.Alfredo D. Vallota - 1996 - Epistemologia 19 (2):265-288.
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