Results for 'Alfred Garcia'

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    Thomas Hobbes: bibliographie internationale de 1620 à 1986.Alfred Garcia - 1986 - [Caen]: Centre de philosophie politique et juridique, Université de Caen.
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    Una metafísica del ser en cuanto creación. Juan David García Bacca lee a Alfred North Whitehead.Alberto Ferrer García - 2017 - Ideas Y Valores 66 (164):203-227.
    Al considerar el tratamiento que realiza Juan David García Bacca de Process and Reality de Alfred North Whitehead, el articulo busca apreciar la afinidad entre ambos autores en su caracterización de las deficiencias de la ontología clásica y en su invención de conceptos para un nuevo enfoque de la ontología; a saber, una metafísica de la creación y la novedad.
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    A Structuralist Theory of Economics.Adolfo García de la Sienra - 2018 - Routledge.
    Economists have long grappled with the problem of how economic theories relate to empirical evidence: how can abstract mathematized theories be used to produce empirical claims? How are such theories applied to economic phenomena? What does it mean to "test" economic theories? This book introduces, explains, and develops a structural philosophy of economics which addresses these questions and provides a unifying philosophical/logical basis for a general methodology of economics. The book begins by introducing a rigorous view of the logical foundations (...)
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    Are There Traces of Phenomenology in Zubiri’s Naturaleza, Historia, Dios?Miguel García-baró López - 2023 - HORIZON. Studies in Phenomenology 12 (2):327-339.
    This article deals with the reception of phenomenology by Xavier Zubiri, one of the most important figures of 20th century Spanish philosophy. During his lifetime Zubiri published few books, but he left an immense legacy of courses and manuscripts. Among the most important published works is the book Naturaleza, Historia, Dios. Zubiri explains there his critical reception of phenomenology: he subscribes to it, insofar as it is a philosophy of things themselves. But this evaluation of phenomenology is at the same (...)
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    Una invitación a la reflexión.Omar García Zabaleta - 2012 - Dilemata 8:53-56.
    Todo autor tiene su favorito entre los libros que ha escrito. El mío es Confesiones de un médico. Así se refiere el médico y filósofo estadounidense Alfred Tauber a esta obra con ya 12 años de recorrido a sus espaldas que acaba de ser traducida al castellano por Antonio Casado. Un texto que da inicio a la andadura de la epistemología moral defendida por su autor y en el que, por lo tanto, se trazan las líneas maestras de esa (...)
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    Xavier García Raffi, Alfred North Whitehead. [REVIEW]Juan Vicente - 2005 - Chromatikon 1:229-232.
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  7. (1 other version)Science and the Modern World.Alfred North Whitehead - 1925 - Humana Mente 1 (3):380-385.
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    Russell.Alfred Jules Ayer - 1972 - London: Woburn Press.
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    Form and Object: A Treatise on Things.Tristan Garcia, Mark Allan Ohm & Jon Cogburn - 2014 - Edinburgh University Press.
    What is a thing? What is an object? Tristan Garcia decisively overturns 100 years of Heideggerian orthodoxy about the supposedly derivative nature of objects to put forward a new theory of ontology that gives us deep insights into the world and our place in it."e.
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  10. Acting Intentionally: Probing Folk Notions.Alfred Mele - 2001 - In Bertram F. Malle, Louis J. Moses & Dare A. Baldwin (eds.), Intentions and Intentionality: Foundations of Social Cognition. MIT Press. pp. 27--43.
    In the first section, I will argue that the folk concept of necessary conditions for intentional action needs refinement. In the second and third sections, I will identify some additional issues one would need to explore in con- structing a statement of individually necessary and jointly sufficient conditions for intentional action. I will conclude with a brief discussion of the conceptual analyst’s task.
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  11. Der dritte oder der vierte Mensch. Vom Sinn des geschichtlichen Daseins.Alfred Weber - 1954 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 16 (1):160-162.
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    Metáforas y parábolas. Notas para una estética tangencial en J.D. García Bacca.Alberto Ferrer García - 2019 - Contrastes: Revista Internacional de Filosofía 24 (1).
    La belleza ha sido, desde tiempo de los griegos, el tormento de los filósofos; conformarse tal idea apresándola bajo una definición a la que se niega ha ocupado, siempre en vano, la tarea de no pocos pensadores hasta la actualidad. La hermosura no deja racionalizarse y hace así de la razón una sinrazón; ni es cognoscible, ni posee estructura lógica. Es por ello que a través de la percepción estética aprehendemos lo que en sí no es perceptible; es la experiencia (...)
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  13. Immunology and the enigma of selfhood.Alfred I. Tauber & Mn Norton Wise - 2004 - In M. Norton Wise (ed.), Growing explanations: historical perspectives on recent science. Durham: Duke University Press.
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  14. The Fallacies, a view of logic from the practical side.Alfred Sidgwick - 1884 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 18:107-116.
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    Sur la méthode déductive.Alfred Tarski - 1937 - Travaux du IXe Congrès International de Philosophie 6:95-103.
    Le but principal de la communication est d’esquisser les traits essentiels de la méthode appliquée dans les sciences déductives.1. A quoi tend la méthode déductive? Termes primitifs et définis ; axiomes et théorèmes. Les sciences antérieures à une science donnée. La méthode déductive considérée comme propriété caractéristique des mathématiques.2. Liberté dans le choix des termes primitifs et des axiomes ; notion d’équivalence de deux systèmes de termes ou de propositions.Postulats d’indépendance des termes primitifs et des axiomes.3. Postulats de la formalisation (...)
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    Truthlikeness for Quantitative Deterministic Laws.Alfonso García-Lapeña - 2023 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 74 (3):649-679.
    Truthlikeness is a property of a theory or a proposition that represents its closeness to the truth. According to Niiniluoto, truthlikeness for quantitative deterministic laws can be defined by the Minkowski metric. I present some counterexamples to the definition and argue that it fails because it considers truthlikeness for quantitative deterministic laws to be just a function of accuracy, but an accurate law can be wrong about the actual ‘structure’ or ‘behaviour’ of the system it intends to describe. I develop (...)
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    The Neurotic Constitution: Outlines of a Comparative Individualistic Psychology And.Alfred Adler - 1999 - Routledge.
    First Published in 1999. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis, an informa company.
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    Emotions in Sport and Games.Alfred Archer & Nathan Wildman (eds.) - 2020 - Routledge.
    Emotions play an important role in both sport and games, from the pride and joy of victory, the misery and shame of defeat, and the anger and anxiety felt along the way. This volume brings together experts in the philosophy of sport and games and experts in the philosophy of emotion to investigate this important area of research. The book discusses the role of the emotions for both participants and spectators of sports and games, including detailed discussions of suffering, shame, (...)
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  19. "le Problème De La Confirmation". Trad. De L'anglais Par Le Dr. Paul Gochet.Alfred J. Ayer - 1971 - Revue Internationale de Philosophie 25 (95/96):3.
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  20. Marie-Joseph Chenier.Alfred Jepson Bingham - 1941 - Philosophical Review 50:343.
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  21. A Cognitive Theory of Empty Names.Eduardo García-Ramírez - 2011 - Review of Philosophy and Psychology 2 (4):785-807.
    Ordinary use of empty names encompasses a variety of different phenomena, including issues in semantics, mental content, fiction, pretense, and linguistic practice. In this paper I offer a novel account of empty names, the cognitive theory, and show how it offers a satisfactory account of the phenomena. The virtues of this theory are based on its strength and parsimony. It allows for a fully homogeneous semantic treatment of names coped with ontological frugality and empirical and psychological adequacy.
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    Philosophy in the twentieth century.Alfred Jules Ayer - 1982 - New York: Vintage Books.
    This book was originally conceived as a sequel to bertrand russell's "a history of western philosophy". it takes up where russell left off. rather than examining a wide number of philosophers superficially, this book deals with a small number of philosophers in depth. the book examines american pragmatists, the analytic movement, phenomenology and existentialism. it examines both critical and speculative philosophy. (staff).
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  23. American labor unions and the war.Alfred Braunthal - forthcoming - Social Research: An International Quarterly.
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    Mental development of the South African native.Alfred T. Bryant - 1917 - The Eugenics Review 9 (1):42.
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    Marginalia: The Literary Independence of Spanish America.Juan Guillermo Gomez Garcia - 2010 - Ideas Y Valores 59 (144):5-27.
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  26. La validez jurídica en la teoría de Luhmann.Jesús Ignacio Martínez García - 2006 - In Ramos Pascua, José Antonio, Rodilla González & A. M. (eds.), El positivismo jurídico a examen: estudios en homenaje a José Delgado Pinto. Salamanca, España: Caja Duero.
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    Conscious Deciding and the Science of Free Will.Alfred Mele - 2010 - In Al Mele, Kathleen Vohs & Roy Baumeister (eds.), Free Will and Consciousness: How Might They Work? (New York: OUP, 2010). New York: Oxford University Press. pp. 43.
    Mele's chapter addresses two primary aims. The first is to develop an experimentally useful conception of conscious deciding. The second is to challenge a certain source of skepticism about free will: the belief that conscious decisions and intentions are never involved in producing corresponding overt actions. The challenge Mele develops has a positive dimension that accords with the aims of this volume: It sheds light on a way in which some conscious decisions and intentions do seem to be efficacious.
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  28. (1 other version)Gesellschaftslehre.Alfred Vierkandt - 1928 - Annalen der Philosophie Und Philosophischen Kritik 7 (1):182-183.
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  29. (2 other versions)Essays in Science and Philosophy.Alfred North Whitehead - 1948 - Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia 4 (2):216-217.
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  30. The Application of Logic.Alfred Sidgwick - 1911 - Mind 20 (79):413-418.
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    The supreme philosophy of man.Alfred Armand Montapert - 1970 - Englewood Cliffs, N.J.,: Prentice-Hall.
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  32. Friedrich Nietzsche.Alfred Rosenberg - 1944 - München,: F. Eher Nachf..
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  33. David Hume: Philosophie und Politik.Alfred Schaefer - 1963 - Meisenheim am Glan,: A. Hain.
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  34. 4 Hastings center studies.Alfred M. Sadler & Transplantation—A. Case - 1984 - Bioethics Reporter 1 (1):3.
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    Ethics, Prevention, and Child Health.Alfred Sand - 1985 - In Spyros Doxiadis (ed.), Ethical issues in preventive medicine. Hingham, MA: Distributors for United States and Canada. pp. 78--83.
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  36. Pursuing Meaning, by Emma Borg.Manuel García-Carpintero - 2013 - Mind 122 (486):fzt076.
    This is a review of Emma Borg's Pursuing Meaning.
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  37. Two spurious varieties of compositionality.Manuel García-Carpintero - 1996 - Minds and Machines 6 (2):159-172.
    The paper examines an alleged distinction claimed to exist by Van Gelder between two different, but equally acceptable ways of accounting for the systematicity of cognitive output (two “varieties of compositionality”): “concatenative compositionality” vs. “functional compositionality.” The second is supposed to provide an explanation alternative to the Language of Thought Hypothesis. I contend that, if the definition of “concatenative compositionality” is taken in a different way from the official one given by Van Gelder (but one suggested by some of his (...)
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  38. A New Look at Kantian Respect for Persons.Ernesto V. Garcia - 2012 - Kant Yearbook 4 (1).
  39. An experimental study of the factors and types of voluntary choice.Alfred Horatio Martin - 1922 - New York,:
  40. La chute de Lucifer (Esaïe 14, 12-15; Luc 10, 18). Préhistoire d'un mythe.Alfred Marx - 2000 - Revue D'Histoire Et de Philosophie Religieuses 80 (1):171-185.
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  41. Les recherches sur le Lévitique et leur impact théologique.Alfred Marx - 2007 - Revue D'Histoire Et de Philosophie Religieuses 87 (4):415-433.
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  42. Mais pourquoi donc Elie at-il tué les prophètes de Baal (1 Rois 18, 40)?Alfred Marx - 1998 - Revue D'Histoire Et de Philosophie Religieuses 78 (1):15-32.
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  43. Kants Kritik der reinen Vernunft.Alfred Menzel - 1921 - Berlin,: Mittler.
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    Causation, Action, and Free Will.Alfred Mele - 2009 - In Helen Beebee, Christopher Hitchcock & Peter Menzies (eds.), The Oxford Handbook of Causation. Oxford University Press UK.
    Many issues at the heart of the philosophy of action and of philosophical work on free will are framed partly in terms of causation. The leading approach to understanding both the nature of action and the explanation or production of actions emphasizes causation. What may be termed standardcausalism is the conjunction of the following two theses: firstly, an event's being an action depends on how it was caused; and secondly, proper explanations of actions are causal explanations. Important questions debated in (...)
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  45. Philosophy of Action.Alfred R. Mele - 2003 - In Kirk Ludwig (ed.), Contemporary Philosophy in Focus: Donald Davidson. Cambridge University Press.
    The basic subject matter of the philosophy of action is a pair of questions: (1) What are actions? (2) How are actions to be explained? The questions call, respectively, for a theory of the nature of action and a theory of the explanation of actions. Donald Davidson has articulated and defended influential answers to both questions. Those answers are the primary focus of this chapter.
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  46. Considerations of Albert Camus' Doctrine.Alfred Stern - 1960 - Pacific Philosophical Quarterly 41 (4):448.
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  47. Principia Mathematica, 3 Volumes.Alfred North Whitehead & Bertrand Russell - 1910 - Cambridge University Press.
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  48. (1 other version)Distinction and the Criticism of Beliefs.Alfred Sidgwick - 1892 - The Monist 3:312.
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    The Process of Argument: A Contribution to Logic.Alfred Sidgwick - 2019 - London, England: Wentworth Press.
    This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important, and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it. This work was reproduced from the original artifact, and remains as true to the original work as possible. Therefore, you will see the original copyright references, library stamps (as most of these works have been housed in our most important libraries around the world), and other notations in the work. This work is in the public domain (...)
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    Normas éticas y estadísticas en la justificación de los ensayos clínicos aleatorizados.Marta García-Alonso & David Teira Serrano - 2006 - Critica 38 (113):39-60.
    En este trabajo analizamos cómo se articula la justificación estadística de las conclusiones obtenidas en los ensayos clínicos aleatorizados con sus condiciones de aceptabilidad ética y política. Pretendemos mostrar cómo varía tal justificación dependiendo de nuestra concepción de la probabilidad y, correlativamente, qué argumentos éticos se pueden ofrecer sobre cada una de ellas. Veremos cómo los enfoques frecuentista y bayesiano resultan defendibles en el ámbito de los ensayos clínicos y defenderemos que, para su aceptación pública, se les debe exigir garantías (...)
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