Results for 'Alexandros-Stamatios Antoniou'

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  1.  29
    Occupational stress in mainstream and special needs primary school teachers and its relationship with self-efficacy.Alexandros-Stamatios Antoniou, Vasiliki Efthymiou, Fotini Polychroni & Olga Kofa - forthcoming - Tandf: Educational Studies:1-18.
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    The effect of childhood bilectalism and multilingualism on executive control.Kyriakos Antoniou, Kleanthes K. Grohmann, Maria Kambanaros & Napoleon Katsos - 2016 - Cognition 149 (C):18-30.
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    The Common and Counter-Hegemonic Politics: Re-Thinking Social Change.Alexandros Kioupkiolis - 2019 - Edinburgh University Press.
    Alexandros Kioupkiolis re-conceptualises the common in tandem with the political. By engaging with key thinkers of community and the commons, including Nancy, Ostrom, Hardt and Negri, together with poststructuralist conceptions of agonism and hegemony from Mouffe and Laclau, he remedies problematic issues of power relations and division.
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    The Byzantine Liar.Stamatios Gerogiorgakis - 2009 - History and Philosophy of Logic 30 (4):313-330.
    An eleventh-century Greek text, in which a fourth-century patristic text is discussed, gives an outline of a solution to the Liar Paradox. The eleventh-century text is probably the first medieval treatment of the Liar. Long passages from both texts are translated in this article. The solution to the Liar Paradox, which they entail, is analysed and compared with the results of modern scholarship on several Latin solutions to this paradox. It is found to be a solution, which bears some analogies (...)
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    Robustness and dark matter observation.Antonis Antoniou - forthcoming - Philosophy of Science:1-36.
    Current cosmological observations place little constraints on the nature of dark matter, allowing the development of a large number of models and various methods for probing their properties, which seem to provide ideal grounds for the employment of robustness arguments. In this article, the extent to which such arguments can be used to overcome various methodological and theoretical challenges is examined. The conclusion is that while robustness arguments have a limited scope in the context of dark matter research, they can (...)
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  6. Sustainability-Driven Implementation of Corporate Social Responsibility: Application of the Integrative Sustainability Triangle.Alexandro Kleine & Michael von Hauff - 2009 - Journal of Business Ethics 85 (S3):517-533.
    Current corporate social responsibility approaches attempt to implement the vision of sustainable development at the corporate level. In fact, the term "corporate sustainability" may be a more accurate descriptive label for these attempts. Ambitious governmental, business and academic goals, and corresponding efforts have been established. Nonetheless, a truly satisfactory implementation of the broad CSR concept as well as the more specific challenges of corporate sustainability continue to be an elusive goal at the corporate management level. This article presents a description (...)
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    What is a data model?: An anatomy of data analysis in high energy physics.Antonis Antoniou - 2021 - European Journal for Philosophy of Science 11 (4):1-33.
    Many decades ago Patrick Suppes argued rather convincingly that theoretical hypotheses are not confronted with the direct, raw results of an experiment, rather, they are typically compared with models of data. What exactly is a data model however? And how do the interactions of particles at the subatomic scale give rise to the huge volumes of data that are then moulded into a polished data model? The aim of this paper is to answer these questions by presenting a detailed case (...)
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    A pragmatist’s guide to philosophy of science.Antonis Antoniou - 2024 - Metascience 33 (1):31-34.
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    Uncovering the Mechanisms Responsible for Why Language Learning May Promote Healthy Cognitive Aging.Mark Antoniou & Sarah M. Wright - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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  10. Common Futures: Social Transformation and Political Ecology.Alexandros Schismenos & Yavor Tarinski - 2020 - Black Rose Books.
    What does the future hold? Is the desertification of the planet, driven by state and corporate authority, the final horizon of history? Is the dystopian future implied by the systemic degradation of nature and society inescapable? From marginal activist groups to governments and interstate organizations, all appear to be concerned with what the future of our shared world will look like. Yet even amid the ongoing global crisis caused by capitalism, the potential of a different, radically rooted future has also (...)
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    Comment on Mott's localization criterion for disordered systems.P. D. Antoniou, Morrel H. Cohen & Joshua Jortner - 1977 - Philosophical Magazine 35 (5):1435-1440.
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  12. La tradition de l'Heirmologion de Jean Koukouzeles.S. Antoniou - 2004 - Byzantion 74 (1):9-16.
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  13. Μοντέλα αναθεώρησης πεποιθήσεων: η συμβολή του Άρι Κουτούγκου.Alexandros Apostolidis & Stathis Psillos - 2019 - In Kostas Theologou & Maria Pournari, Φιλοσοφικοί περίπατοι και σονάτες. Αντίδωρο στον Άρη Κουτούγκο. pp. 31-48.
    Η δυνατότητα αναθεώρησης των πεποιθήσεων ενός τυπικού ή μη γνώστη καθώς επίσης και η περιγραφή του πλαισίου στο οποίο αυτό συμβαίνει, είναι από τα σημαντικότερα προβλήματα που απασχολούν την σύγχρονη φιλοσοφική έρευνα. Στον γόνιμο διάλογο που έχει αναπτυχθεί τις τελευταίες δεκαετίες, ο Κουτούγκος συνεισφέρει με την περιγραφή του μοντέλου της μερικής συμφωνίας. Στην απλούστερη μορφή του αφορά την μονόδρομη επικοινωνία μεταξύ ενός ακροατή και ενός ομιλητή σχετικά με κάποιο δεδομένο για το οποίο δεν υπάρχει ταύτιση απόψεων. Βασικοί του στόχοι είναι (...)
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    (1 other version)Does the Kind of Necessity which is Represented by S5 Capture a Theologically Defensible Notion of a Necessary Being?Stamatios Gerogiorgakis - 2012 - In Miroslaw Szatkowski, Ontological Proofs Today. Ontos Verlag. pp. 50--309.
  15.  8
    "Futura contingentia, necessitas per accidens" und Prädestination in Byzanz und in der Scholastik.Stamatios Gerogiorgakis - 2017 - New York: Peter Lang Edition.
    Die Studie stellt einen direkten Vergleich zwischen der Scholastik und der byzantinischen Philosophie und Theologie dar. Sie stellt Lehren der Philosophie und Theologie des Hoch- und Spätmittelalters einander gegenüber und bespricht diese in kritischer, jedenfalls nicht in doxographischer Hinsicht. Die Zeitlogik hat ihren Ursprung in der Antike. In der Spätantike und insbesondere im Mittelalter erlangten ihre Resultate auch eine theologische und politische Brisanz. Das Studium der Semantik von Sätzen über Zukunftsereignisse, die eintreten oder auch ausbleiben können, sowie das Studium der (...)
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    Mind the Croc! Rationality Gaps vis-à-vis the Crocodile Paradox.Stamatios Gerogiorgakis - 2016 - History and Philosophy of Logic 37 (2):101-113.
    This article discusses rationality gaps triggered by self-referential/cyclic choice, the latter being understood as choosing according to a norm that refers to the choosing itself. The Crocodile Paradox is reformulated and analyzed as a game—named CP—whose Nash equilibrium is shown to trigger a cyclic choice and to invite a rationality gap. It is shown that choosing the Nash equilibrium of CP conforms to the principles Wolfgang Spohn and Haim Gaifman introduced to, allegedly, guarantee acyclicity but, in fact, does not prevent (...)
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    Omniscience in Łukasiewicz’s, Kleene’s and Blau’s Three-Valued Logics.Stamatios Gerogiorgakis - 2011 - Polish Journal of Philosophy 5 (1):59-78.
    In this paper several assumptions concerning omniscience and future contingents on the one side, and omniscience and self-reference on the other, areexamined with respect to a classical and a three-valued semantic setting (the latter pertains especially to Łukasiewicz’s, Kleene’s and Blau’s three-valued logics).Interesting features of both settings are highlighted and their basic assumptions concerning omniscience are explored. To generate a context in which the notion of omniscience does not deviate from some basic intuitions, two special futurity operators are introduced in (...)
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    “Let Me Keep My Dead Husband’s Sperm”: Ethical Issues in Posthumous Reproduction.Stamatios Karavolos & Nikoletta Panagiotopoulou - 2015 - Journal of Clinical Ethics 26 (2):143-151.
    The feasibility of posthumous reproduction when the surviving partner is female has brought to light many ethical, moral, social, and legal issues. This review aims to summarize these issues and to assist clinicians who may be faced with such requests. A question list, used for health technologies assessment, was utilized in a question-answer approach as the review methodology. Of the 1,208 publications identified through a comprehensive literature search in biomedical, psychological, and ethical databases, 31 articles included arguments related to one (...)
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    Peri hermēneias.Alexandros I. Kesisoglou - 2012 - Athēna: Smilē. Edited by Aristotle & Geōrgios Papatsimpas.
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    The semiotics of the Vitruvian city.Alexandros Ph Lagopoulos - 2009 - Semiotica 2009 (175):193-251.
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    Contribution à la restitution de la 11e métope Sud du Parthénon.Alexandros Mantis - 1987 - Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique 111 (1):137-146.
    La reconstitution de la 11e métope Sud du Parthenon est un exemple caractéristique de la démarche suivie par la recherche archéologique pour reconstituer les métopes détruites par l'explosion de 1687. En utilisant comme guide les très précieux dessins de Carrey, et en sachant que les métopes Sud sont les seules dont les reliefs n'ont pas été abattus par les Chrétiens, on peut identifier les divers fragments et les attribuer aux métopes auxquelles ils appartiennent. On ajoute deux nouveaux fragments à ceux (...)
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  22. People with Disabilities: Human Computer Interface-A User-Orientation Evaluation Framework: Assessing Accessibility Throughout the User Experience Lifecycle.Alexandros Mourouzis, Margherita Antona, Evagelos Boutsakis & Constantine Stephanidis - 2006 - In O. Stock & M. Schaerf, Lecture Notes In Computer Science. Springer Verlag. pp. 421-428.
  23.  9
    Epigraphai tis nisou Ko.Stamatios Krinos Pantélidis - 1887 - Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique 11 (1):71-79.
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    Poor Saint: An Island Tale.Alexandros Papadiamandis & Avi Sharon - 2008 - Arion 15 (3):103-122.
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    The Belissariotai family: a contribution to Byzantine prosopography.Alexandros Papadopoulos - 2022 - Byzantinische Zeitschrift 115 (3):949-976.
    Michael and Niketas Choniates, significant figures of letters of the second half of the twelfth and the early thirteenth century, were closely related to the Belissariotai, a noble family of the Byzantine aristocracy. Thanks to both Choniatai brothers we are able to gather valuable information about the Belissariotai and to examine not only their role in the administration of the state during the last quarter of the twelfth century, but also their unbreakable bonds of friendship and kinship with the Choniatai. (...)
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  26. The man degenerated ape.Alexandros Philadelpheus - 1952 - Athens,: Athens.
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  27. Corps meurtri, dignité blessée.Stamatios Tzitzis - 2002 - Rivista Internazionale di Filosofia Del Diritto 79 (4):565-588.
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    An empirical study on the preferred size of the participant information sheet in research.E. E. Antoniou, H. Draper, K. Reed, A. Burls, T. R. Southwood & M. P. Zeegers - 2011 - Journal of Medical Ethics 37 (9):557-562.
    Background Informed consent is a requirement for all research. It is not, however, clear how much information is sufficient to make an informed decision about participation in research. Information on an online questionnaire about childhood development was provided through an unfolding electronic participant sheet in three levels of information. Methods 552 participants, who completed the web-based survey, accessed and spent time reading the participant information sheet (PIS) between July 2008 and November 2009. The information behaviour of the participants was investigated. (...)
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    Theories without models: uncontrolled idealizations in particle physics.Antonis Antoniou & Karim P. Y. Thébault - 2024 - Synthese 205 (1):1-27.
    The perturbative treatment of realistic quantum field theories, such as quantum electrodynamics, requires the use of mathematical idealizations in the approximation series for scattering amplitudes. Such mathematical idealizations are necessary to derive empirically relevant models from the theory. Mathematical idealizations can be either controlled or uncontrolled, depending on whether current scientific knowledge can explain whether the effects of the idealization are negligible or not. Drawing upon negative mathematical results in asymptotic analysis (failure of Borel summability) and renormalization group theory (failure (...)
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    Can Affordances Explain Behavior?Alexandros Tillas, Gottfried Vosgerau, Tim Seuchter & Silvano Zipoli Caiani - 2017 - Review of Philosophy and Psychology 8 (2):295-315.
    In this paper we secure the explanatory value of affordances by treating them as relational properties and as inherently linked to unintentional movements and possible intentional actions. We distinguish between Basic affordances, which are related to unintentional movements, and Complex affordances, which are subjective and executively controlled by individuals. The linkage between affordances and motor intentions allows for accounting for the infinite number of affordances that any given object potentially has. Appealing to objective systematic contingencies that provide the actor with (...)
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    Semiotics and history: a Marxist approach.Alexandros-ph Lagopoulos - 1986 - Semiotica 59 (3-4):215-244.
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  32. Telepresence as a social-historical mode of being. ChatGPT and the ontological dimensions of digital representation.Alexandros Schismenos - 2024 - Lessico di Etica Pubblica (1-2/2023):37-52.
    Nel 1956, in piena guerra fredda, una conferenza di scienziati al Dartmouth College negli Stati Uniti annunciò il lancio di un audace progetto scientifico, l’Intelligenza Artificiale (I.A.). Dopo l’iniziale fallimento degli sforzi della “Hard AI” di produrre un’intelligenza simile a quella umana, alla fine del XX secolo è emerso il movimento della “Soft AI”. Invece di essere orientato a imitare il comportamento umano in relazione a compiti specifici, ha preferito cercare modi alternativi di eseguire i compiti basati sulle particolari funzioni (...)
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  33.  19
    Professional values in student nurse education: An integrative literature review.Carolyn Antoniou, Ross Clifton & Valerie Wilson - 2022 - Nursing Ethics 29 (6):1323-1340.
    Aim The aim is to understand current research into the impact of undergraduate nursing education on the development of professional values. Background Values are evident in the professional standards for nurses and the guidelines and healthcare policies of many countries. These professional values guide decisions and behaviour and are recognised as an essential component in the professions ability to provide safe and professional care. This literature review presents the current research on the impact of education on professional values in undergraduate (...)
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    Castoriadis and Autonomy in the Twenty-First Century.Alexandros Schismenos, Chris Spannos & Nikos Ioannou - 2021 - Bloomsbury Academic. Edited by Nikos Iōannou & Chris Spannos.
    To what degree can the philosophy of Cornelius Castoriadis help analyze and evaluate our current social reality in relation to the project of autonomy? How meaningful is his political proposition for direct democracy in the 21st century? What significance do the concepts of social time and social space have in the determination of political freedom? -/- Castoriadis and Autonomy in the 21st Century presents basic concepts of Castoriadian philosophy, including the social-historical plane, ontological creativity, and social and individual time that (...)
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  35.  55
    The logic of quantum systems with diagonal singularities.I. Antoniou & Z. Suchanecki - 1994 - Foundations of Physics 24 (10):1439-1457.
    The work of the Brussels-Austin groups on irreversibility over the last years has shown that Quantum Large Poincaré systems with diagonal singularity lead to an extension of the conventional formulation of dynamics at the level of mixtures which is manifestly time asymmetric. States with diagonal singularity acquire meaning as linear fractionals over the involutive Banach algebra of operators with diagonal singularity. We show in this paper that the logic of quantum systems with diagonal singularity is not the conventional logic of (...)
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  36.  18
    The Sixth-Century plague, its repeated appearance until 746 ad and the explosion of the Rabaul Volcano.Ioannis Antoniou & Anastasios K. Sinakos - 2006 - Byzantinische Zeitschrift 98 (1):1-4.
    The plague of 541–542 ad started in Pelusium, a town in Egypt, and reached Constantinople in 542 ad. The following series summarizes the event and its repeated appearance until 746 ad.
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    Validity of social–emotional screening tool for newborns and infants: The effects of gender, ethnicity and age.Faye Antoniou & Ghadah S. Al-Khadim - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    The purpose of the present study was to test the measurement invariance of the baby pediatric symptom checklist across gender and age as a means to provide for valid comparisons in point estimates across groups. A secondary goal involved confirming the earlier identified factor structure and re-examining the presence of differentially item functioning in the BPSC across grouping variables. Participants were 601 children aged below 1 year and 1 year to 12 months. Data were collected as part of the National (...)
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    RNA‐protein interactions: Central players in coordination of regulatory networks.Alexandros Armaos, Elsa Zacco, Natalia Sanchez de Groot & Gian Gaetano Tartaglia - 2021 - Bioessays 43 (2):2000118.
    Changes in the abundance of protein and RNA molecules can impair the formation of complexes in the cell leading to toxicity and death. Here we exploit the information contained in protein, RNA and DNA interaction networks to provide a comprehensive view of the regulation layers controlling the concentration‐dependent formation of assemblies in the cell. We present the emerging concept that RNAs can act as scaffolds to promote the formation ribonucleoprotein complexes and coordinate the post‐transcriptional layer of gene regulation. We describe (...)
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    Der Begriff Schema in Fichtes Spätwerk: Seine Unterschiede zum Schemabegriff in Fichtes Frühwerk und seine Einbettung in der philosophischen Tradition vor Kant.Stamatios D. Gerogiorgakis - 2007 - Fichte-Studien 31:235-243.
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    Gaps, Gluts and God.Stamatios Gerogiorgakis - 2015 - In Mirosław Szatkowski, God, Truth, and Other Enigmas. Berlin: De Gruyter. pp. 71-76.
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    Taking Pleasure in Knowing according to the Greek Commentaries of the Nicomachean Ethics after the 11th Century.Stamatios Gerogiorgakis - 2015 - Quaestio 15:193-199.
    After a short presentation of Aristotle’s views on morally acceptable pleasures vis-á-vis the hedonist and the Platonic views, the Byzantine commentaries published in CAG 19.2 and 20 on knowledge as pleasure are discussed. It is shown that the Byzantine commentators are eventually keen in discovering problems in the Aristotelian account, in a way reminiscent of their Christian premises and akin to Platonism.
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    Freedom after the critique of foundations: Marx, liberalism, Castoriadis, and agonistic autonomy.Alexandros Kioupkiolis - 2012 - New York, NY: Palgrave-Macmillan.
    Marx on a tightrope. the essence of freedom and the movement of becoming -- Kantian transcendence and beyond -- Knowledge and practice in trouble. a reasonable way out of ontological traps -- Liberal detours and their mishaps: negative liberty, I. Berlin, and J.S. Mill -- Agonic subjectivity and the stirrings of the new -- The social, the imaginary, and the real -- Freedom, agonism, and creative praxis -- Post-critical liberalism and agonistic freedom -- Post-foundational reason and sustainable affirmation -- Conclusion: (...)
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    Three Paradigms of Modern Freedom.Alexandros Kioupkiolis - 2009 - European Journal of Political Theory 8 (4):473-491.
    The paper makes a case for the new paradigm of freedom which has been elaborated by thinkers such as Cornelius Castoriadis and Michel Foucault. In response to the critique of the subject, freedom is construed now as limited and agonistic, calling for an ongoing struggle against various constraints. But this idea is coupled with a heightened appreciation of contingency and creativity. Individuals can bring new possibilities into existence, which go beyond any predefined alternatives. The paper argues that this is a (...)
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    Introduction: Signification and space.Alexandros Ph Lagopoulos - 2009 - Semiotica 2009 (175):1-19.
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    Akropolis 2381.Alexandros Mantis - 1986 - Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique 110 (1):231-235.
    La découverte sur l'Acropole d'un nouveau fragment de la tête Akr. 2381, qui a déjà fait l'objet de tant de discussions, et était attribuée ordinairement à diverses figures féminines du fronton Est du Parthénon, permet enfin de comprendre et d'interpréter la tête. Le nouveau fragment, qui appartient à la partie gauche de la tête, nous permet d'établir quel était le mouvement de la tête et nous aide à définir le sexe de la figure. Les conclusions que l'on tire d'un examen (...)
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    Un nouveau fragment de la 10e métope Sud du Parthénon.Alexandros Mantis - 1986 - Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique 110 (2):619-624.
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    Sur la topographie de l'île de Cos.Stamatios Krinos Pantélidis - 1881 - Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique 5 (1):196-199.
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    Theokritou earini odoiporia.Stamatios Krinos Pantélidis - 1890 - Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique 14 (1):292-300.
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    Hē atheia stēn hellēnikē koinōnia: apo tēn Orthodoxē thrēskeutikē mnēmē stēn atheē thrēskeutikē syneidēsē.Alexandros Sakellariou - 2022 - Athēna: Ekdoseis Papazēsē.
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  50. Emotion and effective learning.Alexandros Tillas - 2019 - In Tom Feldges, Philosophy and the study of education: new perspectives on a complex relationship. New York, NY: Routledge.
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