Results for 'Alexandros Paraskevas'

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  1.  12
    Handbook of research methods in complexity science: theory and applications.Eve Mitleton-Kelly, Alexandros Paraskevas & Christopher Day (eds.) - 2018 - Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar Publishing.
    This comprehensive Handbook is aimed at both academic researchers and practitioners in the field of complexity science. The book's 26 chapters, specially written by leading experts, provide in-depth coverage of research methods based on the sciences of complexity. The research methods presented are illustratively applied to practical cases and are readily accessible to researchers and decision makers alike.The Handbook's wide range of research methods are clearly illustrated with case studies that demonstrate their practical application. They range from the regeneration of (...)
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    The Common and Counter-Hegemonic Politics: Re-Thinking Social Change.Alexandros Kioupkiolis - 2019 - Edinburgh University Press.
    Alexandros Kioupkiolis re-conceptualises the common in tandem with the political. By engaging with key thinkers of community and the commons, including Nancy, Ostrom, Hardt and Negri, together with poststructuralist conceptions of agonism and hegemony from Mouffe and Laclau, he remedies problematic issues of power relations and division.
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    Keeping it open: Ontology, ethics, knowledge and radical democracy.Alexandros Kioupkiolis - 2011 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 37 (6):691-708.
    Its preoccupation with ontology presents radical democracy with a thorny dilemma: how to combine commitment and affirmation with a distinctive emphasis on contingency and contestability. The article addresses this dilemma by engaging with three different perspectives. Ernesto Laclau’s work shows the intrinsic constraints of ontology and the inadequacy of a simple distinction between ontology and ethico-political decision. Simon Critchley opposes tying radical politics to ontological prefiguration and argues for a particular ethico-political orientation. But ethics and politics come entwined with ontological (...)
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    Dissenting from an analysis of opt-out forms.Paraskevas Vezyridis & Stephen Timmons - 2016 - Journal of Medical Ethics 42 (12):792-796. was a programme of work led by NHS England for the extraction of patient-identifiable and coded information from general practitioner records for secondary uses. This study analyses the forms which enabled patients to opt out.MethodsTheoretical sampling and summative content analysis were used to collect and analyse dissent forms used by patients to opt out from Domains included basic information about the programme, types of objections and personal details required for identification purposes.ResultsOne hundred opt-out forms were analysed. Fifty-four forms (...)
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    Can Affordances Explain Behavior?Alexandros Tillas, Gottfried Vosgerau, Tim Seuchter & Silvano Zipoli Caiani - 2017 - Review of Philosophy and Psychology 8 (2):295-315.
    In this paper we secure the explanatory value of affordances by treating them as relational properties and as inherently linked to unintentional movements and possible intentional actions. We distinguish between Basic affordances, which are related to unintentional movements, and Complex affordances, which are subjective and executively controlled by individuals. The linkage between affordances and motor intentions allows for accounting for the infinite number of affordances that any given object potentially has. Appealing to objective systematic contingencies that provide the actor with (...)
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    Commoning the political, politicizing the common: Community and the political in Jean-Luc Nancy, Roberto Esposito and Giorgio Agamben.Alexandros Kioupkiolis - 2018 - Contemporary Political Theory 17 (3):283-305.
    Setting out from the work of Jean-Luc Nancy, this article engages with post-Heideggerian thought on community, seeking to bring out and to enhance its political thrust for contemporary democracies. It shows how Jean-Luc Nancy, Roberto Esposito and Giorgio Agamben, ‘common the political’, that is, how they reconsider politics in light of a fundamental sense of co-existence which clears the ground for social openness, solidarity, plurality and autonomy. It then responds to a series of pertinent objections by further politicizing the post-Heideggerian (...)
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    An experimental investigation of the ‘tenuous trade-off’ between risk and incentives in organizations.Alexandros Karakostas & Subhasish M. Chowdhury - 2020 - Theory and Decision 88 (1):153-190.
    We investigate experimentally the relationship between risk and incentives in a principal–agent setting. In contrast to the existing empirical literature that describes such relationship as ‘tenuous’ or inconclusive, we find a clear negative relationship—supporting the prediction of the standard theoretical model. Specifically, we find that principals reduce the size of the offered piece rates with an increase in risk and instead provide positive fixed wages. Furthermore, we find no relationship between the variance in the performance and the effort choice of (...)
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    On the adoption of personal health records: some problematic issues for patient empowerment.Paraskevas Vezyridis & Stephen Timmons - 2015 - Ethics and Information Technology 17 (2):113-124.
    The development of electronic personal health records by independent vendors and national health systems is understood to empower patients and create a new kind of consumerism in healthcare. With more personal health information at hand, active participation in the management of health and rational purchasing of healthcare services will be possible. Healthcare systems will also be able to contain costs and achieve sustainability. Based on a careful examination of the literature, we argue that many of the declared benefits of this (...)
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    ‘True Democracy’ as a Prelude to Communism: The Marx of Democracy.Alexandros Chrysis - 2018 - Cham: Springer Verlag.
    This book constitutes a critical intervention in the theoretical discussion over the political relationship between democracy and communism. Shedding light on the philosophical origins of the democracy debate, it draws a clear demarcation line between liberalism and republicanism, arguing that after rejecting the former and supporting the latter, the young Marx endorsed 'true democracy' as a prelude to his forthcoming theory of communism. To this end, while following the dynamics of the Marxian history of political ideas and pre-communist theory of (...)
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  10.  19
    Curriculum Epistemicide: Towards an Itinerant Curriculum Theory.João M. Paraskeva - 2015 - Routledge.
    Around the world, curriculum – hard sciences, social sciences and the humanities – has been dominated and legitimated by prevailing Western Eurocentric Anglophone discourses and practices. Drawing from and within a complex range of epistemological perspectives from the Middle East, Africa, Southern Europe, and Latin America, this volume presents a critical analysis of what the author, influenced by the work of Sousa Santos, coins _curriculum epistemicides_, a form of Western imperialism used to suppress and eliminate the creation of rival, alternative (...)
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  11.  13
    Castoriadis and autonomy in the 21st century.Alexandros Schismenos - 2021 - New York: Bloomsbury Academic. Edited by Nikos Iōannou & Chris Spannos.
    To what degree can the philosophy of Cornelius Castoriadis help analyse and evaluate our current social reality in relation to the project of autonomy? How meaningful is his political proposition for direct democracy in the 21st century? This book presents basic concepts of Castoriadian philosophy, such as the social-historical plane, ontological creativity, and social and individual time, that provide the theoretical tools necessary to evaluate the historical phenomena of our era. By revealing the new significances of social freedom, global solidarity (...)
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    Comix ergo sum.Alexandros Schismenos - 2014 - [Athēna]: Ekdoseis Exarcheia.
    Thalēs -- Pythagoras -- Parmenidēs -- Dēmokritos -- Empedoklēs -- Prōtagoras -- Sōkratēs -- Platōn -- Aristotelēs -- Diogenēs Epikouors -- Markos Aurēlios -- Chenkel -- Nitse.
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    Meta ton Kastoriadē: dromoi tēs Autonomias ston 21o aiōna.Alexandros Schismenos - 2014 - [Athēna]: Ekdoseis Exarcheia. Edited by Nikos Iōannou.
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    Radicalizing democracy.Alexandros Kioupkiolis - 2010 - Constellations 17 (1):137-154.
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  15.  24
    Contribution à la restitution de la 11e métope Sud du Parthénon.Alexandros Mantis - 1987 - Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique 111 (1):137-146.
    La reconstitution de la 11e métope Sud du Parthenon est un exemple caractéristique de la démarche suivie par la recherche archéologique pour reconstituer les métopes détruites par l'explosion de 1687. En utilisant comme guide les très précieux dessins de Carrey, et en sachant que les métopes Sud sont les seules dont les reliefs n'ont pas été abattus par les Chrétiens, on peut identifier les divers fragments et les attribuer aux métopes auxquelles ils appartiennent. On ajoute deux nouveaux fragments à ceux (...)
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  16. People with Disabilities: Human Computer Interface-A User-Orientation Evaluation Framework: Assessing Accessibility Throughout the User Experience Lifecycle.Alexandros Mourouzis, Margherita Antona, Evagelos Boutsakis & Constantine Stephanidis - 2006 - In O. Stock & M. Schaerf (eds.), Lecture Notes In Computer Science. Springer Verlag. pp. 421-428.
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    Poor Saint: An Island Tale.Alexandros Papadiamandis & Avi Sharon - 2008 - Arion 15 (3):103-122.
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    ‘Did COVID-19 exist before the scientists?’ Towards curriculum theory now.João M. Paraskeva - 2022 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 54 (2):158-169.
    We live in an era that normalized absurdism and abnormality. From successive devastating economic and environmental havoc, the world is now before a pandemic with a lethal footprint throughout the planet. The pandemonium became global. This paper situates the current COVID-19 pandemic within the context of an endless multi-plethora of devastating sagas pushing humanity into an unimaginable great regression. In doing so, the paper examines, how such pandemic reflects the very colors of an intentional epistemological blindness that frames Eurocentric reasoning, (...)
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    Samuel Beckett and cinema.Anthony Paraskeva - 2017 - New York: Bloomsbury Academic.
    In 1936 Samuel Beckett wrote a letter to Sergei Eisenstein - the legendary director of such films as Battleship Potemkin - expressing his own desire to work in the lost tradition of silent film. Drawing on substantial archival material, this is the first book to examine comprehensively the full extent of Beckett's engagement with cinema and its influence on his work for stage and screen. Examining his writing on second wave modernist cinema, including the work of directors such as Eisenstein, (...)
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    Hē atheia stēn hellēnikē koinōnia: apo tēn Orthodoxē thrēskeutikē mnēmē stēn atheē thrēskeutikē syneidēsē.Alexandros Sakellariou - 2022 - Athēna: Ekdoseis Papazēsē.
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    The “Sacred Marriage” of Beauty and Eros and Its Anthropological Condition.Alexandros Theodoridis & Panagiotis Karakatsanis - 2015 - Philosophy Study 5 (7).
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  22. Emotion and effective learning.Alexandros Tillas - 2019 - In Tom Feldges (ed.), Philosophy and the study of education: new perspectives on a complex relationship. New York, NY: Routledge.
  23.  16
    Boosting the performance of hybrid Nature-Inspired algorithms: Application from the financial optimization domain.Alexandros Tzanetos, Vassilios Vassiliadis & Georgios Dounias - forthcoming - Logic Journal of the IGPL.
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  24. Σημειώσεις για τον διάλογο περί νεοελληνικής ποίησης του 21ου αιώνα.Alexandros Schismenos - 2024 - Poetry Crisis - Ποιητικη Κριση Η Δημόσια Λειτουργία Της Νέας Ελληνικής Ποίησης Του 21Ου Αιώνα.
    Κατ’ αυτόν τον τρόπο η έννοια της ‘αριστερής μελαγχολίας’ δεν συνδέεται τόσο με το φαντασιακό της ήττας, όσο με το φαντασιακό της προδοσίας που οδηγεί στην ομφαλοσκόπηση, την καχυποψία ή τον κριτικό αναστοχασμό. Ένα διττό φαντασιακό βίωμα προδοσίας εγκαταστάθηκε στα δύο γενικότερα ιστορικά ρεύματα της επαναστατικής παράδοσης – το σοσιαλιστικό-κρατικό και το αντιεξουσιαστικό-αντικρατικό – από τις πρώτες δεκαετίες, ένα αίσθημα εσωτερικής προδοσίας των αξιών και των ιδεών από συγκεκριμένες τακτικές και πρακτικές, αλλά και εξωτερικής προδοσίας από αντίπαλες, μα υποτίθεται όμορες, (...)
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  25. Telepresence as a social-historical mode of being. ChatGPT and the ontological dimensions of digital representation.Alexandros Schismenos - 2024 - Lessico di Etica Pubblica (1-2/2023):37-52.
    Nel 1956, in piena guerra fredda, una conferenza di scienziati al Dartmouth College negli Stati Uniti annunciò il lancio di un audace progetto scientifico, l’Intelligenza Artificiale (I.A.). Dopo l’iniziale fallimento degli sforzi della “Hard AI” di produrre un’intelligenza simile a quella umana, alla fine del XX secolo è emerso il movimento della “Soft AI”. Invece di essere orientato a imitare il comportamento umano in relazione a compiti specifici, ha preferito cercare modi alternativi di eseguire i compiti basati sulle particolari funzioni (...)
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    Occupational stress in mainstream and special needs primary school teachers and its relationship with self-efficacy.Alexandros-Stamatios Antoniou, Vasiliki Efthymiou, Fotini Polychroni & Olga Kofa - forthcoming - Tandf: Educational Studies:1-18.
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    Democratic change and alter-political cooperativism: A critical view from Thessaloniki, Greece.Alexandros Kioupkiolis & Theodoros Karyotis - forthcoming - European Journal of Political Theory.
    In recent years, theorists and activists championing the ‘commons’ have propounded a socio-centric idea of democratic resistance and renewal with a global address. This conception holds that the making of new social relations and practices here and now should be the main pillar of activity aiming at wide-ranging social reconstruction. The present paper complicates and qualifies this thesis. Socio-economic and technological breakthroughs can effectively serve as a catalyst for democratic change if they are adequately politicised, that is, deliberately oriented and (...)
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    Introduction: Signification and space.Alexandros Ph Lagopoulos - 2009 - Semiotica 2009 (175):1-19.
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  29. The man degenerated ape.Alexandros Philadelpheus - 1952 - Athens,: Athens.
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  30.  22
    The agonistic turn of critical reason: Critique and freedom in Foucault and Castoriadis.Alexandros Kioupkiolis - 2012 - European Journal of Social Theory 15 (3):385-402.
    Straddling the divide between universalism and relativism, agonistic reason as construed by Foucault and Castoriadis dismisses universal foundations without becoming context-bound or inescapably subjectivist. It is propelled by a strong commitment to freedom and it draws flexibly on available resources and its creative potentials in order to vindicate its conditional claims. This provides a hyper-critical and liberating mode of critical reason which delves into the underlying norms of agency in order to open them up to question and to enhance free (...)
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  31. Sustainability-Driven Implementation of Corporate Social Responsibility: Application of the Integrative Sustainability Triangle.Alexandro Kleine & Michael von Hauff - 2009 - Journal of Business Ethics 85 (S3):517-533.
    Current corporate social responsibility approaches attempt to implement the vision of sustainable development at the corporate level. In fact, the term "corporate sustainability" may be a more accurate descriptive label for these attempts. Ambitious governmental, business and academic goals, and corresponding efforts have been established. Nonetheless, a truly satisfactory implementation of the broad CSR concept as well as the more specific challenges of corporate sustainability continue to be an elusive goal at the corporate management level. This article presents a description (...)
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    Semiotics and history: a Marxist approach.Alexandros-ph Lagopoulos - 1986 - Semiotica 59 (3-4):215-244.
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    The semiotic and the social in Prieto’s thought.Alexandros Ph Lagopoulos - 1998 - Semiotica 122 (3-4):279-290.
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    Static structuralism versus the dynamics of structure.Alexandros Ph Lagopoulos - 2004 - Semiotica 2004 (149):1-35.
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  35. Saussure and Derrida.Alexandros Ph Lagopoulos - 2012 - American Journal of Semiotics 28 (3-4):231-255.
    The aim of the paper is to discuss and compare major aspects of Saussure’s linguistic theory — including his recently discovered manuscript, published as Écrits de linguistique générale — and Derrida’s philosophy, focusing on its structuralist (not Kantian or phenomenological, or supposed pragmatist) foundations, in order to show the radical debt of Derrida to Saussure. To see Derrida as a structuralist is crucial for the understanding of his work. A major Saussurean concept, adopted by Derrida as the foundation of his (...)
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    Understanding the conundrum: New information flows for economic growth.Stephen Timmons & Paraskevas Vezyridis - 2017 - Big Data and Society 4 (1).
    The analysis of data from electronic health records aspires to facilitate healthcare efficiencies and biomedical innovation. There are also ethical, legal and social implications from the handling of sensitive patient information. The paper explores the concerns, expectations and implications of the National Health Service England programme: a national data sharing initiative of linked electronic health records for healthcare and other research purposes. Using Nissenbaum’s contextual integrity of privacy framework through a critical Science and Technology Studies lens, it examines the (...)
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    Αρετή, τύχη και μακιαβελικές χρονικότητες.Alexandros Schismenos - 2022 - In Vicky Iakovou (ed.), Ο Μακιαβέλι μετά τον Μακιαβέλι. Angelus Novus.
  38.  13
    Peri hermēneias.Alexandros I. Kesisoglou - 2012 - Athēna: Smilē. Edited by Aristotle & Geōrgios Papatsimpas.
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    Freedom after the critique of foundations: Marx, liberalism, Castoriadis, and agonistic autonomy.Alexandros Kioupkiolis - 2012 - New York, NY: Palgrave-Macmillan.
    Marx on a tightrope. the essence of freedom and the movement of becoming -- Kantian transcendence and beyond -- Knowledge and practice in trouble. a reasonable way out of ontological traps -- Liberal detours and their mishaps: negative liberty, I. Berlin, and J.S. Mill -- Agonic subjectivity and the stirrings of the new -- The social, the imaginary, and the real -- Freedom, agonism, and creative praxis -- Post-critical liberalism and agonistic freedom -- Post-foundational reason and sustainable affirmation -- Conclusion: (...)
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  40.  33
    Post-Critical Liberalism and Agonistic Freedom.Alexandros Kioupkiolis - 2008 - Contemporary Political Theory 7 (2):147-168.
    The last decades have witnessed the emergence of a burgeoning literature on freedom that has set out to reconfigure this idea in response to the critique of the autonomous subject. The paper has three main objectives. It engages critically with this new field of theory by exploring two divergent strands of thought: a recast form of liberal autonomy and agonistic freedom as envisioned by M. Foucault, C. Castoriadis and certain other authors. Second, it seeks to bring out the merits of (...)
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  41. "...κι όλο κινάει για να 'ρθει." Εξουσία, απόφαση και αυτονομία στη ριζοσπαστική πολιτική πρακτική του καιρού μας.Alexandros Schismenos - 2022 - In Kostas Galanopoulos & Dimitris Papanikolopoulos (eds.), Τι Να Κάνουμε. Σκέψεις Για Την Επανεκκίνηση Της Ριζοσπαστικής Πολιτικής.
    «Τι να κάνουμε;» [Что делать?], ήταν ο τίτλος ενός πολιτικού φυλλαδίου που έγραψε ο Β. Ι. Λένιν το 1901 και κυκλοφόρησε το 1902 στη Ρωσία. Παρόλο τον ερωτηματικό χαρακτήρα του τίτλου, η απάντηση του Λένιν που αναπτυσσόταν στις σελίδες του κειμένου, έμελλε να τεθεί προστακτικά στο επαναστατικό κίνημα.
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  42. Η πολιτική διάσταση της αρχαίας τραγωδίας στον Κώστα Παπαϊωάννου και τον Κορνήλιο Καστοριάδη.Alexandros Schismenos - 2023 - Ηθική. Περιοδικό Φιλοσοφίας 1 (16-17):228-237.
    Η πολιτική διάσταση της αρχαίας ελληνικής τραγωδίας στη σκέψη του Κώστα Παπαϊωάννου περί "Θεατροκρατίας" και την αντίληψη του Κορνήλιου Καστοριάδη για την αθηναϊκή δημοκρατία.
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    The Limits of Subjectivism: On the Relation Between IBE and (Objective) Bayesianism.Alexandros Apostolidis & Stathis Psillos - 2023 - In Lorenzo Magnani (ed.), Handbook of Abductive Cognition. Springer. pp. 1897-1920.
    Many philosophers claimed that there might be fertile ground for collaboration between IBE and the objective end of the Bayesian methodology. Recent literature is investigated in this chapter, to highlight the latest developments about the possibility of such a collaboration. The merits of the convergence of the two methods are presented. It is argued that arriving on this end is not an easy goal as there are four ways by which subjective considerations may overshadow the objective picture. The existence of (...)
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  44. Ο Σαίξπηρ μεταξύ Λούκατς και Καστοριάδη.Alexandros Schismenos - 2021 - Voreia Voreioanatolika 6:62-80.
    Τι συμβαίνει άραγε όταν ένας ψυχικά διαταραγμένος βασιλιάς διαβάσει Σαίξπηρ; Το 1788, o Sir Lucas Pepys, ιατρός του Βρετανού βασιλιά Γεωργίου του 3ου (κατά τη διάρκεια της βασιλείας του οποίου ξέσπασε η Αμερικάνικη Επανάσταση) έγραψε: «Η Αυτού Μεγαλειότητα ήταν χθες το απόγευμα σε μια καλή αν και λίγο ανισόρροπη κατάσταση, μιλώντας διαρκώς, καθώς συνηθίζει [...] Όμως σήμερα το πρωί […] είναι πολύ πιο διαταραγμένος και συγχυσμένος, διότι του επιτράπηκε να διαβάσει τον Βασιλιά Ληρ.» Δύο μέρες αργότερα, ο Γεώργιος βρέθηκε σε (...)
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    Rawls, Humanity and the Concept of Expression.Alexandros Manolatos - forthcoming - Moral Philosophy and Politics.
    In this article I present two possible interpretations of Rawls’s assertion in A Theory of Justice that human beings have a desire to express their nature as free and rational. My reading hinges on different accounts of the Kantian conception of the person and of the Aristotelian principle and its companion effect. According to the first interpretation, this desire is a kind of natural predisposition inherent in all persons irrespective of the society in which they live. It has a universal (...)
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  46. Μικρή πραγματεία για τον ερωτικό χρόνο.Alexandros Schismenos - 2018 - RedMarks. Edited by Katerina Sergidou.
    Είναι ο έρωτας μία απόπειρα υπέρβασης της πρωταρχικής ρήξης ή μία απόπειρα υπέρβασης του Εγώ; Δηλαδή είναι μία ορμή επανασύνδεσης ή μία ορμή διάλυσης; Κεντρομόλος ή φυγόκεντρος; Κάθε προσπάθεια ορισμού μας παραπέμπει στο πρόβλημα ενός ερωτικού καθολικού, το οποίο δεν μπορεί να αναχθεί στην βιολογική γενετήσια ορμή, ούτε όμως μπορεί να διαχωριστεί από τις επιμέρους και συγκεκριμένες εξατομικεύεις του ερωτικού φαινομένου. -/- Θέλουμε να αναζητήσουμε το νόημα του έρωτα στην σημασία του άλλου εντός της διυποκειμενικότητας και να κατανοήσουμε την αποβλεπτικότητα (...)
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    Pós-graduação em educação física, inovação e prática pedagógica: reflexões iniciais.Alexandro Andrade - 2013 - Filosofia E Educação 5 (2):p - 29.
    O presente estudo objetivou analisar introdutoriamente a pós-graduação em Educação Física quanto à produção de conhecimento, desenvolvimento da inovação e seus impactos na prática pedagógica na escola. Abordando o tema descritivamente e criticamente, analisando dados do crescimento quantitativo e qualitativo da PGEF no Brasil, se discute inovação e aplicação de conhecimento na escola. Verifica-se o crescimento significativo tanto em número de programas, mestres e doutores bem como de artigos publicados em periódicos nacionais e internacionais. Embora o crescimento da PGEF esteja (...)
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  48. Μοντέλα αναθεώρησης πεποιθήσεων: η συμβολή του Άρι Κουτούγκου.Alexandros Apostolidis & Stathis Psillos - 2019 - In Kostas Theologou & Maria Pournari (eds.), Φιλοσοφικοί περίπατοι και σονάτες. Αντίδωρο στον Άρη Κουτούγκο. pp. 31-48.
    Η δυνατότητα αναθεώρησης των πεποιθήσεων ενός τυπικού ή μη γνώστη καθώς επίσης και η περιγραφή του πλαισίου στο οποίο αυτό συμβαίνει, είναι από τα σημαντικότερα προβλήματα που απασχολούν την σύγχρονη φιλοσοφική έρευνα. Στον γόνιμο διάλογο που έχει αναπτυχθεί τις τελευταίες δεκαετίες, ο Κουτούγκος συνεισφέρει με την περιγραφή του μοντέλου της μερικής συμφωνίας. Στην απλούστερη μορφή του αφορά την μονόδρομη επικοινωνία μεταξύ ενός ακροατή και ενός ομιλητή σχετικά με κάποιο δεδομένο για το οποίο δεν υπάρχει ταύτιση απόψεων. Βασικοί του στόχοι είναι (...)
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    RNA‐protein interactions: Central players in coordination of regulatory networks.Alexandros Armaos, Elsa Zacco, Natalia Sanchez de Groot & Gian Gaetano Tartaglia - 2021 - Bioessays 43 (2):2000118.
    Changes in the abundance of protein and RNA molecules can impair the formation of complexes in the cell leading to toxicity and death. Here we exploit the information contained in protein, RNA and DNA interaction networks to provide a comprehensive view of the regulation layers controlling the concentration‐dependent formation of assemblies in the cell. We present the emerging concept that RNAs can act as scaffolds to promote the formation ribonucleoprotein complexes and coordinate the post‐transcriptional layer of gene regulation. We describe (...)
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    Three Paradigms of Modern Freedom.Alexandros Kioupkiolis - 2009 - European Journal of Political Theory 8 (4):473-491.
    The paper makes a case for the new paradigm of freedom which has been elaborated by thinkers such as Cornelius Castoriadis and Michel Foucault. In response to the critique of the subject, freedom is construed now as limited and agonistic, calling for an ongoing struggle against various constraints. But this idea is coupled with a heightened appreciation of contingency and creativity. Individuals can bring new possibilities into existence, which go beyond any predefined alternatives. The paper argues that this is a (...)
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