Results for 'Alexandra Lusser'

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  1.  35
    Chromatin remodeling by ATP‐dependent molecular machines.Alexandra Lusser & James T. Kadonaga - 2003 - Bioessays 25 (12):1192-1200.
    The eukaryotic genome is packaged into a periodic nucleoprotein structure termed chromatin. The repeating unit of chromatin, the nucleosome, consists of DNA that is wound nearly two times around an octamer of histone proteins. To facilitate DNA‐directed processes in chromatin, it is often necessary to rearrange or to mobilize the nucleosomes. This remodeling of the nucleosomes is achieved by the action of chromatin‐remodeling complexes, which are a family of ATP‐dependent molecular machines. Chromatin‐remodeling factors share a related ATPase subunit and participate (...)
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    Método de estudio del alumnado de FLE (actitudes, estrategias y técnicas).Alexandra Martí - 2022 - Human Review. International Humanities Review / Revista Internacional de Humanidades 11 (5):1-14.
    El artículo analiza el método de estudio del alumnado de FLE con el objetivo de conocer: dónde y cómo estudian, qué planificación del trabajo establecen, qué apoyo reciben al estudio, cómo organizan sus apuntes y cómo preparan sus exámenes. Una vez que hayamos analizado los resultados del diagnóstico, daremos consejos al alumnado para enseñarle a estudiar eficazmente y con mayor autonomía. Pondremos en práctica el Aprendizaje Basado en el Pensamiento (ABP) formado por las destrezas de pensamiento, los hábitos de la (...)
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    Neuroscience and Facial Expressions of Emotion: The Role of Amygdala–Prefrontal Interactions.Paul J. Whalen, Hannah Raila, Randi Bennett, Alison Mattek, Annemarie Brown, James Taylor, Michelle van Tieghem, Alexandra Tanner, Matthew Miner & Amy Palmer - 2013 - Emotion Review 5 (1):78-83.
    The aim of this review is to show the fruitfulness of using images of facial expressions as experimental stimuli in order to study how neural systems support biologically relevant learning as it relates to social interactions. Here we consider facial expressions as naturally conditioned stimuli which, when presented in experimental paradigms, evoke activation in amygdala–prefrontal neural circuits that serve to decipher the predictive meaning of the expressions. Facial expressions offer a relatively innocuous strategy with which to investigate these normal variations (...)
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    Emotion matters: The influence of valence on episodic future thinking in young and older adults.Mónica C. Acevedo-Molina, Alexandra W. Novak, LiseAnne M. Gregoire, Leah G. Mann, Jessica R. Andrews-Hanna & Matthew D. Grilli - 2020 - Consciousness and Cognition 85:103023.
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    An Open-Source Cognitive Test Battery to Assess Human Attention and Memory.Maxime Adolphe, Masataka Sawayama, Denis Maurel, Alexandra Delmas, Pierre-Yves Oudeyer & Hélène Sauzéon - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Cognitive test batteries are widely used in diverse research fields, such as cognitive training, cognitive disorder assessment, or brain mechanism understanding. Although they need flexibility according to their usage objectives, most test batteries are not available as open-source software and are not be tuned by researchers in detail. The present study introduces an open-source cognitive test battery to assess attention and memory, using a javascript library, p5.js. Because of the ubiquitous nature of dynamic attention in our daily lives, it is (...)
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    Max Bense: Werk - Kontext - Wirkung.Andrea Albrecht, Masetto Bonitz, Alexandra Skowronski & Claus Zittel (eds.) - 2019 - Berlin: J.B. Metzler.
    Max Bense gilt als Vorreiter der Computerkunst und der Technikphilosophie und war ein engagierter Förderer von Kunst und Literatur, Promotor interdisziplinären Denkens und politischer Provokateur. Häufig ist es bei der Auseinandersetzung mit Bense jedoch bei diesen Etikettierungen geblieben. Der Sammelband nimmt daher eine konzertierte Neuaufnahme der Diskussion von Max Benses Arbeiten aus literaturwissenschaftlicher, philosophie- und wissenschaftshistorischer sowie aus medien- und ästhetiktheoretischer Perspektive vor. Er versammelt Beiträge zu Themenkomplexen wie der Semiotik, Technikphilosophie, experimentellen Poesie und Ästhetiktheorie, zu Benses lokalen und internationalen (...)
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  7. La conduite responsable en recherche en sciences humaines et sociales.Sihem Neila Abtroun, Marie-Alexia Masella, Marie-Alexandra Gagné & Bryn Williams-Jones - 2021 - In Christian Hervé & Michèle Stanton Jean, Ethique, intégrité scientifique et fausses nouvelles. pp. 121-134.
    Jusqu’à présent, les discussions au sein de la communauté universitaire et dans la littérature scientifique sur la conduite responsable en recherche (CRR), incluant l’intégrité scientifique et l’éthique de la recherche, ont principalement été menées par les chercheurs en sciences de la santé et en sciences fondamentales. Préoccupés, à juste titre, par des problèmes d’inconduite, leurs effets négatifs sur la rigueur scientifique et la confiance du public dans l’entreprise de la recherche, ces débats ont conduit à l’élaboration et à la mise (...)
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    Triage Policies at U.S. Hospitals with Pediatric Intensive Care Units.Erica K. Salter, Jay R. Malone, Amanda Berg, Annie B. Friedrich, Alexandra Hucker, Hillary King & Armand H. Matheny Antommaria - 2023 - AJOB Empirical Bioethics 14 (2):84-90.
    Objectives To characterize the prevalence and content of pediatric triage policies.Methods We surveyed and solicited policies from U.S. hospitals with pediatric intensive care units. Policies were analyzed using qualitative methods and coded by 2 investigators.Results Thirty-four of 120 institutions (28%) responded. Twenty-five (74%) were freestanding children’s hospitals and 9 (26%) were hospitals within a hospital. Nine (26%) had approved policies, 9 (26%) had draft policies, 5 (14%) were developing policies, and 7 (20%) did not have policies. Nineteen (68%) institutions shared (...)
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    Cell wall composition and candidate biosynthesis gene expression during rice development.Fan Lin, Chithra Manisseri, Alexandra Fagerström, Matthew L. Peck, Miguel E. Vega-Sánchez, Brian Williams, Dawn M. Chiniquy, Prasenjit Saha, Sivakumar Pattathil, Brian Conlin, Lan Zhu, Michael G. Hahn, William G. T. Willats, Henrik V. Scheller, Pamela C. Ronald & Laura E. Bartley - unknown
    © The Author 2016. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of Japanese Society of Plant Physiologists. All rights reserved.Cell walls of grasses, including cereal crops and biofuel grasses, comprise the majority of plant biomass and intimately influence plant growth, development and physiology. However, the functions of many cell wall synthesis genes, and the relationships among and the functions of cell wall components remain obscure. To better understand the patterns of cell wall accumulation and identify genes that act in grass (...)
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    Sostenibilidad y ecoeficiencia: Un modelo regional empresarial con una visión global (Colombia).Marlén Deyanira Melo Zamora & Mónica Alexandra Zarta Campos - 2022 - Human Review. International Humanities Review / Revista Internacional de Humanidades 11 (4):1-12.
    La presente investigación surge como parte del análisis para la creación de políticas de ecoeficiencia en las empresas y tiene como finalidad el conocer las buenas prácticas ambientales aplicadas por las empresas del sector servicios en la ciudad de Girardot. Se presenta como un estudio descriptivo-analítico con enfoque cualitativo, utilizando como instrumento la ficha de observación aplicada a una muestra de 30 empresas del sector de servicios. Dentro de los resultados obtenidos se encuentra la calificación de acuerdo con un puntaje (...)
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  11. Rational Suspension.Alexandra Zinke - 2021 - Theoria 87 (5):1050-1066.
    The article argues that there are different ways of justifying suspension of judgement. We suspend judgement not only privatively, that is, because we lack evidence, but also positively, that is, because there is evidence that provides reasons for suspending judgement: suspension is more than the rational fallback position in cases of insufficient evidence. The article applies the distinction to recent discussions about the role of suspension for inquiry, Turri's puzzle about withholding, and formal representations of suspension.
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  12. Ens et unum convertuntur: À propos de la théorie de la substance chez aristote (I) 1.Dominik Lusser - 2009 - Revue Thomiste 109 (1):79-116.
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    The Cosmic Perils of Qadi Ḥusayn Maybudī in Fifteenth-Century Iran.Alexandra W. Dunietz - 2015 - Brill.
    In _The Cosmic Perils of Qadi Ḥusayn Maybudī in Fifteenth-Century Iran_ Alexandra Dunietz explores the life and works of a provincial judge whose life exemplifies the intellectual, spiritual and political tensions of the Timurid, Ak Koyunlu and Safavid spheres.
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    Democracy and the Divine: The Phenomenon of Political Romanticism.Alexandra Aidler - 2019 - Lexington Books.
    Democracy and the Divine articulates a democracy that is based on the principle of giving oneself to another. For this project, the author highlights two traditions that rarely have been read side by side or considered seminal to the philosophical idea of democracy: nineteenth-century German romanticism and French postmodernism.
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  15. La liberté en tant que genèse du transcendantal chez Fichte.Alexandra Deligiorgi - 2001 - Archives de Philosophie 64 (4):695-708.
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  16. Intersubjectivity and Nonverbal Interactive Processes: My Love Affair with Romanesque Art.Alexandra Murray Harrison - 1996 - Common Knowledge 5:49-60.
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    WEIRD societies may be more compatible with human nature.Alexandra Maryanski - 2010 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 33 (2-3):103-104.
    Are WEIRD societies unrepresentative of humanity? According to Henrich et al., they are not useful for generalizing about humans because they are at the extreme end of the distribution for societal formations. In their vision, it is best to stick with the traditional societies for speculations about human nature. This commentary offers a more realistic starting point, and, oddly enough, concludes that WEIRD populations may be more compatible with humans' evolved nature than are most traditional societies.
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    Making blood ‘Melanesian’: Fieldwork and isolating techniques in genetic epidemiology.Alexandra Widmer - 2014 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part C: Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences 47:118-129.
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    Rethinking “mutualism” in diverse host‐symbiont communities.Alexandra A. Mushegian & Dieter Ebert - 2016 - Bioessays 38 (1):100-108.
    While examples of bacteria benefiting eukaryotes are increasingly documented, studies examining effects of eukaryote hosts on microbial fitness are rare. Beneficial bacteria are often called “mutualistic” even if mutual reciprocity of benefits has not been demonstrated and despite the plausibility of other explanations for these microbes' beneficial effects on host fitness. Furthermore, beneficial bacteria often occur in diverse communities, making mutualism both empirically and conceptually difficult to demonstrate. We suggest reserving the terms “mutualism” and “parasitism” for pairwise interactions where the (...)
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  20.  9
    Preservation of independence and Goodman's riddle.Alexandra Zinke - forthcoming - Philosophical Quarterly.
    The paper argues that relations of probabilistic independence between evidence statements must be preserved in enumerative induction. It further shows that, given such a preservation principle, there is a straightforward Bayesian solution to Goodman's new riddle of induction.
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  21.  26
    The Subcultural Struggle for Recognition: Misrecognition of the Goth subculture.Alexandra Fenderico - 2019 - South African Journal of Philosophy 38 (2):203-209.
    The purpose of this article is to examine the struggle of alternative subcultures for recognition from a philosophical perspective. This examination makes use of Honnethian critical theory to examine the philosophical dimensions of the formation of subcultural groups. More specifically, this article makes use of the Goth subculture as a case study in order to shed light on the centrality of the concept of recognition to the activities of subcultures, and to outline the material harms that follow from a lack (...)
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    : Reconfiguring the Portrait.Alexandra Irimia - 2025 - Critical Inquiry 51 (2):438-440.
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  23.  18
    Leibnizbilder im 18. und 19. Jahrhundert.Alexandra Lewendoski (ed.) - 2004 - Stuttgart: Steiner.
    Wie bedeutsam ist die Unterscheidung zwischen den Philosophien von Leibniz und Wolff? Was hat Leibniz' China-Bild fur Folgen? Welchen Einfluss hatte die Theodizee-Rezeption auf die Ubersetzung der Wertheimer Bibel?
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    The poetics of ancient greek memory and the historical imperative.Alexandra Lianeri - 2013 - History and Theory 52 (3):451-461.
    This book examines Greek engagements with the past as articulations of memory formulated against the contingency of chance associated with temporality. Based on a phenomenological understanding of temporality, it identifies four memorializing strategies: continuity , regularity , development, and acceptance of chance. This framework serves in pursuing a twofold aim: to reconstruct the literary field of memory in fifth-century bce Greece; and to interpret Greek historiography as a memorializing mode. The key contention advanced by this approach is that acts of (...)
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    Der Körper in der Askese bei Evagrios Pontikos und Philoxenos von Mabbug.Alexandra Stellmacher - 2016 - Paragrana: Internationale Zeitschrift für Historische Anthropologie 25 (1):89-109.
    Name der Zeitschrift: Paragrana Jahrgang: 25 Heft: 1 Seiten: 89-109.
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    Defining integers.Alexandra Shlapentokh - 2011 - Bulletin of Symbolic Logic 17 (2):230-251.
    This paper surveys the recent developments in the area that grew out of attempts to solve an analog of Hilbert's Tenth Problem for the field of rational numbers and the rings of integers of number fields. It is based on a plenary talk the author gave at the annual North American meeting of ASL at the University of Notre Dame in May of 2009.
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    Neurotechnologies and Identity Changes: What the Narrative View Can Add to the Story.Alexandra Zorila - 2023 - American Journal of Bioethics Neuroscience 14 (1):48-50.
    Do neuromodulation technologies change patients’ personal identities? Haeusermann et al. claim that there is not enough evidence to support this worry. In their study, participants, following a res...
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  28. Classifying emotion: A developmental account.Alexandra Zinck & Albert Newen - 2008 - Synthese 161 (1):1 - 25.
    The aim of this paper is to propose a systematic classification of emotions which can also characterize their nature. The first challenge we address is the submission of clear criteria for a theory of emotions that determine which mental phenomena are emotions and which are not. We suggest that emotions as a subclass of mental states are determined by their functional roles. The second and main challenge is the presentation of a classification and theory of emotions that can account for (...)
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    Diophantine undecidability in some rings of algebraic numbers of totally real infinite extensions of Q.Alexandra Shlapentokh - 1994 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 68 (3):299-325.
    This paper provides the first examples of rings of algebraic numbers containing the rings of algebraic integers of the infinite algebraic extensions of where Hilbert's Tenth Problem is undecidable.
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    Where Stool is a Drug: International Approaches to Regulating the use of Fecal Microbiota for Transplantation.Alexandra Scheeler - 2019 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 47 (4):524-540.
    Regulatory agencies vary widely in their classification of FMT, with significant impact on patient access. This article conducts a global survey of national regulations and collates existing FMT classification statuses, ultimately suggesting that the human cell and tissue product designation best fits FMT's characteristics and that definitional objectives to that classification may be overcome.
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  31. A BULLET for Invariance: Another Argument against the Invariance Criterion for Logical Terms.Alexandra Zinke - 2018 - Journal of Philosophy 115 (7):382-388.
    According to the classical invariance criterion, a term is logical if and only if its extension is isomorphism-invariant. However, a number of authors have devised examples that challenge the sufficiency of this condition: accepting these examples as logical constants would introduce objectionable contingent elements into logic. Recently, Gil Sagi has responded that these objections are based on a fallacious inference from the modal status of a sentence to the modal status of the proposition expressed by that sentence. The present paper (...)
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    Marital coitus across the life course.Alexandra Brewis & Mary Meyer - 2005 - Journal of Biosocial Science 37 (4):499-518.
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    On exhibiting representational validity.Alexandra Zinke - 2015 - Synthese 192 (4):1157-1171.
    We can distinguish two non-equivalent ways in which a natural language argument can be valid: it can be interpretationally or representationally valid. However, there is just one notion of classical first-order validity for formal languages: truth-preservation in all classical first-order models. To ease the tension, Baumgartner suggests that we should understand interpretational and representational validity as imposing different adequacy conditions on formalizations of natural language arguments. I argue against this proposal. To that end, I first show that Baumgartner’s definition of (...)
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  34. Self as cultural construct? An argument for levels of self-representations.Alexandra Zinck, Daniela Simon, Martin Schmidt-Daffy, Gottfried Vosgerau, Kirsten G. Volz, Anne Springer & Tobias Schlicht - 2009 - Philosophical Psychology 22 (6):687-709.
    In this paper, we put forward an interdisciplinary framework describing different levels of self-representations, namely non-conceptual, conceptual and propositional self-representations. We argue that these different levels of self-representation are differently affected by cultural upbringing: while propositional self-representations rely on “theoretical” concepts and are thus strongly influenced by cultural upbringing, non-conceptual self-representations are uniform across cultures and thus universal. This differentiation offers a theoretical specification of the distinction between an independent and interdependent self-construal put forward in cross-cultural psychology. Hence, this does (...)
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  35.  11
    Distraction: Problems of Attention in Eighteenth-Century Literature.Alexandra Bacalu - 2017 - Journal of Early Modern Studies 6 (2):155-161.
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    Let Us Return Ostranenie to Its Functional Role.Berlina Alexandra - 2018 - Common Knowledge 24 (1):8-25.
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    Collectors, Scholars, and Forgers in the Ancient World: Object Lessons by Carolyn Higbie.Alexandra Bounia - 2018 - American Journal of Philology 139 (4):716-718.
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    The ‘Westernisation’ of the Communist Elites in Romania: Elite Modernity, Integration and Change.Alexandra Iancu - 2016 - History of Communism in Europe 7:155-173.
    The ministerial recruitment strategies in Communist Romania are a symmetric replica of the elite selection patterns in parliamentary democracies. Starting with the mid-60s, all the major traditional pathways to power formally mirror mechanisms of the elite selection and differentiation, which are commonly encountered in Western democracies. During the Communist regime, “atypical” credentials such as education, academia, and the economic experiences also increased the likelihood of a promotion in public office. Starting from the notable differences between the Romanian elites and those (...)
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    Relationships Between Aerobic Fitness Levels and Cognitive Performance in Swedish Office Workers.Alexandra Pantzar, Lars S. Jonasson, Örjan Ekblom, Carl-Johan Boraxbekk & Maria M. Ekblom - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    New Perspectives in Japanese Bioethics.Alexandra Perry & C. D. Herrera (eds.) - 2015 - Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Press.
    Post-war Japan has seen profound and rapid social change and transformation. One of the most visible areas of change in Japan has been medicine, and particularly the ethical practices and policies that guide medical decision-making. The formal discipline of bioethics, Seimei Rinri in Japanese, has grown by leaps and bounds since the late 1970s, when it began to appear in the curriculum and professional activities of Japanese medical schools and philosophy departments. The introduction of bioethics to Japan was timely, as (...)
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  41. Interpretación y comprensión como puntos de partida hacia el diálogo intercultural.Alexandra Lobato Quesada - 2012 - In González de Luna, M. Eduardo, Mauricio Ávila Barba & Óscar Wingartz Plata, Problemas filosóficos interdisciplinarios de la ciencia, la tecnología y la sociedad. Santiago de Querétaro, Qro., México: Universidad Autónoma de Querétaro, Facultad de Filosofía.
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    First-order definitions of rational functions and S -integers over holomorphy rings of algebraic functions of characteristic 0.Alexandra Shlapentokh - 2005 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 136 (3):267-283.
    We consider the problem of constructing first-order definitions in the language of rings of holomorphy rings of one-variable function fields of characteristic 0 in their integral closures in finite extensions of their fraction fields and in bigger holomorphy subrings of their fraction fields. This line of questions is motivated by similar existential definability results over global fields and related questions of Diophantine decidability.
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  43. The Ethics of the Nuclear Security Summit Process.Alexandra I. Toma & Nuclear Terrorism Threat - forthcoming - Ethics.
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    Improving Learning through the Lifecourse.Alexandra Withnall - 2013 - British Journal of Educational Studies 61 (1):126-128.
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    Five Reasons to Doubt the Existence of a Geometric Module.Alexandra D. Twyman & Nora S. Newcombe - 2010 - Cognitive Science 34 (7):1315-1356.
    It is frequently claimed that the human mind is organized in a modular fashion, a hypothesis linked historically, though not inevitably, to the claim that many aspects of the human mind are innately specified. A specific instance of this line of thought is the proposal of an innately specified geometric module for human reorientation. From a massive modularity position, the reorientation module would be one of a large number that organized the mind. From the core knowledge position, the reorientation module (...)
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    Intimate Bureaucracies: Roadkill, Policy, and Fieldwork on the Shoulder.Alexandra Koelle - 2012 - Hypatia 27 (3):651-669.
    Over the last twenty years, wildlife biologists and transportation planners have worked with environmental groups and state and tribal governments to mitigate the effects of human transportation arteries on animal habitats and movements. This paper draws connections between this growing field of road ecology and feminist science studies in order to accomplish two things. First, it aims to highlight the often unacknowledged roots that the interdisciplinary field of animal studies has in feminist theory. Second, it seeks to contribute to conversations (...)
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  47. Reinterpreting logic.Alexandra Zinke - 2021 - In Gil Sagi & Jack Woods, The Semantic Conception of Logic : Essays on Consequence, Invariance, and Meaning. New York, NY: Cambridge University Press.
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    Uncertainty, Vagueness, and Rational Decision.Alexandra Zinke - forthcoming - Erkenntnis.
    Nicholas J.J. Smith (2014) has argued that there are different kinds of degrees of belief, but that they must be fused into one ‘all kinds considered’ degree of belief. We provide an example which shows that different kinds of degrees of belief can have diverging impacts on the rationality of a decision: there are cases in which two rational subjects with identical preferences and the same ‘all kinds considered’ degree of belief make different decisions. Thus, different kinds of degrees of (...)
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    Le corps, le rythme et l'esthétique sociale chez André Leroi-Gourhan.Alexandra Bidet - forthcoming - Rhuthmos.
    Cet article a déjà paru dans Techniques & Culture en ligne, 48-49 | 2007 Résumé : L'œuvre d'André Leroi-Gourhan est traversée par une anthropologie du rythme. Celle-ci ne part pas d'une socialité constituée, de rythmes dits « sociaux », mais inscrit au contraire l'analyse de la rythmicité dans une approche de l'homme comme être vivant, comme totalité indivise. Elle pose en des termes renouvelés le problème classique du groupement des hommes et des liens entre l'individu et son milieu. Avec la (...)
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    Teaching Modernity in Appalachia.Alexandra Bradner - 2008 - Teaching Philosophy 31 (3):229-247.
    Despite our interests in conceptual schemes, paradigms, styles of reasoning, levels of explanation, and populationist modes of theorizing, many philosophers ignore the fact that instruction occurs in situ. This paper highlights the importance of cultural location by reflecting upon the author’s experience as an instructor of modernity at Marshall University, a regional state institution in Huntington, West Virginia. For many Appalachian students, issues barely tolerated by others (as part of their required history sequence) are uniquely resonant. At the same time, (...)
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