Results for 'Alexander Dix'

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  1.  96
    Built-in privacy—no panacea, but a necessary condition for effective privacy protection.Alexander Dix - 2010 - Identity in the Information Society 3 (2):257-265.
    Built-in privacy has for too long been neglected by regulators. They have concentrated on reacting to violations of rules. Even imposing severe fines will however not address the basic issue that preventative privacy protection is much more meaningful. The paper discusses this in the context of the International Working Group on Data Protection in Telecommunications (“Berlin Group”) which has published numerous recommendations on privacy-compliant design of technical innovations. Social network services, road pricing schemes, and the distribution of digital media content (...)
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    Phénoménologie de l'espace-temps chez Marc Richir.Robert Alexander - 2013 - Grenoble: Jérôme Millon.
    Cet ouvrage est consacré à la refondation richirienne de la phénoménologie, à partir du traitement de la question de l'espace/temps phénoménologique archaïque. Par le biais de l'analyse de cette interrogation spatio-temporelle spécifique et de la pertinence qu'elle développe, l'objectif est double : d'une part, arriver à dégager un lieu de compréhensibilité, inédit, commun aux multiples enjeux les plus fondamentaux de la refonte et de la refondation de la phénoménologie transcendantale entreprises par Richir et, d'autre part, dans la foulée, permettre par (...)
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    Recadrer Mai 68 Une révolution prêt-à-porter.Alexander Zevin - 2010 - Revue Agone 44:155-172.
    À propos de la « pensée 68 » selon Serge AudierComme tous les dix ans, l’anniversaire de Mai 68 a donné lieu à un déluge de publications ; et, comme tous les dix ans, il fallait qu’émerge de la masse une poignée de titres qui dispenseraient de regarder les autres. Celui de Serge Audier fit partie de ceux-là, avec son titre accrocheur et toutes les apparences d’une grosse étude sérieuse sur un pan de l’histoire intellectuelle récen..
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  4. Confusing Universals and Particulars In Plato’s Early Dialogues.Alexander Nehamas - 1975 - Review of Metaphysics 29 (2):287 - 306.
    It is said that when Socrates is made to ask questions like "What is the pious and what the impious?", "What is courage?", or "What is the beautiful?", he is asking for the definition of a universal. For the "average" Greek of his time, however, this is a radically new question about a radically new sort of object, and Socrates’ interlocutors do not understand it. They usually answer it as if it were a different, if related, question: they tend to (...)
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  5. The normativity of meaning and content.Alexander Miller - 2021 - In Piotr Stalmaszczyk, The Cambridge Handbook of the Philosophy of Language. New York, NY: Cambridge University Press.
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    Quantifying the complexity of flow networks: How many roles are there?Alexander C. Zorach & Robert E. Ulanowicz - 2003 - Complexity 8 (3):68-76.
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  7. Theism and Pantheism.S. Alexander - 1926 - Hibbert Journal 25:251.
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    Hegel and the hermetic tradition.Glenn Alexander Magee - 2001 - Ithaca: Cornell University Press.
    Glenn Alexander Magee's controversial book argues that Hegel was decisively influenced by the Hermetic tradition, a body of thought with roots in Greco-Roman ...
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  9. Persona physica und persona moralis: Die Zurechnungsfähigkeit juristischer Personen nach Kant.Alexander Aichele - 2008 - Jahrbuch für Recht Und Ethik 16:3-23.
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    Baquedano, S."¿ Voluntad de vivir o voluntad de morir? El suicidio en Schopenhauer y Mainländer".Alexander Aldana - 2008 - Ideas Y Valores 57 (138):183-186.
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    Black women in academia.Margaret Walker Alexander - 1995 - In Beverly Guy-Sheftal, Words of Fire: An Anthology of African American Feminist Thought. The New Press.
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  12. Duhem, Pierre Maurice Marie.Peter Alexander - 1967 - In Paul Edwards, The Encyclopedia of philosophy. New York,: Macmillan. pp. 2--423.
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  13. L'art et la philosophie des Indiens de l'Amérique du Nord.Hartley Burr Alexander - 1928 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 105:469-470.
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    Living in a mindful universe: a neurosurgeon's journey into the heart of consciousness.Eben Alexander - 2017 - [Emmaus, Pennsylvania]: Rodale. Edited by Karen Newell.
    Aims to show that the brain is not responsible for consciousness, and uses this assertion to explore profound love and human connection.
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    Legal Rules and Legal Reasoning.Lawrence A. Alexander & Larry Alexander - 2000 - Dartmouth Publishing Company.
    This two-volume collection of essays brings together major contemporary theoretical works on freedom of speech. Volume I, begins with a theoretical overview of freedom of speech and then turns to the topics of what justifies freedom of speech and what kinds of acts raise free speech concerns. Volume II, examines the distinctions among content regulations and between content and content-neutral regulations. It also analyses the concept of the public forum, inciting and hateful speech and lastly the tension between the subsidizing (...)
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  16. Meaning in language.Hubert G. Alexander - 1969 - [Glenview, Ill.]: Scott, Foresman.
  17. Rationality and contingency : rhetoric, practice and legitimation in Almaty, Kazakhstan.Catherine Alexander - 2007 - In Jeanette Edwards, Penelope Harvey & Peter Wade, Anthropology and science: epistemologies in practice. New York: Berg.
  18.  15
    Shakespeare's Catholicism? or "You would pluck out the heart of my mystery.".Michael Alexander - 2000 - Logos: A Journal of Catholic Thought and Culture 3 (3):35-49.
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  19. The Amiable Tyranny of Peisistratus.W. H. Alexander - 1936 - Classical Weekly 30:127-135.
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  20. White, ed., Studies in Honour of Gilbert Norwood.W. H. Alexander - 1952 - Classical Weekly 46:153.
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  21. Why God became Man.H. B. Alexander - 1934 - Hibbert Journal 33:37.
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    Feminist Theory in Pursuit of the Public: Women and the Re-privatization of Labor (review).Alexander Means - 2011 - Symploke 19 (1-2):383-385.
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    Bare Functional Desire.Alexander Miller - unknown
    But this changes nothing. The decisive claim is that in assessing the counterfactuals implicit in (A) we do not have to take sceptical worlds into the reckoning, whereas we must do that in assessing (B) because (B) explicitly speaks of them. Accept, provisionally, what is here said about (B) and focus on the claim about (A). Nobody should make it unless they are already in a position to assert that the actual world is not a sceptical world. And with that (...)
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  24. Pacifism.Alexander Moseley - 2001 - Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
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  25. Democritus on the Distinction Between Universals and Particulars.Alexander Pd Mourelatos - 2003 - In Andreas Bächli & Klaus Petrus, Monism. Frankfurt: Ontos. pp. 43.
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  26. Political geography.Alexander B. Murphy - 2001 - In Neil J. Smelser & Paul B. Baltes, International Encyclopedia of the Social and Behavioral Sciences. Elsevier.
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  27. Raleigh lecture on history.Alexander Murray - 2005 - Proceedings of the British Academy: Volume 131, 2004 Lectures 131:91.
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  28. Fractionation and lacalization of distinct frontal lobe processes: Evidence from focal lesions in humans.D. T. Stuss, M. P. Alexander, D. Floden, M. A. Binns, B. Levine, A. R. McIntosh & R. T. Knight - 2002 - In Donald T. Stuss & Robert T. Knight, Principles of Frontal Lobe Function. Oxford University Press.
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    Personal Values and Intergroup Empathy.Alexander Zibenberg & Haggai Kupermintz - 2016 - Journal of Human Values 22 (3):180-193.
    Empirical evidence shows that personal values have an influence on empathy in intrapersonal relationships. We examine the relationship between the values of self-enhancement and self-transcendence among members of the majority group (Israeli Jews) and empathy towards in-group and out-group members (Israeli Arabs). Two hundred and ninety-seven Israeli Jewish students took part in the study. While the results show that self-transcendence values have a consistent effect on empathy whether it is towards in-group or out-group members, the hypotheses regarding the impact of (...)
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  30.  6
    Cinco países - um destino?Alexander Zhebit - 2012 - Dialogos 16 (1).
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    (1 other version)Proliferação nuclear no pós-Guerra Fria.Alexander A. Z. Zhebit - 2008 - Diálogos (Maringa) 12 (2-3).
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    Ein unbekanntes byzantinisches Kleinkapitell aus Kauniōn Panormos.Alexander Zäh - 2005 - Byzantinische Zeitschrift 98 (2):569-574.
    Einleitung Die Ausbreitung des Massentourismus und die Grundstücksspekulation gefährden frühbyzantinische und byzantinische archäologische Stätten im südwestlichen Kleinasien akut. Wie nun schon in den 1980er Jahren ein Vier-Sterne-Hotel einer spanischen Hotelkette direkt in das weit ausgedehnte spätantike und byzantinische Ruinengebiet von Kauniōn Panormos, das mittelalterliche Prepia (der heutige Name des benachbar ten Örtchens ist Sarigerme), das an der Mündung des Sarisu Çayi – zu deutsch: Gelbwasser-Fluß – im westlichen Lykien gelegen ist, hineingebaut wurde, so sind nun schon vorbereitende Hotelbauarbeiten im Auftrage (...)
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    Levels, Domains, Invariant Motifs.Alexander Zholkovsky - 1983 - Semiotics:333-345.
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    Poetry of Grammar, Poetic Worlds and Grammatical Motifs.Alexander Zholkovsky - 1982 - Semiotics:129-138.
  35.  13
    Differences in learning ability of two strains of Hemigrammus caudovittatus.Alexander Y. Zhuikov - 1991 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 29 (6):547-548.
  36.  30
    Vincenzo RUGGIERI, La Caria Bizantina: topografia, archeologia ed arte (Mylasa, Stratonikeia, Bargylia, Myndus, Halicarnassus).Alexander Zäh - 2006 - Byzantinische Zeitschrift 99 (2):687-691.
    Diese neueste Buchveröffentlichung von Professor Vincenzo RUGGIERI SJ, der am Pontificio Istituto Orientale in Rom byzantinische Archäologie und byzantinische Geschichte lehrt, stellt einige archäologische byzantinische Stätten aus seinem traditionellen Forschungsgebiet in der historischen Kirchenprovinz Karien vor, die im westlichen Kleinasien gelegen war. Hier wartet R. nun zum größten Teil mit von ihm selbst aufgefundenen und erforschten Monumenten auf und das vorgelegte Werk kann als die geographisch nördliche Fortsetzung der im selben Verlag bereits im Jahre 2003 erschienenen stattlichen und sehr umfangreichen (...)
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  37.  13
    Nietzscheforschung 14." Nietzsche und Europa—Nietzsche in Europa"(review).Alexander-Maria Zibis - 2009 - Journal of Nietzsche Studies 37 (1):109-113.
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    Ist sportlicher Erfolg käuflich? Eine diskriminanzanalytische Untersuchung der zentralen Erfolgsfaktoren in der Fußball-Bundesliga / Unlimited Venality of Sporting Success? A Differentiating Analysis of Success Related Factors Concerning the First German Soccer League.Alexander Ziebs - 2004 - Sport Und Gesellschaft 1 (1):30-49.
    Zusammenfassung Im Rahmen dieses Beitrags soll der Versuch unternommen werden, eine Antwort auf die Frage zu geben, welche Faktoren für den sportlichen Erfolg im modernen Berufsfußball verantwortlich sind bzw. hinsichtlich welcher Faktoren sich die sportlich erfolgreichen Vereine von den weniger erfolgreichen Vereinen unterscheiden. In diesem Zusammenhang ist insbesondere von Interesse, ob der sportliche Erfolg, wie vielfach behauptet wird, ausschließlich von monetären Faktoren determiniert wird und damit sprichwörtlich käuflich ist. Zu diesem Zweck wird eine diskriminanzanalytische Untersuchung möglicher Erfolgsfaktoren durchgeführt, wobei es (...)
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  39.  16
    Das mehrsortige axiomatische System MS.Alexander Zimmermann - 2008 - Conceptus: Zeitschrift Fur Philosophie 37 (92):23-54.
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    Re-examining the law of iterated expectations for Choquet decision makers.Alexander Zimper - 2011 - Theory and Decision 71 (4):669-677.
    Yoo (Economic Letters 37:145–149, 1991) argues that the law of iterated expectations must be violated if the probability measure of a Choquet decision maker is non-additive. In this article, we prove the positive result that the law of iterated expectations is satisfied for Choquet decision makers whenever they update their non-additive beliefs in accordance with the Sarin and Wakker (Journal of Risk and Uncertainty 16:223–250, 1998) update rule. The formal key to this result is the act-dependence of the Sarin–Wakker update (...)
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    Strategic games with security and potential level players.Alexander Zimper - 2007 - Theory and Decision 63 (1):53-78.
    This paper examines the existence of strategic solutions to finite normal form games under the assumption that strategy choices can be described as choices among lotteries where players have security- and potential level preferences over lotteries (e.g., Cohen, Theory and Decision, 33, 101–104, 1992, Gilboa, Journal of Mathematical Psychology, 32, 405–420, 1988, Jaffray, Theory and Decision, 24, 169–200, 1988). Since security- and potential level preferences require discontinuous utility representations, standard existence results for Nash equilibria in mixed strategies (Nash, Proceedings of (...)
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    Die Heilung durch den Geist.Alexander Herzberg - 1931 - Erkenntnis 2 (1):303-304.
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  43. Psychosomatic Medicine.Franz Alexander - 1953 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 4 (15):260-262.
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  44. Metaphysics in the twelfth century: on the relationship among philosophy, science, and theology.Matthias Lutz-Bachmann, Alexander Fidora & Andreas Niederberger (eds.) - 2004 - Turnhout: Brepols Publishers.
    Although metaphysics as a discipline can hardly be separated from Aristotle and his works, the questions it raises were certainly known to authors even before the reception of Aristotle in the thirteenth century. Even without the explicit use of this term the twelfth century manifested a strong interest in metaphysical questions under the guise of «natural philosophy» or «divine science», leading M.-D. Chenu to coin the expression of a twelfth century «éveil métaphysique». In their commentaries on Boethius and under the (...)
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    Perception of temporally interleaved ambiguous patterns.Alexander Maier, Melanie Wilke, Nikos K. Logothetis & David A. Leopold - 2003 - Current Biology.
    Background: Continuous viewing of ambiguous patterns is characterized by wavering perception that alternates between two or more equally valid visual solutions. However, when such patterns are viewed intermittently, either by repetitive presentation or by periodic closing of the eyes, perception can become locked or "frozen" in one configuration for several minutes at a time. One aspect of this stabilization is the possible existence of a perceptual memory that persists during periods in which the ambiguous stimulus is absent. Here, we use (...)
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  46.  77
    John Dewey and the Moral Imagination: Beyond Putnam and Rorty toward a Postmodern Ethics.Thomas M. Alexander - 1993 - Transactions of the Charles S. Peirce Society 29 (3):369 - 400.
  47.  16
    Russian Philosophy in the Twenty-First Century: An Anthology.Mikhail Sergeev, Alexander Nikolaevich Chumakov & Mary Elizabeth Theis (eds.) - 2020 - Boston: Brill | Rodopi.
    _Russian Philosophy in the Twenty-First Century: An Anthology_ presents a variety of contemporary philosophic problems found in the works of prominent Russian thinkers, ranging from social and political matters and pressing cultural issues to insights into modern science and mounting global challenges.
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  48. The Humean Elements of Rawls' Political Philosophy.Angela Coventry & Alexander Sager - 2013 - In Angela Coventry & Alexander Sager, Hume and Contemporary Political Philosophy. Cambridge Scholars Publishing. pp. 241-265.
    David Hume is a constant, but underappreciated presence in John Rawls’ work. This paper attempts to uncover and explicate the core Humean elements in Rawls’ philosophy and advocates for the merits of a more Humean Rawls. Though Rawls’ familiarity with Hume is well known and his commentators frequently mention the importance of Hume’s circumstances of justice, the depth and range of the Humean influence has not been sufficiently understood. Commentators have been too quick to accept Rawls’ own account of Hume (...)
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  49. A critique of Jean-Paul Sartre's ontology.Maurice Alexander Natanson - 1951 - New York,: Haskell House Publishers.
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  50. (2 other versions)Helmuth von Glasenapp: Die Religionen Indiens. [REVIEW]Alexander Zieseniss - 1944 - Société Française de Philosophie, Bulletin 44:285.
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