Results for 'Alessandro Bencivenga'

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  1.  34
    A viscoelastic analysis of inelastic X-ray scattering spectra from He/Ne mixtures.Maria Grazia Izzo, Filippo Bencivenga, Alessandro Gessini, Alessandro Cunsolo & Claudio Masciovecchio - 2011 - Philosophical Magazine 91 (13-15):1767-1775.
  2.  11
    Ovid's exilic language - (c.) di giovine metafore E lessico Della relegazione. Studio sulle opere ovidiane dal ponto. (Il carro di medea 1.) pp. 173. Rome: Deinotera editrice, 2020. Paper, €18. Isbn: 978-88-89951-40-8. [REVIEW]Alessandro Bencivenga - 2022 - The Classical Review 72 (1):165-167.
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  3. Quantum metaphysical indeterminacy and worldly incompleteness.Alessandro Torza - 2020 - Synthese 197:4251-4264.
    An influential theory has it that metaphysical indeterminacy occurs just when reality can be made completely precise in multiple ways. That characterization is formulated by employing the modal apparatus of ersatz possible worlds. As quantum physics taught us, reality cannot be made completely precise. I meet the challenge by providing an alternative theory which preserves the use of ersatz worlds but rejects the precisificational view of metaphysical indeterminacy. The upshot of the proposed theory is that it is metaphysically indeterminate whether (...)
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  4. Indeterminacy in the World.Alessandro Torza - 2023 - Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
    The way we represent the world in thought and language is shot through with indeterminacy: we speak of red apples and yellow apples without thereby committing to any sharp cutoff between the application of the predicate ‘red’ and of the predicate ‘yellow’. But can reality itself be indeterminate? In other words, can indeterminacy originate in the mind-independent world, and not only in our representations? If so, can the phenomenon also arise at the microscopic scale of fundamental physics? Section 1 of (...)
  5. Modal Conceptions of Essence.Alessandro Torza - 2024 - In Kathrin Koslicki & Michael J. Raven, The Routledge Handbook of Essence in Philosophy. New York, NY: Routledge.
    Philosophers distinguish between having a property essentially and having it accidentally. The way the distinction has been drawn suggests that it is modal in character, and so that it can be captured in terms of necessity, or cognate notions. The present chapter takes the suggestion at face value by considering a number of modal characterizations of the essential/accidental distinction that have been articulated and discussed since the early 20th century, as well as some of the challenges that they face.
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  6. The Wealth of Ideas: A History of Economic Thought.Alessandro Roncaglia - 2005 - Cambridge University Press.
    The Wealth of Ideas, first published in 2005, traces the history of economic thought, from its prehistory to the present day. In this eloquently written, scientifically rigorous and well documented book, chapters on William Petty, Adam Smith, David Ricardo, Karl Marx, William Stanley Jevons, Carl Menger, Léon Walras, Alfred Marshall, John Maynard Keynes, Joseph Schumpeter and Piero Sraffa alternate with chapters on other important figures and on debates of the period. Economic thought is seen as developing between two opposite poles: (...)
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    Biomedical Big Data: New Models of Control Over Access, Use and Governance.Alessandro Blasimme & Effy Vayena - 2017 - Journal of Bioethical Inquiry 14 (4):501-513.
    Empirical evidence suggests that while people hold the capacity to control their data in high regard, they increasingly experience a loss of control over their data in the online world. The capacity to exert control over the generation and flow of personal information is a fundamental premise to important values such as autonomy, privacy, and trust. In healthcare and clinical research this capacity is generally achieved indirectly, by agreeing to specific conditions of informational exposure. Such conditions can be openly stated (...)
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  8. Derivative Metaphysical Indeterminacy and Quantum Physics.Alessandro Torza - 2022 - In Valia Allori, Quantum Mechanics and Fundamentality: Naturalizing Quantum Theory between Scientific Realism and Ontological Indeterminacy. Cham: Springer. pp. 337-350.
    This chapter argues that quantum indeterminacy can be construed as a merely derivative phenomenon. The possibility of merely derivative quantum indeterminacy undermines both a recent argument against quantum indeterminacy due to David Glick, and an argument against the possibility of merely derivative indeterminacy due to Elizabeth Barnes.
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  9. History, Markets,and Revolutions: Reviewing Foucault’s Contribution to the Analysis of Political Temporality.Alessandro Volpi & Alessio Porrino - 2024 - Foucault Studies 34 (1):350-376.
    This article explores the Foucauldian analysis of the linkage between temporality and politics, addressing mainly two loci of Foucault’s production: the assessment of the post-WWII ordoliberal experience in The Birth of Biopoliticsand the Iran reportage for “Corriere Della Sera”. The article emphasizes the relevance of Foucault’s assessment of ordoliberal Germany for contemporary studies on neoliberalism and inscribes Foucault in a wider tradition of thought on the relevance of history and temporality for the comprehension of political dynamics. In TBoB, Foucault offered (...)
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    Anxious ultimatums: How anxiety disorders affect socioeconomic behaviour.Alessandro Grecucci, Cinzia Giorgetta, Paolo Brambilla, Sophia Zuanon, Laura Perini, Matteo Balestrieri, Nicolao Bonini & Alan G. Sanfey - 2013 - Cognition and Emotion 27 (2):230-244.
    Although the role of emotion in socioeconomic decision making is increasingly recognised, the impact of specific emotional disorders, such as anxiety disorders, on these decisions has been surprisingly neglected. Twenty anxious patients and twenty matched controls completed a commonly used socioeconomic task (the Ultimatum Game), in which they had to accept or reject monetary offers from other players. Anxious patients accepted significantly more unfair offers than controls. We discuss the implications of these findings in light of recent models of anxiety, (...)
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  11. Language in the Ontology Room.Alessandro Torza - forthcoming - In Hilary Nesi & Petar Milin, International Encyclopedia of Language and Linguistics. Elsevier.
    The way we answer questions about what there is crucially depends on the language and the logic in which they are framed. This entry introduces the orthodox view on how to carry out such debates, as was formulated by W. V. O. Quine, as well as a number of influential alternatives. A further issue that is explored is whether disagreement about what there is turns on mind-independent features of reality, or it is an artifact of language.
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  12.  26
    Evolutionary developmental biology does not offer a significant challenge to the neo-Darwinian paradigm.Alessandro Minelli - 2009 - In Francisco José Ayala & Robert Arp, Contemporary debates in philosophy of biology. Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 213–226.
    This chapter contains sections titled: Introduction The Evolving Evolutionary Synthesis Population Genetics vs. Developmental Genetics Evo‐Devo's Central Target: The Study of Evolvability Origins? Conclusion Postscript: Counterpoint Acknowledgments References.
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  13.  39
    Animal Development, an Open-Ended Segment of Life.Alessandro Minelli - 2011 - Biological Theory 6 (1):4-15.
    No comprehensive theory of development is available yet. Traditionally, we regard the development of animals as a sequence of changes through which an adult multicellular animal is produced, starting from a single cell which is usually a fertilized egg, through increasingly complex stages. However, many phenomena that would not qualify as developmental according to these criteria would nevertheless qualify as developmental in that they imply nontrivial (e.g., non degenerative) changes of form, and/or substantial changes in gene expression. A broad, comparative (...)
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  14.  19
    Doing Justice to Solidarity: On the Moral Role of Mutual Support.Alessandro Volpe - 2023 - Phenomenology and Mind 24:258-268.
    The value of solidarity, which implies mutual concern and support, is often conveyed in our everyday moral and political language. But what is its conceptual relationship with justice? Influential positions in this debate may argue for the opposition between the two concepts: justice is impartial and universal, while solidarity is partial and limited. The present paper aims to shortly explore a range of theories that may exemplify possible answers to this position, from communitarian and realist views, which ultimately confirm the (...)
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    Methodological Foundations of Macroeconomics: Keynes and Lucas.Alessandro Vercelli - 1991 - Cambridge University Press.
    This book is an investigation of the methodological and epistemological foundations of macroeconomic theory, based on an examination of the theories of Keynes and Lucas. It is divided into two parts. In the first Professor Vercelli discusses the methodological issues which lie behind the conflict among different schools of thought in macroeconomics. These issues are central to the current debate not only in many branches of economics, but also in other scientific disciplines. The traditional point of view of science based (...)
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  16. Ideology in a Desert Landscape.Alessandro Torza - 2017 - Philosophical Issues 27 (1):383-406.
    On one influential view, metaphysical fundamentality can be understood in terms of joint‐carving. Ted Sider has recently argued that (i) some first order quantifier is joint‐carving, and (ii) modal notions are not joint‐carving. After vindicating the theoretical indispensability of quantification against recent criticism, I will defend a logical result due to Arnold Koslow which implies that (i) and (ii) are incompatible. I will therefore consider an alternative understanding of Sider's metaphysics to the effect that (i) some first order quantifier is (...)
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  17. Quantum metametaphysics.Alessandro Torza - 2021 - Synthese 199 (3-4):1-25.
    Say that metaphysical indeterminacy occurs just when there is a fact such that neither it nor its negation obtains. The aim of this work is to shed light on the issue of whether orthodox quantum mechanics provides any evidence of metaphysical indeterminacy by discussing the logical, semantic, and broadly methodological presuppositions of the debate. I argue that the dispute amounts to a verbal disagreement between classical and quantum logicians, given Eli Hirsch’s account of substantivity; but that it need not be (...)
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    For an Asian History of Modern Asia.Jean Chesneaux, Alessandro Ferace & Nelda Cantarella - 1966 - Diogenes 14 (55):104-119.
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  19. Towards adaptive governance in big data health research : implementing regulatory principles.Effy Vayena & Alessandro Blasimme - 2021 - In Graeme T. Laurie, The Cambridge handbook of health research regulation. New York, NY: Cambridge University Press.
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    More on Wadge determinacy.Alessandro Andretta - 2006 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 144 (1-3):2-32.
    We show that the semi-linear ordering principle for continuous functions implies the determinacy of all Wadge and Lipschitz games.
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  21. Laws of Nature and Theory Choice.Alessandro Torza - 2022 - Synthese 200 (6):1-28.
    I articulate a Global Best-System Account (GBSA) of laws of nature along broadly Mill–Ramsey–Lewis lines. The guiding idea is that the job of laws is to capture real patterns across time—where a pattern is real if it allows to compress information about matters of particular fact. The GBSA’s key ingredient is a definition of ‘best system’ in terms of a ranking method that meets a number of desiderata: it is rigorously defined; it outputs the ranking based on the candidate systems’ (...)
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  22. Must Psychologists Be Dualists?Alessandro Antonietti - 2008 - In Alessandro Antonietti, Antonella Corradini & Jonathan E. Lowe, Psycho-Physical Dualism Today: An Interdisciplinary Approach. Lexington Books. pp. 37--67.
  23. Necessarily Maybe. Quantifiers, Modality and Vagueness.Alessandro Torza - 2015 - In Quantifiers, Quantifiers, and Quantifiers. Themes in Logic, Metaphysics, and Language. (Synthese Library vol. 373). Springer. pp. 367-387.
    Languages involving modalities and languages involving vagueness have each been thoroughly studied. On the other hand, virtually nothing has been said about the interaction of modality and vagueness. This paper aims to start filling that gap. Section 1 is a discussion of various possible sources of vague modality. Section 2 puts forward a model theory for a quantified language with operators for modality and vagueness. The model theory is followed by a discussion of the resulting logic. In Section 3, the (...)
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  24.  19
    Situating evaluativism in psychiatry: on the axiological dimension of phenomenological psychopathology and Fulford’s value-based practice.Alessandro Guardascione - 2025 - Philosophical Psychology 38 (1):267-303.
    Evaluativists hold that psychiatric disorders have a factual and evaluative dimension and recognize that psychiatric patients have an active role in shaping their symptoms, influencing the development of their disorders, and the outcome of psychiatric therapy. This is reflected in person-centered approaches that explicitly consider the role of values in psychiatric conceptualization, classification, and decision-making. In this respect, in light of the recent partnership between Fulford’s value-based practice (VBP), and Stanghellini’s phenomenological-hermeneutic-dynamical (P.H.D) psychotherapy method, this paper presents a comparative analysis (...)
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    Equivalence between Wadge and Lipschitz determinacy.Alessandro Andretta - 2003 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 123 (1-3):163-192.
    We prove that the determinacy of all Lipschitz games, the determinacy of all Wadge games, and the semi-linear ordering principle for Lipschitz maps are all equivalent.
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  26. Models for Counterparts.Alessandro Torza - 2011 - Axiomathes 21 (4):553-579.
    Lewis proposed to test the validity of a modal thesis by checking whether its possible-world translation is a theorem of counterpart theory. However, that criterion fails to validate many standard modal laws, thus raising doubts about the logical adequacy of the Lewisian framework. The present paper considers systems of counterpart theory of increasing strength and shows how each can be motivated by exhibiting a suitable intended model. In particular, perfect counterpart theory validates all the desired modal laws and therefore provides (...)
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  27. How to Lewis a Kripke–Hintikka.Alessandro Torza - 2013 - Synthese 190 (4):743-779.
    It has been argued that a combination of game-theoretic semantics and independence-friendly (IF) languages can provide a novel approach to the conceptual foundations of mathematics and the sciences. I introduce and motivate an IF first-order modal language endowed with a game-theoretic semantics of perfect information. The resulting interpretive independence-friendly logic (IIF) allows to formulate some basic model-theoretic notions that are inexpressible in the ordinary quantified modal logic. Moreover, I argue that some key concepts of Kripke’s new theory of reference are (...)
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    Leibniz, the microscope and the concept of preformation.Alessandro Becchi - 2017 - History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences 39 (1):4.
    In recent years a certain emphasis has been put by some scholars on Leibniz’s concern about empirical sciences and the relations between such concern and the development of his mature metaphysical system. In this paper I focus on Leibniz’s interest for the microscope and the astonishing discoveries that such instrument made possible in the field of the life sciences during the last part of the Seventeenth century. The observation of physical bodies carried out by the “magnifying glasses” revealed a matter (...)
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    Climate Activism, Sovereignty, and the Role of States: Envisioning Post-Liberal Climate Governance.Alessandro Volpi - 2023 - Filozofia 78 (10S):104-119.
    This paper examines the relationship between climate movements and states in climate governance, suggesting that movements may improve their political output by adopting a sovereignty-based, democratic framing of their agenda. The ambivalent attitude of climate movements and Green Deal supporters concerning the desired role of states is reconstructed. Moreover, a multidisciplinary review of the literature supporting a “return of the state” in climate politics is offered. Drawing on the critical literature on neoliberal environmentalism and the role of states within globalization, (...)
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  30. Il Lullismo in Italia: itinerario storico-critico: volume miscellaneo in occasione del VII centenario della morte di Raimondo Lullo, in memoria di Alessandro Musco.Marta M. M. Romano & Alessandro Musco (eds.) - 2015 - Roma: Edizioni Antonianum.
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    A Preliminary List and Description of the Nyāyamañjarī Manuscripts.Alessandro Graheli - 2012 - Journal of Indian Philosophy 40 (3):317-337.
    The present paper is an inventory and a description of the known manuscripts of the Nyāyamañjarī, meant as a tool for philological research on Bhaṭṭa Jayanta’s magnum opus. The inventory is gradually built through a systematic analysis of archival data found in catalogi catalogorum, bibliographies of catalogues, individual catalogues, unpublished lists, and editions of the Nyāyamañjarī. The list is followed by a concise description of each manuscript, including an external description, an outline of the contents, and historical information.
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    Epistemology of Textual Re-use in the Nyāyamañjarī.Alessandro Graheli - 2015 - Journal of Indian Philosophy 43 (2-3):137-170.
    The epistemology of śabda is one of the main themes in Bhaṭṭa Jayanta’s Nyāyamañjarī, and, in the hypotheses explored in this paper, also the conceptual basis of Jayanta’s textual re-use. The sixth chapter of the Nyāyamañjarī contains a debate between Vaiyākaraṇas and Mīmāṃsakas who, respectively, advocated an holistic or atomistic theory of language. Selected Jayanta’s re-uses from Vyākaraṇa, Mīmāṃsā, and Nyāya sources are here surveyed and analyzed, with a focus on their meaning and on the context. The method of analysis (...)
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    History and transmission of the Nyāyamañjarī: critical edition of the section on the Sphoṭa.Alessandro Graheli - 2015 - Wien: Verlag der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften. Edited by Jayanta Bhaṭṭa.
    The Nyayamanjari was composed in Kashmir, in the ninth century CE, by Bhatta Jayanta. It is a compendium of theses concerning ontological, epistemological and linguistic issues developed in the classical period of Indian philosophy. Jayanta's approximate date is confirmed by both internal and external evidences, so the Nyayamanjari has become a landmark in the historiography of Indian philosophy. Despite its relevance, however, the history of the textual transmission of the Nyayamanjari is in many respects still unknown. This new critical edition (...)
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  34. Jayanta Bhaṭṭa's Flowers of Reasoning.Alessandro Graheli - 2020 - In Malcolm Keating, Controversial Reasoning in Indian Philosophy: Major Texts and Arguments on Arthâpatti. London: Bloomsbury Academic Publishing.
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    The caitanya vaịṣnava vedānta of jīva gosvāmī: When knowledge meets devotion (review).Alessandro Graheli - 2010 - Philosophy East and West 60 (2):pp. 306-310.
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    Avviamento allo studio del diritto.Alessandro Groppali - 1951 - Milano,: Giuffrè.
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    The Economics of Economists: Institutional Setting, Individual Incentives and Future Prospects.Alessandro Lanteri & Jack Vromen (eds.) - 2014 - Cambridge University Press.
    The profession of academic economics has been widely criticized for being excessively dependent on technical models based on unrealistic assumptions about rationality and individual behavior, and yet it remains a sparsely studied area. This volume presents a series of background readings on the profession by leading scholars in the history of economic thought and economic methodology. Adopting a fresh critique, the contributors investigate the individual incentives prevalent in academic economics, describing economists as rational actors who react to their intellectual environment (...)
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  38.  12
    Creative Thinking and Dyscalculia: Conjectures About a Still Unexplored Link.Sara Magenes, Alessandro Antonietti & Alice Cancer - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
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    Scienza e classe operaia: atti del Seminario organizzato da docenti e studenti della Facoltà di architettura del Politecnico di Milano, con l'adesione del Movimento lavoratori per il socialismo e Democrazia proletaria.Oliviero Tronconi & Alessandro Samele (eds.) - 1978 - Milano: Clup.
  40. Strumenti del Pensiero. Vol. 2.Stefano Velotti & Alessandro Conti (eds.) - 2019 - Laterza.
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    The "What" problem: the emergence of new goals in a robot.Marco Alessandro Villamira - unknown
    - Biological and cognitive systems have the capa- bility of developing new goals during phylogenesis of species or during ontogenesis of single individuals. On the other hand, current artificial cognitive systems focus on how achieving a given fixed set of hard-wired goals. They search an optimal solution of a problem, given a set of goals and a set of optimiza- tion criteria. They look for “how” to achieve a given goal. Natural agents develop new goals in order to cope with (...)
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  42. 'Identity' without Identity.Alessandro Torza - 2012 - Mind 121 (481):67-95.
    I introduce and defend the semantic notion of counterfactual identity, distinguishing it from the metaphysical notion of transworld identity. After showing that Lewis's counterpart theory misconstrues counterfactual identity facts, I outline and motivate a ‘Leibnizian counterpart theory’ where the notion of counterfactual identity is adequately modelled. Finally, I show that counterfactual identity can be characterized without relying on some implausible features of Lewis's theory of conditionals.
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    Aldous Huxley: The Political Thought of a Man of Letters.Alessandro Maurini - 2016 - Lexington Books.
    Aldous Huxley: The Political Thought of a Man of Letters examines Huxley’s political thinking through an analysis of Brave New World, his most successful political manifesto. This book highlights his contributions to contemporary political theory.
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    The physiology of ancient greek reading.Alessandro Vatri - 2012 - Classical Quarterly 62 (2):633-647.
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    An algebra whose subalgebras are characterized by density.Alessandro Vignati - 2015 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 80 (3):1066-1074.
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    Filosofare, cura e orientamento al valore.Alessandro Volpone (ed.) - 2009 - Napoli: Liguori.
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  47. A characterization of haecceitism.Alessandro Torza - 2011 - Analytic Philosophy 52 (4):262-266.
    Anti-haecceitism is the thesis that things cannot differ from actuality in a purely non-qualitative fashion. Anti-haecceitism being a modal notion, we would expect it to be explicable in terms of possible worlds. Bradford Skow denied that, arguing that alternative conceptions of possible worlds prompt non-equivalent characterizations of anti-haecceitism. Therefore, the haecceitism debate should take place in the modal language, rather than in the language of possible worlds. The aim of this paper is to provide a metaphysically neutral possible-world characterization of (...)
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  48.  18
    “The general secret of rendering signs effective:” on the Aristotelian roots of Peirce’s conception of rhetoric as a dynamis, téchne and semeiotic form of the summum bonum.Alessandro Topa - 2020 - Cognitio 20 (2):404-428.
    Neste e no próximo artigo, buscamos articular a visão compreensiva arquitetônica de Peirce a respeito do fenômeno da retórica relacionando sua abordagem em Ideas, Stray or Stolen, about Scientific Writing com seu tratamento na classificação muito negligenciado das ciências práticas. Neste artigo, primeiro, reconstruímos o principal eixo conceitual de Ideas, Stray or Stolen, que é erguido pelos termos ‘arte universal da retórica’, ‘retórica ordinária’, e ‘retórica especulativa’. Na medida em que este eixo nos guia para a classificação dos estudos especiais (...)
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    Poesie in tempo di guerra.Ija Kiva & Alessandro Achilli - forthcoming - la Società Degli Individui.
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    Peirce’s Speculative Grammar: Logic as Semiotics.Alessandro R. R. Topa - 2019 - Cognitio 20 (1):180-202.
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