Results for 'Albion Roy King'

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  1.  2
    The problem of evil.Albion Roy King - 1952 - New York,: Ronald Press Co..
  2. The German revolt against modernism.Albion R. King - 1931 - Pacific Philosophical Quarterly 12 (2):107.
  3. Kant and the king: Lying promises, conventional implicature, and hypocrisy.Roy Sorensen & Ian Proops - 2024 - Ratio 37 (1):51-63.
    Immanuel Kant promised, ‘as Your Majesty's loyal subject’, to abstain from all public lectures about religion. All past commentators agree this phrase permitted Kant to return to the topic after the King died. But it is not part of the ‘at-issue content’. Consequently, ‘as Your Majesty's loyal subject’ is no more an escape clause than the corresponding phrase in ‘I guarantee, as your devoted fan, that these guitar strings will not break’. Just as the guarantee stands regardless of whether (...)
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  4. The Dartmouth Bible: An Abridgment of the King James Version (including the Apocrypha), with Aids to its Understanding as History and Literature, and as a Source of Religious Experience.Roy B. Chamberlain & Herman Feldman - 1950
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    Uses of Hamartia, Flaw, and Irony in Oedipus Tyrannus and King Lear.Roy Glassberg - 2017 - Philosophy and Literature 41 (1):201-206.
    Jules Brody argues that Aristotle's usage of hamartia in The Poetics is best understood in terms of its literal meaning, "missing the mark," rather than in the broader, familiar sense of "tragic flaw." Hamartia is a morally neutral non-normative term, derived from the verb hamartano, meaning "to miss the mark," "to fall short of an objective." And by extension: to reach one destination rather than the intended one; to make a mistake, not in the sense of a moral failure, but (...)
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    A Renaissance Exercise.Roy Glassberg - 2023 - Philosophy and Literature 46 (2):490-491.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:A Renaissance ExerciseRoy GlassbergDescribing the influence of Aristotle's Poetics on education in Renaissance Italy, Lane Cooper writes, "Before 15431 it was a regular academic exercise to compare a Greek tragedy with a Senecan, with the demands of the Poetics as a standard."2An interesting prompt for an article, one that I shall here pursue. In what follows, I compare Sophocles's Oedipus Tyrannus with Seneca's Trojan Women in terms of their (...)
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    Our Master Mariner, Our Sovereign Lord': A Contemporary Preacher's View of King Henry V.Roy M. Haines - 1976 - Mediaeval Studies 38 (1):85-96.
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    The Essential Writings of Erasmus Darwin. Desmond King-Hele.Roy Rauschenberg - 1969 - Isis 60 (4):575-576.
  9. Roy W. Perrett, Death and Immortality. [REVIEW]John King-Farlow - 1987 - Philosophy in Review 7:520-522.
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    The Myth of Areïthoos Korynetes and Related Cult in Arkadia.James Roy - 2023 - Kernos 36:9-22.
    The myth of Areïthoos the Clubman (Korynetes), killed by Lykourgos, told in simple form by Homer, was developed in later Greek literature, and linked to Arkadia by identifying Lykourgos with the son of Aleos, king of Tegea. All later versions seem to have developed from the Homeric account, but sometimes in divergent forms that disagreed with each other. Interest in the myth led to cult in Arkadia. At the Moleia Lykourgos was honoured and Areïthoos’ death remembered. The name of (...)
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    The Meaning of "Tyrannus" in Oedipus Tyrannus.Roy Glassberg - 2018 - Philosophy and Literature 42 (2):416-419.
    What are we to make of Sophocles's use of the term "Tyrannus"1 in the title of his tragedy Oedipus Tyrannus? Did he simply mean "king," as most translators would have it, or did he mean "tyrant" in the sense of despot—or some combination of both? A sampling of translations offered by Amazon yields seventeen titles using either "Rex" or "King," on the one hand, and three using "Tyrant."H. G. Liddell and Robert Scott define tyrannus as meaning an "absolute (...)
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  12. Future law: Prepunishment and the causal theory of verdicts.Roy Sorensen - 2006 - Noûs 40 (1):166–183.
    The poster boy for my paper is the King's Messenger in Lewis Carroll's Through the Looking Glass. Recall that since the White Queen lives backwards, her memory works forwards. She pities Alice who can only remember things after they happen. Alice asks which things the Queen remembers best: `Oh, things that happened the week after next,' the Queen replied in a careless tone. `For instance, . . . there's the King's Messenger. He's in prison now, being punished: and (...)
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    Whitman Justified: The Poet in 1855.Roy Harvey Pearce - 1981 - Critical Inquiry 8 (1):83-97.
    Whitman was not one to be troubled about the solution of the problem of knowledge in particular, much less in general, nor for that matter was Emerson. Their way was to postulate solutions to problems just before they encountered them. My point, however, is that Whitman, with Emerson, did encounter a problem, the Diltheyan solution to which has tempted philosophers of history into our own time. If quoting Dilthey as a gloss on Emerson I would seem to want to involve (...)
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    Lustful Maidens and Ascetic Kings: Buddhist and Hindu Stories of Life.Indira Viswanathan Peterson, Roy C. Amore & Larry D. Shinn - 1985 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 105 (2):384.
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    On the Threshold of Kingship: A Study of Agur (Proverbs 30).Christine Roy Yoder - 2009 - Interpretation: A Journal of Bible and Theology 63 (3):254-263.
    The placement of the sayings of Agur (Prov 30) between instructions for an implied reader who is poised to assume leadership (Prov 28–29) and instructions to the implied reader as king (Prov 31:1–9) prompts this exploration of what role the unknown, arguably foreign and feeble sage Agur plays in the book of Proverbs.
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    Liberal Citizenship: Medieval Cities as Model and Metaphor.Loren King - 2010 - Space and Polity 14 (2):123-142.
    In a recent article in Space & Polity, Nezar AlSayyad and Ananya Roy draw suggestive analogies between medieval urban forms and troubling contemporary realities, such as gated urban enclaves and impoverished squatter settlements. Invoking the medieval city as an analytical device, they show how several prevalent urban practices of citizenship are in tension with, and sometimes flatly contradict, liberal complacencies and democratic hopes. However, this article suggests that there is another story to be told, using some of the medieval cities (...)
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    Review Essay: High-Heeled Red Imitation-Crocodile Boots.Anthony King - 2006 - Philosophy of the Social Sciences 36 (3):367-378.
    The two works under review attempt to describe the outlines of a post-positivist social science of the future. Against objectivist approaches, these books emphasize the importance of hermeneutics and the cultural turn to the social sciences. Social sciences must recognize collective understandings and human agency. However, while affirming the importance of an interpretivist approach, both of these works also suggest that objective institutional reality must be recognized by social scientists today. Meaningful human agency and objective structure must be encompassed by (...)
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  18. Blindspots.Roy Sorensen - 1990 - Mind 99 (393):137-140.
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  19. Complex Demonstratives, a Quantificational Account.Jeffrey C. King - 2002 - Studia Logica 72 (3):440-443.
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    (1 other version)Les formes élémentaires de la vie religieuse.Irving King - 1913 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 21 (2):1-3.
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  21. Yablo Paradox.Roy Cook - 2015
    The Yablo Paradox The Yablo Paradox implies there is no way to coherently assign a truth value to any of the sentences in the countably infinite sequence of sentences, each of the form, “All of the subsequent sentences are false.” Specifically, the Yablo Paradox arises when we consider the following infinite sequence of sentences: The … Continue reading Yablo Paradox →.
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    Why I am not an individualist.Anthony King - 2007 - Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour 37 (2):211–219.
    In his defence of emergence, David Elder-Vass assumes that my hermeneutic position represents a form of individualism. Although a common reading of my position, the claim that I am in individualist is incorrect; I, too, recognize the centrality of collective phenomena to social reality. In fact, there is a close convergence between emergence and the hermeneutic sociology I advocate. However, there also remains an important divide between us. Despite his care to avoid reification, Edler-Vass descends into ontological dualism, conceptualizing society (...)
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    What is real and what is realism in sociology?Roy Nash - 1999 - Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour 29 (4):445–466.
    In the physical sciences a realist ontology rests on our ability to demonstrate the actual and real nature of material entities. Realist metaphysics of social entities, most influentially Bhaskar's critical realism, attempt to provide a related philosophical foundation for the social sciences. This paper examines the central issue of what is real about society it concludes that social relations and the organisations they constitute do exist and discusses the conditions of their demonstration. Realist interpretations of Bourdieu's theories are given particular (...)
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    Being Benevolence: The Social Ethics of Engaged Buddhism.Sallie B. King - 2005 - Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press.
    Engaged Buddhism is the contemporary movement of nonviolent social and political activism found throughout the Buddhist world. Its ethical theory sees the world in terms of cause and effect, a view that discourages its practitioners from becoming adversaries, blaming or condemning the other. Its leaders make some of the most important contributions in the Buddhist world to thinking about issues in political theory, human rights, nonviolence, and social justice. Being Benevolence provides for the first time a rich overview of the (...)
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  25. Critical Realism: A Study of the Nature and Conditions of Knowledge.Roy Wood Sellars - 1916 - Mind 25 (100):537-541.
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  26. 4 Prodigal Freedom and Asymmetric Violence.Roy Varghese Palatty - 2009 - Journal of Dharma 34 (3):334.
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    The language-makers.Roy Harris - 1980 - Ithaca, N.Y.: Cornell University Press.
  28.  28
    Fichte et Schiller.Manuel Roy - 2016 - Fichte-Studien 43:186-203.
    In June 1795, Fichte sent his second contribution to Schiller’s journal, The Hours : his article, Concerning the Spirit and the Letter within Philosophy, where he explains his views on the relation between aesthetic experience and virtue. Schiller, who had until then been rather well-disposed toward Fichte, violently and categorically rejected the article, thus putting an end to their friendship. Scholars commonly understand this conflict as a predictable confrontation between two irreconcilable conceptions of the moral ideal : that of the (...)
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    Frege's Recipe.Roy T. Cook & Philip A. Ebert - 2016 - Journal of Philosophy 113 (7):309-345.
    In this paper, we present a formal recipe that Frege followed in his magnum opus “Grundgesetze der Arithmetik” when formulating his definitions. This recipe is not explicitly mentioned as such by Frege, but we will offer strong reasons to believe that Frege applied it in developing the formal material of Grundgesetze. We then show that a version of Basic Law V plays a fundamental role in Frege’s recipe and, in what follows, we will explicate what exactly this role is and (...)
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    Self-deceivers and sartrian seducers.John King-Farlow - 1963 - Analysis 23 (June):131-136.
  31. Sensations as guides to perceiving.Roy Wood Sellars - 1959 - Mind 68 (January):2-15.
  32. Anaphora and operators.Jeffrey C. King - 1994 - Philosophical Perspectives 8:221-250.
  33. Intentional identity generalized.Jeffrey C. King - 1993 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 22 (1):61 - 93.
  34.  14
    The Ideology of Order: A Comparative Analysis of Jean Bodin and Thomas Hobbes.Preston T. King - 1974 - London: Allen & Unwin.
    A school of thought traceable to the political writings of Bodin and Hobbes believes that "order" is the cardinal principle which takes precedence over "justice" - which is reduced to conformity. The main concern of this book is to analyse this tradition through study of its progenitors.
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    Plato's Mythoi: The Political Soul’s Drama Beyond.Donald H. Roy - 2018 - Lanham: Lexington Books.
    The interpenetration of Plato’s mythos and logos reveals an analogical, serious playfulness of the human soul from the depths of aporia to the heights of the beyond. We humans are caught in-between with all the dynamis to rise and to fall.
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    Scientism and technology as religions.Rustum Roy - 2005 - Zygon 40 (4):835-844.
    Jacques Ellul, by far the most significant author in the serious discussions on the interface between religion and technology, is apparently not known to the science‐and‐religion field. The reason is the imprecise use of the terminology. In scientific formulation the relationship can be summarized as technology /religion:: science/theology. The first pair are robust three‐dimensional templates of most human experience; the second pair are linear, abstract concerns of a minority of citizens. In the parallel community—now well developed throughout academia—of science, technology, (...)
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    Individual Differences in Frequency and Topography of Slow and Fast Sleep Spindles.Roy Cox, Anna C. Schapiro, Dara S. Manoach & Robert Stickgold - 2017 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 11.
  38. The automation of science.Ross King, Rowland D., Oliver Jem, G. Stephen, Michael Young, Wayne Aubrey, Emma Byrne, Maria Liakata, Magdalena Markham, Pinar Pir, Larisa Soldatova, Sparkes N., Whelan Andrew, E. Kenneth & Amanda Clare - 2009 - Science 324 (5923):85-89.
    The basis of science is the hypothetico-deductive method and the recording of experiments in sufficient detail to enable reproducibility. We report the development of Robot Scientist "Adam," which advances the automation of both. Adam has autonomously generated functional genomics hypotheses about the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae and experimentally tested these hypotheses by using laboratory automation. We have confirmed Adam's conclusions through manual experiments. To describe Adam's research, we have developed an ontology and logical language. The resulting formalization involves over 10,000 different (...)
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    Myths of the given and the cogito proof.John King-Farlow - 1961 - Philosophical Studies 12 (4):49 - 53.
  40. Immigration from developing countries: Some philosophical issues.Timothy King - 1982 - Ethics 93 (3):525-536.
  41. What negation is not: Intuitionism and ‘0=1’.Roy T. Cook & Jon Cogburn - 2000 - Analysis 60 (1):5–12.
  42.  14
    From `God' to `is' and from `is' to `ought'.John King-Farlow - 1957 - Philosophical Quarterly 7 (27):136-148.
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  43. Parapsychology without the 'para' (or the psychology).Peter J. King - 2003 - Think 1 (3):43-54.
    possible, your investigation is unlikely ever to get off the ground), there’s no such excuse for philosophers. The philosopher should be unrestricted by fashions in thought, including the unquestioning acceptance of whatever scientific theories are currently dominant. The fact is, however, that in this field and in the philosophy of mind, many.
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    Recollecting and `recollecting'.John King-Farlow - 1970 - Mind 79 (316):604-606.
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    Dispassionate Passions.Peter King - 2012 - In Martin Pickavé & Lisa Shapiro (eds.), Emotion and cognitive life in Medieval and early modern philosophy. Oxford: Oxford University Press. pp. 9.
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  46. Nostalgias of the modern.Ananya Roy - 2004 - In Nezar AlSayyad (ed.), The end of tradition? New York: Routledge.
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  47. Dogme et Critique.Edouard Le Roy - 1907 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 64:643-647.
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    A note on the navya-nyāya account of number.Roy W. Perrett - 1985 - Journal of Indian Philosophy 13 (3):227-234.
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    Is there a cognitive relation?Roy Wood Sellars - 1912 - Journal of Philosophy, Psychology and Scientific Methods 9 (9):225-232.
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  50. Raising the Barr on Macintyre : understanding Newman better.Benjamin J. King - 2018 - In Christopher R. Brewer & David Brown (eds.), Christian theology and the transformation of natural religion: from incarnation to sacramentality: essays in honour of David Brown. Leuven: Peeters.
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