Results for 'Alain-Gerard Marsot'

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  1.  30
    Les Institutions Publiques duu Viêtnam a XVIIIème siècleLes Institutions Publiques duu Vietnam a XVIIIeme siecle.Alain-Gérard Marsot, Đặng Phu'O'ng-Nghi, Alain-Gerard Marsot & Dang Phu'O'ng-Nghi - 1972 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 92 (2):363.
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    Mieux jouir des nourritures coûteuses….Gérard Alain Mallet - 2010 - L’Enseignement Philosophique 60 (4):71-72.
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    Philosophy of Communication Ethics: Alterity and the Other.Brenda Allen, Austin S. Babrow, Isaac E. Catt, Andreea Deciu Ritivoi, Gina Ercolini, Janie Harden Fritz, Pat Gehrke, John Hatch, Gerard A. Hauser, Alain Létourneau, Lisbeth Lipari, Annette Holba, Lester C. Olson & Lindsey M. Rose (eds.) - 2014 - Madison: Fairleigh Dickinson University Press.
    Philosophy of Communication Ethics is a unique and timely volume that creatively examines communication ethics, philosophy of communication, and "the other.".
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    Gérard Bensussan, Être heureux? Ce qui dépend de nous et ce qui n’en dépend pas, Milan/Paris, Mimésis, 2019 et Les Deux Morales, Paris, Vrin, 2019.Alain David - 2019 - Cités 4:166.
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    La nature de la logicité chez Husserl, Saussure et Granel : idéalité ou matérialité?Alain Gallerand - 2013 - Noesis 21:43-71.
    Dans ses textes consacrés à la logique, Gérard Granel a toujours combattu la théorie husserlienne de la signification fondée sur l’idée que les unités idéales de signification constituent l’armature logique universelle du langage. Car au fur et à mesure que l’analyse saussurienne des « valeurs » linguistiques et la linguistique comparée mettaient en évidence la singularité et la relativité des structures logiques à l’intérieur des langues naturelles, l’idée de « matérialité logique » n’a cessé de s’imposer et le caractère « (...)
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    Le Marx philosophe de Gérard Granel.Didier Claverie, Alain Desblancs, Françoise Fournié & Élisabeth Rigal - 2008 - Cahiers Philosophiques 116 (4):105-107.
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    Hommes superieurs, hommes inferieurs? La controverse sur l'heredite de l'intelligence. Gerard Lemaine, Benjamin Matalon, Clemencon Mireille, Gomis Alain, Ramunni GirolamoAbility, Merit, and Measurement: Mental Testing and English Education, 1880-1940. Gillian Sutherland, Stephen Sharp. [REVIEW]Raymond Fancher - 1986 - Isis 77 (2):339-341.
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    The Century.Alain Badiou - 2007 - Polity.
    Everywhere, the twentieth century has been judged and condemned: the century of totalitarian terror, of utopian and criminal ideologies, of empty illusions, of genocides, of false avant-gardes, of democratic realism everywhere replaced by abstraction. It is not Badiou's wish to plead for an accused that is perfectly capable of defending itself without the authors aid. Nor does he seek to proclaim, like Frantz, the hero of Sartre's Prisoners of Altona, 'I have taken the century on my shoulders and I have (...)
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    The Logic of Thermostatistical Physics.Gerard G. Emch & Chuang Liu - 2002 - Springer Verlag.
    This book is devoted to a thorough analysis of the role that models play in the practise of physical theory. The authors, a mathematical physicist and a philosopher of science, appeal to the logicians’ notion of model theory as well as to the concepts of physicists.
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    On the branching factor of the alpha-beta pruning algorithm.Gérard M. Baudet - 1978 - Artificial Intelligence 10 (2):173-199.
  11. Logiques des mondes.Alain Badiou - 2006 - Paris: Editions du Seuil.
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    Second Manifesto for Philosophy.Alain Badiou - 2011 - Polity.
    Twenty years ago, Alain Badiou's first Manifesto for Philosophy rose up against the all-pervasive proclamation of the "end" of philosophy. In lieu of this problematic of the end, he put forward the watchword: "one more step". The situation has considerably changed since then. Philosophy was threatened with obliteration at the time, whereas today it finds itself under threat for the diametrically opposed reason: it is endowed with an excessive, artificial existence. "Philosophy" is everywhere. It serves as a trademark for (...)
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  13. Commentary on West & Garvey.Gerard Bradley - 1990 - Notre Dame Journal of Law, Ethics and Public Policy 4 (3-4):639-648.
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    Measuring a neglected type of lottery unfairness.Gerard Vong - 2018 - Economics and Philosophy 34 (1):67-86.
  15. Aristotle on Ethics.Gerard J. Hughes - 2004 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 66 (1):176-176.
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  16. An epistemological approach to modeling: Cases studies and implications for science teaching.Gérard Sensevy, Andrée Tiberghien, Jérôme Santini, Sylvain Laubé & Peter Griggs - 2008 - Science Education 92 (3):424-446.
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    Plato’s Theory of Knowledge.Gerard Watson - 1963 - Philosophical Studies (Dublin) 12:264-265.
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  18. Forschungen zur systematischen und ökumenischen Theologie, Band 157.Michael & Gerard den - 2017
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  19. Religious education and theology: Separate sails in the one breeze.Gerard Moore - 2020 - The Australasian Catholic Record 97 (2):227.
    There is an ongoing tension between the spheres of religious education and of theological studies. It is somewhat evident in the academy, and often enough emerges when the inevitable university restructure places religious education and theology in the same school, or situates religious education within education at a remove from theology, or any range of permutations. The tension is also felt in discussions between clergy, with a theological education behind them, and classroom teachers and religious education coordinators, whose training is (...)
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    The Routledge Guidebook to Aristotle's Nicomachean Ethics.Gerard J. Hughes - 2013 - New York: Routledge.
    Written by one of the most important founding figures of Western philosophy, Aristotle’s _Nicomachean Ethics_ represents a critical point in the study of ethics which has influenced the direction of modern philosophy. The _Routledge Guidebook to Aristotle’s Nicomachean Ethics_ introduces the major themes in Aristotle’s great book and acts as a companion for reading this key work, examining: The context of Aristotle’s work and the background to his writing Each separate part of the text in relation to its goals, meanings (...)
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    Moral Issues and Multinational Corporations.Gerard Elfstrom - 1991
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    La dénomination: approches lexicologique et terminologique.Gérard Petit - 2009 - Louvain: Peeters.
    Denommer, c'est appeler les etres et les choses par le nom qui leur a ete institue dans et par la langue. Assurant l'intercomprehension entre les locuteurs, la denomination constitue une propriete fondamentale du lexique et des terminologies. Si epistemologiquement, la denomination fait partie integrante des appareils conceptuel et methodologique de la Linguistique et de la Terminologie, dans l'une et l'autre discipline elle connait une situation paradoxale. D'une part elle souffre d'un deficit important de conceptualisation; de l'autre elle se revele etre (...)
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    Query on the Natural End of Man.Gerard Smith - 1947 - Modern Schoolman 25 (1):38-38.
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    Science Et Philosophie: Rivales, Étrangères, Ou Complémentaires?: Essai d'Une Philosophie de la Nature, Moderne.Alain Stahl - 2004 - Institut Interdisciplinaire d'Études Épistémologiques.
  25. The (re) turn of philosophy itself.Alain Badiou - 2004 - Filozofski Vestnik 25 (3):21-36.
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    A Contextualized Self: Re-placing Ourselves Through Dōgen and Spinoza.Gerard Kuperus - 2019 - Comparative and Continental Philosophy 11 (3):222-234.
    For Dōgen, the Buddhist doctrine of “no self” ultimately presents the self as contextualized. The self is for him not an independent entity, but is intricately related to its environment, determined through the many beings around it. In a quite different philosophical setting, Spinoza developed similar ideas. While Dōgen challenged the specifics of a tradition that explicitly argues against the idea of an absolute self, Spinoza faced a more radical challenge: questioning an absolute, unchanging, and free self that the Western (...)
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    La relation énigmatique entre philosophie et politique.Alain Badiou - 2011 - [Meaux]: Germina.
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    Are Newman’s “Tests” or “Notes” of Genuine Doctrinal Development Useful Today?Gerard Mccarren - 2004 - Newman Studies Journal 1 (2):48-61.
    Theologians have long appealed to Newman’s Essay on the Development of Christian Doctrine as a source for criteria to determine the genuineness of doctrinal developments. After pointing out that Newman changed his terminology from “tests” in the original edition to “notes” in the third edition, this article examines their current criteriological usefulness both in retrospect and in prospect.
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    The ethics of risk displacement in research and public policy.Gerard Vong & Meira Levinson - 2020 - Bioethics 34 (9):918-922.
    We identify three distinct ethical problems that can arise with risk displacement. Risk displacement is the shifting of extant risk from one or more individuals to other individual(s) such that the reduction of risk to the first group is causally implicated in increasing risk to the second group. These problems are: concentration of risk in inequitable ways; transfer of risk to already vulnerable or disadvantaged populations; and exercise of undue influence over potential research participants. The first two arise in both (...)
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    Democracy laid low by the market.Alain Supiot - 2018 - Jurisprudence 9 (3):449-460.
    ABSTRACTFrom its origins in antiquity to the emergence of neoliberalism, democracy had always been thought of as a fragile institutional construct, comprising two complementary dimensions: an objective dimension, and a subjective one. Appeared in the 1970s, the Law and economic doctrine has undermined this bases of democracy by assimilating the enactment of laws to negotiation on a market, and reducing democracy to a ‘market of ideas’. The specific status of speech in the democratic area fades out, paving the way for (...)
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    Routledge handbook of cosmopolitanism studies.Gerard Delanty (ed.) - 2012 - New York: Routledge.
    It is now integral to much of cultural, political and social analysis. This is the first comprehensive survey in one volume of the interdisciplinary field of cosmopolitan studies.
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    Probing Semantic Relations: Exploration and Identification in Specialized Texts.Alain Auger & Caroline Barrière (eds.) - 2010 - John Benjamins.
    Probing semantic relations Exploration and identification in specialized texts Alain Auger and Caroline Barrière In recent years, several scientific ...
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    In praise of politics.Alain Badiou - 2019 - Medford, Massachusetts: Polity Press. Edited by Aude Lancelin.
    Against the backdrop of an alarming rise in authoritarianism and the crisis of liberal democracy, few would consider extoling the virtues of politics today. Yet in this lively dialogue with journalist Aude Lancelin, leading French thinker Alain Badiou argues that it is precisely through politics that humanity can still achieve its most ambitious aims. As power becomes ever more concentrated in the hands of the state and global corporations, the role of the citizen is reduced to little more than (...)
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    Théorie axiomatique du sujet: 1996-1998.Alain Badiou - 2019 - [Paris]: Fayard. Edited by Véronique Pineau.
    " Le présent séminaire est une véritable transition entre L'être et l'événement, publié en 1988, et sa suite, Logiques des mondes, publiée en 2006. De façon simple et centrale, on pourrait dire que le premier livre s'occupe de l'être, cependant que le second s'occupe de l'existence. Mais en quel sens un séminaire dont le titre est Théorie axiomatique du sujet peut-il porter sur le lien entre être et existence? En précisant autant que faire se peut la catégorie centrale de sujet. (...)
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    Le Congrès annuel de l'Association des théologiens moralistes, 18-20 sept. 1970.Gérard Mathon - 1970 - Revue Théologique de Louvain 1 (4):485-487.
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    Communitarianism, education, and advocacy.Gerard McCann - 1997 - The European Legacy 2 (7):1162-1176.
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    La Diffusion des « lumières » et le combat de la « raison » aux colonies au XVIII siècle : le cas de la Gazette de médecine de Duchemin.Alain Nabarra - 1996 - Lumen: Selected Proceedings From the Canadian Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies 15:147.
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    Pasolini, une archéologie corporelle de la réalité.Alain Naze - 2004 - Multitudes 4 (4):149-157.
    Focusing on Pasolini’s written work, the article tries to bring out a kind of minor language, the embodied language of popular, archaic and peasant worlds. For if Pasolini attempts the representation of reality by reality in his films, it can also be noted that in his poems, novels and stories, he was already on the track of reality itself. Consequently, Pasolini’s love for this world predating industrial and consumer devastation is first of all a love for the languages that reveal (...)
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    Moral Education in Aristotle.Gerard Verbeke - 1990 - Catholic University of Amer Press.
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    Partially-ordered Modalities.Gerard Allwein & William L. Harrison - 1998 - In Marcus Kracht, Maarten de Rijke, Heinrich Wansing & Michael Zakharyaschev (eds.), Advances in Modal Logic. CSLI Publications. pp. 1-21.
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    Multiple Roles for Analogies in the Genesis of Fluid Mechanics: How Analogies Can Cooperate with Other Heuristic Strategies.Alain Ulazia - 2016 - Foundations of Science 21 (4):543-565.
    When Johann and Daniel Bernoulli founded fluid dynamics they encountered several problems. To go beyond the vision of Newtonian particles, a new set of images was needed in order to deal with the spatial extensibility and lack of form of fluids. I point to evidence that analogy was an essential abductive strategy in the creation of this imagery. But its heuristic behavior is complex: analogy can provide an initial model or proto-model that establishes the starting point of a theoretical process, (...)
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    La République de Platon: dialogue en un prologue, seize chapitres et un épilogue.Alain Badiou - 2012 - [Paris]: Fayard.
    La République de Platon est peut-être le texte le plus connu, le plus traduit et le plus commenté de toute l’histoire de la philosophie. Mais comment restituer la vérité de cette œuvre aujourd’hui, 2500 ans après sa rédaction? Alain Badiou a choisi d’inventer un genre nouveau pour rendre au texte de Platon son universalité et sa vivacité sans passer par un commentaire critique. Il a traduit l’œuvre à partir de l’original grec et a procédé à quelques changements afin de (...)
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    The end: a conversation.Alain Badiou - 2019 - Medford, MA: Polity. Edited by Giovanbattista Tusa.
    The notion of the ‘end’ has long occupied philosophical thought. In light of the horrors of the 20th century, some writers have gone so far as to declare the end of philosophy itself, emphasising the impossibility of thinking after Auschwitz. In this book the distinguished philosopher Alain Badiou, in dialogue with Giovanbattista Tusa, argues that we must renounce the ‘pathos of completion’ and continue to think philosophically. To accept the atrocities of the 20th century as marking the end of (...)
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    Les libertés de l'improbable.Alain Berthoz & Carlo Ossola (eds.) - 2019 - Paris: Odile Jacob.
    L'improbable est souvent considéré comme un vain exercice d'hypothèses oiseuses ou comme un supplément d'incertitude dans la culture occidentale, qui préfère le prévisible à l'incertain. Et pourtant... Que ce soit dans la recherche scientifique fondamentale ou dans l'invention artistique, dans la discussion philosophique ou dans l'évolution du vivant, l'improbable est cette source de liberté d'où peuvent jaillir idées, solutions ou événements nouveaux et imprévus. Autour d'Alain Berthoz et de Carlo Ossola, une dizaine de chercheurs d'envergure internationale abordent dans une (...)
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    Aristotle’s Man.Gerard Watson - 1974 - Philosophical Studies (Dublin) 23:330-332.
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    Social theory in a changing world: conceptions of modernity.Gerard Delanty - 1999 - Malden, MA: Polity Press.
    This book will appeal to second- and third-year undergraduates, and graduates and academics in sociology and social theory, politics, cultural studies and other ...
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  47. Unresting Cells.R. W. Gerard - 1941 - Philosophy of Science 8 (3):393-394.
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    Dictionnaire Teilhard de Chardin.Gérard-Henry Baudry - 2009 - Saint-Etienne [France]: Aubin.
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  49. Kant et Épicure. Le corps, l'âme, l'esprit, coll. « Philosophies ».Alain Boyer - 2005 - In Philosophies. PARIS: Puf. pp. 251-252.
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    The One Who Holds God’s Place. Moses, Prophet and Legislator.Gérard Bras - 2020 - Les Cahiers Philosophiques de Strasbourg 47:159-182.
    Le Moïse de Spinoza présente la particularité entre les convocations habituelles en philosophie politique, d’être à la fois prophète et législateur, vecteur d’un mode théologique de production des lois : il est le seul prophète à constituer un peuple, une république. Cela procède d’un premier pacte avec Dieu, au fondement d’une théocratie imaginaire, réellement une démocratie. Mais ils sont terrifiés (perterriti) en allant consulter Dieu. Comment comprendre l’usage de ce mot rare en latin? Il faut le replacer dans le réseau (...)
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