Results for 'Aj Vanderjagt'

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  1. ST Rodolphus Agricola Groningensis (1444-1485), philosophe.Aj Vanderjagt - 1985 - Algemeen Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Wijsbegeerte 77 (4):209-221.
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  2. F. Akkerman and AJ Vanderjagt, eds., Rudolph Agricola Phrisius (1444-1485) Proceedings of the International Conference at the University of Groningen 28-30 October 1985. [REVIEW]E. Jennifer Ashworth - 1991 - Philosophy in Review 11 (1):6-8.
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    Christian humanism: essays in honour of Arjo Vanderjagt.Arie Johan Vanderjagt, A. A. MacDonald, Z. R. W. M. von Martels & Jan R. Veenstra (eds.) - 2009 - Boston: Brill.
    The contributions in this volume treat aspects and manifestations of this cultural symbiosis, and they throw new light on authors and texts both more and less ...
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  4. Notes on Blasi, aj problematic of the sociologists and people under study in the sociology of religion.Aj Blasi - 1991 - Ultimate Reality and Meaning 14 (2):128-131.
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  5. Les causes de l'amour, réalité spirituelle.Aj Bruneau - 1993 - Revue Thomiste 93 (3):355-374.
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  6. Sentido antidemocratico del Menexeno de Platon.Aj Cappelletti - 1986 - Ideas Y Valores 36 (70):67-75.
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  7. An Unpublished Letter to Politian.Aj Hunt - 1985 - Rinascimento 25:127-138.
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  8. Implicit culture-some educational implications.Aj Newman - 1970 - Journal of Thought 5 (1):30-34.
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  9. Hilary Gatti: Giordano Bruno and Renaissance Science.A. Vanderjagt - 2002 - British Journal for the History of Philosophy 10 (2):307-309.
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    Jill Kraye and MWF Stone (eds): Humanism and Early Modern Philosophy.A. Vanderjagt - 2001 - British Journal for the History of Philosophy 9 (3):571-573.
  11. Health of the world, health of the individual, Marcus-aurelius'ad se ipsum libri XII'v-8.Aj Voelke - 1991 - Revue Internationale de Philosophie 45 (178):322-335.
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  12. Modeling individual-differences in dynamic decision-making.Aj Wearing & M. Omodei - 1990 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 28 (6):507-507.
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  13. Etica y politica en Aristoteles Ethique et politique chez Aristote.Cappelletti Aj - 1976 - Pensamiento 32 (127):323-328.
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  14. La fonction heuristique de la tradition en philosophie.Voelke Aj - 1976 - Studia Philosophica 36 (15-24).
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  15. The possibility of exchange.Aj Julius - 2013 - Politics, Philosophy and Economics 12 (4):361-374.
    I first characterize a moral mistake in coercion. The principle of independence with which I criticize coercion seems also to condemn exchange. I propose an account of exchange from which it follows that exchange upholds independence after all. In support of that account I argue that, of the accounts of exchange that occur to me, only this one has the consequence that, on general assumptions, a person can take part in exchange while acting, intending, and believing with sufficient reason. I (...)
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  16. American moral degeneration.Aj Bahm - 1976 - Journal of Thought 11 (4):274-280.
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  17. Amour et connaissance.Aj Bruneau - forthcoming - Revue Thomiste.
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  18. Effects of orthographic set size and congruency on word-fragment completion and recognition.Aj Flexser - 1987 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 25 (5):327-327.
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    Staff.AJ Hamilton - unknown
    According to the acousmatic thesis defended by Roger Scruton and others, to hear sounds as music is to divorce them from the source or cause of their production. Non-acousmatic experience involves attending to the worldly cause of the sound; in acousmatic experience, sound is detached from that cause. The acousmatic concept originates with Pythagoras, and was developed in the work of 20th century musique concrète composers such as Pierre Schaeffer. The concept yields important insights into the nature of musical experience, (...)
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  20. The structure of the other race effect.Aj Otoole, Ka Deffenbacher, D. Valentin & H. Abdi - 1992 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 30 (6):478-478.
  21. Manuscrits lul. lians de la Biblioteca de Catalunya. I.Aj Soberanas & L. Badia - 1990 - Studia Lulliana 30 (83):173-193.
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  22. Roman Medicine from the sea'.Ajs Spawforth - 1990 - Minerva 1 (6):9-11.
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  23. The Declaration of Independance as an" Expression of the American Mind".Reck Aj - 1977 - Revue Internationale de Philosophie 31 (121-2):401-437.
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  24. American cultural predicament today.Aj Bahm - 1970 - Journal of Thought 5 (4):214-230.
  25. Problematic of the sociologists and people under study in the sociology of religion-reply.Aj Blasi - 1991 - Ultimate Reality and Meaning 14 (2):131-132.
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  26. 2 teachers at the volterran grammar school and a manuscript of politian latin letters.Aj Hunt - 1991 - Rinascimento 31:39-90.
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  27. ST Pensée philosophique et création artistique.Aj Zis - 1985 - Estetika: The European Journal of Aesthetics 22 (1):29-32.
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    The Book of Nature in Antiquity and the Middle Ages.Arie Johan Vanderjagt & Klaas van Berkel (eds.) - 2005 - Peeters.
    From 22-25 May, 1999, the University of Groningen hosted an international conference on 'The Book of Nature. Continuity and change in European and American attitudes towards the natural world'. From Antiquity down to our own time, theologians, philosophers and scientists have often compared nature to a book, which might, under the right circumstances, be read and interpreted in order to come closer to the 'Author' of nature, God. The 'reading' of this book was not regarded as mere idle curiosity, but (...)
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    The Neoplatonic tradition: Jewish, Christian and Islamic themes.Arie Johan Vanderjagt & Detlev Pätzold (eds.) - 1991 - Köln: Dinter.
  30. Look-ahead capability and sequential decision-making.Aj Wearing & Aj Mackinnon - 1987 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 25 (5):348-348.
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  31. Schneider, N., Die Kosmologie des Franciscus de Marchia. [REVIEW]A. J. Vanderjagt - 1992 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 54 (1):129.
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    Scepticism and irreligion in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries.Richard Henry Popkin & Arie Johan Vanderjagt (eds.) - 1993 - New York: E.J. Brill.
    This volume deals with scepticism and irreligion in the 17th and 18th century.
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  33. Hypermnesia and insight.Matthew Hugh Erdelyi, Aj Marcel & E. Bisiach - 1988 - In Anthony J. Marcel & Edoardo Bisiach, Consciousness in Contemporary Science. New York: Oxford University Press.
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  34. A definition of consciousness.Aj Reiners - 1995 - Gregorianum 76 (3):535-554.
    La nature de la conscience est au centre de la discussion actuelle sur la personne humaine. Bien que certains philosophes fassent de la conscience la clef fondamentale et de toute l'épistémologie, la plupart des scientifiques la réduisent aux intéractions complexes du cerveau. Le présent article tire sa matière de l'analyse que saint Thomas d'Aquin fait de cette notion dans son De Veritate . Il caractérise la conscience en termes de connaissance et d'application de la connaissance à l'agir. L'A. cherche à (...)
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  35. Racism: A challenge to south african universities.Mma Gray & Aj Bernstein - forthcoming - Theoria.
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    Zeer kundige professoren: beoefening van de filosofie in Groningen van 1614 tot 1996.H. A. Krop & Arie Johan Vanderjagt (eds.) - 1997 - Hilversum: Uitgeverij Verloren.
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  37. Hegels Transformation der Metaphysik.Detlev Pätzold & Arie Johan Vanderjagt (eds.) - 1991 - Köln: Dinter.
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  38. From Passion to Self-Reflexivity. A Holistic Approach to Consciousness and Literature in The Elemental Passions of the Soul. Poetics of the Elements in the Human Conditions: Part 3. [REVIEW]Aj Argyros - 1989 - Analecta Husserliana 28:617-626.
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    Giles E. M. Gasper, Anselm of Canterbury and His Theological Inheritance. Aldershot, Eng., and Burlington, Vt.: Ashgate, 2004. Pp. xv, 228; tables. $79.95. [REVIEW]Arjo Vanderjagt - 2006 - Speculum 81 (1):196-197.
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  40. Pedro Hispano eo Tractatus.Aj Gonçalves de Freitas - 2002 - Disputatio 1 (13):1-8.
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    Poetry and Friendship in Juvenal's Twelfth Satire.Cedric Aj Littlewood - 2007 - American Journal of Philology 128 (3):389-418.
    Generic oppositions create an interplay of different voices in Satires 12, particularly between the genus tenue, variously nuanced, and the big genres of epic and tragedy. The integrity of the poetic idylls of a lyric Horace is contrasted with the more compromised sanctuary of Juvenal, struggling to accommodate his luxurious friends or, less kindly, practising friendship in a world in which everything is negotiable. Beyond an ahistorical opposition of generic voices emerges a narrative of intertextual influence in which Juvenal is (...)
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  42. Cultural alterity and acknowledgement: A research project on the plural societies of the Mediterranean 1.F. X. Marin & Navarro ÀJ - 2011 - Ramon Llull Journal of Applied Ethics 2 (2):213.
    A complex world like ours demands for the teachers and professors to command intercultural competences in order to avoid the instrumentalization of the alterities. It is precisely the professionals of education who, given their social function, have the responsibility of forming the citizens of the future in attitudes and behaviours adjusted to plural communities. This article presents the first part of a research project carried out by researchers from Barcelona, Marseille, Rabat and Beirut on the complex world of the respect (...)
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    Husserl's static and genetic phenomenology: Translator's introduction to two essays. Essay 1: Static and genetic phenomenological method. Essay 2: The phenomenology of monadic individuality and the phenomenology of the general possibilities and compossibilities of lived-experiences: static and genetic phenomenology. [REVIEW]Aj Steinbock & E. Husserl - 1998 - Continental Philosophy Review 31 (2):127-152.
  44. International distributive justice.David Aj Richards - 1982 - In J. Roland Pennock & John William Chapman, Ethics, economics, and the law. New York: New York University Press. pp. 275-99.
  45. On the ancient history of the direction of the motion aftereffect.Frans Aj Verstratenlf - 1996 - In Enrique Villanueva, Perception. Ridgeview Pub. Co. pp. 1177-1187.
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  46. Cognition and affect in dynamic decision-making.M. Omodei & Aj Wearing - 1989 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 27 (6):526-526.
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  47. Apontamento histórico Pedro hispano eo tractatus.Aj Gonçalves de Freitas - 2002 - Disputatio 1 (13):48.
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    9 Late ancient philosophy.Frans Aj de Haas - 2003 - In David Sedley, The Cambridge companion to Greek and Roman philosophy. New York: Cambridge University Press.
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    Religious Experience, Religious Language and Biography.Conrad Aj van Ouwerkerk - 1985 - Bijdragen 46 (3):270-288.
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    The Roots of Morality-a review.Susan Aj Stuart - 2010 - Journal of Consciousness Studies 17 (1-2):244-249.
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