Results for 'Aj Bruneau'

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  1. Amour et connaissance.Aj Bruneau - forthcoming - Revue Thomiste.
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  2. Les causes de l'amour, réalité spirituelle.Aj Bruneau - 1993 - Revue Thomiste 93 (3):355-374.
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  3. Notes on Blasi, aj problematic of the sociologists and people under study in the sociology of religion.Aj Blasi - 1991 - Ultimate Reality and Meaning 14 (2):128-131.
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    The possibility of exchange.Aj Julius - 2013 - Politics, Philosophy and Economics 12 (4):361-374.
    I first characterize a moral mistake in coercion. The principle of independence with which I criticize coercion seems also to condemn exchange. I propose an account of exchange from which it follows that exchange upholds independence after all. In support of that account I argue that, of the accounts of exchange that occur to me, only this one has the consequence that, on general assumptions, a person can take part in exchange while acting, intending, and believing with sufficient reason. I (...)
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  5. American cultural predicament today.Aj Bahm - 1970 - Journal of Thought 5 (4):214-230.
  6. American moral degeneration.Aj Bahm - 1976 - Journal of Thought 11 (4):274-280.
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    Aeg, muutus ja sotsiokultuuriline kommunikatsioon.Thomas J. Bruneau - 2007 - Sign Systems Studies 35 (1-2):117-117.
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  8. Sentido antidemocratico del Menexeno de Platon.Aj Cappelletti - 1986 - Ideas Y Valores 36 (70):67-75.
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  9. Effects of orthographic set size and congruency on word-fragment completion and recognition.Aj Flexser - 1987 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 25 (5):327-327.
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  10. Manuscrits lul. lians de la Biblioteca de Catalunya. I.Aj Soberanas & L. Badia - 1990 - Studia Lulliana 30 (83):173-193.
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  11. Roman Medicine from the sea'.Ajs Spawforth - 1990 - Minerva 1 (6):9-11.
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  12. Problematic of the sociologists and people under study in the sociology of religion-reply.Aj Blasi - 1991 - Ultimate Reality and Meaning 14 (2):131-132.
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  13. La causalite physique de l'objet sur l'acte d'aimer d'après Cajétan.A. Bruneau - 1952 - Revue Thomiste 52 (1):142-148.
  14. Réalié spirituelle de l'amour,«.A. J. Bruneau - 1960 - Revue Thomiste 60 (3):381-416.
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    Staff.AJ Hamilton - unknown
    According to the acousmatic thesis defended by Roger Scruton and others, to hear sounds as music is to divorce them from the source or cause of their production. Non-acousmatic experience involves attending to the worldly cause of the sound; in acousmatic experience, sound is detached from that cause. The acousmatic concept originates with Pythagoras, and was developed in the work of 20th century musique concrète composers such as Pierre Schaeffer. The concept yields important insights into the nature of musical experience, (...)
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  16. Implicit culture-some educational implications.Aj Newman - 1970 - Journal of Thought 5 (1):30-34.
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  17. John Dewey's idea of ultimate reality and meaning: a mixture of stability and uncertainty in social transactions of human beings.Aj Reck - 1993 - Ultimate Reality and Meaning 16 (1-2):45-55.
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  18. Etica y politica en Aristoteles Ethique et politique chez Aristote.Cappelletti Aj - 1976 - Pensamiento 32 (127):323-328.
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  19. La fonction heuristique de la tradition en philosophie.Voelke Aj - 1976 - Studia Philosophica 36 (15-24).
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  20. The Declaration of Independance as an" Expression of the American Mind".Reck Aj - 1977 - Revue Internationale de Philosophie 31 (121-2):401-437.
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  21. An Unpublished Letter to Politian.Aj Hunt - 1985 - Rinascimento 25:127-138.
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  22. 2 teachers at the volterran grammar school and a manuscript of politian latin letters.Aj Hunt - 1991 - Rinascimento 31:39-90.
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  23. The structure of the other race effect.Aj Otoole, Ka Deffenbacher, D. Valentin & H. Abdi - 1992 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 30 (6):478-478.
  24. ST Rodolphus Agricola Groningensis (1444-1485), philosophe.Aj Vanderjagt - 1985 - Algemeen Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Wijsbegeerte 77 (4):209-221.
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  25. Health of the world, health of the individual, Marcus-aurelius'ad se ipsum libri XII'v-8.Aj Voelke - 1991 - Revue Internationale de Philosophie 45 (178):322-335.
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  26. Look-ahead capability and sequential decision-making.Aj Wearing & Aj Mackinnon - 1987 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 25 (5):348-348.
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  27. Modeling individual-differences in dynamic decision-making.Aj Wearing & M. Omodei - 1990 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 28 (6):507-507.
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  28. ST Pensée philosophique et création artistique.Aj Zis - 1985 - Estetika: The European Journal of Aesthetics 22 (1):29-32.
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  29. Do we have moral obligations towards future people? Addressing the moral vagueness of future environmental scenarios.Gabriela Arriagada Bruneau - 2018 - Veritas: Revista de Filosofía y Teología 40:49-65.
    In this paper, I will be primarily concerned with moral issues regarding future people and the environment. When it comes to the future, we have deontological and epistemic limitations. The closer to the present, the higher the certainty and the knowledge we have about facts. Thus, when we intend to find moral clarity regarding a future scenario, we deal with an inverse relation between certainty and time. The main problem is that most ways of dealing with moral issues about future (...)
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    (1 other version)mirada crítica a la ética de la IA: de preocupaciones emergentes y principios orientadores a un desvelar ético.Gabriela Arriagada-Bruneau - 2024 - Resonancias Revista de Filosofía 17:101-120.
    En este artículo examino el estado actual de la “segunda ola” de la ética en la inteligencia artificial (IA), la cual se centra en la integración de principios éticos fundamentales como la justicia, la privacidad, la transparencia y la explicabilidad en el diseño, uso e implementación de sistemas de IA. Argumento que, aunque esta fase ha sido criticada por su naturaleza abstracta y su falta de contextualización, es imperativo que la emergente “tercera ola” adopte un cambio paradigmático hacia un “desvelar (...)
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  31. Coming to Terms with Ultimate Reality in the Sociology of Religion: Introduction to URAM Research and the Discipline of Sociology of Religion.Aj Blasi - 1987 - Ultimate Reality and Meaning 10 (4):272-281.
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  32. A definition of consciousness.Aj Reiners - 1995 - Gregorianum 76 (3):535-554.
    La nature de la conscience est au centre de la discussion actuelle sur la personne humaine. Bien que certains philosophes fassent de la conscience la clef fondamentale et de toute l'épistémologie, la plupart des scientifiques la réduisent aux intéractions complexes du cerveau. Le présent article tire sa matière de l'analyse que saint Thomas d'Aquin fait de cette notion dans son De Veritate . Il caractérise la conscience en termes de connaissance et d'application de la connaissance à l'agir. L'A. cherche à (...)
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  33. Hypermnesia and insight.Matthew Hugh Erdelyi, Aj Marcel & E. Bisiach - 1988 - In Anthony J. Marcel & Edoardo Bisiach (eds.), Consciousness in Contemporary Science. New York: Oxford University Press.
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    Adding pep (protocol, ethics, and policies) to the preparation of new professionals.Sandra Bruneau - 1998 - Ethics and Behavior 8 (3):249 – 267.
    University and school preparation of new teachers should include work on the ethical and policy quandries of professional work. As it is, teacher education institutions too rarely tackle questions of protocol, ethics, policy, principles, and procedures. Professors may discuss matters of protocol, especially ethical conflicts arising from school and university practices and routines. But they rarely give in-depth treatment to ethics and policy in the teaching life. Moreover, treatment of these matters is often sparse in ethical theory or in reasoned (...)
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    Husserl's static and genetic phenomenology: Translator's introduction to two essays. Essay 1: Static and genetic phenomenological method. Essay 2: The phenomenology of monadic individuality and the phenomenology of the general possibilities and compossibilities of lived-experiences: static and genetic phenomenology. [REVIEW]Aj Steinbock & E. Husserl - 1998 - Continental Philosophy Review 31 (2):127-152.
  36. ¿Cómo integrar la ética aplicada a la inteligencia artificial en el currículo? Análisis y recomendaciones desde el feminismo de la ciencia y de datos.G. Arriagada Bruneau & Javiera Arias - 2024 - Revista de filosofía (Chile) 81:137-160.
    Abstract:This article examines the incorporation of applied ethics into artificial intelligence (AI) within Chilean university curricula, emphasizing the urgent need to implement an integrated framework of action. Through a documentary analysis, it becomes evident that most higher education programs do not explicitly include AI ethics courses in their curricula, highlighting the need for institutionalizing this integration systematically. In response, we propose an approach grounded in feminist science and data feminism, advocating for the inclusion of diverse perspectives and experiences in the (...)
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    Cooperation or Conflict?: The Church in the Brazilian Transition.Thomas C. Bruneau - 1988 - Thought: Fordham University Quarterly 63 (3):291-307.
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  38. International distributive justice.David Aj Richards - 1982 - In J. Roland Pennock & John William Chapman (eds.), Ethics, economics, and the law. New York: New York University Press. pp. 275-99.
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    Silencing and stilling processes: The creative and temporal bases of signs.Tom Bruneau - 1985 - Semiotica 56 (3-4):279-290.
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    Apotropaia déliens. La massue d'Héraclès.Philippe Bruneau - 1964 - Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique 88 (1):159-168.
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    Deux noms antiques de pavement : KΑΤΑΚΛΥΣΤΟΝ et ΛΙΘΟΣΤΡΩΤΟΝ.Philippe Bruneau - 1967 - Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique 91 (2):423-446.
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    Existe-t-il des statues d'Isis Pélagia?Philippe Bruneau - 1974 - Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique 98 (1):333-381.
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    Illustrations antiques du Coq et de l'Ane de Lucien.Philippe Bruneau - 1965 - Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique 89 (2):349-357.
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    Isis Pélagia à Délos.Philippe Bruneau - 1963 - Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique 87 (1):301-308.
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    L’espace et le temps chez Maclaurin : le cas de la figure de la Terre.Olivier Bruneau - 2011 - Philosophia Scientiae 15:17-34.
    Cet article a pour but de donner quelques pistes sur les notions d’espace et de temps chez Maclaurin (1698-1746) à la fois en physique et aussi dans leur représentation mathématique. En s’appuyant essentiellement sur deux de ses ouvrages, l’Account of Sir Isaac Newton’s Philosophical Discoveries et le Treatise of Fluxions, nous verrons en quoi il est proche de Newton et nous donnerons en guise d’exemple, l’application à la question de la figure de la Terre.
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    (1 other version)Introduction. Les mathématiques dans les écoles militaires.Mónica Bruneau Blanco - 2020 - Philosophia Scientiae 24:5-11.
    Aborder l’histoire des mathématiques et son enseignement à travers les institutions scientifiques est une démarche dorénavant courante et souvent pertinente. De nombreux travaux l’ont montré en particulier dans le cadre des grandes institutions scientifiques militaires comme l’École polytechnique [Belhoste 1994], [Bret 2002]. L’histoire de l’enseignement et de la diffusion des sciences, en particulier des mathématiques, a été renouvelée depuis une vingtaine d’années tant en France que dans d’...
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  47. Racism: A challenge to south african universities.Mma Gray & Aj Bernstein - forthcoming - Theoria.
  48. Cultural alterity and acknowledgement: A research project on the plural societies of the Mediterranean 1.F. X. Marin & Navarro ÀJ - 2011 - Ramon Llull Journal of Applied Ethics 2 (2):213.
    A complex world like ours demands for the teachers and professors to command intercultural competences in order to avoid the instrumentalization of the alterities. It is precisely the professionals of education who, given their social function, have the responsibility of forming the citizens of the future in attitudes and behaviours adjusted to plural communities. This article presents the first part of a research project carried out by researchers from Barcelona, Marseille, Rabat and Beirut on the complex world of the respect (...)
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    Une nouvelle mosaïque délienne à sujet mythologique.Gérard Siebert & Philippe Bruneau - 1969 - Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique 93 (1):261-307.
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    Lycurgue et Ambrosia sur une nouvelle mosaïque de Délos.Claude Vatin & Philippe Bruneau - 1966 - Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique 90 (2):391-427.
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