Results for 'Aina Fahrunisa'

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  1.  9
    Hypertension in Riverside Communities. Mahdalena, Mahpolah, Suroto, Aina Fahrunisa & Vitha Amalya Maharani - forthcoming - Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture:1481-1485.
    In addition to being influenced by hereditary factors, increased blood pressure is closely related to the eating habits of the respondents. Riverside Communities fulfill their daily needs from the river, such as eating, bathing, washing, and so on. How does the life of the riverside community affect hypertension?. This research method used a cross-sectional study with data collection using a questionnaire and observation of the people in the riverside areas. Communities on the outskirts of the river have eating habits that (...)
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    Multiple faces elicit augmented neural activity.Aina Puce, Marie E. McNeely, Michael E. Berrebi, James C. Thompson, Jillian Hardee & Julie Brefczynski-Lewis - 2013 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 7.
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    Evidentiality and lexicalisation in the Spanish phraseological system: A study of the idiom a fe mía.Aina Torrent - 2015 - Discourse Studies 17 (2):241-256.
    This work addresses the relation among the semantic-pragmatic categories of evidentiality, epistemicity and intensification based on a study of the discursive use of certain Spanish idiomatic phraseological units. The first part offers an introduction to some theoretical aspects, while the second part analyses the usage of the idiom a fe que. Two important theses that are defended in this article are as follows: evidentiality has played an important role in the process of lexicalisation and grammaticalisation of a number of idiomatic (...)
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    “Magic through many minor measures”: How introducing a flowline production mode in six steps enables journalist team autonomy in local news organizations.Aina Landsverk Hagen, Ingrid M. Tolstad & Arne Lindseth Bygdås - 2022 - AI and Society 37 (2):745-759.
    While facing cuts, downsizing and revenue losses, media organizations experience paradoxical demands in being organized for print or linear production with daily deadlines and simultaneously striving to be ‘digital first’ and produce and publish stories online on a continuous basis throughout the day. In this paper, we describe efforts applied when introducing the metaphor flowline in a medium-sized newspaper organization in Norway with the aim of aligning their production and publishing processes to readers’ consumption of online news. Both the production (...)
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    An African Perspective on Surrogacy and the Justification of Motherhood.Akande Michael Aina - 2018 - Bangladesh Journal of Bioethics 8 (3):18-25.
    Surrogacy as a practice is supported by science, technology, morality and legality. It follows that the issues concerning it cut across all facets of life. And different arguments have being advanced for and against this practice. The belief espouse in this paper is that one cannot discuss successfully the moral, the science or the legality of surrogacy without delving into the cultural question of who is a mother. In other words, it is possible to have simple scientific and legal understandings (...)
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    The Significance of Metaphysical Presuppositions in Yoruba Punitive System.Adebayo Aina - 2018 - Tattva - Journal of Philosophy 10 (1):33-46.
    Within the notion of punishment in the Yoruba culture, the physical and non-physical aspects of human existence are reconciled to arrive at a justifiable punitive action. The metaphysical presuppositions in Yoruba punitive system reflect a coherent interconnection among social structure, law and belief system for the harmonious human well-being of the individual and the community. Furthermore, the judicious imposition of punitive measures on the offender establishes the significance of attributing responsibility for every human action without antagonism and animosity. Nevertheless, the (...)
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  7.  10
    Concept weberien "éthique protestante-capitalisme" et contexte de pauvreté: le cas malgache: intégration épistémologique de la pensée complexe dans une approche par l'histoire de la pensée et l'institutionnalisme économiques.Aina Andrianavalona Razafiarison - 2017 - Paris: L'Harmattan.
    L'étude du concept de Max Weber " éthique protestante-capitalisme " dans un contexte de pauvreté est un double défi. D'abord parce que le présent ouvrage se propose d'intégrer Weber dans la lignée des économistes. Son affiliation à l'institutionnalisme économique, déterminera ainsi le canevas de l'analyse de la pertinence de sa théorie dans un contexte de pauvreté qu'est le cas malgache. Ensuite car l'évident paradoxe soulevé par l'influence majeure de la religion chrétienne et protestante sur la société malgache, face à une (...)
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    When Jack Blinks: Siting Gay Desire in Ann Bannon's "Beebo Brinker".Michèle Aina Barale - 1992 - Feminist Studies 18 (3):533.
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    Extrastriate visual cortex reorganizes despite sequential bilateral occipital stroke: implications for vision recovery.Amy Brodtmann, Aina Puce, David Darby & Geoffrey Donnan - 2015 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 9.
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    Medienpluralismus und Programmwirklichkeit.Claudia James & Aina Schmidt - 1994 - Communications 19 (1):33-50.
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  11.  34
    Editorial: Facing the Other: Novel Theories and Methods in Face Perception Research.Davide Rivolta, Aina Puce & Mark A. Williams - 2016 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 10.
  12.  25
    “Anthropological Poverty” Discourse in Africa: A Contribution to Catholic Social Thought on Poverty, Violence, and Justice.Raymond Olúsèsan Aina - 2023 - Journal of Catholic Social Thought 20 (1):73-97.
    A more dynamic approach to Catholic social thought that encourages a prophetic discernment can critically challenge the official narrative presented in the Compendium of the Social Doctrine of the Church, which is widely popular in Africa. This article develops this argument by revisiting three key problems that CST encounters in the African reality: poverty, violence, and justice. Significantly, the postcolonial discourse of “anthropological poverty” serves as both a justification for and a critique of the Compendium. This article highlights how a (...)
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    Integrative Punishment in Yoruba Thought: Implications for the Contemporary Justice System.Bayo Aina - 2013 - Philosophia: International Journal of Philosophy (Philippine e-journal) 14 (1):43-57.
    The integrative approach to punishment appears more adequate than the utilitarian and retributive theories. It does not only engender restitution, retribution, and deterrence but it also reconciles the physical and nonphysical realms of existence. The goal of punishment is to maintain social balance or order. Content analysis is employed. The integrative notion of punishment is associated with the principle of proportionality within a vigorous collective conscience. This paper seeks to contribute to the criminal justice system by going beyond the discussion (...)
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    Maduabuchi Dukor and the Legacies of Ontological Practices in African Thought System.Adebayo Aina - 2013 - Open Journal of Philosophy 3 (1):168.
    A challenge human existence is confronted in contemporary society is the justification of a coherent social order. Most of these justifications have been grounded, over time, on natural approach to the neglect of the African ontological practice. This natural reference fails to account for the ontological practice premised on African belief system which reconciles the natural and spiritual aspects of human existence. The study adopts the analytic approach in philosophy which evolves a clarification of the ontological concept within the African (...)
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    Neural Activity To Viewed Dynamic Gaze Is Affected By Social Decision.Puce Aina, Latinus Marianne, Love Scott, Rossi Alejandra, Parada Francisco, Huang Lisa, Conty Laurence, James Karin & George Nathalie - 2015 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 9.
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    Retributivist Theory of Punishment: Some Comments.Adebayo Aina - 2018 - Balkan Journal of Philosophy 10 (1):63-70.
    The Retributivist approach to punishment attempts to address the challenges posed by utilitarian conception that punitive actions should strictly be associated with a costeffective means to certain independently identifiable goods at the expense of justice. Justice proffers how the guilty deserve to be punished and no moral consideration relevant to punishment outweighs an offender’s criminal desert. However, this just desert provokes difficulty in discerning proportionality between the moral gravity of each offence and the specific penalties attached. This consequently degenerates to (...)
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  17. The question of culture of philosophy in Africa.Adebayo A. Aina & Olatunji A. Oyeshile - 2014 - In Jonathan O. Chimakonam, Atuolu Omalu: Some Unanswered Questions in Contemporary African Philosophy. Lanham, Maryland: Upa.
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    Flexing Gender Perception: Brain Potentials Reveal the Cognitive Permeability of Grammatical Information.Sayaka Sato, Aina Casaponsa & Panos Athanasopoulos - 2020 - Cognitive Science 44 (9):e12884.
    A growing body of recent research suggests that verbal categories, particularly labels, impact categorization and perception. These findings are commonly interpreted as demonstrating the involvement of language on cognition; however, whether these assumptions hold true for grammatical structures has yet to be investigated. In the present study, we investigated the extent to which linguistic information, namely, grammatical gender categories, structures cognition to subsequently influence categorical judgments and perception. In a nonverbal categorization task, French–English bilinguals and monolingual English speakers made gender‐associated (...)
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  19. Social perception from visual cues: role of the STS region.Truett Allison, Aina Puce & Gregory McCarthy - 2000 - Trends in Cognitive Sciences 4 (7):267-278.
  20.  45
    La dérive sociale du programme rousseauiste.Aina D. López Yáñez - 2005 - Cahiers Internationaux de Sociologie 119 (2):267.
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    Mindfulness and Symptoms of Depression and Anxiety in the General Population: The Mediating Roles of Worry, Rumination, Reappraisal and Suppression.Fabrice B. R. Parmentier, Mauro García-Toro, Javier García-Campayo, Aina M. Yañez, Pilar Andrés & Margalida Gili - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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  22. Mobilising Papua New Guinea’s Conservation Humanities: Research, Teaching, Capacity Building, Future Directions.Jessica A. Stockdale, Jo Middleton, Regina Aina, Gabriel Cherake, Francesca Dem, William Ferea, Arthur Hane-Nou, Willy Huanduo, Alfred Kik, Vojtěch Novotný, Ben Ruli, Peter Yearwood, Jackie Cassell, Alice Eldridge, James Fairhead, Jules Winchester & Alan Stewart - 2024 - Conservation and Society 22 (2):86-96.
    We suggest that the emerging field of the conservation humanities can play a valuable role in biodiversity protection in Papua New Guinea (PNG), where most land remains under collective customary clan ownership. As a first step to mobilising this scholarly field in PNG and to support capacity development for PNG humanities academics, we conducted a landscape review of PNG humanities teaching and research relating to biodiversity conservation and customary land rights. We conducted a systematic literature review, a PNG teaching programme (...)
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    A Re-Interpretation of African Philosophical Idea of Man and the Universe: The Yoruba Example.Michael Aina Akande - 2013 - Open Journal of Philosophy 3 (1):140.
    The concern of this paper is to argue against Maduabuchi Dukor’s conception of African philosophical ideas of man, universe and God as“theistic humanism”. Dukor’s submission is an anti-thesis of the claims by many pioneer scholars in African philosophy who claimed that if Africans do not live in a religious universe perhaps one can affirm that their universe is theistic. But indeed the Africans’ perceptions and attitude to life in their various manifestations reveal an idealistic metaphysical orientation without an attenuation of (...)
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    Ciudad y arquitectura en el imaginario utópico.Emilio Martín Martínez Guttiérrez & Aína Dolores López Yañez - 2024 - Araucaria 26 (56).
    _Resumen_: Analizamos el papel asignado a los dispositivos espaciales en las utopías adoptando una perspectiva teórica amplia: cultural, social e histórica. Primero documentamos la tendencia de las utopías a plasmarse en proyectos espaciales y esbozamos posibles causas de este hecho: la impronta griega, la preeminencia de la forma socio-política “ciudad” y el influjo del _ars memoriae_ basado en tipos arquitectónicos. Después interpretamos la evolución histórica de la cuestión, reconociendo un punto de inflexión en el siglo XIX con el determinismo espacialista (...)
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    Photographic but not line-drawn faces show early perceptual neural sensitivity to eye gaze direction.Alejandra Rossi, Francisco J. Parada, Marianne Latinus & Aina Puce - 2015 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 9:98381.
    Our brains readily decode facial movements and changes in social attention, reflected in earlier and larger N170 event-related potentials (ERPs) to viewing gaze aversions vs. direct gaze in real faces (Puce et al. 2000). In contrast, gaze aversions in line-drawn faces do not produce these N170 differences (Rossi et al., 2014), suggesting that physical stimulus properties or experimental context may drive these effects. Here we investigated the role of stimulus-induced context on neurophysiological responses to dynamic gaze. Sixteen healthy adults viewed (...)
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  26.  23
    El uso de Internet y las actitudes políticas: Datos cuantitativos y cualitativos de España.Clelia Colombo, Carol Galais & Aina Gallego - 2012 - Arbor 188 (756):751-766.
    En este artículo sostenemos que la extensión del uso de las nuevas tecnologías puede contribuir a un cambio en las actitudes políticas en las democracias industrializadas desarrolladas. Las nuevas tecnologías permiten un acceso más fácil a la información y se caracterizan por la interactividad y la horizontalidad. Estos rasgos pueden fomentar el interés, la eficacia política y las preferencias para la democracia directa. Esta hipótesis se evalúa con datos cuantitativos y cualitativos originales recogidos en España. Se utilizan datos de un (...)
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    Changes in the Sensitivity to Language-Specific Orthographic Patterns With Age.Jon Andoni Duñabeitia, María Borragán, Angela de Bruin & Aina Casaponsa - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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    User participation when using milieu therapy in a psychiatric hospital in Norway: a mission impossible?Christine Oeye, Anne Karen Bjelland, Aina Skorpen & Norman Anderssen - 2009 - Nursing Inquiry 16 (4):287-296.
    In the past decade, the Norwegian government has emphasized user participation as an important goal in the care of mentally ill patients, through governmental strategic plans. At the same time, the governmental documents request normalization of psychiatric patients, including the re‐socialization of psychiatric patients back into society outside the psychiatric hospital. Milieu therapy is a therapeutic tool to ensure user participation and re‐socialization. Based on an ethnographic study in a long‐term psychiatric ward in a psychiatric hospital, we identified how staff (...)
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    Individual, Sociodemographic, and Environmental Factors Related to Physical Activity During the Spring 2020 COVID-19 Lockdown. [REVIEW]Claudia Teran-Escobar, Cyril Forestier, Clément Ginoux, Sandrine Isoard-Gautheur, Philippe Sarrazin, Anna Clavel & Aïna Chalabaev - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Background: Research has shown important between-individual variations in physical activity during the COVID-19 lockdown.Objectives: The objectives of this is study are to examine the individual, sociodemographic, and environmental factors related to PA during the spring 2020 COVID-19 lockdown in France and to explore the mediating and moderating role of intention and self-efficacy toward PA in the relationships between sociodemographic/environmental variables and PA.Design: In this cross-sectional study, participants living in France completed an online survey between March 30 and April 10, 2020.Method: (...)
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    The Mathematical Sciences in Syriac: From Sergius of Resh-‘Aina and Severus Sebokht to Barhebraeus and Patriarch Ni‘matallah.Hidemi Takahashi - 2011 - Annals of Science 68 (4):477-491.
    Summary Syriac translations and Syriac scholars played an important role in the transmission of the sciences, including the mathematical sciences, from the Greek to the Arabic world. Relatively little, unfortunately, remains of the translations and original mathematical works of earlier Syriac scholars, but some materials have survived, and further glimpses of what once existed may be gained from works of later authors. The paper will provide an overview of the earlier materials that have survived or are known to have existed. (...)
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    Dialogia hakemassa – avoin julkaiseminen filosofiassa.Markku Roinila - 2024 - Think Open.
    Filosofia voisi keskustelevan luonteensa takia sopia erityisen hyvin avoimeen julkaisemiseen, mutta se ei ole siinä niin pitkällä kuin monet luonnontieteet tai lääketiede. Tässä artikkelissa filosofian alan julkaisemisen kulttuuria tarkastellaan laajasti: aina preprint-julkaisemisesta avoimen julkaisemisen eri muotoihin – myös mahdollisia tulevaisuuden suuntauksia hahmotellaan. Artikkeli käy läpi filosofian lehtien avoimen julkaisemisen käytäntöjä sekä kotimaisissa että kansainvälisissä lehdissä. Myös avoimen julkaisemisen erilaisten tukimuotojen vaikutus julkaisemiseen tuodaan esiin, kun pureudutaan tarkemmin Helsingin yliopiston filosofian alan julkaisukäytäntöihin.
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    Rectificatory Justice and the Kānaka Maoli of Hawai‘i.Rodney C. Roberts - 2020 - Social Philosophy Today 36:89-103.
    The term “Native Hawaiian” is often used to refer to the indigenous people of the Hawaiian islands; however, the term is itself non-Hawaiian, as is its pronunciation. The Kānaka Maoli, the “true or real persons,” are the indigenous people of Ka Pae ‘Āina O Hawai‘i (the Hawaiian archipelago). After living for centuries in these islands as a sovereign people, with a relationship to the land that is both familial and reciprocal, the last Hawaiian government was overthrown in 1893 with the (...)
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  33. Evoluutiopsykologia ja sen ongelmat.Panu Raatikainen - 2007 - Tiede and Edistys (1/2007):1-15.
    Viime vuosina ihmistieteiden kentässä on saanut osakseen paljon huomiota uusi lähestymistapa, jota kutsutaan ”evoluutiopsykologiaksi”. Sen piiristä on esimerkiksi väitetty, että evoluutio on muokannut meidän parinvalintamieltymyksiämme niin, että miehillä on taipumus tuntea vetoa lisääntymiskykyisiltä näyttäviin nuoriin naisiin, pyrkiä parittelemaan aina tilaisuuden tullen mahdollisimman monien naisten kanssa ja olla mustasukkaisia, kun taas naiset ovat taipuvaisia mieltymään iäkkäämpiin miehiin, joilla on valtaa ja resursseja. Luonnonvalinnalla on pyritty myös selittämään mm. raiskauksia.
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  34. Osallisuusvastuu ilmastonmuutoksesta [Climate change complicity].Säde Hormio - 2013 - Ajatuksia Ilmastoetiikasta.
    Vaikka suurin osa viimeaikaisesta ilmaston lämpenemisestä on ihmisten aiheuttamaa antropogeenista lämpenemistä, yksittäisten ihmisten kausaalinen vaikutus ilmastonmuutokseen on minimaalinen, jopa mitätön. Tämän takia jotkut väittävät, että on harhaanjohtavaa pitää yksilöitä vastuussa ilmastonmuutoksesta. Tällainen argumentointi perustuu perinteisiin vastuutulkintoihin ja -käsitteisiin, joissa vastuun perustana painotetaan toimijan näkökulmaa ja hänen kausaalista rooliaan: jos toimijan teot tai tekemättä jättämiset eivät vaikuta lopputulokseen, hän ei ole vastuussa siitä. Ilmastonmuutoksessa on toinenkin vastuukäsitysten kannalta ongelmallinen seikka, intentionaalisuus eli tahallisuus: ihmiskunta tai yksittäiset ihmiset eivät ole tietoisesti lähteneet muuttamaan (...)
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    Kanssakulkijat: monilajisten kohtaamisten jäljillä.Tuomas Räsänen & Nora Schuurman (eds.) - 2020 - Helsinki: Suomalaisen Kirjallisuuden Seura.
    Länsimaisessa kulttuurissa ihminen on perinteisesti esitetty omalakisena ja itseriittoisena toimijana, vaikka yhteiskunta on aina rakentunut monilajisen vuorovaikutuksen varaan. Eläimillä on ollut ja on edelleenkin merkittävä vaikutus ihmisten historiaan ja yhteiskuntaan. Kanssakulkijat valottaa niitä erilaisia tapoja, joilla ihmiset ovat suhtautuneet kohtaamiinsa eläimiin ja jakaneet arkensa, työnsä ja kotinsa niiden kanssa. Monitieteinen teos nostaa esiin ihmisten ja eläinten vuorovaikutuksen moninaisia muotoja ja erittelee niissä tapahtuneita muutoksia Suomessa.
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    Epäilijöitä ja tiedon etsijöitä. [REVIEW]Jan Forsman - 2017 - Ajatus 74 (1):327-342.
    Kirja-arvio: Malin Grahn-Wilder : Skeptisismi: Epäilyn ja etsimisen filosofia. Gaudeamus, Helsinki 2016. 453 sivua. Mitä on tieto ja kellä sitä on? Voimmeko tietää miten asiat todella ovat? Voimmeko ylipäätään tietää mitään? Malin Grahn-Wilderin toimittama teos Skeptisismi on kattava läpileikkaus skeptisismin historiasta antiikin juuriltaan aina nykyajan keskusteluihin saakka. Samalla se sisältää ensimmäistä kertaa suomeksi käännettynä useammankin filosofian historialle ehdottoman olennaisen kirjoituksen.
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