Results for 'Rossi Alejandra'

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  1.  38
    Photographic but not line-drawn faces show early perceptual neural sensitivity to eye gaze direction.Alejandra Rossi, Francisco J. Parada, Marianne Latinus & Aina Puce - 2015 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 9:98381.
    Our brains readily decode facial movements and changes in social attention, reflected in earlier and larger N170 event-related potentials (ERPs) to viewing gaze aversions vs. direct gaze in real faces (Puce et al. 2000). In contrast, gaze aversions in line-drawn faces do not produce these N170 differences (Rossi et al., 2014), suggesting that physical stimulus properties or experimental context may drive these effects. Here we investigated the role of stimulus-induced context on neurophysiological responses to dynamic gaze. Sixteen healthy adults (...)
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    Hormonal Correlates of Exploratory and Play-Soliciting Behavior in Domestic Dogs.Alejandra Rossi, Francisco J. Parada, Rosemary Stewart, Casey Barwell, Gregory Demas & Colin Allen - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    If Neuroscience Needs Behavior, What Does Psychology Need?Francisco J. Parada & Alejandra Rossi - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    Commentary: Brain-to-Brain Synchrony Tracks Real-World Dynamic Group Interactions in the Classroom and Cognitive Neuroscience: Synchronizing Brains in the Classroom.Francisco J. Parada & Alejandra Rossi - 2017 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 11.
  5.  22
    Social Support and Cognition: A Systematic Review.Stefanella Costa-Cordella, Camilo Arevalo-Romero, Francisco J. Parada & Alejandra Rossi - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Although the influence of social support in health is a widely acknowledged factor, there is a significant gap in the understanding of its role on cognition. The purpose of this systematic review was, therefore, to determine the state-of-the-art on the literature testing the association between social support and cognition. Using six databases, we identified 22 articles published between 1999 and 2019 involving an empirical quantitative focus which meet the inclusion criteria. Data extraction was performed following PRISMA recommendations. To summarize the (...)
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    Neural Activity To Viewed Dynamic Gaze Is Affected By Social Decision.Puce Aina, Latinus Marianne, Love Scott, Rossi Alejandra, Parada Francisco, Huang Lisa, Conty Laurence, James Karin & George Nathalie - 2015 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 9.
  7. Delle Rovine E Oltre Saggi Su Julius Evola.Mario Bernardi Guardi & Marco Rossi - 1995 - A. Pellicani.
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  8. False Exemplars: Admiration and the Ethics of Public Monuments.Benjamin Cohen Rossi - 2020 - Journal of Ethics and Social Philosophy 18 (1).
    In recent years, a new generation of activists has reinvigorated debate over the public commemorative landscape. While this debate is in no way limited to statues, it frequently crystallizes around public representations of historical figures who expressed support for the oppression of certain groups or contributed to their past or present oppression. In this paper, I consider what should be done about such representations. A number of philosophers have articulated arguments for modifying or removing public monuments. Joanna Burch-Brown (2017) grounds (...)
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  9. Elusive Reasons and the Motivational Constraint.Benjamin Cohen Rossi - 2021 - Journal of Ethics and Social Philosophy 20 (1).
    The motivational constraint on normative reasons says that a consideration is a normative reason for an agent to act only if it is logically possible for the agent to act for that reason, or at least to be moved so to act. The claim figures Zelig-like in philosophical debates about practical reasons: on hand, occasionally prominent, but never the focus of discussion. However, because it is entailed by a number of prominent views about normative reasons—including various forms of internalism and (...)
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  10. Feeling Badly Is Not Good Enough: a Reply to Fritz and Miller.Benjamin Rossi - 2020 - Ethical Theory and Moral Practice 23 (1):101-105.
    Kyle Fritz and Daniel Miller’s reply to my article helpfully clarifies their position and our main points of disagreement. Their view is that those who blame hypocritically lack the right to blame for a violation of some moral norm N in virtue of having an unfair disposition to blame others, but not themselves, for violations of N. This view raises two key questions. First, are there instances of hypocritical blame that do not involve an unfair differential blaming disposition? Second, if (...)
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  11.  62
    From Collapse Theorems to Proof-Theoretic Arguments.Alessandro Rossi - 2023 - Australasian Journal of Logic 20 (1):1-31.
    On some views, we can be sure that parties to a dispute over the logic of ‘exists’ are not talking past each other if they can characterise ‘exists’ as the only monadic predicate up to logical equivalence obeying a certain set of rules of inference. Otherwise, we ought to be suspicious about the reality of their disagreement. This is what we call a proof- theoretic argument. Pace some critics, who have tried to use proof-theoretic arguments to cast doubts about the (...)
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    Francis Bacon: from magic to science.Paolo Rossi - 1968 - [Chicago]: University of Chicago Press.
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  13. Legitimacy, Democracy and Public Justification: Rawls' Political Liberalism Versus Gaus' Justificatory Liberalism.Enzo Rossi - 2014 - Res Publica 20 (1):9-25.
    Public justification-based accounts of liberal legitimacy rely on the idea that a polity’s basic structure should, in some sense, be acceptable to its citizens. In this paper I discuss the prospects of that approach through the lens of Gerald Gaus’ critique of John Rawls’ paradigmatic account of democratic public justification. I argue that Gaus does succeed in pointing out some significant problems for Rawls’ political liberalism; yet his alternative, justificatory liberalism, is not voluntaristic enough to satisfy the desiderata of a (...)
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  14.  90
    El azar segun Aristoteles: estructuras de la causalidad accidental en los procesos naturales y en la accion.Gabriela Rossi - 2011 - Sankt Augustin: Academia Verlag.
    This work is the first monograph devoted to the interpretation of Aristotle’s theory of chance in Physics II 4-6 and its implications and projections in other treatises, including an original and comprehensive account of the Aristotelian conception of chance, of accidental causality in the realm of nature, and of accidental causality in the realm of human action. One of the main interpretative issues around Aristotle’s discussion of chance is its relation to the four causes and to teleology. In this sense, (...)
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  15.  51
    Emotions and the ‘Central Test of Virtue’: Critical Notice of Gopal Sreenivasan’s Emotion and Virtue.Mauro Rossi - 2022 - Analysis 82 (2):377-386.
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    Meditaciones sobre el dolor.Adrián Cangi & Alejandra González (eds.) - 2019 - [Vicente López, Argentina?]: (Autonomía).
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    Jorge riechmann: “Todo puede ser salvado ”.Marta Beatriz Ferrari & Gabriela Alejandra Genovese - 2006 - Alpha (Osorno) 22.
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  18. El castigo corporal como método de disciplina contra niños, niñas y adolescentes frente a la Corte Interamericana de Derecho Humanos: Un desafío internacional.Jorge F. Calderón Gamboa, Emilio García Méndez, Cristina Lafont, Alejandra Núñez Luna & María Laura Manrique Pérez - 2009 - Isonomía. Revista de Teoría y Filosofía Del Derecho 31:73-96.
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    Principles and strategies to balance ethical, social and environmental concerns with corporate requirements.Liam Leonard & Maria-Alejandra Gonzalez-Perez (eds.) - 2013 - Bingley, UK: Emerald Group Publishing.
    Brings together a range of practitioners and academics from the world of business who examine corporate social responsibility in policy and practice in a series of case studies from across the globe.
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    Utilitarian Decision or Random Decision? Critique of a Thesis Rooted in Cognitive Neuroscience.Alejandro Rosas, Esteban Caviedes, Arciniegas Gomez Maria Alejandra & Arciniegas Gomez Maria Andrea - 2013 - Ideas Y Valores 62 (153):179-199.
    RESUMEN Diversos estudios han concluido que los pacientes con daño en la Corteza Frontal -CF- o Corteza Prefrontal Ventromedial -CPV- muestran una disposición a herir directamente a otra persona con el fin de salvar varias vidas en sus respuestas a los "dilemas morales personales", revelando una posible carencia de empatía. No obstante, cuando evalúan conductas carentes de empatía sin justificación utilitarista, sus respuestas son normales. Defendemos aquí que los pacientes sufren una deficiencia cognitiva relacionada con la hipótesis de marcador somático (...)
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  21. L'ontologia della logica immaginaria. Aristotele e Vasil'ev a confronto.Niccolò Rossi - 2021 - Verifiche: Rivista Trimestrale di Scienze Umane 50 (1):147-176.
    The aim of this paper is to show how the invention of imaginary logic by Nikolaj A. Vasil’ev, forerunner of various logical and metaphysical theories appeared in the 20th century, is grounded on a revaluation of Aristotelian ontology. I shall introduce the reason why Aristotle believes that the study of the principle of contradiction is part of ontology (§ 2); I shall explain why Vasil’ev considers the law of contradiction an empirical law, and not a logical one (§ 3.1). I (...)
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  22. Legitimacy and Consensus in Rawls' Political Liberalism.Enzo Rossi - 2014 - Iride: Filosofia e Discussione Pubblica 27:37-56.
    In this paper I analyze the theory of legitimacy at the core of John Rawls’ political liberalism. Rawls argues that a political system is well grounded when it is stable. This notion of stability embodies both pragmatic and moral elements, each of which constitutes a key desideratum of Rawlsian liberal legitimacy. But those desiderata are in tension with each other. My main claim is that Rawls’ strategy to overcome that tension through his theory of public justification is ultimately unsuccessful, because (...)
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  23.  92
    Liberal legitimacy : a study of the normative foundations of liberalism.Enzo Rossi - unknown
    This thesis is a critique of the prominent strand of contemporary liberal political theory which maintains that liberal political authority must, in some sense, rest on the free consent of those subjected to it, and that such a consensus is achieved if a polity’s basic structure can be publicly justified to its citizenry, or to a relevant subset of it. Call that the liberal legitimacy view. I argue that the liberal legitimacy view cannot provide viable normative foundations for political authority, (...)
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    A randomised controlled trial of an Intervention to Improve Compliance with the ARRIVE guidelines (IICARus).Ezgi Tanriver-Ayder, Laura J. Gray, Sarah K. McCann, Ian M. Devonshire, Leigh O’Connor, Zeinab Ammar, Sarah Corke, Mahmoud Warda, Evandro Araújo De-Souza, Paolo Roncon, Edward Christopher, Ryan Cheyne, Daniel Baker, Emily Wheater, Marco Cascella, Savannah A. Lynn, Emmanuel Charbonney, Kamil Laban, Cilene Lino de Oliveira, Julija Baginskaite, Joanne Storey, David Ewart Henshall, Ahmed Nazzal, Privjyot Jheeta, Arianna Rinaldi, Teja Gregorc, Anthony Shek, Jennifer Freymann, Natasha A. Karp, Terence J. Quinn, Victor Jones, Kimberley Elaine Wever, Klara Zsofia Gerlei, Mona Hosh, Victoria Hohendorf, Monica Dingwall, Timm Konold, Katrina Blazek, Sarah Antar, Daniel-Cosmin Marcu, Alexandra Bannach-Brown, Paula Grill, Zsanett Bahor, Gillian L. Currie, Fala Cramond, Rosie Moreland, Chris Sena, Jing Liao, Michelle Dohm, Gina Alvino, Alejandra Clark, Gavin Morrison, Catriona MacCallum, Cadi Irvine, Philip Bath, David Howells, Malcolm R. Macleod, Kaitlyn Hair & Emily S. Sena - 2019 - Research Integrity and Peer Review 4 (1).
    BackgroundThe ARRIVE (Animal Research: Reporting of In Vivo Experiments) guidelines are widely endorsed but compliance is limited. We sought to determine whether journal-requested completion of an ARRIVE checklist improves full compliance with the guidelines.MethodsIn a randomised controlled trial, manuscripts reporting in vivo animal research submitted to PLOS ONE (March–June 2015) were randomly allocated to either requested completion of an ARRIVE checklist or current standard practice. Authors, academic editors, and peer reviewers were blinded to group allocation. Trained reviewers performed outcome adjudication (...)
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  25.  18
    La Neuropsicología Del Juicio Moral. Sobre Las Causas de Respuestas Contraintuitivas a Los Dilemas Morales.Alejandro Rosas, Andrea Arciniegas, Esteban Cavides & Alejandra Arciniegas - 2014 - Praxis Filosófica 38:89-106.
    Una literatura creciente en neuropsicología estudia el juicio moral aplicando dilemas morales a personas con daños neuronales o con rasgos de personalidad antisocial; y parece confirmar una tendencia al juicio utilitarista contra-intuitivo, es decir, estas personas aprueban el sacrificio de un inocente para salvar varias vidas. Argumentamos que las evidencias encontradas no respaldan la hipótesis de dos módulos morales (Greene et al. 2004), sino más bien una disfunción en la capacidad empática o en el procesamiento de emociones, que apoyaría una (...)
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    Alexithymia Predicts Attrition and Outcome in Weight-Loss Obesity Treatment.Mario Altamura, Piero Porcelli, Beth Fairfield, Stefania Malerba, Raffaella Carnevale, Angela Balzotti, Giuseppe Rossi, Gianluigi Vendemiale & Antonello Bellomo - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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  27. Introduction.Gregory Bochner, Philippe De Brabanter, Mikhail Kissine & Daniela Rossi - 2011 - In Gregory Bochner, Philippe De Brabanter, MIkhail Kissine & Daniela Rossi, Cognitive and Empirical Pragmatics : Issues and Perspectives. Belgian Journal of Linguistics 25.
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  28. Effetti della dieta sul contenuto lipidico dello zooplancton.R. Impiccini, P. Melotti, L. Pregnolato & R. Rossi - 1997 - Laguna 1 (97).
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    ‘Emotions’ in Gopal Sreenivasan's Emotion and Virtue.Mauro Rossi - forthcoming - Analytic Philosophy.
    In his remarkable new book, Emotion and Virtue, Sreenivasan defends the view that, in the case of many virtues, in order for an exemplar of each of these virtues to be a reliable judge of what that virtue requires in specific circumstances, she must possess a particular, morally rectified, emotional trait. In this article, I raise two challenges to “the argument from salience” that Sreenivasan offers in favor of this view. First, I argue that, although Sreenivasan wishes to remain neutral (...)
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  30. On Glen Newey's Prescient Political Realism.Enzo Rossi - forthcoming - Biblioteca Della Libertà.
  31. Liberal Democracy and the Challenge of Ethical Diversity.Enzo Rossi - 2008 - Human Affairs 18 (1):10-22.
    What do we talk about when we talk about ethical diversity as a challenge to the normative justifiability of liberal democracy? Many theorists claim that liberal democracy ought to be reformed or rejected for not being sufficiently ‘inclusive’ towards diversity; others argue that, on the contrary, liberalism is desirable because it accommodates (some level of) diversity. Moreover, it has been argued that concern for diversity should lead us to favour (say) neutralistic over perfectionist, universalistic over particularistic, participative over representative versions (...)
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    Endurantismo y extensión espacio-temporal.Carlos Rossi - 2024 - Ideas Y Valores 72 (183).
    Según la caracterización extendida del debate entre endurantistas y perdurantistas, los objetos materiales persisten temporalmente o bien en virtud de estar totalmente presentes en distintos momentos de tiempo, o bien en virtud de poseer partes temporales en distintos momentos de tiempo. El presente artículo se propone realizar una defensa de la teoría endurantista de las objeciones presentadas por Barker y Dowe (2003; 2005) y Hofweber y Velleman (2011). Dichas objeciones intentan mostrar que el Endurantismo (i) supone lógicamente la tesis característica (...)
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    Explaining and Expanding the Scope of Strawson's Reactive Attitudes: An Examination and Application of Freedom and Resentment.Daniel E. Rossi-Keen - 2007 - Kriterion - Journal of Philosophy 1 (21):46-63.
    In this paper, I examine P. F. Strawson's "Freedom and Resentment" [6] in an effort to clarify the essential features of attitudes that Strawson believes may be understood as reactive. I propose a definition of the reactive attitudes that outlines the various conditions that must be met in order to give rise to a given reactive attitude. I then expand upon Strawson's work by introducing two additional categories of reactive attitudes: self-reflexive reactive attitudes and second-personal reflexive reactive attitudes. In addition (...)
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  34.  22
    Engaging marginal stakeholders on social networking sites. A cross‐country exploratory analysis among Generation Z consumers.Marco Valerio Rossi, Pasquale Sasso, Andrea Perna & Ludovico Solima - 2024 - Business Ethics, the Environment and Responsibility 34 (1):155-173.
    This research explores the marginal stakeholder engagement and propensity to value cocreation in the fast-fashion industry by taking Generation Z consumers (GZCs) as observation unit and social networking sites (SNSs) as context of investigation. By undertaking 24 in-depth interviews with US and Italian GZCs, the study uncovers the main elements that influence their engagement generation on SNSs and highlights that at least four main paradoxes (PXs) exist in this scenario. Specifically, the interviewees reported that they do not trust those brands (...)
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    Language as work & trade: a semiotic homology for linguistics & economics.Ferruccio Rossi-Landi - 1983 - South Hadley, Mass.: Bergin & Garvey Publishers.
  36. Galileo Galilei e il libro dei Salmi.Paolo Rossi - 1978 - Rivista di Filosofia 69:45-71.
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    Leibniz e gli Zenonisti.Paolo Rossi - 2001 - Rivista di Storia Della Filosofia 3.
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    La tierra y las imágenes de la comunidad ideal en El origen de la obra de arte, de Martin Heidegger.Luis Alejandro Rossi - 2005 - Logos. Anales Del Seminario de Metafísica [Universidad Complutense de Madrid, España] 38:143-167.
    The article deals with the constitution of a «historical people» in the conference munity that underlie to the interpretations of works of art in the conference are examined, pointing out the relationship of both with two types of different communities. In turn, they also constituted the images of ideal community of nacionalsocialism in power. This coincidence shows a deep agreement of Heidegger with governing nacionalsocialism different from a mere adhesion to the party. In this way, it is shown the parallel (...)
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  39.  24
    Estimating the effect of central bank independence on inflation using longitudinal targeted maximum likelihood estimation.Enzo Rossi, Michael Schomaker & Philipp F. M. Baumann - 2021 - Journal of Causal Inference 9 (1):109-146.
    The notion that an independent central bank reduces a country’s inflation is a controversial hypothesis. To date, it has not been possible to satisfactorily answer this question because the complex macroeconomic structure that gives rise to the data has not been adequately incorporated into statistical analyses. We develop a causal model that summarizes the economic process of inflation. Based on this causal model and recent data, we discuss and identify the assumptions under which the effect of central bank independence on (...)
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  40.  15
    End-of-life care: ethical issues, practices and challenges.Maria Rossi & Luiz Ortiz (eds.) - 2013 - New York: Nova Publishers.
    Human death is a mystery. Although scientists have identified the criteria, states, and signs of biological death, undoubtedly the issues of dying and death have a wider meaning. In this book, the authors present current research in the study of the ethical issues, practices and challenges of end-of-life care. Topics discussed include a spiritual perspective of end-of-life experiences; a veterinary oncologist's interprofessional crossover perspective of euthanasia for terminal patients; diabetes and end-of-life care; helping families to cope after the death of (...)
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  41. Elementi di biologia del pesce novello da semina.R. Rossi, R. TRISOlINI & P. FRanzoi - 1999 - Laguna 6:21-30.
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  42.  8
    Educação e ideologia: uma análise ontológica.Rafael Rossi - 2016 - Filosofia E Educação 8 (2):168.
    Nos dias atuais, marcados predominantemente pela crise estrutural do capital, vários discursos e teses voltam a defender a necessidade de uma “neutralidade ideológica” frente aos processos educacionais em todas as instâncias. Partimos dos pressupostos mais gerais da relação que se estabelece entre a educação e a ideologia tendo por fundamento as bases históricas e ontológicas entre os complexos sociais com a totalidade e a categoria fundante do ser social: o trabalho. É por meio da abordagem ontometodológica que poderemos compreender corretamente (...)
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    "El mito más fuerte reposa sobre lo nacional": Carl Schmitt, Georges Sorel y "El concepto de lo político".Luis Alejandro Rossi - 1999 - Revista Internacional de Filosofía Política 14:147-166.
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    Editor’s Page.Philip J. Rossi - 1998 - Philosophy and Theology 11 (1):97-98.
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    El poder constituyente y el líder plebiscitario: formas de la nación en la teoría política de Carl Schmitt.Luis Alejandro Rossi - 2004 - Signos Filosóficos 6 (12):117-146.
    I intend to examine the relationship of the conceptions of constituent power and of plebiscitary leader in Carl Schmitt’s political philosophy with the political sociology of Max Weber. I sustain that starting from this relationship one can better understand the nationalist background of the schmi..
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    El papel de los elementos agonísticos en la dialéctica de Aristóteles.Gabriela Rossi - 2002 - Revista de Filosofía y Teoría Política 34:265-273.
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    Exclusão social: esboço de uma crítica ontológica marxiana.Rafael Rossi - 2017 - Educação E Filosofia 31 (61):321-343.
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    Furori: eroici, bestiali, collettivi.Paolo Rossi - 1998 - Iride: Filosofia e Discussione Pubblica 11 (2):253-274.
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    God, Grace, and Creation.Philip J. Rossi (ed.) - 2010 - Orbis Books.
    Sixteen peer-reviewed essays that explore the work of God's grace in today's world. Major contributors include David Burrell (Notre Dame and Uganda Martyrs University) and Denis Edwards (Flinders University in Australia) on the role of God's grace in creation, and Ilia Delio on the Trinity (Georgetown University).
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    Herculine Barbin , Mes souvenirs. Histoire d'Alexina/Abel B. (Paris: La cause des Livres, 2008), ISBN: 978-2917336014.Andrea Rossi - 2013 - Foucault Studies 15:187-189.
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