Results for 'Aiguo He'

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  1.  12
    Xian dai xing de ben tu hui xiang: jin dai Yang Mo si chao yan jiu.Aiguo He - 2015 - Guangzhou Shi: Shi jie tu shu chu ban Guangdong you xian gong si.
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    Hyperchaos in a Conservative System with Nonhyperbolic Fixed Points.Aiguo Wu, Shijian Cang, Ruiye Zhang, Zenghui Wang & Zengqiang Chen - 2018 - Complexity 2018:1-8.
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    Song dai de ru xue yu ke xue.Aiguo Le - 2007 - Beijing Shi: Zhongguo ke xue ji shu chu ban she.
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    Zhongguo dao jiao lun li si xiang shi gao =.Aiguo Le - 2010 - Jinan: Qi Lu shu she.
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  5. Zhuzi ge wu zhi zhi lun yan jiu.Aiguo Le - 2010 - Changsha Shi: Yuelu shu she.
    Ben shu xi "Zhuzi xue yan jiu cong shu" zhi yi zhong. Zuo zhe cong Zhuzi ge zhi lun xing cheng de xue shu bei jing, ge zhi lun jian gou de xin lu li cheng, ge zhi lun de li lun nei han, ge zhi lun yu ke xue yan jiu, Zhuzi men ren ji hou xue de ge zhi lun, Zhuzi ge zhi lun de yan bian yu ge zhi xue deng fang mian xiang xi lun shu le (...)
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    20 shi ji Zhuzi xue yan jiu jing hua ji cheng: cong xue shu si xiang shi de shi jiao = Essence integration of reaserch on Zhu Xi's academic in twentieth century: from the perspective of the history of academic thoughts.Aiguo Le - 2017 - Beijing Shi: Jing ji ke xue chu ban she.
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    Zou jin da zi ran de Song dai da ru: Zhu Xi de zi ran yan jiu.Aiguo Le - 2014 - Shenzhen: Hai tian chu ban she.
    Ben shu quan mian chan shu zhu xi de li xue yu ke xue si xiang,Te bie jiu zhu xi zhong shi zi ran yan jiu,Shen ru ke xue tan suo,Chuang xin ke xue si xiang,Chuan bo zi ran zhi shi yi ji zhu xi li xue de ke xue jia zhi zhan kai ju ti de lun shu,Chong fen ken ding zhu xi ke xue si xiang dui yu hou shi ke ji fa zhan de zhong yao zuo yong,Yi (...)
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    Fen xi fa xue =.Aiguo Xu - 2005 - Beijing Shi: Fa lü chu ban she.
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  9. Dao jiao sheng tai xue =.Aiguo Yue - 2005 - Beijing Shi: She hui ke xue wen xian chu ban she.
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  10. Ru jia wen hua yu Zhongguo gu dai ke ji.Aiguo Yue - 2002 - Beijing Shi: Zhonghua shu ju.
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  11.  4
    Is He 和 an accurate term to express harmony: Tong 同 as another viable option.Fan He - forthcoming - Asian Philosophy:1-12.
    Contemporary scholarships on various accounts of the concept of harmony in Chinese philosophy have produced fruitful outcomes by examining the term he. A standard use of he to account for harmony comes from the Analects, and this account sets up disjunctions not just between he and tong but also between harmony and tong. Such disjunctions are even more conspicuous in the political discourses from the Zuozhuan and Guoyu, and hence, has led scholars to overlook the more nuanced resonances between tong, (...)
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    Is He 和 an accurate term to express harmony: Tong 同 as another viable option.Fan He - forthcoming - Asian Philosophy:1-12.
    Contemporary scholarships on various accounts of the concept of harmony in Chinese philosophy have produced fruitful outcomes by examining the term he. A standard use of he to account for harmony comes from the Analects, and this account sets up disjunctions not just between he and tong but also between harmony and tong. Such disjunctions are even more conspicuous in the political discourses from the Zuozhuan and Guoyu, and hence, has led scholars to overlook the more nuanced resonances between tong, (...)
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    He Huaihong zi xuan ji.Huaihong He - 2000 - Guilin Shi: Guangxi shi fan da xue chu ban she.
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  14.  16
    He Xin lun mei.Xin He - 2010 - Beijing Shi: Dong fang chu ban she.
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  15.  12
    Hun he de fa lü wen hua.Qinhua He (ed.) - 2008 - Beijing Shi: Fa lü chu ban she.
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  16. (1 other version)He Bingdi si xiang zhi du shi lun.Bingdi He - 2013 - Taibei Shi: Lian jing chu ban shi ye gu fen you xian gong si. Edited by I.-Chun Fan & Hanwei He.
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    He Lin xuan ji =.Lin He - 2005 - Changchun: Jilin ren min chu ban she. Edited by Xuezhi Zhang.
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  18. He Xinyin ji.Xinyin He - 1960 - Beijing: Xin hua shu dian Beijing fa xing suo fa xing.
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  19.  10
    He Yousen xian sheng xue shu lun wen ji.Yousen He - 2009 - Taibei Shi: Guo li tai wan da xue chu ban zhong xin.
    Shang ce. Ru xue yu si xiang -- xia ce. Qing dai xue shu si chao.
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    He Dingsheng zhu zuo ji.Dingsheng He - 2022 - Taibei Shi: Wan juan lou tu shu gu fen you xian gong si. Edited by Xingjian Che.
    何定生是顧頡剛在廣州中山大學任教時的學生,早年即已有文章收錄於《古史辨》中,而享有古史辨學者的光環。一九四九年隨國民政府來臺,任教於臺大中文系。生前出版有《詩經今論》一書,收錄三篇《詩經》研究論文,為 臺灣學界所仰重。一九七○去世後,其弟子何寄澎、曾志雄整理遺稿,出版《定生論學集──詩經與孔學研究》,收錄四篇論著。《何定生著作集》即在此二書的基礎上,復廣泛蒐求其論著、書信與相關資料,編為二冊。第一冊 為《何定生著作集一:詩經、孔學及其他》,第二冊為《何定生著作集二:尚書與文法》,雖尚未能將何氏著作網羅殆盡,但已足將何氏學術的主要面向及研究精華充分展現出來。 何定生深受五四以來新文化運動的影響,繼承顧頡剛及古史辨的學風,將此學風在戰後的臺灣學界持續發皇。何定生的學問主要表現在《詩經》,強調復古解放的精神,他呼籲今日的《詩經》研究,應從清學的漢學壁壘中出來, 以復於原始的樂歌地位。他認為惟有站在《儀禮》的樂歌地位來讀《詩經》,從人性的同類意識來接觸人性,才有碰到詩人靈感的可能。.
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  21.  16
    Zhe xue wei du xia de he xie she hui.Junlu He - 2007 - Beijing: Zhongguo jing ji chu ban she.
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    Wo shi He Zuoxiu.Zuoxiu He - 2002 - Beijing: Zhongguo shi dai jing ji chu ban she.
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  23. Ru jia si xiang di xin kai zhan: He Lin xin ru xue lun zhu ji yao.Lin He - 1995 - Beijing: Zhongguo guang bo dian shi chu ban she. Edited by Zhiming Song.
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    Chu mo shi dai de ling hun: He Zhaowu tan du shu.Zhaowu He - 2020 - Shanghai: Xue lin chu ban she.
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    Early false-belief understanding in traditional non-Western societies.H. Clark Barrett, Tanya Broesch, Rose M. Scott, Zijing He, Renee Baillargeon, Di Wu, Matthias Bolz, Joseph Henrich, Peipei Setoh, Jianxin Wang & Stephen Laurence - 2013 - Proceedings of the Royal Society, B (Biological Sciences) 280 (1755).
  26.  17
    Hélder Câmara y la justicia: ideario.Hélder Câmara - 1981 - Salamanca: Ediciones Sígueme. Edited by Benedicto Tapia de Renedo.
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    Everybody Has the Right to Do What He Wants.He Wants, Hans Reichenbach’S. Volitionism & Its Historical Roots - 2013 - In Nikolay Milkov & Volker Peckhaus, The Berlin Group and the Philosophy of Logical Empiricism. Berlin: Springer. pp. 151.
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    On Categorical Equivalence of Weak Monadic Residuated Distributive Lattices and Weak Monadic c-Differential Residuated Distributive Lattices.Jun Tao Wang, Yan Hong She, Peng Fei He & Na Na Ma - 2023 - Studia Logica 111 (3):361-390.
    The category \(\mathbb {DRDL}{'}\), whose objects are c-differential residuated distributive lattices satisfying the condition \(\textbf{CK}\), is the image of the category \(\mathbb {RDL}\), whose objects are residuated distributive lattices, under the categorical equivalence \(\textbf{K}\) that is constructed in Castiglioni et al. (Stud Log 90:93–124, 2008). In this paper, we introduce weak monadic residuated lattices and study some of their subvarieties. In particular, we use the functor \(\textbf{K}\) to relate the category \(\mathbb {WMRDL}\), whose objects are weak monadic residuated distributive lattices, (...)
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    Liang zi fu he chang lun di zhe xue si kao.Zuoxiu He - 1997 - Beijing: Beijing shi fan da hsueh chu ban she.
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  30. Wo bu xin xie: He Zuoxiu fan wei ke xue lun zhan ji.Zuoxiu He - 1999 - Nanchang Shi: Jiangxi jiao yu chu ban she.
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  31.  18
    The role of grammatical role and thematic role predictability in reference form production in Mandarin Chinese.Heeju Hwang, Suet Ying Lam, Wenjing Ni & He Ren - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Evidence suggests that English speakers use pronouns when referring to the grammatical subject and predictable thematic role. We tested how grammatical role and thematic role predictability affect different types of referential forms, namely, overt pronouns and null pronouns in Mandarin Chinese. We found that both overt and null pronouns were sensitive to grammatical role. However, we did not find any evidence that overt and null pronouns were sensitive to thematic role predictability. Although null pronouns were influenced by grammatical role, the (...)
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    Epithelial Polarity Loss and Multilayer Formation: Insights Into Tumor Growth and Regulatory Mechanisms.Jie Sun, Md Biplob Hosen, Wu-Min Deng & Aiguo Tian - forthcoming - Bioessays:e202400189.
    Epithelial tissues serve as critical barriers in metazoan organisms, maintaining structural integrity and facilitating essential physiological functions. Epithelial cell polarity regulates mechanical properties, signaling, and transport, ensuring tissue organization and homeostasis. However, the barrier function is challenged by cell turnover during development and maintenance. To preserve tissue integrity while removing dying or unwanted cells, epithelial tissues employ cell extrusion. This process removes both dead and live cells from the epithelial layer, typically causing detached cells to undergo apoptosis. Transformed cells, however, (...)
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  33. Position paper on ethical, legal and social challenges linked to audio- and video-based AAL solutions.Alin Ake-Kob, Slavisa Aleksic, Zoltán Alexin, Aurelija Blaževičiene, Anto Čartolovni, Liane Colonna, Carina Dantas, Anton Fedosov, Eduard Fosch-Villaronga, Francisco Florez-Revuelta, Zhicheng He, Aleksandar Jevremović, Andrzej Klimczuk, Maksymilian Kuźmicz, Lambros Lambrinos, Christoph Lutz, Anamaria Malešević, Renata Mekovec, Cristina Miguel, Tamar Mujirishvili, Zada Pajalic, Rodrigo Perez Vega, Barbara Pierscionek, Siddharth Ravi, Pika Sarf, Agusti Solanas & Aurelia Tamo-Larrieux - 2022 - Https://Goodbrother.Eu/.
    In this position paper, we have used Alan Cooper’s persona technique to illustrate the utility of audio- and video-based AAL technologies. Therefore, two primary examples of potential audio- and video-based AAL users, Anna and Irakli, serve as reference points for describing salient ethical, legal and social challenges related to use of AAL. These challenges are presented on three levels: individual, societal, and regulatory. For each challenge, a set of policy recommendations is suggested.
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    Bi ran yu ou ran: He Zhaowu tan li shi.Zhaowu He - 2020 - Shanghai: Xue lin chu ban she.
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  35. Destination image, nostalgic feeling, flow experience and agritourism: An empirical study of Yunling Tea Estate in Anxi, China.Sunbowen Zhang, Jingxuan Liang, Yongqiang Ma, Youcheng Chen & Qiaohua He - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    This study introduces destination image, nostalgic feeling, and flow experience into tea estate tourism and constructs a theoretical model that includes destination image, nostalgic feeling, flow experience, cultural identity, and tourists’ behavioral intention. Then, an empirical study is conducted with tourists at Yunling Tea Estate in Anxi, China. The results show that all hypotheses are supported except the hypothesis pertaining to the significance of the influence of flow experience on behavioral intention, which is not supported. The model includes eight mediating (...)
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    A landmark-based approach to locate symptom-specific transcranial magnetic stimulation targets of depression.Rongrong Du, Qian Zhou, Tianzheng Hu, Jinmei Sun, Qiang Hua, Yingru Wang, Yuanyuan Zhang, Kongliang He, Yanghua Tian, Gong-Jun Ji & Kai Wang - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    ObjectiveTwo subregions of the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex have been identified as effective repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation targets for the “anxiosomatic” and “dysphoric” symptoms, respectively. We aimed to develop a convenient approach to locate these targets on the scalp.Materials and methodsIn a discovery experiment, the two personalized targets were precisely identified on 24 subjects using a neuronavigation system. Then, a localized approach was developed based on individual scalp landmarks. This “landmark-based approach” was replicated and validated in an independent cohort. Reliability of (...)
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    The functional connectivity of the basal ganglia subregions changed in mid-aged and young males with chronic prostatitis/chronic pelvic pain syndrome.Xi Lan, Xuan Niu, Wei-Xian Bai, Hai-Ning Li, Xin-Yi Zhu, Wen-Jun Ma, Jian-Long Li, Wang-Huan Dun, Ming Zhang & Juan He - 2022 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 16:1013425.
    BackgroundThe Basal ganglia (BG) played a crucial role in the brain-level mechanisms of chronic pain disorders. However, the functional changes of BG in chronic prostatitis/chronic pelvic pain syndrome (CP/CPPS) are still poorly understood. This study investigated the BG subregions’ resting-state functional connectivity (rs-FC) in CP/CPPS patients compared with healthy controls.MethodsTwenty eight patients with CP/CPPS and 28 age- and education-matched healthy males underwent clinical measurements and 3T brain MR imaging, including T1-weighted structural images and resting-state functional imaging. The data were analyzed (...)
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    The influence of supervisor creative feedback environment on team creativity: The role of the ambidextrous learning and creative cognitive style.Shuwei Liu, Yawei Zhang, Yamei Liu, Linyan He & Yuchun Xiao - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    The survival and success of organizations increasingly depend on creativity. A Supervisor Creative Feedback Environment is of special value in enhancing team creativity, but few studies have explored the relationship between the supervisor creative feedback environment and creativity and how it affects creativity. Based on feedback intervention theory and triadic reciprocal determinism, this paper explores the process mechanism and boundary conditions of the supervisor creative feedback environment affecting team creativity from the perspectives of ambidextrous learning and team creative cognitive style. (...)
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  39.  18
    When punishers might be loved: fourth-party choices and third-party punishment in a delegation game.Yuzhen Li, Jun Luo, He Niu & Hang Ye - 2023 - Theory and Decision 94 (3):423-465.
    Third-party punishment (TPP) has been shown to be an effective mechanism for maintaining human cooperation. However, it is puzzling how third-party punishment can be maintained, as punishers take on personal costs to punish defectors. Although there is evidence that punishers are preferred as partners because third-party punishment is regarded by bystanders as a costly signal of trustworthiness, other studies show that this signaling value of punishment can be severely attenuated because third-party helping is viewed as a stronger signal of trustworthiness (...)
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    Editorial: The role of experience in children's language development: A cultural perspective.Douglas Sperry, Priya Shimpi, Eliana Colunga, Lulu Song & He Sun - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
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    Social responsibility and subjective well-being of volunteers for COVID-19: The mediating role of job involvement.Chao Wu, Sizhe Cheng, Yinjuan Zhang, Jiaran Yan, Chunyan He, Zhen Sa, Jing Wu, Yawei Lin, Chunni Heng, Xiangni Su & Hongjuan Lang - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    AimOur study aimed to investigate the effect of social responsibility on the subjective well-being of volunteers for COVID-19 and to examine the mediating role of job involvement in this relationship.BackgroundNowadays, more and more people join volunteer service activities. As we all know, volunteer work contributes to society without any return. Volunteers often have a strong sense of social responsibility and reap subjective well-being in their dedication. Although research shows that social responsibility will drive them to participate in volunteer work actively, (...)
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  42.  15
    Comparison of three cognitive assessment methods in post-stroke aphasia patients.Zhijie Yan, Shuo Xu, Dongshuai Wei, Xinyuan He, Chong Li, Yongli Zhang, Mengye Chen, Jingna Zhang, Xiaofang Li, Qing Yang & Jie Jia - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    BackgroundThe cognitive level of post-stroke aphasia patients is generally lower than non-aphasia patients, and cognitive impairment affects the outcome of stroke. However, for different types of PSA, what kind of cognitive assessment methods to choose is not completely clear. We investigated the Montreal Cognitive Assessment, the Mini-Mental State Examination, and the Non-language-based Cognitive Assessment to observe the evaluation effect of CI in patients with fluent aphasia and non-fluent aphasia.Methods92 stroke patients were included in this study. Demographic and clinical data of (...)
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    The spirit of sports as ideology: a theoretical framework.Wei He - 2025 - Sport, Ethics and Philosophy 19 (1):79-94.
    The discourse surrounding the spirit of sports, especially under the purview of the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA), often centers on the philosophical implications of doping and fair play. This research aims to reframe the discussion by employing the lens of historical materialism and Marxist theory, considering sports not merely as isolated physical endeavors but deeply interwoven with societal and ideological transformations. This approach traces the evolution of sports from ancient times, where it served religious and communal functions, to its current (...)
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    Good medicine: the art of ethical care in Canada.Philip C. Hébert - 2016 - Toronto: Doubleday Canada.
    Drawing on his extensive experience as both a medical practitioner and a patient, acclaimed author, award-winning physician, and ethicist Philip Hébert creates a brave and intimate portrait of the complex ethical questions raised by revolutionary advances in medical diagnosis and treatment. Philip Hébert addresses the complex ethical questions raised by revolutionary advances in medical treatment. This work expands upon Hébert's previous book, "Doing Right," and extends his knowledge of the field beyond medical professionals to reach the patients they treat.
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    Sociologie d'un jésuite haïtien: Karl Lévêque, éducateur politique.Hérold Toussaint - 2014 - [Haïti]: Presses nationales d'Haïti.
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    Research on WiFi Penetration Testing with Kali Linux.He-Jun Lu & Yang Yu - 2021 - Complexity 2021:1-8.
    Aiming at the vulnerability of wireless network, this paper proposed a method of WiFi penetration testing based on Kali Linux which is divided into four stages: preparation, information collection, simulation attack, and reporting. By using the methods of monitoring, scanning, capturing, data analysis, password cracking, fake wireless access point spoofing, and other methods, the WiFi network penetration testing with Kali Linux is processed in the simulation environment. The experimental results show that the method of WiFi network penetration testing with Kali (...)
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    One more inconvenient modal truth.Chaoan He - 2024 - Theoria 90 (3):352-354.
    Divers argued that there are modal truths that are inconvenient for the canonical Lewisian theory of modality. Noonan and Jago proposed an answer to the challenge, by invoking a duplicate interpretation of the modal truths. Here, I present a slightly different kind of modal truth that would prove inconvenient even for a Lewisian who accepts Noonan and Jago's proposal.
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  48. Le droit et les forces.Armand Le Hénaff - 1926 - Paris,: F. Alcan.
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  49. Finding the key to the black box of board diversity and firm performance: A mediating effect analysis of technological innovation.He Di, Jiaji An & Meifang Yao - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13:914215.
    A growing body of research has focused on the relationship between board diversity and firm performance. A series of empirical literatures have also examined a significant positive correlation between the two. But these results only demonstrate the relationship between the input of ‘diversity’ and the output of ‘firm performance’. Such research is more of a black box because board diversity must act on certain strategies or decisions to affect firm performance. Some scholars try theoretical analysis with the purpose of opening (...)
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  50. Chʻêng shih hsin yung yüan chê yü heng pʻing fa.Xiaoyuan He - 1966 - [Tʻai-pei,: San Min Shu Chü Tsung Ching Shou.
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