Results for 'Agon Zogjani'

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  1.  18
    Electronic Banking Services and Net Profit in Kosovo: Using Simple Linear Regression and the Correlation Method.Agon Zogjani & Jeton Zogjani - 2019 - Seeu Review 14 (2):150-168.
    The main aim of this paper is to analyze the electronic banking services in Kosovo’s banking net profit during the period 2013 - 2017. The paper discusses the role that these services have played in the development of the banking industry, modernization of e-commerce, and economic growth. These services provide higher security, faster and easier access by reducing transaction costs, access to more distant markets, and access to many products and services. The main paper results have shown that E-banking services (...)
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    An Analysis of Important Sectors in Economic Growth. Case Study for Kosova.Agon Zogjani, Fife Kovaci-Uruci & Jeton Zogjani - 2023 - Seeu Review 18 (1):107-130.
    Education, innovation, the labour force, and new businesses are considered the key important sectors (factors) for developed and emerging economies. The paper analyses are performed by using the Cobb Douglas production function for analysing the impact and correlation of these factors (variables) on the economic growth of Kosova during the period 2013 - 2021. The variables of public expenditures on education as a percentage of GDP and the labour force have shown a negative impact on growth and they have operated (...)
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    Repeating ŽIžEk.Agon Hamza (ed.) - 2015 - London: Duke University Press.
    _Repeating Žižek_ offers a serious engagement with the ideas and propositions of philosopher Slavoj Žižek. Often subjecting Žižek's work to a Žižekian analysis, this volume's contributors consider the possibility of formalizing Žižek's ideas into an identifiable philosophical system. They examine his interpretations of Hegel, Plato, and Lacan, outline his debates with Badiou, and evaluate the implications of his analysis of politics and capitalism upon Marxist thought. Other essays focus on Žižek's approach to Christianity and Islam, his "sloppy" method of reading (...)
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    Inter-Ethnic Relations in Kosovo.Agon Demjaha - 2016 - Seeu Review 12 (1):181-196.
    The paper aims to analyse the state of inter-ethnic relations in Kosovo between ethnic Albanians and ethnic Serbs, with special focus on the period after unilateral declaration of independence of Kosovo in 2008. Inter-ethnic conflict in Kosovo has exclusively been over its territory since both Serbs and Albanians have made claims about history and ethno-demography to justify their alleged exclusive right to this ethnically mixed region. Consequently, inter-ethnic relations between Albanians and Serbs in Kosovo have been rather problematic throughout the (...)
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    Althusser and theology: religion, politics, and philosophy.Agon Hamza (ed.) - 2016 - Boston: Brill.
    This volume will attempt to explore the theological implications of the political and philosophical thought of Althusser. The return to Althusser's theological writings is indeed a timely intervention because of 1) the continued impact of the (post)secular orientation and vulgar atheism, and 2) the relation of Marxism to theology.
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    Consentimiento informado y responsabilidad médica.Juan Guillermo Agón López & Juan Guillermo Agón López - 2017 - Madrid, España: La Ley-Wolters Kluwer.
    Previamente a la realización de una intervención médica, el paciente tiene derecho a expresar su libre conformidad con ésta. Para ello, dicha conformidad debe ir precedida de la información pertinente que le permita decidir según sus intereses. Como correlato de este derecho surge la obligación del médico de informar al paciente y de recabar su consentimiento antes de llevar a cabo su actividad. De esto se trata el consentimiento informado, que se ha convertido en un derecho consolidado y con plena (...)
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  7. A plea for Žižekan politics.Agon Hamza - 2015 - In Repeating ŽIžEk. London: Duke University Press.
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  8. Repeating Žižek.Agon Hamza (ed.) - 2015 - London: Duke University Press.
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    Slavoj Žižek and dialectical materialism.Agon Hamza & Frank Ruda (eds.) - 2015 - New York: Palgrave-Macmillan.
    Slavoj Žižek has been widely described as one of the most important and influential contemporary thinkers, philosophers, and cultural critics. However, despite the often critical attention and reviews his work garners in scholarly journal articles and books, systematic philosophical engagements with Žižek's thought remain a surprisingly rare phenomenon. Counteracting this dearth of substantive interaction, the contributors to this volume engage with crucial and fundamental aspects of Žižek's thought. The book follows a Hegelian motivation that is itself dear to Žižek, tracing (...)
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  10. The sublime absolute: Althusser, Zizek, and the critique of ideology.Agon Hamza - 2014 - In Matthew Flisfeder & Louis-Paul Willis, Zizek and Media Studies: A Reader. New York, NY: Palgrave-Macmillan.
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    The state of inter-ethnic relations in macedonia after 16 years of the ohrid agreement.Agon Demjaha - 2017 - Seeu Review 12 (2):8-31.
    Inter-ethnic relations between Albanians and Macedonians in Macedonia have been rather problematic since the times of former Yugoslavia. After independence, the new constitution of the Republic of Macedonia instead of improving it has further downgraded the position of Albanians and other minorities living in the country. The non-fulfilment of Albanians’ core demands led to an armed conflict in 2001. The Ohrid Agreement has in addition to ending the armed conflict, also provided for a range of legislative and policy measures to (...)
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    Althusser and Pasolini: philosophy, Marxism, and film.Agon Hamza - 2016 - New York: Palgrave-Macmillan.
    Part I: On Althusser -- Contextualization -- Periodization -- Taking sides: Hegel or Spinoza? -- Structural Causality -- Althusser before Althusser: from Christianity to Communism -- Marxists' prehistory -- Proletariat of human condition versus the proletariat of labor -- Christian materialism -- Antiphilosophy -- Definition of ideology -- Epistemological break -- Interpellation -- State apparatuses -- Church as an ideological state apparatus -- Althusser's politics -- Part II: The Gospel According to Althusser -- Setting the stage -- Camera as an (...)
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  13. The trouble with Žižek.Agon Hamza - 2015 - In Repeating ŽIžEk. London: Duke University Press.
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  14.  30
    Kosovo-Spain Relations and the Dilemmas on the Problem of Non-Recognition.Pol Vila Sarriá & Agon Demjaha - 2019 - Seeu Review 14 (1):69-90.
    Eleven years after Kosovo’s unilateral declaration of independence, Spain’s position vis-à-vis Kosovo has not only not varied, but it has become stronger, turning Madrid into the leader of the Kosovo non recognizers club within the EU. This paper analyses Kosovo-Spain relations in the last eleven years. More specifically, the paper examines the reasons behind the non-recognition of Kosovo and the approach of the Spanish governments toward Kosovo’s statehood. This is followed by a thorough analysis on how Kosovo’s path for self-determination (...)
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  15. Recherche Adaptative et Contraintes Musicales. In proc. JFPLC2001, Journes Francophones de Programmation Logique et Programmation par Contraintes, P. Codognet. [REVIEW]C. Truchet, C. Agon & G. Assayag - forthcoming - Hermes.
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    Agonizing care: care ethics, agonistic feminism and a political theory of care.Kristin G. Cloyes - 2002 - Nursing Inquiry 9 (3):203-214.
    Agonizing care: care ethics, agonistic feminism and a political theory of care‘Care’ is central to nursing theory and practice, and has been described in a variety of ways. Intense conversations about care have been developing in other fields of study as well, from the social sciences to the humanities. Care ethics has grown out of intellectual exchange between feminist thought, moral theory and the critique of traditional western political philosophy. However, care ethics is not without its critics, as these accounts (...)
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  17. Agonal sovereignty: Rethinking war and politics with Schmitt, Arendt and Foucault.Alexander D. Barder & François Debrix - 2011 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 37 (7):775-793.
    The notion of biopolitical sovereignty and the theory of the state of exception are perspectives derived from Carl Schmitt’s thought and Michel Foucault’s writings that have been popularized by critical political theorists like Giorgio Agamben and Michael Hardt and Antonio Negri of late. This article argues that these perspectives are not sufficient analytical points of departure for a critique of the contemporary politics of terror, violence and war marked by a growing global exploitation of bodies, tightened management of life, and (...)
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  18.  9
    Agon-kompleks.Luka Perušić - 2015 - Filozofska Istrazivanja 35 (3):415-433.
    S obzirom na tri poretka u sklopu kozmičke cjeline, integrativnom analizom kozmoloških spoznaja metafizičara i prirodoznanstvenika raznorodnih orijentacija najprije dolazim do konkluzije o spregnutosti dvaju izvedenih kozmičkih načela koja određuju sveukupni totalitet odnosa stvari i smisla. Prvo načelo nazivam sabiruće-jedno-sve, koje opisujem arhe-kompleksom. Drugo nazivam sebi-usuprot-težeće, koje opisujem eris-kompleksom. Na temelju pomaka iz zatvorenog sustava u otvoreni sustav, obrazlažem da arhe- i eris-kompleks stvaraju logos-kompleks i agon-kompleks te na koji se način novo spregnuće u tjelesnosti oblikuje u društvo, u (...)
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    Agonal perspectives on Nietzsche's philosophy of critical transvaluation.Herman Siemens - 2021 - Boston: Walter de Gruyter. Edited by Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche.
    Nietzsche's strengths as a critic are widely acknowledged, but his peculiar style of critique is usually ignored as rhetoric, or dismissed as violent or simply incoherent. In this book, Nietzsche's concept of the agon or Wettkampf, a measured and productive form of conflict inspired by ancient Greek culture, is advanced as the dynamic and organising principle of his philosophical practice, enabling us to make sense of his critical confrontations and the much disputed concept of transvaluation or Umwertung. Agonal perspectives (...)
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  20. An Agon Aesthetics of Football.Steffen Borge - 2015 - Sport, Ethics and Philosophy 9 (2):97-123.
    In this article, I first address the ethical considerations about football and show that a meritocratic-fairness view of sports fails to capture the phenomenon of football. Fairness of result is not at centre stage in football. Football is about the drama, about the tension and the emotions it provokes. This moves us to the realm of aesthetics. I reject the idea of the aesthetics of football as the disinterested aesthetic appreciation, which traditionally has been deemed central to aesthetics. Instead, I (...)
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    Play and agon as Nature. 정낙림 - 2019 - Journal of the Daedong Philosophical Association 89:359-382.
    이 글은 니체의 놀이와 아곤(agon) 개념의 문화철학적 의미를 해명한다. 놀이와 아곤 개념은 오랫동안 철학사에서 망각의 상태로 있었다. 니체에서 비로소 이 두 개념은 새로운 빛을 받게 된다. 니체가 이 두 개념에 주목할 수 있었던 것은 그리스 문화에 대한 남다른 이해 덕분이었다. 니체에 따르면 그리스 문화의 본질은 자연성에 따른다는 것이다. 그리스 에서 자연성은 놀이와 아곤을 통해 문화의 형태를 갖추게 된다. 비극과 시민정치는 모두 놀이와 아곤을 통해 시작되고 유지된다. 놀이와 아곤은 모두 힘에의 의지를 긍정한다. 인간의 재능은 힘의 경쟁을 통해 꽃피게 된다. 그러나 (...)
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    Agon in Nietzsche.Yunus Tuncel - 2013 - Milwaukee, Wisconsin: Marquette University Press.
    Provides a comprehensive study of Nietzsche's relationship to the agonistic culture of ancient Greece. The book examines not only the overt elements of Greek agonism in Nietzsche's early works, but also shows how his later works embody its spirit as it is manifest in such notions as the will to power, the overhuman and "active justice.".
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    Nietzschean Agon - A Moderated and Communicative Competition -. 이지형 - 2024 - Journal of the Daedong Philosophical Association 108:311-329.
    이 글은 빌라(D. Villa)가 이해한 니체의 아곤을 반박하는 걸 목표로 삼는다. 아곤은 다 양한 관점 간의 경쟁을 통해 더 나은 사회로 진입할 수 있다고 보는 경합적 민주주의의 이 론적 모델이다. 그런데 빌라가 제시하는 아곤에 관한 해석을 살펴보면, 경합적 민주주의의 이상은 실현될 수 없을 것처럼 보인다. 빌라는 아곤이 관점의 다양성을 확보하기 위해 이들 을 제약할 수 있는 보편적 틀을 제거한 나머지, 모두가 공유할 수 있는 맥락과 상관없는 다 분히 주관적인 관점까지도 무제약적으로 수용하고 있다고 주장한다. 그리고 아곤을 수행하 는 경합자들은 타자의 관점을 (...)
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  24. The agonic and hedonic modes: Definition, usage, and the promotion of mental health.J. S. Price - 1992 - World Futures 35 (1):87-113.
    (1992). The agonic and hedonic modes: Definition, usage, and the promotion of mental health. World Futures: Vol. 35, Socio-Mental Bimodality, pp. 87-113.
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    Agon, Ethics, and Anarchafeminism: Comments on Chiara Bottici's Anarchafeminism.Eyo Ewara - 2023 - Philosophy Today 67 (4):965-972.
    This reading of Chiara Bottici's Anarchafeminism asks whether, as an extension of Bottici's project, we need an anarchafeminist account of agon. It explores whether her monist ontology – despite its roots in Spinoza’s Ethics – underemphasizes the question of the need for an anarchafeminist ethics that would help us to explain, interpret, and mediate conflict. Despite the claim that we cannot assume a pre-existent blueprint for anarchafeminist struggle, this piece wonders if Bottici’s commitments to the unity of life and (...)
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    Nietzsche on Conflict and Agon.Yunus Tuncel - 2023 - Nietzsche Studien 52 (1):381-390.
    Agonism permeates Nietzsche’s spirit and works from early on starting with his close engagement with ancient Greece. However, while many thinkers have made references to agon in Nietzsche in the twentieth century, this aspect of his philosophy did not come under close scrutiny until a few decades ago, and some of the research in this area saw its first monographs in Tuncel’s Agon in Nietzsche (2013) and Acampora’s Contesting Nietzsche (2013). In addition to these two works and prior (...)
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    Agon und Hybris in Politik und Kunst.Lydia Goehr - 2009 - In Fathi Triki, Jacques Poulain & Christoph Wulf, Erziehung Und Demokratie: Europäische, Muslimisch Und Arabische Länder Im Dialog. Akademie Verlag. pp. 99-116.
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    Agon[REVIEW]Timothy Redman - 1983 - Review of Metaphysics 37 (1):105-106.
    This is the third book in a series which began with The Anxiety of Influence and A Map of Misreading. Bloom's name is associated with an influential circle of critics, most from Yale, whose other members are Paul de Man, Jacques Derrida, Geoffrey Hartman, and J. Hillis Miller. Agon continues Bloom's speculations about questions of literary influence. According to Bloom, writers usurp the achievements of their significant predecessors in order to clear a space for themselves. This is the struggle (...)
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    (1 other version)Del agón trágico a la dialéctica de la representación.Jorge Olivares Rocuant - 2018 - Revista de filosofía (Chile) 74:159-172.
    Resumen:El presente artículo tiene como marco el problema de la identificación entre realidad y capitalismo. Su objetivo es abordar lo político retomando la crítica a la dialéctica -en tanto que racionalidad filosófica afianzada por la metafísica de la representación- para revisarla en tono trágico. Abriremos la noción de tragedia para revelar su sentido trágico intensificando una lectura que afirma su carácter agonal para trazar luego una conexión que se deslizará sobre tres operaciones filosóficas que hacen crisis con la dialéctica: Vernant, (...)
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  30. Agonal Communities of Taste: Law and Community in Nietzsche's Philosophy of Transvaluation.H. W. Siemens - 2002 - Journal of Nietzsche Studies 24 (1):83-112.
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    The Agonic Freedom of Citizens.James Tully - 1999 - Economy and Society 28 (2):161-182.
    The ways citizen participation and democracy are changing are poorly understood due to the dominance of theories inherited from the eighteenth century. Democratic citizenship can be better understood if critical reflection is re-oriented around the games of concrete freedom here and now as recommended by Hannah Arendt, Ludwig Wittgenstein, Michel Foucault and Quentin Skinner.This orientation brings to light two distinctive types of citizen freedom in the present: diverse forms of citizen participation and diverse practices of governance in which citizens participate.
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  32. In Agon with Goethe : Parerga and Paralipomena 2.Adrian Del Caro - 2023 - In David Bather Woods & Timothy Stoll, The Schopenhauerian mind. New York, NY: Routledge.
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  33. Agon: Towards a Theory of Revisionism.H. BLOOM - 1982
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  34. De Agone Christiano.A. D'Ales - 1930 - Gregorianum 11:131-145.
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    La "areté" agonal desde la visión viquiana de la historia.Angelo Anzalone & Adolfo Jorge Sánchez Hidalgo - 2016 - Ingenium. Revista Electrónica de Pensamiento Moderno y Metodología En Historia de la Ideas 10:11-28.
    The aim of this study is to analyze succinctly the ages of nations in the philosophical standpoint of Giambattista Vico, with special reference to the heroic age. It will be interesting to apply these categories onto the athletic Greek experience with the objective of reclaiming the necessary knowledge of the agonal virtue. Such argument is still valuable nowadays because of the dangerous mistakes of strictly idealistic positions.
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  36. Agonic is not yet demonic? At the be-ginning there will have be-come a de-cision.Oren Ben-Dor - 2011 - In Law and Art: Justice, Ethics and Aesthetics. New York, NY: Routledge-Cavendish.
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    The Agon for the Male Signifier.Scott Simpkins - 1997 - Semiotics:375-386.
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    Agonal thought: Reading Nietzsche as political thinker.David Owen - 1996 - Angelaki 1 (3):119–128.
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    Au-delà de la violence institutionnelle et insurrectionnelle : Balibar, Arendt et l’agon.Zeynep Gambetti - 2015 - Rue Descartes 85 (2):203-210.
    Etienne Balibar se réfère à l’idée arendtienne de la citoyenneté pour montrer que la démocratie se construit nécessairement au travers d’une aporie. D’une part, la démocratie évoque l’idéal isonomique de l’égalité pour fonder la communauté ; d’autre part, elle inscrit la différence dans l’éventualité d’une contestation permanente des principes unificateurs. Ce que je propose, c’est de contribuer à développer le dialogue entre E. Balibar et Hannah Arendt en m’interrogeant sur la possibilité d’aller au-delà de l’horizon de la violence. Le concept (...)
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    «Agón» y «Polémos» Polemocentrismo analítico y prioridad práctica de la amistad en el pensamiento político de Julien Freund.Juan Carlos Valderrama Abenza - 2017 - Contrastes: Revista Internacional de Filosofía 22 (1):119-136.
    Well-known representative of political realism tradition in the Europe of the second half of 20th century, J. Freund’s work has currently been understood as one of the most accomplished developments of schmittian «politics as conflict theory». Freund’s interpretation cannot be reduced to this only dimension based on the analytical «friend-enemy» opposition. In this article we intend to offer a critical revision of this topic from a comprehensive reading of the work of French author, following as interpretative key his attempt to (...)
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  41. Agonized liberalism-The liberal theory of William E Connolly.Antonio Y. Vázquez-Arroyo - 2004 - Radical Philosophy 127:8-19.
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    Agon, Elite und EgalitätAgon, elite and equality.Jan Mohr - 2017 - Deutsche Vierteljahrsschrift für Literaturwissenschaft Und Geistesgeschichte 91 (4):351-377.
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    Fenicias de Eurípides: Concepción agonal de espacio y tiempo en prólogo y párodos.Graciela N. Hamamé - 2013 - Synthesis 20:129-140.
    En Fenicias resultan dignos de destacar los cambios substanciales que Eurípides introdujo al tratamiento del mito en sus versiones tradicionales. De modo particular, en el análisis filológico-literario de prólogo y párodos se pone de manifiesto una evidente integración de espacios y tiempos teatrales y el ensamble de los dos ámbitos trágicos estructurales significa una expresión clara de los límites entre "lo propio" y "lo ajeno". Nos proponemos demostrar que el diseño espacio-temporal de prólogo y párodos construye una suerte de agón (...)
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    Pensare l’agone: Foucault, Cassin e la storia dell’esclusione della sofistica.Valentina Moro - 2023 - Rivista Italiana di Filosofia Politica 3:261-280.
    Both Michel Foucault and Barbara Cassin address Aristotle’s thought and the 5th century BCE sources attributed to the rhetorician Gorgias in order to reconstruct the history of the strategic exclusion of the Sophistics from the Western philosophical tradition. They retrace the scene of the rhetoric agon that Aristotle engaged with Gorgias. Both theorists’ arguments illuminate that the sophist has formulated an original account of political theatricality by talking about the scenes of the logos.
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  45. Agon and language in Nietzsche's early writings on rhetoric.Nicolas Lema Habash - 2018 - In James S. Pearson & Herman Siemens, Conflict and Contest in Nietzsche's Philosophy. New York, NY, USA: Bloomsbury.
  46. Prospects for a Democratic Agon : Why We Can Still Be Nietzscheans.Lawrence J. Hatab - 2002 - Journal of Nietzsche Studies 24 (1):132-147.
  47. Democratic agon: Striving for distinction or struggle against domination and injustice? Jean-Philippe-Deranty & Emmanuel Renault - 2008 - In Andrew Schaap, Law and Agonistic Politics. Ashgate Pub. Company.
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    The agonic hedonic classification of organizational cultures.F. Wedgwood-Oppenheim - 1992 - World Futures 35 (1):163-172.
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    Agonal Configurations in the Unzeitgemäße Betrachtungen.Herman Siemens - 2001 - Nietzsche Studien 30 (1):80-106.
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    Mousikoi Agones and the Conceptualization of Genre in Ancient Greece.Andrea Rotstein - 2012 - Classical Antiquity 31 (1):92-127.
    This article inquires into the shaping force that competition at musical contests exercised on ancient perceptions of literary genres, particularly for the non-choral and non-dramatic kinds of the Classical Period. Three musical contests of the fourth century BCE, the Panathenaia, the Amphiaraia, and the Artemisia, are taken as case studies. After a reconstruction of their programs, principles of categorization that spectators might have inferred from the contests are deduced, and modes in which categories of competition and literary genres interacted are (...)
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