Results for 'African American music'

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  1.  12
    Themed Book Review: The Race of Sound: Listening, Timbre, and Vocality in African American Music by Nina Sun Eidsheim. [REVIEW]Natalie Hyacinth - 2021 - Feminist Review 127 (1):155-157.
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    Signifyin(g) within African American Classical Music: Linking Gates, Hip‐Hop, and Perkinson.Christopher Jenkins - 2019 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 77 (4):391-400.
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  3. What a difference a name makes : Two instances of african-american popular music.D. Brackett - 2003 - In Martin Clayton, Trevor Herbert & Richard Middleton (eds.), The Cultural Study of Music: A Critical Introduction. Routledge.
  4. A Companion to African-American Philosophy.Tommy Lee Lott & John P. Pittman (eds.) - 2003 - Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell.
    Part I Philosophic Traditions Introduction to Part I 3 1 Philosophy and the Afro-American Experience 7 CORNEL WEST 2 African-American Existential Philosophy 33 LEWIS R. GORDON 3 African-American Philosophy: A Caribbean Perspective 48 PAGET HENRY 4 Modernisms in Black 67 FRANK M. KIRKLAND 5 The Crisis of the Black Intellectual 87 HORTENSE J. SPILLERS Part II The Moral and Political Legacy of Slavery Introduction to Part II 107 6 Kant and Knowledge of Disappearing Expression 110 (...)
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    Abstractionist aesthetics: artistic form and social critique in African American culture.Phillip Brian Harper - 2015 - New York: New York University Press.
    An artistic discussion on the critical potential of African American expressive culture In a major reassessment of African American culture, Phillip Brian Harper intervenes in the ongoing debate about the “proper” depiction of black people. He advocates for African American aesthetic abstractionism—a representational mode whereby an artwork, rather than striving for realist verisimilitude, vigorously asserts its essentially artificial character. Maintaining that realist representation reaffirms the very social facts that it might have been understood to (...)
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    What makes that Black?: the African-American aesthetic in American expressive culture. Luana - 2018 - [United States]: Luana Luana.
    What Makes That Black? The African American Aesthetic in American Expressive Culture delineates the African-American aesthetic in both the African-American culture and the artistic cultural formation of the United States. It presents a definition of the African-American aesthetic using a typology of seventy-four tenets-markers that expand the aesthetic's definition to include its artistic structure, cultural function, and consciousness.¿The book is both anecdotal and scholarly, creating an accessible dialogue in a research area (...)
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    Black Deconstruction: Russell Atkins and the Reconstruction of African-American Criticism.Aldon Lynn Nielsen - 1996 - Diacritics 26 (3/4):86-103.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Black Deconstruction: Russell Atkins and the Reconstruction of African-American CriticismAldon Lynn Nielsen (bio)“What does that signify?” “It don’t signify nothin’ Mr. Warner.”—Russell Atkins, MaleficiumThere are, everywhere unheard (as one might see deep in an electron microscope) rigidities violently breaking—Russell Atkins, WhicheverCritical debates about the applicability of recent literary theories to the reading of African-American writing have often been marked by curious lacunae. Despite the rapid (...)
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  8. The African aesthetic: keeper of the traditions.Kariamu Welsh-Asante (ed.) - 1993 - Westport, Conn.: Greenwood Press.
    While the field of aesthetics has long been dominated by European philosophy, recent inquiries have expanded the arena to accommodate different cultures as well as different definitions. In this volume, scholars and teachers in the fields of African and African American studies advance the debate over the nature of African aesthetics, approaching the subject from a broad range of disciplines. Dance, music, art, theatre, and literature are examined in order to appreciate and delineate the specific (...)
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    African and diaspora aesthetics.Sarah Nuttall (ed.) - 2006 - The Hague: Prince Claus Fund Library.
    In Cameroon, a monumental "statue of liberty" is made from scrap metal. In Congo, a thriving popular music incorporates piercing screams and carnal dances. When these and other instantiations of the aesthetics of Africa and its diasporas are taken into account, how are ideas of beauty reconfigured? Scholars and artists take up that question in this invigorating, lavishly illustrated collection, which includes more than one hundred color images. Exploring sculpture, music, fiction, food, photography, fashion, and urban design, the (...)
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    Response to Susan Laird, “Musical Hunger: A Philosophical Testimonial of Miseducation”.Heidi Westerlund - 2009 - Philosophy of Music Education Review 17 (1):81-85.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:A Response to Susan Laird, “Musical Hunger: A Philosophical Testimonial of Miseducation”Heidi WesterlundCan hunger and satisfaction, which according to John Dewey form “the arsis and thesis of a child’s life,”1 create the rhythm and heartbeat of music education? Susan Laird shows us through her autobiographical experiences how this heartbeat was missed in her case, while the undertone of her narrative and testimonial begs a wider self-reflection upon the (...)
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    Beautiful/Ugly: African and Diaspora Aesthetics.Sarah Nuttall (ed.) - 2006 - The Hague: Duke University Press.
    In Cameroon, a monumental “statue of liberty” is made from scrap metal. In Congo, a thriving popular music incorporates piercing screams and carnal dances. When these and other instantiations of the aesthetics of Africa and its diasporas are taken into account, how are ideas of beauty reconfigured? Scholars and artists take up that question in this invigorating, lavishly illustrated collection, which includes more than one hundred color images. Exploring sculpture, music, fiction, food, photography, fashion, and urban design, the (...)
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    W.E.B. Du Bois, Jean-Luc Nancy, and the Aesthetic Education offered by Music.Eduardo Duarte - 2024 - Journal of World Philosophies 9 (1).
    This paper will explore the aesthetic experience that can occur with music, and the potentially transformative existential education that can unfold from that experience. First and foremost, the paper explores the ways W.E.B Du Bois engages with music in _The Souls of Black Folk_. Drawing on the African-American tradition of the spirituals, but also European symphonic music, Du Bois shows the different ways music can captivate a listener. But Du Bois also complicates what is (...)
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  13.  13
    How Blue Can You Get? B.B. King, Planetary Humanism and the Blues behind Bars.Les Back - 2015 - Theory, Culture and Society 32 (7-8):274-285.
    This article honours the memory of blues musician B.B. King, who died on 14 May 2015, through focusing on his performances in prisons. The article situates his concerts inside Cook County jail and Sing Sing within the wider political crisis during the 1970s surrounding issues of race and class in the American prison system. It suggests the historical resonance of these events can be interpreted through using Paul Gilroy’s notion of planetary humanism. The tone of B.B. King’s guitar carries (...)
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  14.  16
    Just in Time: Calling, Responding, and Making Music from the Soul.Kermit Campbell - 2023 - Philosophy and Rhetoric 56 (3):320-329.
    ABSTRACT Although Kairos in Greek mythology is often depicted as the winged son of Zeus who grants to those who lay hold of his single lock of hair their once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, in traditional African American culture, particularly when it comes to speech, Kairos is essentially family. Given how much African American speakers depend on seizing the moment to invoke spiritual connections, emit laughter, and profess the truth, Kairos, or what we might call CPT (“Colored People’s Time”), (...)
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  15. Boys, boyz, bois: an ethics of Black masculinity in film and popular media.Keith M. Harris - 2006 - New York: Routledge.
    Boys, Boyz, Bois concerns questions of ethics, gender and race in popular American images, national discourse and cultural production by and about black men. The book proposes an ethics of masculinity, as ethnics refers to a system of morality and valuation and as ethics refers to a care of the self and ethical subject formation. The texts of analysis include recent films by black/African American filmmakers, gansta rap and hip-hop and black star persona: texts ranging from Blaxploitation (...)
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    Black utopias: speculative life and the music of other worlds.Jayna Brown - 2021 - Durham: Duke University Press.
    Black Utopias posits a concept of utopia made possible by black people's exclusion from the human and expressed through the ecstatic practices, community creation, speculative fiction and music. Jayna Brown explores the practices and works of 19th century black women mystics as well as 20th century musicians and speculative fiction writers including mystics Sojourner Truth and Rebecca Cox Jackson, musicians Alice Coltrane and Sun Ra, and writers Samuel Delany and Octavia Butler.
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    The?Magic? Of Music: Archaic Dreams in Romantic Aesthetics and an Education in Aesthetics.Alexandra Kertz-Welzel - 2005 - Philosophy of Music Education Review 13 (1):77-94.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:The “Magic” of Music:Archaic Dreams in Romantic Aesthetics and an Education in AestheticsAlexandra Kertz-WelzelO, then I close my eyes to all the strife of the world—and withdraw quietly into the land of music, as into the land of belief, where all our doubts and our sufferings are lost in a resounding sea....1Music serves many different functions in human life, accompanying everyday activities such as working, shopping, or (...)
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  18.  30
    Pax Americana and the World of Music Education.Estelle Ruth Jorgensen - 2004 - Journal of Aesthetic Education 38 (3):1.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Pax Americana and the World of Music EducationEstelle R. Jorgensen (bio)It may seem ironic to speak of a Pax Americana at a time when the United States is prosecuting a war and its aftermath.1 Still, imperialism, or the desire to keep the peace on one's own terms, has led other nations into war when their will and power was frustrated and thwarted. My purpose in this essay is (...)
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  19.  21
    Black American History and Culture: Untold, Reframed, Stigmatized and Fetishized to the Point of Global Ethnocide.K. Spotts - 2023 - European Journal of Philosophy Culture and Religion 7 (1):1-41.
    Purpose: A poetic work of fiction haunts the base of the Statue of Liberty. The act overshadowed the original tribute to the Civil War victory and the Emancipation Proclamation. Abraham Lincoln's praises of the Black American military fell silent. Eurocentrists shrouded centuries of genius and scaled-down Black American mastery. Sagas of barrier-breaking Olympians, military heroes, Wild West pioneers, and inventors ended as forgotten footnotes. Today, countries around the world fetishize Black American history and culture to the point (...)
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    Gobal and Local: Worship Music and the ‘Logophonic’ Principle, or Lessons from the Songhai.John R. Devalve - 2019 - Transformation: An International Journal of Holistic Mission Studies 36 (4):219-232.
    The Christian church has always lived in tension between its global and its local identities, between gospel and culture. One aspect in which this tension plays out is in worship music. As the gospel came to them, many African churches adopted a North American/european form of song, ignoring or neglecting their local, traditional music. They opted for a more global identity and minimized their local identity. The church amongst the Songhai of West Africa is an example (...)
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    Scott Joplin and the Quest for identity.Earl Stewart & Jane Duran - 2007 - Journal of Aesthetic Education 41 (2):94-99.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Scott Joplin and the Quest for IdentityEarl Stewart and Jane DuranIn his innovative work I Wanna Be Me: Rock Music and the Politics of Identity, Ted Gracyk does much to dismantle notions of cultural authenticity and theft as they are currently articulated by some critics. Explaining that such concepts are less monolithic than some have claimed, Gracyk writes:While popular musicians often "pick up" the music of other (...)
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  22.  8
    How to escape: magic, madness, beauty, and cynicism.Crispin Sartwell - 2014 - Albany: State University of New York Press.
    Passionate and rollicking personal and intellectual essays by philosopher Crispin Sartwell. Philosopher, music critic, and syndicated columnist Crispin Sartwell has forged a distinctive and fiercely original identity over the years as a cultural commentator. In books about anarchism, art and politics, Native American and African American thought and culture, Eastern spirituality, and American transcendentalism, Sartwell has relentlessly insisted on an ethos rooted in unadorned honesty with oneself and a healthy skepticism of others. This volume of (...)
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    Blues and Emotional Trauma.Robert D. Stolorow & Benjamin A. Stolorow - 2011-12-09 - In Fritz Allhoff, Jesse R. Steinberg & Abrol Fairweather (eds.), Blues–Philosophy for Everyone. Wiley‐Blackwell. pp. 121–130.
    This chapter contains sections titled: Emotional Trauma The Therapeutic Power of the Blues Three ‘Clinical’ Illustrations ‐ The Role of Lyrics Musical Characteristics of the Blues Concluding Remarks Notes.
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    African American Teachers’ Experiences with Racial Micro-Aggressions.Erikca Brown - 2019 - Educational Studies 55 (2):180-196.
    This article focuses on the experiences of 29 African American teachers in K–12 institutions in Southern California. The article reports on the major themes of the participating teachers’ shared narratives in light of the theory of racial micro-aggression; their responses include evidence that racial micro-aggression during interactions with nonminority organizational members have had a negative impact on their experience. These findings, which are consistent with the neophyte literature, reveal a unique opportunity for scholars to engage in cutting edge (...)
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  25. (1 other version)Microphone commandos: Rap music and political ideology.Bill E. Lawson - 2003 - In Tommy Lee Lott & John P. Pittman (eds.), A Companion to African-American Philosophy. Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell.
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  26. African American Suspicion of the Healthcare System Is Justified: What Do We Do about It?Annette Dula - 1994 - Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 3 (3):347.
    A recent message on one of the e-mail bulletin boards sent by a college student read, “I believe that the AIDS virus was developed in government labs for the purpose of controlling black folks.” In September 1990, Essence, an African American magazine with a circulation of 900,000, had as a lead article “AIDS: Is It Genocide?” In 1991, the New York Times quoted Clarence Page, African American columnist and Pulitzer prize winner: “You could call conspiracy theories (...)
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  27.  53
    African-American Perspectives and Philosophical Traditions.John P. Pittman (ed.) - 1992 - New York: Routledge.
    A special issue of _The Philosophical Forum_, one of the most prestigious philosophy journals, is now available to a wider readership through its publication in book form. The volume includes twelve essays in three sections-- Philosophical Traditions; the African-American Tradition; and Racism, Identity, and Social Life. Contributors are: K. Anthony Appiah, Kwasi Wiredu, Lucius Outlaw, Leonard Harris, Bernard Boxill, Frank M. Kirkland, Tommy L. Lott, Adrian M.S. Piper, Laurence Thomas, Michele M. Moody-Adams, Anita L. Allen, and Howard McGary. (...)
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  28.  46
    Of Blackface and Paranoid Knowledge: Richard Wright, Jacques Lacan, and the Ambivalence of Black Minstrelsy.Mikko Tuhkanen - 2001 - Diacritics 31 (2):9-34.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Diacritics 31.2 (2001) 9-34 [Access article in PDF] Of Blackface and Paranoid KnowledgeRichard Wright, Jacques Lacan, and the Ambivalence of Black Minstrelsy Mikko Tuhkanen Only the subject—the human subject, the subject of the desire that is the essence of man—is not, unlike the animal, entirely caught up in this imaginary capture. He maps himself in it. How? In so far as he isolates the function of the mask and (...)
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    On Philology.Jan M. Ziolkowski (ed.) - 1990 - Pennsylvania State University Press.
    As the Byzantinist Ihor Ševčenko once observed, "Philology is constituting and interpreting the texts that have come down to us. It is a narrow thing, but without it nothing else is possible." This definition accords with Saussure's succinct description of the mission of philology: "especially to correct, interpret, and comment upon the texts." Philology is not just a grand etymological or lexicographical enterprise. It also involves restoring to works as much of their original life and nuances as we can manage. (...)
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    The Black Atlantic: Modernity and Double Consciousness.Paul Gilroy - 1993 - Harvard University Press.
    Afrocentrism. Eurocentrism. Caribbean Studies. British Studies. To the forces of cultural nationalism hunkered down in their camps, this bold hook sounds a liberating call. There is, Paul Gilroy tells us, a culture that is not specifically African, American, Caribbean, or British, but all of these at once, a black Atlantic culture whose themes and techniques transcend ethnicity and nationality to produce something new and, until now, unremarked. Challenging the practices and assumptions of cultural studies, The Black Atlantic also (...)
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  31. The State of the Hip-Hop Generation: How Hip-Hop’s Cultural Movement is Evolving into Political Power.Bakari Kitwana - 2004 - Diogenes 51 (3):115-120.
    In the short decade between 1985 and 1995, the dominant cultural movement of our time, hip-hop culture, has become, seemingly overnight, mainstream American popular culture. This centering of hip-hop art, most specifically rap music, in American popular culture has given young African Americans unprecedented national and international visibility, at a historical time when images via the 21st century’s public square of television, film and the internet are more critical to identity than ever. This visibility, and most (...)
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    African-American Philosophers: 17 Conversations.George Yancy (ed.) - 1998 - New York: Routledge.
    African-American Philosophers brings into conversation seventeen of the foremost thinkers of color to discuss issues such as Black existentialism, racism, Black women philosophers within the academy, affirmative action and the conceptual parameters of African-American philosophy.
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    Resilience and Responsiveness: Alfred’s Schutz’s Finite Provinces of Meaning.Michael Barber - 2024 - Springer Nature Switzerland.
    This book extends Alfred Schutz’s “On Multiple Realities” by describing the provinces of meaning of play, music, religious ritual, and African-American folkloric humor. Throughout these provinces, the author traces two themes: resilience and responsiveness. In resilience, individuals or communities run up against obstacles, imposed relevances, which they come to terms with, or give meaning to (in phenomenological parlance), by modifying, evading, overcoming, or accepting them. Responsiveness emerges from Schutz’s idea of making music together, which the author (...)
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    Hindu Philosophy: The Sankhya Karika of Iswara Krishna.John Davies - 1881 - Psychology Press.
    The legendary Greek figure Orpheus was said to have possessed magical powers capable of moving all living and inanimate things through the sound of his lyre and voice. Over time, the Orphic theme has come to indicate the power of music to unsettle, subvert, and ultimately bring down oppressive realities in order to liberate the soul and expand human life without limits. The liberating effect of music has been a particularly important theme in twentieth-century African American (...)
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    African-American Philosophy: Selected Readings.Tommy Lee Lott (ed.) - 2002 - Prentice-Hall.
    This anthology brings together a selection of historical and contemporary writings on topics in African-American Philosophy. Questions regarding a wide range of issues--including slavery and freedom, social progress, self-respect, alienation, sexuality, cultural identity, nationalism, feminism, Marxism and violence--are critically examined from different perspectives by well-known philosophers and by non-philosophers from many disciplines. It emphasizes the historical significance of the philosophical arguments within very specific social and political contexts. Features substantial extracts, and in some cases complete works by important (...)
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    "African american" as a new social representation.Gina Philogene - 1994 - Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour 24 (2):89–109.
    The use of African American as a new denomination for a group previously referred to as Black has rapidly become standard practice in American society. This paper analyzes how the introduction of African American in our ordinary language marks the elaboration of a new social reality. As the concept becomes part of our social life, it is transformed into a real “phenomenon” of social representation that formalizes behaviour and orients communication. Such a transformation requires that (...)
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    African-American Perspectives and Philosophical Traditions.John Pittman - 1996 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 60 (4):771-772.
    A special issue of The Philosophical Forum , one of the most prestigious philosophy journals, is now available to a wider readership through its publication in book form. The volume includes twelve essays in three sections-- Philosophical Traditions; the African-American Tradition; and Racism, Identity, and Social Life. Contributors are: K. Anthony Appiah, Kwasi Wiredu, Lucius Outlaw, Leonard Harris, Bernard Boxill, Frank M. Kirkland, Tommy L. Lott, Adrian M.S. Piper, Laurence Thomas, Michele M. Moody-Adams, Anita L. Allen, and Howard (...)
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  38.  15
    African American English and the Achievement Gap: The Role of Dialectal Code Switching.Holly K. Craig - 2016 - Routledge.
    Many African American children make use of African American English in their everyday lives, and face academic barriers when introduced to Standard American English in the classroom. Research has shown that students who can adapt and use SAE for academic purposes demonstrate significantly better test scores than their less adaptable peers. Accordingly, AAE use and its confirmed inverse relationship to reading achievement have been implicated in the Black-White Test Score Gap, thus becoming the focus of (...)
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    Improvisation as liberation: Endeavours of resistance in free jazz.Thomas Kocherhans - 2012 - Cuadernos de Filosofía Latinoamericana 33 (106):39-52.
    This investigation seeks to explore connection points between music and societal processes, by linking improvised music to cultural networks and social practices. Exceeding musicological and action-theoretical reflections, the improvisation is regarded from a cultural sociological perspective, which asks how improvisational practices can be integrated into cultural, historical and discursive contexts. Taking free jazz as the scope of the investigation, it is argued that there is a necessity to discuss its characteristic improvisation, in connection to the critical, radical and (...)
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  40. Rap, Black Rage, and Racial Difference.Steven Best & Douglas Kellner - unknown
    Ice Cube "What's a brother gotta do to get a message through to the Red, White, and Blue?" Ice-T Rap music has emerged as one of the most distinctive and controversial music genres of the past decade. A significant part of hip hop culture, [1] rap articulates the experiences and conditions of African-Americans living in a spectrum of marginalized situations ranging from racial stereotyping and stigmatizing to struggle for survival in violent ghetto conditions. In this cultural context, (...)
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    Gadamer's hermeneutical aesthetics: art as a performative, dynamic, communal event.Cynthia R. Nielsen - 2022 - New York: Routledge.
    This book offers a sustained scholarly analysis of Gadamer's reflections on art and our experience of art. It examines fundamental themes in Gadamer's hermeneutical aesthetics such as play, festival, symbol, contemporaneity, enactment, art's performative ontology, and hermeneutical identity. The first two chapters focus on Gadamer's critical appropriation and movement beyond Kantian and Hegelian aesthetics (and includes a coda on Heidegger's influence). The final three chapters argue for the continued relevance of Gadamer's hermeneutical aesthetics by bringing his claims into conversation with (...)
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    Coming of Age in Academe: Rekindling Women's Hopes and Reforming the Academy.Jane Roland Martin - 2000 - Psychology Press.
    The legendary Greek figure Orpheus was said to have possessed magical powers capable of moving all living and inanimate things through the sound of his lyre and voice. Over time, the Orphic theme has come to indicate the power of music to unsettle, subvert, and ultimately bring down oppressive realities in order to liberate the soul and expand human life without limits. The liberating effect of music has been a particularly important theme in twentieth-century African American (...)
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    Translating Democracy or Democratic Acts of Translation: On Cornel West’s Democracy Matters.Eduardo Mendieta - 2007 - Contemporary Pragmatism 4 (1):25-37.
    Focusing on West's recent work Democracy Matters, this essay argues that West's work has been guided by three major acts of translation. First, he has sought to translate the memory of suffering and the history of struggle into the foundations for democratic maturity. Second, combining Socratic questioning, prophetic practice and dark hope, West translates suspicion, action and hope into an ethos of collective education, which he calls democratic paideia. Finally, West's work has sought to translate the aesthetic, and in particular (...)
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    Why African American Philosophy Matters: A Case for Not Centering White Philosophers and White Philosophy.El-Ra Radney - 2021 - Philosophia Africana 20 (1):44-66.
    ABSTRACT This article asks why African American Philosophy matters. The notion of the “Black philosopher” continues to be an enigma. African descendants are not generally associated with the revered location and status of “the philosopher” and with doing philosophy. In a celebration of the sustained work of the Black philosopher-practitioner, who continues to suffer a fate of deliberate academic “invisibility” and historical erasure, this article supports the expansion of philosophical categories, philosophical conversation, and philosophical inclusivity. This work (...)
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  45. What White Looks Like: African-American Philosophers on the Whiteness Question.George Yancy (ed.) - 2004 - Routledge.
    In the burgeoning field of whiteness studies, What White Looks Like takes a unique approach to the subject by collecting the ideas of African-American philosophers. George Yancy has brought together a group of thinkers who address the problematic issues of whiteness as a category requiring serious analysis. What does white look like when viewed through philosophical training and African-American experience? In this volume, Robert Birt asks if whites can "live whiteness authentically." Janine Jones examines what it (...)
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  46. Genre fiction and "the origin of the work of art".Nancy J. Holland - 2002 - Philosophy and Literature 26 (1):216-223.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Philosophy and Literature 26.1 (2002) 216-223 [Access article in PDF] Notes and Fragments Genre Fiction and "The Origin of the Work of Art" Nancy J. Holland I FIRST, A CONFESSION. Like, I suspect, many of my readers, I am an unpublished fiction writer. Unlike most of the closet fiction writers in academia, however, I write genre fiction. The question that immediately follows is how that writing is related to (...)
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    Vernaculars of Home.John E. Drabinski - 2015 - Critical Philosophy of Race 3 (2):203-226.
    This essay examines James Baldwin's conception of what he calls “black English” and its link to historical and cultural identity. I link Baldwin's defense of black English to his reflections on the sorrow songs and sound, which draws on long-standing accounts of musicality as the foundation of the African-American tradition. In order to demonstrate this relation to the tradition, the essay puts Baldwin's remarks in relation to Frederick Douglass's and W. E. B. Du Bois's description of the sorrow (...)
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    The African American experience in agriculture.Christopher N. Hunte - 1992 - Agriculture and Human Values 9 (1):11-14.
    Shrinking enrollments in the agricultural programs of the 1890 schools can be partly explained by negative attitudes of Blacks toward agriculture. This attitude has roots in the historical experiences of African Americans and has negative implications for the agricultural programs of the 1890 schools. A collection of data from a sample of Black Louisiana Farmers lends credence to the claim that Black Farmers are not encouraging their children to go into farming. To counter the impact on the 1890 schools, (...)
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    African American Contributions to the Americas' Cultures: A Critical Edition of Lectures by Alain Locke by Jacoby Adeshei Carter.Dwayne A. Tunstall - 2019 - The Pluralist 14 (2):117-121.
    Jacoby Adeshei Carter has done an invaluable service in editing this critical edition of Alain Leroy Locke’s series of six lectures in Haiti delivered “from April 9 to July 10, 1943, when he was the Inter-American Exchange Professor to Haiti under the joint auspices of the American Committee for Inter-American Artistic and Intellectual Relations and the Haitian Ministry of Education”. African American Contributions to the Americas’ Cultures consists of two parts. The first part is Locke’s (...)
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    African American Spirituality: Through Another Lens.Diane J. Chandler - 2017 - Journal of Spiritual Formation and Soul Care 10 (2):159-181.
    African American spirituality provides a rich lens into the heart and soul of the black church experience, often overlooked in the Christian spiritual formation literature. By addressing this lacuna, this essay focuses on three primary shaping qualities of history: the effects of slavery, the Civil Rights Movement under Dr. Martin Luther King's leadership, and the emergence of the Black Church. Four spiritual practices that influence African American spirituality highlight the historical and cultural context of being “forged (...)
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