Results for 'Affaire Sokal'

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  1.  26
    Retours sur l'affaire Sokal.Sophie Roux (ed.) - 2007 - Paris: Harmattan.
    On appelle « Affaire Sokal » l’ensemble de controverses que suscitèrent la publication en 1996 d’une parodie écrite par un physicien américain, Alan Sokal, puis, en 1997, de l’ouvrage Impostures intellectuelles, qu’il co-signa avec un physicien belge, Jean Bricmont. Dans Retours sur l’Affaire Sokal¸ des historiens des sciences reviennent sur cette affaire. Ils montrent qu’elle recouvre différentes controverses et qu’il faut distinguer ces dernières non seulement selon la nature des écrits qui les ont occasionnées, (...)
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  2. What the social text affair does and does not prove.Alan Sokal - manuscript
    I did not write this work merely with the aim of setting the exegetical record straight. My larger target is those contemporaries who -- in repeated acts of wish-fulfillment -- have appropriated conclusions from the philosophy of science and put them to work in aid of a variety of social cum political causes for which those conclusions are ill adapted. Feminists, religious apologists (including ``creation scientists''), counterculturalists, neoconservatives, and a host of other curious fellow-travelers have claimed to find crucial grist (...)
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  3. Litteraires et scientifiques trivialiser n'est PAS sans danger'.Alan Sokal & Jean Bricmont Jugent Sévèrement L'ouvrage - 2007 - In Sophie Roux, Retours sur l'affaire Sokal. Paris: Harmattan.
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    Impostures scientifiques: les malentendus de l'affaire Sokal.Baudouin Jurdant (ed.) - 1998 - Nice: Decouverte.
    En 1996, la publication aux États-Unis du " vrai-faux " article du physicien américain Alan Sokal, visant à dénoncer sur le mode du canular les ravages intellectuels opérés, selon lui, par le " postmodernisme ", puis la parution en France en 1997 du livre rédigé avec Jean Bricmont (Impostures intellectuelles), ont défrayé la chronique. Pour ces auteurs, il était urgent de dénoncer les " extrapolations abusives des sciences exactes aux sciences humaines " d'intellectuels comme Jacques Lacan, Julia Kristeva, Jean (...)
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  5. Obscurum per obscurium. Lenguaje y ciencia en el affaire Sokal.Sonia Madrid Cánovas - 2008 - Arbor 184 (731):529-537.
    En este artículo se presentan algunas reflexiones en torno a la ciencia y el uso de lenguaje por parte de ésta tomando el affaire Sokal como pretexto. A través de esta parodia tratamos de destacar la visión que del discurso científico poseen los llamados “neocientíficos” y cómo este enfoque lingüístico se utiliza más que para caracterizar a dicha comunidad para separarla de su supuesta antagonista: la comunidad humanística.
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    Ciencias inexactas y literaturas exactas. Lo que va del affaire Sokal a la poética de la materia de Bachelard.José Antonio González Alcantud - 2018 - Arbor 194 (790):483.
    Los límites entre las humanidades y las ciencias se han desplazado y traspasado en innumerables ocasiones en las últimas décadas. El uso de la ciencia en los estudios humanísticos y de la metáfora cultural en los científicos está abundantemente documentado. Fértiles en especial han sido, por ejemplo, las teorías de la termodinámica (entropía), de la topología, de las catástrofes y de los fractales. El físico y matemático Alan Sokal, sin embargo, denunció la instrumentalización abusiva de la ciencia por ciertos (...)
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  7. A plea for reason, evidence and logic.Alan Sokal - unknown
    This affair has brought up an incredible number of issues, and I can't dream of addressing them all in 10 minutes, so let me start by circumscribing my talk. I don't want to belabor Social Text 's failings either before or after the publication of my parody: Social Text is not my enemy, nor is it my main intellectual target. I won't go here into the ethical issues related to the propriety of hoaxing. I won't address the obscurantist prose and (...)
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  8. Film Theory Meets Analytic Philosophy; Or, Film Studies And L’affaire Sokal.Murray Smith - 2010 - Cinema:111-117.
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    Alan Sokal, Beyond the Hoax: Science, Philosophy and Culture. Oxford and New York: Oxford University Press, 2008. Pp. xxi+465. ISBN 978-0-19-923920-7. £20.00 .Sophie Roux , Retours sur l'affaire Sokal. Paris: L'Harmattan, 2007. Pp. x+190. ISBN 978-2-296-02389-5. €17.50. [REVIEW]Steve Fuller - 2009 - British Journal for the History of Science 42 (3):442.
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    The Sokal Affair in Context.Stephen Hilgartner - 1997 - Science, Technology and Human Values 22 (4):506-522.
    The failure to consider the Sokal affair in light of other, related episodes has contributed to a wholesale misreading of its significance. The episode has often been offered as evidence for the bankruptcy of a broad and diverse collection offields, variously referred to as cultural studies of science, sociology of science, history of science, and science and technology studies. However, when viewed in context, the Sokal affair illustrates pre cisely why social scientific and humanistic studies of science are (...)
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  11.  18
    Alan Sokal. La Insuficiencia de Pruebas.Roberto Follari - 2000 - Cinta de Moebio 8.
    El affaire Sokal muestra tener efectos importantes en las ciencias sociales. Sin embargo, estos mismos efectos pueden ser comprendidos adecuadamente por lo que puede ser inferido y lo que no puede serlo. Entre estos últimos podemos contar el fin de los estudios epistemológicos en las ciencias so..
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    The Sokal Affair and the History of Criticism.John Guillory - 2002 - Critical Inquiry 28 (2):470-508.
  13.  75
    Review Essay: The Reception of the Sokal Affair in France—“Pomo” Hunting or Intellectual McCarthyism?Jean-Philippe Bouilloud - 2003 - Philosophy of the Social Sciences 33 (1):122-137.
    The Sokal Affair created a huge debate in France in past years, about the social sciences, scientificity, and postmodernism. It was initiated with a “hoax article,” a false postmodern article published by Allan Sokal in the U.S. review Social Text, and a book copublished with Jean Bricmont, where the authors denounce the abusive borrowings of words and concepts from physics or biology by famous intellectuals such as Derrida, Kristeva, Virilio, Debray, and Latour. The debate presented a wide span (...)
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  14. D'une affaire aux autres.Josquin Debaz & Sophie Roux - 2007 - In Sophie Roux, Retours sur l'affaire Sokal. Paris: Harmattan. pp. 1--48.
    L’article « D’une Affaire aux autres » de Josquin Debaz et Sophie Roux, montre combien il est difficile de délimiter ce qu’on appelle « l’Affaire Sokal » et analyse, par un recensement aussi systématique que possible des articles de presse, la différence entre l’affaire américaine et l’affaire française.
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    (1 other version)Sokal et Bricmont sont sérieux ou : le chat est sur le paillasson.Adrien Guignard - 2007 - Multitudes 31 (4):123.
    The following text seeks to identify the origins of what has come to be called the Sokal hoax. It appears that these origins remain problematic insofar as they cannot be thought without engaging into intrinsically duplicitous thinking. Thus, « originally », the gesture of the hoax is indeed « productive and conflictive, and no self-identity, no unity, and no inherent simplicity can possibly precede it », as « he » said, but « he » was disseminating, as we say. (...)
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  16. Littéraires et scientifiques: trivialiser n'est pas sans danger.Sophie Roux - 2007 - In Retours sur l'affaire Sokal. Paris: Harmattan. pp. 89--132.
    Sophie Roux confronte la critique du « sokalisme » qu’on trouve dans La Querelle des imposteurs d’Yves Jeanneret et la manière dont Impostures intellectuelles dessine le partage entre « littéraires » et « scientifiques ».
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  17. (1 other version)Imposturas intelectuais: algumas reflexões.Jairo José da Silva - 2004 - Human Nature 6 (1):87-99.
    Neste artigo, relato os aspectos mais salientes do affair Sokal-Bricmont - uma paródia que evoluiu para uma crítica articulada dos excessos de um certo pensamento pós-modernista - e analiso algumas das reações que suscitou em artigos publicados na Folha de S. Paulo. Termino com algumas reflexões sobre a nefasta negligência para com as ciências exatas na educação em geral e, em particular, na formação dos profissionais das áreas de filosofia e ciências humanas.In this paper I summarize some of the (...)
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    La nouvelle sociologie des sciences.Michel Dubois - 2001 - Paris: Presses universitaires de France.
    La nouvelle sociologie des sciences réunit un ensemble d'études consacrées aux programmes de recherche dits " fort " et " constructiviste ". Ces programmes, véritables orthodoxies en sociologie des sciences, ont en commun de se focaliser sur le processus de la recherche et d'en donner une représentation singulière : " relativiste " pour le premier, " contingentiste " pour le second. Là où les ouvrages existants consacrés à ces programmes prennent essentiellement le parti de la description, il revendique celui de (...)
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  19. Science in society: an introduction to social studies of science.Massimiano Bucchi - 2004 - New York: Routledge.
    The world around us has been shaped by science and man's relationship to it, and in recent years sociologists have been increasingly preoccupied with the latter. In Science in Society , Massimiano Bucchi provides a brief and approachable introduction to this sociological issue. Without assuming any scientific background, Bucchi provides clear summaries of all the major theoretical positions within the sociology of science, using many fascinating examples to illustrate them. Theories covered include Thomas Kuhn's theory of scientific change, the sociology (...)
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  20. Swallow Hard: What Social Text Should Have Done.Jay Rosen - unknown
    As I understand it, the Sokal affair is about affirmative action for ideas. Should arguments felt to be under-represented in the culture-at-large be admitted into prestigious haunts like Social Text even if they don't meet the standard intellectual tests? Alan Sokal got tired of what he saw as an excess of affirmative action in the ideas purveyed by cultural studies. So he devised a test in the form of a hoax: Could an author who deliberately met no standards (...)
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  21.  42
    A Mathematician Reads Social Text.Michael C. Sullivan - unknown
    New York University mathematical physicist Alan Sokal published in the postmodern humanities journal Social Text a parody entitled Transgressing the Boundaries: Toward a Transformative Hermeneutics of Quantum Gravity [1]. His point in doing so was to test whether the field of ``cultural studies of science'' was seriously lacking in ``intellectual standards.'' His article is nonsense from start to finish, but was still published. He revealed the hoax in another article in Lingua Franca [2]. The incident, and reactions to it, (...)
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  22.  39
    Christopher Herbert. Victorian Relativity: Radical Thought and Scientific Discovery. xvi + 302 pp., bibl., index. Chicago/London: University of Chicago Press, 2001. $43, £27.50 ; $16, £10.50. [REVIEW]Theodore Porter - 2002 - Isis 93 (2):311-312.
    Christopher Herbert, provoked by the Alan Sokal affair and by bullying critiques of “relativism,” has written this study to demonstrate the prominence of relativistic thought in the sciences of the last two centuries. Although he draws back from any claim that relativity and its opposite, philosophical realism, lead of necessity to particular political positions, he associates the former with liberal tolerance and the latter with mandatory worship in a repressive “church of ‘absolute truth’”. Nazi physicists such as Philipp Lenard, (...)
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  23. Fact-constructivism and the Science Wars: Is the Pre-existence of the World a Valid Objection against Idealism?Hector Ferreiro - 2022 - In Jesper Lundsfryd Rasmussen & Christoph Asmuth, Philosophisches Anfangen. Reflexionen des Anfangs als Charakteristikum des neuzeitlichen und modernen Denkens Kultur. Königshausen & Neumann. pp. 319–339.
    Metaphysics relies on the presupposition of the non-being of the world: since the world has once not existed it is necessary to postulate a cause for its existence, i.e. an extrinsic principle to explain the absolute beginning of the causal series of all things that constitute the world. After the critique of theologizing metaphysics by authors like Kant, Hegel and Nietzsche, the notion of an absolute beginning still persists though in a field in which it often goes as such unnoticed, (...)
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  24. Sokal's hoax.Alan Sokal - manuscript
    Like many other scientists, I was amused by news of the prank played by the NYU mathematical physicist Alan Sokal. Late in 1994 he submitted a sham article to the cultural studies journal Social Text, in which he reviewed some current topics in physics and mathematics, and with tongue in cheek drew various cultural, philosophical and political morals that he felt would appeal to fashionable academic commentators on science who question the claims of science to objectivity.
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  25. Alan Sokal and Jean Bricmont.From Alan Sokal - 1999 - In Nigel Warburton, Philosophy: Basic Readings. New York: Routledge.
  26. Sokal and Bricmont: Is this the beginning of the end of the dark ages in the humanities?Alan Sokal & Jean Bricmont - unknown
    When I was a boy, I was friendly with a lad who lived a few doors away. We used to take bicycle rides together and have gunfights on the waste land and light fires and play scratch cricket. Our ways parted as our interests evolved in different directions. There were no hard feelings and, indeed, much residual good will. Roger (this is not his true name, which I shall withhold for the sake of his family) did not share any of (...)
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  27.  19
    Particulars of My LifeB. F. Skinner.Michael M. Sokal - 1978 - Isis 69 (2):319-320.
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    The Life and Mind of John Dewey. George Dykhuizen, Jo Ann Boydston.Michael Sokal - 1976 - Isis 67 (3):503-505.
  29. Professor Latour's philosophical mystifications.Alan Sokal - unknown
    The debate over objectivity and relativism, science and postmodernism, which for the past eight months has been rocking American academic circles -- particularly those of the political left -- has apparently now arrived in France. And with what a bang! Following Denis Duclos..
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  30. William James and the National Academy of Sciences.Michael M. Sokal - 2010 - William James Studies 5:29-38.
    Williams James’s 1903 election to the National Academy of Sciences has long been understood as well-deserved recognition for his scientific achievement and as evidence that other sciences had begun to accept the “new psychology” as a peer discipline. This note offers a detailed review of the complex course of events that led to James’s election – presented within the context of the Academy’s own history – that illustrates just how a variety of extra-scientific factors had a significant impact on this (...)
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  31. Mort et vie du positivisme.Alan Sokal - unknown
    Une des réactions qui m’a le plus surpris suite à la publication, avec Alan Sokal, d’ Impostures intellectuelles (1), c’est l’accusation qui nous a été faite d’être « positivistes ». En effet, nulle part nous ne défendons cette doctrine et, les rares fois où nous en parlons, c’est pour la critiquer. Néanmoins j’ai vite compris qu’il fallait distinguer entre positivisme et « positivisme », c’est-à-dire entre une doctrine philosophique complexe ayant prospéré à une certaine époque et à laquelle plus (...)
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    Annual Meeting of the History of Science Society Seattle, Washington, 25-28 October 1990.Michael Sokal & Albert Moyer - 1991 - Isis 82 (2):276-280.
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    Face Value: Physiognomical Thought and the Legible Body in Marivaux, Lavater, Balzac, Gautier, and ZolaChristopher Rivers.Michael Sokal - 1996 - Isis 87 (2):371-372.
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    It's a battlefield out there, culturally speaking.Alan Sokal - manuscript
    oes anything exist outside culture? Is there anything that we do that is free of the distortions of our tastes and customs? That isn't irrevocably shaped by the languages we speak or our material interests? Is there anything out there that we can assume to be noncultural or transcultural or even universal?
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  35. La modestie, la rigueur et l'ironie.Alan Sokal - manuscript
    Lorsque nous avons écrit notre petit livre dénonçant l’usage grossièrement abusif des concepts scientifiques par bon nombre d’intellectuels philosophico-littéraires français de premier plan 1, nous nous sentions comme des étrangers – et cela, à plus d’un titre– pénétrant dans un territoire neuf et parfois étrange, dont les habitants ne se sont pas tous montrés amicaux (c’est le moins qu’on puisse dire). Voilà pourquoi c’est avec grand plaisir que nous lisons aujourd’hui la défense vigoureuse – et le développement – de nos (...)
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    The Architects of Adjustment: The History of the Psychological Profession in the United States. Donald S. Napoli.Michael Sokal - 1982 - Isis 73 (1):127-128.
  37. Taking evidence seriously.Alan Sokal - manuscript
    The author is a Professor of Physics at New York University and Professor of Mathematics at University College London. His main research interests are in statistical mechanics and quantum field theory. He is co-author with Roberto Fern´andez and J¨.
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  38. Truth or consequences: A brief response to Robbins.Alan Sokal - manuscript
    On many issues Robbins and I are in agreement. Science and technology are legitimate, indeed crucial, subjects of public critique and democratic debate. The funding of scientific research by private corporations poses grave dangers to scientific objectivity. (But to make this argument, one must first believe in objectivity as a goal; postmodernists and relativists don't.) Finally, cultural questions are as important as economic ones -- sometimes more so.
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  39. What is science and why should we care?Alan Sokal - manuscript
    The author is a Professor of Physics at New York University and Professor of Mathematics at University College London. His main research interests are in statistical mechanics and quantum field theory. He is co-author with Roberto Fern´andez and J¨.
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    Beyond the hoax: science, philosophy and culture.Alan D. Sokal - 2008 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    In 1996, Alan Sokal, a Professor of Physics at New York University, wrote a paper for the cultural-studies journal Social Text, entitled: 'Transgressing the Boundaries: Towards a transformative hermeneutics of quantum gravity'. It was reviewed, accepted and published. Sokal immediately confessed that the whole article was a hoax - a cunningly worded paper designed to expose and parody the style of extreme postmodernist criticism of science. The story became front-page news around the world and triggered fierce and wide-ranging (...)
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  41.  61
    Baldwin, Cattell and the Psychological Review: a collaboration and its discontents.Michael M. Sokal - 1997 - History of the Human Sciences 10 (1):57-89.
    This paper provides a detailed account of the origins of the Psycho logical Review in 1894, of the policies and practices of its editors (James Mark Baldwin and James McKeen Cattell) during its first decade, and of the public and private disagreements that led them to dissolve their collaboration in 1904. In doing so, it sheds light on the significant roles played by specialized scientific journals in the development of specific scientific specialities, and illustrates the value for historical exploration of (...)
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  42. Who Rules in Science?(Book).Alan D. Sokal - 2003 - Science and Society 67 (1):111.
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    Intellectual impostures: postmodern philosophers' abuse of science.Alan D. Sokal & Jean Bricmont - 1998 - London: Profile Books. Edited by J. Bricmont.
    When it was published in France, this book shocked the philosophers of the Left Bank with its plain-speaking attack on some of France's greatest minds.
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  44. By Henry Krips.Alan Sokal - unknown
    Intellectual Impostures , for example, written together with Jean Bricmont, the authors (hereafter S&B) criticise the way in which French poststructuralist critics, such as Julia Kristeva, Jacques Lacan and Gilles Deleuze, have abused the scientific terminology to which, Sokal claims, they exhibit slavish adherence. Many authors, such as Andrew Ross and Stanley Aronowitz, have taken up the cudgels against S&B. But their replies often miss the mark either by arguing at too abstract a level against S&B's project as a (...)
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  45. By Steve Fuller.Alan Sokal - manuscript
    Social Text , along with an explication of all the relatively minor errors and jokes planted in the article that would have been caught by the cognoscenti in physics. That alone has been sufficient to attract global media attention about the alleged lack of quality control in cultural studies scholarship. However, Sokal and Bricmont are out for bigger game. They want to trace these lapses from professionalism to a relativist philosophical sensibility, which in turn is held responsible for the (...)
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  46. Farewell to a fad.Alan Sokal - manuscript
    Credit for squelching this peculiar trend goes largely to one man, NYU physicist -- and it should be mentioned, leftist -- Alan Sokal. Three years ago, he submitted a parody of postmodernist thought to the postmodernist journal Social Text , which article purported to mock, in true postmodernist fashion, the silly old "dogma" that "there exists an external world," asserting instead that "physical `reality'" is just "a social and linguistic construct." The..
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  47. Beyond the Hoax : A Response to Emily A. Schultz.Alan Sokal - unknown
    For the complex or boundary objects in which I am interested . . . dimensions implode . . . they collapse into each other . . . story telling . . . is a fraught practice . . . In no way is story telling opposed to materiality, [sic] But materiality itself is tropic; it makes us swerve, it trips us; it is a knot of the textual, technical, mythic/oneric [sic], organic, political and economic.
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  48. On being hoaxed.Alan Sokal - unknown
    That afternoon in May I was sitting in front of the computer, half-working, half-listening to "All Things Considered." The kids were in the living room doing a similar combination of homework and TV. Then, all of a sudden, I heard the words "Social Text," followed by laughter. It was the name of the journal I've worked on for over ten years, the last five of them as coeditor. I was thunderstruck. We were on National Public Radio. "Kids! I yelled. "Social (...)
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  49. A physicist experiments with cultural studies.Alan Sokal - unknown
    The displacement of the idea that facts and evidence matter by the idea that everything boils down to subjective interests and perspectives is -- second only to American political campaigns -- the most prominent and pernicious manifestation of anti-intellectualism in our time.
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    Appendix A: Officers of the History of Science Society, 1924-99.Michael Sokal & G. Erikson - 1999 - Isis 90 (S2):S321-S322.
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