Results for 'Adrian Koberwein'

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  1.  13
    Temporalidades e Incertidumbre En El Contexto de Una Crisis Hídrica En la Provincia de Córdoba, Argentina.Adrian Koberwein - 2019 - Astrolabio: Nueva Época 23:266-293.
    Basándome en una metodología etnográfica de tipo multisituado, en este artículo analizo, desde la antropología social, diversas temporalidades socialmente construidas en el marco de una crisis hídrica en Sierras Chicas, Provincia de Córdoba, Argentina. Comienzo dando cuenta de la importancia social del agua como valor, en términos del trabajo acumulado (expresado por ejemplo en la infraestructura para su provisión y distribución), para luego analizar los diferentes contextos en los que se moldean creativamente diversas temporalidades que dan sentido a la relación (...)
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  2. Embodying the Mind and Representing the Body.Adrian John Tetteh Alsmith & Frédérique Vignemont - 2012 - Review of Philosophy and Psychology 3 (1):1-13.
    Does the existence of body representations undermine the explanatory role of the body? Or do certain types of representation depend so closely upon the body that their involvement in a cognitive task implicates the body itself? In the introduction of this special issue we explore lines of tension and complement that might hold between the notions of embodiment and body representations, which remain too often neglected or obscure. To do so, we distinguish two conceptions of embodiment that either put weight (...)
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  3. How indefinites choose their scope.Adrian Brasoveanu & Donka F. Farkas - 2011 - Linguistics and Philosophy 34 (1):1-55.
    The paper proposes a novel solution to the problem of scope posed by natural language indefinites that captures both the difference in scopal freedom between indefinites and bona fide quantifiers and the syntactic sensitivity that the scope of indefinites does nevertheless exhibit. Following the main insight of choice functional approaches, we connect the special scopal properties of indefinites to the fact that their semantics can be stated in terms of choosing a suitable witness. This is in contrast to bona fide (...)
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    Sentence-internal different as quantifier-internal anaphora.Adrian Brasoveanu - 2011 - Linguistics and Philosophy 34 (2):93-168.
    The paper proposes the first unified account of deictic/sentence-external and sentence-internal readings of singular different . The empirical motivation for such an account is provided by a cross-linguistic survey and an analysis of the differences in distribution and interpretation between singular different , plural different and same (singular or plural) in English. The main proposal is that distributive quantification temporarily makes available two discourse referents within its nuclear scope, the values of which are required by sentence-internal uses of singular different (...)
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    How does the Psychiatrist Know?Adrian Kind - 2024 - Bielefeld: Transcript.
    How do clinical psychiatrists arrive at their diagnostic conclusions? Little attention has been directed to this question by philosophers of psychiatry. Adrian Kind presents a systematic, in-depth philosophical investigation into this question and argues that psychiatric diagnostic reasoning can be understood as a model-based reasoning procedure analogous to scientific model-based reasoning. To support this, he draws on ideas from the philosophy of science, psychiatry, cognitive science, and artificial intelligence. This study is an invaluable resource for practicing psychiatrists, philosophers interested (...)
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    (1 other version)Bernard Williams.Adrian Moore - 2003 - Philosophy Now 42:39-39.
    This is an obituary of Bernard Williams.
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    Scientific Imperialism: Exploring the Boundaries of Interdisciplinarity.Uskali Mäki, Adrian Walsh & Manuela Fernández Pinto - 2017 - Routledge.
    The growing body of research on interdisciplinarity has encouraged a more in depth analysis of the relations that hold among academic disciplines. In particular, the incursion of one scientific discipline into another discipline's traditional domain, also known as scientific imperialism, has been a matter of increasing debate. Following this trend, Scientific Imperialism aims to bring together philosophers of science and historians of science interested in the topic of scientific imperialism and, in particular, interested in the conceptual clarification, empirical identification, and (...)
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  8. Hume on Rational Final Ends.Adrian M. S. Piper - 1988 - Philosophy Research Archives 14:193-228.
    Historically, the view, prevalent in contemporary economics and decision theory as well as philosophy, that rational action consists simply in satisfying one’s desires, whatever they may be, as efficiently as possible, is to be found first in Book II of Hume’s Treatise of Human Nature. This view has counterintuitive and self-refuting implications, in that it recognizes as rational behavior that may reveal a clear degree of irresponsibility or psychological instability. Accordingly, many Hume scholars have tried to show recently that this (...)
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  9. On the Philosophical Styles of the Times: Some Questions Concerning the Meaning of Deconstruction.Adrian Costache - 2011 - Journal for Communication and Culture 1 (2):20-29.
    The present paper deals with the philosophical styles of the hermeneutic project and deconstruction and tries to answer the question whether there really is, as Derrida argues, a fundamental difference, even an opposition between them. In this sense, taking the questions Derrida addressed Gadamer in their famous Paris encounter in 1981 as a clue, the author retraces the fundamental articulations of deconstruction, descending from Derrida's own description of the idea to his actual deconstructive practice, and shows that the presupposition Derrida (...)
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  10. From Nozick to welfare rights: Self‐ownership, property, and moral desert.Adrian Bardon - 2000 - Critical Review: A Journal of Politics and Society 14 (4):481-501.
    The Kantian moral foundations of Nozickian libertarianism suggest that the claim that self‐ownership grounds only negative rights to property should be rejected. The moral foundations of Nozick's libertarianism better support basing property rights on moral desert. It is neither incoherent nor implausible to say that need can be a basis for desert. By implication, the libertarian contention that persons ought to be respected as persons living self‐shaping lives is inconsistent with the libertarian refusal to accept that claims of need can (...)
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  11. Kant's refutation of idealism.Adrian Bardon - 2011 - In Michael Bruce & Steven Barbone (eds.), Just the Arguments: 100 of the Most Important Arguments in Western Philosophy. Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell.
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    The Relevance of Wittgenstein’s Thought for Philosophical Hermeneutics.Adrian Costache - 2011 - Journal for Communication and Culture 1 (1):44-54.
    The present paper aims to bring to light the relevance of Wittgenstein‘s thought for philosophical hermeneutics. In this sense it offers a thorough discussion of the Austrian philosopher‘s understanding of the concept of translation through a detailed examination of its development from its first formulation in the context of the picture theory of meaning in the Tractatus to its reformulation as "language game" and "form of life" within the use theory put forth in Philosophical Investigations. The paper argues that the (...)
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  13.  55
    Extending the Space of Reasons: Comments on Chapter Four of Understanding People.Adrian Haddock - 2007 - SWIF Philosophy of Mind 6 (1).
    Wilfrid Sellars employs the metaphor of the space of reasons to express a certain conception of knowledge: “in characterising an episode or state as that of knowing … one is placing it in the logical space of reasons, of justifying and being able to justify what one says”.1 A growing number of philosophers employ the same metaphor to express a conception of at least some (other) mental states: in characterising a state as that of belief, or intention, one is placing (...)
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  14.  62
    Justice, Liberal Neutrality, and the New Genetics.Adrian M. Viens - 2005 - Journal of Philosophical Research 30 (9999):135-145.
    Descartes is typically interpreted as asserting two related theses: 1) that the will is absolutely free in the sense that no bodily state can compel it or restrain its activity; and 2) that error is always avoidable, no matter what the condition of the body. On the basis of Descartes’s discussions of insanity and dreaming, I argue that both of these interpretive claims are false. In other words, Descartes acknowledged that a diseased or otherwise out of sorts body can compel (...)
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  15.  29
    Rock, Bone, and Ruin An Optimist's Guide to the Historical Sciences.Adrian Currie - 2018 - The MIT Press.
    An argument that we should be optimistic about the capacity of “methodologically omnivorous” geologists, paleontologists, and archaeologists to uncover truths about the deep past. -/- The “historical sciences”—geology, paleontology, and archaeology—have made extraordinary progress in advancing our understanding of the deep past. How has this been possible, given that the evidence they have to work with offers mere traces of the past? In Rock, Bone, and Ruin, Adrian Currie explains that these scientists are “methodological omnivores,” with a variety of (...)
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    Jacques lacan.Adrian Johnston - 2016 - Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
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  17. Interpretación hermenéutica de los cuentos: Ikú, el pájaro de oro y Zarevich Iván, el pájaro de fuego y el lobo.Sergio Adrián Palacio Tamayo - 2013 - Escritos 21 (47):463-490.
    Este artículo presenta una interpretación hermenéutica/psicológica del cuento de hadas Zarevich Iván, el pájaro de fuego y el lobo a partir de la psicología analítica de Carl Gustav Jung y la metodología de interpretación diseñada por Marie Von Franz.
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  18. This first issue of HUMANITAS carries the reports of the first Institute symposium," Anxiety in our Time," expanded by the results of research in the general area of anxiety from several different perspectives.Adrian van Kaam - forthcoming - Humanitas.
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  19. DESPRE BOALĂ ȘI VINDECARE ÎN RELIGIILE ANTICE.Adrian Boldisor - 2024 - Pastoraţia Și Îngrijirea Celor Bolnavi 9 (1):87-77.
    O privire fugitivă asupra unora dintre religiile lumii antice scoate la iveală faptul că, indiferent de structura sa și de teritoriul în care s-a răspândit, credința într-o viață fără boli și suferințe a fost idealul permanent al omului. Astfel că, alături de nădejdea în viața de apoi, încrederea într-un trai mai bun încă de pe pământ a reprezentat o constată a vieții private și publice. În acest sens, au existat divinități, dar și specialiști, care s-au îngrijit de întreținerea speranțelor oamenilor. (...)
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  20.  25
    Curved sixth fingers: Flexible representation of the shape of supernumerary body parts.Denise Cadete, Adrian J. T. Alsmith & Matthew R. Longo - 2022 - Consciousness and Cognition 105 (C):103413.
  21.  35
    Arguments from Aesthetic Merit to Fictional Content.Adrian Bruhns, Tobias Klauk & Tilmann Köppe - 2020 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 78 (2):209-218.
  22.  24
    What is Precision Psychotherapy?Adrian Kind, Sascha Benjamin Fink & Henrik Walter - forthcoming - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy.
    Precision medicine impacts virtually all medical specializations, including psychiatry. Though precision psychiatry, in general, is a flourishing area of research and debate, psychotherapy as one pillar of psychiatry has received little attention. Theoretical discussions about precision psychotherapy are rare; research on precision in psychotherapy is just evolving. In this paper we provide a conceptualization of precision psychotherapy providing a common idea of what should be understood as precision in the context of psychotherapy and what kind of psychotherapy research can be (...)
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  23. Philosophy En Route to Reality: A Bumpy Ride.Adrian M. S. Piper - 2019 - Journal of World Philosophies 4 (2):106-118.
    My intellectual journey in philosophy proceeded along two mountainous paths that coincided at their base, but forked less than halfway up the incline. The first is that of my philosophical development, a steep but steady and continuous ascent. It began in my family, and accelerated in high school, art school, college, and graduate school. Those foundations propelled my philosophical research into the nature of rationality and its relation to the structure of the self, a long-term project focused on the Kantian (...)
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  24.  25
    Knowledge Aided by Observation†.Adrian Haddock - 2024 - European Journal of Philosophy 32 (3):716-727.
    Anscombe seems to think that, even though “the knowledge that a man has of his intentional actions” is not “knowledge by observation”, it can be aided by observation. My aim in this essay is to explain how I think we should understand this thought. I suggest that, in a central class of cases, knowledge of one's intentional action is knowledge whose canonical linguistic expression is an utterance of the form “I am doing something to that G": knowledge in which the (...)
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  25. Utopía y ratio gubernatoria en la conquista de América.Luis Adrián Mora Rodríguez - 2011 - Revista de Filosofía de la Universidad de Costa Rica 50 (127):27-32.
  26. An Examination of Attempts to Find Incorrigible Knowledge.Frederick Adrian Siegler - 1960 - Dissertation, Stanford University
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  27. Natural science models in management: opportunities and challenges.Duncan A. Robertson & Adrián A. Caldart - 2008 - Emergence: Complexity and Organization 10:61-75.
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  28. The Encyclopedia of Religion, Mircea Eliade, Editor in Chief – istorie, aprecieri, critici.Adrian Boldișor - 2022 - Revista Mitropolia Olteniei 2 (5-8):47-68.
    The monumental Encyclopedia of Religion (16 volumes), whose editor-in-chief was Mircea Eliade and which appeared in 1987, did not enjoy a welcome as expected, criticisms soon coming from researchers in several scientific fields. These criticisms related to the method used and the deep imprint that Eliade had on the work. The opinions echoed earlier criticisms of Eliade and his research method with reference to the field of History of Religions. If in the middle of the last century Eliade was considered (...)
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  29. Formalna i semantyczna analiza polskich spójników przyzdaniowych i międzyzdaniowych oraz wyrazów pokrewnych.Olgierd Adrian Wojtasiewicz - 1972 - Studia Semiotyczne 3:109-144.
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  30. Synthetic embryos: a new venue in ethical research.Villalba Adrián, Jon Rueda & Íñigo De Miguel - 2023 - Reproduction 164 (4):V1-V3.
    The recent publications reported in 2022 reveal the possibility of obtaining mouse embryos without the need for egg or sperm. These ‘artificial embryos’ can recapitulate some stages of development ex utero – from neurulation to organogenesis – without implantation. Synthetic mouse embryos might serve as a valuable model to gain further insights into early developmental stages. Indeed, it is expected for these models to be replicated by employing human cells. This promising research raises ethical issues and expands the horizon of (...)
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  31. Preocupări culturale românești în Istoria Religiilor și în teologie: de la Mircea Eliade la Pr. Dumitru Stăniloae.Adrian Boldisor - 2014 - Revista Mitropolia Olteniei 1 (1-4):184-206.
    Theology from Mircea Eliade to Fr. Dumitru Stăniloae When someone tries to present the spiritual characteristics of a people, his findings will be both appreciated and criticized. It is very difficult to talk about the people among whom you were born and have lived without falling into overrating or underestimation errors of the role and the place it had and it played in human history, in general, and that of each individual, in particular. From these positions, two of the brand (...)
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  32. The Being of History, the Play of Différance and the Problem of Misunderstanding.Adrian Costache - 2013 - Studia Universitatis Babes-Bolyai, Philosophia 58 (3):179-190.
    Beginning with the second decade of the last century, after a fierce critique of W. Dilthey and the Historical School’s epistemological approach, philosophical hermeneutics has assumed the position of “official” philosophy of history of our times. However, in our previous work we have shown that philosophical hermeneutics is not actually able to give a better answer to “What is history?” than that already offered by the Historical School. Now we would like to show that its answer to the other fundamental (...)
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  33. Kathrin Koslicki i el neo-aristotelisme per la defensa de la metafísica.Adrián Solís - 2019 - Filosofia, Ara! Revista Per a Pensar 2 (5):30-31.
    Actualment en Filosofia, tenim dues caracteritzacions canóniques sobre la naturalesa de la Metafísica, la carnapiana i la quineana, tot i que són dues tesis diferenciades, ambdues coincideixen en que la Metafísica és reduïda a qüestions d'existència. No obstant, Kathrin Koslicki considera que aquestes caracteritzacions de la naturalesa de la Metafísica són errònies i que comporten una crítica explícita a la Metafísica o redueixen la resolució dels problemes metafísics a un pragmatisme. Per això, Koslicki considerant que els desacords metafísics són legítims (...)
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    Dialogue seminars as a tool in post graduate education.Adrian Ratkić - 2009 - AI and Society 23 (1):99-109.
    This paper describes and discusses a new postgraduate course based on the dialogue-seminar method. The course and the method have been developed within the research area of skill and technology, based at the Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm. The main features of the course were dialogue and reflection on practice of research inspired by reading of the source texts from the history of science and philosophy written by: Descartes, Leibniz, Diderot, D’Alembert, Gadamer, Galileo and Darwin. The concept of liberal (...)
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    Market Pathology and the Range of Commodity Exchange: A Preliminary Sketch.Adrian J. Walsh - 1998 - Public Affairs Quarterly 12 (2):203-219.
  36.  32
    The Vicious Circle of the Super-Ego: The Pathological Trap of Guilt and the Beginning of Ethics.Adrian Johnston - 2001 - Psychoanalytic Studies 3 (3-4):411–424.
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    For a Hermeneutic Phenomenological Approach to Teacher Observation.Adrian Costache - 2024 - Studia Universitatis Babeş-Bolyai Philosophia 69 (3):91-102.
    The present paper describes an alternative mode of doing teacher observation meant to overcome the limitations of the common approach in use today. To this end, the paper first draws upon the hermeneutic theory of perception developed by Graeme Nicholson and establishes the fundamental principle that ought to govern didactic observation and the conditions of possibility of this endeavor. Subsequently, taking Lester Embree’s description of phenomenological observation as model, the paper describes the basic rules to be followed. The paper ends (...)
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  38. Rebatible, argumento.Gustavo Adrián Bodanza - 2011 - In Luis Vega and Paula Olmos (ed.), Compendio de Lógica, Argumentación y Retórica. [Madrid]: Editorial Trotta.
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  39. (1 other version)Husserl y la neurofenomenología.Jesús Adrián Escudero - 2012 - Investigaciones Fenomenológicas: Anuario de la Sociedad Española de Fenomenología 9:173-194.
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    Wokół rozumienia szaleństwa: szkice z zakresu humanistyki.Paulina Prus & Adrian Stelmaszyk (eds.) - 2012 - Toruń: Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu Mikołaja Kopernika.
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    Political Equality and Political Sufficiency.Adrian Blau - 2023 - Moral Philosophy and Politics 10 (1):23-46.
    The distinction between equality and sufficiency, much discussed in the distributive justice literature, is here applied to democratic theory. Overlooking this distinction can have significant normative implications, undermining some defences and criticisms of political equality, as I show by discussing the work of three prominent democratic theorists: Thomas Christiano, David Estlund, and Mark Warren. Most importantly, Christiano sometimes defends egalitarian conclusions using sufficientarian premises, or worries about inequality in situations where insufficiency is also part of the problem; inequality above the (...)
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    La estética de lo cotidiano y la paradoja de la cotidianidad.Adrián Pradier - forthcoming - Anuario Filosófico:51-76.
    El programa fuerte de la estética de lo cotidiano propone un enfoque en el que su valoración evite reducir el criterio estético a parámetros artísticos. Frente a la alternativa débil, este planteamiento incurre en una paradoja, de acuerdo a la cual es imposible apreciar estéticamente lo cotidiano sin que abandone su cotidianidad. Analizo los argumentos de Arto Haapala y Yuriko Saito para resolver este problema y presento sus debilidades, así como sus oportunidades.
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  43.  58
    The true Thing is the (w)hole: Freudian-Lacanian Psychoanalysis and Derridean Chronolibidinal Reading – Another Friendly Reply to Martin Hägglund.Adrian Johnston - 2013 - Derrida Today 6 (2):146-168.
    This article is an installment in an ongoing debate between me and Hägglund. Both here and throughout our exchanges, I argue on behalf of Freud and Lacan against Hägglund's Derrida-inspired critique of psychoanalysis. Prior to the appearance of Hägglund's 2012 book Dying for Time, the back-and-forth between us centered primarily around the issue of just how atheistic Freudian-Lacanian analysis really is in light of the Derridean-Hägglundian ‘radical atheism’ delineated by Hägglund's 2008 book of that title. In this piece, which focuses (...)
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  44.  21
    Parmenides' Refutation of Change.Adrian Bardon - 2011 - In Michael Bruce & Steven Barbone (eds.), Just the Arguments. Chichester, West Sussex, U.K.: Wiley‐Blackwell. pp. 59–63.
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    De cómo intervienen los estados de ánimo en el acontecimiento apropiador del ser en Heidegger.Jesús Adrián - 2005 - In Angel Alvarez Gómez (ed.), Paideia. Santiago de Compostela: Universidade de Santiago de Compostela, Servizo de Publicacións e Intercambio Científico.
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  46. The RAE and the production of knowledge.Adrian Alsop - 1999 - History of the Human Sciences 12 (4):116-120.
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    The Green Supply Chain.Adrian Bullock & Meredith Walsh - 2013 - Logos 24 (2):16-23.
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    Turning back the clock on neural progenitors.Adrian R. Carr, Semil P. Choksi & Andrea H. Brand - 2004 - Bioessays 26 (7):711-714.
    Drosophila neural progenitor cells, or neuroblasts, alter their transcriptional profile over time to produce different neural cell types. A recent paper by Pearson and Doe shows that older neuroblasts can be reprogrammed to behave like young neuroblasts, and to produce early neural cell types, simply by expressing the transcription factor, Hunchback.1 The authors show that competence to respond to Hunchback diminishes over time. Mani pulating neural progenitors in this way may have important implications for therapeutic uses of neural stem cells. (...)
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  49. În mijlocul vieţii.Adrian Cioroianu, Mircea Kivu, Simona Sora, Simona Popescu, Viorel Moţoc, Claude Karnoouh, Adina Popescu & Valeriu Negru - 2003 - Dilema 541:7-11.
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  50. Venuti on the limits of translation.Adrian Constantinescu - 2010 - Analysis and Metaphysics 9:108-114.
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