Results for 'Ada Palmer'

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  1.  34
    Reading Lucretius in the Renaissance.Ada Palmer - 2012 - Journal of the History of Ideas 73 (3):395-416.
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    Reading Lucretius in the Renaissance by Ada Palmer.Wiep van Bunge - 2016 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 54 (1):164-165.
    This is a truly remarkable first book, based on a Ph.D. thesis. It brilliantly manages to address both the general reader and the experts, is skillfully written and beautifully illustrated. The fate of Epicureanism during the Renaissance has recently drawn considerable attention and produced a series of important monographs by such established authors as Catherine Wilson, Alison Brown, and Stephen Greenblatt. Reading Lucretius in the Renaissance is such a welcome addition to the existing literature because of its special methodology: (...) concentrates on the marginalia preserved in fifteenth- and sixteenth-century manuscripts and early editions of De Rerum Natura, a first complete manuscript of.. (shrink)
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    Religion und Politik: das Messianische in Theologien, Religionswissenschaften und Philosophien des zwanzigsten Jahrhunderts.Gesine Palmer & Thomas Brose (eds.) - 2013 - Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck.
    English summary: The messianic has always been a problem between the monotheistic religions. Not only did it divide Jews and Christians, it also caused divisions among Jews and among Christians as well. In the 20th century, philosophers and political leaders attached increasing importance to it in a more secular form. The authors of the articles collected in this volume deal with the subject of messianism in the 20th century in various contexts. The articles are written from the standpoint of different (...)
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  4. Plato’s Reception of Parmenides.John A. Palmer - 2003 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 66 (1):247-249.
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    Number Line Estimation Predicts Mathematical Skills: Difference in Grades 2 and 4.Zhu Meixia, Cai Dan & W. S. Leung Ada - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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  6. The Travels and Adventures of St. Paul.Howard Palmer Young - 1948
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  7. Kant and the Problem of Metaphysics.Richard E. Palmer - unknown
    Husserl's marginal remarks in Kant und das Problem der Metaphysik clearly do not reflect the same intense effort to penetrate Heidegger's thought that we find in his marginal notes in Sein und Zeit. Merely in terms of length, Husserl's comments in the published German text occupy only one-third the number of pages.2 Pages 1-5, 43-121, and 125-1673 contain no reading marks at all-over half of the 236 pages of KPM. This suggests that Husserl either read these pages with no intention (...)
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    A Meta-Analysis of Changes in Brain Activity in Clinical Depression.Susan M. Palmer, Sheila G. Crewther & Leeanne M. Carey - 2014 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 8.
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    On the Necessity of Beauty.Linda Palmer - 2011 - Kant Studien 102 (3):350-366.
    In the Critique of Judgment Kant argues that we may assume a certain ‘common inner sense’ on pain of skepticism. I present an interpretation of this argument, which holds that its skeptical threat involves the threat of a regress for judgment, that it argues for a principle underlying both empirical cognition and judgments of beauty, and that no ‘everything is beautiful problem’ results. This principle is essentially ‘epistemologically normative’ rather than moral, although in the end the moral raises its head. (...)
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    The Role of Private Events in the Interpretation of Complex Behavior.David C. Palmer - 2009 - Behavior and Philosophy 37:3 - 19.
    Like most other sciences, behavior analysis adopts an assumption of uniformity, namely that principles discovered under controlled conditions apply outside the laboratory as well. Since the boundary between public and private depends on the vantage point of the observer, observability is not an inherent property of behavior. From this perspective, private events are assumed to enter into the same orderly relations as public behavior, and the distinction between public and private events is merely a practical one. Private events play no (...)
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    “Spandrels of the night?”.Gary Lynch, Laura Lee Colgin & Linda Palmer - 2000 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 23 (6):966-967.
    Vertes & Eastman argue against the popular idea that dreams promote memory consolidation and suggest instead that REM provides periodic endogenous stimulation during sleep. Although we suspect that much of the debate on the function of dreams reflects a too eager acceptance of the “adaptationist program,” we nonetheless support the position of the authors and propose a specific advantage of periodic REM activity. [Vertes & Eastman].
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    The world of early greek philosophy.John Palmer - 2013 - In Frisbee Sheffield & James Warren (eds.), The Routledge Companion to Ancient Philosophy. New York: Routledge. pp. 3.
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    Creativity and Understanding.Anthony Palmer & Andrew Harrison - 1971 - Aristotelian Society Supplementary Volume 45 (1):73 - 121.
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    Text of the Tabula Hebana.James H. Oliver & Robert E. A. Palmer - 1954 - American Journal of Philology 75 (3):225.
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    Animal Liberation, Environmental Ethics, and Domestication.Clare Palmer & Ethics &. Society Oxford Centre for the Environment - 1995 - Environment.
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    A meeting of minds.Anthony Palmer - 1984 - Mind 93 (371):398-409.
  17.  42
    Catulliana.A. Palmer - 1891 - The Classical Review 5 (1-2):7-8.
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    Chloroplast DNA and molecular phylogeny.Jeffrey D. Palmer - 1985 - Bioessays 2 (6):263-267.
    The small, relatively constant size and conservative evolution of chloroplast DNA (cpDNA) make it an ideal molecule for tracing the evolutionary history of plant species. At lower taxonomic levels, cpDNA variation is easily and conveniently assayed by comparing restriction patterns and maps, while at higher taxonomic levels, DNA sequencing and inversion analysis are the methods of choice for comparing chloroplast genomes. The study of cpDNA variation has already yielded important new insights into the origin and evolution of many agriculturally important (...)
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    Commentary F on Breton and Des Ormeaux.Vernon Valentine Palmer - 2006 - In Albert Breton & M. J. Trebilcock (eds.), Bijuralism: an economic approach. Burlington, VT: Ashgate Pub. Company.
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    Casemix Funding of Hospitals: Objectives and Objections.George Palmer - 1996 - Health Care Analysis 4 (3):185-193.
    Reform of the funding of hospitals and other health services has been one of the most important health policy initiatives undertaken by governments in recent years. A number of countries have adopted the casemix approach to payment, or are currently exploring the feasibility of its introduction. Under casemix arrangements hospitals are funded on the basis of the numbers and types of patients they treat. This paper analyses, and finds inadequate, various objections to casemix funding, including those which appeal to considerations (...)
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    Die Idee der Einfürallemaligkeit in apokalyptischen Vorstellungen Ein Versuch über eschatologische Müdigkeit.Gesine Palmer - 2001 - Zeitschrift für Religions- Und Geistesgeschichte 53 (1):97-114.
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  22.  44
    Direct reference, mental causation and consciousness: Old wine in new bottles.Anthony Palmer - 1995 - Philosophical Investigations 18 (1):65-73.
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    Ethiopians Speak. Studies in Cultural Background. I. Harari.F. R. Palmer & W. Leslau - 1969 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 89 (3):659.
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    Individual goods, collective goods, and the aims of medicine.Daniel E. Palmer - 2006 - Journal of Value Inquiry 40 (2-3):243-258.
  25.  8
    (1 other version)Locke and the “Ancient Hypothesis”.David Palmer - 1975 - Canadian Journal of Philosophy, Supplementary Volume 1 (1):41-48.
    John Locke sometimes claims in An Essay Concerning the Human Understanding that secondary qualities are qualities of bodies and not simply ideas. Few commentators, however, have taken that claim seriously. This is at least partly because Locke also claims that ideas of secondary qualities do not resemble the secondary qualities of bodies and the commentators have taken these two doctrines to be irreconcilable. In this paper I shall briefly present the traditional reasons for thinking the two doctrines incompatible, and then (...)
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    (1 other version)No Title available: REVIEWS.Humphrey Palmer - 1970 - Religious Studies 6 (2):187-189.
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    No Title available.Humphrey Palmer - 1976 - Religious Studies 12 (2):265-265.
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  28.  42
    Operationaling “correspondence”.David C. Palmer - 1996 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 19 (2):206-207.
    The research guided by the correspondence metaphor is lauded for its emphasis on functional analysis, but the term “correspondence” itself needs clarification. Of the two terms in the relationship, only one is well defined. It is suggested that behavior at acquisition needs to be analyzed and that molecular principles from the learning laboratory might be useful in doing so.
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    On Culture.Jerry Palmer - 1994 - Theory, Culture and Society 11 (3):153-161.
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    Orientation dependence of rutherford scattering of protons from quartz.Derek W. Palmer & E. D'artemare - 1968 - Philosophical Magazine 17 (150):1195-1205.
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    Organizing objects and scenes.Stephen E. Palmer - 2002 - In Daniel J. Levitin (ed.), Foundations of Cognitive Psychology: Core Readings. MIT Press. pp. 189--211.
  32.  33
    On the source and scope of priming effects of masked stimuli on endogenous shifts of spatial attention.Simon Palmer & Uwe Mattler - 2013 - Consciousness and Cognition 22 (2):528-544.
    Unconscious stimuli can influence participants’ motor behavior as well as more complex mental processes. Previous cue-priming experiments demonstrated that masked cues can modulate endogenous shifts of spatial attention as measured by choice reaction time tasks. Here, we applied a signal detection task with masked luminance targets to determine the source and the scope of effects of masked stimuli. Target-detection performance was modulated by prime-cue congruency, indicating that prime-cue congruency modulates signal enhancement at early levels of target processing. These effects, however, (...)
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    (1 other version)Propertiana.A. Palmer - 1894 - The Classical Review 8 (6):250-250.
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    Piety and Social Distinction in Late Medieval Roman Peacemaking.James A. Palmer - 2014 - Speculum 89 (4):974-1004.
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    Plagiarism and the academic essay.Clare A. Palmer - unknown
  36. Philosophical Hermeneutics Ⅰ: Early Heidegger, with a Preliminary Glance Back at Schleiermacher and Dilthey.Richard Palmer & Carine Lee - 2008 - Philosophy and Culture 35 (2):45-68.
    1施莱尔玛赫 contribution to the development施莱尔玛赫for hermeneutics in the development of Historically hermeneutics In order to make a decisive turn when he made ​​the future "general hermeneutics" , hermeneutics will be applied to all text interpretation. When the traditional hermeneutics contains In order to understand, description and application,施莱尔玛赫the attention is hermeneutics as "the art of understanding." 施莱尔玛赫also introduced the interpretation of psychology, can penetrate the text by means of its author's individuality and flexibility soul. He wanted to become a systematic hermeneutics, (...)
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    Phenomenology in Anthropology and Fertile Disorder.Seth Palmer - 2017 - Indo-Pacific Journal of Phenomenology 17 (2):1-5.
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    Periplus Maris Erythraei.J. A. B. Palmer - 1951 - Classical Quarterly 1 (3-4):156-.
    The expression used in the Periplus M.E. has attracted a certain amount of attention. It is generally held to mean ‘a legal mart where foreign trade was officially allowed and taxed’ : and this translation has sometimes been made the ground of comparison with the treaty ports of China or the échelles of the Levant. On closer examination of the usage of the Periplus M.E. it seems difficult to accept this meaning, and possible to suggest another.
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    (1 other version)Psychiatric Prolegomena: a Plea for the Help of Philosophy.Harold Palmer - 1951 - Philosophy 26 (99):311-332.
    “It is almost impossible for a working neurologist to think clearly about the functions of the highest centres because the counters of thought, the words he must employ—are often of psychological origin and for the most part meaningless.”.
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    Political Philosophy and the Human Soul: Essays in Memory of Allan Bloom.Michael Palmer & Thomas L. Pangle - 1995 - Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
    On the 65th anniversary of the late Allan Bloom's birth, a distinguished group of his former students honored the memory of this inspiring teacher. Includes a previously unpublished essay on Isocrates by Bloom.
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    The systematic constitution of the universe, the constitution of the mind and kants copernican analogy.L. M. Palmer - 2004 - Kant Studien 95 (2):171-181.
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    Book Review:The Secret of Democracy. Suzanne Labin; The Warfare of Democratic Ideals. Francis M. Myers.Edward E. Palmer - 1956 - Ethics 67 (1):58-60.
  43. Testing the low spatial-frequency conjecture for a gestalt effect.S. E. Palmer, P. Kube & Jk Kruschke - 1987 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 25 (5):333-333.
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    The traditions of historicism.Chairperson Lucia Palmer & Lucia M. Palmer - 1996 - The European Legacy 1 (1):233-238.
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    5 What Hermeneutics Can Offer Rhetoric.Richard E. Palmer - unknown - In eds Walter Jost and Michael J. Hyde (ed.), Rhetoric and Hermeneutics in Our Time: A Reader. Yale University Press. pp. 108-131.
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  46. Why is there a set-size effect in visual-search.J. Palmer & Ct Ames - 1991 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 29 (6):473-473.
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    Aristotle Didn’t Heed the Tortoise.David Palmer - 1972 - New Scholasticism 46 (4):461-465.
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    Yes, but it was never just about the science.Craig T. Palmer - 2002 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 25 (4):523-524.
    Andrews et al. present a clear discussion of the various criteria needed to identify adaptations. However, they also imply a history of the debate between adaptationists and their critics that is incomplete. The history implied is one of only genuine scientific disagreement. This neglects the role of nonscientific motives and strawman arguments on behalf of the critics of adaptationists.
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    Poetic Thinking: An Approach to Heidegger (review).Richard E. Palmer - 1983 - Philosophy and Literature 7 (1):126-127.
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    Book Review: The Ethics of Cultural Studies. [REVIEW]Julie Palmer - 2008 - Feminist Review 89 (1):157-159.
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