Results for 'Cai Dan'

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  1.  30
    The Role of Approximate Number System in Different Mathematics Skills Across Grades.Dan Cai, Linni Zhang, Yan Li, Wei Wei & George K. Georgiou - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    Number Line Estimation Predicts Mathematical Skills: Difference in Grades 2 and 4.Zhu Meixia, Cai Dan & W. S. Leung Ada - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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  3. Measurement Invariance of the Depression Anxiety Stress Scales-21 Across Gender in a Sample of Chinese University Students.Shan Lu, Shuqing Hu, Yuhuan Guan, Jing Xiao, Dan Cai, Zhihua Gao, Zhiqin Sang, Jie Wei, Xiaochi Zhang & Jürgen Margraf - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    How Does Green Training Boost Employee Green Creativity? A Sequential Mediation Process Model.Jianfei Wu, Dan Chen, Zejuan Bian, Tiantian Shen, Weinan Zhang & Wenjing Cai - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Despite accumulated evidence from previous studies that green creativity is highly emphasized in various industries, limited research has been conducted in the context of public sectors. Drawing on the dynamic componential model of creativity and innovation in organizations, this paper aims to propose and sequentially test the relationship between green training and employees’ green creativity through green values and green intrinsic motivation. Based on the data collected in Chinese public sectors at two different time points, the results indicate that green (...)
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    The Effect of Negative Feedback on Positive Beliefs in Self-Deception.Juan Liu, Wenjie Zhang, Youlong Zhan, Lixin Song, Peipei Guan, Dan Kang, Jie Jian, Ronghua Cai & Mei Li - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    The Trickle-Down Effect of Leaders’ VWGB on Employees’ Pro-Environmental Behaviors: A Moderated Mediation Model.Jianfei Wu, Weinan Zhang, Chuanhu Peng, Juan Li, Saiyu Zhang, Wenjing Cai & Dan Chen - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Although previous research has highlighted the positive effect of leaders’ voluntary workplace green behavior, limited research attention has been given to empirically testing how and when such behavior produces trickle-down effects. Taking a role model perspective and drawing on social identity theory, this research aims to fill this gap by proposing and testing the mechanism and boundary conditions of the influencing processes whereby leaders’ VWGB can trickle down to employees’ pro-environmental behaviors. By theorizing a moderated mediation model, the current research (...)
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    Xian Qin zhu zi yu Zhongguo xian dai zheng zhi zi you de dan sheng.Zhidong Cai - 2018 - Shanghai Shi: Shanghai san lian shu dian.
    Zheng zhi zi you shi wei zi you si xiang di yi yi. Ran er, Zhongguo xian dai zheng zhi zi you guan nian shi ru he dan sheng de zhe ge hua ti tai da, wo men guan zhu de shi ta yu xian Qin zhu zi si xiang zhi jian de guan xi he ru. Ben shu yi shi jian, pai bie wei xian suo, yi lun ti, fan chou he nei zai jie gou wei mai luo, jie (...)
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    Association between prevalence rate of dementia with Lewy bodies and sleep characteristics in Chinese old adults.Jinghuan Gan, Shuai Liu, Fei Wang, Zhihong Shi, Yang Lü, Jianping Niu, Xinling Meng, Pan Cai, Xiao-Dan Wang, Zhichao Chen, Baozhi Gang & Yong Ji - 2022 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 16:976753.
    Introduction: Few studies are available on the prevalence and sleep-related factors of dementia with Lewy bodies (DLB) in Chinese older adults, aiming to explore the associations between sleep characteristics and DLB.Methods: A cross-sectional study with 7,528 individuals aged ≥65 years in 106 communities in Northern China was conducted from April 2019 to January 2020. Questionaries (including demographic characteristics, comorbidities, lifestyles, and sleep characteristics) were administered, and neuropsychological assessments and physical examination were conducted in phase I; screening for probable DLB was (...)
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  9. Feng Youlan xian sheng bai nian dan chen ji nian wen ji.Pu Zong & Zhongde Cai (eds.) - 1995 - Beijing: Qing hua da xue chu ban she.
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    Feng Youlan yan jiu.Zhongde Cai (ed.) - 1997 - Beijing: Guo ji wen hua chu ban gong si.
    Di 1 ji. Ji nian Feng Youlan xian sheng dan chen yi bai zhou nian guo ji xue shu tao lun hui lun wen xuan --.
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    Mu dan hua de yin zhang: cai yun san bu qu = The rhythm of the fortune. Lingji - 2010 - Taibei Shi: Lian jing chu ban shi ye gong si.
    一生的財運有三個時期, 你希望哪一個階段能夠賺到一生財富的百分之七十? 通靈這麼多年,問事者來問事,十之八九會問自己的事業, 老天爺也因此讓我看到所謂世間人的「財運圖」。 每個人都想知道自己的財運圖,但不管財運圖如何,也不管是誰, 有一個相當關鍵性的「天機」──在年約39歲的時候, 往往會有一個非常大的「事業關鍵期」! 要怎麼安然度過? 請讓我們一起探討,在哪一個階段賺到一生財富的百分之七十比較好?.
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  12. Cải tiến phương pháp lượng giá tài nguyên sử dụng nguyên lý bán dẫn giá trị và hệ xử lý thông tin SM3D.Quy Khuc - manuscript
    Cải tiến phương pháp lượng giá tài nguyên và di sản sử dụng nguyên lý bán dẫn giá trị và hệ xử lý thông tin SM3D. Lý thuyết sử dụng trong bài: • Total economic value (Adger et al., 1995) • Mindsponge theory (Quan-Hoang Vuong, 2023) và khung ra quyết định mindspongeconomics (Khuc, 2022) • Tháp văn hóa (Khuc, 2023) • Lý thuyết nguyên lý bán dẫn giá trị (Q.-H. Vuong, 2021) • Hệ xử lý thông tin (lý thuyết quản (...)
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    Yong bu bi ye de shi ji xue ren Cai Shangsi: Cai Shangsi xian sheng dan chen yi bai ling wu zhou nian shi shi yi zhou nian si mo ji.Guifa Zhou, Xuanyuan Shi & Dehua Fu (eds.) - 2009 - Shanghai Shi: Fu dan da xue chu ban she.
  14.  20
    Geste cosmologique et « phénoménologie » du réel : « Naturel », « spontanéité », « ainséité » (ziran 自然) dans la théorie de l’art chinois et chez Guo Xiang.Raphaël Van Daele - 2022 - Laval Théologique et Philosophique 78 (3):443-459.
    Raphaël Van Daele L’expression chinoise ziran 自然 s’entend aussi bien à propos de la « nature », cette région de l’être dont l’émergence et les processus ne relèvent pas de la volonté ou de l’action humaine, qu’à propos d’un certain type d’agir humain. Le geste expert de l’artiste est l’exemple privilégié d’un tel agir. Loin de nuire à la cohérence de cette notion, le fait que celle-ci soit mobilisée dans le discours théorique sur l’art autant que dans le discours sur (...)
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  15. Có chính sách đãi ngộ hấp dẫn để thu hút trí thức, nhân tài.V. Trần - 2023 - Báo Lao Động.
    Cải cách tiền lương là một trong những nội dung quan trọng sẽ được thảo luận tại Kỳ họp thứ 6, Quốc hội khóa XV và đây cũng là một trong những chìa khoá để mở ra các chính sách đãi ngộ nhằm góp phần xây dựng, phát triển đội ngũ trí thức nước nhà, đáp ứng yêu cầu phát triển đất nước nhanh và bền vững trong giai đoạn mới như nội dung mà Hội nghị Trung ương 8 khoá (...)
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    Response-Dependencies: Colors and Values.Dan López de Sa - 2003 - Dissertation, Barcelona
    Tesis doctoral presentada en el departament de Lògica Història i Filosofia de la Ciencia de la Universitat de Barcelona per optar al títol de Doctor en Filosofia.
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  17. Conscientious refusal by physicians and pharmacists: Who is obligated to do what, and why?Dan W. Brock - 2008 - Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics 29 (3):187-200.
    Some medical services have long generated deep moral controversy within the medical profession as well as in broader society and have led to conscientious refusals by some physicians to provide those services to their patients. More recently, pharmacists in a number of states have refused on grounds of conscience to fill legal prescriptions for their customers. This paper assesses these controversies. First, I offer a brief account of the basis and limits of the claim to be free to act on (...)
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  18. (1 other version)Intrinsic vs. extrinsic properties.Dan Marshall & Brian Weatherson - 2013 - Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
    We have some of our properties purely in virtue of the way we are. (Our mass is an example.) We have other properties in virtue of the way we interact with the world. (Our weight is an example.) The former are the intrinsic properties, the latter are the extrinsic properties. This seems to be an intuitive enough distinction to grasp, and hence the intuitive distinction has made its way into many discussions in philosophy, including discussions in ethics, philosophy of mind, (...)
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  19. The Varieties of Intrinsicality.Dan Marshall - 2014 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 92 (2):237-263.
    Intrinsicality is a central notion in metaphysics that can do important work in many areas of philosophy. It is not widely appreciated, however, that there are in fact a number of different notions of intrinsicality, and that these different notions differ in what work they can do. This paper discusses what these notions are, describes how they are related to each other, and argues that each of them can be analysed in terms of a single notion of intrinsic aboutness that (...)
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  20. Intuitive and Reflective Beliefs.Dan Sperber - 1997 - Mind and Language 12 (1):67-83.
    Humans have two kinds of beliefs, intuitive beliefs and reflective beliefs. Intuitive beliefs are a fundamental category of cognition, defined in the architecture of the mind. They are formulated in an intuitive mental lexicon. Humans are also capable of entertaining an indefinite variety of higher‐order or‘reflective’propositional attitudes, many of which are of a credat sort. Reasons to hold reflective beliefs are provided by other beliefs that describe the source of the reflective belief as reliable, or that provide an explicit argument (...)
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  21. Empathy≠sharing: Perspectives from phenomenology and developmental psychology.Dan Zahavi & Philippe Rochat - 2015 - Consciousness and Cognition 36:543-553.
  22. Humean laws and explanation.Dan Marshall - 2015 - Philosophical Studies 172 (12):3145-3165.
    A common objection to Humeanism about natural laws is that, given Humeanism, laws cannot help explain their instances, since, given the best Humean account of laws, facts about laws are explained by facts about their instances rather than vice versa. After rejecting a recent influential reply to this objection that appeals to the distinction between scientific and metaphysical explanation, I will argue that the objection fails by failing to distinguish between two types of facts, only one of which Humeans should (...)
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    Knowing Ourselves Together: The Cultural Origins of Metacognition.Cecilia Heyes, Dan Bang, Nicholas Shea, Christopher D. Frith & Stephen M. Fleming - 2020 - Trends in Cognitive Sciences 24 (5):349-362.
    Metacognition – the ability to represent, monitor and control ongoing cognitive processes – helps us perform many tasks, both when acting alone and when working with others. While metacognition is adaptive, and found in other animals, we should not assume that all human forms of metacognition are gene-based adaptations. Instead, some forms may have a social origin, including the discrimination, interpretation, and broadcasting of metacognitive representations. There is evidence that each of these abilities depends on cultural learning and therefore that (...)
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  24. Shaping future children: Parental rights and societal interests.Dan W. Brock - 2005 - Journal of Political Philosophy 13 (4):377–398.
  25. Marshall and Parsons on ‘Intrinsic’.Dan Marshall & Josh Parsons - 2001 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 63 (2):353-355.
    Dan Marshall and Josh Parsons note, correctly. that the property of being either a cube or accompanied by a cube is incorrectly classified as intrinsic under the definition we have given unless it turns out to be disjunctive. Whether it is disjunctive, under the definition we gave, turns on certain judgements of the relative naturalness of properties. They doubt the judgements of relative naturalness that would classify their property as disjunctive. We disagree. They also suggest that the whole idea of (...)
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    Reconsidering Structural Realism.Dan McArthur - 2003 - Canadian Journal of Philosophy 33 (4):517 - 536.
    In the lengthy debate over the question of scientific realism one of the least discussed positions is structural realism. However, this position ought to attract critical attention because it purports to preserve the central insights of the best arguments for both realism and anti-realism. John Worrall has in fact described it as being ‘the best of both worlds’ that recognizes the discontinuous nature of scientific change as well as the ‘no-miracles’ argument for scientific realism. However, the validity of this claim (...)
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  27. Contra Cartwright: Structural Realism, Ontological Pluralism and Fundamentalism About Laws.Dan Mcarthur - 2006 - Synthese 151 (2):233-255.
    In this paper I argue against Nancy Cartwright's claim that we ought to abandon what she calls "fundamentalism" about the laws of nature and adopt instead her "dappled world" hypothesis. According to Cartwright we ought to abandon the notion that fundamental laws apply universally, instead we should consider the law-like statements of science to apply in highly qualified ways within narrow, non-overlapping and ontologically diverse domains, including the laws of fundamental physics. For Cartwright, "laws" are just locally applicable refinements of (...)
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    On the hardness of approximate reasoning.Dan Roth - 1996 - Artificial Intelligence 82 (1-2):273-302.
  29.  9
    Drawing from the insights of biology, sustainable healthcare systems should prioritise robustness over optimisation.Dan Lecocq - 2024 - Nursing Philosophy 25 (4):e12510.
    The concept of performance has gradually become established in health policies. Presented as necessary and positive, it is often reduced to efficiency, which results in policies and management styles aimed at optimisation. While they are supposed to guarantee the sustainability of our healthcare systems, these practices have made them fragile. Insights from the life sciences help us understand why. Indeed, biologists observe that living beings do not prioritise optimisation but robustness. To cope with fluctuations, a robust organisation operates with redundancies, (...)
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  30. Two philosophical problems in the study of happiness.Dan Haybron - manuscript
    In this paper I discuss two philosophical issues that hold special interest for empirical researchers studying happiness. The first issue concerns the question of how the psychological notion(s) of happiness invoked in empirical research relates to those traditionally employed by philosophers. The second concerns the question of how we ought to conceive of happiness, understood as a purely psychological phenomenon. With respect to the first, I argue that ‘happiness’, as used in the philosophical literature, has three importantly different senses that (...)
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  31. An Analysis of Intrinsicality.Dan Marshall - 2016 - Noûs 50 (4):704-739.
    The leading account of intrinsicality over the last thirty years has arguably been David Lewis's account in terms of perfect naturalness. Lewis's account, however, has three serious problems: i) it cannot allow necessarily coextensive properties to differ in whether they are intrinsic; ii) it falsely classifies non-qualitative properties like being Obama as non-intrinsic; and iii) it is incompatible with a number of metaphysical theories that posit irreducibly non-categorical properties. I argue that, as a result of these problems, Lewis's account should (...)
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    The expressive rationality of inaccurate perceptions.Dan M. Kahan - 2017 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 40:e6.
    This commentary uses the dynamic of identity-protective cognition to pose a friendly challenge to Jussim (2012). Like other forms of information processing, this one is too readily characterized as a bias. It is no mistake, however, to view identity-protective cognition as generating inaccurate perceptions. The “bounded rationality” paradigm incorrectly equates rationality with forming accurate beliefs. But so does Jussim's critique.
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  33. Intrinsicality and Grounding.Dan Marshall - 2013 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 90 (1):1-19.
    A number of philosophers have recently claimed that intrinsicality can be analysed in terms of the metaphysical notion of grounding. Since grounding is a hyperintensional notion, accounts of intrinsicality in terms of grounding, unlike most other accounts, promise to be able to discriminate between necessarily coextensive properties that differ in whether they are intrinsic. They therefore promise to be compatible with popular metaphysical theories that posit necessary entities and necessary connections between wholly distinct entities, on which it is plausible that (...)
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    Harmful Thoughts: Essays on Law, Self, and Morality.Meir Dan-Cohen - 2002 - Princeton University Press.
    In these writings by one of our most creative legal philosophers, Meir Dan-Cohen explores the nature of the self and its response to legal commands and mounts a challenge to some prevailing tenets of legal theory and the neighboring moral, political, and economic thought. The result is an insider's critique of liberalism that extends contemporary liberalism's Kantian strand, combining it with postmodernist ideas about the contingent and socially constructed self to build a thoroughly original perspective on some of the most (...)
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  35. An Assessment of Recent Responses to the Experience Machine Objection to Hedonism.Dan Weijers & Vanessa Schouten - 2013 - Journal of Value Inquiry 47 (4):461-482.
    Prudential hedonism has been beset by many objections, the strength and number of which have led most modern philosophers to believe that it is implausible. One objection in particular, however, is nearly always cited when a philosopher wants to argue that prudential hedonism is implausible—the experience machine objection to hedonism. This paper examines this objection in detail. First, the deductive and abductive versions of the experience machine objection to hedonism are explained. Following this, the contemporary responses to each version of (...)
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    Defending Immanent Critique.Dan Sabia - 2010 - Political Theory 38 (5):684-711.
    This article develops, illustrates, and defends a conception of immanent critique. Immanent critique is construed as a form of hermeneutical practice and second-order political and normative criticism. The common charge that immanent critique is a form of philosophical conventionalism necessarily committed to value relativism and to the rejection of transcultural and cosmopolitan norms is denied. But immanent critique insists that meaningful and potentially efficacious criticism must be connected to relevant criteria and understandings internal to the culture or social order at (...)
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    Phenomenology of reflection: Section III, chapter 2, Universal structures of pure consciousness.Dan Zahavi - 2015 - In Andrea Sebastiano Staiti (ed.), Commentary on Husserl's "Ideas I". Boston: De Gruyter. pp. 177-194.
  38. Mental representation from the bottom up.Dan Lloyd - 1987 - Synthese 70 (January):23-78.
    Commonsense psychology and cognitive science both regularly assume the existence of representational states. I propose a naturalistic theory of representation sufficient to meet the pretheoretical constraints of a "folk theory of representation", constraints including the capacities for accuracy and inaccuracy, selectivity of proper objects of representation, perspective, articulation, and "efficacy" or content-determined functionality. The proposed model states that a representing device is a device which changes state when information is received over multiple information channels originating at a single source. The (...)
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  39. The Warring States Concept of Xing.Dan Robins - 2011 - Dao: A Journal of Comparative Philosophy 10 (1):31-51.
    This essay defends a novel interpretation of the term xìng 性 as it occurs in Chinese texts of the late Warring States period (roughly 320–221 BCE). The term played an important role both in the famous controversy over the goodness or badness of people’s xìng and elsewhere in the intellectual discourse of the period. Extending especially the work of A.C. Graham, the essay stresses the importance for understanding xìng of early Chinese assumptions about spontaneity, continuity, health, and (in the human (...)
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    The Quest to Cultivate Tolerance Through Education.Dan Mamlok - 2023 - Studies in Philosophy and Education 42 (3):231-246.
    This paper examines the notion of tolerance in education. In general, tolerance is perceived as a means to resist hostility, raise awareness of cultural differences, mitigate violence, and maintain liberal and democratic values. In education, there are various initiatives, such as the International Day for Tolerance (UNESCO in Declaration of principles on tolerance, 1995), that aim to build resilience against different forms of hate and cultivate openness and acceptance of the other. Yet the idea of tolerance includes different understandings and (...)
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  41. Theory change, structural realism, and the relativised a priori.Dan McArthur - 2008 - International Studies in the Philosophy of Science 22 (1):5 – 20.
    In this paper I claim that Quinean naturalist accounts of science, that deny that there are any a priori statements in scientific frameworks, cannot account for the foundational role of certain classes of statements in scientific practice. In this I follow Michael Friedman who claims that certain a priori statements must be presupposed in order to formulate empirical hypotheses. I also show that Friedman's account, in spite of his claims to the contrary, is compatible with a type of non-Quinean naturalism (...)
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  42. Justice and the Ada: Does Prioritizing and Rationing Health Care Discriminate against the Disabled?Dan W. Brock - 1995 - Social Philosophy and Policy 12 (2):159-185.
    It is sometimes said that a society should be judged ethically by how it treats its least-fortunate or worst-off members. In one interpretation this is not a point about justice, but instead about moral virtues such as compassion and charity. In our response to the least fortunate among us, we display, or show that we lack, fundamental moral virtues of fellow feeling and concern for others in need. In a different interpretation, however, this point is about justice and a just (...)
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    (1 other version)Within the heart’s darkness: The role of emotions in Arendt’s political thought.Dan Degerman - 2016 - European Journal of Political Theory 18 (2):147488511664785.
    Interest in the political relevance of the emotions is growing rapidly. In light of this, Hannah Arendt’s claim that the emotions are apolitical has come under renewed fire. But many critics have misunderstood her views on the relationship between individuals, emotions and the political. This paper addresses this issue by reconstructing the conceptual framework through which Arendt understands the emotions. Arendt often describes the heart – where the emotions reside – as a place of darkness. I begin by tracing this (...)
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  44. Can 'intrinsic' be defined using only broadly logical notions?Dan Marshall - 2009 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 78 (3):646-672.
    An intrinsic property is roughly a property things have in virtue of how they are, as opposed to how they are related to things outside of them. This paper argues that it is not possible to give a definition of 'intrinsic' that involves only logical, modal and mereological notions, and does not depend on any special assumptions about either properties or possible worlds.
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    Toward a Philosophy of the Documentarian: A Prolegomenon.Dan Geva - 2018 - Cham: Springer Verlag.
    The theme of this book is the documentarian—what the documentarian is and how we can understand it as a concept. Working from the premise that the documentarian is a special—extended—sign, the book develops a model of a quadruple sign structure for-and-of the documentarian, growing out of enduring traditions in philosophy, semiotics, psychoanalysis, and documentary theory. Dan Geva investigates the intellectual premise that allows the documentarian to show itself as an extremely sophisticated, creative, and purposeful being-in-the-world—one that is both embedded in (...)
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    The Leader–Member Exchange Theory in the Chinese Context and the Ethical Challenge of Guanxi.Dan Nie & Anna-Maija Lämsä - 2015 - Journal of Business Ethics 128 (4):851-861.
    The leader–member relationship has been identified as a key determinant of successful working relationships and business outcomes in China. A high-quality leader–member relationship helps managers and employees to meet the demands they face and gives them the opportunity to develop socially, emotionally and morally. Such relationships form the basis of the overall well-being and success of the organisation. This article contributes to relationally oriented leadership theories and more specifically to the leader–member exchange theory by examining the theory in the context (...)
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  47. Created Goodness and the Goodness of God: Divine Ideas and the Possibility of Creaturely Value.Dan Kemp - 2022 - Religious Studies 58 (3):534-546.
    Traditional theism says that the goodness of everything comes from God. Moreover, the goodness of something intrinsically valuable can only come from what has it. Many conclude from these two claims that no creatures have intrinsic value if traditional theism is true. I argue that the exemplarist theory of the divine ideas gives the theist a way out. According to exemplarism, God creates everything according to ideas that are about himself, and so everything resembles God. Since God is wholly good (...)
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    Names, Cranes, and the Later Moists.Dan Robins - 2012 - Journal of Chinese Philosophy 39 (3):369-385.
    The Later Moists grounded our linguistic abilities in our ability to distinguish between kinds on the basis of manifest similarities and differences among things. Proper names, however, require a different treatment. According to the Moists, when we use a proper name, we borrow a word for one kind of thing and use it to refer to something else, as when we name dogs “crane.” This view probably responds in part to arguments that the possibility of using any word to refer (...)
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  49. Analyses of Intrinsicality without Naturalness.Dan Marshall - 2013 - Philosophy Compass 8 (2):186-197.
    Over the last thirty years there have been a number of attempts to analyse the distinction between intrinsic and extrinsic properties. This article discusses three leading attempts to analyse this distinction that don’t appeal to the notion of nat-uralness: the duplication analysis endorsed by G. E. Moore and David Lewis, Peter Vallentyne’s analysis in terms of contractions of possible worlds, and the analysis of Gene Witmer, William Butchard and Kelly Trogdon in terms of grounding.
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    Rousseau, Bodin, and the Medieval Corporatist Origins of Popular Sovereignty.Dan Edelstein - 2022 - Political Theory 50 (1):142-168.
    This essay reconsiders Jean-Jacques Rousseau’s debt to Jean Bodin, on the basis of Daniel Lee’s recent revision of Bodin as a theorist of popular sovereignty. It argues that Rousseau took a key feature of his own theory of democratic sovereignty from Bodin—namely, the dual identity of political members as both citizens and subjects of the state. It further makes the case that this dual identity originates in medieval corporatist law, which Bodin was summarizing. Finally, it demonstrates the lasting impact of (...)
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