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  1.  83
    Multiculturalism Without Culture.Anne Phillips - 2009 - Princeton University Press.
    Public opinion in recent years has soured on multiculturalism, due in large part to fears of radical Islam. In Multiculturalism without Culture, Anne Phillips contends that critics misrepresent culture as the explanation of everything individuals from minority and non-Western groups do. She puts forward a defense of multiculturalism that dispenses with notions of culture, instead placing individuals themselves at its core. Multiculturalism has been blamed for encouraging the oppression of women--forced marriages, female genital cutting, school girls wearing the hijab. Many (...)
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  2.  30
    Unconditional Equals.Anne Phillips - 2021 - Princeton University Press.
    Why equality cannot be conditional on a shared human “nature” but has to be for all For centuries, ringing declarations about all men being created equal appealed to a shared human nature as the reason to consider ourselves equals. But appeals to natural equality invited gradations of natural difference, and the ambiguity at the heart of “nature” enabled generations to write of people as equal by nature while barely noticing the exclusion of those marked as inferior by their gender, race, (...)
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  3. Engendering Democracy.Anne Phillips - 1991 - Pennsylvania State University Press.
    Democracy is the central political issue of our age, yet debates over its nature and goals rarely engage with feminist concerns. Now that women have the right to vote, they are thought to present no special problems of their own. But despite the seemingly gender-neutral categories of individual or citizen, democratic theory and practice continues to privilege the male. This book reconsiders dominant strands in democratic thinking - focusing on liberal democracy, participatory democracy, and twentieth century versions of civic republicanism (...)
  4.  60
    Our Bodies, Whose Property?Anne Phillips - 2013 - Princeton: Princeton University Press.
    An argument against treating our bodies as commodities No one wants to be treated like an object, regarded as an item of property, or put up for sale. Yet many people frame personal autonomy in terms of self-ownership, representing themselves as property owners with the right to do as they wish with their bodies. Others do not use the language of property, but are similarly insistent on the rights of free individuals to decide for themselves whether to engage in commercial (...)
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  5.  34
    Democracy and difference.Anne Phillips - 1993 - University Park, Pa.: Pennsylvania State University Press.
    A new emphasis on diversity and difference is displacing older myths of nation or community. A new attention to gender, race, language or religion is disrupting earlier preoccupations with class. But the welcome extended to heterogeneity can bring with it a disturbing fragmentation and closure. Can we develop a vision of democracy through difference: a politics that neither denies group identities nor capitulates to them? In this volume, Anne Phillips develops the feminist challenge to exclusionary versions of democracy, citizenship and (...)
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  6.  72
    Whistleblowing as a Protracted Process: A Study of UK Whistleblower Journeys.Arron Phillips & Wim Vandekerckhove - 2019 - Journal of Business Ethics 159 (1):201-219.
    This paper provides an exploration of whistleblowing as a protracted process, using secondary data from 868 cases from a whistleblower advice line in the UK. Previous research on whistleblowing has mainly studied this phenomenon as a one-off decision by someone perceiving wrongdoing within an organisation to raise a concern or to remain silent. Earlier suggestions that whistleblowing is a process and that people find themselves inadvertently turned into whistleblowers by management responses, have not been followed up by a systematic study (...)
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  7.  58
    (1 other version)The politics of the human.Laura Brace, Moya Lloyd, Andrew Reid, Kelly Staples, Véronique Pin-Fat & Anne Phillips - 2015 - Contemporary Political Theory 17 (2):207-240.
  8.  75
    Destabilizing theory: contemporary feminist debates.Michèle Barrett & Anne Phillips (eds.) - 1992 - Stanford, Calif.: Stanford University Press.
    In the past decade the central principles of western feminist theory have been dramatically challenged. many feminists have endorsed post-structuralism's rejection of essentialist theoretical categories, and have added a powerful gender dimension to contemporary critiques of modernity. Earlier 'women' have been radically undermined, and newer concerns with 'difference', 'identity', and 'power' have emerged. Destabilizing Theory explores these developments in a set of specially commissioned essays by feminist theorists. Does this change amount to a real shift within feminist theory, or will (...)
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  9. Feminism and republicanism: Is this a plausible alliance?Anne Phillips - 2000 - Journal of Political Philosophy 8 (2):279–293.
  10.  19
    (1 other version)Which Equalities Matter?Anne Phillips - 1999 - Polity.
    Democracy and democratization are now high on the political agenda, but there is growing indifference to the gap between rich and poor. Political equalities matter more than ever, while economic inequality is accepted almost as a fact of life. It is the separation between economic and political that lies at the heart of this book.
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  11. Defending equality of outcome.Anne Phillips - 2004 - Journal of Political Philosophy 12 (1):1–19.
  12.  37
    Infants' understanding of object-directed action.Ann T. Phillips & Henry M. Wellman - 2005 - Cognition 98 (2):137-155.
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    Infants' ability to connect gaze and emotional expression to intentional action.Ann T. Phillips, Henry M. Wellman & Elizabeth S. Spelke - 2002 - Cognition 85 (1):53-78.
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  14. Country Reports.Ma'N. H. Zawati, Don Chalmers, Sueli G. Dallari, Marina de Neiva Borba, Miriam Pinkesz, Yann Joly, Haidan Chen, Mette Hartlev, Liis Leitsalu, Sirpa Soini, Emmanuelle Rial-Sebbag, Nils Hoppe, Tina Garani-Papadatos, Panagiotis Vidalis, Krishna Ravi Srinivas, Gil Siegal, Stefania Negri, Ryoko Hatanaka, Maysa Al-Hussaini, Amal Al-Tabba', Lourdes Motta-Murgía, Laura Estela Torres Moran, Aart Hendriks, Obiajulu Nnamuchi, Rosario Isasi, Dorota Krekora-Zajac, Eman Sadoun, Calvin Ho, Pamela Andanda, Won Bok Lee, Pilar Nicolás, Titti Mattsson, Vladislava Talanova, Alexandre Dosch, Dominique Sprumont, Chien-Te Fan, Tzu-Hsun Hung, Jane Kaye, Andelka Phillips, Heather Gowans, Nisha Shah & James W. Hazel - 2019 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 47 (4):582-704.
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  15.  15
    Stimulating professional collective responsibility from the outset in mainstreaming genomics.Maria Siermann, Amicia Phillips, Zoë Claesen-Bengtson & Eva Van Steijvoort - 2024 - Journal of Medical Ethics 50 (8):525-526.
    Owing to technological advances, genomic medicine is moving from specific to broader genetic analyses and from specialised to mainstream services. Sahan et al 1 point to complex ethical cases encountered by clinical laboratory scientists in the context of genomic medicine’s expansion. The authors discuss debates on interpreting and reporting genetic results, offering extended genetic testing and differences in the perceived responsibility of clinical laboratory scientists in different settings. As demonstrated by the case examples in the article, while genomic medicine holds (...)
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  16.  42
    Sex and Skill: Notes towards a Feminist Economics.Barbara Taylor & Anne Phillips - 1980 - Feminist Review 6 (1):79-88.
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  17.  35
    Feminism and Equality.Anne Phillips - 1987 - Wiley-Blackwell.
  18. Feminism and Liberalism Revisited: Has Martha Nussbaum Got It Right?Anne Phillips - 2001 - Constellations 8 (2):249-266.
  19. 'Really' equal: Opportunities and autonomy.Anne Phillips - 2006 - Journal of Political Philosophy 14 (1):18–32.
  20.  28
    Developing intentional understandings.Henry M. Wellman & Ann T. Phillips - 2001 - In Bertram F. Malle, Louis J. Moses & Dare A. Baldwin, Intentions and Intentionality: Foundations of Social Cognition. MIT Press. pp. 125--148.
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  21. Dealing With Difference: A Politics of Ideas Or A Politics of Presence?Anne Phillips - 1994 - Constellations 1 (1):88-91.
  22.  12
    Introduction.Anne Phillips - 2013 - In Our Bodies, Whose Property? Princeton: Princeton University Press. pp. 1-17.
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    Notes.Anne Phillips - 2013 - In Our Bodies, Whose Property? Princeton: Princeton University Press. pp. 157-178.
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  24.  72
    Egalitarians and the Market.Anne Phillips - 2008 - Social Theory and Practice 34 (3):439-462.
  25.  28
    Gender, agency, and coercion.Sumi Madhok, Anne Phillips & Kalpana Wilson (eds.) - 2013 - New York, NY: Palgrave-Macmillan.
    Drawing on recent feminist discussions, this collection critically reassesses ideas about agency, exploring the relationship between agency and coercion in greater depth and across a range of disciplinary perspectives and ethical contexts.
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  26.  48
    The Oxford Handbook of Political Theory.John S. Dryzek, Bonnie Honig & Anne Phillips - 2006 - Oxford University Press. Edited by John Dryzek, Bonnie Honig & Anne Phillips.
    Oxford Handbooks of Political Science are the essential guide to the state of political science today. With engaging contributions from 51 major international scholars, the Oxford Handbook of Political Theory provides the key point of reference for anyone working in political theory and beyond.
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  27.  10
    Divided Loyalties: Dilemmas of Sex and Class.Anne Phillips - 1987 - Virago Press.
  28.  7
    The politics of the human.Anne Phillips - 2015 - Cambridge, United Kingdom: Cambridge University Press.
    The politics of the human -- Humans, with content and without -- On not justifying equality : Rorty and Arendt -- Dignity and equality -- Humanism and posthumanism.
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  29.  27
    Patient consent preferences on sharing personal health information during the COVID-19 pandemic: “the more informed we are, the more likely we are to help”.Sarah Tosoni, Indu Voruganti, Katherine Lajkosz, Shahbano Mustafa, Anne Phillips, S. Joseph Kim, Rebecca K. S. Wong, Donald Willison, Carl Virtanen, Ann Heesters & Fei-Fei Liu - 2022 - BMC Medical Ethics 23 (1):1-15.
    Background Rapid ethical access to personal health information to support research is extremely important during pandemics, yet little is known regarding patient preferences for consent during such crises. This follow-up study sought to ascertain whether there were differences in consent preferences between pre-pandemic times compared to during Wave 1 of the COVID-19 global pandemic, and to better understand the reasons behind these preferences. Methods A total of 183 patients in the pandemic cohort completed the survey via email, and responses were (...)
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  30.  61
    Feminism and Politics.Anne Phillips - 1998 - Oxford University Press USA.
    The essays in this volume attempt to answer questions about gender in a variety of ways, but all see feminism as transforming the way we think about and act in politics.
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  31. It’s My Body and I’ll Do What I Like With It.Anne Phillips - 2011 - Political Theory 39 (6):724-748.
    What, if any, is the problem with treating bodies as objects or property? Is there a defensible basis for seeing bodies as different from "other" material resources? Or is thinking the body special a kind of sentimentalism that blocks clear thinking about matters such as prostitution, surrogate motherhood, and the sale of spare kidneys? I argue that the language we use does matter, and that thinking of the body as property encourages a self/body dualism that obscures the power relations involved (...)
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  32. Introduction.S. Madhok, A. Phillips & K. Wilson - 2013 - In Sumi Madhok, Anne Phillips & Kalpana Wilson, Gender, agency, and coercion. New York, NY: Palgrave-Macmillan.
  33.  19
    Index.Anne Phillips - 2013 - In Our Bodies, Whose Property? Princeton: Princeton University Press. pp. 191-202.
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  34. An Incomplete Diagnosis.Alan G. Phillips Jr - 2007 - Ars Disputandi 7:1566-5399.
    In this discussion note, I examine scattered comments about evil from John Dewey’s works. After a brief consideration of what critics like Reinhold Niebuhr have said about the weaknesses of Dewey’s theodicy, I will offer my own critique. In short, I argue that Dewey subverts his own theory of inquiry when he comes to the problem of the origin and genesis of evil.
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  35.  16
    Introduction.Anne Phillips, John S. Dryzek & Bonnie Honig - 2006 - In John S. Dryzek, Bonnie Honig & Anne Phillips, The Oxford Handbook of Political Theory. Oxford University Press.
    This introductory article explains the theme of this book, which is about political theory. It evaluates the impact of literature that proved especially influential in framing debate through the last decades of the twentieth century and opening years of the twenty-first and examines the historical work on political thought. It describes the combination of concerns that runs through the work of John Rawls, Ronald Dworkin, and the liberal egalitarian tradition and identifies areas of debate that have proved particularly fruitful over (...)
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  36.  22
    Business Models in Journals Publishing.Angus Phillips - 2013 - Logos 24 (4):24-35.
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  37.  50
    Children's reasoning about physics within and across ontological kinds.Gail D. Heyman, Ann T. Phillips & Susan A. Gelman - 2003 - Cognition 89 (1):43-61.
  38. The Wrong of Contemporary Art: Aesthetics and Political Indeterminacy.Suhail Malik & Andrea Phillips - 2011 - In Malik Suhail & Phillips Andrea, [no title].
    This article proposes that Ranciere offers an accurate account of contemporary art’s self-understanding of its politicality, explaining his widespread appreciation and influence by the sector. For this reason the critique of Ranciere’s notion of politics and the demonstration of its deliberate disavowal of specific political determination allow for a systemic argument against contemporary art’s critical ambitions as in any way politically adequate.
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  39.  22
    The global transformation, multiple early modernities, and international systems change.Andrew Phillips - 2016 - International Theory 8 (3):481-491.
    This article critically engages the Global Transformation thesis through the lens of multiple early modernities. The 19th century undeniably saw a profound shift in the global mode of power, driven by industrialization, rational state-building, and the rise of ideologies of progress. But this triad impacted on regions that had already been reconfigured by an early modern Eurasian Transformation, centered on an 'industrious revolution', absolutist state-building, and the spread of 'civilizing processes'. This Eurasian Transformation yielded distinct early modernities and regional orders, (...)
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  40.  29
    Feminism and Class Politics: A Round-Table Discussion.Elizabeth Wilson, Angela Weir, Anne Phillips, Beatrix Campbell, Michèle Barrett, Lynne Segal & Clara Connolly - 1986 - Feminist Review 23 (1):13-30.
    In December 1984 Angela Weir and Elizabeth Wilson, two founding members of Feminist Review, published an article assessing contemporary British feminism and its relationship to the left and to class struggle. They suggested that the women's movement in general, and socialist-feminism in particular, had lost its former political sharpness. The academic focus of socialist-feminism has proved more interested in theorizing the ideological basis of sexual difference than the economic contradictions of capitalism. Meanwhile the conditions of working-class and black women have (...)
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  41.  17
    Understanding Pandemic Solidarity: Mutual Support During the First COVID-19 Lockdown in the United Kingdom.Stephanie Johnson, Stephen Roberts, Sarah Hayes, Amelia Fiske, Federica Lucivero, Stuart McLennan, Amicia Phillips, Gabrielle Samuel & Barbara Prainsack - 2023 - Public Health Ethics 16 (3):245-260.
    Throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, the concept of solidarity has been invoked frequently. Much interest has centred around how citizens and communities support one another during times of uncertainty. Yet, empirical research which accounts and understands citizen’s views on pandemic solidarity, or their actual practices has remained limited. Drawing upon the analysis of data from 35 qualitative interviews, this article investigates how residents in England and Scotland enacted, understood, or criticised (the lack of) solidarity during the first national lockdown in the (...)
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  42.  39
    ‘Psychoanalysis is one more way of taking people seriously’: Adam Phillips in conversation with Emma Williams.Adam Phillips & Emma Williams - 2022 - Journal of Philosophy of Education 56 (1):180-189.
    Journal of Philosophy of Education, Volume 56, Issue 1, Page 180-189, February 2022.
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  43.  69
    Review of Anne Phillips: The Politics of Presence[REVIEW]Anne Phillips - 1997 - Ethics 107 (3):530-532.
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  44.  14
    For deep networks, the whole equals the sum of the parts.Philip J. Kellman, Nicholas Baker, Patrick Garrigan, Austin Phillips & Hongjing Lu - 2023 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 46:e396.
    Deep convolutional networks exceed humans in sensitivity to local image properties, but unlike biological vision systems, do not discover and encode abstract relations that capture important properties of objects and events in the world. Coupling network architectures with additional machinery for encoding abstract relations will make deep networks better models of human abilities and more versatile and capable artificial devices.
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    Legal and ethical framework for global health information and biospecimen exchange - an international perspective.Lara Bernasconi, Selçuk Şen, Luca Angerame, Apolo P. Balyegisawa, Damien Hong Yew Hui, Maximilian Hotter, Chung Y. Hsu, Tatsuya Ito, Francisca Jörger, Wolfgang Krassnitzer, Adam T. Phillips, Rui Li, Louise Stockley, Fabian Tay, Charlotte von Heijne Widlund, Ming Wan, Creany Wong, Henry Yau, Thomas F. Hiemstra, Yagiz Uresin & Gabriela Senti - 2020 - BMC Medical Ethics 21 (1):1-8.
    The progress of electronic health technologies and biobanks holds enormous promise for efficient research. Evidence shows that studies based on sharing and secondary use of data/samples have the potential to significantly advance medical knowledge. However, sharing of such resources for international collaboration is hampered by the lack of clarity about ethical and legal requirements for transfer of data and samples across international borders. Here, the International Clinical Trial Center Network reports the legal and ethical requirements governing data and sample exchange (...)
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  46.  54
    Appraisal of donor steatosis in liver transplantation: a survey of current practice in Australia and New Zealand.A. J. Dare, A. R. Phillips, M. Chu, A. J. Hickey & A. S. Bartlett - 2012 - Transplant Research and Risk Management 2012.
    Anna J Dare,1 Anthony RJ Phillips,1–3 Michael Chu,1 Anthony JR Hickey,2 Adam SJR Bartlett1–31Department of Surgery, 2Maurice Wilkins Centre for Biodiscovery, University of Auckland, Auckland, New Zealand; 3New Zealand Liver Transplant Unit, Auckland City Hospital, Auckland, New ZealandBackground: Hepatic steatosis is increasingly encountered among organ donors. Currently, there is no consensus guideline as to the type or degree of donor steatosis considered acceptable for liver transplantation, and little is known about local practices in this area. The aim of this survey (...)
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    Hypnotic predictors of agency: Responsiveness to specific suggestions in hypnosis is associated with involuntariness in fibromyalgia.Afik Faerman, Katy H. Stimpson, James H. Bishop, Eric Neri, Angela Phillips, Merve Gülser, Heer Amin, Romina Nejad, Aryandokht Fotros, Nolan R. Williams & David Spiegel - 2021 - Consciousness and Cognition 96 (C):103221.
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    On canons and question marks: The work of women’s international thought.Kimberly Hutchings, Sarah Dunstan, Patricia Owens, Katharina Rietzler, Anne Phillips, Catherine Lu, Christopher J. Finlay & Manjeet Ramgotra - 2022 - Contemporary Political Theory 21 (1):114-141.
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  49.  25
    Ethical Reasoning During a Pandemic: Results of a Five Country European Study.S. B. Johnson, F. Lucivero, B. M. Zimmermann, E. Stendahl, G. Samuel, A. Phillips & N. Hangel - 2022 - AJOB Empirical Bioethics 13 (2):67-78.
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  50.  33
    Book Statistics.Miha Kovač, Angus Phillips, Adriaan van der Weel & Rüdiger Wischenbart - 2017 - Logos 28 (4):7-17.
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