Results for 'A. Chambers'

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  1.  45
    Response to simultaneous stimulation of two sense modalities.Jack A. Adams & Ridgely W. Chambers - 1962 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 63 (2):198.
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    Youth and Parent Appraisals of Participation in a Study of Spontaneous and Induced Pediatric Clinical Pain.Kara Hawley, Jeannie S. Huang, Matthew Goodwin, Damaris Diaz, Virginia R. de Sa, Kathryn A. Birnie, Christine T. Chambers & Kenneth D. Craig - 2019 - Ethics and Behavior 29 (4):259-273.
    The current study examined youths’ and their parents’ perceptions concerning participation in an investigation of spontaneous and induced pain during recovery from laparoscopic appendectomy. Youth and their parents independently completed surveys about their study participation. On a scale from 0 to 10, both parents and youth rated their experience as positive. Among youth, experience ratings did not differ by pain severity and survey responses did not differ by age. Most youth reported that they would tell another youth to participate. Ethical (...)
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    Mary HM Bach is a student in the School of Pharmacy at the University of Washington, Seattle. Keith A. Bauer, MSW, is a graduate student in the Department of Philosophy/Medical Ethics at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville. His dissertation addresses the ethics and social dimensions of home-based telemedicine, the use of infor. [REVIEW]Thomas A. Cavanaugh, Jean E. Chambers, Tony Cornford, Leonard M. Fleck, Matti Häyry & Thomas K. Hazlet - 2001 - Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 10:123-124.
  4.  33
    Between a “ROC” and a School Place: The Role ofRacial Opportunity Costin the Educational Experiences of Academically Successful Students of Color.Terah Venzant Chambers, Kristin S. Huggins, Leslie A. Locke & Rhonda M. Fowler - 2014 - Educational Studies: A Jrnl of the American Educ. Studies Assoc 50 (5):464-497.
  5.  58
    A Century of Premedical Education.Donald A. Chambers, Rhonna L. Cohen & Jorge Girotti - 2011 - Perspectives in Biology and Medicine 54 (1):17-23.
    Identification of those who have the potential to become knowledgeable, skilled, and compassionate physicians, and determining how best to prepare them for medical education has been an on ongoing challenge since the mid-1800s (Ludmerer 1985). When medical education was almost exclusively proprietary, the primary consideration for admission was having adequate financial resources. However, in the late 1800s, two men became the driving forces for structuring medical and premedical education in the United States. Daniel Coit Gilman, of Yale and the University (...)
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    Five-Year-Olds’ and Adults’ Use of Paralinguistic Cues to Overcome Referential Uncertainty.Justine M. Thacker, Craig G. Chambers & Susan A. Graham - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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  7. Interview with Marcia Eaton.Marcia Muelder Eaton & Clarke A. Chambers - unknown
    Clarke A. Chambers interviews Marcia Eaton, professor in the Department of Philosophy.
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    (1 other version)The Lessons of Rancière.Samuel A. Chambers - 2013 - Oup Usa.
    What if "liberal democracy" were a contradiction in terms? This book distinguishes liberalism from democracy to defend a Rancirean vision of impure politics. Disclosing Rancire's refusal of ontology as political, The Lessons of Rancire enacts a critical theory beyond unmasking and a democratic politics beyond liberalism.
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  9.  63
    Undoing Neoliberalism: Homo Œconomicus, Homo Politicus, and the Zōon Politikon.Samuel A. Chambers - 2018 - Critical Inquiry 44 (4):706-732.
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  10.  66
    Dawning of Awareness: The Experience of Surrogate Decision Making at the End of Life.J. Chambers-Evans & F. A. Carnevale - 2005 - Journal of Clinical Ethics 16 (1):28-45.
  11.  64
    Jacques Rancière’s Lesson on the Lesson.Samuel A. Chambers - 2013 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 45 (6):637-646.
    This article examines the significance of Jacques Rancière’s work on pedagogy, and argues that to make sense of Rancière’s ‘lesson on the lesson’ one must do more but also less than merely explicate Rancière’s texts. It steadfastly refuses to draw out the lessons of Rancière’s writings in the manner of a series of morals, precepts or rules. Rather, it is committed to thinking through the ‘lessons’ of Rancière in another sense. Above all, Rancière wants to ‘teach’ his readers something absolutely (...)
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  12.  72
    Towards a Philosophy of Radical Disagreement.Paul A. Chambers - 2012 - Journal for Peace and Justice Studies 22 (1):74-101.
    Following Oliver Ramsbotham’s observation that conflict resolution and analysis have not taken radical disagreement seriously enough, and in light of his lament that he has not yet found an adequate philosophy of radical disagreement, this article claims that the philosophy of Alasdair MacIntyre provides some coreelements of any adequate philosophy of radical disagreement. MacIntyre’s theory suggests that the problem of radical disagreement is in fact more radical thanRamsbotham affirms. Ramsbotham’s account of the strategic engagement of discourses (SED) approach is critiqued (...)
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  13.  46
    Foucault's evasive maneuvers: Nietzsche, interpretation, critique.Samuel A. Chambers - 2001 - Angelaki 6 (3):101 – 123.
  14.  43
    Flexner at 100: A Perspective.Donald A. Chambers - 2011 - Perspectives in Biology and Medicine 54 (1):3-7.
    The year 2010 marks the hundredth anniversary of the Report on Medical Education in the United States and Canada (1910), written by Abraham Flexner as Bulletin Four of the Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching. This report was monumental in helping to define excellence for the next century of medical education. The editors of Perspectives in Biology and Medicine determined that in recognition of the Flexner Report, this year is appropriate to consider emerging trends that are likely to guide (...)
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  15.  91
    Jacques Rancière and the problem of pure politics.Samuel A. Chambers - 2011 - European Journal of Political Theory 10 (3):303-326.
    Over the past decade, Jacques Rancière’s writings have increasingly provoked and inspired political theorists who wish to avoid both the abstraction of so-called normative theories and the philosophical platitudes of so-called postmodernism. Rancière offers a new and unique definition of politics, la politique, as that which opposes, thwarts and interrupts what Rancière calls the police order, la police — a term that encapsulates most of what we normally think of as politics (the actions of bureaucracies, parliaments, and courts). Interpreters have (...)
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  16.  38
    Editing and curation.Samuel A. Chambers - 2016 - Contemporary Political Theory 15 (1):1-15.
  17.  17
    The growth and structure of thin copper films on surfaces of nickel.A. Chambers & D. C. Jackson - 1975 - Philosophical Magazine 31 (6):1357-1371.
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    'Sex' and the Problem of the Body: Reconstructing Judith Butler's Theory of Sex/gender.Samuel A. Chambers - 2007 - Body and Society 13 (4):47-75.
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  19.  48
    Democracy and (the) Public(s).Samuel A. Chambers - 2005 - Political Theory 33 (1):125-136.
  20.  26
    Las ciencias sociales como otro escenario del conflicto colombiano: Una mirada desde la filosofía de Alasdair MacIntyre.Paul A. Chambers - 2013 - Co-herencia 10 (18):223-252.
    El estudio científico-social del conflicto armado colombiano se ha convertido en un escenario más del conflicto basado en fuertes desacuerdos teóricos y filosóficos. Esto se debe a las inherentes dimensiones normativas e ideológicas de las ciencias sociales, las cuales afectan los marcos teóricos y los métodos científicos empleados y, por ende, la manera en que se perciben los “hechos” a analizar. Incide también en el tipo de explicaciones y variables que serán relevantes y las conclusiones a que se llega. El (...)
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  21.  24
    TKO'ed: Lox, stock and barrel.Cynthia A. Chambers - 1994 - Bioessays 16 (12):865-868.
    The generation of panels of mutant mice by homologous recombination has greatly increased the ability to assess the function of particular gene products in vivo. The ability to control the developmental stage, the tissue and the nature of the mutation would be an important innovation. A recent report(1) demonstrates that the conservative site‐specific recombination of bacteriophage P1, namely Cre‐lox, can be used successfuly in combination with homologous recombination to generate temporal‐and cell‐restricted mutations in vivo. The technical advance allows a greater (...)
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  22. Seedtime of Reform: American Social Service and Social Action, 1918-1933.Clarke A. Chambers - 1965 - Science and Society 29 (4):448-453.
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  23.  17
    Chaos in "Paradise Lost".A. B. Chambers - 1963 - Journal of the History of Ideas 24 (1):55.
  24.  30
    Speaking Against Number: Heidegger, Language, and the Politics of Calculation.Samuel A. Chambers - 2007 - Contemporary Political Theory 6 (3):378-380.
  25.  16
    The Belief in Progress in Twentieth-Century America.Clarke A. Chambers - 1958 - Journal of the History of Ideas 19 (2):197.
  26.  59
    Against Marriage: An Egalitarian Defense of the Marriage-Free State.Clare Chambers - 2017 - Oxford University Press.
    Clare Chambers argues that marriage violates both equality and liberty and should not be trecognized by the state. She shows how feminist and liberal principles require creation of a marriage-free state: one in which private marriages, whether religious or secular, would have no legal status.
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  27.  97
    Balancing epistemic quality and equal participation in a system approach to deliberative democracy.Simone Chambers - 2017 - Social Epistemology 31 (3):266-276.
    In this paper, I argue that the asymmetrical mediated communication of the broad democratic public sphere can profitably be understood through the lens of deliberative democracy only if we adopt a system approach to deliberation. A system approach, however, often introduces a division of labor between ordinary citizens and experts. Although this division of labor is unavoidable and I believe compatible with a deliberative principle of legitimacy, it flirts with elitist theories of democracy: epistemic elites come up with the agendas, (...)
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  28.  87
    My friend was a poem: A philosophical memoir: Chambers My friend was a poem.Timothy Chambers - 2007 - Think 5 (15):31-36.
    The ‘Problem of Evil’ has been the focus of a number of articles in Think. Here, Timothy Chambers offers an unusual perspective on this seemingly intractable difficulty facing theists. ‘Did not I weep for him whose day was hard? Was not my soul grieved for the poor? But when I looked for good, evil came; and when I waited for light, darkness came.’.
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  29. Sex, Culture, and Justice: The Limits of Choice.Clare Chambers - 2007 - Pennsylvania State University Press.
    Autonomy is fundamental to liberalism. But autonomous individuals often choose to do things that harm themselves or undermine their equality. In particular, women often choose to participate in practices of sexual inequality—cosmetic surgery, gendered patterns of work and childcare, makeup, restrictive clothing, or the sexual subordination required by membership in certain religious groups. In this book, Clare Chambers argues that this predicament poses a fundamental challenge to many existing liberal and multicultural theories that dominate contemporary political philosophy. Chambers (...)
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  30. A history of Greek philosophy.William Keith Chambers Guthrie - 1962 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    All volumes of Professor Guthrie's great history of Greek philosophy have won their due acclaim. The most striking merits of Guthrie's work are his mastery of a tremendous range of ancient literature and modern scholarship, his fairness and balance of judgement and the lucidity and precision of his English prose. He has achieved clarity and comprehensiveness.
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  31.  54
    A cybernetic theory of morality and moral autonomy.Jean Chambers - 2001 - Science and Engineering Ethics 7 (2):177-192.
    Human morality may be thought of as a negative feedback cotrol system in which moral rules are reference values, and moral disapproval, blame, and punishment are forms of negative feedback given for violations of the moral rules. In such a system, if moral agents held each other accountable, moral norms would be enforced effectively. However, even a properly functioning social negative feedback system could not explain acts in which individual agents uphold moral rules in the face of contrary social pressure. (...)
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  32. A quick reply to Putnam's paradox.Timothy Chambers - 2000 - Mind 109 (434):195-197.
  33.  74
    Teach Yourself Political Philosophy: A Complete Introduction.Clare Chambers & Phil Parvin - 2012 - Hodder & Stoughton.
    Publisher's Note: Written by Phil Parvin and Clare Chambers, who are current political philosophy lecturers and leading researchers, Political Philosophy - The Essentials is designed to give you everything you need to succeed, all in one place. It covers the key areas that students are expected to be confident in, outlining the basics in clear jargon-free English, and then providing added-value features like summaries of key thinkers, and even lists of questions you might be asked in your seminar or (...)
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  34. Rhetoric and the Public Sphere.Simone Chambers - 2009 - Political Theory 37 (3):323-350.
    The pathologies of the democratic public sphere, first articulated by Plato in his attack on rhetoric, have pushed much of deliberative theory out of the mass public and into the study and design of small scale deliberative venues. The move away from the mass public can be seen in a growing split in deliberative theory between theories of democratic deliberation (on the ascendancy) which focus on discrete deliberative initiatives within democracies and theories of deliberative democracy (on the decline) that attempt (...)
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  35.  50
    Coercive redistribution and public agreement: re‐evaluating the libertarian challenge of charity.Clare Chambers & Philip Parvin - 2010 - Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy 13 (1):93-114.
    In this article, we evaluate the capacity of liberal egalitarianism to rebut what we call the libertarian challenge of charity. This challenge states that coercive redistributive taxation is neither needed nor justified, since those who endorse redistribution can give charitably, and those who do not endorse redistribution cannot justifiably be coerced. We argue that contemporary developments in liberal political thought render liberalism more vulnerable to this libertarian challenge. Many liberals have, in recent years, sought to recast liberalism such that it (...)
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  36.  42
    Intact: A Defence of the Unmodified Body.Clare Chambers - 2022 - Allen Lane.
    The pressure to change our bodies is overwhelming. We strive to defy ageing, build our biceps, cure our disabilities, conceal our quirks. Surrounded by filtered photos and surgically-enhanced features, we must contort our physical selves to prejudiced standards of beauty. Perfection is impossible, and even an acceptable body seems out of reach. In this thought-provoking, original work, acclaimed political philosopher Clare Chambers argues that the unmodified body is a key political principle. While defending individuals' right to change their bodies, (...)
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  37. V-On Behalf of the Devil: A Parody of Anselm Revisited.Timothy Chambers - 2000 - Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society 100 (1):93-113.
    This paper treats a question which first arose in these Proceedings: Can Anselm's ontological argument be inverted so as to yield parallel proofs for the existence (or non-existence) of a least (or worst) conceivable being? Such 'devil parodies' strike some commentators as innocuous curiosities, or redundant challenges which are no more troubling than other parodies found in the literature (e.g., Gaunilo's Island). I take issue with both of these allegations; devil parodies, I argue, have the potential to pose substantive, and (...)
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  38.  59
    “Becoming Plural: The Political Thought of William E. Connolly” May 11-12, 2007. [REVIEW]Samuel A. Chambers & Alan Finlayson - 2007 - Political Theory 35 (2):239-239.
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    The Fiction of Bioethics: A Précis.Tod Chambers - 2001 - American Journal of Bioethics 1 (1):40-43.
    Recently, bioethics has become interested in engaging with narrative, but in this engagement, narrative is usually viewed as a mere helpmate to philosophy. In this precis to his book The Fiction of Bioethics, Tod Chambers argues that narrative theory should not be simply a helpful addition to medical ethics but instead should be thought of as being as vital and important to the discipline as moral theory itself. The reason we need to rethink the relationship of medical ethics to (...)
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  40.  19
    A History of Greek Philosophy: Volume 5, the Later Plato and the Academy.William Keith Chambers Guthrie - 1978 - Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
    All volumes of Professor Guthrie's great history of Greek philosophy have won their due acclaim. The most striking merits of Guthrie's work are his mastery of a tremendous range of ancient literature and modern scholarship, his fairness and balance of judgement and the lucidity and precision of his English prose. He has achieved clarity and comprehensiveness.
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    Book Review Section 1. [REVIEW]Joseph A. Broude, Roy R. Nasstrom, M. M. Chambers, Kenneth C. Schmidt, Michael V. Belok, Cynthia Porter-Gherie, Eleanor Kallman Roemer, J. Harold Anderson, George D. Dalin, Bruce Beezer, James Van Pattan, Sally Schumacher, Harvey Neufeldt, Joseph Watras, Robert Nicholas Berard, F. C. Rankine, Paul Kriese, Jill D. Wright & Daniel P. Huden - 1981 - Educational Studies 12 (3):297-323.
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  42. Are breast implants better than female genital mutilation? autonomy, gender equality and nussbaum's political liberalism.Clare Chambers - 2004 - Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy 7 (3):1-33.
    This essay considers the tension between political liberalism and gender equality in the light of social construction and multiculturalism. The tension is exemplified by the work of Martha Nussbaum, who tries to reconcile a belief in the universality of certain liberal values such as gender equality with a political liberal tolerance for cultural practices that violate gender equality. The essay distinguishes between first? and second?order conceptions of autonomy, and shows that political liberals mistakenly prioritise second?order autonomy. This prioritisation leads political (...)
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  43. Introduction.Terrell Carver & Samuel A. Chambers - 2008 - In Terrell Carver & Samuel Allen Chambers, Judith Butler's precarious politics: critical encounters. New York: Routledge.
  44. Each outcome is another opportunity: Problems with the moment of equal opportunity.Clare Chambers - 2009 - Politics, Philosophy and Economics 8 (4):374-400.
    This article introduces the concept of a Moment of Equal Opportunity (MEO): a point in an individual’s life at which equal opportunity must be applied and after which it need not. The concept of equal opportunity takes many forms, and not all employ an MEO. However, the more egalitarian a theory of equal opportunity is, the more likely it is to use an MEO. The article discusses various theories of equal opportunity and argues that those that employ an MEO are (...)
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  45.  52
    Testing the local reality: does the Willamette Valley growing region produce enough to meet the needs of the local population? A comparison of agriculture production and recommended dietary requirements. [REVIEW]Katy J. Giombolini, Kimberlee J. Chambers, Sheridan A. Schlegel & Jonnie B. Dunne - 2011 - Agriculture and Human Values 28 (2):247-262.
    Eating locally continues to be promoted as an alternative to growing concerns related to industrialized, global, corporate agriculture. Buying from local famers and producers is seen as a way to promote a healthier diet, reduce environmental impacts, and sustain communities. The promotion of the local food movement presents the question: is it possible to feed a community primarily from the foods produced locally? We conducted a systematic analysis comparing the United States Department of Agriculture’s (USDA) recommended dietary requirements for the (...)
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  46.  91
    Human Life Is Group Life: Deliberative Democracy for Realists.Simone Chambers - 2018 - Critical Review: A Journal of Politics and Society 30 (1-2):36-48.
    ABSTRACTSkepticism about citizen competence is a core component of Christopher H. Achen and Larry M. Bartels’s call, in Democracy for Realists, for rethinking our model of democracy. In this paper I suggest that the evidence for citizen incompetence is not as clear as we might think; important research shows that we are good group problem solvers even if we are poor solitary truth seekers. I argue that deliberative democracy theory has a better handle on this fundamental fact of human cognition (...)
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  47.  10
    “A chambered nautilus”: The contradictory nature of puerto Rican women's role in the social construction of a transnational community.Marixsa Alicea - 1997 - Gender and Society 11 (5):597-626.
    Recent transnational migration literature does not sufficiently explore women's role in the development of transnational communities. By analyzing 30 interviews with Puerto Rican migrant and return migrant women, the author shows that women, through subsistence production, play a significant role in the social construction of transnational communities. By using a transnational perspective and placing migrant women's subsistence work and its contradictory nature at the center of her analysis, the author challenges studies that assume that maintaining ties to homelands leads to (...)
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  48.  29
    Vestiges of the natural history of creation and other evolutionary writings.Robert Chambers - 1844 - Chicago: University of Chicago Press. Edited by James A. Secord.
    Originally published anonymously in 1844, Vestiges proved to be as controversial as its author expected. Integrating research in the burgeoning sciences of anthropology, geology, astronomy, biology, economics, and chemistry, it was the first attempt to connect the natural sciences to a history of creation. The author, whose identity was not revealed until 1884, was Robert Chambers, a leading Scottish writer and publisher. Vestiges reached a huge popular audience and was widely read by the social and intellectual elite. It sparked (...)
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  49.  39
    A defense of monism.L. P. Chambers - 1935 - Journal of Philosophy 32 (5):113-119.
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    Seeing a World in a Grain of Sand: Science Teaching in Multicultural Context.David Wade Chambers - 1999 - Science & Education 8 (6):633-644.
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