Results for 'A. Barrère'

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  1. Aspects économiques et sociaux du progrès technique et de la recherche scientifique.P. Auger, A. Barrère, E. Hirsch, P. Piganiol, M. Ponte & C. Thibault - 1965 - Les Etudes Philosophiques 20 (2):214-214.
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  2. A crítica de Hegel a Kant em Crença e saber: entre a subjetividade do conhecimento e a autêntica especulação filosófica.Luiz Fernando Barrére Martin - forthcoming - Kant E-Prints:51-74.
    Para que se compreenda a crítica de Hegel a Kant em _Crença e saber_, artigo publicado pelo filósofo no _Jornal Crítico de Filosofia_, editado em conjunto com Schelling, retomaremos inicialmente no escrito sobre a _Diferença_ o primeiro esboço da exposição hegeliana daquilo que pare ele constitui a tarefa filosófica, de modo que ela dê conta das cisões originadas pela cultura filosófica moderna. O ponto de vista filosófico de Hegel no artigo está apoiado nesse texto. A seguir, reconstituiremos o contexto da (...)
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    Hegel e a contradição na natureza.Luiz Fernando Barrére Martin - 2015 - Doispontos 12 (2).
    A contradição é um conceito central para que se compreenda o desenvolvimento dialético da filosofia de Hegel. Desde a Antiguidade é debatido pelos filósofos se a contradição seria ou não uma anomalia a ser combatida quando se pensa na possibilidade da constituição de um discurso acerca das coisas e qual o seu alcance. No que se refere a Hegel, a contradição não está presente apenas no domínio dos conceitos, mas também na natureza. O que pretendemos aqui é apreender o significado (...)
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    Heritage as a basis for creativity in creative industries: the case of taste industries.Christian Barrère - 2013 - Mind and Society 12 (1):167-176.
    The aim of this paper is to focus on the specificities of the creative processes in taste industries: industries that have connected the artistic and industrial dimensions to supply goods and services—demand for which derives not from the logic of needs and necessity, but from the logic of pleasures, tastes, ethic preferences and hedonism. These taste industries belong to the creative industries but, unlike scientific and technological production, they work not on the basis of cumulative knowledge but through the creation (...)
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    L'éducation à l'épreuve des activités juvéniles : de nouveaux défis professionnels.Anne Barrère - 2013 - Revue Phronesis 2 (2):4-13.
    Résumé. : L’article s’interroge sur la manière dont l’institution scolaire est aujourd’hui mise en question dans son projet de formation par les activités juvéniles, dans une sphère extrascolaire où ils jouissent d’une grande autonomie. Ces activités électives (numériques, musicales, sportives…) réalisent une éducation informelle où les adolescents forgent leur caractère, alors même que l’école n’a plus de modèle lisible de projet éducatif. À partir d’une enquête qualitative réalisée auprès d’une centaine d’adolescents français, on dégagera différentes épreuves qui forment les adolescents (...)
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    Alguns aspectos da compreensão hegeliana do ceticismo antigo a partir da crítica ao ceticismo de Gottlob Ernst Schulze.Luiz Fernando Barrére Martin - 2007 - Dois Pontos 4 (2).
    Normal 0 21 In 1802 Hegel publishes in Jena “On the Relationship of Skepticism to Philosophy”. This article has the objective of criticizing the skepticism of Gottlob Ernst Schulze. The accomplishment of that critic will demand from Hegel the review of some fundamental aspects of the ancient skepticism. It treats here of reconsidering Hegel’s interpretation of the ancient skepticism, starting from that critic to the modern skepticism of Schulze.
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    Subordiscriminación y Discriminación Interseccional: Elementos Para Una Teoría Del Derecho Antidiscriminatorio.M. ª Ángeles Barrère Unzueta & Dolores Morondo Taramundi - 2013 - Anales de la Cátedra Francisco Suárez 45:15-42.
    Este trabajo se inscribe en una revisión in progress del Derecho antidiscriminatorio moderno que las autoras vienen efectuando desde hace más de tres lustros. En la primera parte del mismo se examinan los textos de una f ilósofa política y de dos juristas esta- dounidenses (I. M. Young, C. A. MacKinnon y K. Crensahw) que inspiran la propuesta de un concepto de discriminación y de una visión de la interseccionalidad basados en el reconocimiento de los sistemas de opresión. La segunda (...)
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  8. La modernité et l'imaginaire de la mobilité : 'inflexion contemporaine.Anne Barrère & Danilo Martuccelli - 2003 - Cahiers Internationaux de Sociologie 1 (1):55-79.
    En partant de quelques transformations sociétales majeures, et en s’appuyant sur la fiction romanesque française, l’article dessine deux grandes constellations imaginaires de la mobilité dans la modernité. La première associe le but du déplacement, l’existence d’un ailleurs, le goût de l’aventure, l’attitude de départ actif et le rôle de la mobilité comme logique de pouvoir. La deuxième, souvent en résonance avec les items précédents, souligne plutôt l’exigence de la mobilité pour la mobilité, la fin de l’idée de dehors, l’impératif de (...)
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    Les analyses marxistes de l'économie capitaliste.Christian Barrère - 1988 - Actuel Marx 4 (1):24.
    This text is a survey of main Marxist conceptions of contemporary capitalism. Is shows that, if Marxist problemacy is a fructuous one, the implicit model in Capital is radically insufficient as a foundation for today capitalism's analysis.
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    (1 other version)Monismo metodológico Y dualismo analítico, teórico Y semiótico en la filosofía Del derecho.Unzuita María Ángeles Barrere - 1988 - Theoria 4 (1):163-176.
    In this paper, a series of observations have been made on the pecularities originated by the Theory of Law as an autonomous subject within the wider framework of the Philosophy of Law. The object of these observations is not, however, the Theory of Law in genere but the Theory of Law as understood and defended by some Italian Philosophers of Law of the so-called ‘Bobbio School’. As a result of this examination, it can be seen how a methodological approach to (...)
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  11.  16
    Niilismo e crença no diálogo David Hume de Jacobi.Luiz Fernando Barrére Martin - 2020 - Discurso 50 (2):133-146.
    Podemos afirmar de modo fundamental que a crítica de Jacobi à filosofia deriva de seu afastamento do sensível em direção à constituição de verdades cada vez mais abstratas e passíveis de demonstração. Com isso a filosofia apenas conseguiu gerar disputas a respeito do que ela seja, sem conseguir demonstrar qual posição filosófica deu conta da tarefa e que terminam por levar à perda de confiança no empreendimento, ou em outras palavras, levar ao ceticismo. Trata-se aqui de, sem desconsiderar a influência (...)
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  12.  7
    ¿Vulnerabilidad vs. Subordiscriminación? Una mirada crítica a la expansión de la vulnerabilidad en detrimento de la perspectiva sistémica | Martha A. Fineman and legal equality: Vulnerability vs. Subordiscrimination? [REVIEW]Mª Ángeles Maggy Barrère Unzueta - 2016 - Cuadernos Electrónicos de Filosofía Del Derecho 34 (34):17-34.
    RESUMEN. En este artículo se analiza (y cuestiona) la tesis de la vulnerabilidad de la jurista estadounidense Martha A. Fineman. El trabajo se estructura en cinco apartados en los que el paradigma de Fineman es sucesivamente contextualizado, proyectado sobre la jurisprudencia del TEDH y comparado con otras contribuciones críticas al Derecho antidiscriminatorio. El trabajo finaliza con una breve conclusión en la que, aun reconociendo la validez del diagnóstico y la loable finalidad que mueve la teoría de Fineman, pone en duda (...)
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  13.  27
    Who’s black and why? A hidden chapter from the eighteenth-century invention of race.Gabriel Sabbagh - 2023 - History of European Ideas 49 (3):580-588.
    This paper is prompted by the publication of a book by Henry Louis Gates, Jr. and Andrew S. Curran on the contest launched in 1739 by the Bordeaux Academy on the origin of black skin and hair. The most influential work submitted as part of this contest was an essay by Pierre Barrère. This paper has two parts, one devoted to a review of the book, the other to the discovery of a cogent text, which was certainly written by (...)
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  14.  26
    Ensemble averaging stress–strain fields in polycrystalline aggregates with a constrained surface microstructure – Part 2: crystal plasticity.A. Zeghadi, S. Forest, A. -F. Gourgues & O. Bouaziz - 2007 - Philosophical Magazine 87 (8-9):1425-1446.
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  15. Against All Odds: Rural Community in the Information Age by John C. Allen and Don A. Dillman.A. Zekeri - 1996 - Agriculture and Human Values 13:70-70.
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  16. Aware or unaware? Signal localisation and detection in a field of relative cortical blindness.A. Zontanou, P. Stoerig & A. Cowey - 2000 - Consciousness and Cognition 9 (2):S82 - S82.
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    Catholic social teaching and the employment relationship: A model for managing human resources in accordance with Vatican doctrine.Michael A. Zigarelli - 1993 - Journal of Business Ethics 12 (1):75-82.
    Using relevant encyclicals issued over the last 100 years, the author extracts those principles that constitute the underpinnings of Catholic Social Teaching about the employment relationship and contemplates implications of their incorporation into human resource policy. Respect for worker dignity, for his or her family's economic security, and for the common good of society clearly emerge as the primary guidelines for responsible human resource management. Dovetailing these three Church mandates with the economic objectives of the firm could, in essence, alter (...)
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  18. A structural analysis of publications in the field of social studies in the soviet union, 1960—1965.Anatoly A. Zvorykin - forthcoming - Social Research: An International Quarterly.
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  19. A causal theory of intending.Wayne A. Davis - 1984 - American Philosophical Quarterly 21 (1):43-54.
    My goal is to define intending. I defend the view that believing and desiring something are necessary for intending it. They are not sufficient, however, for some things we both expect and want (e.g., the sun to rise tomorrow) are unintendable. Restricting the objects of intention to our own future actions is unwarranted and unhelpful. Rather, the belief involved in intending must be based on the desire in a certain way. En route, I argue that expected but unwanted consequences are (...)
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  20. Edinstvo i preemstvennostʹ soznanii︠a︡.M. P. Zavʹi︠a︡lova - 1988 - Tomsk: Izd-vo Tomskogo universiteta. Edited by V. N. Rastorguev & I︠U︡. N. Petrova.
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  21. Charles Fried, Contract as Promise: A Theory of Contractual Obligation Reviewed by.A. D. Woozley - 1982 - Philosophy in Review 2 (4):168-170.
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  22. Plutarch's Comments on Plato's' Grammatical'(?) Theories: A Few Remarks on Quaestio Platonica X.A. Wouters - 1996 - In L. der Stockvant (ed.), Plutarchea Lovaniensia: a miscellany of essays on Plutarch. Lovanii [Belgium]: [S.N.]. pp. 309--328.
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    Accuracy of memory of male and female eyewitnesses to a criminal assault and rape.A. Daniel Yarmey & Hazel P. Tressillian Jones - 1983 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 21 (2):89-92.
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  24. Universal Human Rights in a World of Difference.Brooke A. Ackerly - 2008 - Cambridge University Press.
    From the diverse work and often competing insights of women's human rights activists, Brooke Ackerly has written a feminist and a universal theory of human rights that bridges the relativists' concerns about universalizing from particulars and the activists' commitment to justice. Unlike universal theories that rely on shared commitments to divine authority or to an 'enlightened' way of reasoning, Ackerly's theory relies on rigorous methodological attention to difference and disagreement. She sets out human rights as at once a research ethic, (...)
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    The Environment as a Commodity.A. Vatn - 2000 - Environmental Values 9 (4):493-509.
    This paper addresses problems related to transferring market concepts to non-market domains. More specifically it is about fallacies following from the use of the commodity concept in environmental valuation studies. First of all, the standard practice tends to misconstrue the ethical aspects related to environmental choices by forcing them into becoming ordinary trade-off problems. Second, the commodity perspective ignores important technical interdependencies within the environment and the relational character of environmental goods. These are all properties that have made many such (...)
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    A Model of Dewey's Moral Imagination for Service Learning: Theoretical Explorations and Implications for Practice in Higher Education.You Zhuran & A. G. Rud - 2010 - Education and Culture 26 (2):36-51.
    Moral education through service learning at post-secondary level is an important but under-researched field. Most existing studies center on its learning outcomes like academic progress, personal development, communication, and leadership skills, with only a few evaluating the moral development of college students participating in service-learning projects. The lack of study on moral development in service learning indicates a need for clarification of the theoretical underpinnings of service learning, John Dewey's ideas on moral growth, in particular his model of moral imagination (...)
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    Towards a Relational Metaphysics.Syed A. R. Zaidi - 1973 - Review of Metaphysics 26 (3):412 - 437.
    Because metaphysics aims for absolute generality, its primary job is to tell us what are the fundamental particulars, of which one may say that is ultimately all there is, and yet be assured of an unabridged version of reality. It should be clear that such a search for the fundamental particulars is totally different from the enterprise of determining which particulars are basic from the point of view of particular-identification, which though it has recently been labeled "metaphysics," albeit "descriptive metaphysics," (...)
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    (1 other version)A method of modelling the formalism of set theory in axiomatic set theory.A. H. Kruse - 1963 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 28 (1):20-34.
    As is well known, some paradoxes arise through inadequate analysis of the meanings of terms in a language, an adequate analysis showing that the paradoxes arise through a lack of separation of an object theory and a metatheory. Under such an adequate analysis in which parts of the metatheory are modelled in the object theory, the paradoxes give way to remarkable theorems establishing limitations of the object theory.Such a modelling is often accomplished by a Gödel numbering. Here we shall use (...)
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    Action at a Distance in Nineteenth Century Electrodynamics.A. Woodruff - 1962 - Isis 53 (4):439-459.
  30. Semantika i tipologii︠a︡ raznosistemnykh i︠a︡zykov: sbornik nauchnykh trudov.A. A. Abduazizov & Ė. S. Aznaurova (eds.) - 1984 - Tashkent: Tashkentskiĭ gos. universitet im. V.I. Lenina.
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  31. Falsafat al-muṣādafah.Maḥmūd Amīn ʻĀlim - 1970
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    Life is simply a duty: some speeches of A.R.B. Amerasinghe.A. Ranjit B. Amerasinghe - 1994 - Ratmalana: Sarvodaya Book Pub. Services. Edited by Sumanasekera Banda & J. S..
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  33. Bhāvaśuddhi of Ānandapūrṇamuni. Ānandapūrṇa - 1963 - Madras,: Government Oriental Manuscripts Library. Edited by Citsukha, Anantakrishna Sastri & S. N..
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    Philosophy as a Humanistic Discipline.A. W. Moore (ed.) - 2006 - Princeton University Press.
    What can--and what can't--philosophy do? What are its ethical risks--and its possible rewards? How does it differ from science? In Philosophy as a Humanistic Discipline, Bernard Williams addresses these questions and presents a striking vision of philosophy as fundamentally different from science in its aims and methods even though there is still in philosophy "something that counts as getting it right." Written with his distinctive combination of rigor, imagination, depth, and humanism, the book amply demonstrates why Williams was one of (...)
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    A balanced concept of the firm and the measurement of its long-term planning and performance.Georges Enderle & Lee A. Tavis - 1998 - Journal of Business Ethics 17 (11):1129-1144.
    This paper offers a new concept of the firm that aims at balancing the corporate economic, social, and environmental responsibilities and goes beyond the stakeholder approach. It intends to provide a conceptual and operationalizable basis to fairly assess corporate conduct from both inside and outside the companies. To a large extent these different responsibilities may overlap and reinforce each other. However, if they conflict, they should be clearly evaluated for their own sake and in terms of wealth creation. Only then (...)
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  36.  65
    V. P. Pazilova. A Critical Analysis of the Religious and Philosophical Doctrines of N. F. Fedorov.A. A. Ermichev & P. V. Kuznetsov - 1987 - Russian Studies in Philosophy 26 (1):92-95.
    A remarkable phenomenon in our present-day culture has been the broad interest shown in the history of Russian thought, which is continually, and sometimes even from unexpected quarters, showing itself to be of topical interest. Recently, and particularly in connection with the publication of the works of N. F. Fedorov, there has been an exchange of opinions in the pages of various journals with regard to the essence of his philosophical views, revealing not merely conflicting, but in a number of (...)
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  37. Rural Data, People, and Policy: Information Systems for the 21st Century, by James A. Christianson, Richard C. Mauer, and Nancy L. Strang. [REVIEW]A. Zekeri - 1996 - Agriculture and Human Values 13:81-81.
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    Throwing new light on Kepler’s contribution to optics: A. Mark Smith: From sight to light. The passage from ancient to modern optics. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press, 2017, xi + 457 pp, US$36.00 PB.Gábor Á Zemplén - 2020 - Metascience 29 (2):237-240.
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    Aksiot︠s︡entrizm v filosofii obrazovanii︠a︡.I︠A︡n Zubelevich - 2008 - Sankt-Peterburg: Peterburgskiĭ gos. politekhnicheskiĭ universitet.
  40. Predlozhenie i ego otnoshenie k i︠a︡zyku i rechi.V. A. Zvegint︠s︡ev - 1976 - Moskva: Izd-vo Moskovskogo univ-ta.
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    Avtonomii︠a︡ religioznogo soznanii︠a︡: teorii︠a︡, metodologii︠a︡, praktika.D. A. Zaevskiĭ - 2004 - Armavir: Armavirskiĭ gos. pedagogicheskiĭ universitet. Edited by A. D. Pokhilʹko.
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  42. Khronologii︠a︡ zhizni o. Sergii︠a︡ Bulgakova.sostavlennai︠a︡ L. A. Zanderom - 2008 - In Sergiĭ Bulgakov (ed.), Dela i dni: statʹi 1903-1944, memuarnai︠a︡ i dnevnikovai︠a︡ proza. Moskva: Sobranie.
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  43. Introduzione a Rosmini.Pietro Zovatto & A. Giordano (eds.) - 1992 - Trieste: Centro studi storico-religiosi Friuli-Venezia Giulia.
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    A Contribution to the Discussion of the Doctrinal Preconditions of the Deformation of Socialism.A. F. Kolodii - 1990 - Russian Studies in Philosophy 29 (3):69-83.
    In order to cure the social sciences of many of their inveterate diseases, it seems to me extremely important and useful to support and develop in some measure A.S. Tsipko's ideas on the doctrinal preconditions of our difficulties and failures in the building of socialism, ideas that have provoked such wide-ranging responses.
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    A Critical Taxonomy of the Theories About the Paths into the Reduction.Patricio A. Perkins - 2017 - Husserl Studies 33 (2):127-148.
    The paths or ways to the transcendental reduction are a pivotal phenomenological notion in Husserl’s philosophy. The metaphor of path, in fact, alludes to the demonstrative proofs of transcendental phenomenology. Nonetheless, Husserlian scholarship has not yet been able to end the disputes surrounding this topic, and as a result, competing interpretations continue to prevail. Since existing theories about the paths have not yet been cataloged or analyzed in their global context, I intend to classify the main existing theories about the (...)
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    The existential and the spiritual in the existential anthropology of G. Marcel and E. Minkowski.A. S. Zinevych - 2018 - Anthropological Measurements of Philosophical Research 14:142-157.
    Purpose. To examine the existential anthropology of G. Marcel and E. Minkowski, in order to demonstrate the necessity of distinguishing the universal-spiritual, as human in human being, apart from the individual-existential in him, and to reveal the hierarchical correlation of biosocial, existential and spiritual spheres in personality. Theoretical basis. Within existential philosophy the author differentiates two separate traditions and proceeds from the insufficiency of the distinction of existential sphere, proposed by phenomenological tradition, showing the necessity of its correlation with the (...)
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    Towards a functional anatomy of volition.Sean A. Spence & Chris D. Frith - 1999 - Journal of Consciousness Studies 6 (8-9):8-9.
    In this paper we examine the functional anatomy of volition, as revealed by modern brain imaging techniques, in conjunction with neuropsychological data derived from human and non-human primates using other methodologies. A number of brain regions contribute to the performance of consciously chosen, or ‘willed', actions. Of particular importance is dorsolateral prefrontal cortex , together with those brain regions with which it is connected, via cortico-subcortical and cortico-cortical circuits. That aspect of free will which is concerned with the voluntary selection (...)
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  48. RC is a Theory of Learning, not Teaching.A. Engström - 2014 - Constructivist Foundations 9 (3):314-316.
    Open peer commentary on the article “Constructing Constructivism” by Hugh Gash. Upshot: The concept of “constructivist teaching” seems unattainable for two reasons: a philosophical and an empirical one. Also, Hugh Gash’s survey is not so much about radical constructivism in education, but a review of different connected ideas labeled “constructivism” that have dominated the educational field.
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  49. Striking a Balance: Openness in Research Through Design.A. T. Holroyd - 2015 - Constructivist Foundations 11 (1):36-37.
    Open peer commentary on the article “Developing a Dialogical Platform for Disseminating Research through Design” by Abigail C. Durrant, John Vines, Jayne Wallace & Joyce Yee. Upshot: The experimental conference format described by Durrant et al. is intended to create an open platform for dissemination and knowledge creation. The field of open design, in which designers create structures to support creative action by others, offers relevant insights and alternative approaches. For example: while it is logical to see openness as open (...)
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    Sot︠s︡iologii︠a︡: teorii︠a︡, istorii︠a︡, praktika.A. G. Zdravomyslov - 2008 - Moskva: Nauka.
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