Results for '들뢰즈, 아감벤, 법, 텅 빈 법 형식, 카프카, 데리다, Deleuze, Agamben, Law, Empty Form of Law, Kafka, Derrida'

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  1.  13
    The Concept of Law in Deleuze and Agamben.강선형 ) - 2023 - Journal of the Society of Philosophical Studies 68:143-173.
    들뢰즈와 아감벤은 철학의 영역에서 법을 사유하는 중요한 현대적 이론들을 제공하는 철학자들이다. 들뢰즈의 법에 대한 연구는 그 자신의 시간론과 밀접한 관계를 맺고 있다는 점에 그 특징이 있으며, 아감벤의 법에 대한 연구는 자신의 철학의 핵심 개념인 배제-포함 구조를 통해서 사유한다는 점에 그 특징이 있다. 그런데 두 사람은 모두 카프카를 경유하여 두 사람의 핵심적인 문제의식으로 나아간다. 먼저 들뢰즈는 카프카의 「법 앞에서」에서 우리에게 인식될 수 있도록 그 내용이 주어져 있지 않은 법이 우리에게 처벌을 내림으로써만 언표된다는 것을 읽어낸다. 더 나아가 『소송』에서 K에게 완전한 무죄판결이란 없으며 (...)
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    Import-export Principle and the understanding of conditionals.Wonbae Choi - 2022 - Journal of the Society of Philosophical Studies 66:129-151.
    들뢰즈와 아감벤은 철학의 영역에서 법을 사유하는 중요한 현대적 이론들을 제공하는 철학자들이다. 들뢰즈의 법에 대한 연구는 그 자신의 시간론과 밀접한 관계를 맺고 있다는 점에 그 특징이 있으며, 아감벤의 법에 대한 연구는 자신의 철학의 핵심 개념인 배제-포함 구조를 통해서 사유한다는 점에 그 특징이 있다. 그런데 두 사람은 모두 카프카를 경유하여 두 사람의 핵심적인 문제의식으로 나아간다. 먼저 들뢰즈는 카프카의 「법 앞에서」에서 우리에게 인식될 수 있도록 그 내용이 주어져 있지 않은 법이 우리에게 처벌을 내림으로써만 언표된다는 것을 읽어낸다. 더 나아가 『소송』에서 K에게 완전한 무죄판결이란 없으며 (...)
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    The beast & the sovereign.Jacques Derrida - 2009 - Chicago: University of Chicago Press. Edited by Geoffrey Bennington.
    When he died in 2004, Jacques Derrida left behind a vast legacy of unpublished material, much of it in the form of written lectures. With The Beast and the Sovereign, Volume 1, the University of Chicago Press inaugurates an ambitious series, edited by Geoffrey Bennington and Peggy Kamuf, translating these important works into English. The Beast and the Sovereign, Volume 1 launches the series with Derrida’s exploration of the persistent association of bestiality or animality with sovereignty. In (...)
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  4.  25
    The Beast and the Sovereign, Volume I.Jacques Derrida - 2009 - University of Chicago Press.
    "When he died in 2004, Jacques Derrida left behind a vast legacy of unpublished material, much of it in the form of written lectures. With The Beast and the Sovereign, Volume I, the University of Chicago Press launches an ambitious series of English translations of these important works based upon the meticulously established original French editions." "In this seminar from 2001 and 2002, Derrida explores the persistent association of bestiality or animality with sovereignty and continues his deconstruction (...)
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  5. Politics, Metaphysics, and Death: Essays on Giorgio Agamben’s Homo Sacer.Andrew Norris (ed.) - 2005 - Durham: Duke University Press.
    The Italian philosopher Giorgio Agamben is having an increasingly significant impact on Anglo-American political theory. His most prominent intervention to date is the powerful reassessment of sovereignty and the politics of life and death laid out in his multivolume _Homo Sacer_ project. Agamben argues that in both the modern world and the ancient, politics inevitably involves a sovereign decision that bans some individuals from the political and human communities. For Agamben, the Nazi concentration camps—in which some inmates are reduced to (...)
  6. The Call of The Wild: Terror Modulations.Berit Soli-Holt & Isaac Linder - 2013 - Continent 3 (2):60-65.
    This piece, included in the drift special issue of continent., was created as one step in a thread of inquiry. While each of the contributions to drift stand on their own, the project was an attempt to follow a line of theoretical inquiry as it passed through time and the postal service from October 2012 until May 2013. This issue hosts two threads: between space & place and between intention & attention. The editors recommend that to experience the drifiting thought (...)
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  7.  47
    From the Sacrifice of the Letter to the Voice of Testimony: Giorgio Agamben's Fulfillment of Metaphysics.Jeffrey S. Librett - 2007 - Diacritics 37 (2/3):11-33.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:From the Sacrifice of the Letter to the Voice of TestimonyGiorgio Agamben’s Fulfillment of MetaphysicsJeffrey S. Librett (bio)By denying us the limit of the Limitless, the death of God leads to an experience in which nothing may again announce the exteriority of being, and consequently to an experience which is interior and sovereign. But such an experience, for which the death of God is an explosive reality, discloses as (...)
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  8. The Pure and Empty Form of Time: Deleuze’s Theory of Temporality.Daniel W. Smith - 2023 - In Robert W. Luzecky & Daniel W. Smith (eds.), Deleuze and Time. Edinburgh, UK: Edinburgh University Press. pp. 45-72.
    Deleuze argued that a fundamental mutation in the concept of time occurred in Kant. In antiquity, the concept of time was subordinated to the concept of movement: time was a ‘measure’ of movement. In Kant, this relation is inverted: time is no longer subordinated to movement but assumes an autonomy of its own: time becomes "the pure and empty form" of everything that moves and changes. What is essential in the theory of time is not the distinction between (...)
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  9.  11
    Perjury and Pardon, Volume I.Jacques Derrida - 2022 - University of Chicago Press.
    An inquiry into the problematic of perjury, or lying, and forgiveness from one of the most influential philosophers of the twentieth century. “One only ever asks forgiveness for what is unforgivable.” From this contradiction begins Perjury and Pardon, a two-year series of seminars given by Jacques Derrida at the École des hautes études en sciences sociales in Paris in the late 1990s. In these sessions, Derrida focuses on the philosophical, ethical, juridical, and political stakes of the concept of (...)
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  10.  17
    The apotheosis of nullity: a transhistorical genealogy of human subjectivity.Bartosz Łubczonok - 2017 - New York: Peter Lang Publishing.
    This massive book is an intensive inquest into the fate of the human subject as it passes through the primitive, despotic, passional and capitalist regimes found in Deleuze and Guattari. Emphatic, acerbic, loquacious, impassioned, and marshaling a considerable array of theoretical and literary frameworks--from Schelling, Kantorowicz, Agamben, Hegel, Nietzsche, Badiou, Rosenzweig, Lévinas, Derrida, Blanchot, Kierkegaard, Marx, Lazzarato, Berardi, Zizek and Plotinus to Solzhenitsyn, Pessoa, Fuentes, Dostoyevsky, Kafka, Beckett, Mann, Schreber, Dante, Milton, Shakespeare, Sade, the Midrash and Kabbalah--and cavorting through (...)
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  11.  29
    Radical Political Theology: Religion and Politics After Liberalism.Clayton Crockett - 2011 - Columbia University Press.
    In the 1960s, the strict opposition between the religious and the secular began to break down, blurring the distinction between political philosophy and political theology. This collapse contributed to the decline of modern liberalism, which supported a neutral, value-free space for capitalism. It also deeply unsettled political, religious, and philosophical realms, forced to confront the conceptual stakes of a return to religion. Gamely intervening in a contest that defies simple resolutions, Clayton Crockett conceives of the postmodern convergence of the secular (...)
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  12.  7
    Beyond the Society of Judgement: Deleuze and the Social Transitivity of Affects.Claudia Landolfi - 2019 - Deleuze and Guattari Studies 13 (4):541-551.
    Legal apparatus looks like a set of norms which rely on a rational project of life, yet it is possible, following Deleuze but also Hume and Kafka, to recognise the irrational aspect of this system. Is the law a dream? In what relation is the law with the subject? If the legal subject acts in a dream, what are the results? This paper develops around such questions with the aim of critically reflecting on the foundations of subjectivity and its connections (...)
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  13.  91
    Thinking the Pure and Empty Form of Dead Time. Individuation and Creation of Thinking in Gilles Deleuze’s Philosophy of Time.Torbjørn Eftestøl - 2024 - Open Philosophy 7 (1).
    In his account of the individuation and creation of thinking in Difference and Repetition Gilles Deleuze claims that there belongs “an experience of death.” What does this mean and imply for an attempt to come to terms with Deleuze’s transcendental empiricism? The following article presents a reading that explores this question, arguing that Deleuze’s account of what it means to think has two aspects that must be understood in relation to each other. On the one hand, Deleuze’s ontology of intensive (...)
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  14.  24
    Crisis and Meaning: F. Kafka and the Law.Luc Anckaert & Roger Burggraeve - 2017 - Santalka: Filosofija, Komunikacija 25 (1):123-134.
    The parable “Before the Law” is a pivotal text in the work of Franz Kafka. It tells of a man who looks for the law as the quintessence of his life. But his quest for meaning comes to a crisis because of a fundamental deception. Instead of interpreting the law as a personal mystery, he somehow objectifies it. His abstract view on life begets the obstacle-character that embodies all those who could bar him from finding the law. In this narrative, (...)
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  15.  18
    Critiquing Sovereign Violence: Law, Biopolitics and Bio-Juridicalism.Gavin Rae - 2019 - Edimburgo, Reino Unido: Edinburgh University Press.
    Gavin Rae offers an original approach to sovereign violence by looking at a wide range of thinkers, which he organises into three models. Benjamin, Schmitt, Arendt, Deleuze and Guattari form the radical-juridical perspective; Foucault and Agamben the biopolitical; Derrida the bio-juridical – which Rae argues produces the most nuanced account.
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  16.  12
    Jurisdiction in Deleuze: the expression and representation of law.Edward Mussawir - 2011 - New York, NY: Routledge.
    Deleuze and jurisdiction : expressionism in jurisprudence -- Personal jurisdiction : the "method of dramatization" in the law of persons -- Minority and personal jurisdiction : judging sex in re alex -- Persons of animal law -- Deleuze, the law of things and subject-matter jurisdiction -- To put to flight : the right of possession -- The activity of judgment : law of actions and the procedural genre of jurisprudence -- Jurisdiction of control : judgment and procedural forms in Thomas (...)
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  17.  40
    Kafka’s land surveyor K.: Agamben's anti-muselmann.Boštjan Nedoh - 2011 - Angelaki 16 (3):149-161.
    This paper first outlines the key traits of some critiques of Agamben’s theory of the subject. What they have in common is an emphasis on the limitations of his conception of political agency, which is based on the one hand on an apathetic and passive figure such as the Muselmann, and on the other, on Bartleby, the Scrivener, who epitomises Agamben’s notion of potentiality. Following this short review I then focus on Agamben’s recent article “K.,” in which he compares and (...)
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  18.  32
    Administering Interpretation: Derrida, Agamben, and the Political Theology of Law.Peter Goodrich & Michel Rosenfeld (eds.) - 2019 - New York, NY: Fordham University Press.
    Populism in politics and policy orientations in law have thrown the jurisdiction of the academy and the disciplines of interpretation into disarray. Critique flounders in abstraction and negativity, law loses itself in particularity. Administering Interpretation brings together philosophers, humanists, and jurists from both continental and Anglophone jurisdictions to reassess the status and trajectory of interpretative theory as applied in the art of law. Tracking the thread of philosophical influences upon the community of legal interpretation, the essays move from the translation (...)
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  19.  34
    Stupidity and the Threshold of Life, Language and Law in Derrida and Agamben.Duy Lap Nguyen - 2019 - Derrida Today 12 (1):41-58.
    This paper examines Jacques Derrida's deconstruction of Giorgio Agamben's account of the history of bio-politics in the Beast and the Sovereign. In this account, the ‘threshold of bio-political modernity’ is identified with the collapse of an allegedly immemorial distinction between life and the law. According to Derrida, however, this in-distinction between life and the law, which supposedly marks the historical emergence of the bio-political, is in fact an originary event. Agamben, therefore, announces a bio-political modernity that has always (...)
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  20.  19
    The Highest Poverty: Monastic Rules and Form-of-Life.Giorgio Agamben - 2013 - Stanford University Press.
    What is a rule, if it appears to become confused with life? And what is a human life, if, in every one of its gestures, of its words, and of its silences, it cannot be distinguished from the rule? It is to these questions that Agamben's new book turns by means of an impassioned reading of the fascinating and massive phenomenon of Western monasticism from Pachomius to St. Francis. The book reconstructs in detail the life of the monks with their (...)
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  21.  11
    The Beast and the Sovereign, Volume I.Geoffrey Bennington (ed.) - 2009 - University of Chicago Press.
    When he died in 2004, Jacques Derrida left behind a vast legacy of unpublished material, much of it in the form of written lectures. With _The Beast and the Sovereign, Volume 1_, the University of Chicago Press inaugurates an ambitious series, edited by Geoffrey Bennington and Peggy Kamuf, translating these important works into English. _The Beast and the Sovereign, Volume 1_ launches the series with Derrida’s exploration of the persistent association of bestiality or animality with sovereignty. In (...)
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  22.  35
    Logics of Alterity in Derrida’s and Deleuze’s Philosophies of Justice.Corry Shores - 2024 - Angelaki 29 (1):225-236.
    Jacques Derrida’s and Gilles Deleuze’s philosophies of justice share many similar features. For both, justice involves an overturning of law by extralegal means, made possible by an “undecidability” in the judgment-making process. To distinguish their conceptions of justice, we examine their implicit modes of non-classical reasoning with regard to “otherness,” building from Routley and Routley and Daniel Smith, to conclude that Derrida’s thinking on justice is at least paracomplete (or analetheic) while Deleuze’s is just paraconsistent (or dialetheic).
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  23. Derrida's Territorial Knowledge of Justice.William Conklin - 2012 - In Ruth Buchanan, Stewart Motha & Sunday Pahuja (eds.), Reading Modern Law: Critical Methodologies and Sovereign Formations. Rutledge. pp. 102-129.
    Peter Fitzpatrick’s writings prove once and for all that it is possible for a law professor to write in beautiful English. His work also proves once and for all that the dominating tradition of Anglo-American legal philosophy and of law teaching has been barking up the wrong tree: namely, that the philosopher and professional law teachers can understand justice as nested in empty forms, better known as rules, doctrines, principles, policies, and other standards. The more rigorous our analysis or (...)
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  24.  6
    Time and death: Deleuzian concept of ‘future’ as an empty form of time and impersonal death.김효영 ) - 2020 - Modern Philosophy 16:167-201.
    통상 죽음과 결부된 시간은 낫을 들고 쫒아오는 유령으로 그려진다. 이런 맥락에서 시간이란 태어남이라는 기점으로부터 죽음이라는 종점을 향해 쏘아진 화살의 형상을 갖기에, 인간의 유한성은 한층 부각된다. 반면 들뢰즈에게 죽음과 결부된 시간은 전적인 변환의 계기로서 고찰된다. 그에게 시간이란 수동적 자아의 부단한 ‘종합’의 산물이기에 각각의 종합의 단계들마다 우리에게 상이한 계기들을 제공하고 그 세 번째 국면에 이르러 시간은 개체가 나와 자아의 죽음을 경험하는 가장 급진적인 변화의 형식으로 기능한다. 세번째 종합에 상응하는 어떤 죽음의 체험이 있는 것이다. 이처럼 시간의 종합 속에서 한 개체를 이전과는 전혀 다른 (...)
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  25.  15
    A philosophical analysis of scenario-planning.Marco Maureira - 2016 - Cinta de Moebio 57:243-256.
    One of the most important devices in the management and control of our global societies is the scenario-planning. In this regard, this paper analyses the impact that the massive use of these devices implies to our society. Specifically, it is used as an analytical approach the concepts of difference, différance and destituent power. These theoretical proposals, which have been regarded as important dimensions of resistance and liberation, paradoxically are relevant to understanding the operation of the scenario-planning. Therefore, this paper warns (...)
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  26. Law against justice and solidarity : rereading Derrida and Agamben at the margins of the one and the many.Michel Rosenfeld - 2019 - In Peter Goodrich & Michel Rosenfeld (eds.), Administering Interpretation: Derrida, Agamben, and the Political Theology of Law. New York, NY: Fordham University Press.
  27.  36
    Deleuze, Žižek, Spring Breakers and the Question of Ethics in Late Capitalism.Jenny Gunn - 2018 - Film-Philosophy 22 (1):95-113.
    This article examines Harmony Korine's 2012 film, Spring Breakers. Arguing that Korine's film explores the bankruptcy of ethics in advanced capitalism, the article considers two predominate and contrasting theories of contemporary subjectivity: Slavoj Žižek's psychoanalytically-inspired conception of the subject as radical lack and Deleuze's affirmation of the subject through attention to affect and the virtual. In reference to Kant's radical reformulation of the moral law as an empty and tautological form with the concept of the categorical imperative, this (...)
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  28.  42
    The subject of literature between Derrida and Deleuze - law or life?Gregg Lambert - 2000 - Angelaki 5 (2):177 – 190.
  29.  10
    Re-appropriating Freedom: Agamben’s Form-of-Life as a Response to Foucault’s Biopower.Abbas Jamali - forthcoming - Sophia:1-23.
    Giorgio Agamben’s philosophy has been influenced by Michel Foucault’s thoughts in various aspects. This influence can be seen especially in methodology and political philosophy to a certain extent. Agamben’s political project, Homo Sacer, culminates in the publication of The Use of Bodies, where he proposes ‘form-of-life’ as a way to overcome the contemporary biopolitics. While the concept of form-of-life has often been considered in connection with the issue of sovereignty and law, this article argues that it (and Agamben’s (...)
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  30. Agamben - (Im)potentiality of law and politics.Vanja Grujic - 2019 - Revista de Direito Constitucional and Econômico 1 (1):248-270.
    Placed between constituting and constituted power, homo sacer reveals the state of exception, which through sovereign ban, is kept both inside and outside the law. Agamben’s latest political and legal philosophy is based upon this concept. As the victim of sovereignty, homo sacer unfolds the paradox of sovereign power, criticiz- ing its fundaments and showing the emptiness of law. However, for potentiality which is at the centre of Agamben’s argument, we need to look not only outside sovereignty and sovereign power, (...)
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  31. Derrida' s Shylock : the letter and the life of law.Katrin Trüstedt - 2019 - In Peter Goodrich & Michel Rosenfeld (eds.), Administering Interpretation: Derrida, Agamben, and the Political Theology of Law. New York, NY: Fordham University Press.
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    Gay science as law : an outline for a Nietzschean jurisprudence.Jonathan Yovel - 2005 - In Peter Goodrich & Mariana Valverde (eds.), Nietzsche and legal theory: half-written laws. New York: Routledge.
    The question examined in this study is not merely how a Nietzschean critique of law would look had Nietzsche ever applied his genealogical method to the question of law, but also what positive function Nietzschean philosophy may ascribe to law, and how law must then be transformed. The methodological parable imagines a “post-genealogy” or “pot-ressentiment” phase of the human condition, akin to the Marxist “post-revolutionary” phase: how would law look for the person of power - overman or otherwise - who (...)
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    Giorgio Agamben: Legal, Political and Philosophical Perspectives.Tom Frost (ed.) - 2013 - New York,: Routledge.
    Giorgio Agamben: Legal, Political and Philosophical Perspectives brings together contributions from scholars in a number of fields including many who have worked closely with Agamben in order to argue that Agambens thought is vital to the future directions of research in the humanities and social sciences. The book is divided into three sections, each coalescing around a different perspective. Contributions in the first section examine the potential for Agambens thought to impact upon future legal scholarship. Papers draw upon wide ranging (...)
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    Profanations.Giorgio Agamben - 2005 - Zone Books.
    The Italian philosopher Giorgio Agamben has always been an original reader of texts, understanding their many rich and multiple historical, aesthetic, and political meanings and effects. In Profanations, Agamben has assembled for the first time some of his most pivotal essays on photography, the novel, and film. A meditation on memory and oblivion, on what is lost and what remains, Profanations proves yet again that Agamben is one of the most provocative writers of our time. In ten essays, Agamben ponders (...)
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    Potentialities: collected essays in philosophy.Giorgio Agamben - 1999 - Stanford, Calif.: Stanford University Press. Edited by Daniel Heller-Roazen.
    This volume constitutes the largest collection of writings by the Italian philosopher Giorgio Agamben hitherto published in any language and all but one appear in English for the first time. The essays consider figures in the history of philosophy (Plato, Plotinus, Spinoza, Hegel) and twentieth-century thought (Walter Benjamin, Heidegger, Derrida, Deleuze, the historian Aby Warburg, and the linguist J.-C. Milner). They also examine several central concerns of Agamben: the relation of linguistic and metaphysical categories; messianism in Islamic, Jewish, and (...)
  36. Grand theory on trial: Kafka, Derrida, and the will to power.Nina Pelikan Straus - 2007 - Philosophy and Literature 31 (2):378-393.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Grand Theory on Trial:Kafka, Derrida, and the Will to PowerNina Pelikan StrausIn summa: so that man may respect himself he must be capable of doing evil.(Nietzsche, The Will to Power)1IThe following pages offer evidence that in The Trial Kafka invents characters who deploy a Nietzschean-sourced language of deconstruction related to what we now call theory; that in "Before the Law" Kafka's priest deconstructs The Law to which K. (...)
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    Living à la mode: Form-of-life and democratic biopolitics in Giorgio Agamben’s The Use of Bodies.Sergei Prozorov - 2017 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 43 (2):144-163.
    The publication of The Use of Bodies, the final volume in Giorgio Agamben’s Homo Sacer series, makes it possible to take stock of Agamben’s project as a whole. Having started with a powerful critique of the biopolitical sovereignty as the essence of modern politics, Agamben concludes his project with an affirmative vision of inoperative politics of form-of-life, in which life is not negated or sacrificed to the privileged form it must attain, but rather remains inseparable from the (...) that does nothing but express it. The article begins by reconstituting the non-relational logic that Agamben develops in order to render inoperative the existing apparatuses of ontology, ethics and politics. We then address the dimension of lifestyle as a new key domain of Agamben’s work, in which biopolitics may be recast in an affirmative key of form-of-life. While Agamben is better known for sceptical and scornful statements about contemporary liberal democracies, we shall argue that his affirmative biopolitics, characterized by destituent power, resonates with Claude Lefort’s understanding of democracy as structured around the ontological void and epistemic indeterminacy. In the conclusion we question the viability of this biopolitical democracy, focusing on Agamben’s example of the Nocturnal Council in Plato’s Laws. (shrink)
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    The use of bodies. Agamben’s idea of a non-capitalist form of life.Estelle Ferrarese - 2018 - Journal for Cultural Research 22 (2):126-136.
    With the notion of the form-of-life as a counter-figure to the notion of bare life, Agamben seems to invite us to place at the center of a critical theory of capitalism a reflection on bios. To envisage a form of emancipation that unfolds against bare life suggests, at first glance, another relation to the living body. Such a gesture seems to be inspired by the desire to think a natural life that would also be a politically qualified life. (...)
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  39.  34
    ANIMAL SPIRITS: philosomorphism and the background revolts of cinema.John Mullarkey - 2013 - Angelaki 18 (1):11-29.
    This essay follows two lines - the one cinematic, the other philosophical - towards an intersection located in what we call 'the animal'. Be it the bleak picture of "bare life" drawn by Agamben, or the more positive image of the "animal that therefore I am" depicted by Derrida, philosophers of various hue have shown increasing interest in the idea of the animal as both a normative category (Derrida, Agamben) and a metaphysical one (as when Badiou depicts Deleuze's (...)
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  40. What is a Compendium? Parataxis, Hypotaxis, and the Question of the Book.Maxwell Stephen Kennel - 2013 - Continent 3 (1):44-49.
    Writing, the exigency of writing: no longer the writing that has always (through a necessity in no way avoidable) been in the service of the speech or thought that is called idealist (that is to say, moralizing), but rather the writing that through its own slowly liberated force (the aleatory force of absence) seems to devote itself solely to itself as something that remains without identity, and little by little brings forth possibilities that are entirely other: an anonymous, distracted, deferred, (...)
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  41. The End Times of Philosophy.François Laruelle - 2012 - Continent 2 (3):160-166.
    Translated by Drew S. Burk and Anthony Paul Smith. Excerpted from Struggle and Utopia at the End Times of Philosophy , (Minneapolis: Univocal Publishing, 2012). THE END TIMES OF PHILOSOPHY The phrase “end times of philosophy” is not a new version of the “end of philosophy” or the “end of history,” themes which have become quite vulgar and nourish all hopes of revenge and powerlessness. Moreover, philosophy itself does not stop proclaiming its own death, admitting itself to be half dead (...)
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    Image and Silence.Giorgio Agamben & Leland de la Durantaye - 2012 - Diacritics 40 (2):94-98.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Image and SilenceGiorgio AgambenTranslated by Leland de la Durantaye (bio)[End Page 94]In the Roman pantheon there is a goddess named Angerona, represented with her mouth bound and sealed (ore obligato signatoque).1 Her finger is raised to her lips as if to command silence. Scholars claim that she represents, in the context of pagan mystery cults, the power of silence, although there is no consensus among them as to how (...)
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    K.Giorgio Agamben - 2009 - Problemi 4.
    This chapter is an intervention into the interpretation of Franz Kafka's great novels The Trial and The Castle; implicitly, it constitutes a divided assault on the divisiveness of the law. In Roman law, slander represented so serious a threat for the administration of justice that the false accuser was punished by the branding of the letter K on his forehead. The gravity of slander is a function of its calling into question the principle itself of the trial: the moment of (...)
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  44. Greek Returns: The Poetry of Nikos Karouzos.Nick Skiadopoulos & Vincent W. J. Van Gerven Oei - 2011 - Continent 1 (3):201-207.
    continent. 1.3 (2011): 201-207. “Poetry is experience, linked to a vital approach, to a movement which is accomplished in the serious, purposeful course of life. In order to write a single line, one must have exhausted life.” —Maurice Blanchot (1982, 89) Nikos Karouzos had a communist teacher for a father and an orthodox priest for a grandfather. From his four years up to his high school graduation he was incessantly educated, reading the entire private library of his granddad, comprising mainly (...)
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    Art and Failure.Daniel A. Siedell - 2006 - Journal of Aesthetic Education 40 (2):105-117.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:The Journal of Aesthetic Education 40.2 (2006) 105-117 [Access article in PDF] Art and Failure Daniel A. Siedell Sheldon Memorial Art Gallery and Sculpture Garden The Genius Decision: The Extraordinary and the Postmodern Condition, by Klaus Ottmann. Putnam, CT: Spring Publications, 2004, 181 pp., $18.50 paperback. Random Order: Robert Rauschenberg and the Neo-Avant-Garde, by Branden Joseph. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 2003, 450 pp., $34.95 hardcover. The most optimistic ethics (...)
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    Towards a Rethinking of Laclau and Mouffe’s Conception of “Social Antagonisms”.Janar Mihkelsaar - 2015 - Philosophy Today 59 (3):409-427.
    What is at stake in the antagonistic limits of society is the limit form of relation between dichotomous concepts. By determining this relation, Laclau and Mouffe’s “political articulation” and Agamben’s sovereign decision institute a particular type of order. In contrast to Laclau and Mouffe, however, Agamben aims to render the subversive interplay of binary concepts “inoperative.” What, I contend, is at issue in this disagreement is neither pessimism nor optimism, neither totalitarianism nor democracy, but rather the question of how (...)
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    Jacques Derrida and the question of interpretation: the phenomenological reduction, the intention of the author, and Kafka's law.Tomi Kaarto - 2008 - New York: Lang.
    Includes bibliographical references (p. 619-646) and index.
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  48. The law of the text of the law Derrida before Kafka.D. Robers - 1995 - Deutsche Vierteljahrsschrift für Literaturwissenschaft Und Geistesgeschichte 69 (2):344-367.
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    Justice, legal validity and the force of law with special reference to Derrida, Dooyeweerd and Habermas.Dfm Strauss - 2009 - South African Journal of Philosophy 28 (1):65-87.
    Philosophy, political philosophy and legal philosophy are all concerned with issues of justice and the validity of law (also known as the force of law ). These two problem areas are discussed against the background of the intersection of traditional theories of natural law and legal positivism, mediated by the contribution of the historical school. In addition the influence of the two neo-Kantian schools of thought (Baden and Marburg) required attention, particularly because certain elements in the thought of Derrida, (...)
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  50. Mad Speculation and Absolute Inhumanism: Lovecraft, Ligotti, and the Weirding of Philosophy.Ben Woodard - 2011 - Continent 1 (1):3-13.
    continent. 1.1 : 3-13. / 0/ – Introduction I want to propose, as a trajectory into the philosophically weird, an absurd theoretical claim and pursue it, or perhaps more accurately, construct it as I point to it, collecting the ground work behind me like the Perpetual Train from China Mieville's Iron Council which puts down track as it moves reclaiming it along the way. The strange trajectory is the following: Kant's critical philosophy and much of continental philosophy which has followed, (...)
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