32 found
  1. Violence and the Vulnerable Face of the Other: The Vision of Emmanuel Levinas on Moral Evil and Our Responsibility.Roger Burggraeve - 2002 - Journal of Social Philosophy 30 (1):29-45.
  2.  25
    Crisis and Meaning: F. Kafka and the Law.Luc Anckaert & Roger Burggraeve - 2017 - Santalka: Filosofija, Komunikacija 25 (1):123-134.
    The parable “Before the Law” is a pivotal text in the work of Franz Kafka. It tells of a man who looks for the law as the quintessence of his life. But his quest for meaning comes to a crisis because of a fundamental deception. Instead of interpreting the law as a personal mystery, he somehow objectifies it. His abstract view on life begets the obstacle-character that embodies all those who could bar him from finding the law. In this narrative, (...)
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  3. Towards a Levinasian Care Ethic.W. Wolf Diedrich, Roger Burggraeve & Chris Gastmans - 2006 - Ethical Perspectives 13 (1):31-59.
    In this paper, we suggest the likely effects of the application of Emmanuel Levinas’s philosophy to the care ethic, particularly as it is represented by the author Joan Tronto, one of the most cogent exponents of care ethics.Thus, we ask: does Levinas’s philosophy have enough in common with the care ethic to be able to overlap it and fruitfully address shared issues of pressing importance? And, is Levinas’s philosophy different enough to challenge the care ethic and help it grow in (...)
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  4.  13
    From self-development to solidarity: an ethical reading of human desire in its socio-political relevance according to Emmanuel Lévinas.Roger Burggraeve - 1985 - Leuven: Peeters.
  5.  55
    The Ethical Meaning of Money in the Thought of Emmanuel Levinas.Roger Burggraeve - 1995 - Ethical Perspectives 2 (2):85-90.
    In the view of the Franco-Jewish philosopher Emmanuel Levinas money has a multitude of anthropological and ethical meanings, not excluding contradictions. For money functions on different levels, namely on that of the I and the effort of its being, that of the relation with the other and that of the ‘third’, that is to say on the socio-economical and judicial level.It will have become clear that Levinas’ philosophical approach to money not only offers a phenomenological description, but also expressly formulates (...)
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    Bodily contrast experiences in cultivating character for care.Linus Vanlaere & Roger Burggraeve - 2024 - Nursing Ethics 31 (1):7-16.
    Since 2008, in Flanders, we organize immersion sessions in a simulated context with the aim of stimulating student nurses and health professionals to learn virtuous caring. In this contribution, we first outline the purpose of this experiential learning: the cultivation of moral character. We come to the core of what we mean by moral character for care. We refer to Joan Tronto and Stan van Hooft to claim that caring is central to all aspects of nursing practice and is the (...)
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    An ethics of mercy: on the way to meaningful living and loving.Roger Burggraeve - 2016 - Leuven: Peeters. Edited by Thomas Knieps-Port le Roi.
    Sexual experimentation, living together, raising children outside of marriage, remarriage after divorce, and same-sex relationships...These behaviours have become common in the wider society as well as among Christians and Catholic Christians. Not only do they think and act differently than the official Church teaching, but they do so convinced that they are acting rightly. This challenges ethics to respond by what can be called an 'ethics of mercy', by meeting people where they are and helping them to grow towards the (...)
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    Emmanuel Levinas en de verantwoordelijkheid in de bijbelse scheppingsvisie.Roger Burggraeve - 1986 - de Uil van Minerva: Tijdschrift Voor Geschiedenis En Wijsbegeerte van de Cultuur 3 (4):27-45.
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    Emmanuel Levinas et la socialité de l'argent: un philosophe en quête de la réalité journalière, la genèse de Socialité et argent ou l'ambiguïté de l'argent.Roger Burggraeve - 1997 - Leuven: Peeters. Edited by Emmanuel Lévinas.
    A l'occasion de son 25eme anniversaire, le Groupement Belge des Banques d'Epargne a publie un ouvrage de base sur les aspects historiques, juridiques et economiques du monde des banques d'epargne belges. Emmanuel Levinas etait prie d'ecrire une introduction philosophique sur l'argent et l'epargne. Il a accepte volontiers, toutefois en soulignant des le debut et a plusieurs reprises qu'il y avait reflechi trop peu et qu'il eprouvait des difficultes en employant les notions valeur de l'argent/valeur de l'epargne. Il en a resulte (...)
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    (1 other version)Emmanuel Lévinas: une bibliographie primaire et secondaire, 1929-1985.Roger Burggraeve - 1986 - Leuven: Peeters.
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  11. Het gelaat van de bevrijding. Een heilsdenken in het spoor van Emmanuel Levinas.Roger Burggraeve, Govert den Hartogh & Hendrik Kaptein - 1987 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 49 (1):130-131.
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    Het gelaat van de bevrijding: een heilsdenken in het spoor van Emmanuel Levinas.Roger Burggraeve - 1986 - Tielt: Lannoo.
    Inleiding tot het denken van de Frans-joodse wijsgeer (1905- ).
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    Het “Il y a” in Het Heteronomie-Denken Van Levinas.Roger Burggraeve - 1983 - Bijdragen 44 (3):266-300.
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    Het scheppingsbegrip bij Levinas: Bipolariteit Van autonomie en heteronomie.Roger Burggraeve - 1981 - Bijdragen 42 (4):366-391.
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    Hoog tijd voor een andere God: bijbels diepgronden naar de ziel van ons mens-zijn: Roger Burggraeve in gesprek met Guido Caerts en Paula Veestraeten.Roger Burggraeve - 2015 - Leuven: Davidsfonds Uitgeverij. Edited by Guido Caerts & Paula Veestraeten.
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  16. Introduction : awakened into vigilance : in conversation with a recalcitrant thinker.Roger Burggraeve - 2008 - In The awakening to the other: a provocative dialogue with Emmanuel Levinas. Dudley, MA: Peeters.
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    Levinas autrement.Roger Burggraeve (ed.) - 2012 - Louvain: Éditions Peeters.
    La diffusion d'une pensée s'accompagne souvent de son édulcoration. Les "grandes idées" identifiées sont rabâchées, ressassées, réduites, donnant lieu à des associations aussi rapides que funestes, telle celle qui fait d'Emmanuel Levinas "le philosophe de l'autre". La réflexion bouleversante du philosophe qui fit de l'éthique la philosophie première menaçait ainsi de tourner au prêchi-prêcha quasi-johannique. L'année du centenaire, 2006, sollicitant les chercheurs d'horizons multiples, a permis de faire résonner nombre d'aspects encore méconnus de l'œuvre lévinassienne, nourrie de quatre cultures, - (...)
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    Mens en medemens verantwoordelijkheid en God: de metafysische ethiek van Emmanuel Levinas.Roger Burggraeve - 1986 - Leuven: Acco.
    Studie over het denken van de Frans-Joodse filosoof (geb. 1905).
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    Mijn verantwoordelijkheid gaat aan mijn vrijheid vooraf. Een herdefiniëring van het solidariteitsbegrip in het spoor van Emmanuel Levinas.Roger Burggraeve - 1986 - de Uil van Minerva: Tijdschrift Voor Geschiedenis En Wijsbegeerte van de Cultuur 2 (3):203-222.
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  20. No one can save oneself without others" : an ethic of liberation in the footsteps of Emmanuel Levinas.Roger Burggraeve - 2008 - In The awakening to the other: a provocative dialogue with Emmanuel Levinas. Dudley, MA: Peeters.
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    Prohibition and Taste.Roger Burggraeve - 1994 - Ethical Perspectives 1 (3):130-144.
    John-Paul II’s encyclical Veritatis Splendor examines the commandments, in particular the Decalogue. In so far as it is the expression of ‘natural law’ applicable and reflexively accessible to all, it is a permanent charter not only of Christian inspired ethics but of every human ethic . Using the story of the rich young man, cited in the encyclical’s first chapter, we would like to elucidate in the first part, and in our own way, how prohibitions open the way for freedom (...)
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    Proximity with the other: a multidimensional ethic of responsibility in Levinas.Roger Burggraeve - 2009 - Bangalore, India: Dharmaram Publications.
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    Responsibility, God, and society: theological ethics in dialogue: festschrift, Roger Burggraeve.Roger Burggraeve & Johan de Tavernier (eds.) - 2008 - Dudley, MA: Peeters.
    A generation of students at the Faculty of Theology of the K.U.Leuven have been introduced by Roger Burggraeve to the thoughts of Emmanuel Levinas. Levinas has been for him a true "master in thinking". For Levinas responsibility is heteronymous because it does not start from the "I" but from the epiphany of the other as the face, appealing to me not "to kill" but to promote him/her. In and through the appeal of the face, the difference between the other and (...)
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    Recherches levinassiennes.Roger Burggraeve (ed.) - 2012 - Louvain: Éditions Peeters.
    Le receuil 'Recherches levinassiennes' présente le dialogue attentif de 29 auteurs, surtout des philosophes mais aussi des théologiens, avec la pensée de Levinas, permettant à cette pensée de révéler des aspects jusque-là inconnus.
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    The awakening to the other: a provocative dialogue with Emmanuel Levinas.Roger Burggraeve (ed.) - 2008 - Dudley, MA: Peeters.
    Levinas is a thinker for the future, concerned with the future. He inverts the priority of the declaration of the French Revolution "Freedom, Equality, Brotherhood", by designating "brotherhood" first among modern European society's most cherished values. Levinas sees brotherhood as the fundamental condition of our shared humanity and as the foundation of freedom and equality. Thus, he presents himself as a Western thinker who sets modern thought on its head and at the same time enriches it. His radical view of (...)
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  26. The little goodness never wins, but is never defeated.Roger Burggraeve - 2025 - In Christopher Buckman, Melissa Bradley, Jack Marsh & James McLachlan, The event of the good: reading Levinas in a Levinasian way. Albany: State University of New York Press.
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    Volunteering and Ethical Meaningfulness.Roger Burggraeve - 2016 - Foundations of Science 21 (2):301-304.
    Drawing on Victor Frankl’s observations, this comment illustrates how human beings are prior to any initiative that is pre-directed towards meaning. In pointing to this human condition, it introduces a subtle distinction between striving for happiness and a will for meaning, yet it is in the trans-ethical meaningful acts that a relation can be found with the witnessing as referred to by Note and Van Daele.
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    Van zelfontplooiing naar verantwoordelijkheid: een ethische lezing van het verlangen: ontmoeting tussen psychoanalyse en Levinas.Roger Burggraeve - 1981 - Leuven: Acco.
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    Towards a Levinasian care ethic: a dialogue between the thoughts of Joan Tronto and Emmanuel Levinas.W. W. Deidrich, Roger Burggraeve & Chris Gastmans - 2006 - Ethical Perspectives 13 (1):33-61.
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    De vele gezichten van het kwaad: meedenken in het spoor van Emmanuel Levinas.Emmanuel Lévinas, Roger Burggraeve & L. Anckaert (eds.) - 1996 - Leuven: Acco.
    Bijdragen over de visie van de Frans-joodse filosoof (1906-1995) op het kwaad.
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    Emmanuel Levinas: Thinker between Jerusalem and Athens A Philosophical Biography.Roger Burggraeve - 1997 - Journal of Social Philosophy 28 (1):110-126.
    Emmanuel Levinas died a few days before he would have been ninety years old, on December 25, 1995, very early on a Monday morning, in the Paris clinic of Beaujon, where he had been admitted the previous day with serious heart complications.
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    The good and its shadow: The view of levinas on human rights as the surpassing of political rationality. [REVIEW]Roger Burggraeve - 2005 - Human Rights Review 6 (2):80-101.
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