Results for 'Övrig annan humaniora'

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  1.  33
    Visiting exemplars. An Arendtian exploration of educational judgement.Morten Timmermann Korsgaard - 2020 - Ethics and Education 15 (2):247-259.
    ABSTRACTThe role of exemplification and exemplars is receiving increasing attention in educational theory. Usually, this is connected to emulation models in character and moral education. Exemplars in this framework are those who show us how to act and what to do, and inspire us emotionally to improve. In Hannah Arendt’s unfinished work on judgement, the exemplar plays a different role. Instead of functioning as an inspiration for behavioural change, the exemplar inspires thinking. In Men in Dark Times and the lecture (...)
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    Faking orgasms and the idea of successful sexuality.Hildur Kalman - 2013 - Janus Head 13 (1):97-118.
    In the Nordic countries, at a time when women have only recently won the right to their own bodies and to a sexuality of their own and for themselves, women nevertheless fake orgasms. Moreover, a .
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    Life Is Strange and “Games Are Made” : A Philosophical Interpretation of a Multiple-Choice Existential Simulator With Copilot Sartre.Luis de Miranda - 2018 - Games and Culture 8 (1):825-842.
    The multiple-choice video game Life is Strange was described by its French developers as a metaphor for the inner conflicts experienced by a teenager in trying to become an adult. In psychological work with adolescents, there is a stark similarity between what they experience and some concepts of existentialist philosophy. Sartre’s script for the movie Les Jeux Sont Faits (literally “games are made”) uses the same narrative strategy as Life is Strange—the capacity for the main characters to travel back in (...)
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    Interpretivists in the English School: Aren’t we all?Charlotta Friedner Parrat - 2023 - Journal of International Political Theory 19 (2):221-241.
    This article is a reply to Bevir and Hall, who recently argued in this journal that the English School needs to reflect more on its philosophy. They are right. Yet, their preferred distinction between a structural and an interpretivist strand of the School is not a constructive way forward. This is because their distinction between a structural and an interpretivist strand of the school is too stark, their chosen dimensions for sorting through the School are arguably not the most fruitful, (...)
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    Menschenrechte und Vereinte Nationen.Kofi Annan - 2007 - Jahrbuch Menschenrechte 2008 (jg):283-290.
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    Afterword.Noel Annan - 2014 - In IsaiahHG Berlin (ed.), Personal Impressions: Third Edition. Princeton University Press. pp. 441-464.
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  7. The crisis of democracy.Kofi Annan - 2018 - In David Van Reybrouck (ed.), Against elections: the case for democracy. New York: Seven Stories Press.
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    The use of the relational function of address pronouns in L2 French before and after study abroad: do interaction and exposure to media make a difference?Emmanuella Annan, Catherine Collin & Cyrille Granget - 2021 - Corela. Cognition, Représentation, Langage 19.
    This study focuses on the acquisition of the two basic relational functions of the French address pronouns: tu for solidarity with friends and vous for deference with an unknown person or a known person with higher social status. Previous research has found that L2 learners of French become more target-like in their choice between tu and vous when they spend time in a French community. This is due to the fact that study-abroad offers L2 learners exposure to naturalistic interaction involving (...)
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    Personal Impressions.Isaiah Berlin & Noel Annan - 1981 - Princeton University Press.
    This remarkable collection contains Isaiah Berlin's appreciations of seventeen people of unusual distinction in the intellectual or political world, sometimes both.
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    British higher education, 1960–80: A personal retrospect. [REVIEW]Lord Annan - 1982 - Minerva 20 (1-2):1-24.
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    The first and the last.Isaiah Berlin & Noel Gilroy Annan Baron Annan - 1999 - New York: New York Review of Books. Edited by Noel Gilroy Annan Annan & Isaiah Berlin.
    "This volume contains two brief works by Isaiah Berlin, an acclaimed philosopher and thinker of the 20th century. "The first" is a short fictional piece he wrote when he was twelve reflecting his belief that the idea of a perfect society cannot justify the cruelties he saw in the Russian Revolution. "The last" is an essay he wrote the year before he died synthesizing his thoughts on topics such as freedom, determinism, and pluralism. Also included are several tributes to Berlin's (...)
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    An anchoring theory of lightness perception.Alan Gilchrist, Christos Kossyfidis, Frederick Bonato, Tiziano Agostini, Joseph Cataliotti, Xiaojun Li, Branka Spehar, Vidal Annan & Elias Economou - 1999 - Psychological Review 106 (4):795-834.
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  13. Douglas Matthews.Mortimer Adler, Anna Andreevna Akhmatova, Jonathan Allen, Louis Althusser, Noel Gilroy Annan, St Thomas Aquinas, Hannah Arendt, Ernst Arndt, Sergey Alekseevich Askoldov & Wystan Hugh Auden - 2007 - In George Crowder & Henry Hardy (eds.), The one and the many: reading Isaiah Berlin. Amherst, N.Y.: Prometheus Books.
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    Humaniora i kunskapssamhället: en nordisk debattbok.Jesper Eckhardt Larsen & Martin Wiklund (eds.) - 2012 - Aarhus: Aarhus University Press (distributor).
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    Humaniora: Medizin - Recht - Geschichte: Festschrift für Adolf Laufs zum 70. Geburtstag.Adolf Laufs & Bernd-Rüdiger Kern (eds.) - 2006 - Berlin: Springer.
    Womit beschäftigt sich die medizinische Wissenschaft? Ich verstehe ja natürlich nichts davon, aber sie beschäftigt sich doch mit dem Menschen. Und die Juristerei, die Gesetzgebung und Rechtsprechung? Auch mit dem Menschen.
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    A Historical Account of the Cyprus Problem and the Annan Plan: A Unique Opportunity or an Unwelcome Solution?Iakovos Menelaou - 2019 - AKROPOLIS: Journal of Hellenic Studies 3:29-61.
    In this paper, we focus on the Cyprus problem, a thorny and multi-dimensional problem, and especially on the historic events in the years 1950-74 that led the island to the current stalemate and the status quo with two separate communities. Although the decision by the Turkish Cypriot side to open the borders in 2003 and the negotiations between the two sides for a settlement, the Cyprus problem remains unresolved. We will also deal with the Annan Plan which has been (...)
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    Humaniora Islamica. An Annual Publication of Islamic Studies and the Humanities. Volume I/1973.James A. Bellamy, Herbert W. Mason, Ronald L. Nettler & Jacques Waardenburg - 1975 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 95 (1):137.
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    Er humaniora si framtid samtida?Jonas Lillebø - 2011 - Agora Journal for metafysisk spekulasjon 29 (2-3):349-358.
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    Humaniora Islamica, An annual publication of Islamic Studies and the Humanities, edited by Herbert Mason, Ronald Nettler, Jaques Waardenburg and Merlin Swartz, Vol. I, Mouton, The Hague, Paris 1973.Walter Beltz - 1975 - Zeitschrift für Religions- Und Geistesgeschichte 27 (4):376-378.
  20. ANNAN, N. - Leslie Stephen-His Thought and Character in Relation to its Time. [REVIEW]A. Quinton - 1953 - Mind 62:562.
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  21. De rol van de humaniora in een technologisch tijdperk.Allan Janik - 1996 - Nexus 15.
    De snelheid van het moderne leven en de vluchtigheid van beeld en tekst op het scherm brengen ons steeds verder af van alles wat naar reflectie en diepgang tendeert. Geen aspect van het leven blijft onaangetast door de imago-industrie. De strategie van de leugen, de valse vergetelheid en de ontkenning van de dood kunnen alleen door reflectie op het culturele verleden bestreden worden.
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    Kunskapshistoria, idéhistoria och annan historia: En översikt i skandinaviskt perspektiv.Maria Simonsen & Anton Jansson - 2020 - Slagmark - Tidsskrift for Idéhistorie 81:13-30.
    _History of knowledge, history of ideas, and other forms of history: An overview in Scandinavian perspective_ This article is an overview in which we paint a picture of the research field that during the 2010s has emerged under the banner of history of knowledge. The purpose is to complement the preface of this special issue, and so give a better context for the issue, by providing a somewhat broader introduction. History of knowledge is here specifically related to history of science (...)
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    Oversettelse og den kommende humaniora.Erik Steinskog - 2009 - Agora Journal for metafysisk spekulasjon 27 (1):104-125.
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    How to Become a Good Artist – Kant on Humaniora and the ‘Propaedeutic for All Beautiful Art’.Larissa Berger - 2023 - Journal of Transcendental Philosophy 4 (2):179-207.
    In § 60 of theCritique of Judgment, entitled ‘On the doctrine of method of taste,’ Kant suggests that the study of so-calledhumaniora(ancient Roman and Greek literature) will help one to become a good artist. I will argue that a proper, namely emotional, engagement withhumaniorawill further the two components of humanity in ourselves: the feeling of sympathy and the ability to communicate feelings. I will discuss two options of how a strengthening of these two components might contribute to the creation of (...)
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  25. The Dons, Mentors, Eccentrics and Geniuses. By Noel Annan.S. Rothblatt - 2002 - The European Legacy 7 (5):671-671.
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    The parliament of man: The past, present, and future of the united nations - by Paul Kennedy, secretary or general?: The UN secretary-general in world politics - edited by Simon Chesterman and the best intentions: Kofi Annan and the UN in the era of american world power - by James Traub.Barbara Crossette - 2007 - Ethics and International Affairs 21 (3):381–385.
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  27. Idé og materie: om den marxistiske videnskabelige revolution og dens betydning for humaniora.Jens Glebe-Møller - 1974 - København: Gad.
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  28. "The Disintegration of an Old Culture": Lord Annan[REVIEW]Ruth Saw - 1967 - British Journal of Aesthetics 7 (3):288.
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  29. Juhani Norri, Names of Body Parts in English, 1400–1550.(Humaniora, 291.)[Helsinki]: Suomalaisen Tiedeakatemian Toimituksia/Annales Academiae Scientiarum Fennicae, 1998. Paper. Pp. 470; tables. [REVIEW]M. Teresa Tavormina - 2001 - Speculum 76 (3):772-774.
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    Menneskevidenskaberne: problemer og traditioner i humanioras videnskabsteori.Søren Kjørup - 1996
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    Zwischen Corpus Aristotelicum und Studia humaniora: Melanchthon in Tübingen.Sönke Lorenz - 2010 - In Joachim Bromand & Guido Kreis (eds.), Was Sich Nicht Sagen Lässt: Das Nicht-Begriffliche in Wissenschaft, Kunst Und Religion. Berlin: Akademie Verlag/De Gruyter. pp. 725-748.
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    (1 other version)Die italischen Hüttenurnen. By Dr. Johannes Sundwall. (Acta Academiae Aboensis Humaniora, IV.) Pp. 78. 3 full-page illustrations. Åbo, 1925. [REVIEW]H. J. Rose - 1926 - The Classical Review 40 (04):138-.
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    Åke Fridh: Contributions à la critique et à l'interprétation des Variae de Cassiodore. (Acta Regiae Societatis Scientiarum et Litterarum Gothoburgensis, Humaniora, 4.) Pp. 105. Stockholm: Almqvist & Wiksell, 1971. Paper, kr.20. [REVIEW]P. G. Walsh - 1974 - The Classical Review 24 (1):143-143.
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    Klaus Bergdolt: Arzt, Krankheit und Therapie bei Petrarca. Die Kritik an Medizin und Naturwissenschaft im italienischen Frühhumanismus. Weinheim: Acta humaniora 1992, XII, 364 Seiten. [REVIEW]August Buck - 1993 - Berichte Zur Wissenschaftsgeschichte 16 (3-4):304-304.
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    The Human Rights Council: A New Era in UN Human Rights Work?Yvonne Terlingen - 2007 - Ethics and International Affairs 21 (2):167-178.
    Kofi Annan did more than any UN secretary-general before him to stress the close link between human rights and peace and security. With the creation of the Human Rights Council, said Annan, "a new era in the human rights work of the United Nations has been proclaimed.".
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    Husserl, the mathematization of nature, and the informational reconstruction of quantum theory.Philipp Berghofer, Philip Goyal & Harald Wiltsche - 2020 - Continental Philosophy Review 54 (4):413-436.
    As is well known, the late Husserl warned against the dangers of reifying and objectifying the mathematical models that operate at the heart of our physical theories. Although Husserl’s worries were mainly directed at Galilean physics, the first aim of our paper is to show that many of his critical arguments are no less relevant today. By addressing the formalism and current interpretations of quantum theory, we illustrate how topics surrounding the mathematization of nature come to the fore naturally. Our (...)
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    (1 other version)Perception, Imagery, Memory and Consciousness.Magnus Johnsson - 2022 - Filozofia i Nauka 10:229-244.
    I propose and discuss some principles that I believe are substantial for perception, various kinds of memory, expectations and the capacity for imagination in the mammal brain, as well as for the design of a biologically inspired artificial cognitive architecture. I also suggest why these same principles could explain our ability to represent novel concepts and imagine non-existing and perhaps impossible objects, while there are still limits to what we can imagine and think about. Some ideas regarding how these principles (...)
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    How Literature Changes the Way We Think.Anders Pettersson - forthcoming - Notre Dame Philosophical Reviews.
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    Exploring the role of exemplarity in education: two dimensions of the teacher’s task.Morten Timmermann Korsgaard - 2019 - Ethics and Education 14 (3):271-284.
    ABSTRACTThis paper explores the role of exemplarity in education through a conceptualisation of two different dimensions of exemplarity in educational practice. Pedagogical exemplarity, which relates to the pedagogical and ethical dimension of educational practice. In other words, this dimension explores the educational moments when someone takes up an exemplary function in educational practice. Didactical exemplarity, which relates to the exemplary function of subject matter or educational content. In other words, this dimension explores the educational moments when something takes up an (...)
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    The United Nations Global Compact: What Did It Promise?Oliver F. Williams - 2014 - Journal of Business Ethics 122 (2):241-251.
    Sethi and Schepers have identified an important issue for the global economy: Providing some mechanism for requiring assurance that environmental, social, and corporate governance information provided by a business is accurate and objective. Where they have gone wrong is in trying to change the mission of the United Nations Global Compact. From its inception, the UNGC has been clear that its mission is not to provide such assurance. This article first outlines the background for the historic announcement of the UNGC (...)
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  41.  18
    Om Videnskabelig Viden: Gier, Ikker Og Ismer.Asger Sørensen - 2010 - Frederiksberg: Samfundslitteratur. Edited by Luise Li Langergaard.
    Videnskabsteori handler om krav til videnskabelig viden, og disse krav hviler på forudsætninger, der kan ekspliciteres yderligere. -/- Specielt i dag er der dog brug for en bog, der ikke blot analyserer den klassiske videnskabsteori, men i samme diskurs også forholder sig til de meget forskellige tankegange, der i dag giver sig ud for at være videnskabsteori. -/- Om videnskabelig viden til dem, der ønsker et bedre videnskabsteoretisk overblik, og til dem som ønsker at gå mere i dybden med den (...)
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  42. Kan moralfilosofin hantera riskproblemen?Sven Ove Hansson - manuscript
    Den moralfilosofiska traditionen har sina begränsningar. De frågor som stått i centrum för den moralfilosofiska diskussionen har ofta varit helt andra än de som människor i det praktiska livet har uppfattat som centrala moraliska problem. En viktig begränsning är att moralfilosofin, liksom beslutsteorin, nästan uteslutande har handlat om hur man hanterar välavgränsade problem där handlingsalternativen är givna. I det verkliga livet löser vi ofta moraliska problem genom att finna på nya handlingsalternativ, som inte fanns med från början.1 En annan (...)
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    In the Absence of Adults: Generations and Formation in Hunt for the Wilderpeople.Peter Lilja & Johan Dahlbeck - 2019 - Journal of Philosophy of Education 53 (2):407-424.
    Taika Waititi's recent film ‘Hunt for the Wilderpeople’ (2016) portrays the coming‐of‐age of a young boy, Ricky, in a world with few recognisably responsible adults. While the film does not engage explicitly with formal education, it raises several questions central for understanding education as formation, highlighting the generational aspects of educational relations and pointing to the importance of an adult world taking responsibility for the formation and upbringing of the younger generation. Departing from a discussion on the role of formation (...)
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  44. Det biologiske informationsbegreb: en licentiatafhandling i teoretisk biologi og videnskabsteori.Claus Emmeche - 1989 - Dissertation, University of Copenhagen
    "Det biologiske informationsbegreb" er et bidrag til analysen af biologiens grundlagsproblemer. Begrebet om information i levende systemer forstås oftest som den genetiske kodeskrift eller som egenskaber afledt heraf. Dette begreb indgår som kernen i en central forestilling biologien om det levendes natur, og det viser samtidig hen til begreber om skrift og tegn, som de humanistiske videnskaber omhandler. -/- Hele dette idekompleks rejser filosofiske spørgsmål, som behandles i bogen. Selvom der er tale om en afhandling i teoretisk biologi og videnskabsteori, (...)
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    The United Nations Global Compact.James E. Post - 2013 - Business and Society 52 (1):53-63.
    The author focuses attention on some of the historical antecedents of the United Nations Global Compact. Developments such as the Global Compact do not arrive “whole cloth” but require people and institutions to be in a “state of readiness” for the idea. The article discusses Secretary-General Annan’s challenge to action, the historical background of three stages of corporate social responsibility, and the future of global corporate responsibility.
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    (1 other version)Drei Humanisten des Renaissancezeitalters über Wert und Unwert der Rhetorik.Günter Gawlick - 2015 - Bochumer Philosophisches Jahrbuch Fur Antike Und Mittelalter 18 (1):130-163.
    It is well-known among historians that rhetoric was at the centre of the studia humaniora in the Italian Renaissance and an important part of education in those times. In this essay the author draws attention to three short tracts discussing the merits of rhetoric from various points of view. Ognibene da Lonigo claims in Oratio de laudibus eloquentiae that rhetoric is absolutely indispensable in all fields of human life. In Filippo Beroaldo’s Declamatio philosophi, medici et oratoris de excellentia disceptantium, (...)
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  47. Videnskabens nar: Hjernen I et Kar.Vincent Hendricks - manuscript
    Den finske filosof Jaakko Hintikka er en af det 20. århundredes mest indflydelsesrige tænkere. Han blev født i 1929 i Vantaa i Finland og studerede filosofi og matematik ved universitetet i Helsinki under Eino Kaila og G.H. von Wright. Kaila er ikke kendt af mange - om end han af sin samtid blev anset som en sand naturfilosof, kyndig i såvel humaniora som naturvidenskab - men von Wright, den finske filosof med det tyskklingende efternavn, ringer måske en klokke. For (...)
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    No Belief Is Contingently True.Ari Maunu - 2003 - Auslegung 26 (2):67-75.
    It is commonly held, plausibly, that many true beliefs are true only contingently, that is, are actually true (or true with respect to the actual world) but would be false were the world in some relevant ways otherwise (i.e. are false with respect to some other possible worlds). However, a radically different approach, according to which no belief is contingently true, is entirely defensible. The key point in this alternative approach is that each belief concerns the world in which the (...)
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    Interplanetär etik.Erik Persson - 2013 - In David Dunér (ed.), Extrema världar – Extremt liv. pp. 123-132.
    Hur bör vi bete oss mot livsformer som är väldigt annorlunda än vi? Spelar det någon roll att de är annorlunda? Spelar det någon roll hur annorlunda? Etiken sysslar med många olika frågor som alla har att göra med hur vi bör hantera det faktum att det vi gör (eller inte gör) påverkar andra än oss själv. En fråga för etiken gäller vad som gör en handling rätt. Är det till exempel effekterna av handlingen, avsikten med handlingen, eller ligger det (...)
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    Would the United States Doctrine of Preventative War be Justified as a United Nations Doctrine?Harry van der Linden - 2007 - In Philosophical Reflections on the ‘War on Terrorism. Amsterdam, New York: Rodopi Press. pp. 53-71.
    On the same day, 23 September 2003, that President George W. Bush defended his Iraq policy to the General Assembly of the United Nations, Secretary-General Kofi Annan also spoke to the Assembly. Annan reiterated his opposition to the view that states may independently be justified in using military force “preemptively” to avoid the dangers posed by the spread of weapons of mass destruction among states and terrorists, including nuclear, biological, and chemical weapons.
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