Results for ' teleological approaches to ethics'

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  1.  11
    The Features of Teleological Approaches to Virtue and Their Implications in Normative Ethics - Focusing on Aristotle’s and Kant’s Concepts of Virtue -.Young Ran Roh - 2018 - Journal Of pan-Korean Philosophical Society 90:95-124.
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    Virtue-based Approaches to Professional Ethics: a Plea for More Rigorous Use of Empirical Science.Georg Spielthenner - 2017 - Ethic@ - An International Journal for Moral Philosophy 16 (1):15-34.
    Until recently, the method of professional ethics has been largely principle-based. But the failure of this approach to take into sufficient account the character of professionals has led to a revival of virtue ethics. The kind of professional virtue ethics that I am concerned with in this paper is teleological in that it relates the virtues of a profession to the ends of this profession. My aim is to show how empirical research can be used to (...)
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  3. Functional Teleology, Biology, and Ethics.William Joseph Fitzpatrick - 1995 - Dissertation, University of California, Los Angeles
    Functional contexts have long been recognized to support evaluative judgments of a certain kind, even where there is no element of design: we speak, for example, of such things as good roots or defective hearts in connection with judgments about proper functions; an animal might even be judged defective for failing to possess a certain species-typical, functional behavioral disposition. These are obviously not moral judgments, but it is interesting to wonder whether the latter might be understood in a similar way. (...)
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    A Rational Egoism Approach to Virtue Ethics.Jeffrey Overall & Steven A. Gedeon - 2019 - Business and Professional Ethics Journal 38 (1):43-78.
    Woiceshyn showed that leaders who exhibit rational egoistic behaviors not only make decisions that lead to organizational success, but that these decisions are also ethical. Woiceshyn’s ethical decision-making model consists of seven fundamental virtues associated with rational egoism: rationality, productiveness, justice, independence, honesty, integrity, and pride. In this paper, we define the rational egoism construct using a virtues-based ethical framework. We compare and contrast the seven virtues under rational egoism with alternative interpretations that arise under altruism, deontology, and teleology in (...)
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    Right and wrong: a practical introduction to ethics.Thomas I. White - 2017 - Hoboken, NJ: Wiley-Blackwell.
    The newly updated Right and Wrong 2nd Edition is an accessible introduction to the major traditions in western philosophical ethics, written in a lively and engaging style. It is designed for entry-level ethics courses and includes real-life ethical scenarios chosen to appeal directly to students. Greatly expanded and improved, this successful text introduces students to the major ethical traditions, and provides a simple methodology for resolving ethical dilemmas Treats teleological and deontological approaches to ethics as (...)
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    An analytic approach to resolving problems in medical ethics.D. Candee & B. Puka - 1984 - Journal of Medical Ethics 10 (2):61-70.
    Education in ethics among practising professionals should provide a systematic procedure for resolving moral problems. A method for such decision-making is outlined using the two classical orientations in moral philosophy, teleology and deontology. Teleological views such as utilitarianism resolve moral dilemmas by calculating the excess of good over harm expected to be produced by each feasible alternative for action. The deontological view focuses on rights, duties, and principles of justice. Both methods are used to resolve the 1971 Johns (...)
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  7. Scepticism about the virtue ethics approach to nursing ethics.Stephen Holland - 2010 - Nursing Philosophy 11 (3):151-158.
    Nursing ethics centres on how nurses ought to respond to the moral situations that arise in their professional contexts. Nursing ethicists invoke normative approaches from moral philosophy. Specifically, it is increasingly common for nursing ethicists to apply virtue ethics to moral problems encountered by nurses. The point of this article is to argue for scepticism about this approach. First, the research question is motivated by showing that requirements on nurses such as to be kind, do not suffice (...)
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    Credentialing Character: A Virtue Ethics Approach to Professionalizing Healthcare Ethics Consultation Services.Andrea Thornton - 2024 - HEC Forum 36 (3):317-339.
    In the process of professionalization, the American Society for Bioethics and Humanities (ASBH) has emphasized process and knowledge as core competencies for clinical ethics consultants; however, the credentialing program launched in 2018 fails to address both pillars. The inadequacy of this program recalls earlier critiques of the professionalization effort made by Giles R. Scofield and H. Tristram Engelhardt, Jr.. Both argue that ethics consultation is not a profession and the effort to professionalize is motivated by self-interest. One argument (...)
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  9. Kantian Approaches to Human Reproduction: Both Favorable and Unfavorable.Lantz Fleming Miller - 2021 - Kantian Journal 40 (1):51-96.
    Recent years have seen a surge of interest in the question of whether humans should reproduce. Some say human life is too punishing and cruel to impose upon an innocent. Others hold that such harms do not undermine the great and possibly unique value of human life. Tracing these outlooks historically in the debate has barely begun. What might philosophers have said, or what did they say, about human life itself and its value to merit reproduction? This article looks to (...)
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    A multidimensional approach to finnish managers' moral decision-making.Johanna Kujala - 2001 - Journal of Business Ethics 34 (3-4):231 - 254.
    This paper analyses managers'' moral decision-making, and studies the role of ethical theories in it by following the research tradition using the multidimensional ethics scale. The research question is: what kinds of ethical dimensions do Finnish business managers reveal when they are making moral decisions, and how have these dimensions changed in the 1990s? This question is answered by examining what kinds of factors emerge when the multidimensional ethics scale is used to analyse Finnish managers'' attitudes toward moral (...)
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  11. Virtue Ethics in Business and the Capabilities Approach.Alexander Bertland - 2009 - Journal of Business Ethics 84 (S1):25 - 32.
    Recently, Amartya Sen and Martha Nussbaum have developed the capabilities approach to provide a model for understanding the effectiveness of programs to help the developing nations. The approach holds that human beings are fundamentally free and have a sense of human dignity. Therefore, institutions need to help people enhance this dignity by providing them with the opportunity to develop their capabilities freely. I argue that this approach may help support business ethics based on virtue. Since teleology has become problematic, (...)
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  12.  42
    The Effects of Deontological and Teleological Ethical Systems of Immediate Supervisors on Employee Trust.Craig B. Caldwell, Brian Pfanschmidt & Burdeane Orris - 2009 - Proceedings of the International Association for Business and Society 20:1-11.
    This research seeks to extend the literature of trust by examining whether the amount of trust that employees have in their supervisors is contingent upon the ethical system of belief utilized by their immediate supervisors. To help answer this question, it is hypothesized that employees have a greater degree of trust in immediate supervisors practicing the deontological ethical system of belief than in those practicing the teleological ethical system of belief. This study begins the search for the moral frameworks (...)
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  13.  19
    Teleology and Consequentialism in Christian Ethics: Goods, Ends, Outcomes.Ryan Darr - 2023 - Studies in Christian Ethics 36 (4):906-925.
    In his widely read book, Five Types of Ethical Theory (1930), C.D. Broad introduced the distinction between two approaches to ethics: teleology and deontology. In the second half of the twentieth century, these terms found their way into Christian ethics, giving rise to a problem. Christian ethics seems to be straightforwardly teleological, but it also seems to be straightforwardly deontological. In this article, I argue that the problem is largely a product of the way teleology (...)
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    Morality and the good life: an introduction to ethics through classical sources.Robert C. Solomon - 2008 - Boston: McGraw-Hill Higher Education. Edited by Clancy W. Martin & Wayne Vaught.
    Introduction -- What is ethics? -- Ethics and religion -- The history of ethics -- Ethical questions -- What is the good life? -- Why be good : the problem of justification -- Why be rational : the place of reason in ethics -- Which is right : ethical dilemmas -- Ethical concepts -- Universality -- Prudence and morals -- Happiness and the good -- Egoism and altruism -- Virtue and the virtues -- Facts and values (...)
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  15. The Justification of Associative Duties.Seth Lazar - 2016 - Journal of Moral Philosophy 13 (1):28-55.
    People often think that their special relationships with family, friends, comrades and compatriots, can ground moral reasons. Among these reasons, they understand some to be duties – pro tanto requirements that have genuine weight when they conflict with other considerations. In this paper I ask: what is the underlying moral structure of associative duties? I first consider and reject the orthodox Teleological Welfarist account, which first observes that special relationships are fundamental for human well-being, then claims that we cannot (...)
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  16. The practice of medical ethics: A structuralistic approach.William J. Ellos - 1984 - Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics 5 (3).
    Structuralist ethics is an alternative to utilitarianism and deontology. But it also incorporates these ethical approaches in a larger frame. Rule utilitarianism and rule deontology are correlated to psychological thought factors and phenotypical biological factors. Act utilitarianism and act deontology are correlated to emotive psychological factors and genotypical biological factors. A teleology links all six factors. While the roots of this teleology are Aristotelian, use of the techniques of the linguistics of genetic epistemology provides a working model not (...)
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  17. Nietzsche's Functional Disagreement with Stoicism: Eternal Recurrence, Ethical Naturalism, and Teleology.James Mollison - 2021 - History of Philosophy Quarterly 38 (2):175-195.
    Several scholars align Nietzsche’s philosophy with Stoicism because of their naturalist approaches to ethics and doctrines of eternal recurrence. Yet this alignment is difficult to reconcile with Nietzsche’s criticisms of Stoicism’s ethical ideal of living according to nature by dispassionately accepting fate—so much so that some conclude that Nietzsche’s rebuke of Stoicism undermines his own philosophical project. I argue that affinities between Nietzsche and Stoicism belie deeper disagreement about teleology, which, in turn, yields different understandings of nature and (...)
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  18. Applying Ethical Concepts to the Study of “Green” Consumer Behavior: An Analysis of Chinese Consumers’ Intentions to Bring their Own Shopping Bags.Ricky Y. K. Chan, Y. H. Wong & T. K. P. Leung - 2007 - Journal of Business Ethics 79 (4):469-481.
    Drawing on the general ethics and social psychology literature, this study presents a model to delineate the major factors likely to affect consumers’ intentions to bring their own shopping bags when visiting a supermarket (called “bring your own bags” or “BYOB” intention). The model is empirically validated using a survey of 250 Chinese consumers. Overall, the findings support the hypothesized direct influence of teleological evaluation and habit on BYOB intention, as well as that of deontological evaluation and (...) evaluation on ethical judgment about the BYOB practice. Teleological evaluation exerts a much stronger influence on ethical judgment than does deontological evaluation. In addition, the findings reveal that consumers who perceive the BYOB practice to be more important are more inclined to rely on their ethical judgment to derive their BYOB intention. Academically, these findings provide some encouraging evidence for the application of general ethics theories to explain green consumption-related practices. Practically, the findings also suggest that a utilitarian approach (i.e., emphasizing the consequences of BYOB) may represent an effective means for the Chinese government to promote BYOB practice among consumers. (shrink)
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  19.  59
    A Teleological Approach to the Wicked Problem of Managing Utría National Park.Nicolás Acosta García, Katharine N. Farrell, Hannu I. Heikkinen & Simo Sarkki - 2017 - Environmental Values 26 (5):583-605.
    Utría National Park is a remote biodiversity hotspot in Colombia. It encompasses ancestral territories of the Embera indigenous peoples and borders territories of Afro-descendant communities in El Valle. We explore environmental value conflicts regarding the use of the park, describing them as a Wicked Problem that has no clear solution. Juxtaposing how the territory is perceived by different communities, we employ Faber et al.'s heuristic of the three tele of living nature to search for deficiency in the third telos, service, (...)
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  20.  24
    A Teleological Approach to Information Systems Design.Mattia Fumagalli, Roberta Ferrario & Giancarlo Guizzardi - 2024 - Minds and Machines 34 (3):1-35.
    In recent years, the design and production of information systems have seen significant growth. However, these information artefacts often exhibit characteristics that compromise their reliability. This issue appears to stem from the neglect or underestimation of certain crucial aspects in the application of Information Systems Design (ISD). For example, it is frequently difficult to prove when one of these products does not work properly or works incorrectly (falsifiability), their usage is often left to subjective experience and somewhat arbitrary choices (anecdotes), (...)
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    Ethics, Human Oocytes and the Teleology of the Body: An Appreciation of Gilbert Meilaender’s Work.Paul Lauritzen - 2017 - Studies in Christian Ethics 30 (2):133-143.
    Gilbert Meilaender has been an important contributor to the field of bioethics for decades. His insistence that there is a natural teleology of the body that should constrain ambitions of the will in bioethics deserves careful attention. This article examines the idea of a natural teleology of the body as it applies to human oocytes. It argues that approaching human eggs in terms of their telos rather than their moral status is useful. The article examines how Meilaender deploys the idea (...)
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  22. Spinoza’s Conatus: A Teleological Reading of Its Ethical Dimension.Neşe Aksoy - 2021 - Conatus 6 (2):107-130.
    In this article I examine how a teleological (or purposive) reading of Spinoza’s conatus shapes the ethical framework of his philosophy. I first introduce Spinoza’s criticism of teleology and argue contra many critics that Spinoza has a mild approach to human teleology. On the basis of this idea, I develop the claim that the human conatus includes purposive elements such that it is envisioned as a purposive being that is oriented towards the adequate knowledge of Nature or God, the (...)
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    Phenomenological Approaches to Ethics and Information Technology.Lucas Introna - 2017 - Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
    Information and communication technology is changing many aspects ofhuman endeavour and existence. This is beyond dispute for most. Whatare contested are the social and ethical implications of thesechanges. Possible sources of these disputes are the multiple ways inwhich one can conceptualize and interpret the informationtechnology/society interrelationship. Each of these ways ofconceptualization and interpretation enables one to see theinformation technology/society relationship differently and thereforeconstrue its social and ethical implications in a different manner. Atthe center of this technology/society interrelationship we find manycomplex (...)
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  24.  31
    The Teleological Approach to Spinoza.Raymond McCall - 1943 - New Scholasticism 17 (2):134-155.
  25.  21
    The Ethical Significance of Corporate Teleology.Daniel D. Singer & Raymond Smith - 1997 - Journal of Human Values 3 (1):81-89.
    The most common corporate reaction to public concern over the ethics of their business practices and the sensitivity of their organization to social expectations is to promote policies and rules designed to bring about a set of socially responsive behaviours and actions. The result of this corporate deontological approach is to create a teleopathic culture that relieves decision makers from the personal responsibil ity for the consequences of their actions and widens the gap between how society expects business to (...)
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  26. Ethical issues in electronic performance monitoring: A consideration of deontological and teleological perspectives. [REVIEW]G. Stoney Alder - 1998 - Journal of Business Ethics 17 (7):729-743.
    Extensive and growing use of electronic performance monitoring in organizations has resulted in considerable debate. Advocates of electronic monitoring approach the debate in teleological terms arguing that monitoring benefits organizations, customers, and society. Its critics approach the issue in deontological terms countering that monitoring is dehumanizing, invades worker privacy, increases stress and worsens health, and decreases work-life quality. In contrast to this win-lose approach, this paper argues that an approach which emphasizes communication in the design and implementation of monitoring (...)
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  27. Approaches to Ethics for Corporate Crisis Management.Per Sandin - 2008 - Journal of Business Ethics 87 (1):109-116.
    The ethics of corporate crisis management is a seriously underdeveloped field. Among recent proposals in the area, two contributions stand out: Seeger and Ulmer’s (2001) virtue ethics approach to crisis management ethics and Simola’s (2003) ethics of care. In the first part of the paper, I argue that both contributions are problematic: Seeger and Ulmer focus on top management and propose virtues that lack substance and are in need of further development. Simola’s proposal is also fraught (...)
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  28. Approaches to ethics: nursing beyond boundaries.Verena Tschudin (ed.) - 2003 - New York: Butterworth-Heinemann.
    This book takes a wider approach to ethics, looking at several different dimensions and discussing these themes in a manner suitable for either reflective ...
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    Clinical Ethics: A Practical Approach to Ethical Decisions in Clinical Medicine.Henry Aranow, Albert R. Jonsen, Mark Siegler & William J. Winslade - 1983 - Hastings Center Report 13 (1):32.
    Book reviewed in this article: Clinical Ethics: A Practical Approach to Ethical Decisions in Clinical Medicine. By Albert R. Jonsen, Mark Siegler, and William J. Winslade.
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  30. The Teleological and Deontological Structures of Action: Aristotle and/or Kant?Paul Ricoeur - 1987 - Royal Institute of Philosophy Lecture Series 21:99-111.
    It is usually assumed in moral philosophy that a teleological approach, as exemplified by Aristotle's ethics of virtue, and a deontological approach, as heralded by Kant's ethics of duty, are incompatible; either the good or the right, to designate these two major traditions by their emblematic predicates. My purpose in this paper is to show that a theory of action, broadly understood, may provide the appropriate framework of thought within which justice can be done to both the (...)
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    A Teleological Approach to the Ontological Status of Human Cerebral Organoids.Takuya Niikawa, Yoshiyuki Hayashi & Tsutomu Sawai - 2023 - American Journal of Bioethics Neuroscience 14 (2):204-206.
    In the target article, Zilio and Lavazza (2023) persuasively argue that an ontological analysis of human cerebral organoids (HCOs) is necessary to identify their moral status. Although they also pr...
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    Beyond regulatory approaches to ethics: making space for ethical preparedness in healthcare research.Kate Lyle, Susie Weller, Gabby Samuel & Anneke M. Lucassen - 2023 - Journal of Medical Ethics 49 (5):352-356.
    Centralised, compliance-focused approaches to research ethics have been normalised in practice. In this paper, we argue that the dominance of such systems has been driven by neoliberal approaches to governance, where the focus on controlling and individualising risk has led to an overemphasis of decontextualised ethical principles and the conflation of ethical requirements with the documentation of ‘informed consent’. Using a UK-based case study, involving a point-of-care-genetic test as an illustration, we argue that rather than ensuring ethical (...)
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    An approach to ethical communication from the point of view of management responsibilities. The importance of communication in organisations.Carlos M. Moreno - 2010 - Ramon Llull Journal of Applied Ethics 1 (1):97.
    In the so-called knowledge society, communication plays a key role in organizations. In traditional societies, the exchange of personal communication was conducted _face to face_. The development of new technologies has expanded the possibilities of transmitting more information within organizations and faster. Technology has brought greater opportunities for collective communication, as well as greater information management. The impact of these factors has led to some very significant changes in the business world. In these processes of change, within organizations, the role (...)
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    A psychological approach to ethical reality.Kenneth P. Hillner - 2000 - New York: Elsevier.
    The pre-eminent 19th century British ethicist, Henry Sidgwick once said: "All important ethical notions are also psychological, except perhaps the fundamental antitheses of 'good' and 'bad' and 'wrong', with which psychology, as it treats of what is and not of what ought to be, is not directly concerned" (quoted in T.N. Tice and T.P. Slavens, 1983). Sidgwick's statement can be interpreted to mean that psychology is relevant for ethics or that psychological knowledge contributes to the construction of an ethical (...)
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  35. Life-Based Teleology and the Foundations of Ethics.Harry Binswanger - 1992 - The Monist 75 (1):84-103.
    To approach the issue of teleology, I will focus on what I regard as the fundamental form of teleological causation: goal-directed action. What is “goal-directed action,” and what kinds of entities act goal-directedly? Consider some representative processes.
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  36. Shifting perspectives: A new approach to ethics.Sheila Mullett - 1988 - In Christine Overall, Sheila Mullett & Lorraine Code (eds.), Feminist Perspectives: Philosophical Essays on Method and Morals. University of Toronto Press. pp. 109--126.
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    A Pragmatic Approach to Ethical Decision-Making in Engineering Practice: Characteristics, Evaluation Criteria, and Implications for Instruction and Assessment.Qin Zhu & Brent K. Jesiek - 2017 - Science and Engineering Ethics 23 (3):663-679.
    This paper begins by reviewing dominant themes in current teaching of professional ethics in engineering education. In contrast to more traditional approaches that simulate ethical practice by using ethical theories to reason through micro-level ethical dilemmas, this paper proposes a pragmatic approach to ethics that places more emphasis on the practical plausibility of ethical decision-making. In addition to the quality of ethical justification, the value of a moral action also depends on its effectiveness in solving an ethical (...)
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  38. The Evolutionary Approach to Ethics.Gerard J. Dalcourt - 1973 - The Thomist 37 (2):341.
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    Trust and Dialogue: Theoretical Approaches to Ethics Auditing.Domingo García-Marzá - 2005 - Journal of Business Ethics 57 (3):209-219.
    . The aim of this paper is to put forward an ethical framework for the conceptualization and development of ethics audits, here understood as a catalyst for company dialogue and in general, for management of ethics in the company. Ethics auditing is understood as the opportunity and agreement to devise a system to inform on ethical corporate behavior. This system essentially aims to increase the transparency and credibility of the companys commitment to ethics. At the same (...)
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  40. Teleology and Normativity.Matthew Silverstein - 2016 - Oxford Studies in Metaethics 11:214-240.
    Constitutivists seek to locate the metaphysical foundations of ethics in nonnormative facts about what is constitutive of agency. For most constitutivists, this involves grounding authoritative norms in the teleological structure of agency. Despite a recent surge in interest, the philosophical move at the heart of this sort of constitutivism remains underdeveloped. Some constitutivists—Foot, Thomson, and Korsgaard (at least in her recent *Self-Constitution*)—adopt a broadly Aristotelian approach. They claim that the functional nature of agency grounds normative judgments about agents (...)
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  41. The historical approach to ethics, especially those of Christianity.Basil Mitchell - 1969 - In F. J. G. Ebling (ed.), Biology and ethics. New York,: Published for the Institute of Biology by Academic Press. pp. 37-43.
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    An approach to ethics.Ethelbert Lovett - 1958 - Baltimore?: Baltimore?.
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    Ethics in Light of Childhood.David Cloutier - 2012 - Journal of the Society of Christian Ethics 32 (1):195-196.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Ethics in Light of ChildhoodDavid Cloutier (bio)Review of Ethics in Light of Childhood John Wall Washington, D.C.: Georgetown University Press, 2010. 204 pp. $34.95.John Wall’s ambitious volume contends that “considerations of childhood should not only have greater importance but fundamentally transform how morality is understood” (1). He rightly suggests that “the story of childhood cannot be told in one-dimensional formulas of either innocence and vulnerability or (...)
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  44. (1 other version)Approaches to ethics.William Thomas Jones - 1969 - New York,: McGraw-Hill.
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    The Psychological Basis of Moral Judgments: Philosophical and Empirical Approaches to Moral Relativism.John J. Park - 2021 - New York, NY: Routledge.
    This volume examines the psychological basis of moral judgments and what theories of concepts apply to moral ones. It considers what mental states not only influence but also constitute our moral concepts and judgments by combining philosophical reasoning and empirical insights from the fields of moral psychology, cognitive science, evolutionary psychology, and neuroscience. On this basis, Park proposes a novel pluralistic theory of moral concepts which includes three different cognitive structures and emotions. Thus, our moral judgments are a hybrid that (...)
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  46. A sensemaking approach to ethics training for scientists: Preliminary evidence of training effectiveness.Michael D. Mumford, Shane Connelly, Ryan P. Brown, Stephen T. Murphy, Jason H. Hill, Alison L. Antes, Ethan P. Waples & Lynn D. Devenport - 2008 - Ethics and Behavior 18 (4):315 – 339.
    In recent years, we have seen a new concern with ethics training for research and development professionals. Although ethics training has become more common, the effectiveness of the training being provided is open to question. In the present effort, a new ethics training course was developed that stresses the importance of the strategies people apply to make sense of ethical problems. The effectiveness of this training was assessed in a sample of 59 doctoral students working in the (...)
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    Theology, Praxis, and Ethics in the Thought of Juan Luis Segundo, S.J.Joel Zimbelman - 1993 - The Thomist 57 (2):233-267.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:THEOLOGY, PRAXIS, AND ETHICS IN THE THOUGHT OF JUAN LUIS SEGUNDO, S.J. JOEL ZIMBELMAN California State University, Chico Chico, California I. Introduction JESUS OF NAZARETH Yesterday and Today is Juan Luis Segundo's most recent contribution in an on-going effort to forge a distinctive post-conciliar catholic theology.1· This five-volume work establishes Segundo as one of the most prolific, methodologically sophisticated, and constructive Catholic theologians of this century. In these (...)
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    Eudaimonism, Teleology, and the Pursuit of Happiness.John M. Connolly - 2009 - Faith and Philosophy 26 (3):274-296.
    Recent interest among both philosophers and the wider public in the tradition of virtue ethics often takes its inspiration from Aristotle or from Thomas Aquinas. In this essay I briefly outline the ethical approaches of these two towering figures, and then describe more fully the virtue ethics of Meister Eckhart, a medieval thinker who admired, though critically, both Aristotle and Aquinas. His related but distinctively original approach to the virtuous life is marked by a striking and seemingly (...)
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    A Pauline Approach to Ethical Decision-Making.John F. Kilner - 1989 - Interpretation: A Journal of Bible and Theology 43 (4):366-379.
    While there is much in Paul's letters that is hard to understand, his approach to ethical decision-making consistently reflects three characteristics It is God-centered, reality-bounded, and love-impelled, and all three are rooted in the trustworthy character and purposes of God.
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    Things that happen because they should: a teleological approach to action.Rowland Stout - 1996 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    Rowland Stout presents a new philosophical account of human action which is radically and controversially different from all rival theories. He argues that intentional actions are unique among natural phenomena in that they happen because they should happen, and that they are to be explained in terms of objective facts rather than beliefs and intentions.
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