Results for ' tabloids.'

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  1.  60
    Tabloid shocker.Julian Baggini - 2005 - Think 4 (10):87-92.
    Julian Baggini has managed to lay his hands on some newspaper articles from the future.
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    (1 other version)Biomedical science in supermarket tabloids.Allan Mazur - 1989 - Knowledge, Technology & Policy 2 (3):74-81.
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  3. Tsc tucson tabloid.Minds Did Wander - 2010 - Journal of Consciousness Studies 17 (5-6):189-212.
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    Scientific Writing Between Tabloid Storytelling, Arcane Formulaic Hermetism, and Narrative Knowledge.Michael Böhler - 2018 - Journal for General Philosophy of Science / Zeitschrift für Allgemeine Wissenschaftstheorie 49 (4):551-567.
    The present discussion contribution argues that O. Müller not only suppresses Goethe’s declared intentions with regard to the latter’s Theory of Colors and ignores his place in what in any case is a different scientific culture than his own or Newton’s, namely a premodern culture of “narrative knowledge” in the sense specified by Lyotard. Moreover, Müller entangles himself in the paradox of wanting on the one hand to back up Goethe on the level of fact when the latter opposes the (...)
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    The bioethics tabloids: How professional ethicists have fallen for the myth of tertiary transmitted heterosexual AIDS. [REVIEW]Udo Schüklenk, David Mertz & Juliet Richters - 1995 - Health Care Analysis 3 (1):27-36.
    The hysteria and misconceptions about AIDS which are fostered and held by the popular press have been accepted uncritically by many bioethicists, who have not bothered to explore popular empirical claims in sufficient depth. As a result, and because ethicists attempt tosell moral problems in a manner not much different from the way the popular press attempt tosell newspapers, artificial dilemmas have been produced in professional journals. We concentrate on just one popular misconception about AIDS-that the hetersexual incidence of the (...)
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    Killer, Thief or Companion? A Corpus-Based Study of Dementia Metaphors in UK Tabloids.Gavin Brookes - 2023 - Metaphor and Symbol 38 (3):213-230.
    This article examines the metaphors that are used to represent dementia in British tabloid newspapers over a ten-year period (2010–2019). The analysis takes a corpus-based approach to metaphor identification and analysis, utilizing in particular the corpus linguistic technique of collocation analysis. Metaphors are considered in terms of the ‘targets’ they frame, which include the following aspects of dementia: (i.) prevalence; (ii.) causes; (iii.) symptoms and prognosis; (iv.) lived experience; and (v.) responses. A range of metaphors are identified, with the tabloids (...)
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  7. Time to bring back the stocks?: The hollow victory of tabloid justice.John Wilson - 2013 - Ethos: Official Publication of the Law Society of the Australian Capital Territory 227:14.
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    Reading 'Terror': Reflections on François Debrix, Tabloid Terror: War, Culture, and Geopolitics.Upendra Baxi - 2009 - Theory and Event 12 (3).
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    Franglais : la marque de fabrique de la presse à scandale française.Elodie Martin - 2019 - Corela. Cognition, Représentation, Langage 17.
    Cet article vise à développer de quelles manières et pour quelles raisons le franglais, en règle générale décrié, est utilisé dans les tabloïdes français qui ont également mauvaise presse. Via un corpus constitué de gros titres, titres, et extraits d’articles provenant des magazines en ligne de presse à scandale français Closer, Gala, Grazia, Paris Match, Public, Purepeople, et Voici, nous débutons notre analyse par une première partie consacrée aux spécificités du franglais appliquées à la presse à sensation française, à savoir (...)
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  10. Revelations: a sociology of uncovering.Brian Rappert - 2025 - New York, NY: Routledge.
    From tabloid headlines to scientific discoveries to investigative documentaries, the claim that truth is being revealed is commonplace today. Such attention-grabbing claims can conjure allure, sell products, launch careers, cement authority and much more besides. And yet, despite the familiarity of revelation-talk, this notion has been subject to limited academic theorizing to date outside of matters divine. Revelations sets out to examine both how the making available through revealing is accomplished as well as the implications of revealing. In other words, (...)
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    Media coverage of education.Mike Baker - 1994 - British Journal of Educational Studies 42 (3):286-297.
    The middle-market tabloid newspapers in Britain help to shape a perception of teachers and state schools that is mostly negative and derisory. This article provides examples of this bias in newspaper reportage based on a case study of an annual teacher union conference and journalists' different interpretations of events generally.
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  12. Why Should Inquiring Minds Want to Know?Jonathan Kvanvig - 1998 - The Monist 81 (3):426-451.
    National Enquirer commercials tell us that some people want to know. I have no idea what such a desire has to do with reading tabloid journalism, but the avowal of wanting to know interests me. Maybe this desire is shared by all; at the very least, curiosity is universal. Curiosity may amount to a desire for knowledge, or perhaps it might be explained in other terms, such as a desire for understanding or for finding the truth. Perhaps none of these, (...)
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  13. Caveat emptor (reply to essays on consciousness explained - reply to Mangan, Toribio, Baars and mcgovern) in.Daniel Dennett - 1993 - Consciousness and Cognition 2 (1):48-57.
    What I find particularly valuable in the juxtaposition of these three essays on my book is the triangulation made possible by their different versions of much the same story. I present my view as a product of cognitive science, but all three express worries that it may involve some sort of ominous backsliding towards the evils of behaviorism. I agree with Baars and McGovern when they suggest that philosophy has had some baleful influences on psychology during this century. Logical positivism (...)
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    Towards a pragma-linguistic framework for the study of sensationalism in news headlines.Katarzyna Molek-Kozakowska - 2013 - Discourse and Communication 7 (2):173-197.
    This article sets out a framework for a language-oriented analysis of sensationalism in news media. Sensationalism is understood here as a discourse strategy of ‘packaging’ information in news headlines in such a way that news items are presented as more interesting, extraordinary and relevant than might be the case. Unlike previous content analyses of sensational coverage, this study demonstrates how sensationalism is instantiated through specific illocutions, semantic macrostructures, narrative formulas, evaluation parameters, and interpersonal and textual devices. Examples are drawn from (...)
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    A survey on gender-based violence – The paradox of trust between women and men in South Africa: A missiological scrutiny.Zuze J. Banda - 2020 - HTS Theological Studies 76 (1):9.
    South Africa continues to be plagued by gender-based violence (GBV). Recurring incidents of GBV cram news tabloids, social and electronic media, creating the impression of a country at war with itself. Of great concern is that, at the centre of these killings, men are allegedly the main culprits. This then has unleashed national protest campaigns, one notably, by the name #menaretrash, led by activists, mostly women, who angrily voice their disquiet against men. As a response, it was followed by another, (...)
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  16. Scratches on the Face of the Country; Or, What Mr. Barrow Saw in the Land of the Bushmen.Mary Louise Pratt - 1985 - Critical Inquiry 12 (1):119-143.
    If the discourse of manners and customs aspires to a stable fixing of subjects and systems of differences, however, its project is not and never can be complete. This is true if only for the seemingly trivial reason that manners-and-customs descriptions seldom occur on their own as discrete texts. They usually appear embedded in or appended to a superordinate genre, whether a narrative, as in travel books and much ethnography, or an assemblage, as in anthologies and magazines.6 In the case (...)
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    (1 other version)Logic for Lunatics.Gregory Wheeler - unknown
    A sound and complete axiomatization of two philosophy tabloids is given, Leiter Logic (KB) and Deontic Leiter Logic (KDB), in single agent format, the latter of which can be extended to Shame Game Logic for multiple players. The (B) schema captures the mechanism of tabloid inference, illustrating the perils of interpreting a provability operator as an epistemic modal. To mark this hazard, and to preserve Brouwer's good name, the (B) schema interpreted to govern epistemic modals should be called The Blog (...)
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    The relationship between differential media exposure and attitudes towards Muslims and Islam and the potential consequences on voting intention towards banning veiling in public.Franzisca Schmidt, Dorothee Arlt & Beatrice Eugster - 2023 - Communications 48 (1):68-92.
    This article focuses on how exposure to different media genres relates to two components of attitudes, Muslims as a group and Islam as a religion. It also highlights how these components mediate the relationship between media exposure and behavioral intention, namely voting intention towards banning veiling in public spaces. The analysis builds on an online survey conducted in Switzerland. We found that exposure to specific media genres is not equally associated with attitudes towards Muslims versus attitudes towards Islam. Contrary to (...)
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    Media populism and the life-cycle of the Norwegian Progress Party.Juha Herkman & Bente Kalsnes - 2023 - Communications 48 (2):315-335.
    The paper examines the media attention given to the Norwegian Progress Party (FrP) during the parliamentary elections in which it participated between 1973 and 2017. Particular attention is paid to the ideas of media populism and the so-called life-cycle model that outlines the relationship between the different media types and a populist movement regarding its life span. Our data consist of media coverage of the parliamentary election campaigns in Norway in Verdens Gang’s (tabloid) and Aftenposten’s (legacy) newspapers between 1973 and (...)
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    personalization of campaign communication: Individualization and hierarchization in party press releases and media coverage in the 2008 Austrian parliamentary election campaign.Georg Winder & Günther Lengauer - 2013 - Communications 38 (1):13-39.
    To restructure and systematize the concept of personalization, in this study we introduce a two-dimensional and relational typology of personalization of political representation, comprising a horizontal as well as a vertical dimension, and put it to an empirical test. We concertedly utilize content analyses of political newspaper and television coverage as well as of party press releases during the 2008 Austrian election campaign. With regard to the Austrian case, the findings outline that personalization of political representation is not a universal (...)
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    Post-Sensationalism: Catastrophism and Fight Paradigm in Romanian On-Line Media.Simona Bader & Corina Sîrb - 2021 - Postmodern Openings 12 (4):01-17.
    In traditional journalism, sensationalism was a characteristic of tabloid press. The main instruments used in sensationalistic headlines were bombastic epithets, and exaggerations used to increase the impact by curiosity. In the last decade, transformation with society and online media consumption behaviour have triggered a change of paradigm: we believe that we are facing a post-sensationalism media narrative, defined by catastrophism and the fight paradigm. In the context of a huge news feed overloaded with information, in the purpose of increasing the (...)
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    Stylization, Authenticity and TV News Review.Nikolas Coupland - 2001 - Discourse Studies 3 (4):413-442.
    Mainstream news broadcasting pursues an authentication project, to bolster its claims to serious, weighty and factual news reporting. News review contributes to this project when it seeks to humanize front-stage news personnel. It moves away from the traditional, institutionalized concern with `authenticity-from-above' and works to generate `authenticity-from-below'. As an extreme instance of resistance to the `from-above' formulation, this article considers data from a televised UK weekday morning show, The Big Breakfast, and specifically its `review of the papers' slot. The show's (...)
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    Discursive news values analysis: the case of Liz Truss’ representation in the British press.Ester Di Silvestro & Marco Venuti - 2024 - Lodz Papers in Pragmatics 20 (2):249-270.
    This paper focuses on the news representation of Liz Truss by the British press, starting from the identification of news values. In addition, our analysis investigates the portrayal of Truss as a gendered social actor. The data were retrieved online through the resource LexisNexis – using the keyword “Truss” in headlines and lead paragraphs in both British broadsheets and tabloids – during three crucial days: 10 July 2022, the day Truss announced her candidacy for the leadership of the Conservative Party (...)
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    The politics we live by: Leveson and women.Jennifer Hornsby - unknown
    If ‘Leveson and Women’ were a headline in a tabloid newspaper, a salacious story would probably follow. ‘Leveson and Women’ is my title, but I have nothing salacious to say, although I shall talk about the scandalous behaviour of the British press. I gave evidence to the Leveson Inquiry into the culture, practice and ethics of the press. I write here about how I came to do so, about how the inquiry came into being, and about the controversy that the (...)
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    Czy Polska powinna pomóc Grecji? Relacja z debaty polityczno-ekonomicznej 2010-2012.Jerzy Kropiwnicki - 2015 - Annales. Ethics in Economic Life 18 (1):127-147.
    This question raised emotions in Poland in 2010-2012. They began with the statement by the Prime Minister in March 2010 that Poland was ready to participate in a program of assistance to Greece. It evoked very strong reactions – not only in debates in conferences halls and in professional journals, but also in the tabloids and on TV and the radio. It was not only politicians and academic experts in economics who took part in those debates, but also the editors (...)
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    Decoding the Crime Scene Photograph: Seeing and Narrating the Death of a Gangster.Anita Lam - 2019 - International Journal for the Semiotics of Law - Revue Internationale de Sémiotique Juridique 34 (1):173-190.
    Because Arthur ‘Weegee’ Fellig’s crime scene photographs have become the standard for visually representing crime scenes in popular culture, this paper examines the extra-legal lives of two of his images, both of which were produced at the site of a gangster’s death in 1936. To decode the crime scene photograph is to interrogate the ways in which we make sense of crime through seeing and narrating. To that end, this paper charts how these two crime images were contextualized first in (...)
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    Today and Tomorrow Volume 15 Society & the State: It Isn't Done: Taboos Among the British Islanders Stentor or the Press of Today and Tomorrow Nuntius or the Future of Advertising Cato or the Future of Censorship.Ockham Lyall - 2008 - Routledge.
    It Isn’t Done Taboo Among the British Islanders Archibald Lyall Originally published in 1930 "An admirably brisk attack on taboos." Observer "An amusingly provocative little essay." Bystander A witty and interesting contribution to the study of what may and may not be done in the British Isles. 90pp Stentor Or the Press of Today and Tomorrow David Ockham Originally published in 1927 "Vigorous and well-written, eminently readable." Yorkshire Post This volume analyzes the press of the early twentieth century, and what (...)
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    Knowing Better: Sex, Cultural Criticism, and the Pedagogical Imperative in the 1990s.Jeffrey Wallen & Richard Burt - 1999 - Diacritics 29 (1):72-91.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Knowing Better: Sex, Cultural Criticism, and the Pedagogical Imperative in the 1990sRichard Burt (bio) and Jeffrey Wallen (bio)Teacher Petting“A distinguished professor and her graduate student French-kissed in front of a semicircle of gaping students. Were they furthering ‘an exploration of the erotics of the relation between teacher and student’ as the professor says—or was it part of a pattern of sexual harassment as the student later charged?” So ran (...)
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    ‘Lose weight, save the NHS’: Discourses of obesity in press coverage of COVID-19.Gavin Brookes - 2022 - Critical Discourse Studies 19 (6):629-647.
    This article examines the discourses that are used by the British press to represent obesity in its coverage of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19). Obesity is understood to be a risk factor for COVID-19, with people with obesity being more likely to die from the virus. This study adopts a corpus-based approach to Critical Discourse Studies and utilises a novel approach to keyword analysis, based on comparing analysis corpora against two reference corpora in order to yield keywords that are, in this (...)
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    Predicting news decisions. An empirical test of the two-component theory of news selection.Simone Christine Ehmig & Hans Mathias Kepplinger - 2006 - Communications 31 (1):25-43.
    The purpose of this study is to test the two-component theory of news selection. Its components are news factors included in articles and news values of news factors. It is assumed that news factors have different news values for various media outlets. The theory was tested comparing the empirical with the theoretical newsworthiness of news stories. First, news values of five news factors for national quality papers, regional papers, and tabloids were identified. Then, based on theory, the theoretical newsworthiness of (...)
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    Ethics and news making in the changing indian mediascape.Shakuntala Rao & Navjit Singh Johal - 2006 - Journal of Mass Media Ethics 21 (4):286 – 303.
    The Indian mediascape has dramatically changed in the past 15 years. Gradual privatization and deregulation have resulted in increased entertainment-driven rather than public-service oriented news. This article explores the ethical issues Indian journalists face in such a globalized media environment. Our research was based on interactive workshops we conducted in various Indian cities. Findings from these workshops reveal that although journalists encounter serious ethical issues, media ethics is not a topic being widely discussed in Indian newsrooms and TV stations. Marketing (...)
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    Media framing of immigrants in Central Europe in the period surrounding the refugee crisis: Security, negativity, and political sources.Jan Kovář - 2023 - Communications 48 (1):5-27.
    This article investigates how all the main quality and tabloid newspapers and the television newscasts of the main broadcasters in Czechia and Slovakia framed immigrants, what the tone of the employed frames was, and who the main framing actors were before and during the EU refugee crisis (2013–2016). Using quantitative content analysis (N = 7,910), we show that security and cultural frames are most commonly employed while the victimization frame is much less common. Whereas tabloids use the security and cultural (...)
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    Press protest and publics: The agency of publics in newspaper campaigns.Jen Birks - 2010 - Discourse and Communication 4 (1):51-67.
    Campaign advocacy is a common but rarely researched practice in British tabloid journalism. Newspaper campaigns give an account of ‘public opinion’ to politicians, make explicit claims to speak for ‘the public’ and authentically represent them, and also address readers in an unconventional way in order to recruit their support. This article therefore examines the effect to which agency is attributed to readers and other publics in two such campaigns, and argues that publics were portrayed as active only in relation to (...)
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    Interviewing a right-wing populist leader during the 2019 EU elections: Conflictual situations and equivocation beyond borders.Christian Lamour - 2021 - Discourse and Communication 15 (1):59-73.
    Populist leaders and their radical policies attract the interest of the media across borders. The aim of the current article is to uncover whether interviews centered on one populist leader, but involving interviewers located in different European countries, lead to the same production of populist equivocation across the EU. In addition, two types of journalistic elements that can explain potential differences are investigated: the broad interactions between the media and politicians in a given country, or the reporters belonging to a (...)
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    Fatsoen.Nurcholish Majid - 2002 - Jakarta: Penerbit Republika.
    Ethics and basic moral principles according to Islam; collection of articles previously published in Tekad tabloid.
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    Obstacles or motors of Europeanization? German media and the transnationalization of public debate.Barbara Pfetsch & Ruud Koopmans - 2006 - Communications 31 (2):115-138.
    This article aims to contribute to the discussion on the Europeanization of public spheres. It is the starting point for an investigation into the role of the media in transnational debate in Germany. The study aims to determine whether the media function as either a motor of or an obstacle to Europeanization of national public debate, compared to other actors. Drawing on empirical data from the project ‘The transformation of political mobilisation and communication in European public spheres’, we analyze the (...)
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    Who Killed the Princess? Description and Blame in the British Press.Derek Edwards & Katie Macmillan - 1999 - Discourse Studies 1 (2):151-174.
    We examine the British newspapers' coverage of the death of Princess Diana and its immediate aftermath. Our main focus is on how the press dealt with the issue of their own potential culpability, as a feature of news reporting itself. The press deployed a series of descriptive categories and rhetorical oppositions, including regular press vs paparazzi; tabloid vs broadsheet; British vs foreign; supply vs demand ; and a number of general purpose devices such as a contrast between emotional reactions and (...)
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    Class and Feminine Excess: The Strange Case of Anna Nicole Smith.Jeffrey A. Brown - 2005 - Feminist Review 81 (1):74-94.
    Cultural concerns about race, class and beauty often intersect with mass-mediated depictions of the female body. Drawing on Foucault's theories about disciplining the public body, this article examines the changing public perception of Anna Nicole Smith from an ideal beauty to a white trash stereotype. This analysis argues that Smith's very public weight gains, her outrageous behaviour and her legal battle for her late husband's fortune is presented in the media as an example of inappropriate conduct for a white beauty (...)
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    Militant, annoying and sexy: a corpus-based study of representations of vegans in the British press.Gavin Brookes & Małgorzata Chałupnik - 2023 - Critical Discourse Studies 20 (2):218-236.
    This article examines discourse representations of vegans in UK newspapers, comparing broadsheets with tabloids published between 2016 and 2020. Taking a corpus-based approach to CDA, we identify a series of discourses, some of which overlap between the broadsheets and tabloids while others are particular to one format or the other. Vegans tend to be evaluated negatively in this context, portrayed as violent, hypocritical, pushy and irresponsible when it comes to their (and their children’s) health. Such representations are characteristic of the (...)
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    The 2015 refugee crisis, uncertainty and the media: Representations of refugees, asylum seekers and immigrants in Austrian and French media.Hajo Boomgaarden & Anita Gottlob - 2020 - Communications 45 (s1):841-863.
    Media coverage of migration and migrants can exert considerable influence on the public’s understanding of and attitudes towards migration. During the peak of what has been called ‘the refugee crisis’ in 2015, heated discussions about immigration and its possible impact filled the media landscape. This study focuses specifically on the news framing of insecurities regarding immigration, exploring what we have termed ‘uncertainty frames’ in the coverage of refugees, asylum seekers and immigrants. This study will thus lend empirical support to a (...)
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    From Athens to Atlanta and Beyond: Reshaping Ourselves for a New World Through King’s Living Legacy.Myron Moses Jackson - 2020 - Eidos. A Journal for Philosophy of Culture 4 (3):128-135.
    Preview: /Review: Tommy Shelby and Brandon M. Terry, eds. To Shape a New World: Essays on the Political Philosophy of Martin Luther King, Jr., 463 pages./ To mark the fiftieth anniversary of Martin Luther King, Jr.’s assassination, Harvard professors Tommie Shelby and Brandon M. Terry have produced a masterful reappraisal of King’s legacy, specifically as a political philosopher. More importantly, the book can be read as a mirror through which we can see King’s struggles and resistance, that led him down (...)
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    Europhobia as a trajectory to hate speech normalisation? A diachronic analysis of Brexit media propaganda.Franco Zappettini - forthcoming - Critical Discourse Studies.
    This article provides a diachronic analysis of how Europhobic discourses (with particular reference to Brexit) have emerged, consolidated and normalised in the British public sphere (media, institutions and the networked public). Identifying a discursive chain of legitimacy articulated in three interrelated phases (pre-legitimation, institutionalisation and normalisation) this article suggests that the legacy of Brexit can be found in a normalisation of exclusionary discourses which could have also become the rational basis for legitimising further discrimination in a self-reinforcing logic. By taking (...)
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    Le mari de Jill Biden l’a emporté sur le mari de Melania : la construction référentielle dans la presse people sur Internet.Mathilde Salles - 2021 - Corela. Cognition, Représentation, Langage 19.
    Cet article est consacré à un emploi singulier des descriptions définies dans la presse people sur Internet. De nombreuses descriptions définies, telles le mari de Jill Biden, pour désigner Joe Biden, et le mari de Melania, pour désigner Donald Trump, y apparaissent sans lien avec le propos des articles, et cela parfois dans des contextes où un pronom personnel serait plus approprié qu’une expression nominale. Nous soulignerons d’abord combien ces descriptions définies s’écartent des emplois ordinaires des expressions référentielles très spécifiées (...)
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