Results for ' species genus relationship'

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  1. On the Genus and Species of Recognition.Heikki Ikäheimo - 2002 - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy 45 (4):447-462.
    This article makes several conceptual proposals for a closer analysis of recognition more or less in line with Axel Honneth's account of recognition: (1) a proposal as to the genus of recognitional attitude and recognition, (2) a sketch of an analytical scheme intended to be heuristically useful for analysing the different species of recognitional attitude and recognition, (3) some proposals as to the precise contents of self-conceptions involved in each species and subspecies of recognition, and (4) suggestions (...)
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    Generalization in memory.J. Goodwin, L. Long & L. Welch - 1945 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 35 (1):71.
  3.  35
    The Integration of the Conceptual Metaphor Theory in the Qur’anic Studies: A Critical Literature Review.Hakime Reyyan YAŞAR - 2022 - Cumhuriyet İlahiyat Dergisi 26 (2):561-581.
    Conceptual metaphor theory is among the challenging theories that the cognitive linguistics has presented to the field of metaphor in recent years. By leaving aside the relationship of species-genus, transmission and similarity, a new metaphor mechanism is introduced by this theory. Moreover, this theory reveals that metaphors belong to concepts based on experience, not to words. The Conceptual Metaphor Theory, which made a remarkable contribution to metaphor studies, has also attracted the attention of those who are interested (...)
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    The Brain Emotional Systems in Addictions: From Attachment to Dominance/Submission Systems.Teodosio Giacolini, David Conversi & Antonio Alcaro - 2021 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 14:609467.
    Human development has become particularly complex during the evolution. In this complexity, adolescence is an extremely important developmental stage. Adolescence is characterized by biological and social changes that create the prerequisites to psychopathological problems, including both substance and non-substance addictive behaviors. Central to the dynamics of the biological changes during adolescence are the synergy between sexual and neurophysiological development, which activates the motivational/emotional systems of Dominance/Submission. The latter are characterized by the interaction between the sexual hormones, the dopaminergic system and (...)
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    Contraries, Oppositions, and Contradictions: A Species/Genus Account of Humean Contrariety.Brent Delaney - 2022 - Synthese 200 (1):1-22.
    Hume’s account of contrariety in Book I of the Treatise poses several interpretive puzzles. I consider each in turn and offer a novel interpretation of contrariety based on Hume’s discussion of the passions. That Book II and Book I form a complete chain of reasoning suggests that the way in which passions are related is analogous to the way in which ideas are related in the understanding. I argue that Hume identifies three species of empirical contrariety in Book II: (...)
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  6. Heidegger and the Essence of Dasein.Nate Zuckerman - 2015 - Southern Journal of Philosophy 53 (4):493-516.
    Being and Time argues that we, as Dasein, are defined not by what we are, but by our way of existing, our “existentiell possibilities.” I diagnose and respond to an interpretive dilemma that arises from Heidegger's ambiguous use of this latter term. Most readings stress its specific sense, holding that Dasein has no general essence and is instead determined by some historically contingent way of understanding itself and the meaning of being at large. But this fails to explain the sense (...)
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    Framing gestation: assistance, delegation, and beyond.Ji-Young Lee - 2022 - Journal of Medical Ethics 48 (7):448-449.
    According to Chloe Romanis, it is worth distinguishing interventions such as surrogacy, uterus transplantation (UTx), and potentially artificial placenta technology, as falling under the genus assisted gestative technologies (AGTs) rather than the more general term assisted reproductive technologies (ARTs). The proposed genus of assisted gestative technologies is a helpful first step in the endeavour to distinguish between the different ethico-legal landscapes across various ‘assisted reproductive technologies.’ Yet, if assisted gestative technologies can be considered a genus of assisted (...)
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    Framing gestation: assistance, delegation, and beyond.J. Y. Lee - 2022 - Journal of Medical Ethics 48 (7):448-449.
    Assisted conception can be distinguished from assisted gestation.1 These processes have tended to be grouped together under the generic term assisted reproductive technology in the bioethical literature. According to Chloe Romanis, however, it is worth distinguishing interventions such as surrogacy, uterus transplantation, and potentially artificial placenta technology, as falling under the genus assisted gestative technologies. This is because gestation carries unique ethico-legal implications as compared with conception. The proposed genus of assisted gestative technologies is a helpful first step (...)
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    On the Construction of a Logic in which Conclusion has the Meaning of the Species-Genus Relation.Henry Bradford Smith - 1932 - The Monist 42 (2):279-281.
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    Joint Epistemic Action and Collective Moral Responsibility.Seumas Miller - 2015 - Social Epistemology 29 (3):280-302.
    In this paper, I explore the relationship between joint epistemic action and collective moral responsibility. Here, we need to distinguish between the genus, joint action, and an important species of joint action which I introduced in some earlier work, namely, joint epistemic action. In the case of the latter, but not necessarily the former, participating agents have epistemic goals, e.g. the acquisition of knowledge. The notion of joint action per se is a familiar one in the philosophical (...)
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    Larval ectoderm, organizational homology, and the origins of evolutionary novelty.A. C. Love & R. A. Raff - 2006 - Journal of Experimental Zoology (Mol Dev Evol) 306:18–34.
    Comprehending the origin of marine invertebrate larvae remains a key domain of research for evolutionary biologists, including the repeated origin of direct developmental modes in echinoids. In order to address the latter question, we surveyed existing evidence on relationships of homology between the ectoderm territories of two closely related sea urchin species in the genus Heliocidaris that differ in their developmental mode. Additionally, we explored a recently articulated idea about homology called ‘organizational homology’ (Muller 2003. In: Muller GB, (...)
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  12.  81
    Is Genus to Species as Matter to Form? Aristotle and Taxonomy.Marjorie Grene - 1974 - Synthese 28 (1):51 - 69.
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    Religion and the State from Tanabe’s Dialectical Perspective.Makoto Ozaki - 2018 - Proceedings of the XXIII World Congress of Philosophy 61:129-133.
    Tanabe Hajime, the Kyoto School philosopher of modern Japan, proposes a new idea of the relationship between religion and politics in terms of the triadic logic of species that is motivated by the religious moment of repentance. Even the state existence has the inherently radical evil as in the case of the individual person, due to its duality of the species level of being. This means that the state existence is on the way of actualization of the (...)
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    Experimentalists and naturalists in twentieth-century botany: Experimental taxonomy, 1920?1950.Joel B. Hagen - 1984 - Journal of the History of Biology 17 (2):249-270.
    Experimental taxonomy was a diverse area of research, and botanists who helped develop it were motivated by a variety of concerns. While experimental taxonomy was never totally a taxonomic enterprise, improvement in classification was certainly one major motivation behind the research. Hall's and Clements' belief that experimental methods added more objectivity to classification was almost universally accepted by experimental taxonomists. Such methods did add a new dimension to taxonomy — a dimension that field and herbarium studies, however rigorous, could not (...)
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  15. Holding others responsible.Coleen Macnamara - 2011 - Philosophical Studies 152 (1):81-102.
    Theorists have spent considerable time discussing the concept of responsibility. Their discussions, however, have generally focused on the question of who counts as responsible, and for what. But as Gary Watson has noted, “Responsibility is a triadic relationship: an individual (or group) is responsible to others for something” (Watson Agency and answerability: selected essays, 2004 , p. 7). Thus, theorizing about responsibility ought to involve theorizing not just about the actor and her conduct, but also about those the actor (...)
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  16. Species as a relationship.Julia Tanner - 2008 - Acta Analytica 23 (4):337-347.
    The fact that humans have a special relationship to each other insofar as they belong in the same species is often taken to be a morally relevant difference between humans and other animals, one which justifies a greater moral status for all humans, regardless of their individual capacities. I give some reasons why this kind of relationship is not an appropriate ground for differential treatment of humans and nonhumans. I then argue that even if relationships do matter (...)
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    From genus to species: the unravelling of Hobbesian glory.Gabriella Slomp - 1998 - History of Political Thought 19 (4):552-569.
    The paper aims at providing an exhaustive analysis of the key concept of glory in Hobbes's works. It is argued that the meaning and role of glory are essentially the same in all Hobbes's writings. The paper claims that in Elements of Law, De Cive, Leviathan, De Homine, Behemoth and in the Correspondence the desire of glory and ambition are given by Hobbes a crucial role in the explanation of human conflict. The paper argues that the status of glory vis-a-vis (...)
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    Could the Aristotelian square of opposition be translated into Chinese?Mary Tiles & Yuan Jinmei - 2004 - Dao: A Journal of Comparative Philosophy 4 (1):137-149.
    To translate the Aristotelian square of opposition into Chinese requires restructuring the Aristotelian system of genus-species into the Chinese way of classification and understanding of the focus-field relationship. The feature of the former is on a tree model, while that of the later is on the focusfield model. Difficulties arise when one tries to show contraries betweenA- type and E-type propositions in the Aristotelian square of opposition in Chinese, because there is no clear distinction between universal and (...)
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  19. Hegel on Kant's Analytic–Synthetic Distinction.Andrew Werner - 2017 - European Journal of Philosophy 26 (1):502-524.
    In this paper, I argue, first, that Hegel defended a version of the analytic/synthetic distinction—that, indeed, his version of the distinction deserves to be called Kantian. For both Kant and Hegel, the analytic/synthetic distinction can be explained in terms of the discursive character of cognition: insofar as our cognition is discursive, its most basic form can be articulated in terms of a genus/species tree. The structure of that tree elucidates the distinction between analytic and synthetic judgments. Second, I (...)
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    Taking as: Experience & judgment in the life of agents.Matthew Burstein - 2007 - Philosophical Explorations 10 (3):227 – 243.
    Although appearances may deceive them, agents are capable of achieving their ends; this success is frequently explained by the fact that the agents may, for example, see a stick in water as bent without believing that it is actually bent. Although the notion of 'seeing as' is supposed to both bridge the gap between experience and action and explain our reaction to illusions, such accounts break down because of their exclusive focus on visual episodes and their tendency to interpret the (...)
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  21. Higher-Order One–Many Problems in Plato's Philebus and Recent Australian Metaphysics.S. Gibbons & C. Legg - 2013 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 91 (1):119-138.
    We discuss the one–many problem as it appears in the Philebus and find that it is not restricted to the usually understood problem about the identity of universals across particulars that instantiate them (the Hylomorphic Dispersal Problem). In fact some of the most interesting aspects of the problem occur purely with respect to the relationship between Forms. We argue that contemporary metaphysicians may draw from the Philebus at least three different one–many relationships between universals themselves: instantiation, subkind and part, (...)
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    Quasi‐Genera and the Collapse of Substance and Attribute.A. C. Lloyd - 1990 - In Antony C. Lloyd (ed.), The Anatomy of Neoplatonism. Oxford, GB: Clarendon Press.
    The core of the third chapter is the study of the P‐series. This theory is presented after a detailed discussion of the relationship of individuals to species and genus. A P‐series is a sequence of terms classified according to priority and posteriority starting from the most universal one. This theory is the result of the evolution of the Aristotelian doctrine of pros en done in order to fit with the not strictly Aristotelian notion of ‘genus’ of (...)
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  23. Genus, species and ordered series in Aristotle.A. C. Lloyd - 1962 - Phronesis 7 (1):67-90.
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    On Origins and Species: Hegel on the Genus-Process.Daniel Lindquist - 2020 - Hegel Bulletin 41 (3):426-445.
    There is a broad consensus in the literature that in the section on ‘The Genus’ in theScience of Logic, Hegel argues that any living being must exist among other instances of its kind, with which it reproduces to create future generations, and out of which it was itself produced. This view is not only hard to motivate philosophically, it also seems to contradict many things Hegel says elsewhere in his system about the details of living nature, especially concerning the (...)
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    Genus and species.Henry Lanz - 1924 - Philosophical Review 33 (5):463-478.
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    Origin of the species and genus concepts: An anthropological perspective.Scott Atran - 1987 - Journal of the History of Biology 20 (2):195-279.
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  27. Archaeology retains a central role for studying the behavioral and cognitive evolution of our species and genus.Manuel Will - 2025 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 48:e22.
    Our species' behavioral and cognitive evolution constitute a key research topic across many scientific disciplines. Based on ethnographic hunter-gatherer data, Stibbard-Hawkes challenges the common link made between past material culture and cognitive capacities. Despite this adequate criticism, archaeology must retain a central role for studying these issues due to its unique access to relevant empirical evidence in deep time.
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    A New Species of Afrotropical Ants in the Genus Bothroponera (Hymenoptera: Formicidae: Ponerinae).Abdulmeneem Joma & William P. Mackay - 2013 - Psyche: A Journal of Entomology 2013.
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    Genus-Being: On Marx’s Dialectical Naturalism.Thomas Khurana - 2022 - New York City, New York, USA: Routledge.
    In his 1844 Economic and Philosophic Manuscripts, Marx famously claims that the human being is or has a ‘Gattungswesen.’ This is often understood to mean that the human being is a ‘species-being’ and is determined by a given ‘species-essence.’ In this chapter, I argue that this reading is mistaken. What Marx calls Gattungswesen is precisely not a ‘species-being,’ but a being that, in a very specific sense, transcends the limits of its own given species. This different (...)
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    On the Relationship between the Air Sacs Loss in the Genus Homo and Duality of Patterning.Lluís Barceló-Coblijn - 2014 - Humana Mente 7 (27).
    In a series of works, different models have shed light on the acoustic properties of air sacs, an organ located in the laryngeal region that is present in all great apes with the exception of humans. These works have shown how the loss of air sacs expands the number of possible digits but not the amount of signals per se. The number of signals in human language increased when the codifying property known as duality of patterning became characteristic of the (...)
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  31. Genus-Being.Thomas Khurana - 2022 - In Luca Corti & Johannes Georg Schülein (eds.), Nature and Naturalism in Classical German Philosophy. Routledge.
    In his 1844 Economic and Philosophic Manuscripts, Marx famously claims that the human being is or has a ‘Gattungswesen.’ This is often understood to mean that the human being is a ‘species-being’ and is determined by a given ‘species-essence.’ In this chapter, I argue that this reading is mistaken. What Marx calls Gattungswesen is precisely not a ‘species-being,’ but a being that, in a very specific sense, transcends the limits of its own given species. This different (...)
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  32. Aristotle and the genus-species relation.Herbert Granger - 1980 - Southern Journal of Philosophy 18 (1):37-50.
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    Genus-Being.Thomas Khurana - 2022 - In Luca Corti & Johannes Georg Schülein (eds.), Nature and Naturalism in Classical German Philosophy. Routledge.
    In his 1844 Economic and Philosophic Manuscripts, Marx famously claims that the human being is or has a ‘Gattungswesen.’ This is often understood to mean that the human being is a ‘species-being’ and is determined by a given ‘species-essence.’ In this chapter, I argue that this reading is mistaken. What Marx calls Gattungswesen is precisely not a ‘species-being,’ but a being that, in a very specific sense, transcends the limits of its own given species. This different (...)
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    Global Metaphors for Wisdom: Philosophy as a Species of the Genus Hao-Xue.Joshua Mason - unknown
    Many philosophers have refused to recognize Chinese traditions as genuinely philosophical. The conceptual foundations of these exclusionary efforts appear in Aristotle’s dividing philosophy from rhetoric, then associating philosophy with truth, and rhetoric with metaphor. The Chinese have frequently been defined as metaphorical thinkers, in contrast with the logical, scientific, or literal pursuits of Occidental traditions. Because metaphor is classed with rhetoric, and Chinese was associated with metaphor, critics had a way to say that the Chinese weren’t participating in philia-sophia as (...)
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    Readdressing Our Moral Relationship to Nonhuman Creatures: Commentary on “A Dialogue on Species-Specific Rights: Humans and Animals in Bioethics”.Peter J. Whitehouse - 1997 - Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 6 (4):445.
    Community discourse about the moral status of animals is critical to the future of bioethics and, indeed, to the future of modern society. Thomasma and Loewy are to be commended for sharing thoughts and trying to attain some common ground. I am grateful to them for fostering discussion and allowing me to respond. I cannot endorse the negative tone of the end of their conversation, however. They end with serious concerns about the possibility of any agreement between themselves. Even though (...)
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    Two species of realism.Vicente Raja & Guilherme Sanches de Oliveira - 2024 - European Journal for Philosophy of Science 14 (3):1-24.
    Different species of realism have been proposed in the scientific and philosophical literature. Two of these species are direct realism and causal pattern realism. Direct realism is a form of perceptual realism proposed by ecological psychologists within cognitive science. Causal pattern realism has been proposed within the philosophy of model-based science. Both species are able to accommodate some of the main tenets and motivations of instrumentalism. The main aim of this paper is to explore the conceptual moves (...)
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    The Absence of the Sexual Relationship: A Transcendental Invariant of the Human Species?Lorenzo Chiesa - 2016 - Paragraph 39 (1):82-92.
    Is what psychoanalysis calls the ‘absence of the sexual relationship’ the basic transcendental invariant of the speaking animal? Or should it be understood as a historical product? Also, assuming that language is structurally incomplete, and therefore that Homo sapiens cannot avoid the dialectic of semblance and truth, does this necessarily entail that the absence of meta-language always correspond to the absence of the sexual relationship? In this article I will show how, in his Seminars of the late 1960s (...)
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    The Species Problem: A Philosophical Analysis.Richard A. Richards - 2010 - Cambridge University Press.
    There is long-standing disagreement among systematists about how to divide biodiversity into species. Over twenty different species concepts are used to group organisms, according to criteria as diverse as morphological or molecular similarity, interbreeding and genealogical relationships. This, combined with the implications of evolutionary biology, raises the worry that either there is no single kind of species, or that species are not real. This book surveys the history of thinking about species from Aristotle to modern (...)
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  39. Notes from a herpetological field trip to New Caledonia, part two: notes on three species of New Caledonian geckos of the genus Rhacodactylus.Philippe de Vosjoli & Frank Fast - 1995 - Vivarium 6 (6):26-29.
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    The Politics of Species: Reshaping Our Relationships With Other Animals.Robert Garner - 2016 - Journal of Animal Ethics 6 (2):241-242.
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  41. Does Aristotle’s differentia presuppose the genus it differentiates? The troublesome case of Metaphysics x 7.Nicolas Zaks - forthcoming - Ancient Philosophy.
    There seems to be an inconsistency at the heart of Aristotle’s Metaphysics: a differentia is said both to presuppose its genus (in vii 12) and to be logically independent from it (in x 7). I argue that the relation of analogy resolves this inconsistency, restores the coherence of the concepts of differentia and species, and gives x 7 its rightful place in the development of the Metaphysics.
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    Species Counterpoint: Darwin and the Evolution of Forms.Randall Everett Allsup - 2006 - Philosophy of Music Education Review 14 (2):159-174.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Species Counterpoint:Darwin and the Evolution of FormsRandall Everett AllsupMy intention is to tell of bodies changed to different forms; the gods, who made the changes, will help me—or so I hope—with a poem that runs from the World's beginning to our own days.1I.A recent article in a progressive monthly magazine asked by way of a thesis, "Whose music is the blues?" Under the title, the tag line read, (...)
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    The language of science: a study of the relationship between literature and science in the perspective of a hermeneutical ontology, with a case study of Darwin's The origin of species.Ilse Nina Bulhof - 1992 - New York: E.J. Brill.
    The hermeneutical ontology proposed in this book steers away from the rocks of realism and anti-realism.
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    Working across species down on the farm: Howard S. Liddell and the development of comparative psychopathology, c. 1923–1962.Robert G. W. Kirk & Edmund Ramsden - 2018 - History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences 40 (1):24.
    Seeking a scientific basis for understanding and treating mental illness, and inspired by the work of Ivan Pavlov, American physiologists, psychiatrists and psychologists in the 1920s turned to nonhuman animals. This paper examines how new constructs such as “experimental neurosis” emerged as tools to enable psychiatric comparison across species. From 1923 to 1962, the Cornell “Behavior Farm” was a leading interdisciplinary research center pioneering novel techniques to experimentally study nonhuman psychopathology. Led by the psychobiologist Howard Liddell, work at the (...)
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    Is Being a Genus?M. P. Slattery - 1956 - Philosophical Studies (Dublin) 6:123-125.
    WE wish to call into question the basic objection to the generic status of being: and here we mean by ‘being’, not the act of existence, but essence. It is objected that whereas being contains all its differences, the genus does not do so. This objection is unsupported by the evidence and therefore fails. A concomitant objection that being is analogical and that the genus is univocal also fails, since the genus is itself analogical. The strange thing (...)
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  46. Species of thought: A comment on evolutionary epistemology.David Sloan Wilson - 1990 - Biology and Philosophy 5 (1):37-62.
    The primary outcome of natural selection is adaptation to an environment. The primary concern of epistemology is the acquistion of knowledge. Evolutionary epistemology must therefore draw a fundamental connection between adaptation and knowledge. Existing frameworks in evolutionary epistemology do this in two ways; (a) by treating adaptation as a form of knowledge, and (b) by treating the ability to acquire knowledge as a biologically evolved adaptation. I criticize both frameworks for failing to appreciate that mental representations can motivate behaviors that (...)
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    Digital companion species and eating data: Implications for theorising digital data–human assemblages.Deborah Lupton - 2016 - Big Data and Society 3 (1).
    This commentary is an attempt to begin to identify and think through some of the ways in which sociocultural theory may contribute to understandings of the relationship between humans and digital data. I develop an argument that rests largely on the work of two scholars in the field of science and technology studies: Donna Haraway and Annemarie Mol. Both authors emphasised materiality and multiple ontologies in their writing. I argue that these concepts have much to offer critical data studies. (...)
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    The Language of Science: A Study of the Relationship between Literature and Science in the Perspective of a Hermeneutical Ontology, with a Case Study of Darwin's The Origin of Species. Ilse N. Bulhof.Robert Richards - 1994 - Isis 85 (2):346-347.
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    Species are real biological entities.Michael F. Claridge - 2009 - In Francisco José Ayala & Robert Arp (eds.), Contemporary debates in philosophy of biology. Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 91--109.
    This chapter contains sections titled: Introduction Early Species Concepts—Linnaeus Biological Species Concepts Phylogenetic Species Concepts Species Concepts and Speciation Conclusions Postscript: Counterpoint References.
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  50. Affect Attunement in the Caregiver-Infant Relationship and Across Species: Expanding the Ethical Scope of Eros.Cynthia Willett - 2012 - philoSOPHIA: A Journal of Continental Feminism 2 (2):111-130.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Affect Attunement in the Caregiver-Infant Relationship and Across SpeciesExpanding the Ethical Scope of ErosCynthia WillettCompelling glimpses into the ethical capacities of our animal kin reveal new possibilities for ethical relationships encompassing humans with other animal species. Consider the remarkable report of a female bonobo in a British zoo who assists a bird found in her cage by retrieving the fallen bird, and spreading its wings so that (...)
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