Results for ' social engineering'

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  1.  4
    Social Engineering: The Legal Philosophy of Roscoe Pound.Linus J. McManaman - 1956 - Abbey Student Press.
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    Social engineering of the future.Evgeny Blinov - 2016 - Epistemology and Philosophy of Science 50 (4):187-203.
    The article analyzes the project of scientific justification of language Reforms, realized by the Soviet regime in 20s and 30s, elaborated by Russian and Soviet linguist Evgenij Polivanov (1891-1938). Polivanov claims that a Soviet linguist should not limit his interests to the “general linguistics" and become an active “language builder" and “language politician". The reforms should be carefully planned by the experts in language sciences who master as well the methodology of dialectical materialism. In the polemics against Nikolai Marr's Japhetidology (...)
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    Social Engineers Changing the World.Mariana Mortágua & Francisco Louçã - 2022 - Erasmus Journal for Philosophy and Economics 15 (2):aa–aa.
    As part of a book symposium on Erwin Dekker's Jan Tinbergen (1903–1994) and the Rise of Economic Expertise (2021), Mariana Mortágua and Francisco Louçã reflect on the context of Tinbergen’s evolution and, more specifically, his change(s) of focus on how to engineer social progress compared to that of the closest of his colleagues, Ragnar Frisch.
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  4. Social engineering.Lloyd Reinhardt - 1982 - In David Roger Oldroyd (ed.), Science and ethics: papers presented at a symposium held under the aegis of the Australian Academy of Science, University of New South Wales, November 7, 1980. Kensington, NSW, Australia: New South Wales University Press.
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    Social Engineering as an Infringement of the Presumption of Innocence: The Case of Corporate Criminality. [REVIEW]Douglas Husak - 2014 - Criminal Law and Philosophy 8 (2):353-369.
    I examine how deferred-prosecution agreements employed against suspected corporate criminality amount to a form of social engineering that infringes the presumption. I begin with a broad understanding of the presumption itself. Then I offer a brief description of how these agreements function. Finally I address some of the normative issues that must be confronted if legal philosophers who hold retributivist views on punishment and sentencing hope to assess this device. My judgment tends to be favorable. More importantly, I (...)
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    Phenomenological Social Engineering: A Practical Possibility of Husserl’s Phenomenology. 박승억 - 2024 - Phenomenology and Contemporary Philosoph 100:103-121.
    말년의 후설은 유럽이 위기에 빠졌으며 그 위기의 뿌리는 학문의 위기이자 이성의 위기라고 진단한다. 이 논문은 후설의 이러한 문제의식이 오늘날에도 여전히 유효하다는 판단으로부터 출발한다. 19세기 말엽 이후 확산된 지적 경향, 즉 절대적인 진리에 대한 거부, 혹은 반형이상학적 상대주의는 실제 현실에서 극단적인 의견의 대립을 유발하는 파생효과를 낳았다. 오늘날 공감과 연대가 다양한 사회적 갈등의 해법으로 제시되는 까닭이기도 하다. 이 논문은 포퍼의 방법론을 참조하여 후설의 현상학적 방법론이 인식론적이고 이론적인 논의를 넘어 사회적이고 실천적인 영역으로 확장될 수 있음을 보이고자 한다. 우리는 이를 현상학적 사회공학이라고 부를 수 (...)
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  7. Bias in algorithmic filtering and personalization.Engin Bozdag - 2013 - Ethics and Information Technology 15 (3):209-227.
    Online information intermediaries such as Facebook and Google are slowly replacing traditional media channels thereby partly becoming the gatekeepers of our society. To deal with the growing amount of information on the social web and the burden it brings on the average user, these gatekeepers recently started to introduce personalization features, algorithms that filter information per individual. In this paper we show that these online services that filter information are not merely algorithms. Humans not only affect the design of (...)
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    Hacking Humans? Social Engineering and the Construction of the “Deficient User” in Cybersecurity Discourses.Alexander Wentland & Nina Klimburg-Witjes - 2021 - Science, Technology, and Human Values 46 (6):1316-1339.
    Today, social engineering techniques are the most common way of committing cybercrimes through the intrusion and infection of computer systems. Cybersecurity experts use the term “social engineering” to highlight the “human factor” in digitized systems, as social engineering attacks aim at manipulating people to reveal sensitive information. In this paper, we explore how discursive framings of individual versus collective security by cybersecurity experts redefine roles and responsibilities at the digitalized workplace. We will first show (...)
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    The Prophet of Non-Violence: Spirit of Peace, Compassion & Universality in Islam.Asgharali Engineer - 2011 - Vitasta.
    Section 1. Introduction. The prophet of non-violence -- section 2. Women in Islam. Women in the light of hadith -- Violence against women and religion -- section 3. War and peace in Islam. Theory of war and peace in Islam -- Centrality of jihad in post Qurʼanic period -- Jihad? But what about other verses in the Qurʼan? -- Islam, democracy and violence -- A critical look at Qurʼanic verses on war and violence -- section 4. Justice and compassion in (...)
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  10. Theorizing the European city.Engin F. Isin - 2006 - In Gerard Delanty (ed.), The handbook of contemporary European social theory. New York: Routledge. pp. 323.
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    History of Social Engineering Theories.Alexandra A. Argamakova - 2022 - Russian Journal of Philosophical Sciences 64 (7):85-108.
    The first mentions of “social engineering” and “social technologies” concepts started from the 19th century. Until the present moment, different lines of this story have been left neglected and insufficiently researched. In the article, initial meanings and authentic contexts of their usage are explained in more details. The investigation reaches the 1920s−1930s and is finished at the intersection of the Soviet and the American contexts concerned with scientific organization of labor, business optimization and economic planning. In conclusion, (...)
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    Human Cognition Through the Lens of Social Engineering Cyberattacks.Rosana Montañez, Edward Golob & Shouhuai Xu - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11:528099.
    Social engineering cyberattacks are a major threat because they often prelude sophisticated and devastating cyberattacks. Social engineering cyberattacks are a kind of psychological attack that exploits weaknesses in human cognitive functions. Adequate defense against social engineering cyberattacks requires a deeper understanding of what aspects of human cognition are exploited by these cyberattacks, why humans are susceptible to these cyberattacks, and how we can minimize or at least mitigate their damage. These questions have received some (...)
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  13. as a Method of Social Engineering'.S. Kaspe‘To Construct A. Federation & Renovatio Imperii - 2000 - Polis 5:67.
  14.  30
    La ville comme lieu du social.Engin F. Isin - 2009 - Rue Descartes 63 (1):52.
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    Social engineering.R. Rhees - 1947 - Mind 56 (224):317-331.
  16. Breaking the filter bubble: democracy and design.Engin Bozdag & Jeroen van den Hoven - 2015 - Ethics and Information Technology 17 (4):249-265.
    It has been argued that the Internet and social media increase the number of available viewpoints, perspectives, ideas and opinions available, leading to a very diverse pool of information. However, critics have argued that algorithms used by search engines, social networking platforms and other large online intermediaries actually decrease information diversity by forming so-called “filter bubbles”. This may form a serious threat to our democracies. In response to this threat others have developed algorithms and digital tools to combat (...)
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    Social Engineers as Saviors: Effects of World War I on Some American Liberals.Sidney Kaplan - 1956 - Journal of the History of Ideas 17 (1/4):347.
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    The Practical Tasks of Social Engineering and the Formation of the Social and Human Sciences.Alexandra A. Argamakova - 2017 - Russian Studies in Philosophy 55 (1):62-73.
    The article considers numerous factors that have influenced the formation and application of the social and human sciences. It shows that throughout history an orientation toward practice has always been a characteristic of these sciences. At the end of the Nineteenth and beginning of the Twentieth centuries, ideas related to the transformation of humanity and society fell under the rubric of social technologies and social engineering, which in recent years have experienced increasing prominence in modern science (...)
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    Thoughts on techno-social engineering of humans and the freedom to be off.Brett Frischmann - 2016 - Theoretical Inquiries in Law 17 (2):535-561.
    This Article examines a constitutional problem that largely goes unnoticed and unexamined by legal scholars — the problem of technosocial engineering of humans. After defining terms and explaining the nature of the problem, I explain how techno-social engineering of humans is easily ignored, as we perform constrained cost-benefit analyses of incremental steps without contemplating the path we are on. I begin with two nonfiction stories, one involving techno-social engineering of human emotions and a second involving (...)
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    Form and Information in Biology—An Evolutionary Perspective.Engin Bermek - forthcoming - Foundations of Science:1-20.
    In this paper, I adopt the view that the form which is embodied in matter gives it its essence and converts it into substance (Aristotle). I furthermore understand information as the transmissible state of the form. Living beings as substances can create order in their environment adapted to their needs. The environment in turn has the potential to change the form and other causes such as matter, efficiency/functionality, and goal/intention. Living beings can internalize these changes, propagate them through replication, or (...)
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    The Social Engineering Solution to Preventing the Murder in the Milgram Experiment~!2008-09-08~!2008-10-27~!2008-11-28~! [REVIEW]Eugen Tarnow - 2008 - Open Ethics Journal 2 (1):34-39.
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    Imperialism and Social Engineering: Augustan Social Legislation in the Gnomon of the Idios Logos.Anna Dolganov - 2022 - Klio 104 (2):656-692.
    Summary This article examines the aims and impact of Augustan social legislation from the perspective of documentary evidence from Roman Egypt. The extensive presence of the laws in an epitome of an Augustan rulebook for a fiscal procurator in Egypt (the so-called Gnomon of the Idios Logos, BGU V 1210, P. Oxy. XLII 3014), where their application extends to citizens of Greek cities, speaks for the Augustan marriage and manumission laws being part of a broader vision of social (...)
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    Religion und religious-social engineering.Andrea Rota, Simon Michel & Christina Wyttenbach - 2022 - Zeitschrift für Religions- Und Geistesgeschichte 74 (2):91-109.
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    Dating apps as tools for social engineering.Martin Beckstein & Bouke De Vries - 2025 - Ethics and Information Technology 27 (1):1-13.
    In a bid to boost their below-replacement fertility levels, some countries, such as China, India, Iran, and Japan, have launched state-sponsored dating apps, with more potentially following. However, the use of dating apps as tools for social engineering has been largely neglected by political theorists and public policy experts. This article fills this gap. While acknowledging the risks and historical baggage of social engineering, the article provides a qualified defense of using these apps for three purposes: (...)
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    Social science and social engineering.Philip M. Hauser - 1949 - Philosophy of Science 16 (3):209-218.
    There should be no disagreement with the proposal for research into the role of applied social science in the formation of policy. The relation between social science and the formation of social policy and social action is, in fact, one of the more important areas of study in the general field of social control. The outline for research prepared by Mr. Merton constitutes a good framework for the investigation of important aspects of the relationship between (...)
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    Hypothesis testing and social engineering.Lee Cronk - 1991 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 14 (2):305-306.
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    Individual Fulfillment (Not Social Engineering) In Plato’s Republic.Duane L. Cady - 1983 - Idealistic Studies 13 (3):240-248.
    Anyone even vaguely familiar with Plato’s Republic “knows” that it embodies Plato’s vision of the ideal society, a vision remarkably like the Brave New World. A vast tradition of scholarship reinforces this view of Plato. In what follows I will offer an alternative reading of the Republic. Rather than criticizing proponents of the more traditional view, objections to the tradition will be made by implication from defending what I take to be a most reasonable interpretation of the Republic: far from (...)
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    Human Nature, Social Engineering, and The Reemergence of Civil Society.Zbigniew Rau - 1990 - Social Philosophy and Policy 8 (1):159.
    There is not much disagreement that the recent spectacular establishment of parliamentary democracies and market economies in Eastern Europe and the even more breathtaking events in most Soviet republics – which should culminate in the reemergence of the Baltic nations as independent states – may be convincingly conceived of as the triumph of civil society over the Marxist-Leninist system. Both the collapse of the Marxist-Leninist system and the reemergence of civil society may be discussed in terms of theories which deal (...)
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  29. S. T. Coleridge Replies To Adam Smith's 'pernicious Opinion': A Study in Hermetic Social Engineering.David Levy - 1986 - Interpretation 14 (1):89-114.
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    The Conservative Critique of the Enlightenment: The Limits of Social Engineering.Kasper Støvring - 2014 - The European Legacy 19 (3):335-346.
    The conservative, mainly Anglo-Saxon, critique of “social engineering” in Enlightenment thinking, which goes back to Edmund Burke and David Hume, among others, has recently resurfaced in the works of Michael Oakeshott, Roger Scruton, and Friedrich Hayek. This article focuses on their conservative critiques and more specifically on two common issues: the unintended negative consequences of political planning, and the institutions in civil society that act as a positive counterpart to this form of engineering.
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  31. Polarization as a social engineering mechanism.Jacek Ziółkowski - 2024 - In Mirosław Karwat, Marcin Tobiasz & Jacek Ziółkowski (eds.), Constituents of political theory: selected articles by the Warsaw School of Political Theory. New York: Peter Lang.
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  32. Besieged fortress syndrome" as a social engineering mechanism.Jacek Ziółkowski - 2024 - In Mirosław Karwat, Marcin Tobiasz & Jacek Ziółkowski (eds.), Constituents of political theory: selected articles by the Warsaw School of Political Theory. New York: Peter Lang.
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    Two irreconcilable theories of justice: Social engineering vs. ethics of property.Laurent Carnis - 2010 - Journal of Libertarian Studies 22 (1):399-436.
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    The Gift of Law: Greek Euergetism and Ottoman Waqf.Alexandre Lefebvre & Engin F. Isin - 2005 - European Journal of Social Theory 8 (1):5-23.
    Modern social and political thought has approached the questions of politics, law, and citizenship from the vantage point of a fundamental divide between the occidental and oriental, or archaic and modern, institutions. This article creates a concept, the gift of law, by staging two gift-giving practices as two historical moments: Greek euergetism and Ottoman waqf. While it is indebted to Mauss, our articulation of the gift of law also owes to the critical interventions of Jacques Derrida and Pierre Bourdieu, (...)
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    Enhancing Engineering Ethics: Role Ethics and Corporate Social Responsibility.Carl Mitcham, Jessica M. Smith, Qin Zhu & Nicole M. Smith - 2021 - Science and Engineering Ethics 27 (3):1-21.
    Engineering ethics calls the attention of engineers to professional codes of ethical responsibility and personal values, but the practice of ethics in corporate settings can be more complex than either of these. Corporations too have cultures that often include corporate social responsibility (CSR) practices and policies, but few discussions of engineering ethics make any explicit reference to CSR. This article proposes critical attention to CSR and role ethics as an opportunity to help prepare engineers to think through (...)
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    Fear of a female planet: how John Harris came to endorse eugenic social engineering.Robert Sparrow - 2012 - Journal of Medical Ethics 38 (1):4-7.
    In this paper, I respond to criticisms by John Harris, contained in a commentary on my article “Harris, harmed states, and sexed bodies”, which appeared in the Journal of Medical Ethics, volume 37, number 5. I argue that Harris's response to my criticisms exposes the strong eugenic tendencies in his own thought, when he suggests that the reproductive obligations of parents should be determined with reference to a claim about what would enhance ‘society’ or ‘the species’.
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    Engineering differences between natural, social, and artificial kinds.Eric T. Kerr - 2013 - In Maarten Franssen, Peter Kroes, Pieter Vermaas & Thomas A. C. Reydon (eds.), Artefact Kinds: Ontology and the Human-made World. Cham: Synthese Library.
    My starting point is that discussions in philosophy about the ontology of technical artifacts ought to be informed by classificatory practices in engineering. Hence, the heuristic value of the natural-artificial distinction in engineering counts against arguments which favour abandoning the distinction in metaphysics. In this chapter, I present the philosophical equipment needed to analyse classificatory practices and then present a case study of engineering practice using these theoretical tools. More in particular, I make use of the Collectivist (...)
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  38. (1 other version)Engineering social concepts: Feasibility and causal models.Eleonore Neufeld - 2024 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 109 (3):819-837.
    How feasible are conceptual engineering projects of social concepts that aim for the engineered concept to be deployed in people's ordinary conceptual practices? Predominant frameworks on the psychology of concepts that shape work on stereotyping, bias, and machine learning have grim implications for the prospects of conceptual engineers: conceptual engineering efforts are ineffective in promoting certain social‐conceptual changes. Since conceptual components that give rise to problematic social stereotypes are sensitive to statistical structures of the environment, (...)
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  39. Engineering design research and social responsibility.C. Mitcham - 1997 - In Kristin Sharon Shrader-Frechette & Laura Westra (eds.), Technology and Values. Rowman & Littlefield. pp. 261--278.
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    (1 other version)Engineering concepts by engineering social norms: solving the implementation challenge.Christian Nimtz - 2021 - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy:1-28.
    The classic programme of conceptual engineering (Cappelen, Herman. 2018. Fixing Language: An Essay on Conceptual Engineering. Oxford: Oxford University Press; Eklund, Matti. 2021. “Conceptual Engineering.” In The Routledge Handbook of Social and Political Philosophy of Language, edited by Justin Khoo, and Rachel Sterken, 15–30. London: Routledge) envisages a two-stage ameliorating process. First, we assess ‘F’ and determine what the term should express. Second, we bring it about that ‘F’ expresses what it should express. The second stage (...)
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    An Interpretation of L. Stenhouse’s Curriculum Model: Piecemeal Social Engineering and Action-Research.Young-Tae Cho - 2018 - Journal of Moral Education 30 (3):23-54.
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    Peter Swirski , American Utopia and Social Engineering in Literature, Social Thought, and Political History . Reviewed by.Mark Shackleton - 2013 - Philosophy in Review 33 (1):82-84.
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    Representations of Turkish women: objects of social engineering projects or individuals?Çigdem Balim-Harding - 1998 - Bulletin of the John Rylands Library 80 (3):107-128.
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    Praxiology as a Pattern for Social Engineering Theory.J. Gockowski - 2006 - Zagadnienia Naukoznawstwa 42 (4 (170)):471-484.
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    A Very Political Philosophy of Education: Science Fiction, Schooling and Social Engineering in the Life and Work of H.G. Wells Literary Lives, Political Philosophies, Public Education.Liam Gearon - 2018 - Journal of Philosophy of Education 52 (4):762-777.
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    Social machines: a philosophical engineering.Spyridon Orestis Palermos - 2017 - Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences 16 (5):953-978.
    In Weaving the Web, Berners-Lee defines Social Machines as biotechnologically hybrid Web-processes on the basis of which, “high-level activities, which have occurred just within one human’s brain, will occur among even larger more interconnected groups of people acting as if the shared a larger intuitive brain”. The analysis and design of Social Machines has already started attracting considerable attention both within the industry and academia. Web science, however, is still missing a clear definition of what a Social (...)
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  47. Social Responsibility in French Engineering Education: A Historical and Sociological Analysis.Christelle Didier & Antoine Derouet - 2013 - Science and Engineering Ethics 19 (4):1577-1588.
    In France, some institutions seem to call for the engineer’s sense of social responsibility. However, this call is scarcely heard. Still, engineering students have been given the opportunity to gain a general education through courses in literature, law, economics, since the nineteenth century. But, such courses have long been offered only in the top ranked engineering schools. In this paper, we intend to show that the wish to increase engineering students’ social responsibility is an old (...)
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  48. Dehumanization as a tool for political social engineering.Jacek Ziółkowski - 2024 - In Mirosław Karwat, Marcin Tobiasz & Jacek Ziółkowski (eds.), Constituents of political theory: selected articles by the Warsaw School of Political Theory. New York: Peter Lang.
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    Social Risk Perceptions of Genetically Modified Foods of Engineers in Training: Application of a Comprehensive Risk Model.Sedigheh Ghasemi, Mostafa Ahmadvand, Ezatollah Karami & Ayatollah Karami - 2020 - Science and Engineering Ethics 26 (2):641-665.
    This survey was conducted in 2017 to investigate factors influencing social risk perception of biotechnologists and plant breeders in training toward GM food based on a conceptual model. A random sample of 210 biotechnologists and plant breeders in training was studied. Confirmatory factor analysis and the reliability tests have been used to verify the uni-dimensionality of the measurement scale, SEM also was carried out to determine the most parsimonious models with the best fit for social risk perception of (...)
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    Examining the ethical underpinnings of universal basic income as a public health policy: prophylaxis, social engineering and ‘good’ lives.Matthew Thomas Johnson & Elliott Aidan Johnson - 2021 - Journal of Medical Ethics 47 (12):71-71.
    At a time of COVID-19 pandemic, universal basic income (UBI) has been presented as a potential public health ‘upstream intervention’. Research indicates a possible impact on health by reducing poverty, fostering health-promoting behaviour and ameliorating biopsychosocial pathways to health. This novel case for UBI as a public health measure is starting to receive attention from a range of political positions and organisations. However, discussion of the ethical underpinnings of UBI as a public health policy is sparse. This is depriving policymakers (...)
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